| # Getting started with MojoLPM |
| |
| *** |
| **Note:** Using MojoLPM to fuzz your Mojo interfaces is intended to be simple, |
| but there are edge-cases that may require a very detailed understanding of the |
| Mojo implementation to fix. If you run into problems that you can't understand |
| readily, send an email to [markbrand@google.com] and cc `fuzzing@chromium.org` |
| and we'll try and help. |
| |
| **Prerequisites:** Knowledge of [libfuzzer] and basic understanding |
| of [Protocol Buffers] and [libprotobuf-mutator]. Basic understanding of |
| [testing in Chromium]. |
| *** |
| |
| This document will walk you through: |
| * An overview of MojoLPM and what it's used for. |
| * Adding a fuzzer to an existing Mojo interface using MojoLPM. |
| |
| [TOC] |
| |
| ## Overview of MojoLPM |
| |
| MojoLPM is a toolchain for automatically generating structure-aware fuzzers for |
| Mojo interfaces using libprotobuf-mutator as the fuzzing engine. |
| |
| This tool works by using the existing "grammar" for the interface provided by |
| the .mojom files, and translating that into a Protocol Buffer format that can be |
| fuzzed by libprotobuf-mutator. These protocol buffers are then interpreted by |
| a generated runtime as a sequence of mojo method calls on the targeted |
| interface. |
| |
| The intention is that using these should be as simple as plugging the generated |
| code in to the existing unittests for those interfaces - so if you've already |
| implemented the necessary mocks to unittest your code, the majority of the work |
| needed to get quite effective fuzzing of your interfaces is already complete! |
| |
| ## Choose the Mojo interface(s) to fuzz |
| |
| If you're a developer looking to add fuzzing support for an interface that |
| you're developing, then this should be very easy for you! |
| |
| If not, then a good starting point is to search for [interfaces] in codesearch. |
| The most interesting interfaces from a security perspective are those which are |
| implemented in the browser process and exposed to the renderer process, but |
| there isn't a very simple way to enumerate these, so you may need to look |
| through some of the source code to find an interesting one. |
| |
| A few of the places which bind many of these cross-privilege interfaces are |
| `content/browser/browser_interface_binders.cc` and |
| `content/browser/render_process_host_impl.cc`, specifically `RenderProcessHostImpl::RegisterMojoInterfaces`. |
| |
| For the rest of this guide, we'll write a new fuzzer for |
| `blink.mojom.CodeCacheHost`, which is defined in |
| `third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/code_cache.mojom`. |
| |
| We then need to find the relevant GN build target for this mojo interface so |
| that we know how to refer to it later - in this case that is |
| `//third_party/blink/public/mojom:mojom_platform`. |
| |
| ## Find the implementations of the interfaces |
| |
| If you are developing these interfaces, then you already know where to find the |
| implementations. |
| |
| Otherwise a good starting point is to search for references to |
| "public blink::mojom::CodeCacheHost". Usually there is only a single |
| implementation of a given Mojo interface (there are a few exceptions where the |
| interface abstracts platform specific details, but this is less common). This |
| leads us to `content/browser/renderer_host/code_cache_host_impl.h` and |
| `CodeCacheHostImpl`. |
| |
| ## Find the unittest for the implementation |
| |
| Specifically, we're looking for a browser-process side unittest (so not in |
| `//third_party/blink`). We want the unittest for the browser side implementation |
| of that Mojo interface - in many cases if such exists, it will be directly next |
| to the implementation source, ie. in this case we would be most likely to find |
| them in `content/browser/renderer_host/code_cache_host_impl_unittest.cc`. |
| |
| Unfortunately, it doesn't look like `CodeCacheHostImpl` has a unittest, so we'll |
| have to go through the process of understanding how to create a valid instance |
| ourselves in order to fuzz this interface. |
| |
| Since this implementation runs in the Browser process, and is part of `/content`, |
| we're going to create our new fuzzer in `/content/test/fuzzer`. |
| |
| ## Add our testcase proto |
| |
| First we'll add a proto source file, `code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer.proto`, |
