blob: 32c67fca0b82c4bbf5c77b9e92936b64b5495b36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/ui/payments/card_unmask_prompt_view.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/collection_view/collection_view_controller.h"
extern NSString* const kCardUnmaskPromptCollectionViewAccessibilityID;
@class CardUnmaskPromptViewController;
@class UIViewController;
namespace autofill {
class CardUnmaskPromptController;
// iOS implementation of the unmask prompt UI.
class CardUnmaskPromptViewBridge : public CardUnmaskPromptView {
// |base_view_controller| is a weak reference to the view controller used to
// present UI.
CardUnmaskPromptViewBridge(CardUnmaskPromptController* controller,
UIViewController* base_view_controller);
~CardUnmaskPromptViewBridge() override;
// CardUnmaskPromptView:
void Show() override;
void ControllerGone() override;
void DisableAndWaitForVerification() override;
void GotVerificationResult(const std::u16string& error_message,
bool allow_retry) override;
CardUnmaskPromptController* GetController();
// Closes the view.
void PerformClose();
// Deletes self. This should only be called by CardUnmaskPromptViewController
// after it finishes dismissing its own UI elements.
void DeleteSelf();
CardUnmaskPromptViewController* view_controller_;
// The controller |this| queries for logic and state.
CardUnmaskPromptController* controller_; // weak
// Weak reference to the view controller used to present UI.
__weak UIViewController* base_view_controller_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CardUnmaskPromptViewBridge> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace autofill
@interface CardUnmaskPromptViewController : CollectionViewController
// Designated initializer. |bridge| must not be null.
- (instancetype)initWithBridge:(autofill::CardUnmaskPromptViewBridge*)bridge
- (instancetype)initWithLayout:(UICollectionViewLayout*)layout
// Shows the form that allows the user to input their CVC.
- (void)showCVCInputForm;
// Shows the form that allows the user to input their CVC along with the
// supplied error message.
- (void)showCVCInputFormWithError:(NSString*)errorMessage;
// Shows a progress spinner with a "verifying" message.
- (void)showSpinner;
// Shows a checkmark image and a "success" message.
- (void)showSuccess;
// Shows an error image and the provided message.
- (void)showError:(NSString*)errorMessage;