blob: fe5fc7a1737b7d9655eaa3d09059f7fb9f74eee0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/latency/skipped_frame_tracker.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "ui/latency/frame_metrics.h"
namespace ui {
SkippedFrameTracker::SkippedFrameTracker(Client* client) : client_(client) {}
void SkippedFrameTracker::BeginFrame(base::TimeTicks frame_time,
base::TimeDelta interval) {
inside_begin_frame_ = true;
did_produce_this_frame_ = false;
frame_time_ = frame_time;
interval_ = interval;
// On our first frame of activity, we may need to initialize
// will_produce_frame_time_.
if (active_state_ == ActiveState::WillProduceFirst &&
will_produce_frame_time_.is_null()) {
will_produce_frame_time_ = frame_time_;
void SkippedFrameTracker::FinishFrame() {
inside_begin_frame_ = false;
// Assume the source is idle if it hasn't attempted to produce for an entire
// BeginFrame.
if (!did_produce_this_frame_ && active_state_ == ActiveState::WasActive) {
will_produce_frame_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
active_state_ = ActiveState::Idle;
void SkippedFrameTracker::WillProduceFrame() {
// Make sure we don't transition out of the WillProduceFirst state until
// we've actually produced the first frame.
if (active_state_ == ActiveState::WillProduceFirst)
// This is our first frame of activity.
if (active_state_ == ActiveState::Idle) {
active_state_ = ActiveState::WillProduceFirst;
// If we're already inside a BeginFrame when we first become active,
// we can initialize will_produce_frame_time_.
if (inside_begin_frame_)
will_produce_frame_time_ = frame_time_;
active_state_ = ActiveState::WillProduce;
void SkippedFrameTracker::DidProduceFrame() {
// Ignore duplicate calls to DidProduceFrame.
if (did_produce_this_frame_)
// Return early if frame was pulled by sink.
bool frame_was_pushed_by_source =
(active_state_ == ActiveState::WillProduceFirst &&
!will_produce_frame_time_.is_null()) ||
active_state_ == ActiveState::WillProduce;
if (!frame_was_pushed_by_source)
// Clamp the amount of time skipped to a positive value, since negative
// values aren't meaningful.
base::TimeDelta skipped_clamped =
std::max(base::TimeDelta(), (frame_time_ - will_produce_frame_time_));
// Snap the amount of time skipped to whole intervals in order to filter
// out jitter in the timing received by the BeginFrame source.
int skipped_intervals = (skipped_clamped + (interval_ / 2)) / interval_;
base::TimeDelta skipped_snapped = skipped_intervals * interval_;
DCHECK_GE(skipped_snapped, base::TimeDelta());
client_->AddFrameProduced(frame_time_, interval_, skipped_snapped);
// Predict the next BeginFrame's frame time, so we can detect if it gets
// dropped.
will_produce_frame_time_ = frame_time_ + interval_;
active_state_ = ActiveState::WasActive;
did_produce_this_frame_ = true;
void SkippedFrameTracker::WillNotProduceFrame() {
if (active_state_ != ActiveState::Idle) {
inside_begin_frame_ = false;
did_produce_this_frame_ = false;
will_produce_frame_time_ = base::TimeTicks();
active_state_ = ActiveState::Idle;
} // namespace ui