| which is going to define the structure of our testcases. This is basically |
| boilerplate, but it allows creating fuzzers which interact with multiple Mojo |
| interfaces to uncover more complex issues. For our case, this will be a simple |
| file: |
| |
| Note that the structure used here is shared between all MojoLPM fuzzers, and |
| while it is possible to come up with your own testcase format it would be |
| preferred if you use this same structure and simply add the appropriate Actions |
| for your fuzzer. This will allow more code-reuse between fuzzers, and also |
| allow corpus-merging between related fuzzers. |
| |
| ``` |
| // Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Message format for the MojoLPM fuzzer for the CodeCacheHost interface. |
| |
| syntax = "proto2"; |
| |
| package content.fuzzing.code_cache_host.proto; |
| |
| import "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/code_cache.mojom.mojolpm.proto"; |
| |
| // Bind a new CodeCacheHost remote |
| message NewCodeCacheHostAction { |
| required uint32 id = 1; |
| } |
| |
| // Run the specific sequence for (an indeterminate) period. This is not |
| // intended to create a specific ordering, but to allow the fuzzer to delay a |
| // later task until previous tasks have completed. |
| message RunThreadAction { |
| enum ThreadId { |
| IO = 0; |
| UI = 1; |
| } |
| |
| required ThreadId id = 1; |
| } |
| |
| // Actions that can be performed by the fuzzer. |
| message Action { |
| oneof action { |
| NewCodeCacheHostAction new_code_cache_host = 1; |
| RunThreadAction run_thread = 2; |
| mojolpm.blink.mojom.CodeCacheHost.RemoteAction |
| code_cache_host_remote_action = 3; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Sequence provides a level of indirection which allows Testcase to compactly |
| // express repeated sequences of actions. |
| message Sequence { |
| repeated uint32 action_indexes = 1 [packed = true]; |
| } |
| |
| // Testcase is the top-level message type interpreted by the fuzzer. |
| message Testcase { |
| repeated Action actions = 1; |
| repeated Sequence sequences = 2; |
| repeated uint32 sequence_indexes = 3 [packed = true]; |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| This specifies all of the actions that the fuzzer will be able to take - it |
| will be able to create a new `CodeCacheHost` instance, perform sequences of |
| interface calls on those instances, and wait for various threads to be idle. |
| |
| In order to build this proto file, we'll need to copy it into the out/ directory |
| so that it can reference the proto files generated by MojoLPM - this will be |
| handled for us by the `mojolpm_fuzzer_test` build rule. |
| |
| ## Add our fuzzer source |
| |
| Now we're ready to create the fuzzer c++ source file, |
| `code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer.cc` and the fuzzer build target. This |
| target is going to depend on both our proto file, and on the c++ source file. |
| Most of the necessary dependencies will be handled for us, but we do still need |
| to add some directly. |
| |
| Note especially the dependency on `mojom_platform_mojolpm` in blink, this is an |
| autogenerated target where the target containing the generated fuzzer protocol |
| buffer descriptions will be the name of the mojom target with `_mojolpm` |
| appended. You'll need to make sure that your `mojolpm_fuzzer_test` target has |
| the correct dependencies here for all of the needed .mojolpm.proto imports. |
| |
| (A good way to find these dependencies is to search in codesearch for |
| [`"code_cache_host.mojom f:.gn$"`](https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:third_party/blink/public/mojom/BUILD.gn?q=code_cache.mojom%20f:gn&ss=chromium) to find the target that builds that mojom file.) |
| |
| In addition, in `content/test/fuzzer/mojolpm_fuzzer_support.h` there is some |
| common code used to share the basics of a browser-process like environment |
| between fuzzers. New fuzzers in other areas of the codebase may need to build |
| something similar. |
| |
| ``` |
| mojolpm_fuzzer_test("code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer") { |
| sources = [ |
| "code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer.cc" |
| ] |
| |
| proto_source = "code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer.proto" |
| |
| deps = [ |
