| # Extension Features Files |
| |
| [TOC] |
| |
| ## Summary |
| |
| The Extension features files specify the different requirements for extension |
| feature availability. |
| |
| An **extension feature** can be any component of extension capabilities. Most |
| notably, this includes extension APIs, but there are also more structural or |
| behavioral features, such as web accessible resources or event pages. |
| |
| ## Files |
| |
| There are four different feature files used: |
| * [\_api\_features](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/chrome/common/extensions/api/_api_features.json): |
| Specifies the requirements for API availability. If an extension doesn't satisfy |
| the requirements, the API will not be accessible in the extension's code. |
| * [\_permission\_features](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/chrome/common/extensions/api/_permission_features.json): |
| Specifies the requirements for permission availability. If an extension doesn't |
| satisfy the requirements, the permission will not be granted and the extension |
| will have an install warning. |
| * [\_manifest\_features](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/chrome/common/extensions/api/_manifest_features.json): |
| Specifies the requirements for manifest entry availability. If an extension |
| doesn't satisfy the requirements, the extension will fail to load with an error. |
| * [\_behavior\_features](https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/extensions/common/api/_behavior_features.json): |
| Specifies the requirements for miscellaneous extension behaviors. This should |
| typically not be used. |
| |
| Note that these files may be present under chrome/common/extensions/api, as well |
| as under extensions/common/api and extensions/shell/common/api. |
| |
| ## Grammar |
| |
| The feature files are written in JSON. Each file contains a single JSON object |
| with properties for each feature. |
| |
| ``` |
| { |
| "feature1": <definition>, |
| "feature2": <definition>, |
| ... |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| ### Simple and Complex Features |
| |
| Most features are known as "simple" features. These are features whose |
| definition is a single object that contains the properties describing the |
| criteria for availability. A simple feature might look like this: |
| ``` |
| "feature1": { |
| "dependencies": ["permission:feature1"], |
| "contexts": ["blessed_extension"] |
| } |
| ``` |
| `feature1` has a single definition, which says for it to be available, a |
| permission must be present and it must be executed from a blessed context. |
| (These concepts are covered more later in this document.) |
| |
| Features can also be "complex". A complex feature has a list of objects to |
| specify multiple groups of possible properties. A complex feature could look |
| like this: |
| ``` |
| "feature1": [{ |
| "dependencies": ["permission:feature1"], |
| "contexts": ["blessed_extension"] |
| }, { |
| "dependencies": ["permission:otherPermission"], |
| "contexts": ["blessed_extension", "unblessed_extension"] |
| }] |
| ``` |
| |
| With complex features, if either of the definitions are matched, the feature |
| is available (in other words, the feature definitions are logically OR'd |
| together). Complex features should frequently be avoided, as it makes the |
| logic more involved and slower. |
| |
| ### Inheritance |
| |
| By default, features inherit from parents. A feature's ancestry is specified by |
| its name, where a child feature is the parent's name followed by a '.' and the |
| child's name. That is, `feature1.child` is the child of `feature1`. Inheritance |
| can carry for multiple levels (e.g. `feature1.child.child`), but this is rarely |
| (if ever) useful. |
| |
| A child feature inherits all the properties of its parent, but can choose to |
| override them or add additional properties. Take the example: |
| ``` |
| "feature1": { |
| "dependencies": ["permission:feature1"], |
| "contexts": ["blessed_extension"] |
| }, |
| "feature1.child": { |
| "contexts": ["unblessed_extension"], |
| "extension_types": ["extension"] |
| } |
| ``` |
| |
| In this case, `feature1.child` will effectively have the properties |
| ``` |
| "dependencies": ["permission:feature1"], # inherited from feature1 |
| "contexts": ["unblessed_extension"], # inherited value overridden by child |
| "extension_types": ["extension] # specified by child |
| ``` |
| |
| If you don't want a child to inherit any features from the parent, add the |
| property `"noparent": true`. This is useful if, for instance, you have a |
| prefixed API name that isn't dependent on the prefix, such as app.window |
| (which is fully separate from the app API). |
| |
| If the parent of a feature is a complex feature, the feature system needs to |
| know which parent to inherit from. To do this, add the property |
