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# Headless Chromium
Headless Chromium is a library for running Chromium in a headless/server
environment. Expected use cases include loading web pages, extracting metadata
(e.g., the DOM) and generating bitmaps from page contents -- using all the
modern web platform features provided by Chromium and Blink.
See the [architecture design doc](
for more information.
## Headless shell
The headless shell is a sample application which demonstrates the use of the
headless API. To run it, first initialize a headless build configuration:
$ mkdir -p out/Debug
$ echo 'import("//build/args/")' > out/Debug/
$ gn gen out/Debug
Then build the shell:
$ ninja -C out/Debug headless_shell
After the build completes, the headless shell can be run with the following
$ out/Debug/headless_shell
To attach a [DevTools]( debugger to the
shell, start it with an argument specifying the debugging port:
$ out/Debug/headless_shell --remote-debugging-port=9222
Then navigate to `` with your browser.
## Embedder API
The embedder API allows developers to integrate the headless library into their
application. The API provides default implementations for low level adaptation
points such as networking and the run loop.
The main embedder API classes are:
- `HeadlessBrowser::Options::Builder` - Defines the embedding options, e.g.:
- `SetMessagePump` - Replaces the default base message pump. See
- `SetProxyServer` - Configures an HTTP/HTTPS proxy server to be used for
accessing the network.
## Client/DevTools API
The headless client API is used to drive the browser and interact with loaded
web pages. Its main classes are:
- `HeadlessBrowser` - Represents the global headless browser instance.
- `HeadlessWebContents` - Represents a single "tab" within the browser.
- `HeadlessDevToolsClient` - Provides a C++ interface for inspecting and
controlling a tab. The API functions corresponds to [DevTools commands](
See the [client API documentation](
for more information.