| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <grit-part> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_01afd961b3193f0c1e831ec100ea36dc" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares the minimum value for the device pixel ratio input"> |
| Device pixel ratio must be greater than or equal to <ph name="EMULATION_DEVICEMODEMODEL_MINDEVICESCALEFACTOR">$1s<ex>0</ex></ph>. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_09109d98eee81aa68f1196a7a0753240" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| DPR: <ph name="DEVICESCALE">$1.1f<ex>2.0</ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_0c78cd3aa4c94a64675bc6aa77802843" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Device-based |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_0e1275697d4c40b4b0640fbfa3907afa" desc="A tag of Sensors tool that can be searched in the command menu"> |
| accelerometer |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_0eb264d46c88af61e587c18f60662df0" desc="Title of device scale item in device mode toolbar of the device toolbar"> |
| Device pixel ratio |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_0edd9b471d32d5e3bbec7ca8df113568" desc="Title of an action in the emulation tool to toggle device mode"> |
| Toggle device toolbar |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_138d1a442ecb2e2fd3b083f1842658d0" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Custom orientation... |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_14304bfef92cfbf9273517fb5725f8b2" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares the value of the height input must be a number"> |
| Height must be a number. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_146bdebb324a64d327b1dde22a07d0bd" desc="Text in Device Mode View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Laptop |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_19ada73af65f7c221bd28e78b2eda5cd" desc="A context menu item in the Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Edit… |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_19e796248a5cf3c22b9d954d10a0250e" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares the minimum value for the height input"> |
| Height must be greater than or equal to <ph name="EMULATION_DEVICEMODEMODEL_MINDEVICESIZE">$1s<ex>50</ex></ph>. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_1b962c3d36319947efad5a45c1ee62b0" desc="Text in Device Mode Model of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Desktop (touch) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_1c7444be9626d149ab598fb79b639f96" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Portrait |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_1ef9df27aa7a5f5c87af01dbcbb1e7fc" desc="Error message in the Geolocations settings pane that declares the maximum length of the location name"> |
| Location name must be less than <ph name="MAXLENGTH">$1s<ex>50</ex></ph> characters |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_21e2bb42873eddcb9b476b8eafbe0c18" desc="A context menu item in the Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Reset to defaults |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_223bf25f178896660d7d73af6e0a540d" desc="Text in Device Mode View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Laptop L |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_2496af30b64c3a4ff21e8505ea439a73" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| 50% |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_29eaeee66d8210c1261d748071fb7b0a" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Landscape right |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_2a04aad9d1e40781d70537def184749d" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| α (alpha) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_2d7084def320939c86d40f1208717083" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Location unavailable |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_30bd7ce7de206924302499f197c7a966" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| 100% |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_31d0615d58891f425fd66979cfa5193b" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares the maximum value for the width input"> |
| Width must be less than or equal to <ph name="EMULATION_DEVICEMODEMODEL_MAXDEVICESIZE">$1s<ex>9999</ex></ph>. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_32954654ac8fe66a1d09be19001de2d4" desc="Width input title in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Width |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_34a8ca19d04d2af1f2761370580a4b10" desc="Aria-label for geolocation manage button in Sensors View"> |
| Manage the list of geolocations |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_34e34c43ec6b943c10a3cc1a1a16fb11" desc="Text of button in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Manage |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_34fbcb0154374365e4a109c39b7dfe3a" desc="Error message in the Geolocations settings pane that declares the maximum value for the longitude input"> |
| Longitude must be less than or equal to <ph name="MAXLONG">$1s<ex>180</ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_36384a9ea3ec791e6bd4ab6b36f2ff2a" desc="Text in Device Mode View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Tablet |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_3727b84b924b896c2824b70f1c7757c8" desc="Aria-label for orientation reset button in Sensors View"> |
| Reset device orientation |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_3836c33415a6d95d4a63388a6bcadf3b" desc="Title of ua item in device mode toolbar of the device toolbar"> |