| `"default_parent": true` to one of the feature definitions in the parent |
| feature. |
| |
| ## Properties |
| |
| The following properties are supported in the feature system. |
| |
| ### alias |
| |
| The `alias` property specifies that the feature has an associated alias feature. |
| An alias feature is a feature that provides the same functionality as it's |
| source feature (i.e. the feature referenced by the alias). For example, an API |
| alias provides bindings for the source API under a different name. If one wanted |
| to declare an API alias, they would have to introduce an API alias feature - |
| defined as a feature that has `source` property, and set `alias` property on |
| the original feature. For example, the following would introduce an API alias |
| feature named `featureAlias` for API `feature`: |
| ```none |
| { |
| "feature": { |
| "contexts": ["blessed_extension"], |
| "channel": "dev", |
| "alias": "featureAlias" |
| }, |
| "featureAlias": { |
| "contexts": ["blessed_extension"], |
| "channel": "dev", |
| "source": "feature" |
| } |
| } |
| ``` |
| `featureAlias[source]` value specifies that `featureAlias` is an alias for API |
| feature `feature` |
| |
| `feature[alias]` value specifies that `feature` API has an API alias |
| `featureAlias` |
| |
| When feature `featureAlias` is available, `feature` bindings would be accessible |
| using `feauteAlias`. In other words `chrome.featureAlias` would point to an API |
| with the bindings equivalent to the bindings of `feature` API. |
| |
| The alias API will inherit the schema from the source API, but it will not |
| respect the source API child features. To accomplish parity with the source API |
| feature children, identical child features should be added for the alias API. |
| |
| Note that to properly create an alias, both `source` property on the alias |
| feature and `alias` property on the aliased feature have to be set. |
| |
| Alias features are only available for API features, and each API can have at |
| most one alias. |
| For complex features, `alias` property will be set to the `alias` value of the |
| first component simple feature that has it set. |
| |
| ### blacklist |
| |
| The `blacklist` property specifies a list of ID hashes for extensions that |
| cannot access a feature. See ID Hashes in this document for how to generate |
| these hashes. |
| |
| Accepted values are lists of id hashes. |
| |
| ### channel |
| |
| The `channel` property specifies a maximum channel for the feature availability. |
| That is, specifying `dev` means that the feature is available on `dev`, |
| `canary`, and `trunk`. |
| |
| Accepted values are a single string from `trunk`, `canary`, `dev`, `beta`, and |
| `stable`. |
| |
| ### command\_line\_switch |
| |
| The `command_line_switch` property specifies a command line switch that must be |
| present for the feature to be available. |
| |
| Accepted values are a single string for the command line switch (without the |
| preceeding '--'). |
| |
| ### component\_extensions\_auto\_granted |
| |
| The `component_extensions_auto_granted` specifies whether or not component |
| extensions should be automatically granted access to the feature. By default, |
| this is `true`. |
| |
| The only accepted value is the bool `false` (since true is the default). |
| |
| ### contexts |
| |
| The `contexts` property specifies which JavaScript contexts can access the |
| feature. All API features must specify at least one context, and only API |
| features can specify contexts. |
| |
| Accepted values are a list of strings from `blessed_extension`, |
| `blessed_web_page`, `content_script`, `extension_service_worker`, |
| `lock_screen_extension`, `web_page`, `webui`, and `unblessed_extension`. |
| |
| The `lock_screen_extension` context is used instead of `blessed_extension` |
| context for extensions on the Chrome OS lock screen. Other extensions related |
| contexts (`blessed_web_page`, `content_script`, `extension_service_worker`, |
| `unblessed_extension`) are not expected to be present on the lock screen. |
| |
| ### default\_parent |
| |
| The `default_parent` property specifies a feature definition from a complex |
| feature to be used as the parent for any children. See also Inheritance. |
| |
| The only accepted value is the bool `true`. |
| |
| ### dependencies |
| |
| The `dependencies` property specifies which other features must be present in |
| order to access this feature. This is useful so that you don't have to |
| re-specify all the same properties on an API feature and a permission feature. |
| |
| A common practice is to put as many restrictions as possible in the |
| permission or manifest feature so that we warn at extension load, and put |
| relatively limited properties in an API feature with a dependency on the |
| manifest or permission feature. |
| |
| To specify a dependent feature, use the prefix the feature name with the type |
