blob: c3497229817ddd13659ddc18902dcfd206017951 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
#include "components/metrics/log_store.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_log.h"
#include "components/metrics/unsent_log_store.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h"
class PrefService;
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace metrics {
class MetricsServiceClient;
// A LogStore implementation for storing UMA logs.
// This implementation keeps track of two types of logs, initial and ongoing,
// each stored in UnsentLogStore. It prioritizes staging initial logs over
// ongoing logs.
// An alternate log store can be set to persist ongoing logs. For example, this
// can be used to separate user logs from device logs on Chrome OS. If set, all
// ongoing logs will be written to this alternate log store. Ongoing logs from
// the alternate log store will be prioritized over ongoing logs from the native
// ongoing log store when logs are staged. If an alternate log store is bound,
// then logs will be prioritized in the following order: initial, alternate
// ongoing, native ongoing.
class MetricsLogStore : public LogStore {
// Configurable limits for ensuring and restricting local log storage.
// |min_{initial,ongoing}_log_queue_count| are the minimum numbers of unsent
// logs that UnsentLogStore must persist before deleting old logs.
// |min_{initial,ongoing}_log_queue_size| are the minimum numbers of bytes in
// total across all logs within the initial or ongoing log queue that
// UnsentLogStore must persist before deleting old logs.
// If both |min_..._log_queue_count| and |min_..._log_queue_size| are 0, then
// this LogStore won't persist unsent logs to local storage.
// |max_ongoing_log_size| is the maximum size of any individual ongoing log.
// When set to 0, no limits are imposed, i.e. individual logs can be any size.
struct StorageLimits {
size_t min_initial_log_queue_count = 0;
size_t min_initial_log_queue_size = 0;
size_t min_ongoing_log_queue_count = 0;
size_t min_ongoing_log_queue_size = 0;
size_t max_ongoing_log_size = 0;
// Constructs a MetricsLogStore that persists data into |local_state|.
// |storage_limits| provides log count and size limits to enforce when
// persisting logs to local storage. |signing_key| is used to generate a
// signature of a log, which will be uploaded to validate data integrity.
MetricsLogStore(PrefService* local_state,
StorageLimits storage_limits,
const std::string& signing_key);
MetricsLogStore(const MetricsLogStore&) = delete;
MetricsLogStore& operator=(const MetricsLogStore&) = delete;
~MetricsLogStore() override;
// Registers local state prefs used by this class.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Saves |log_data| as the given type.
void StoreLog(const std::string& log_data,
MetricsLog::LogType log_type,
const LogMetadata& log_metadata);
// Binds an alternate log store to be managed by |this|. All ongoing logs
// after this call will be written to |log_store| until it is unset. Only one
// alternate log store can be bound at a time. Returns true if log store is
// bound successfully.
// If an alternate log store is already bound, this function will not bind
// |log_store| and return false.
// This should be called after |LoadPersistedUnsentLogs()| and after
// initialization.
void SetAlternateOngoingLogStore(std::unique_ptr<UnsentLogStore> log_store);
// Unsets the alternate log store by flushing all existing logs to persistent
// storage before destructing the alternate log store.
// If no alternate log store is bound, then this function no-ops.
void UnsetAlternateOngoingLogStore();
// LogStore:
bool has_unsent_logs() const override;
bool has_staged_log() const override;
const std::string& staged_log() const override;
const std::string& staged_log_hash() const override;
const std::string& staged_log_signature() const override;
absl::optional<uint64_t> staged_log_user_id() const override;
void StageNextLog() override;
void DiscardStagedLog() override;
void MarkStagedLogAsSent() override;
void TrimAndPersistUnsentLogs() override;
void LoadPersistedUnsentLogs() override;
// Inspection methods for tests.
size_t ongoing_log_count() const { return ongoing_log_queue_.size(); }
size_t initial_log_count() const { return initial_log_queue_.size(); }
// Returns true if alternate log store is set.
bool has_alternate_ongoing_log_store() const;
// Returns the log queue of the staged log.
const UnsentLogStore* get_staged_log_queue() const;
// Returns true if alternate log store is set and it has unsent logs.
bool alternate_ongoing_log_store_has_unsent_logs() const;
// Returns true if alternate log store is set and it has a staged log.
bool alternate_ongoing_log_store_has_staged_log() const;
// Tracks whether unsent logs (if any) have been loaded from the serializer.
bool unsent_logs_loaded_;
// Logs stored with the INITIAL_STABILITY_LOG type that haven't been sent yet.
// These logs will be staged first when staging new logs.
UnsentLogStore initial_log_queue_;
// Logs stored with the ONGOING_LOG type that haven't been sent yet.
UnsentLogStore ongoing_log_queue_;
// Alternate place to store logs stored with ONGOING_LOG type that haven't
// been sent yet. If initialized, all logs of type ONGOING_LOG will be stored
// here instead of |ongoing_log_queue_|.
std::unique_ptr<UnsentLogStore> alternate_ongoing_log_queue_;
} // namespace metrics