| Device type |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_38795baa79c9e2422a84156b83d0b73a" desc="Text in Device Mode Model of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Mobile (no touch) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_39335086fbaba7128eff0ef52d396131" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Show media queries |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_396f64970a094d8b66d9863bd073eb72" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Force enabled |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_3b0eb7469ba9c95f3a05c4cef1f6aac4" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Latitude |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_414b730ab2cf9123d9230740864ffeec" desc="A context menu item in the Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Close <ph name="LOCKED_1">DevTools</ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_45f80006d304f294d6c1de50c244856e" desc="Text of add geolocations button in Geolocations Settings Tab of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Add location... |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_526d688f37a86d3c3f27d0c5016eb71d" desc="Text of orientation reset button in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Reset |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_5466ee572bcbc75830d044e66ab429bc" desc="City name in Geolocations Settings"> |
| Shanghai |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_58cc7602635a11277aa7531e14b32c97" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Portrait upside down |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_59c06928c1dcdb1a687bf21d73e53a09" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Show device frame |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_59ead8d1e124ccfb79f3ace06f43e703" desc="City name in Geolocations Settings"> |
| London |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_5b4f1c0e2bd8bc1ba726cd51dd70c1a6" desc="City name in Geolocations Settings"> |
| Mountain View |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_5cacd64cfc65b4f4ea83306b6cebf0be" desc="A tag of Sensors tool that can be searched in the command menu"> |
| timezones |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_614103b76fd0d9de068d69034fb6f987" desc="Text in Device Mode View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| (<ph name="THIS__MODEL_DEVICE___TITLE">$1s<ex>iPhone X</ex></ph>) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_6149711fb8edc5e2adeea7aa63ee11ff" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| 150% |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_62413a57c5e3dc51177995fa175d3286" desc="City name in Geolocations Settings"> |
| Tokyo |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_62759e0d418d7391bf2d54e70cbcc05d" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Remove device type |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_633c01074b6726183e20f42bb3ee01c0" desc="Text in Device Mode View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| 4K |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_649676015173b6195516eed77e5aee60" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| 125% |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_673a7b89eb57bf2bf891306c98cbecc3" desc="Error message in the Geolocations settings pane that declares that the value for the latitude input must be a number"> |
| Latitude must be a number |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_6e641146898080ed83f3007cd712f58f" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares the maximum value for the device pixel ratio input"> |
| Device pixel ratio must be less than or equal to <ph name="EMULATION_DEVICEMODEMODEL_MAXDEVICESCALEFACTOR">$1s<ex>10</ex></ph>. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_7087f70b643f941c968dc3b327cbe111" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Adjust with mousewheel or up/down keys. <ph name="CMDORCTRL">$1s<ex>Ctrl</ex></ph>: ±10, Shift: ±1, Alt: ±0.01 |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_711da7870457fec714278672385be3d8" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares that the width input must be a number"> |
| Width must be a number. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_741f22b07be0231ec5e3040ae4291710" desc="Error message in the Geolocations settings pane that declares the maximum value for the latitude input"> |
| Latitude must be less than or equal to <ph name="MAXLAT">$1s<ex>90</ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_75a37bfcbfe2678114513aef903c4ba5" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Default: <ph name="DEFAULTVALUE">$1.1f<ex>4.3</ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_7ad87024f63b3bb0292c21d76f2c7438" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Add device pixel ratio |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_7addb86955014a622eaefae5134fcb7a" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Remove device pixel ratio |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_7b4b2de0aae3a60aa3cf502a19f9c748" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares that the device name input must not be empty"> |
| Device name cannot be empty. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_7e35e74e610188414ad24235dd787c78" desc="City name in Geolocations Settings"> |
| Moscow |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_7f163d0494446906a484df67e90c1d6b" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Hide device frame |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_7fc2515293d99e95b1745e81d6abbdf4" desc="City name in Geolocations Settings"> |
