blob: 6a29a64ca0cce11e7646a1b1b88afee6740fce96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "ios/net/crn_http_protocol_handler_proxy_with_client_thread.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#import "ios/net/protocol_handler_util.h"
#include "net/base/auth.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request.h"
#if !defined(__has_feature) || !__has_feature(objc_arc)
#error "This file requires ARC support."
// When the protocol is invalidated, no synchronization (lock) is needed:
// - The actual calls to the protocol and its invalidation are all done on
// clientThread_ and thus are serialized.
// - When a proxy method is called, the protocol is compared to nil. There may
// be a conflict at this point, in the case the protocol is being invalidated
// during this comparison. However, in such a case, the actual value of the
// pointer does not matter: an invalid pointer will behave as a valid one and
// post a task on the clientThread_, and that task will be handled correctly,
// as described by the item above.
@interface CRNHTTPProtocolHandlerProxyWithClientThread () {
__weak NSURLProtocol* _protocol;
// Thread used to call the client back.
// This thread does not have a base::MessageLoop, and thus does not work with
// the usual task posting functions.
__weak NSThread* _clientThread;
// The run loop modes to use when posting tasks to |clientThread_|.
NSArray* _runLoopModes;
// The request URL.
NSString* _url;
// The creation time of the request.
base::Time _creationTime;
// |requestComplete_| is used in debug to check that the client is not called
// after completion.
BOOL _requestComplete;
BOOL _paused;
// Contains code blocks to execute when the connection transitions from paused
// to resumed state.
NSMutableArray<void (^)()>* _queuedBlocks;
// Performs queued blocks on |clientThread_| using |runLoopModes_|.
- (void)runQueuedBlocksOnClientThread;
// These functions are just wrappers around the corresponding
// NSURLProtocolClient methods, used for task posting.
- (void)didFailWithErrorOnClientThread:(NSError*)error;
- (void)didLoadDataOnClientThread:(NSData*)data;
- (void)didReceiveResponseOnClientThread:(NSURLResponse*)response;
- (void)wasRedirectedToRequestOnClientThread:(NSURLRequest*)request
- (void)didFinishLoadingOnClientThread;
@implementation CRNHTTPProtocolHandlerProxyWithClientThread
- (instancetype)initWithProtocol:(NSURLProtocol*)protocol
runLoopMode:(NSString*)mode {
if ((self = [super init])) {
_protocol = protocol;
_url = [[[[protocol request] URL] absoluteString] copy];
_creationTime = base::Time::Now();
_clientThread = clientThread;
// Use the common run loop mode in addition to the client thread mode, in
// hope that our tasks are executed even if the client thread changes mode
// later on.
if ([mode isEqualToString:NSRunLoopCommonModes])
_runLoopModes = @[ NSRunLoopCommonModes ];
_runLoopModes = @[ mode, NSRunLoopCommonModes ];
_queuedBlocks = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
- (void)invalidate {
DCHECK([NSThread currentThread] == _clientThread);
_protocol = nil;
_requestComplete = YES;
// Note that there may still be queued blocks here, if the chrome network
// stack continues to emit events after the system network stack has paused
// the request, and then the system network stack destroys the request.
_queuedBlocks = nil;
- (void)runQueuedBlocksOnClientThread {
DCHECK([NSThread currentThread] == _clientThread);
DCHECK(!_requestComplete || !_protocol);
// Each of the queued blocks may cause the system network stack to pause
// this request, in which case |runQueuedBlocksOnClientThread| should
// immediately stop running further queued invocations. The queue will be
// drained again the next time the system network stack calls |resume|.
// Specifically, the system stack can call back into |pause| with this
// function still on the call stack. However, since new blocks are
// enqueued on this thread via posted invocations, no new blocks can be
// added while this function is running.
while (!_paused && _queuedBlocks.count > 0) {
void (^block)() = _queuedBlocks[0];
// Since |_queuedBlocks| owns the only reference to each queued
// block, this function has to retain another reference before removing
// the queued block from the array.
[_queuedBlocks removeObjectAtIndex:0];
- (void)postBlockToClientThread:(dispatch_block_t)block {
[self performSelector:@selector(performBlockOnClientThread:)
withObject:[block copy]
- (void)performBlockOnClientThread:(dispatch_block_t)block {
DCHECK([NSThread currentThread] == _clientThread);
DCHECK(!_requestComplete || !_protocol);
if (!_paused) {
} else {
[_queuedBlocks addObject:block];
#pragma mark Proxy methods called from any thread.
- (void)didFailWithNSErrorCode:(NSInteger)nsErrorCode
netErrorCode:(int)netErrorCode {
if (!_protocol)
NSError* error =
net::GetIOSError(nsErrorCode, netErrorCode, _url, _creationTime);
[self postBlockToClientThread:^{
[self didFailWithErrorOnClientThread:error];
- (void)didLoadData:(NSData*)data {
if (!_protocol)
[self postBlockToClientThread:^{
[self didLoadDataOnClientThread:data];
- (void)didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse*)response {
if (!_protocol)
[self postBlockToClientThread:^{
[self didReceiveResponseOnClientThread:response];
- (void)wasRedirectedToRequest:(NSURLRequest*)request
redirectResponse:(NSURLResponse*)redirectResponse {
if (!_protocol)
[self postBlockToClientThread:^{
[self wasRedirectedToRequestOnClientThread:request
- (void)didFinishLoading {
if (!_protocol)
[self postBlockToClientThread:^{
[self didFinishLoadingOnClientThread];
// Feature support methods that don't forward to the NSURLProtocolClient.
- (void)didCreateNativeRequest:(net::URLRequest*)nativeRequest {
// no-op.
#pragma mark Proxy methods called from the client thread.
- (void)didFailWithErrorOnClientThread:(NSError*)error {
_requestComplete = YES;
[[_protocol client] URLProtocol:_protocol didFailWithError:error];
- (void)didLoadDataOnClientThread:(NSData*)data {
[[_protocol client] URLProtocol:_protocol didLoadData:data];
- (void)didReceiveResponseOnClientThread:(NSURLResponse*)response {
[[_protocol client] URLProtocol:_protocol
- (void)wasRedirectedToRequestOnClientThread:(NSURLRequest*)request
redirectResponse:(NSURLResponse*)redirectResponse {
[[_protocol client] URLProtocol:_protocol
- (void)didFinishLoadingOnClientThread {
_requestComplete = YES;
[[_protocol client] URLProtocolDidFinishLoading:_protocol];
- (void)pause {
DCHECK([NSThread currentThread] == _clientThread);
// It's legal (in fact, required) for |pause| to be called after the request
// has already finished, so the usual invalidation DCHECK is missing here.
_paused = YES;
- (void)resume {
DCHECK([NSThread currentThread] == _clientThread);
DCHECK(!_requestComplete || !_protocol);
_paused = NO;
[self runQueuedBlocksOnClientThread];