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# Converting Legacy IPC to Mojo
## Overview
A number of IPC messages sent (primarily between the browser and renderer
processes) are still defined using Chrome's old IPC system in `//ipc`. This
system uses
as the basis for message serialization and is supported by a number if `IPC_*`
preprocessor macros defined in `//ipc` and used around the source tree.
There is an ongoing, distributed effort to get these messages converted to Mojo
interface messages. Messages that still need to be converted are tracked in two
- [Chrome IPC to Mojo migration]( for non-web platform messages
- [Mojoifying Platform Features]( for web platform messages
This document is concerned primarily with rote conversion of legacy IPC messages
to Mojo interface messages. If you are considering more holistic refactoring and
better isolation of an entire subsystem of the browser, you may consider
[servicifying]( the feature instead of merely converting its
See other [Mojo & Services](/docs/ documentation
for introductory guides, API references, and more.
## Legacy IPC Concepts
Each Content child process has a single **`IPC::Channel`** implementation going
between it and the browser process, and this is used as the sole two-way FIFO
to send legacy IPC messages between the processes.
There are two fundamental types of legacy IPC messages: **control** messages,
defined via `IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROLn` macros (where `n` is some small integer) and
**routed** messages defined via `IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTEDn` macros.
Control messages generally go between a browser-side process host (*e.g.*,
`RenderProcessHost` or `GpuProcessHost`) and the child-side `ChildThreadImpl`
subclass. All of these classes implement `IPC::Sender` and thus have a `Send`
method for sending a control message to their remote counterpart, and they
implement `IPC::Listener` to receive incoming control messages via
Routed messages are relegated to **routes** which have arbitrary meaning
determined by their use within a given process. For example, renderers use
routes to isolate messages scoped to individual render frames, and so such
routed messages will travel between a `RenderFrameHostImpl` and its
corresponding `RenderFrameImpl`, both of which also implement `IPC::Sender` and
## Mojo Interfaces as Routes
Routed messages in the old IPC system always carry a **routing ID** to identify
to the receiving endpoint which routed object (*e.g.* which `RenderFrameImpl`
or `RenderViewImpl` or whatever) the message is targeting. Each endpoint is thus
required to do some additional book-keeping to track what each routing ID means.
Mojo interfaces obviate the need for routing IDs, as new "routes" can be
established by simply creating a new interface pipe and passing one endpoint to
something which knows how to bind it.
When thinking about an IPC message conversion to Mojo, it's important to
consider whether the message is a control message or a routed message, as this
determines where you might find an existing Mojo interface to carry your
message, or where you will want to add a new end-to-end Mojo interface for that
purpose. This can mean the difference between a single per-process interface
going between each `RenderProcessHostImpl` and its corresponding
`RenderThreadImpl`, vs a per-frame interface going between each
`RenderFrameHostImpl` and its corresponding `RenderFrameImpl`.
## Ordering Considerations
One **very important** consideration when doing IPC conversions is the relative
ordering of IPC-driven operations. With the old IPC system, because every
message between two processes is globally ordered, it is quite easy for parts
of the system to (intentionally or often unintentionally) rely on strict
ordering guarantees.
For example, imagine a `WebContentsObserver` in the browser processes observes
a frame navigation and immediately sends an IPC message to the frame to
configure some new behavior. The implementation may be inadvertently relying on
this message arriving *before* some other tangentially related message sent to
the same frame shortly after the same navigation event.
Mojo does not (and in fact cannot) make any strict ordering guarantees between
separate message pipes, as message pipes may be freely moved across process
boundaries and thus cannot necessarily share a common FIFO at all times.
If the two messages described above were moved to separate Mojo interfaces on
separate message pipes, renderer behavior could break as the first message may
arrive after the second message.
The best solution to this problem is to rethink the IPC surface and/or
implementation on either side to eliminate ordering dependencies between two
interfaces that otherwise seem to be logically distinct. Failing that, Mojo's
solution to this problem is to support
[**associated interfaces**](/mojo/public/tools/bindings/
In a nutshell, these allow multiple distinct interfaces to be multiplexed over
a shared message pipe.
## Channel-Associated Interfaces
The previous section mentions **associated interfaces** as a general-purpose
solution for establishing a mutual FIFO between multiple logical Mojo interfaces
by having them share a single message pipe.
