blob: 3c537f4379adeb06f22ec6a0b08b7daf71c164be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include "ipcz/fragment_ref.h"
#include "ipcz/ipcz.h"
#include "ipcz/parcel_queue.h"
#include "ipcz/pending_transaction_set.h"
#include "ipcz/route_edge.h"
#include "ipcz/router_descriptor.h"
#include "ipcz/router_link.h"
#include "ipcz/sequence_number.h"
#include "ipcz/sublink_id.h"
#include "ipcz/trap_set.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "util/ref_counted.h"
namespace ipcz {
class NodeLink;
class RemoteRouterLink;
struct RouterLinkState;
class TrapEventDispatcher;
// The Router is the main primitive responsible for routing parcels between ipcz
// portals. This class is thread-safe.
// Before a Router can participate in any actual routing, it must have an
// outward link to another Router (see SetOutwardLink()). To establish a locally
// connected pair of Routers, pass both to LocalRouterLink::Create() and pass
// each returned link to the coresponding router:
// Router::Pair routers = {MakeRefCounted<Router>(),
// MakeRefCounted<Router>()};
// RouterLink::Pair links =
// LocalRouterLink::CreatePair(LinkType::kCentral, routers);
// routers.first->SetOutwardLink(std::move(links.first));
// routers.second->SetOutwardLink(std::move(links.second));
// Each ipcz portal handle directly controls a terminal Router along its route,
// and all routes stabilize to eventually consist of only two interconnected
// terminal Routers. When a portal moves, its side of the route is extended by
// creating a new terminal Router at the portal's new location. The previous
// terminal Router remains as a proxying hop to be phased out eventually.
class Router : public APIObjectImpl<Router, APIObject::kPortal> {
using Pair = std::pair<Ref<Router>, Ref<Router>>;
// Creates a new pair of terminal routers which are directly connected to each
// other by a LocalRouterLink.
static Pair CreatePair();
// APIObject:
IpczResult Close() override;
bool CanSendFrom(Router& sender) override;
// *Put/*Get APIs exposed through the ipcz API via portal handles.
IpczResult Put(absl::Span<const uint8_t> data,
absl::Span<const IpczHandle> handles);
IpczResult BeginPut(IpczBeginPutFlags flags,
volatile void** data,
size_t* num_bytes,
IpczTransaction* transaction);
IpczResult EndPut(IpczTransaction transaction,
size_t num_bytes_produced,
absl::Span<const IpczHandle> handles,
IpczEndPutFlags flags);
IpczResult Get(IpczGetFlags flags,
void* data,
size_t* num_data_bytes,
IpczHandle* handles,
size_t* num_handles,
IpczHandle* parcel);
IpczResult BeginGet(IpczBeginGetFlags flags,
const volatile void** data,
size_t* num_data_bytes,
IpczHandle* handles,
size_t* num_handles,
IpczTransaction* transaction);
IpczResult EndGet(IpczTransaction transaction,
IpczEndGetFlags flags,
IpczHandle* parcel);
// Indicates whether the terminal router on the other side of the central link
// is known to be closed.
bool IsPeerClosed();
// Indicates whether the terminal router on the other side of the central link
// is known to be closed AND there are no more inbound parcels to be
// retrieved.
bool IsRouteDead();
// Indicates whether this Router is currently on a central link which is
// connected to a router on another node. Used by tests to verify route
// reduction behavior, and may only be called on terminal Routers.
bool IsOnCentralRemoteLink();
// Fills in an IpczPortalStatus corresponding to the current state of this
// Router.
void QueryStatus(IpczPortalStatus& status);
// Returns true iff this Router's outward link is a LocalRouterLink between
// `this` and `router`.
bool HasLocalPeer(Router& router);
// Closes this side of the Router's own route. Only called terminal Routers.
void CloseRoute();
// Uses `link` as this Router's new outward link. This is the primary link on
// which the router transmits parcels and control messages directed toward the
// other side of its route. Must only be called on a Router which has no
// outward link.
// NOTE: This is NOT safe to call when the other side of the link is already
// in active use by another Router, as `this` Router may already be in a
// transitional state and must be able to block decay around `link` from
// within this call.
void SetOutwardLink(const Ref<RouterLink> link);
// Accepts an inbound parcel from the outward edge of this router, either to
// queue it for retrieval or forward it further inward. `source` indicates
// whether the parcel is arriving as a direct result of some local ipcz API
// call, or if it came from a remote node.
bool AcceptInboundParcel(std::unique_ptr<Parcel> parcel);
// Accepts an outbound parcel here from some other Router. The parcel is
// transmitted immediately or queued for later transmission over the Router's
// outward link. Called only on proxying Routers.
