blob: 1ca301dcbd32de61178d8bbc7287bf7e70e7356c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/metrics/entropy_state.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_pref_names.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_service.h"
#include "components/prefs/testing_pref_service.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace metrics {
class EntropyStateTest : public testing::Test {
EntropyStateTest() { MetricsService::RegisterPrefs(prefs_.registry()); }
EntropyStateTest(const EntropyStateTest&) = delete;
EntropyStateTest& operator=(const EntropyStateTest&) = delete;
TestingPrefServiceSimple prefs_;
TEST_F(EntropyStateTest, LowEntropySource0NotReset) {
EntropyState entropy_state(&prefs_);
// Get the low entropy source once, to initialize it.
// Now, set it to 0 and ensure it doesn't get reset.
entropy_state.low_entropy_source_ = 0;
EXPECT_EQ(0, entropy_state.GetLowEntropySource());
// Call it another time, just to make sure.
EXPECT_EQ(0, entropy_state.GetLowEntropySource());
TEST_F(EntropyStateTest, HaveNoLowEntropySource) {
EntropyState entropy_state(&prefs_);
// If we have neither the new nor old low entropy sources in prefs, then the
// new source should be created...
int new_low_source = entropy_state.GetLowEntropySource();
<< new_low_source;
// ...but the old source should not...
// ...and the high entropy source should include the *new* low entropy source.
std::string high_source = entropy_state.GetHighEntropySource(
EXPECT_TRUE(base::EndsWith(high_source, base::NumberToString(new_low_source),
<< high_source;
TEST_F(EntropyStateTest, HaveOnlyNewLowEntropySource) {
// If we have the new low entropy sources in prefs, but not the old one...
const int new_low_source = 1234;
prefs_.SetInteger(prefs::kMetricsLowEntropySource, new_low_source);
EntropyState entropy_state(&prefs_);
// ...then the new source should be loaded...
EXPECT_EQ(new_low_source, entropy_state.GetLowEntropySource());
// ...but the old source should not be created...
// ...and the high entropy source should include the *new* low entropy source.
std::string high_source = entropy_state.GetHighEntropySource(
EXPECT_TRUE(base::EndsWith(high_source, base::NumberToString(new_low_source),
<< high_source;
TEST_F(EntropyStateTest, HaveOnlyOldLowEntropySource) {
// If we have the old low entropy sources in prefs, but not the new one...
const int old_low_source = 5678;
prefs_.SetInteger(prefs::kMetricsOldLowEntropySource, old_low_source);
// ...then the new source should be created...
EntropyState entropy_state(&prefs_);
int new_low_source = entropy_state.GetLowEntropySource();
<< new_low_source;
// ...and the old source should be loaded...
EXPECT_EQ(old_low_source, entropy_state.GetOldLowEntropySource());
// ...and the high entropy source should include the *old* low entropy source.
std::string high_source = entropy_state.GetHighEntropySource(
EXPECT_TRUE(base::EndsWith(high_source, base::NumberToString(old_low_source),
<< high_source;
TEST_F(EntropyStateTest, HaveBothLowEntropySources) {
// If we have the new and old low entropy sources in prefs...
const int new_low_source = 1234;
const int old_low_source = 5678;
prefs_.SetInteger(prefs::kMetricsLowEntropySource, new_low_source);
prefs_.SetInteger(prefs::kMetricsOldLowEntropySource, old_low_source);
// ...then both should be loaded...
EntropyState entropy_state(&prefs_);
EXPECT_EQ(new_low_source, entropy_state.GetLowEntropySource());
EXPECT_EQ(old_low_source, entropy_state.GetOldLowEntropySource());
// ...and the high entropy source should include the *old* low entropy source.
std::string high_source = entropy_state.GetHighEntropySource(
EXPECT_TRUE(base::EndsWith(high_source, base::NumberToString(old_low_source),
<< high_source;
TEST_F(EntropyStateTest, CorruptNewLowEntropySources) {
EntropyState entropy_state(&prefs_);
const int corrupt_sources[] = {-12345, -1, 8000, 12345};
for (int corrupt_source : corrupt_sources) {
// If the new low entropy source has been corrupted...
<< corrupt_source;
prefs_.SetInteger(prefs::kMetricsLowEntropySource, corrupt_source);
// ...then a new source should be created.
int loaded_source = entropy_state.GetLowEntropySource();
<< loaded_source;
TEST_F(EntropyStateTest, CorruptOldLowEntropySources) {
EntropyState entropy_state(&prefs_);
const int corrupt_sources[] = {-12345, -1, 8000, 12345};
for (int corrupt_source : corrupt_sources) {
// If the old low entropy source has been corrupted...
<< corrupt_source;
prefs_.SetInteger(prefs::kMetricsOldLowEntropySource, corrupt_source);
// ...then it should be ignored.
} // namespace metrics