blob: 2fc330d321c2a7189e5fff712c804db4ad7e492e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include "ipcz/driver_object.h"
#include "ipcz/driver_transport.h"
#include "ipcz/ipcz.h"
#include "ipcz/sequence_number.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/base/macros.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
#include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/span.h"
#include "util/safe_math.h"
namespace ipcz {
namespace internal {
// All wire structures defined in this header should be declared between this
// line and the corresponding #pragma pack(pop). Fields in these structures
// should manually aligned with explicit padding fields as needed.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// Header which begins all messages. The header layout is versioned for
// extensibility and long-term support.
struct MessageHeader {
// The size of the header in bytes.
uint8_t size;
// The header version in use by this message.
uint8_t version;
// Message ID assigned as part of a message's type definition via
uint8_t message_id;
// Reserved for future use. Must be zero.
uint8_t reserved0[5];
// Used for sequencing messages along a NodeLink to preserve end-to-end
// ordering, as NodeLink messages may be transmitted either across a driver
// transport or queues in shared memory.
SequenceNumber sequence_number;
// Offset into the message where the unified array of DriverObjectData lives,
// or zero if there are no driver objects attached.
uint32_t driver_object_data_array;
// Reserved for future use. Must be zero.
uint32_t reserved1;
static_assert(sizeof(MessageHeader) == 24, "Unexpected size");
using MessageHeaderV0 = MessageHeader;
using LatestMessageHeaderVersion = MessageHeaderV0;
// Header encoding metadata about a structure within a message.
struct StructHeader {
// The size of the structure in bytes. Used for versioning.
uint32_t size;
// Unused. Must be zero.
uint32_t padding;
static_assert(sizeof(StructHeader) == 8, "Unexpected size");
// Header encoding metadata about any array within a message.
struct ArrayHeader {
// The total number of bytes occupied by the array, including this header and
// any padding for 8-byte alignment.
uint32_t num_bytes;
// The number of elements encoded for the array. Elements are packed into the
// message immediately following this header.
uint32_t num_elements;
// Each serialized driver object is represented as an array of bytes and an
// array of driver handles. This structure describes both arrays for a single
// driver object. For every object attached to a message, there one of these
// structs.
struct DriverObjectData {
// Array index of the byte array which contains serialized data for this
// driver object. This is specifically the byte index into the enclosing
// message where the array's ArrayHeader can be found.
uint32_t driver_data_array;
// Every message carries a single unified array of attached driver handles.
// This is index of the first driver handle relevant to a specific driver
// object attachment.
uint16_t first_driver_handle;
// The number of driver handles belonging to this driver object, starting at
// the index of `first_driver_handle` within the message's driver handle
// array.
uint16_t num_driver_handles;
// Encodes information about a range of driver objects. Used to encode
// DriverObject array parameters.
struct DriverObjectArrayData {
// Index into the message's unified DriverObject array which corresponds to
// the first DriverObject belonging to the array described by this structure.
uint32_t first_object_index;
// The length of this DriverObject array. DriverObjects belonging to the array
// begin at `first_object_index` within the message's unified DriverObject
// array, and continue for the next `num_objects` contiguous elements.
uint32_t num_objects;
// Encodes an invalid driver object index. Any driver object field encoded as
// this value will deserialize to an invalid DriverObject.
constexpr uint32_t kInvalidDriverObjectIndex = 0xffffffff;
// End of wire structure definitions. Anything below this line is not meant to
// be encoded into messages.
#pragma pack(pop)
// Message macros emit metadata structures which are used at runtime to help
// validate an encoded message during deserialization. This conveys the kind of
// each field within the message's parameter structure.
enum class ParamType {
// A parameter encoded inline within the message's primary parameter struct.
// A parameter encoded as a 32-bit index elsewhere in the message. This index
// points to encoded array contents, beginning with an ArrayHeader.
// A parameter encoded as a single 32-bit value indexing the message's unified
// DriverObject array, referring to a single DriverObject attached to the
// message.
// A parameter encoded as a single DriverObjectArrayData structure, referring
// to a span of contiguous DriverObjects within the message's unified
// DriverObject array.
// Metadata about a single parameter declared within a message via one of the
// IPCZ_MSG_PARAM* macros. Constants of this type are genereated by such macros.
// See documentation in message_versions_declaration_macros.h and
// message_base_declaration_macros.h.
struct ParamMetadata {
// The offset of this parameter from the start of its version's field block.
size_t offset;
// The size of the data expected at `offset` in order for the field to be
// deserializable.
size_t size;
// If this is an array-typed field, this is the encoded size of each array
// element expected.
size_t array_element_size;
// The generic type of this parameter. See ParamType above.
