blob: 48b512615f15d5edf7ce9549b67692cd08a04341 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* This script is part of the presubmit check that parses DevTools frontend .js and
* module.json files, collects localizable strings, checks if frontend strings are
* in .grd/.grdp files and reports error if present.
* If argument '--autofix' is present, add the new resources to and remove unused
* messages from GRDP files.
const fs = require('fs');
const {promisify} = require('util');
const writeFileAsync = promisify(fs.writeFile);
const appendFileAsync = promisify(fs.appendFile);
const checkLocalizedStrings = require('./localization_utils/check_localized_strings');
const localizationUtils = require('./localization_utils/localization_utils');
const grdpFileStart = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<grit-part>\n';
const grdpFileEnd = '</grit-part>';
async function main() {
try {
const shouldAutoFix = process.argv.includes('--autofix');
const error = await checkLocalizedStrings.validateGrdAndGrdpFiles(shouldAutoFix);
if (error !== '' && !shouldAutoFix)
throw new Error(error);
await checkLocalizedStrings.parseLocalizableResourceMaps();
if (shouldAutoFix)
await autofix(error);
} catch (e) {
function getErrors(existingError) {
const toAddError = checkLocalizedStrings.getAndReportResourcesToAdd();
const toModifyError = checkLocalizedStrings.getAndReportIDSKeysToModify();
const toRemoveError = checkLocalizedStrings.getAndReportResourcesToRemove();
let error =
`${existingError ? `${existingError}\n` : ''}${toAddError || ''}${toModifyError || ''}${toRemoveError || ''}`;
if (error === '') {
console.log('DevTools localizable resources checker passed.');
error += '\nThe errors are potentially fixable with the `--autofix` option.';
throw new Error(error);
async function autofix(existingError) {
const keysToAddToGRD = checkLocalizedStrings.getMessagesToAdd();
const keysToRemoveFromGRD = checkLocalizedStrings.getMessagesToRemove();
const resourceAdded = await addResourcesToGRDP(keysToAddToGRD, keysToRemoveFromGRD);
const resourceModified = await modifyResourcesInGRDP();
const resourceRemoved = await removeResourcesFromGRDP(keysToRemoveFromGRD);
const shouldAddExampleTag = checkShouldAddExampleTag(keysToAddToGRD);
if (!resourceAdded && !resourceRemoved && !resourceModified && existingError === '') {
console.log('DevTools localizable resources checker passed.');
let message =
'Found changes to localizable DevTools resources.\nDevTools localizable resources checker has updated the appropriate grd/grdp file(s).';
if (existingError !== '') {
message +=
`\nGrd/Grdp files have been updated. Please verify the updated grdp files and/or the <part> file references in ${
localizationUtils.getRelativeFilePathFromSrc(localizationUtils.GRD_PATH)} are correct.`;
if (resourceAdded) {
message += '\nManually write a description for any new <message> entries.';
if (shouldAddExampleTag) {
message += ' Add example tag(s) <ex> for messages that contain placeholder(s)';
message += '\nFor more details, see devtools/docs/langpacks/';
if (resourceRemoved && duplicateRemoved(keysToRemoveFromGRD))
message += '\nDuplicate <message> entries are removed. Please verify the retained descriptions are correct.';
message += '\n'
message += '\nUse git status to see what has changed.';
throw new Error(message);
function checkShouldAddExampleTag(keys) {
if (keys.size === 0) {
return false;
const stringObjs = [...keys.values()];
const stringsWithArgument = stringObjs.filter(stringObj => !!stringObj.arguments);
return stringsWithArgument.length > 0;
function duplicateRemoved(keysToRemoveFromGRD) {
for (const [_, messages] of keysToRemoveFromGRD) {
if (messages.length > 1)
return true;
return false;
// Return true if any resources are added
async function addResourcesToGRDP(keysToAddToGRD, keysToRemoveFromGRD) {
function mapGRDPFilePathToStrings(keysToAddToGRD, keysToRemoveFromGRD) {
const grdpFilePathToStrings = new Map();
// Get the grdp files that need to be modified
for (const [key, stringObj] of keysToAddToGRD) {
if (!grdpFilePathToStrings.has(stringObj.grdpPath))
grdpFilePathToStrings.set(stringObj.grdpPath, []);
// Add the IDS key to stringObj so we have access to it later
stringObj.ids = key;
// If the same key is to be removed, this is likely a string copy
// to another folder. Keep the description.
