blob: 51efa6a83920808c4024e94144e90c2b61bf7649 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Contains a helper function for deploying and executing a packaged
executable on a Target."""
from __future__ import print_function
import common
import hashlib
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re
import select
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import threading
import uuid
from symbolizer import SymbolizerFilter
FAR = os.path.join(common.SDK_ROOT, 'tools', 'far')
# Amount of time to wait for the termination of the system log output thread.
def _GetComponentUri(package_name):
return 'fuchsia-pkg://' % (package_name,
class RunPackageArgs:
"""RunPackage() configuration arguments structure.
install_only: If set, skips the package execution step.
symbolizer_config: A newline delimited list of source files contained
in the package. Omitting this parameter will disable symbolization.
system_logging: If set, connects a system log reader to the target.
target_staging_path: Path to which package FARs will be staged, during
installation. Defaults to staging into '/data'.
def __init__(self):
self.install_only = False
self.symbolizer_config = None
self.system_logging = False
self.target_staging_path = '/data'
def FromCommonArgs(args):
run_package_args = RunPackageArgs()
run_package_args.install_only = args.install_only
run_package_args.target_staging_path = args.target_staging_path
return run_package_args
def RunPackage(output_dir, target, package_path, package_name,
package_deps, package_args, args):
"""Installs the Fuchsia package at |package_path| on the target,
executes it with |package_args|, and symbolizes its output.
output_dir: The path containing the build output files.
target: The deployment Target object that will run the package.
package_path: The path to the .far package file.
package_name: The name of app specified by package metadata.
package_args: The arguments which will be passed to the Fuchsia process.
args: Structure of arguments to configure how the package will be run.
Returns the exit code of the remote package process."""
target.InstallPackage(package_path, package_name, package_deps)
if args.install_only:'Installation complete.')
return'Running application.')
command = ['run', _GetComponentUri(package_name)] + package_args
process = target.RunCommandPiped(command,
stdin=open(os.devnull, 'r'),
# Run the log data through the symbolizer process.
build_ids_paths = map(
lambda package_path: os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(package_path), 'ids.txt'),
[package_path] + package_deps)
output_stream = SymbolizerFilter(process.stdout, build_ids_paths)
for next_line in output_stream:
if process.returncode == 0:'Process exited normally with status code 0.')
# The test runner returns an error status code if *any* tests fail,
# so we should proceed anyway.
logging.warning('Process exited with status code %d.' %
return process.returncode