blob: 24362d9d83ff846d6ea88562332d5b2f5a234e72 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/serialization/serialized_script_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_vector.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/garbage_collected.h"
namespace blink {
class DOMArrayBufferBase;
class ImageBitmap;
// Represents the "unpacked" materialized objects created after receiving the
// transferred contents of a SerializedScriptValue, e.g. from another thread.
// These contents should not (or cannot) be copied, but must be attached to a
// non-thread-safe object for use. For instance, an ArrayBuffer must be created
// on the heap to own the array buffer contents, create a JavaScript wrapper
// object, and so on.
// This "unpacking" can only be done once, and the resulting state must be
// manipulated and ultimately collected on the thread on which it was unpacked.
// However, these unpacked objects aren't necessarily transient either. For
// instance, the data of a MessageEvent might be requested in different isolated
// worlds, for which one object underlying each transferred object must exist,
// but (for security reasons) separate JavaScript wrappers must exist. For this
// reason, a SerializedScriptValue can only be unpacked once, but thereafter it
// can be deserialized multiple times.
class CORE_EXPORT UnpackedSerializedScriptValue final
: public GarbageCollected<UnpackedSerializedScriptValue> {
// Callers should use SerializedScriptValue::Unpack.
explicit UnpackedSerializedScriptValue(scoped_refptr<SerializedScriptValue>);
void Trace(Visitor*) const;
SerializedScriptValue* Value() { return value_.get(); }
const SerializedScriptValue* Value() const { return value_.get(); }
const HeapVector<Member<DOMArrayBufferBase>>& ArrayBuffers() const {
return array_buffers_;
const HeapVector<Member<ImageBitmap>>& ImageBitmaps() const {
return image_bitmaps_;
using DeserializeOptions = SerializedScriptValue::DeserializeOptions;
v8::Local<v8::Value> Deserialize(
const DeserializeOptions& = DeserializeOptions());
// The underlying serialized data.
scoped_refptr<SerializedScriptValue> value_;
// These replace their corresponding members in SerializedScriptValue, once
// set. Once the value is being deserialized, objects will be materialized
// here.
HeapVector<Member<DOMArrayBufferBase>> array_buffers_;
HeapVector<Member<ImageBitmap>> image_bitmaps_;
friend class SerializedScriptValue;
} // namespace blink