blob: 7cea62f04b8aa9894ddd4052b6efddf542dc06ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/bubble/bubble_util.h"
#include <ostream>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/notreached.h"
#import "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/rtl_geometry.h"
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/ui_util.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
namespace {
// Calculate the distance from the bubble's leading edge to the leading edge of
// its bounding coordinate system. In LTR contexts, the returned float is the
// x-coordinate of the bubble's origin. This calculation is based on
// |anchorPoint|, which is the point of the target UI element the bubble is
// anchored at, and the bubble's alignment, direction, and size. The returned
// float is in the same coordinate system as |anchorPoint|, which should be the
// coordinate system in which the bubble is drawn.
CGFloat LeadingDistance(CGPoint anchorPoint,
BubbleAlignment alignment,
CGFloat bubbleWidth,
CGFloat boundingWidth,
bool isRTL) {
// Find |leadingOffset|, the distance from the bubble's leading edge to the
// anchor point. This depends on alignment and bubble width.
CGFloat leadingOffset;
switch (alignment) {
case BubbleAlignmentLeading:
leadingOffset = bubble_util::BubbleAlignmentOffset();
case BubbleAlignmentCenter:
leadingOffset = bubbleWidth / 2.0f;
case BubbleAlignmentTrailing:
leadingOffset = bubbleWidth - bubble_util::BubbleAlignmentOffset();
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid bubble alignment " << alignment;
if (isRTL) {
return boundingWidth - (anchorPoint.x + leadingOffset);
} else {
return anchorPoint.x - leadingOffset;
// Calculate the y-coordinate of the bubble's origin based on |anchorPoint|, the
// point of the UI element the bubble is anchored at, and the bubble's arrow
// direction and size. The returned float is in the same coordinate system as
// |anchorPoint|, which should be the coordinate system in which the bubble is
// drawn.
CGFloat OriginY(CGPoint anchorPoint,
BubbleArrowDirection arrowDirection,
CGFloat bubbleHeight) {
CGFloat originY;
if (arrowDirection == BubbleArrowDirectionUp) {
originY = anchorPoint.y;
} else {
DCHECK_EQ(arrowDirection, BubbleArrowDirectionDown);
originY = anchorPoint.y - bubbleHeight;
return originY;
// Calculate the maximum width of the bubble such that it stays within its
// bounding coordinate space. |anchorPointX| is the x-coordinate of the point on
// the target UI element the bubble is anchored at. It is in the coordinate
// system in which the bubble is drawn. |alignment| is the bubble's alignment,
// |boundingWidth| is the width of the coordinate space in which the bubble is
// drawn, and |isRTL| is true if the language is RTL and |false| otherwise.
CGFloat BubbleMaxWidth(CGFloat anchorPointX,
BubbleAlignment alignment,
CGFloat boundingWidth,
bool isRTL) {
CGFloat maxWidth;
switch (alignment) {
case BubbleAlignmentLeading:
if (isRTL) {
// The bubble is aligned right, and can use space to the left of the
// anchor point and within |BubbleAlignmentOffset()| from the right.
maxWidth = anchorPointX + bubble_util::BubbleAlignmentOffset();
} else {
// The bubble is aligned left, and can use space to the right of the
// anchor point and within |BubbleAlignmentOffset()| from the left.
maxWidth =
boundingWidth - anchorPointX + bubble_util::BubbleAlignmentOffset();
case BubbleAlignmentCenter:
// The width of half the bubble cannot exceed the distance from the anchor
// point to the closest edge of the superview.
maxWidth = MIN(anchorPointX, boundingWidth - anchorPointX) * 2.0f;
case BubbleAlignmentTrailing:
if (isRTL) {
// The bubble is aligned left, and can use space to the right of the
// anchor point and within |BubbleAlignmentOffset()| from the left.
maxWidth =
boundingWidth - anchorPointX + bubble_util::BubbleAlignmentOffset();
} else {
// The bubble is aligned right, and can use space to the left of the
// anchor point and within |BubbleAlignmentOffset()| from the right.
maxWidth = anchorPointX + bubble_util::BubbleAlignmentOffset();
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid bubble alignment " << alignment;
return maxWidth;
// Calculate the maximum height of the bubble such that it stays within its
// bounding coordinate space. |anchorPointY| is the y-coordinate of the point on
// the target UI element the bubble is anchored at. It is in the coordinate
// system in which the bubble is drawn. |direction| is the direction the arrow
// is pointing. |boundingHeight| is the height of the coordinate space in which
// the bubble is drawn.