In Chrome, the `IPC::Channel` which carries all legacy IPC messages between
two processes is itself a Mojo message pipe. We provide a mechanism for
associating arbitrary Mojo interfaces with this pipe, which means messages can
be converted to Mojo while preserving strict FIFO with respect to other legacy
IPC messages. Such interfaces are designated in Chrome parlance as
**Channel-associated interfaces**.
*** aside
**NOTE:** Channel-associated interface acquisition is not constrained by the
Service Manager in any way, so security reviewers need to be careful to inspect
new additions and uses of such interfaces.
Usage of Channel-associated interfaces should be rare but is considered a
reasonable intermediate solution for incremental IPC conversions where it would
be too risky or noisy to convert a large IPC surface all at once, but it would
also be impossible to split the IPC surface between legacy IPC and a dedicated
Mojo interface pipe without introducing timing bugs.
At this point in Chrome's development, practical usage of Channel-associated
interfaces is restricted to the `IPC::Channel` between the browser process and
a renderer process, as this is the most complex IPC surface with the most
implicit ordering dependencies. A few simple APIs exist to support this.
`RenderProcessHostImpl` owns an `IPC::Channel` to its corresponding
`RenderThreadImpl` in the render process. This object has a
`GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces` method which can be used to pass arbitrary
associated interface requests:
``` cpp
magic::mojom::GoatTeleporterAssociatedPtr teleporter;
// These messages are all guaranteed to arrive in the same order they were sent.
channel_->Send(new FooMsg_SomeLegacyIPC);
channel_->Send(new FooMsg_AnotherLegacyIPC);
Likewise, `ChildThreadImpl` has an `IPC::Channel` that can be used in the same
way to send such messages back to the browser.
To receive and bind incoming Channel-associated interface requests, the above
objects also implement `IPC::Listener::OnAssociatedInterfaceRequest`.
For supplementation of routed messages, both `RenderFrameHostImpl` and
`RenderFrameImpl` define a `GetRemoteAssociatedInterfaces` method which works
like the one on `IPC::Channel`, and both objects also implement
`IPC::Listener::OnAssociatedInterfaceRequest` for processing incoming associated
interface requests specific to their own frame.
There are some example conversion CLs which use Channel-associated interfaces
[here]( and
## Deciding How to Approach a Conversion
There are a few questions you should ask before embarking upon any IPC message
conversion journey, and there are many potential approaches to consider. The
right one depends on context.
Note that this section assumes the message is traveling between the browser
process and a renderer process. Other cases are rare and developers may wish to
before proceeding with them. Otherwise, apply the following basic algorithm to
decide how to proceed:
- General note: If the message is a reply to some other message (typically these
take a "request ID" argument), see the note about message replies at the
bottom of this section.
- Consider whether or not the message makes sense as part of the IPC surface of
a new or existing service somewhere in `//services` or `//chrome/services`,
*etc.* This is less and less likely to be the case as time goes on, as many
remaining IPC conversions are quite narrowly dealing with specific
browser/renderer details rather than the browser's supporting subsystems. If
defining a new service, you may wish to consult some of the other
[Mojo & Services documentation](/docs/ first.
- If the message is an `IPC_MESSAGE_CONTROL` message:
- If there are likely to be strict ordering requirements between this
message and other legacy IPC or Channel-associated interface messages,
consider using a new or existing
[Channel-associated interface](#Channel-Associated-Interfaces) between
`RenderProcessHostImpl` and `RenderThreadImpl`.
- If the message is sent from a renderer to the browser:
- If an existing interface is bound by `RenderProcessHostImpl` and
requested through `RenderThread`'s Connector and seems to be a good
fit for the message, add the equivalent Mojo message to that
- If no such interface exists, consider adding one for this message and
any related messages.
- If the message is sent from the browser to a renderer:
- If an existing interface is bound by `RenderThreadImpl` and requested
through a `BrowserContext` Connector referencing a specific
`RenderProcessHost` [identity](,
and the interface seems to be a good fit for the message, add the
equivalent Mojo message to that interface.
- If no such interface exists, consider adding one for this message and
any related messages.
