blob: c84998f8ec3c730f867e3d03e9fc2e13cfc366f7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Python representation for Chromium Preferences.
Obtain one of these from a call to PyUITest::GetPrefsInfo() or
class MyTest(pyauto.PyUITest):
def testBasic(self):
info = self.GetPrefsInfo() # fetch prefs snapshot
print info.Prefs() # all prefs
print info.Prefs('session.restore_on_startup') # a single pref
See more tests in chrome/test/functional/
import simplejson as json
from pyauto_errors import JSONInterfaceError
class PrefsInfo(object):
"""Represent info for Chromium preferences.
The info is represented as a hierarchy of prefs values.
The values could be plain (integer, bool, float) or complex (like
dictionary, list).
def __init__(self, prefs_dict):
"""Initialize a PrefsInfo from a json string.
prefs_dict: a dictionary as returned by the IPC command 'GetPrefsInfo'.
A typical dict representing prefs snapshot looks like:
{ u'prefs':
{ u'alternate_error_pages': {u'enabled': True},
u'autofill': { u'auxiliary_profiles_enabled': False,
u'default_creditcard': u'',
u'default_profile': u'',
u'enabled': True,
u'infobar_shown': False,
u'negative_upload_rate': 0.01,
u'positive_upload_rate': 0.01},
u'bookmark_bar': {u'show_on_all_tabs': False},
pyauto_errors.JSONInterfaceError if the automation call returns an error.
# JSON string prepared in PrefsInfo() in
self.prefsdict = prefs_dict
if self.prefsdict.has_key('error'):
raise JSONInterfaceError(self.prefsdict['error'])
def Prefs(self, path=None):
"""Get preferences.
The preference dictionary (when using path=None) looks like:
{ u'alternate_error_pages': {u'enabled': True},
u'autofill': { u'auxiliary_profiles_enabled': False,
u'default_creditcard': u'',
u'default_profile': u'',
u'enabled': True,
u'infobar_shown': False,
u'negative_upload_rate': 0.01,
u'positive_upload_rate': 0.01},
u'bookmark_bar': {u'show_on_all_tabs': False},
In this case, to fetch the preference value for autofill enabled, use
'autofill.enabled' as the path.
path: If specified, return the preference item for the given path.
path is a dot-separated string like "session.restore_on_startup".
One of the equivalent names in chrome/common/pref_names.h could
also be used.
preference value. It could be a dictionary (like the example above), a
list or a plain value.
None, if prefernece for path not found (if path is given).
all = self.prefsdict.get('prefs', {})
if not path: # No path given. Return all prefs.
return all
for part in path.split('.'): # Narrow down to the requested prefs path.
all = all.get(part)
if all is None: return None
return all