blob: 85524f31c6b6871a06c3e8318711a1db6ef1d7c7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
// CreditCardSaveManager events that can be waited on by the IOSTestEventWaiter.
// Name reflects the observer method that is triggering this event.
enum CreditCardSaveManagerObserverEvent : int {
// AutofillAppInterface contains the app-side
// implementation for helpers. These helpers are compiled into
// the app binary and can be called from either app or test code.
@interface AutofillAppInterface : NSObject
// Removes all credentials stored.
+ (void)clearPasswordStore;
// Saves an example form in the store.
+ (void)saveExamplePasswordForm;
// Saves an example form in the store for the passed URL spec.
+ (void)savePasswordFormForURLSpec:(NSString*)URLSpec;
// Returns the number of profiles (addresses) in the data manager.
+ (NSInteger)profilesCount;
// Clears the profiles (addresses) in the data manager.
+ (void)clearProfilesStore;
// Saves a sample profile (address) in the data manager.
+ (void)saveExampleProfile;
// Returns the name of the sample profile.
+ (NSString*)exampleProfileName;
// Removes the stored credit cards.
+ (void)clearCreditCardStore;
// Saves a local credit card that doesn't require CVC to be used.
// Returns the |card.NetworkAndLastFourDigits| of the card used in the UIs.
+ (NSString*)saveLocalCreditCard;
// Returns the number of credit cards in the local store.
+ (NSInteger)localCreditCount;
// Saves a masked credit card that requires CVC to be used.
+ (void)saveMaskedCreditCard;
// The functions below are helpers for the SaveCardInfobarEGTest that requires
// observing autofill events in the app process.
// SaveCardInfobarEGTestHelper is an object instantiated in the app process that
// will observe the needed events.
// Creates a SaveCardInfobarEGTestHelper object and call SetUp on it.
// This will register event observer and test URL loader and histogram tester.
+ (void)setUpSaveCardInfobarEGTestHelper;
// Tear down the SaveCardInfobarEGTestHelper, unregister it and delete it.
+ (void)tearDownSaveCardInfobarEGTestHelper;
// Sets the Autofill events that are expected to be triggered.
+ (void)resetEventWaiterForEvents:(NSArray*)events
// Wait until all expected events are triggered.
// Sets the next response of the payments server for |request|.
+ (void)setPaymentsResponse:(NSString*)response
// Sets the number of times the user refused to save a card.
+ (void)setFormFillMaxStrikes:(int)max forCard:(NSString*)card;
// Gets the risk data for payments.
+ (NSString*)paymentsRiskData;
// Sets the risk data for payments.
+ (void)setPaymentsRiskData:(NSString*)riskData;