- If the message is an `IPC_MESSAGE_ROUTED` message:
- Determine what the routing endpoints are. If they are
`RenderFrameHostImpl` and `RenderFrameImpl`:
- If there are likely to be strict ordering requirements between this
message and other legacy IPC or Channel-associated interface messages,
consider using a new or existing
[Channel-associated interface](#Channel-Associated-Interfaces) between
`RenderFrameHostImpl` and `RenderFrameImpl`.
- If the message is sent from a renderer to the browser:
- If an existing interface is bound by `RenderFrameHostImpl` and
acquired either via `RenderFrame::GetRemoteInterfaces` or
`RenderFrame::GetDocumentInterfaceBroker` and the interface seems
to be a good fit for this message, add the equivalent Mojo message
to that interface.
- If no such interface exists, consider adding one and exposing it
via a new getter method on `DocumentInterfaceBroker`. See the
[simple example](/docs/
earlier in this document.
- If the message is sent from the browser to a renderer, consider
adding a Mojo equivalent to the `content.mojom.Frame` interface
- If the routing endpoints are **not** frame objects (for example, they may
be `RenderView`/`RenderViewHost` objects), this is a special case which
does not yet have an easy conversion approach readily available. Contact
to propose or discuss options.
*** aside
**NOTE**: If you are converting a sync IPC, see the section on
[Synchronous Calls](/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/
in the Mojo documentation.
### Dealing With Replies
If the message is a **reply**, meaning it has a "request ID" which correlates it
to a prior message in the opposite direction, consider converting the
**request** message following the algorithm above. Unlike with legacy IPC, Mojo
messages support replies as a first-class concept. So for example if you have:
``` cpp
int /* request_id */,
std::string /* name */);
int /* request_id */,
bool /* success */);
You should consider defining an interface `Foo` which is bound in
`RenderProcessHostImpl` and acquired from `RenderThreadImpl`, with the following
mojom definition:
``` cpp
interface Foo {
DoTheThing(string name) => (bool success);
See [Receiving responses](/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/
for more information.
## Repurposing `IPC::ParamTraits` and `IPC_STRUCT*` Invocations
Occasionally it is useful to do partial IPC conversions, where you want to
convert a message to a Mojo interface method but you don't want to necessarily
convert every structure passed by the message. In this case, you can leverage
system to repurpose existing `IPC::ParamTraits`.
*** aside
**NOTE**: Although in some cases `IPC::ParamTraits<T>` specializations are
defined manually in library code, the `IPC_STRUCT*` macro helpers also define
`IPC::ParamTraits<T>` specializations under the hood. All advice in this section
pertains to both kinds of definitions.
If a mojom struct is declared without a struct body and is tagged with
`[Native]`, and a corresponding typemap is provided for the struct, the emitted
C++ bindings will -- as if by magic -- replace the mojom type with the
typemapped C++ type and will internally use the existing `IPC::ParamTraits<T>`
specialization for that type in order to serialize and deserialize the struct.
For example, given the
[`resource_messages.h`]( header
which defines an IPC mapping for `content::ResourceRequest`:
``` cpp
// ...
and the
[`resource_request.h`]( header
which actually defines the `content::ResourceRequest` type:
``` cpp
namespace content {
struct CONTENT_EXPORT ResourceRequest {
// ...
} // namespace content
we can declare a corresponding "native" mojom struct:
``` cpp
module content.mojom;
struct URLRequest;
and add a typemap like
to define how to map between them:
``` python
mojom = "//content/public/common/url_loader.mojom"
public_headers = [ "//content/common/resource_request.h" ]
traits_headers = [ "//content/common/resource_messages.h" ]
type_mappings = [ "content.mojom.URLRequest=content::ResourceRequest" ]
Note specifically that public_headers includes the definition of the native C++
type, and traits_headers includes the definition of the legacy IPC traits.
As a result of all this, other mojom files can now reference
`content.mojom.URLRequest` as a type for method parameters and other struct
fields, and the generated C++ bindings will represent those values exclusively
as `content::ResourceRequest` objects.
This same basic approach can be used to leverage existing `IPC_ENUM_TRAITS` for
invocations for `[Native]` mojom enum aliases.
