Roll src/third_party/googletest/src/ 2e68926a9..879ac092f (182 commits)

$ git log 2e68926a9..879ac092f --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2018-10-31 jerryturcios08 Correct grammatical error in
2018-10-30 absl-team Googletest export
2018-10-30 misterg Googletest export
2018-10-29 absl-team Googletest export
2018-10-29 akonradi Add Optional() to the cheat sheet doc.
2018-10-29 misterg Googletest export
2018-10-29 misterg Googletest export
2018-10-28 vbrkov Replaced all NULLs with nullptr in googlemock
2018-10-28 vbrkov Replaced all NULLs with nullptr in googletest
2018-10-26 absl-team Googletest export
2018-10-24 absl-team Googletest export
2018-10-24 misterg Googletest export
2018-10-24 jeffvd.a216 Change CMake googletest download location in docs
2018-10-23 durandal Googletest export
2018-10-24 peter_jiachen Disable extensions and force standard
2018-10-24 peter_jiachen Revert previous changes
2018-10-24 peter_jiachen Fix -std=c++11 flag
2018-10-23 joelanderson333 add documentation of manual c++11 specification
2018-10-23 gennadiycivil Update
2018-10-23 gennadiycivil Update
2018-10-23 gennadiycivil Update
2018-10-23 svg153 ACTION table format
2018-10-22 absl-team Googletest export
2018-10-19 gennadiycivil Update .travis.yml
2018-10-18 gennadiycivil Update .travis.yml
2018-10-18 misterg Googletest export
2018-10-16 absl-team Googletest export
2018-10-17 kakkoko Fix incorrect XML file name in help message
2018-10-16 jonathan.wendeborn Removed last reference to internal::kDefault
2018-10-16 jonathan.wendeborn Use existing Mock::GetReactionOnUninterestingCalls()
2018-10-16 jonathan.wendeborn Don't fully qualify enum member
2018-10-16 jonathan.wendeborn Added Mock::IsNaggy, IsNice, and IsStrict
2018-10-12 robert Change types to remove cast warnings.
2018-10-11 misterg Remove duplicate functionality PrintValue (in, use testing::PrintToString
2018-10-11 komh Merge c41b2bf861ef2ac1a975af05ff66d9256f280b01 into f203b2db77161fe54846ea9e839ebec81aeeccac
2018-10-11 dneto Merge 4c92120d6dedb4eeb499a8702faea0224e0a8b23 into 658c6390a5b363f46c6ad448ad1bce9d6e97e53a
2018-10-11 aarond Merge 41fc9745d4a448db7d932250d22fac1dda287443 into 658c6390a5b363f46c6ad448ad1bce9d6e97e53a
2018-10-09 absl-team Project import generated by Copybara.
2018-10-09 misterg Internal Change
2018-10-11 filipp.andjelo Use pcfiledir for prefix in pkgconfig file
2018-10-06 ryee88 fix typo
2018-10-10 spartucus Update .gitignore
2018-10-09 misterg Remove non-variadic pre C++11 AnyOf
2018-10-09 absl-team Unconditionally use std::tuple. Remove all mention of TR1 tuple and our own implementation of tuple.
2018-10-09 misterg Remove testing::internal::BothOfMatcher, no longer needed
2018-10-09 absl-team Apply [[noreturn]] to Abort()
2018-10-09 gennadiycivil Update
2018-10-09 gennadiycivil Update BUILD.bazel
2018-10-09 gennadiycivil Update
2018-10-09 gennadiycivil Delete CHANGES
2018-10-09 gennadiycivil Delete CHANGES
2018-10-08 kuroiwa Merge c1170881039e859738c62b02a918116fc6d346bc into 27c86f29417e53a622a2902baab2d1d82dafc5f9
2018-10-08 misterg Fixing AllOfMatches test, where it properly belongs
2018-10-08 misterg always define define GTEST_LANG_CXX11 1
2018-10-08 misterg Remove non-variadic pre C++11 AllOf
2018-10-05 gennadiycivil Update
2018-10-05 misterg Remove pre-C++11 code from gtest-printers
2018-10-05 absl-team Make GTestColor and ColoredPrintF available as internal APIs from gtest.h.  This is for use in abseil exception safety testing.
2018-10-05 misterg Removed pre-C++11 IsContainerTest and IteratorTraits