bool AcceptOutboundParcel(std::unique_ptr<Parcel> parcel);
// Accepts notification that the other end of the route has been closed and
// that the closed end transmitted a total of `sequence_length` parcels before
// closing. `source` indicates whether the portal's peer was closed locally,
// or if we were notified of its closure from a remote node.
bool AcceptRouteClosureFrom(LinkType link_type,
SequenceNumber sequence_length);
// Accepts notification from a link bound to this Router that some node along
// the route (in the direction of that link) has been disconnected, e.g. due
// to a crash, and that the route is no longer functional as a result. This is
// similar to route closure, except no effort can realistically be made to
// deliver the complete sequence of parcels transmitted from that end of the
// route. `link_type` specifies the type of link which is propagating the
// notification to this rouer.
bool AcceptRouteDisconnectedFrom(LinkType link_type);
// Attempts to install a new trap on this Router, to invoke `handler` as soon
// as one or more conditions in `conditions` is met. This method effectively
// implements the ipcz Trap() API. See its description in ipcz.h for details.
IpczResult Trap(const IpczTrapConditions& conditions,
IpczTrapEventHandler handler,
uint64_t context,
IpczTrapConditionFlags* satisfied_condition_flags,
IpczPortalStatus* status);
// Attempts to merge this Router's route with the route terminated by `other`.
// Both `other` and this Router must be terminal routers on their own separate
// routes, and neither Router must have transmitted or retreived any parcels
// via Put or Get APIs.
IpczResult MergeRoute(const Ref<Router>& other);
// Deserializes a new Router from `descriptor` received over `from_node_link`
// on `receiving_sublink`.
static Ref<Router> Deserialize(const RouterDescriptor& descriptor,
NodeLink& from_node_link,
SublinkId receiving_sublink);
// Serializes a description of a new Router which will be used to extend this
// Router's route across `to_node_link` by introducing a new Router on the
// remote node.
void SerializeNewRouter(NodeLink& to_node_link, RouterDescriptor& descriptor);
// Configures this Router to begin proxying incoming parcels toward (and
// outgoing parcels from) the Router described by `descriptor`, living on the
// remote node of `to_node_link`.
void BeginProxyingToNewRouter(NodeLink& to_node_link,
const RouterDescriptor& descriptor);
// Notifies this router that it should reach out to its outward peer's own
// outward peer in order to establish a direct link. `requestor` is the link
// over which this request arrived, and it must be this router's current
// outward peer in order for the request to be valid.
// Note that the requestor and its own outward peer must exist on different
// nodes in order for this method to be called. `bypass_target_node`
// identifies the node where that router lives, and `bypass_target_sublink`
// identifies the Sublink used to route between that router and the requestor;
// i.e., it identifies the link to be bypassed.
// If the requestor's own outward peer lives on a different node from this
// router, this router proceeds with the bypass by allocating a new link
// between itself and the requestor's outward peer and sharing it with that
// router's node via an AcceptBypassLink message, which will ultimately invoke
// AcceptBypassLink() on the targeted router.
// If the requestor's outward peer lives on the same node as this router,
// bypass is completed immediately by establishing a new LocalRotuerLink
// between the two routers. In this case a StopProxying message is sent back
// to the requestor in order to finalize the bypass.
// Returns true if the BypassPeer() request was valid, or false if it was
// invalid. Note that a return value of true does not necessarily imply that
// bypass was or will be successful (e.g. it may silently fail due to lost
// node connections).
bool BypassPeer(RemoteRouterLink& requestor,
const NodeName& bypass_target_node,
SublinkId bypass_target_sublink);
// Begins decaying this router's outward link and replaces it with a new link
// over `new_node_link` via `new_sublink`, and using `new_link_state` for its
// shared state.
// `inbound_sequence_length_from_bypassed_link` conveys the final length of
// sequence of inbound parcels to expect over the decaying link from the peer.
// See comments on the BypassPeer definition in node_messages_generator.h.
// Returns true if the request was valid, or false if it was invalid. An
// invalid request implies that a remote node tried to do something bad and
// should be disconnected ASAP. Note that a return value of true does not
// necessarily imply that the bypass link was accepted, as it may be
// silently discarded if other links have been disconnected already.
// If `new_node_link` links to a remote node which differs from that of this
// router's current outward link, the current outward link must have already
// been configured to accept replacement by the new remote node via its
// RouterLinkState's `allowed_bypass_request_source` field. This method
// authenticates the request accordingly.
bool AcceptBypassLink(
NodeLink& new_node_link,
SublinkId new_sublink,
FragmentRef<RouterLinkState> new_link_state,
SequenceNumber inbound_sequence_length_from_bypassed_link);
// Configures the final inbound and outbound sequence lengths of this router's
// decaying links. Once these lengths are set and sequences have progressed
// to the specified length in each direction, those decaying links -- and
// eventually the router itself -- are dropped.