| ":mojolpm_fuzzer_support", |
| "//content/browser:for_content_tests", |
| "//content/public/browser:browser_sources", |
| ] |
| |
| proto_deps = [ |
| "//third_party/blink/public/mojom:mojom_platform_mojolpm", |
| ] |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| Now, the minimal source code to load our testcases: |
| |
| ```c++ |
| // Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer.pb.h" |
| #include "content/test/fuzzer/mojolpm_fuzzer_support.h" |
| #include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/loader/code_cache.mojom-mojolpm.h" |
| #include "third_party/libprotobuf-mutator/src/src/libfuzzer/libfuzzer_macro.h" |
| |
| const content::fuzzing::code_cache_host::proto::Testcase& testcase) { |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| You should now be able to build and run this fuzzer (it, of course, won't do |
| very much) to check that everything is lined up right so far. Recommended GN |
| arguments: |
| |
| ``` |
| # DCHECKS are really useful when getting your fuzzer up and running correctly, |
| # but will often get in the way when running actual fuzzing, so we will disable |
| # this later. |
| dcheck_always_on = true |
| |
| # Without this flag, our fuzzer target won't exist. |
| enable_mojom_fuzzer = true |
| |
| # ASAN is super useful for fuzzing, but in this case we just want it to help us |
| # debug the inevitable lifetime issues while we get everything set-up correctly! |
| is_asan = true |
| is_component_build = true |
| is_debug = false |
| optimize_for_fuzzing = true |
| use_goma = true |
| use_libfuzzer = true |
| ``` |
| |
| |
| ## Handle global process setup |
| |
| Now we need to add some basic setup code so that our process has something that |
| mostly resembles a normal Browser process; if you look in the file this is |
| `FuzzerEnvironmentWithTaskEnvironment`, which adds a global environment instance |
| that will handle setting up this basic environment, which will be reused for all |
| of our testcases, since starting threads is expensive and slow. This code should |
| also be responsible for setting up any "stateless" (or more-or-less stateless) |
| code that is required for your interface to run - examples are initializing the |
| Mojo Core, and loading ICU datafiles. |
| |
| A key difference between our needs here and those of a normal unittest is that |
| we very likely do not want to be running in a special single-threaded mode. We |
| want to be able to trigger issues related to threading, sequencing and ordering, |
| and making sure that the UI, IO and threadpool threads behave as close to a |
| normal browser process as possible is desirable. |
| |
| It's likely better to be conservative here - while it might appear that an |
| interface to be tested has no interaction with the UI thread, and so we could |
| save some resources by only having a real IO thread, it's often very difficult |
| to establish this with certainty. |
| |
| In practice, the most efficient way forward will be to copy the existing |
| `Environment` setup from another MojoLPM fuzzer and adapting that to the |
| context in which the interface to be fuzzed will actually run. Most fuzzers in |
| content will be fine using either the existing `FuzzerEnvironment` or |
| `FuzzerEnvironmentWithTaskEnvironment`, depending on whether there's some |
| per-testcase state that causes issues with reusing the task environment. There |
| are existing examples of both in //content/test/fuzzer. |
| |
| |
| ## Handle per-testcase setup |
| |
| We next need to handle the necessary setup to instantiate `CodeCacheHostImpl`, |
| so that we can actually run the testcases. At this point, we realise that it's |
| likely that we want to be able to have multiple `CodeCacheHostImpl`'s with |
| different render_process_ids and different backing origins, so we need to modify |
| our proto file to reflect this: |
| |
| ``` |
| message NewCodeCacheHost { |
| enum OriginId { |
| ORIGIN_A = 0; |
| ORIGIN_B = 1; |
| } |
| |
| required uint32 id = 1; |
| required uint32 render_process_id = 2; |
| required OriginId origin_id = 3; |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| Note that we're using an enum to represent the origin, rather than a string; |
| it's unlikely that the true value of the origin is going to be important, so |
| we've instead chosen a few select values based on the cases mentioned in the |
| source. |