2018-10-04 absl-team Apply clang-tidy modernize-use-nullptr to googletest.
2018-10-04 misterg Remove checking for C++ 11 and a pre-C++11 test from googletest tests
2018-10-03 theonetruecamper Merge d830440d48a9502161448bc78be33a53388dd1f4 into f5260ae757a681566d8f7d0558b8dc0551036506
2018-10-02 jerryturcios08 Remove compilation option for C++11 in the root CMakeLists.txt
2018-10-02 mateo.longo Merge c798e39a4f96f5a985126cc3fab4738b6412cfc1 into e93da23920e5b6887d6a6a291c3a59f83f5b579e
2018-10-02 jerryturcios08 Add compilation option for C++11 in the root CMakeLists.txt
2018-10-02 gennadiycivil Merge 68b8a4c60cd80c78e1875b77807fa13cdd2313f8 into 77962730563eece3525f40b8769e4ca0c6baf64c
2018-10-02 30830880+marbub Merge 86fe8a25eb5a6e4546f9e39cf23a5c764217bf85 into 440527a61e1c91188195f7de212c63c77e8f0a45
2018-10-01 arseny.aprelev Merge 2ce0685f76a4db403b7b2650433a584c150f2108 into 75e834700d19aa373b428c7c746f951737354c28
2018-10-01 misterg Googletest export
2018-09-27 durandal Googletest export
2018-09-30 jerryturcios08 Add a cached variable to CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD
2018-09-28 jerryturcios08 Add C++11 support in the root CMakeLists.txt
2018-09-26 gennadiycivil Update appveyor.yml
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Revert "[mingw] enable the unittests for gmock and gtest again"
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Keep one MinGW build, remove the others
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Update appveyor.yml
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Update appveyor.yml
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Delete m4_ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx_11.m4
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Delete m4_ax_cxx_compile_stdcxx.m4
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Update
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Update
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Update .travis.yml
2018-09-25 misterg automake
2018-09-25 misterg test automake c++11
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Update
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Update
2018-09-25 misterg typo
2018-09-25 misterg autotools c++11
2018-09-25 misterg autotools c++11
2018-09-25 misterg test
2018-09-25 misterg include c++11 for autotools
2018-09-25 absl-team Googletest export
2018-09-25 gennadiycivil Revert "Add clang format check to one of the builds"
2018-09-25 misterg Googletest export
2018-09-24 misterg Googletest export
2018-09-20 absl-team Googletest export
2018-09-25 misterg enable MingW on PR
2018-09-25 misterg C++11 autotools build
2018-09-25 misterg adding c++11 to appveyor mingW
2018-09-25 misterg typo

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/googletest/src

Bug: 893369
Change-Id: Ic7e13ff5fd3952c4d71ab23166a5c36dcad86b99
Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:android_optional_gpu_tests_rel;luci.chromium.try:linux_optional_gpu_tests_rel;luci.chromium.try:mac_optional_gpu_tests_rel;master.tryserver.blink:linux_trusty_blink_rel;luci.chromium.try:win_optional_gpu_tests_rel;luci.chromium.try:linux_chromium_cfi_rel_ng
Commit-Queue: Fabrice de Gans-Riberi <>
Reviewed-by: Victor Costan <>
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#604801}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: be707070f08c45daf3d1bb9e749dc3bdf3636092
1 file changed
tree: 667f7e1f483412e2412ac641d17f74826469da66
  1. custom/
  4. README.chromium