CGFloat BubbleMaxHeight(CGFloat anchorPointY,
BubbleArrowDirection direction,
CGFloat boundingHeight) {
CGFloat maxHeight;
switch (direction) {
case BubbleArrowDirectionUp:
maxHeight = boundingHeight - anchorPointY;
case BubbleArrowDirectionDown:
maxHeight = anchorPointY;
NOTREACHED() << "Invalid bubble direction " << direction;
return maxHeight;
} // namespace
namespace bubble_util {
CGFloat BubbleAlignmentOffset() {
// This is used to replace a constant that would change based on the flag.
return 29;
CGPoint AnchorPoint(CGRect targetFrame, BubbleArrowDirection arrowDirection) {
CGPoint anchorPoint;
anchorPoint.x = CGRectGetMidX(targetFrame);
if (arrowDirection == BubbleArrowDirectionUp) {
anchorPoint.y = CGRectGetMaxY(targetFrame);
return anchorPoint;
DCHECK_EQ(arrowDirection, BubbleArrowDirectionDown);
anchorPoint.y = CGRectGetMinY(targetFrame);
return anchorPoint;
// Calculate the maximum size of the bubble such that it stays within its
// superview's bounding coordinate space and does not overlap the other side of
// the anchor point. |anchorPoint| is the point on the targetĀ UI element the
// bubble is anchored at in the bubble's superview's coordinate system.
// |direction| is the bubble's direction. |alignment| is the bubble's alignment.
// |boundingSize| is the size of the superview. |isRTL| is |true| if the
// coordinates are in right-to-left language coordinates and |false| otherwise.
// This method is unit tested so it cannot be in the above anonymous namespace.
CGSize BubbleMaxSize(CGPoint anchorPoint,
BubbleArrowDirection direction,
BubbleAlignment alignment,
CGSize boundingSize,
bool isRTL) {
CGFloat maxWidth =
BubbleMaxWidth(anchorPoint.x, alignment, boundingSize.width, isRTL);
CGFloat maxHeight =
BubbleMaxHeight(anchorPoint.y, direction, boundingSize.height);
return CGSizeMake(maxWidth, maxHeight);
CGSize BubbleMaxSize(CGPoint anchorPoint,
BubbleArrowDirection direction,
BubbleAlignment alignment,
CGSize boundingSize) {
bool isRTL = base::i18n::IsRTL();
return BubbleMaxSize(anchorPoint, direction, alignment, boundingSize, isRTL);
// Calculate the bubble's frame. |anchorPoint| is the point on the UI element
// the bubble is pointing to. |size| is the size of the bubble. |direction| is
// the direction the bubble's arrow is pointing. |alignment| is the alignment of
// the anchor (either leading, centered, or trailing). |boundingWidth| is the
// width of the bubble's superview. |isRTL| is |true| if the coordinates are in
// right-to-left language coordinates and |false| otherwise. This method is unit
// tested so it cannot be in the above anonymous namespace.
CGRect BubbleFrame(CGPoint anchorPoint,
CGSize size,
BubbleArrowDirection direction,
BubbleAlignment alignment,
CGFloat boundingWidth,
bool isRTL) {
CGFloat leading =
LeadingDistance(anchorPoint, alignment, size.width, boundingWidth, isRTL);
CGFloat originY = OriginY(anchorPoint, direction, size.height);
// Use a |LayoutRect| to ensure that the bubble is mirrored in RTL contexts.
base::i18n::TextDirection textDirection =
isRTL ? base::i18n::RIGHT_TO_LEFT : base::i18n::LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
CGRect bubbleFrame = LayoutRectGetRectUsingDirection(
LayoutRectMake(leading, boundingWidth, originY, size.width, size.height),
return bubbleFrame;
CGRect BubbleFrame(CGPoint anchorPoint,
CGSize size,
BubbleArrowDirection direction,
BubbleAlignment alignment,
CGFloat boundingWidth) {
bool isRTL = base::i18n::IsRTL();
return BubbleFrame(anchorPoint, size, direction, alignment, boundingWidth,
} // namespace bubble_util