blob: 83493fdff279fdb6f6df920031602d50d69e8c61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/web/find_in_page/find_in_page_request.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "ios/web/public/js_messaging/web_frame.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace web {
FindInPageRequest::FindInPageRequest() {}
FindInPageRequest::~FindInPageRequest() {}
void FindInPageRequest::Reset(NSString* new_query_,
int new_pending_frame_call_count) {
selected_frame_id_ = frame_order_.end();
selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ = -1;
query_ = [new_query_ copy];
pending_frame_call_count_ = new_pending_frame_call_count;
for (auto& pair : frame_match_count_) {
pair.second = 0;
int FindInPageRequest::GetTotalMatchCount() const {
int matches = 0;
for (auto pair : frame_match_count_) {
matches += pair.second;
return matches;
int FindInPageRequest::GetRequestId() const {
return unique_id_;
NSString* FindInPageRequest::GetRequestQuery() const {
return query_;
bool FindInPageRequest::GoToFirstMatch() {
for (auto frame_id = frame_order_.begin(); frame_id != frame_order_.end();
++frame_id) {
if (frame_match_count_[*frame_id] > 0) {
selected_frame_id_ = frame_id;
selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ = 0;
return true;
return false;
bool FindInPageRequest::GoToNextMatch() {
if (GetTotalMatchCount() == 0) {
return false;
// No currently selected match, but there are matches. Move iterator to
// beginning. This can happen if a frame containing the currently selected
// match is removed from the page.
if (selected_frame_id_ == frame_order_.end()) {
selected_frame_id_ = frame_order_.begin();
bool next_match_is_in_selected_frame =
selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ + 1 <
if (next_match_is_in_selected_frame) {
} else {
// Since the function returns early if there are no matches, an infinite
// loop should not be a risk.
do {
if (selected_frame_id_ == --frame_order_.end()) {
selected_frame_id_ = frame_order_.begin();
} else {
} while (frame_match_count_[*selected_frame_id_] == 0);
// Should have found new frame.
selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ = 0;
return true;
bool FindInPageRequest::GoToPreviousMatch() {
if (GetTotalMatchCount() == 0) {
return false;
// No currently selected match, but there are matches. Move iterator to
// beginning. This can happen if a frame containing the currently selected
// matchs is removed from the page.
if (selected_frame_id_ == frame_order_.end()) {
selected_frame_id_ = frame_order_.begin();
bool previous_match_is_in_selected_frame =
selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ - 1 >= 0;
if (previous_match_is_in_selected_frame) {
} else {
// Since the function returns early if there are no matches, an infinite
// loop should not be a risk.
do {
if (selected_frame_id_ == frame_order_.begin()) {
selected_frame_id_ = --frame_order_.end();
} else {
} while (frame_match_count_[*selected_frame_id_] == 0);
// Should have found new frame.
selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ =
frame_match_count_[*selected_frame_id_] - 1;
return true;
int FindInPageRequest::GetMatchCountForFrame(const std::string& frame_id) {
if (frame_match_count_.find(frame_id) == frame_match_count_.end()) {
return -1;
return frame_match_count_[frame_id];
void FindInPageRequest::SetMatchCountForFrame(int match_count,
const std::string& frame_id) {
frame_match_count_[frame_id] = match_count;
int FindInPageRequest::GetMatchCountForSelectedFrame() {
if (selected_frame_id_ == frame_order_.end()) {
return -1;
return frame_match_count_[*selected_frame_id_];
void FindInPageRequest::SetMatchCountForSelectedFrame(int match_count) {
if (selected_frame_id_ == frame_order_.end()) {
frame_match_count_[*selected_frame_id_] = match_count;
int FindInPageRequest::GetCurrentSelectedMatchPageIndex() {
if (selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ == -1) {
return -1;
// Count all matches in frames that come before frame with id
// |selected_frame_id|.
int total_match_index = selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_;
for (auto it = frame_order_.begin(); it != selected_frame_id_; ++it) {
total_match_index += frame_match_count_[*it];
return total_match_index;
std::string FindInPageRequest::GetSelectedFrameId() {
if (selected_frame_id_ == frame_order_.end()) {
return std::string();
return *selected_frame_id_;
int FindInPageRequest::GetCurrentSelectedMatchFrameIndex() const {
return selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_;
void FindInPageRequest::SetCurrentSelectedMatchFrameIndex(int index) {
selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ = index;
void FindInPageRequest::RemoveFrame(const std::string& frame_id) {
if (IsSelectedFrame(frame_id)) {
// If currently selecting match in frame that will become unavailable,
// there will no longer be a selected match. Reset to unselected match
// state.
selected_frame_id_ = frame_order_.end();
selected_match_index_in_selected_frame_ = -1;
void FindInPageRequest::AddFrame(WebFrame* web_frame) {
frame_match_count_[web_frame->GetFrameId()] = 0;
if (web_frame->IsMainFrame()) {
// Main frame matches should show up first.
} else {
// The order of iframes is not important.
void FindInPageRequest::DidReceiveFindResponseFromOneFrame() {
bool FindInPageRequest::AreAllFindResponsesReturned() {
return pending_frame_call_count_ == 0;
bool FindInPageRequest::IsSelectedFrame(const std::string& frame_id) {
if (selected_frame_id_ == frame_order_.end()) {
return false;
return *selected_frame_id_ == frame_id;
} // namespace web