// Returns true if and only if this router is a proxy with decaying inward and
// outward links. Otherwise returns false, indicating an invalid request.
bool StopProxying(SequenceNumber inbound_sequence_length,
SequenceNumber outbound_sequence_length);
// Configures the final length of the inbound parcel sequence coming from the
// this router's decaying outward link. Once this length is set and the
// decaying link has forwarded the full sequence of parcels up to this limit,
// the decaying link can be dropped.
// Returns true if this router has a decaying outward link -- implying that
// its outward peer is a proxy -- or the router has been disconnected.
// Otherwise the request is invalid and this returns false.
bool NotifyProxyWillStop(SequenceNumber inbound_sequence_length);
// Configures the final sequence length of outbound parcels to expect on this
// proxying Router's decaying inward link. Once this is set and the decaying
// link has received the full sequence of parcels, the link can be dropped.
// Returns true if the request is valid, meaning that this Router is a proxy
// whose outward peer is local to the same node. Otherwise this returns false.
bool StopProxyingToLocalPeer(SequenceNumber outbound_sequence_length);
// Notifies this Router that one of its links has been disconnected from a
// remote node. The link is identified by a combination of a specific NodeLink
// and SublinkId.
// Note that this is invoked if ANY RemoteRouterLink bound to this router is
// disconnected at its underlying NodeLink, and the result is aggressive
// teardown of the route in both directions across any remaining (i.e. primary
// and/or decaying) links.
// For a proxying router which is generally only kept alive by the links
// which are bound to it, this call will typically be followed by imminent
// destruction of this Router once the caller releases its own reference.
void NotifyLinkDisconnected(RemoteRouterLink& link);
// Flushes any inbound or outbound parcels, as well as any route closure
// notifications. RouterLinks which are no longer needed for the operation of
// this Router may be deactivated by this call.
// Since this may be called by many other Router methods, RouterLink
// implementations must exercise caution when calling into a Router to ensure
// that their own potentially reentrant deactivation by Flush() won't end up
// dropping the last reference and deleting `this` before Flush() returns.
// A safe way to ensure that is for RouterLink implementations to only call
// into Router using a reference held on the calling stack.
// The specified FlushBehavior determines whether the Flush() operation will
// unconditionally attempt to initiate bypass of this Router or its outward
// peer after performing all other flushing operations. By default, bypass
// progress is only attempted if the flush iteslf resulted in an unstable
// central link becoming potentially stable. But various operations which
// invoke Flush() may also elicit state changes that can unblock a bypass
// operation. These operatoins may specify kForceProxyBypassAttempt in such
// cases.
// `source` indicates why the flush is occurring.
enum FlushBehavior { kDefault, kForceProxyBypassAttempt };
void Flush(FlushBehavior behavior = kDefault);
friend class RefCounted<Router>;
// Allocates an outbound parcel with the intention of eventually sending it
// from this Router via SendOutboundParcel(). This will always try to allocate
// exactly `num_bytes` capacity unless `allow_partial` is true; in which case
// the allocated size may be less than requested. If available, this will also
// attempt to allocate the parcel data as a fragment of the router's outward
// link memory.
std::unique_ptr<Parcel> AllocateOutboundParcel(size_t num_bytes,
bool allow_partial);
// Attempts to send an outbound parcel originating from this Router. Called
// only as a direct result of a Put() or EndPut() call on the router's owning
// portal.
IpczResult SendOutboundParcel(std::unique_ptr<Parcel> parcel);
// Attempts to initiate bypass of this router by its peers, and ultimately to
// remove this router from its route.
// Called during a Flush() if this is a proxying router which just dropped its
// last decaying link, or if Flush() was called with kForceProxyBypassAttempt,
// indicating that some significant state has changed on the route which might
// unblock our bypass.
bool MaybeStartSelfBypass();
// Starts bypass of this Router when its outward peer lives on the same node.
// This must only be called once the central link is already locked. If
// `new_link_state` is non-null, it will be used for the RouterLinkState of
// the new RemoteRouterLink between this Routers inward and outward peers.
// Otherwise one will be allocated asynchronously before proceeding.