| |
| The next thing that we need to do is to figure out the basic setup needed to |
| instantiate the interface we're interested in. Looking at the constructor for |
| `CodeCacheHostImpl` we need three things; a valid `render_process_id`, an |
| instance of `CacheStorageContextImpl` and an instance of |
| `GeneratedCodeCacheContext`. `CodeCacheHostFuzzerContext` is our container for |
| these per-testcase instances; and will handle creating and binding the instances |
| of the Mojo interfaces that we're going to fuzz. |
| |
| The most important thing to be careful of here is that everything happens on |
| the correct thread/sequence. Many Browser-process objects have specific |
| expectations, and will end up with very different behaviour if they are created |
| or used from the wrong context. |
| |
| See [here](https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1275431) for |
| an example of a false-positive crash caused by a change in sequencing behaviour |
| that was not immediately mirrored by the fuzzer. |
| |
| If your test case requires the existence of a `RenderFrameHost` and similar |
| structures, see `content/test/fuzzer/presentation_service_mojolpm_fuzzer.cc` |
| for a fuzzer which already sets them up (in particular, using |
| `RenderViewHostTestHarnessAdapter`). |
| |
| **The most important thing to be careful of here is that everything happens on |
| the correct thread/sequence. Many Browser-process objects have specific |
| expectations, and will end up with very different behaviour if they are created |
| or used from the wrong context. Test code doesn't always behave the same way, so |
| try to check the behaviour in the real Browser.** |
| |
| **The second most important thing to be aware of is to make sure that the fuzzer |
| has the same control over lifetimes of objects that a renderer process would |
| normally have - the best way to check this is to make sure that you've found and |
| understood the browser process code that would usually bind that interface.** |
| |
| ## Integrate with the generated MojoLPM fuzzer code |
| |
| Finally, we need to do a little bit more plumbing, to rig up this infrastructure |
| that we've built together with the autogenerated code that MojoLPM gives us to |
| interpret and run our testcases. |
| |
| We need to implement the `CodeCacheHostTestcase`, and by inheriting from |
| `mojolpm::Testcase` we'll automatically get handling of the testcase format; we |
| just need to implement code to run at the start and end of each testcase, and |
| to run each individual action. |
| |
| All three of these functions will be called on the Fuzzer thread; they should |
| ensure that after they've completed the `done_closure/run_closure` argument is |
| invoked on the Fuzzer thread. |
| |
| ```c++ |
| void CodeCacheHostTestcase::SetUp(base::OnceClosure done_closure) { |
| DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); |
| } |
| |
| void CodeCacheHostTestcase::TearDown(base::OnceClosure done_closure) { |
| DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); |
| } |
| |
| void CodeCacheHostTestcase::RunAction(const ProtoAction& action, |
| base::OnceClosure run_closure) { |
| DCHECK_CALLED_ON_VALID_SEQUENCE(sequence_checker_); |
| |
| const auto ThreadId_UI = |
| content::fuzzing::code_cache_host::proto::RunThreadAction_ThreadId_UI; |
| const auto ThreadId_IO = |
| content::fuzzing::code_cache_host::proto::RunThreadAction_ThreadId_IO; |
| |
| switch (action.action_case()) { |
| case ProtoAction::kNewCodeCacheHost: |
| AddCodeCacheHost(action.new_code_cache_host().id(), |
| action.new_code_cache_host().render_process_id(), |
| action.new_code_cache_host().origin_id(), |
| std::move(run_closure)); |
| return; |
| |
| case ProtoAction::kRunThread: |
| // These actions ensure that any tasks currently queued on the named |
| // thread have chance to run before the fuzzer continues. |
| // |
| // We don't provide any particular guarantees here; this does not mean |
| // that the named thread is idle, nor does it prevent any other threads |
| // from running (or the consequences of any resulting callbacks, for |
| // example). |
| if (action.run_thread().id() == ThreadId_UI) { |
| content::GetUIThreadTaskRunner({})->PostTaskAndReply( |
| FROM_HERE, base::DoNothing(), std::move(run_closure)); |
| } else if (action.run_thread().id() == ThreadId_IO) { |