ParamType type;
// Metadata about a single message version. Note that versions are additive:
// "version 0" refers only to the fields defined for version 0 of a message;
// "version 1" refers only to the fields added for version 1. More generally, a
// message with a "version N" block also has a block for all versions from 0 to
// N-1, and all blocks are non-overlapping.
// Constants of this type are genereated by IPCZ_MSG_PARAM* macros. See
// documentation in message_versions_declaration_macros.h and
// message_base_declaration_macros.h.
struct VersionMetadata {
// The version number for the described version.
int version_number;
// The offset of this version's parameter data from the start of the
// parameters structure, including the StructHeader.
size_t offset;
// The size of the parameter data which comprises this version.
size_t size;
// Metadata about all the parameters in the parameter data.
const absl::Span<const ParamMetadata> params;
} // namespace internal
// Message helps build, serialize, and deserialize ipcz-internal messages.
class IPCZ_ALIGN(8) Message {
enum { kIncoming };
// ReceivedDataBuffer is a fixed-size, heap-allocated data buffer which is
// allocated uninitialized and which can be moved out of the Message which
// allocated it. This is used strictly as storage for received message data.
struct FreeDeleter {
void operator()(void* ptr) { free(ptr); }
using ReceivedDataPtr = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t, FreeDeleter>;
class ReceivedDataBuffer {
explicit ReceivedDataBuffer(size_t size);
ReceivedDataBuffer& operator=(ReceivedDataBuffer&&);
uint8_t* data() const { return data_.get(); }
size_t size() const { return size_; }
bool empty() const { return size_ == 0; }
absl::Span<uint8_t> bytes() const { return absl::MakeSpan(data(), size()); }
ReceivedDataPtr data_;
size_t size_ = 0;
Message(uint8_t message_id, size_t params_size);
internal::MessageHeader& header() {
return *reinterpret_cast<internal::MessageHeader*>(;
const internal::MessageHeader& header() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const internal::MessageHeader*>(;
absl::Span<uint8_t> data_view() { return data_; }
absl::Span<uint8_t> params_data_view() {
return absl::MakeSpan(&data_[header().size], data_.size() - header().size);
absl::Span<DriverObject> driver_objects() {
return absl::MakeSpan(driver_objects_);
absl::Span<IpczDriverHandle> transmissible_driver_handles() {
return absl::MakeSpan(transmissible_driver_handles_);
// Allocates additional storage in this message to hold an array of
// `num_elements`, each with a size of `element_size` bytes. The allocated
// storage includes space for an ArrayHeader and padding to an 8-byte
// boundary. Returns the offset into the message payload where the ArrayHeader
// begins. Storage for each element follows contiguously from there.
uint32_t AllocateGenericArray(size_t element_size, size_t num_elements);
// Simple template helper for AllocateGenericArray, using the size of the
// type argument as the element size.
template <typename ElementType>
uint32_t AllocateArray(size_t num_elements) {
return AllocateGenericArray(sizeof(ElementType), num_elements);
// Allocates an array and populates its elements in-place, returning the array
// offset to use as a field value.
template <typename ElementType>
uint32_t AllocateAndSetArray(absl::Span<const ElementType> elements) {
const auto offset = AllocateArray<ElementType>(elements.size());
const auto view = GetArrayView<ElementType>(offset);
std::copy(elements.begin(), elements.end(), view.begin());
return offset;
// Appends a single driver object to this message, and returns its index into
// the message's DriverObject array. This index should be stored as the value
// for whatever IPCZ_MSG_PARAM_DRIVER_OBJECT() parameter corresponds to the
// appended object.
// Note that this does NOT serialize `object` yet. Serialization of all
// attached objects occurs during Serialize().
uint32_t AppendDriverObject(DriverObject object);
// Appends all driver objects in `objects` to this message and returns a
// DriverObjectArrayData describing the starting index and length of a span
// within the message's DriverObject array. This structure should be stored as
// the value for whatever IPCZ_MSG_PARAM_DRIVER_OBJECT_ARRAY() parameter
// corresponds to the attached sequence of objects.
// Note that this does NOT serialize `object` yet. Serialization of all
// attached objects occurs during Serialize().
internal::DriverObjectArrayData AppendDriverObjects(
absl::Span<DriverObject> objects);
// Takes ownership of a DriverObject that was attached to this message, given
// an index into the message's unified DriverObject array. This should be the
// same index returned by a prior call to AppendDriverObject() when
// serializing the original message.
DriverObject TakeDriverObject(uint32_t index);
// Returns a span of DriverObjects (within `driver_objects_`) corresponding to
// the span described by `data`. This should be the same structure value
// returned by a prior call to AppendDriverObjects() when serializing the
// original message.
absl::Span<DriverObject> GetDriverObjectArrayView(
const internal::DriverObjectArrayData& data);
// Returns the address of the first element of an array whose header begins
// at `offset` bytes from the beginning of this message.
void* GetArrayData(size_t offset) {
// NOTE: Any offset plugged into this method must be validated ahead of
// time.