| of feature it is, followed by a colon. For example, in order to specify a |
| dependency on a permission feature `foo`, we would add the dependency entry |
| `permission:foo`. |
| |
| Accepted values are lists of strings specifying the dependent features. |
| |
| ### extension\_types |
| |
| The `extension_types` properties specifies the different classes of extensions |
| that can use the feature. It is very common for certain features to only be |
| allowed in certain extension classes, rather than available to all types. |
| |
| Accepted values are lists of strings from `extension`, `hosted_app`, |
| `legacy_packaged_app`, `platform_app`, `shared_module`, and `theme`. |
| |
| ### location |
| |
| The `location` property specifies the required install location of the |
| extension. |
| |
| Accepted values are a single string from `component`, `external_component`, and |
| `policy`. |
| |
| ### internal |
| |
| The `internal` property specifies whether or not a feature is considered |
| internal to Chromium. Internal features are not exposed to extensions, and can |
| only be used from Chromium code. |
| |
| The only accepted value is the bool `true`. |
| |
| ### matches |
| |
| The `matches` property specifies url patterns which should be allowed to access |
| the feature. Only API features may specify `matches`, and `matches` only make |
| sense with a context of either `webui` or `web_page`. |
| |
| Accepted values are a list of strings specifying the match patterns. |
| |
| ### max\_manifest\_version |
| |
| The `max_manifest_version` property specifies the maximum manifest version to be |
| allowed to access a feature. Extensions with a greater manifest version cannot |
| access the feature. |
| |
| The only accepted value is `1`, as currently the highest possible manifest |
| version is `2`. |
| |
| ### min\_manifest\_version |
| |
| The `min_manifest_version` property specifies the minimum manifest version to be |
| allowed to access a feature. Extensions with a lesser manifest version cannot |
| access the feature. |
| |
| The only accepted value is `2`, as this is currently the highest possible |
| manifest version. |
| |
| ### noparent |
| |
| The `noparent` property specifies that a feature should not inherit any |
| properties from a derived parent. See also Inheritance. |
| |
| The only accepted value is the bool `true`. |
| |
| ### platforms |
| |
| The `platforms` property specifies the properties the feature should be |
| available on. |
| |
| The accepted values are lists of strings from `chromeos`, `mac`, `linux`, and |
| `win`. |
| |
| ### session\_types |
| |
| The `session_types` property specifies in which types of sessions a feature |
| should be available. The session type describes the type of user that is |
| logged in the current session. Session types to which feature can be restricted |
| are only supported on Chrome OS - features restricted to set of session types |
| will be disabled on other platforms. Also, note that all currently supported |
| session types imply that a user is logged into the session (i.e. features that |
| use `session_types` property will be disabled when a user is not logged in). |
| |
| The accepted values are lists of strings from `regular`, `kiosk` and |
| `kiosk.autolaunched`. |
| |
| `regular` session is a session launched for a regular, authenticated user. |
| |
| `kiosk` session is a session launched for a kiosk app - an app that runs on its |
| own, in full control of the current session. |
| |
| `kiosk.autolaunched` represents auto-launched kiosk session - a kiosk session |
| that is launched automatically from Chrome OS login screen, without any user |
| interaction. Note that allowing `kiosk` session implies allowing |
| `kiosk.autolaunched` session. |
| |
| ### source |
| |
| The `source` property specifies that the feature is an alias for the feature |
| specified by the property value, and is only allowed for API features. |
| For more information about alias features, see [alias](#alias) property |
| documentation. |
| |
| For complex features, `source` property will be set to the `source` value of the |
| first component simple feature that has it set. |
| |
| ### whitelist |
| |
| The `whitelist` property specifies a list of ID hashes for extensions that |
| are the only extensions allowed to access a feature. |
| |
| Accepted values are lists of id hashes. |
| |
| ## ID Hashes |
| |
| Instead of listing the ID directly in the whitelist or blacklist section, we |
| use an uppercased SHA1 hash of the id. |
| |
| To generate a new whitelisted ID for an extension ID, do the following in bash: |
| ``` |
| $ echo -n "aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggghhhh" | \ |
| sha1sum | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' |
| ``` |
| (Replacing `aaaabbbbccccddddeeeeffffgggghhhh` with your extension ID.) |
| |
| The output should be something like: |
