
OverlayPresenter is used to schedule the display of UI alongside the content area of a WebState.

Classes of note:


OverlayRequests are model objects that are used to schedule the display of UI alongside a WebState's content area. They are created with an OverlayUserData subclass containing the information necessary to configure the requested UI.


OverlayResponses are provided to each OverlayRequest to describe the user's interaction with the overlay UI. Clients should create OverlayResponses with OverlayUserData subclasses with the overlay UI user interaction information necessary to execute the callback for that overlay.


Each OverlayRequest owns an OverlayCallbackManager, which is used to communicate user interaction events from the overlay UI to the requesting site. It supports two types of callbacks: completion callbacks and dispatch callbacks. Completion callbacks are executed when the overlay UI is dismissed or the OverlayRequest is cancelled. These callbacks are executed with a completion OverlayResponse. In order to handle model updates for user interaction events for ongoing overlay UI, the callback manager also supports callbacks for OverlayResponses dispatched before overlay completion. OverlayPresenter clients can register callbacks to be executed upon every dispatch of an OverlayResponse created with a specific type of response info type.


Each WebState has an OverlayRequestQueue at each OverlayModality that stores the OverlayRequests for overlays to be displayed alongside that WebState‘s content area. When a client wishes to schedule the display of an overlay, it should add an OverlayRequest to the desired WebState’s queue. This will trigger the scheduling logic for that request's corresponding overlay UI.


OverlayPresenter drives the presentation of the UI for OverlayRequests added to queues for WebStates in a Browser.


Clients must provide a presentation context to a Browser‘s OverlayPresenter that handles the presentation of overlay UI for that presenter’s modality and Browser.


Objects that care about the presentation and dismissal of overlay UI by the presenter should add themselves as observers to the presenter. This can be used to respond to update UI for UI presentation, for example to update the location bar text while a dialog is displayed. Additionally, observers can use these hook points to add additional callbacks to the request.

Setting up OverlayPresenter:

Multiple OverlayPresenters may be active for a single Browser to manage overlay UI at different levels of modality (i.e. modal over WebState content area, modal over entire browser, etc).

Each instance of OverlayPresenter must be provided with an OverlayPresenter:: UIDelegate that manages the overlay UI at the modality associated with the presenter.

Example usage of presenter:

Showing an alert with a title, message, an OK button, and a Cancel button

1. Create OverlayUserData subclasses for the requests and responses:

A request configuration user data should be created with the information necessary to set up the overlay UI being requested.

class AlertConfig : public OverlayUserData<AlertConfig> {
  const std::string& title() const;
  const std::string& message() const;
  const std::vector<std::string>& button_titles() const;
  AlertConfig(const std::string& title, const std::string& message);

A response ino user data should be created with the information necessary to execute the callback for the overlay.

class AlertInfo : public OverlayUserData<AlertInfo> {
  const size_t tapped_button_index() const;
  AlertInfo(size_t tapped_button_index);
2. Request an overlay using the request config user data.

An OverlayRequest for the alert can be created using:

    "alert title", "message text");

A callback can be added to the request to use the response info:

OverlayCompletionCallback callback =
    base::BindOnce(base::RetainBlock(^(OverlayResponse* response) {
  if (!response)
  AlertInfo* info = response->GetInfo<AlertInfo>();
  /* Handle button tap at info->tapped_button_index() */

Clients can then supply this request to the OverlayRequestQueue corresponding with the WebState alongside which the overlay should be shown:

OverlayModality modality =
OverlayRequestQueue::FromWebState(web_state, modality)->
3. Supply a response to the request.

Upon the user tapping a button on the alert, say at index 0, a response can be created and supplied to that request.

OverlayRequestQueue::FromWebState(web_state, modality)

Dispatching responses for ongoing overlays

This section documents how to update model objects for user interaction events in overlay UI that has not been dismissed yet. As an example situation, let‘s say that there’s a non-modal account picking screen. When the user taps on an account, we want to update the username text in a separate view without dismissing the overlay UI. This can be accomplished by dispatching responses through the callback manager.

1. Create OverlayUserData subclasses for the dispatched response:

OverlayRequests configured with AccountChooserUserInfos will be dispatched via the OverlayRequest's callback manager in order to update the username label in a browser view.

class AccountChooserUserInfo :
    public OverlayUserData<AccountChooserUserInfo> {
  const std::string& username() const;
  AccountChooserUserInfo(const std::string& username);
2. Use OverlayPresenterObserver to add a dispatch callback:

The mediator for the UI showing the username label should register itself as an OverlayPresenterObserver so that it can be aware of the presentation of UI.

@interface UsernameLabelMediator ()<OverlayPresenterObserving>

@implementation UsernameLabelMediator

- (void)overlayPresenter:(OverlayPresenter\*)presenter
    willShowOverlayForRequest:(OverlayRequest*)request {
  // Only add the dispatch callback for requests created with the desired
  // config.  This mediator only cares about requests for the account
  // chooser UI (AccountChooserRequestConfig definition not shown).
  if (!request->GetConfig<AccountChooserRequestConfig>())
  __weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self;
  OverlayDispatchCallback callback =
      base::BindRepeating(^(OverlayResponse* response) {
    weakSelf.consumer.usernameText = base::SysUTF8ToNSString(

3. Dispatch OverlayResponses for non-dismissing UI events

When the user taps on a row in the account chooser overlay UI, the overlay's mediator would handle this event by dispatching an OverlayRequest created with an AccountChooserUserInfo in order to trigger callbacks for that type of response.

@implementation AccountChooserOverlayMediator

- (void)didTapOnAccountWithUsername:(NSString\*)username {
