blob: 8d0f602c5c1d56a40e5e5c8a4e3f92e4240a6343 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree_source.h"
namespace ui {
template <typename AXSourceNode, typename AXNodeData, typename AXTreeData>
class AXTreeSourceChecker {
explicit AXTreeSourceChecker(
AXTreeSource<AXSourceNode, AXNodeData, AXTreeData>* tree);
// Returns true if everything reachable from the root of the tree is
// consistent in its parent/child connections.
bool Check();
bool Check(AXSourceNode node, std::string indent, std::string* output);
AXTreeSource<AXSourceNode, AXNodeData, AXTreeData>* tree_;
std::map<int32_t, int32_t> node_id_to_parent_id_map_;
template <typename AXSourceNode, typename AXNodeData, typename AXTreeData>
AXTreeSourceChecker<AXSourceNode, AXNodeData, AXTreeData>::AXTreeSourceChecker(
AXTreeSource<AXSourceNode, AXNodeData, AXTreeData>* tree)
: tree_(tree) {}
template <typename AXSourceNode, typename AXNodeData, typename AXTreeData>
AXTreeSourceChecker<AXSourceNode, AXNodeData, AXTreeData>::
~AXTreeSourceChecker() = default;
template <typename AXSourceNode, typename AXNodeData, typename AXTreeData>
bool AXTreeSourceChecker<AXSourceNode, AXNodeData, AXTreeData>::Check() {
AXSourceNode root = tree_->GetRoot();
if (!tree_->IsValid(root)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "AXTreeSource root is not valid.";
return false;
int32_t root_id = tree_->GetId(root);
node_id_to_parent_id_map_[root_id] = -1;
std::string output;
bool success = Check(root, "", &output);
if (!success)
LOG(ERROR) << "AXTreeSource is inconsistent.\n" << output << "\n\n";
return success;
template <typename AXSourceNode, typename AXNodeData, typename AXTreeData>
bool AXTreeSourceChecker<AXSourceNode, AXNodeData, AXTreeData>::Check(
AXSourceNode node,
std::string indent,
std::string* output) {
*output += indent;
AXNodeData node_data;
tree_->SerializeNode(node, &node_data);
*output += node_data.ToString();
int32_t node_id = tree_->GetId(node);
if (node_id <= 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Got a node with id " << node_id
<< ", but all node IDs should be >= 1.";
return false;
// Check parent.
int32_t expected_parent_id = node_id_to_parent_id_map_[node_id];
AXSourceNode parent = tree_->GetParent(node);
if (expected_parent_id == -1) {
if (tree_->IsValid(parent)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Node " << node_id << " is the root, so its parent "
<< "should be invalid, but we got a node with id "
<< tree_->GetId(parent);
return false;
} else {
if (!tree_->IsValid(parent)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Node " << node_id << " is not the root, but its "
<< "parent was invalid.";
return false;
int32_t parent_id = tree_->GetId(parent);
if (parent_id != expected_parent_id) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Expected node " << node_id << " to have a parent of "
<< expected_parent_id << ", but found a parent of "
<< parent_id;
return false;
// Check children.
std::vector<AXSourceNode> children;
tree_->GetChildren(node, &children);
if (children.size() == 0)
*output += " (no children)";
for (size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
auto& child = children[i];
if (!tree_->IsValid(child)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Node " << node_id << " has an invalid child.";
return false;
int32_t child_id = tree_->GetId(child);
if (i == 0)
*output += " child_ids=" + base::NumberToString(child_id);
*output += "," + base::NumberToString(child_id);
if (node_id_to_parent_id_map_.find(child_id) !=
node_id_to_parent_id_map_.end()) {
*output += "\n" + indent + " ";
AXNodeData child_data;
tree_->SerializeNode(child, &child_data);
*output += child_data.ToString() + "\n";
LOG(ERROR) << "Node " << node_id << " has a child with ID " << child_id
<< ", but we've previously seen a node "
<< "with that ID, with a parent of "
<< node_id_to_parent_id_map_[child_id];
return false;
node_id_to_parent_id_map_[child_id] = node_id;
*output += "\n";
for (auto& child : children) {
if (!Check(child, indent + " ", output))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace ui