Mac Team Triage Process

This document outlines how the Mac team triages bugs. Triage is the process of converting raw bug reports filed by developers or users into actionable, prioritized tasks assigned to engineers.

The Mac bug triage process is split into two phases. First-phase triage is done daily in week-long shifts by a single person. Second-phase triage is done in a standing meeting at the end of the work week by three people. Each week, these three people are:

  • The primary oncall, who does both phases
  • The secondary oncall, who will become primary in the following week, and who is in the triage meeting so they'll be aware of ongoing themes
  • The TL, who is currently ellyjones@

A key tool of the triage process is the “Mac” label (not the same as the Mac OS tag), which makes bugs visible to the triaging step of the process. This process deliberately doesn't look at bugs with OS=Mac status:Untriaged, because maintaining the list of components that can be ignored during that triage step is untenable.

Quick Reference

  1. During the week, turn OS=Mac status:Unconfirmed bugs into label:Mac status:Untriaged bugs.
  2. During the triage meeting, turn label:Mac status:Untriaged and unlabelled Mac bugs into any of:

First-phase triage

First-phase triage is the step which ensures the symptoms and reproduction steps of a bug are well-understood. This phase operates on OS=Mac status:Unconfirmed bugs, and moves these bugs to:

  • Needs-Feedback, if awaiting a response from the user
  • Untriaged bugs with the Mac label, if they are valid bug reports with working repro steps or a crash stack
  • WontFix, if they are invalid bug reports or working as intended
  • Duplicate, if they are identical to an existing bug

The main work of this phase is iterating with the bug reporter to get crash IDs, repro steps, traces, and other data we might need to nail down the bug. If the bugs is obviously very domain-specific (eg: “this advanced CSS feature is behaving strangely”, or “my printer is printing everything upside down”), feel free to skip this iteration step and send the bug straight to the involved team or people. Useful tags at this step are:

  • Needs-Feedback, which marks the bug as waiting for a response from the reporter
  • Needs-TestConfirmation, which requests that Test Engineering attempt the bug's repro steps
  • Needs-Bisect, which requests that Test Engineering bisect the bug down to a first bad release

The latter two tags work much better when there are reliable repro steps for a bug, so endeavour to get those first - TE time is precious and we should make good use of it.

We wait 30 days for user feedback on Needs-Feedback bugs; after 30 days without a response to a question we move bugs to WontFix.

Some useful debugging questions here:

  • What are your exact OS version and Chrome version?
  • Does it happen all the time?
  • Does it happen in Incognito? (this checks for bad cached data, cookies, etc)
  • Does it happen with extensions disabled?
  • Does it happen in a new profile?
  • Does it happen in a new user-data-dir?
  • If it‘s a web bug, is there a reduced test case? We generally can’t act on “my website is broken” type issues
  • Can you attach a screenshot/screen recording of what you mean?
  • Can you paste the crash IDs from chrome://crashes?
  • Can you get a sample of the misbehaving process with Activity Monitor?
  • Can you upload a trace from chrome://tracing?
  • Can you paste the contents of chrome://gpu?
  • Can you paste the contents of chrome://version?

Second-phase triage

Second-phase triage is the step which either moves a bug to another team's triage queue, or assigns a priority, component, and (possibly) owner to a bug. This phase operates on label:Mac status:Untriaged and untagged status:Untriaged bugs. The first part of this phase is deciding whether a bug should be worked on by the Mac team. If so, the bug moves to one of:

  • Pri=2,3 in label:Mac, Assigned with an owner if one is obvious, Available otherwise
  • Pri=0,1 in label:Mac, Assigned with an owner

Otherwise, the bug loses label:Mac and moves to one of:

  • Untriaged in a different component
  • Assigned with an owner
  • WontFix
  • Duplicate

Here are some rules of thumb for how to move bugs from label:Mac status:Untriaged to another component:

  • Is the bug Mac-only, or does it affect other platforms? If it affects other platforms as well, it's probably out of scope for us and should go into another component.
  • Is the bug probably in Blink? If so, it should be handled by the Blink team's Mac folks; move to component Blink.
  • Is the bug localized to a specific feature, like the omnibox or the autofill system? If so, it should be handled by that team; tag it with their component for triage.
  • Is the bug a Views bug, even if it's Mac-specific? If so, it should be handled by the Views team; mark it as Internals>Views.

If the bug is Mac-specific and in scope for the Mac team, try to:

  • Assign it to a sublabel of Mac
  • Assign it a priority:
    • Pri=0 means “this is an emergency, work on it immediately”
    • Pri=1 means “we should not ship a stable release with this bug if we can help it”
    • Pri=2 means “we should probably fix this” - this is the default bug priority
    • Pri=3 means “it would be nice if we fixed this some day”
  • Maybe assign it an owner if needed - Pri=0 or 1 need one, Pri=2 or 3 can have one if the owner is obvious but don't need one:
    • Mac-Accessibility: ellyjones@ or lgrey@
    • Mac-Enterprise: avi@
    • Mac-Graphics: ccameron@
    • Mac-Infra: ellyjones@
    • Mac-Performance: lgrey@
    • Mac-PlatformIntegration: ellyjones@
    • Mac-Polish: ellyjones@
    • Mac-TechDebt: ellyjones@
    • Mac-UI: anyone

Caveat lector: If you are outside the Mac team please do not use this assignment map - just mark bugs as Untriaged with label Mac and allow the Mac triage rotation to assign them. People go on vacation and such :)

These are the other components we put bugs into that we assume have their own triage processes:

  • Admin
  • Blink
  • Infra
  • Internals>Headless, Network, Plugins, Printing, Skia, Views
  • IO>Bluetooth, USB
  • Platform
  • Services>Chromoting
  • Test>Telemetry
  • UI>Browser>WebUI