blob: 9d2a19260305e631ce25ac40cddcccec7bee2811 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef {{"_".join(config.protocol.namespace)}}_ErrorSupport_h
#define {{"_".join(config.protocol.namespace)}}_ErrorSupport_h
//#include "Forward.h"
{% for namespace in config.protocol.namespace %}
namespace {{namespace}} {
{% endfor %}
class {{config.lib.export_macro}} ErrorSupport {
ErrorSupport(String* errorString);
void push();
void setName(const String&);
void pop();
void addError(const String&);
bool hasErrors();
String errors();
std::vector<String> m_path;
std::vector<String> m_errors;
String* m_errorString;
{% for namespace in config.protocol.namespace %}
} // namespace {{namespace}}
{% endfor %}
#endif // !defined({{"_".join(config.protocol.namespace)}}_ErrorSupport_h)