| content::GetIOThreadTaskRunner({})->PostTaskAndReply( |
| FROM_HERE, base::DoNothing(), std::move(run_closure)); |
| } |
| return; |
| |
| case ProtoAction::kCodeCacheHostRemoteAction: |
| mojolpm::HandleRemoteAction(action.code_cache_host_remote_action()); |
| break; |
| |
| case ProtoAction::ACTION_NOT_SET: |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| GetFuzzerTaskRunner()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, std::move(run_closure)); |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| The key line here in integration with MojoLPM is the last case, |
| `kCodeCacheHostCall`, where we're asking MojoLPM to treat this incoming proto |
| entry as a call to a method on the `CodeCacheHost` interface. |
| |
| There's just a little bit more boilerplate in the bottom of the file to tidy up |
| concurrency loose ends, making sure that the fuzzer components are all running |
| on the correct threads; those are more-or-less common to any fuzzer using |
| MojoLPM. |
| |
| |
| ## Resulting structure |
| |
| Overall, the structure of your fuzzer is likely approximately to reflect that |
| of the `content/test/fuzzer/presentation_service_mojolpm_fuzzer.cc`, |
| shown here: |
| |
|  |
| |
| (drawing source |
| [here](https://goto.google.com/mojolpm-fuzzer-structure) ) |
| |
| |
| |
| ## Test it! |
| |
| Make a corpus directory and fire up your shiny new fuzzer! |
| |
| ``` |
| ~/chromium/src% out/Default/code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer /dev/shm/corpus |
| INFO: Seed: 3273881842 |
| INFO: Loaded 1 modules (1121912 inline 8-bit counters): 1121912 [0x559151a1aea8, 0x559151b2cd20), |
| INFO: Loaded 1 PC tables (1121912 PCs): 1121912 [0x559151b2cd20,0x559152c4b4a0), |
| INFO: 146 files found in /dev/shm/corpus |
| INFO: -max_len is not provided; libFuzzer will not generate inputs larger than 4096 bytes |
| INFO: seed corpus: files: 146 min: 2b max: 268b total: 8548b rss: 88Mb |
| #147 INITED cov: 4633 ft: 10500 corp: 138/8041b exec/s: 0 rss: 91Mb |
| #152 NEW cov: 4633 ft: 10501 corp: 139/8139b lim: 4096 exec/s: 0 rss: 91Mb L: 98/268 MS: 8 Custom-ChangeByte-Custom-EraseBytes-Custom-ShuffleBytes-Custom-Custom- |
| #154 NEW cov: 4634 ft: 10510 corp: 140/8262b lim: 4096 exec/s: 0 rss: 91Mb L: 123/268 MS: 3 CustomCrossOver-ChangeBit-Custom- |
| #157 NEW cov: 4634 ft: 10512 corp: 141/8384b lim: 4096 exec/s: 0 rss: 91Mb L: 122/268 MS: 3 CustomCrossOver-Custom-CustomCrossOver- |
| #158 NEW cov: 4634 ft: 10514 corp: 142/8498b lim: 4096 exec/s: 0 rss: 91Mb L: 114/268 MS: 1 CustomCrossOver- |
| #159 NEW cov: 4634 ft: 10517 corp: 143/8601b lim: 4096 exec/s: 0 rss: 91Mb L: 103/268 MS: 1 Custom- |
| #160 NEW cov: 4634 ft: 10526 corp: 144/8633b lim: 4096 exec/s: 0 rss: 91Mb L: 32/268 MS: 1 Custom- |
| #164 NEW cov: 4634 ft: 10528 corp: 145/8851b lim: 4096 exec/s: 0 rss: 91Mb L: 218/268 MS: 4 CustomCrossOver-Custom-CustomCrossOver-Custom- |
| ``` |
| |
| ## Wait for it... |
| |
| Let the fuzzer run for a while, and keep periodically checking in in case it's |
| fallen over. It's likely you'll have made a few mistakes somewhere along the way |
| but hopefully soon you'll have the fuzzer running 'clean' for a few hours. |
| |
| If you run into DCHECK failures in deserialization, see the section below marked |
| [triage]. |
| |
| ## Expand it to include all relevant interfaces |
| |
| `CodeCacheHost` is a very simple interface, and it doesn't have any dependencies |
| on other interfaces. In reality, most Mojo interfaces are much more complex, and |
| fuzzing their implementations thoroughly will require more work. We'll take a |
| quick look at a more complex interface, the `BlobRegistry`. If we look at |
| `blob_registry.mojom`: |
| |
| ``` |
| // This interface is the primary access point from renderer to the browser's |
| // blob system. This interface provides methods to register new blobs and get |
| // references to existing blobs. |
| interface BlobRegistry { |
| // Registers a new blob with the blob registry. |
| // TODO(mek): Make this method non-sync and get rid of the UUID parameter once |
| // enough of the rest of the system doesn't rely on the UUID anymore. |
| [Sync] Register(pending_receiver<blink.mojom.Blob> blob, string uuid, |
| string content_type, string content_disposition, |
| array<DataElement> elements) => (); |
| |
| // Creates a new blob out of a data pipe. |
| // |length_hint| is only used as a hint, to decide if the blob should be |