// Returns true if and only if self-bypass has been initiated by reaching out
// to this router's inward peer with with a BypassPeer() or
// BypassPeerWithLink() request. Otherwise returns false.
bool StartSelfBypassToLocalPeer(Router& local_outward_peer,
RemoteRouterLink& inward_link,
FragmentRef<RouterLinkState> new_link_state);
// Attempts to start bypass of this Router, which must be on a bridge link, as
// well bypassing the bridge link itself and the bridge peer router on its
// other side. This method will attempt to lock this Router's outward link as
// well as the outward link of this Router's bridge peer. If either fails,
// both are left unlocked and this operation cannot yet proceed.
void MaybeStartBridgeBypass();
// Starts bypass of this Router, which must be on a bridge link and must have
// a local outward peer link. The router on the other side of the bridge must
// have a remote outward peer, and `link_state` if non-null will be used to
// establish a new remote link to that peer to bypass the entire bridge. If
// `link_state` is null, the operation will be deferred until a fragment can
// be allocated.
void StartBridgeBypassFromLocalPeer(FragmentRef<RouterLinkState> link_state);
// Attempts to bypass the link identified by `requestor` in favor of a new
// link that runs over `node_link`. If `new_link_state` is non-null, it will
// be used for the RouterLinkState of the new RemoteRouterLink; otherwise one
// will be allocated asynchronously before proceeding.
// Returns true if and only if this request was valid.
bool BypassPeerWithNewRemoteLink(RemoteRouterLink& requestor,
NodeLink& node_link,
SublinkId bypass_target_sublink,
FragmentRef<RouterLinkState> new_link_state);
// Attempts to bypass the link identified by `requestor` in favor of a new
// LocalRouterLink to a Router bound to `bypass_target_sublink` on the same
// NodeLink as `requestor`.
// Returns true if and only if this request was valid.
bool BypassPeerWithNewLocalLink(RemoteRouterLink& requestor,
SublinkId bypass_target_sublink);
// Optimized Router serialization case when the Router's peer is local to the
// same node and the existing (local) central link can be replaced with a new
// remote link, without establishing an intermediate proxy. Returns true on
// success, or false indicating that the caller must fall back onto the slower
// Router serialization path defined below.
bool SerializeNewRouterWithLocalPeer(NodeLink& to_node_link,
RouterDescriptor& descriptor,
Ref<Router> local_peer);
// Default Router serialization case when the serializing Router must stay
// behind as an intermediate proxy between its (remote) peer and the newly
// established Router that will result from this serialization. As an
// optimization, `initiate_proxy_bypass` may be true if the serializing router
// is on the central link and was able to lock that link for bypass prior to
// serialization.
void SerializeNewRouterAndConfigureProxy(NodeLink& to_node_link,
RouterDescriptor& descriptor,
bool initiate_proxy_bypass);
std::unique_ptr<Parcel> TakeNextInboundParcel(TrapEventDispatcher& dispatcher)
absl::Mutex mutex_;
// Indicates whether the opposite end of the route has been closed. This is
// the source of truth for peer closure status. The status bit
// (IPCZ_PORTAL_STATUS_PEER_CLOSED) within `status_flags_`, and the
// corresponding trap condition (IPCZ_TRAP_PEER_CLOSED) are only raised when
// this is true AND we are not expecting any more in-flight parcels.
bool is_peer_closed_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = false;
// Tracks whether this router has been unexpectedly disconnected from its
// links. This may be used to prevent additional links from being established.
bool is_disconnected_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = false;
// If `pending_gets_` has only one transaction, this indicates whether it's
// exclusive. An exclusive transaction must return its Parcel to the head
// element of `inbound_parcels_` if aborted.
bool is_pending_get_exclusive_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = false;
// The current computed portal status flags state, to be reflected by a portal
// controlling this router iff this is a terminal router.
IpczPortalStatusFlags status_flags_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_) = IPCZ_NO_FLAGS;
// A set of traps installed via a controlling portal where applicable. These
// traps are notified about any interesting state changes within the router.
TrapSet traps_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// The edge connecting this router outward to another, toward the portal on
// the other side of the route.
RouteEdge outward_edge_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// The edge connecting this router inward to another, closer to the portal on
// our own side of the route. Only present for proxying routers: terminal
// routers by definition can have no inward edge.
std::unique_ptr<RouteEdge> inward_edge_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// A special inward edge which when present bridges this route with another
// route. This is used only to implement route merging.
std::unique_ptr<RouteEdge> bridge_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Parcels received from the other end of the route. If this is a terminal
// router, these may be retrieved by the application via a controlling portal;
// otherwise they will be forwarded along `inward_edge_` as soon as possible.
ParcelQueue inbound_parcels_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Parcels transmitted directly from this router (if sent by a controlling
// portal) or received from an inward peer which sent them outward toward this
// Router. These parcels generally only accumulate if there is no outward link
// present when attempting to transmit them, and they are forwarded along
// `outward_edge_` as soon as possible.
ParcelQueue outbound_parcels_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// The set of pending get transactions in progress on this router.
std::unique_ptr<PendingTransactionSet> pending_gets_ ABSL_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// The set of pending get transactions in progress on this router.
std::unique_ptr<PendingTransactionSet> pending_puts_;
} // namespace ipcz