| São Paulo |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_815dff01257e5ef182b25d4c1ef0a7a0" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Landscape |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_8189965036f7d675e0b7af67a2a873a0" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Timezone ID |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_81c3744a7fe979d029d1e7b84afd613f" desc="Reload warning text content in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| *Requires reload |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_82a9b801e28c4dec617b1cabc329f5bd" desc="Title of an action in the emulation tool to capture screenshot"> |
| Capture screenshot |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_8394f0347c184cf156ac5924dccb773b" desc="Text in Geolocations Settings Tab of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Long |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_89e755205b0e07c218525b9ee9aa7cdd" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares the maximum length of the device name input"> |
| Device name must be less than <ph name="EMULATION_DEVICEMODEMODEL_MAXDEVICENAMELENGTH">$1s<ex>50</ex></ph> characters. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_8d2de5368588552fbae54044ac5c7b3d" desc="Title of mode button in device mode toolbar of the device toolbar"> |
| Rotate |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_8d7b5211545faceef57a041ee56a2f5e" desc="Title of an action in the emulation tool to capture full height screenshot"> |
| Capture full size screenshot |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_8ebaad59980c95ade797c903761fa815" desc="City name in Geolocations Settings"> |
| Mumbai |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_901bc0a4714ff81c24943a50e620de71" desc="Text in Devices Settings Tab of the Device Toolbar"> |
| User agent string |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_92394ac4969be25aa83d1c928f6a7dbc" desc="Label in the Devices settings pane for the device name input of a custom device"> |
| Device Name |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_9242eae40fda9aae67b37f9f3a7f4fdc" desc="Error message in the Geolocations settings pane that declares that the value for the longitude input must be a number"> |
| Longitude must be a number |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_95129d2a7de16087427f1632dc691287" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Hide media queries |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_953d347a777c07fc9a51f484be71165c" desc="Label in the Devices settings pane for the user agent type input of a custom device"> |
| User agent type |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_9b4dabc50f0b8ccba1c8981831abdad8" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Longitude |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_9d3d232f9353731108f5756ec4bfa4b6" desc="Error message in the Geolocations settings pane that declares the minimum value for the latitude input"> |
| Latitude must be greater than or equal to <ph name="MINLAT">$1s<ex>-90</ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_9fa08fa6b5a65fd3a2e14858a2559027" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| β (beta) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_9fd04ab471b39141991551708305ceb5" desc="Add custom button in Devices Settings Tab of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Add custom device... |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_a043e816a2c42b9290b672b1aa22cb73" desc="Text in Device Mode View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Mobile M |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_a07f7588275e6b286450c54c3fb5bc92" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| No override |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_a68cfcae283e3b2a60c99386c809fd6e" desc="Stage element title in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Shift+drag horizontally to rotate around the y-axis |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_a7e2da1e5160847a88912b69027bca09" desc="Stage element title in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Enable orientation to rotate |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_a88789aba0125292a7a2b8774a979b37" desc="Title of Geolocations settings"> |
| Geolocations |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_a9c9b04b4bb57da48b29b4f40ffb2e89" desc="A tag of Sensors tool that can be searched in the command menu"> |
| device orientation |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_af29aa178ae43211319e28f627e96590" desc="Title of an action in the emulation tool to show sensors"> |
| Sensors |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b0ac9a67aaac87b4b70f5e1b7292b2cc" desc="A context menu item in the Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Fit to window (<ph name="THIS__MODEL_FITSCALE________">$1.0f<ex>30.0</ex></ph>%%) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b1596787a9a32a2626743258abf34e80" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Landscape left |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b22a74a48cd2f1d35dac23d239312139" desc="A tag of Sensors tool that can be searched in the command menu"> |