| // stored in memory or on disk. Registration will still succeed even if less |
| // or more bytes are read from the pipe. The resulting SerializedBlob can be |
| // inspected to see how many bytes actually did end up being read from |
| // the pipe. Pass 0 if nothing is known about the expected size. |
| // If something goes wrong (for example the blob system doesn't have enough |
| // available space to store all the data from the stream) null will be |
| // returned. |
| RegisterFromStream(string content_type, string content_disposition, |
| uint64 length_hint, |
| handle<data_pipe_consumer> data, |
| pending_associated_remote<ProgressClient>? progress_client) |
| => (SerializedBlob? blob); |
| |
| // Returns a reference to an existing blob. Should not be used by new code, |
| // is only exposed to make converting existing blob using code easier. |
| // TODO(mek): Remove when crbug.com/740744 is resolved. |
| [Sync] GetBlobFromUUID(pending_receiver<Blob> blob, string uuid) => (); |
| |
| // Returns a BlobURLStore for a specific origin. |
| URLStoreForOrigin(url.mojom.Origin origin, |
| pending_associated_receiver<blink.mojom.BlobURLStore> url_store); |
| }; |
| ``` |
| |
| We can see that this interface references multiple other interfaces; there are |
| several different kinds of reference that we need to worry about: |
| |
| **Additional fuzzable interfaces** - if an interface method can return a |
| pending_remote<> or take a pending_receiver<> to an interface Foo, then we |
| want our fuzzer to fuzz those interfaces too. |
| |
| Here we would want to add `blink.mojom.Blob.RemoteAction` and |
| `blink.mojom.BlobURLStore.AssociatedRemoteAction` to the possible actions |
| that our fuzzer protobufs can take. |
| |
| **Renderer-hosted interfaces** - if an interface method takes a pending_remote<> |
| (or returns a pending_receiver<>), then we'll also want to add response handling |
| to our fuzzer. This lets the fuzzer send fuzzer-side implementations of mojo |
| interfaces, and handle fuzzing the values returned if those methods are called. |
| |
| Here we can see `blink.mojom.ProgressClient` is needed, but we can also see that |
| we pass `blink.mojom.DataElement` structures to `BlobRegistry.Register`. These |
| can contain `remote<blink.mojom.Blob>`, so we also need to support |
| `blink.mojom.Blob`. |
| |
| These are handled similarly to the `RemoteAction`s, but the type that we need to |
| add to our proto is instead `blink.mojom.ProgressClient.ReceiverAction`, and so |
| on. |
| |
| We can continue applying this logic recursively to all of the interfaces that |
| might be accessed - this comes down to a question of what dependencies are most |
| likely to be important in getting good coverage, so the later step of examining |
| code coverage may also help in guiding the addition of new interfaces here. |
| |
| `blob_registry_mojolpm_fuzzer.proto` illustrates how these responses can be added |
| to the testcase proto. |
| |
| ## Start fuzzing |
| |
| Once the fuzzer is up and running, we probably want to remove dcheck_always_on. |
| |
| ``` |
| enable_mojom_fuzzer = true |
| is_asan = true |
| is_component_build = true |
| is_debug = false |
| optimize_for_fuzzing = true |
| use_goma = true |
| use_libfuzzer = true |
| ``` |
| |
| The reason for this is that while DCHECKs are often useful when fuzzing (and a |
| good indication of potential bugs), the Mojo serialization code often contains |
| quite a few DCHECKs, and our fuzzer is essentially serializing untrusted data |
| before it can deserialize that data on the Browser-process side. This means |
| that we can easily get blocked by a "completely valid" DCHECK during |
| serialisation that a compromised renderer would bypass. Removing DCHECKs will |
| sometimes let the fuzzer continue in these situations, and will reduce spurious |
| results, but if your fuzzer doesn't trigger any of these cases it may be |
| beneficial to also fuzz with DCHECKs enabled. We'll discuss this below under |
| [triage](#triage-notes). |
| |
| If your coverage isn't going up at all, then you've probably made a mistake and |
| it likely isn't managing to actually interact with the interface you're trying |
| to fuzz - try using the code coverage output from the next step to debug what's |
| going wrong. |
| |
| |
| ## (Optional) Run coverage |
| |
