blob: fd2ff888e371f383aa1ee87288dd983add46f662 [file] [log] [blame]
// META: script=resources/test-helpers.js
promise_test(async t => cleanupSandboxedFileSystem(),
'Cleanup to setup test environment');
promise_test(async t => {
const root = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const handle = await createFileWithContents(t, 'file-to-remove', '12345', root);
await createFileWithContents(t, 'file-to-keep', 'abc', root);
await root.removeEntry('file-to-remove');
assert_array_equals(await getSortedDirectoryEntries(root), ['file-to-keep']);
await promise_rejects(t, 'NotFoundError', getFileContents(handle));
}, 'removeEntry() to remove a file');
promise_test(async t => {
const root = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const handle = await createFileWithContents(t, 'file-to-remove', '12345', root);
await root.removeEntry('file-to-remove');
await promise_rejects(t, 'NotFoundError', root.removeEntry('file-to-remove'));
}, 'removeEntry() on an already removed file should fail');
promise_test(async t => {
const root = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const dir = await root.getDirectory('dir-to-remove', { create: true });
await createFileWithContents(t, 'file-to-keep', 'abc', root);
await root.removeEntry('dir-to-remove');
assert_array_equals(await getSortedDirectoryEntries(root), ['file-to-keep']);
await promise_rejects(t, 'NotFoundError', getSortedDirectoryEntries(dir));
}, 'removeEntry() to remove an empty directory');
promise_test(async t => {
const root = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const dir = await root.getDirectory('dir-to-remove', { create: true });
t.add_cleanup(() => root.removeEntry('dir-to-remove', { recursive: true }));
await createEmptyFile(t, 'file-in-dir', dir);
await promise_rejects(t, 'InvalidModificationError', root.removeEntry('dir-to-remove'));
assert_array_equals(await getSortedDirectoryEntries(root), ['dir-to-remove/']);
assert_array_equals(await getSortedDirectoryEntries(dir), ['file-in-dir']);
}, 'removeEntry() on a non-empty directory should fail');
promise_test(async t => {
const root = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const dir = await createDirectory(t, 'dir', root);
await promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), dir.removeEntry(""));
}, 'removeEntry() with empty name should fail');
promise_test(async t => {
const root = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const dir = await createDirectory(t, 'dir', root);
await promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), dir.removeEntry(kCurrentDirectory));
}, `removeEntry() with "${kCurrentDirectory}" name should fail`);
promise_test(async t => {
const root = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const dir = await createDirectory(t, 'dir', root);
await promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), dir.removeEntry(kParentDirectory));
}, `removeEntry() with "${kParentDirectory}" name should fail`);
promise_test(async t => {
const root = await FileSystemDirectoryHandle.getSystemDirectory({ type: 'sandbox' });
const dir_name = 'dir-name';
const dir = await createDirectory(t, dir_name, root);
const file_name = 'file-name';
await createEmptyFile(t, file_name, dir);
for (let i = 0; i < kPathSeparators.length; ++i) {
const path_with_separator = `${dir_name}${kPathSeparators[i]}${file_name}`;
await promise_rejects(t, new TypeError(), root.removeEntry(path_with_separator),
`removeEntry() must reject names containing "${kPathSeparators[i]}"`);
}, 'removeEntry() with a path separator should fail.');