| geolocation |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b2b22e112d16f958f75ea888f9ce8eeb" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Display down |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b2b2df378a7c7ade199bbaf944cb3f35" desc="Device item title in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Responsive |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b85e1916c38f0c0c2d0f7c8d210bcf9e" desc="Height input title in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Height (leave empty for full) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b8d750b6ef9a441434c83df4334c4fa0" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Display up |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_b90203c84f857a0403751bf77f100400" desc="A context menu item in the Media Query Inspector of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Reveal in source code |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_bb3680a6300bf660b59ba8783b18689b" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Hide rulers |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c107e6e26d3b1b5eadbf9e842f6c0e05" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Add device type |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c23fc6f13afcbcd7dee750fe4f074421" desc="Text in Geolocations Settings Tab of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Lat |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c3abc91ecb930fd1d8a6b1e738eb36be" desc="Text in Geolocations Settings Tab of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Custom Geolocations |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c3c3720080d9497b9df37fcd78994144" desc="Text in Geolocations Settings Tab of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Location name |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| 1 |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| 2 |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_ca3b182d4417c83d9564f3127d5ade32" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares that the value for the device pixel ratio must be either a number or empty"> |
| Device pixel ratio must be a number or blank. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_cb211766ff41a03bb9f324be3db9dae0" desc="Text in Device Mode View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Mobile L |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_cb4ebbdb6a71353036b6f3b759ad7918" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares the maximum value for the height input"> |
| Height must be less than or equal to <ph name="EMULATION_DEVICEMODEMODEL_MAXDEVICESIZE">$1s<ex>9999</ex></ph>. |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_d0f57f3a1b5b308c6cd7af48b420eb03" desc="Error message in the Geolocations settings pane that declares the minimum value for the longitude input"> |
| Longitude must be greater than or equal to <ph name="MINLONG">$1s<ex>-180</ex></ph> |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_d15305d7a4e34e02489c74a5ef542f36" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Off |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_d9e39d238ea8f70b277a68d9c07b5046" desc="Error message in the Geolocations settings pane that declares timezone ID input invalid"> |
| Timezone ID must contain "/" |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_da31f3ff326e70f6b08748520c553920" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| γ (gamma) |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_decc67818f6be186e03a3c27c2eedc9e" desc="Bottom resizer element title in Device Mode View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Double-click for full height |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_e67750c8b85dbe1b938397e55488e2d8" desc="Text in Sensors View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Other… |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_e85c8bc51cfa9b2d3713091fdc87d551" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Auto-adjust zoom |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| 3 |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_ee1611b61f5688e70c12b40684dbb395" desc="City name in Geolocations Settings"> |
| Berlin |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_ee1cab1975e28575b1631ee8fc4ea749" desc="Title of an action in the emulation tool to capture node screenshot"> |
| Capture node screenshot |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_ee4cf994f6defec5951824b44f8047b1" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Screen options |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_eec6c4bdbd339edf8cbea68becb85244" desc="Label in the Devices settings pane for the height input of a custom device"> |
| Height |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_f01ee7fedba5e392f6f9adab7ec0c74a" desc="Error message in the Geolocations settings pane that declares the location name input must not be empty"> |
| Location name cannot be empty |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_f2a72a44f7b7d30829c0405ed2385345" desc="Text in Device Mode View of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Mobile S |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_f4334fdfa1c728eae375fe781e2e2d9d" desc="City name in Geolocations Settings"> |
| San Francisco |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_f819de81247be4a5428dc0e169de28b8" desc="Text in Device Mode Toolbar of the Device Toolbar"> |
| 75% |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_fd0a6990abd15cd06c80309237b01262" desc="Text of a DOM element in Devices Settings Tab of the Device Toolbar"> |
| Emulated Devices |
| </message> |
| <message name="IDS_DEVTOOLS_fd37e9411d9f8a6af8fb4d3b787ccfc6" desc="Error message in the Devices settings pane that declares the minimum value for the width input"> |
| Width must be greater than or equal to <ph name="EMULATION_DEVICEMODEMODEL_MINDEVICESIZE">$1s<ex>50</ex></ph>. |
| </message> |
| </grit-part> |