| In many cases it's useful to check the code coverage to see if we can benefit |
| from adding some manual testcases to get deeper coverage. For this example I |
| used the following gn arguments and command: |
| |
| ``` |
| enable_mojom_fuzzer = true |
| is_component_build = false |
| is_debug = false |
| use_clang_coverage = true |
| use_goma = true |
| use_libfuzzer = true |
| ``` |
| |
| ``` |
| python tools/code_coverage/coverage.py code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer -b out/Coverage -o ManualReport -c "out/Coverage/code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer -ignore_timeouts=1 -timeout=4 -runs=0 /dev/shm/corpus" -f content |
| ``` |
| |
| With the CodeCacheHost, looking at the coverage after a few hours we could see |
| that there's definitely some room for improvement: |
| |
| ```c++ |
| /* 55 */ absl::optional<GURL> GetSecondaryKeyForCodeCache(const GURL& resource_url, |
| /* 56 53.6k */ int render_process_id) { |
| /* 57 53.6k */ if (!resource_url.is_valid() || !resource_url.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS()) |
| /* 58 53.6k */ return absl::nullopt; |
| /* 59 0 */ |
| /* 60 0 */ GURL origin_lock = |
| /* 61 0 */ ChildProcessSecurityPolicyImpl::GetInstance()->GetOriginLock( |
| /* 62 0 */ render_process_id); |
| ``` |
| |
| ## (Optional) Improve corpus manually |
| |
| It's fairly easy to improve the corpus manually, since our corpus files are just |
| protobuf files that describe the sequence of interface calls to make. |
| |
| There are a couple of approaches that we can take here - we'll try building a |
| small manual seed corpus that we'll use to kick-start our fuzzer. Since it's |
| easier to edit text protos, MojoLPM can automatically convert our seed corpus |
| from text protos to binary protos during the build, making this slightly less |
| painful for us, and letting us store our corpus in-tree in a readable format. |
| |
| So, we'll create a new folder to hold this seed corpus, and craft our first |
| file: |
| |
| ``` |
| actions { |
| new_code_cache_host { |
| id: 1 |
| render_process_id: 0 |
| origin_id: ORIGIN_A |
| } |
| } |
| actions { |
| code_cache_host_remote_action { |
| id: 1 |
| m_did_generate_cacheable_metadata { |
| m_cache_type: CodeCacheType_kJavascript |
| m_url { |
| new { |
| id: 1 |
| m_url: "http://aaa.com/test" |
| } |
| } |
| m_data { |
| new { |
| id: 1 |
| m_bytes { |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| m_expected_response_time { |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| sequences { |
| action_indexes: 0 |
| action_indexes: 1 |
| } |
| sequence_indexes: 0 |
| ``` |
| |
| We can then add some new entries to our build target to have the corpus |
| converted to binary proto directly during build. |
| |
| ``` |
| testcase_proto_kind = "content.fuzzing.code_cache_host.proto.Testcase" |
| |
| seed_corpus_sources = [ |
| "code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer_corpus/did_generate_cacheable_metadata.textproto", |
| ] |
| ``` |
| |
| If we now run a new coverage report using this single file seed corpus: |
| (note that the binary corpus files will be output in your output directory, in |
| this case code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer_seed_corpus.zip): |
| |
| ``` |
| autoninja -C out/Coverage chrome |
| rm -rf /tmp/corpus; mkdir /tmp/corpus; unzip out/Coverage/code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer_seed_corpus.zip -d /tmp/corpus |
| python tools/code_coverage/coverage.py code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer -b out/Coverage -o ManualReport -c "out/Coverage/code_cache_host_mojolpm_fuzzer -ignore_timeouts=1 -timeout=4 -runs=0 /tmp/corpus" -f content |
| ``` |
| |
| We can see that we're now getting some more coverage: |
| |
| ```c++ |
| /* 118 */ void CodeCacheHostImpl::DidGenerateCacheableMetadata( |
| /* 119 */ blink::mojom::CodeCacheType cache_type, |
| /* 120 */ const GURL& url, |
| /* 121 */ base::Time expected_response_time, |
| /* 122 2 */ mojo_base::BigBuffer data) { |
| /* 123 2 */ if (!url.SchemeIsHTTPOrHTTPS()) { |
| /* 124 0 */ mojo::ReportBadMessage("Invalid URL scheme for code cache."); |
| /* 125 0 */ return; |
| /* 126 0 */ } |
| /* 127 2 */ |
| /* 128 2 */ DCHECK_CURRENTLY_ON(BrowserThread::UI); |
| /* 129 2 */ |
| /* 130 2 */ GeneratedCodeCache* code_cache = GetCodeCache(cache_type); |
| /* 131 2 */ if (!code_cache) |