if (keysToRemoveFromGRD.has(key))
stringObj.description = checkLocalizedStrings.getLongestDescription(keysToRemoveFromGRD.get(key));
return grdpFilePathToStrings;
if (keysToAddToGRD.size === 0)
return false;
// Map grdp file path to strings to be added to that file so that we only need to
// modify every grdp file once
const grdpFilePathToStrings = mapGRDPFilePathToStrings(keysToAddToGRD, keysToRemoveFromGRD);
const promises = [];
const grdpFilePathsToAdd = [];
for (let [grdpFilePath, stringsToAdd] of grdpFilePathToStrings) {
// The grdp file doesn't exist, so create one.
if (!fs.existsSync(grdpFilePath)) {
let grdpMessagesToAdd = '';
for (const stringObj of stringsToAdd)
grdpMessagesToAdd += localizationUtils.createGrdpMessage(stringObj.ids, stringObj);
// Create a new grdp file and reference it in the parent grd file
promises.push(appendFileAsync(grdpFilePath, `${grdpFileStart}${grdpMessagesToAdd}${grdpFileEnd}`));
const grdpFileContent = await localizationUtils.parseFileContent(grdpFilePath);
const grdpFileLines = grdpFileContent.split('\n');
let newGrdpFileContent = '';
const IDSRegex = new RegExp(`"(${localizationUtils.IDSPrefix}.*?)"`);
for (let i = 0; i < grdpFileLines.length; i++) {
const grdpLine = grdpFileLines[i];
const match = grdpLine.match(IDSRegex);
// match[0]: full match
// match[1]: message IDS key
if (match) {
const ids = match[1];
const stringsToAddRemaining = [];
for (const stringObj of stringsToAdd) {
// Insert the new <message> in sorted order.
if (ids > stringObj.ids)
newGrdpFileContent += localizationUtils.createGrdpMessage(stringObj.ids, stringObj);
stringsToAdd = stringsToAddRemaining;
} else if (grdpLine.includes(grdpFileEnd)) {
// Just hit the end tag, so insert any remaining <message>s.
for (const stringObj of stringsToAdd)
newGrdpFileContent += localizationUtils.createGrdpMessage(stringObj.ids, stringObj);
newGrdpFileContent += grdpLine;
if (i < grdpFileLines.length - 1)
newGrdpFileContent += '\n';
promises.push(writeFileAsync(grdpFilePath, newGrdpFileContent));
await Promise.all(promises);
return true;
// Return true if any resources are updated
async function modifyResourcesInGRDP() {
const messagesToModify = checkLocalizedStrings.getIDSKeysToModify();
if (messagesToModify.size === 0)
return false;
const grdpToMessages = mapGRDPFilePathToMessages(messagesToModify);
const promises = [];
for (const [grdpPath, messages] of grdpToMessages) {
let fileContent = await localizationUtils.parseFileContent(grdpPath);
for (const message of messages) {
const idsRegex = new RegExp(`name="${message.actualIDSKey}"`);
fileContent = fileContent.replace(idsRegex, `name="${message.ids}"`);
promises.push(writeFileAsync(grdpPath, fileContent));
await Promise.all(promises);
return true;
// Return true if any resources are removed
async function removeResourcesFromGRDP(keysToRemoveFromGRD) {
function indexOfFirstMatchingMessage(line, messages) {
for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
const message = messages[i];
const match =
line.match(new RegExp(`<message[^>]*name="${message.ids}"[^>]*desc="${message.description}"[^>]*>`));
if (match)
return i;
return -1;
if (keysToRemoveFromGRD.size === 0)
return false;
const grdpToMessages = mapGRDPFilePathToMessages(keysToRemoveFromGRD);
const promises = [];
for (const [grdpFilePath, messages] of grdpToMessages) {
let newGrdpFileContent = '';
const grdpFileContent = await localizationUtils.parseFileContent(grdpFilePath);
const grdpFileLines = grdpFileContent.split('\n');
for (let i = 0; i < grdpFileLines.length; i++) {
const index = indexOfFirstMatchingMessage(grdpFileLines[i], messages);
if (index === -1) {
newGrdpFileContent += grdpFileLines[i];
if (i < grdpFileLines.length - 1)
newGrdpFileContent += '\n';
messages.splice(index, 1);
while (!grdpFileLines[i].includes('</message>'))
promises.push(writeFileAsync(grdpFilePath, newGrdpFileContent));
await Promise.all(promises);
return true;
// Given a map from IDS key to a list of messages, return a map
// from grdp file path to a list of messages with a new property
// `ids` set to the key.
function mapGRDPFilePathToMessages(keyToMessages) {
const grdpFilePathToMessages = new Map();
for (const [ids, messages] of keyToMessages) {
for (const message of messages) {
if (!grdpFilePathToMessages.has(message.grdpPath))
grdpFilePathToMessages.set(message.grdpPath, []);
message.ids = ids;
return grdpFilePathToMessages;