blob: cdcad57bb56b3132f5c394a0111b7f3782d90cc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <functional>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include "ipcz/ipcz.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/span.h"
namespace ipcz::test::internal {
// Base class for ipcz unit tests (see ipcz::test::Test in test.h) and multinode
// test fixtures (see ipcz::test::MultinodeTest in multinode_test.h).
// Test fixtures should never derive from this class directly. For unit tests,
// use ipcz::test::Test as a base. For multinode tests, use ipcz::test:TestNode
// as a base for MULTINODE_TEST_NODE() invocations, and use
// ipcz::test::MultinodeTest<T> (where T is a subclass of TestNode) for
// TEST_P() invocations for parameterized multinode test bodies.
class TestBase {
using TrapEventHandler = std::function<void(const IpczTrapEvent&)>;
const IpczAPI& ipcz() const { return ipcz_; }
// Some trivial shorthand methods to access the ipcz API more conveniently.
void Close(IpczHandle handle);
void CloseAll(absl::Span<const IpczHandle> handles);
IpczHandle CreateNode(const IpczDriver& driver,
IpczCreateNodeFlags flags = IPCZ_NO_FLAGS);
std::pair<IpczHandle, IpczHandle> OpenPortals(IpczHandle node);
IpczResult Put(IpczHandle portal,
std::string_view message,
absl::Span<IpczHandle> handles = {});
// Shorthand for ipcz Get() to retrieve the next available parcel from
// `portal`.If no parcel is available, or any other condition prevents Get()
// from succeeding, this returns the same result as the ipcz Get() API.
// Assuming a parcel is available:
// If the parcel has data, it's stored as a string in `*message` iff
// `message` is non-null. Any handles are stored in `handles` if it's large
// enough to hold all handles in the parcel.
// If the available parcel has data but `message` is null, or if the parcel
// carries has more handles than the capacity of `handles`, the parcel is
// not retrieved, and this returns IPCZ_RESULT_RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, like the
// ipcz Get() API itself.
IpczResult Get(IpczHandle portal,
std::string* message = nullptr,
absl::Span<IpczHandle> handles = {});
// Shorthand for the icpz Trap() API with convenient lambda support.
IpczResult Trap(IpczHandle portal,
const IpczTrapConditions& conditions,
TrapEventHandler fn,
IpczTrapConditionFlags* flags = nullptr,
IpczPortalStatus* status = nullptr);
// Blocks until one or more conditions indicated by `conditions` are met by
// `portal`. For simple flag-only conditions like peer closure,
// WaitForConditionFlags() below may be used instead.
IpczResult WaitForConditions(IpczHandle portal,
const IpczTrapConditions& conditions);
// Blocks until one or more conditions indicated by `flags` are met by
// `portal`. For parameterized conditions, use WaitForConditions() above.
IpczResult WaitForConditionFlags(IpczHandle portal,
IpczTrapConditionFlags flags);
// Waits to receive any parcel on portal.
IpczResult WaitToGet(IpczHandle portal,
std::string* message = nullptr,
absl::Span<IpczHandle> handles = {});
// Sends an empty parcel from `portal` and expects an empty parcel in return.
void PingPong(IpczHandle portal);
// Waits for an empty parcel on `portal` and then sends an empty parcel in
// return.
void WaitForPingAndReply(IpczHandle portal);
// Sends a parcel from `portal` and expects to receive a parcel back with the
// same contents. Typical usage is to call this from two different nodes, on
// a pair of connected portals, in order to verify working communication
// between them.
void VerifyEndToEnd(IpczHandle portal);
// Similar to above, but useful in unit tests, or situations where both
// portals are local to the same node. In this case, a message is put into
// both `a` and `b`, and then this waits to read the same message from both.
void VerifyEndToEndLocal(IpczHandle a, IpczHandle b);
// Waits until `portal` is backed by a Router which is connected directly to
// its peer portal's Router on another node, with no proxies in between. Must
// be called on each portal of the portal pair in order to properly verify a
// direct route end-to-end.
void WaitForDirectRemoteLink(IpczHandle portal);
// Waits for portals `a` and `b` to become direct local peers, after any
// potential proxies in between are eliminated.
void WaitForDirectLocalLink(IpczHandle a, IpczHandle b);
static void HandleEvent(const IpczTrapEvent* event);
IpczAPI ipcz_ = {.size = sizeof(ipcz_)};
} // namespace ipcz::test::internal