*** aside
**NOTE:** Use of `[Native]` mojom definitions is strictly limited to C++
bindings. If a mojom message depends on such definitions, it cannot be sent or
received by other language bindings. This feature also depends on continued
support for legacy IPC serialization and all uses of it should therefore be
treated as technical debt.
## Blink-Specific Advice
### Variants
Let's assume we have a mojom file such as this:
``` cpp
module example.mojom;
interface Foo {
SendData(string param1, array<int32> param2);
The following GN snippet will generate two concrete targets: `example` and
mojom("example") {
sources = [ "example.mojom" ]
The target `example` will generate Chromium-style C++ bindings using STL types:
``` cpp
// example.mojom.h
namespace example {
namespace mojom {
class Example {
virtual void SendArray(const std::string& param1, const std::vector<int32_t>& param2) = 0;
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace example
The target `example_blink` will generate Blink-style C++ bindings using WTF types:
``` cpp
// example.mojom-blink.h
namespace example {
namespace mojom {
namespace blink {
class Example {
virtual void SendArray(const WTF::String& param1, const WTF::Vector<int32_t>& param2) = 0;
} // namespace blink
} // namespace mojom
} // namespace example
Thanks to these separate sets of bindings no work is necessary to convert types
between Blink-style code and Chromium-style code. It is handled automatically
during message serialization and deserialization.
For more information about variants, see
[this section](/mojo/public/cpp/bindings/ of the C++ bindings
### Binding callbacks
Mojo methods that return a value take an instance of `base::OnceCallback`.
Use `WTF::Bind()` and an appropriate wrapper function depending on the type of
object and the callback.
For garbage-collected (Oilpan) classes owning the `InterfacePtr`, it is recommended
to use `WrapWeakPersistent(this)` for connection error handlers since they
are not guaranteed to get called in a finite time period (wrapping the object
with `WrapPersistent` in this case would cause memory leaks).
If the response can be discarded in case the object is not alive by the time
the response is received, use `WrapWeakPersistent(this)` for binding the response callback:
``` cpp
// src/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/device_orientation/
&DeviceSensorEntry::HandleSensorError, WrapWeakPersistent(this)));
std::move(config), WTF::Bind(&DeviceSensorEntry::OnSensorAddConfiguration,
Otherwise (for example, if the response callback is used to resolve a Promise),
use `WrapPersistent(this)` to keep the object alive:
``` cpp
// src/third_party/blink/renderer/modules/nfc/
ScriptPromiseResolver* resolver = ScriptPromiseResolver::Create(script_state);
Non-garbage-collected objects can use `WTF::Unretained(this)` for both response
and error handler callbacks when the `InterfacePtr` is owned by the object bound
to the callback or the object is guaranteed to outlive the Mojo connection for
another reason. Otherwise a weak pointer should be used. However, it is not a
common pattern since using Oilpan is recommended for all Blink code.
### Implementing Mojo interfaces in Blink
Only a `mojo::Binding` or `mojo::BindingSet` should be used when implementing a
Mojo interface in an Oilpan-managed object. The object must then have a pre-finalizer
to close any open pipes when the object is about to be swept as lazy sweeping
means that it may be invalid long before the destructor is called. This requires
setup in both the object header and implementation.
``` cpp
// MyObject.h
class MyObject : public GarbageCollected,
public example::mojom::blink::Example {
void Dispose();
// Implementation of example::mojom::blink::Example.
mojo::Binding<example::mojom::blink::Example> m_binding{this};
// MyObject.cpp
void MyObject::Dispose() {
For more information about Blink's Garbage Collector, see
[Blink GC API Reference](/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/
### Typemaps For Content and Blink Types
Using typemapping for messages that go between Blink and content browser code
can sometimes be tricky due to things like dependency cycles or confusion over
the correct place for some definition
to live. There are some example CLs provided here, but feel free to also contact
with specific details if you encounter trouble.
[This CL]( introduces a Mojom
definition and typemap for `ui::WindowOpenDisposition` as a precursor to the
IPC conversion below.
The [follow-up CL]( uses that
definition along with several other new typemaps (including native typemaps as
described above) to convert the relatively large `ViewHostMsg_CreateWindow`
message to Mojo.
## Additional Support
If this document was not helpful in some way, please post a message to your
mailing list.