| /* 132 0 */ return; |
| /* 133 2 */ |
| /* 134 2 */ absl::optional<GURL> origin_lock = |
| /* 135 2 */ GetSecondaryKeyForCodeCache(url, render_process_id_); |
| /* 136 2 */ if (!origin_lock) |
| /* 137 0 */ return; |
| /* 138 2 */ |
| /* 139 2 */ code_cache->WriteEntry(url, *origin_lock, expected_response_time, |
| /* 140 2 */ std::move(data)); |
| /* 141 2 */ } |
| ``` |
| |
| Much better! |
| |
| ## Triage notes |
| |
| MojoLPM fuzzers have a number of common failure modes that are fairly easy to |
| distinguish from real bugs in the implementation being fuzzed. |
| |
| The first of these is any crash on the `fuzzer_thread`. Code in the |
| implementation should never, under any circumstances be running on this thread, |
| so any crash on this thread is the result of a bug in the fuzzer itself, or |
| one of the other causes mentioned below. |
| |
| The second is DCHECK or other failures during Mojo serialization. Various traits |
| assert that they are serializing reasonable values - since we need to reuse this |
| serialization code in the fuzzer to produce input to the implementation, we can |
| trigger these on the `fuzzer_thread` while processing input to send to the |
| implementation. |
| |
| The example ASAN error output below illustrates an example of both of these |
| cases - the error happens on the `fuzzer_thread`, and during serialization. |
| |
| ``` |
| ==2940792==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: ILL on unknown address 0x7fbd9391d0f9 (pc 0x7fbd9391d0f9 bp 0x7fbd24deb3e0 sp 0x7fbd24deb3e0 T5) |
| #0 0x7fbd9391d0f9 in unsigned int base::internal::CheckOnFailure::HandleFailure<unsigned int>() base/numerics/safe_conversions_impl.h:122:5 |
| #1 0x7fbd9391ba78 in unsigned int base::internal::checked_cast<unsigned int, base::internal::CheckOnFailure, unsigned long>(unsigned long) base/numerics/safe_conversions.h:114:16 |
| #2 0x7fbd9391ba28 in mojo::StructTraits<mojo_base::mojom::BigBufferSharedMemoryRegionDataView, mojo_base::internal::BigBufferSharedMemoryRegion>::size(mojo_base::internal::BigBufferSharedMemoryRegion const&) mojo/public/cpp/base/big_buffer_mojom_traits.cc:17:10 |
| #3 0x7fbd7f62fc2e in mojo::internal::Serializer<mojo_base::mojom::BigBufferSharedMemoryRegionDataView, mojo_base::internal::BigBufferSharedMemoryRegion>::Serialize(mojo_base::internal::BigBufferSharedMemoryRegion&, mojo::internal::Buffer*, mojo_base::mojom::internal::BigBufferSharedMemoryRegion_Data::BufferWriter*, mojo::internal::SerializationContext*) gen/mojo/public/mojom/base/big_buffer.mojom-shared.h:182:23 |
| ... |
| #41 0x7fbd955376e8 in base::RunLoop::Run() base/run_loop.cc:124:14 |
| #42 0x7fbd95707f83 in base::Thread::Run(base::RunLoop*) base/threading/thread.cc:311:13 |
| #43 0x7fbd95708427 in base::Thread::ThreadMain() base/threading/thread.cc:382:3 |
| #44 0x7fbd957dfb40 in base::(anonymous namespace)::ThreadFunc(void*) base/threading/platform_thread_posix.cc:81:13 |
| #45 0x7fbd403866b9 in start_thread /build/glibc-LK5gWL/glibc-2.23/nptl/pthread_create.c:333 |
| AddressSanitizer can not provide additional info. |
| SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: ILL (/mnt/scratch0/clusterfuzz/bot/builds/chromium-browser-libfuzzer_linux-release-asan_ae530a86793cd6b8b56ce9af9159ac101396e802/revisions/libfuzzer-linux-release-807440/libmojo_base_shared_typemap_traits.so+0x190f9) |
| Thread T5 (fuzzer_thread) created by T0 here: |
| #0 0x56433ef70b3a in pthread_create third_party/llvm/compiler-rt/lib/asan/asan_interceptors.cpp:214:3 |
| ... |
| #14 0x56433f15380c in main third_party/libFuzzer/src/FuzzerMain.cpp:19:10 |
| #15 0x7fbd3c38a82f in __libc_start_main /build/glibc-LK5gWL/glibc-2.23/csu/libc-start.c:291 |
| ==2940792==ABORTING |
| ``` |
| |
| [markbrand@google.com]:mailto:markbrand@google.com?subject=[MojoLPM%20Help]:%20&cc=fuzzing@chromium.org |
| [libfuzzer]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:testing/libfuzzer/getting_started.md |
| [Protocol Buffers]: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/cpptutorial |
| [libprotobuf-mutator]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:testing/libfuzzer/libprotobuf-mutator.md |
| [testing in Chromium]: https://source.chromium.org/chromium/chromium/src/+/main:docs/testing/testing_in_chromium.md |
| [interfaces]: https://source.chromium.org/search?q=interface%5Cs%2B%5Cw%2B%5Cs%2B%7B%20f:%5C.mojom$%20-f:test |
| |