| ``` |
| 9A0417016F345C934A1A88F55CA17C05014EEEBA - |
| ``` |
| |
| Add the ID to the whitelist or blacklist for the desired feature. It is also |
| often useful to link the crbug next to the id hash, e.g.: |
| ``` |
| "whitelist": [ |
| "9A0417016F345C934A1A88F55CA17C05014EEEBA" // crbug.com/<num> |
| ] |
| ``` |
| |
| Google employees: please update http://go/chrome-api-whitelist to map hashes |
| back to ids. |
| |
| ## Feature Contexts |
| |
| A Feature Context is the type of JavaScript context that a feature can be made |
| available in. This allows us to restrict certain features to only being |
| accessible in more secure contexts, or to expose features to contexts outside |
| of extensions. |
| |
| For each of these contexts, an "extension" context can refer to a context of |
| either an app or an extension. |
| |
| ### Blessed Extension Contexts |
| |
| The `blessed_extension` context refers to a JavaScript context running from an |
| extension process. These are typically the most secure JavaScript contexts, as |
| it reduces the likelihood that a compromised web page renderer will have access |
| to secure APIs. |
| |
| Traditionally, only pages with a top-level extension frame (with a |
| `chrome-extension://` scheme), extension popups, and app windows were blessed |
| extension contexts. With [site isolation](https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/site-isolation), |
| extension frames running in web pages are also considered blessed extension |
| contexts, since they are running in the extension process (rather than in the |
| same process as the web page). |
| |
| ### Blessed Web Page Contexts |
| |
| The `blessed_web_page` context refers to a JavaScript context running from a |
| hosted app. These are similar to blessed extension contexts in that they are |
| (partially) isolated from other processes, but are typically more restricted |
| than blessed extension processes, since hosted apps generally have fewer |
| permissions. Note that these contexts are unaffected by the `matches` property. |
| |
| ### Content Script Contexts |
| |
| The `content_script` context refers to a JavaScript context for an extension |
| content script. Since content scripts share a process with (and run on the same |
| content as) web pages, these are considered very insecure contexts. Very few |
| features should be exposed to these contexts. |
| |
| ### Service Worker Contexts |
| |
| The `extension_service_worker` context refers to a JavaScript context for an |
| extension's service worker. An extension can only register a service worker for |
| it's own domain, and these should only be run within an extension process. Thus, |
| these have similar privilege levels to blessed extension processes. |
| |
| ### Web Page Contexts |
| |
| The `web_page` context refers to a JavaScript context for a simple web page, |
| completely separate from extensions. This is the least secure of all contexts, |
| and very few features should be exposed to these contexts. When specifying this |
| context, an accompanying URL pattern should be provided with the `matches` |
| property. |
| |
| ### WebUI Contexts |
| |
| The `webui` context refers to a JavaScript context for a page with WebUI |
| bindings, such as internal chrome pages like chrome://settings or |
| chrome://extensions. These are considered secure contexts, since they are |
| an internal part of chrome. When specifying this context, an accompanying URL |
| pattern should be provided with the `matches` property. |
| |
| ### Unblessed Extension Contexts |
| |
| The `unblessed_extension` context refers to a JavaScript context for an |
| extension frame that is embedded in an external page, like a web page, and |
| runs in the same process as the embedder. Given the limited separation between |
| the (untrusted) embedder and the extension frame, relatively few features are |
| exposed in these contexts. Note that with [site isolation](https://www.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/site-isolation), |
| extension frames (even those embedded in web pages) run in the trusted |
| extension process, and become blessed extension contexts. |
| |
| ## Compilation |
| |
| The feature files are compiled as part of the suite of tools in |
| //tools/json\_schema\_compiler/. The output is a set of FeatureProviders that |
| contain a mapping of all features. |
| |
| In addition to being significantly more performant than parsing the JSON files |
| at runtime, this has the added benefit of allowing us to validate at compile |
| time rather than needing a unittest (or allowing incorrect features). |
| |
| In theory, invalid features should result in a compilation failure; in practice, |
| the compiler is probably missing some cases. |
| |
| ## Still to come |
| |
| TODO(devlin): Add documentation for extension types. Probably also more on |
| requirements for individual features. |