blob: 4f57dc7b6d348486e2715aff1e7d7e773c29d0e3 [file] [log] [blame]
<!doctype html>
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<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="RTCPeerConnection-helper.js"></script>
// FIXME: Add a test adding a transceiver, stopping it and trying to create an empty offer.
promise_test(async (t)=> {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
pc1.addTransceiver("audio", { direction: "sendonly" });
const offer = await pc1.createOffer();
assert_false(offer.sdp.includes("m=audio"), "offer should not contain an audio m-section");
assert_true(offer.sdp.includes("m=video"), "offer should contain a video m-section");
}, "A transceiver added and stopped before the initial offer generation should not trigger an offer m-section generation");
promise_test(async (t)=> {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
await exchangeOfferAnswer(pc1, pc2);
const offer = await pc1.createOffer();
assert_true(offer.sdp.includes("m=audio"), "offer should contain an audio m-section");
assert_true(offer.sdp.includes("m=audio 0"), "The audio m-section should be rejected");
assert_false(offer.sdp.includes("m=video"), "offer should not contain a video m-section");
}, "During renegotiation, adding and stopping a transceiver should not trigger a renegotiated offer m-section generation");
promise_test(async (t)=> {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
await exchangeOfferAnswer(pc1, pc2);
pc1.getTransceivers()[0].direction = "sendonly";
const offer = await pc1.createOffer();
assert_true(offer.sdp.includes("a=sendonly"), "The audio m-section should be sendonly");
}, "A stopped sendonly transceiver should generate a sendonly m-section in the offer");
promise_test(async (t)=> {
const pc1 = new RTCPeerConnection();
const pc2 = new RTCPeerConnection();
t.add_cleanup(() => pc1.close());
t.add_cleanup(() => pc2.close());
await exchangeOfferAnswer(pc1, pc2);
pc1.getTransceivers()[0].direction = "inactive";
const offer = await pc1.createOffer();
assert_true(offer.sdp.includes("a=inactive"), "The audio m-section should be inactive");
}, "A stopped inactive transceiver should generate an inactive m-section in the offer");