ABSL_ASSERT(CheckAdd(offset, sizeof(internal::ArrayHeader)) <=
auto& header = *reinterpret_cast<internal::ArrayHeader*>(&data_[offset]);
return &header + 1;
// Template helper which returns a view into a serialized array's contents,
// given an array whose header begins at `offset` bytes from the beginning of
// this message. If `offset` is zero, this returns an empty span.
template <typename ElementType>
absl::Span<ElementType> GetArrayView(size_t offset) {
if (!offset) {
return {};
// NOTE: Any offset plugged into this method must be validated ahead of
// time.
ABSL_ASSERT(CheckAdd(offset, sizeof(internal::ArrayHeader)) <=
auto& header = *reinterpret_cast<internal::ArrayHeader*>(&data_[offset]);
// The ArrayHeader itself must also have been validated already to ensure
// that the span of array contents will not exceed the bounds of `data_`.
sizeof(internal::ArrayHeader)) <= data_.size());
return absl::MakeSpan(reinterpret_cast<ElementType*>(&header + 1),
// Helper to retrieve a typed value from the message given an absolute byte
// offset from the start of the message.
template <typename T>
T& GetValueAt(size_t data_offset) {
// NOTE: Any offset plugged into this method must be validated ahead of
// time.
ABSL_ASSERT(CheckAdd(data_offset, sizeof(T)) <= data_.size());
return *reinterpret_cast<T*>(&data_[data_offset]);
// Helper to retrieve a typed value from the message given a byte offset from
// the start of the message's parameter data. Note the distinction between
// this and GetValueAt(), as this offset is taken from the end of the message
// header, while GetValueAt() (and most other offset-diven methods here)
// interprets the offset as relative to the beginning of the message itself.
// This method is used in conjunection with parameter metadata generated by
// macros at compile-time.
template <typename T>
T& GetParamValueAt(size_t param_offset) {
// NOTE: Any offset plugged into this method must be validated ahead of
// time.
ABSL_ASSERT(CheckAdd(param_offset, sizeof(T)) <= params_data_view().size());
return GetValueAt<T>(GetDataOffset(&params_data_view()[param_offset]));
// Checks and indicates whether this message can be transmitted over
// `transport`, which depends on whether the driver is able to transmit all of
// the attached driver objects over that transport.
bool CanTransmitOn(const DriverTransport& transport);
// Attempts to finalize a message for transmission over `transport`. If the
// message has no DriverObjects attached, this is trivially a no-op.
// Otherwise, any attached DriverObjects are serialized into inlined data
// and/or transmissible handles at this time. This may result in re-allocation
// of the Message's underlying storage.
// In any case, upon return the resulting Message can be transmitted to
// another node and be deserialized from there. If the returned Message has at
// least one element in transmissible_driver_handles(), the Message must be
// transmitted over `transport`. Otherwise it can be transmitted by any other
// suitable mechanism for data transmission, such as shared memory.
// NOTE: It is invalid to call this on a message for which
// `CanTransmitOn(transport)` does not return true, and doing so results in
// unspecified behavior.
bool Serialize(const DriverTransport& transport);
// Validates and deserializes a Message of an unrecognized type. DriverObjects
// are deserialized and much of the message structure is validated, but the
// parameter layout is not known and is therefore neither validated nor
// exposed.
bool DeserializeUnknownType(const DriverTransport::RawMessage& message,
const DriverTransport& transport);
// For a Message whose contents were received from another node, this takes
// ownership of the heap-allocated copy of those contents. Invalidates this
// Message.
ReceivedDataBuffer TakeReceivedData() &&;
void SetEnvelope(DriverObject envelope);
DriverObject TakeEnvelope();
// Returns `x` aligned above to the nearest 8-byte boundary.
constexpr size_t Align(size_t x) { return (x + 7) & ~7; }
// Returns the relative offset of an address which falls within the message's
// data payload.
uint32_t GetDataOffset(const void* data) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(static_cast<const uint8_t*>(data) -;
// Common helper for vaidation of an incoming message header and basic data
// payload size.
bool CopyDataAndValidateHeader(absl::Span<const uint8_t> data);
// Common helper to validate an encoded parameter structure against a specific
// message definition. Must only be called on a Message with `data_` already
// populated, the header already validated, and DriverObjects already
// deserialized into `driver_objects_`.
bool ValidateParameters(size_t params_size,
absl::Span<const internal::VersionMetadata> versions);
// Attempts to deserialize a message from raw `data` and `handles` into `this`
// message object, given the `params_size`, `params_current_version` and
// `params_metadata`, which are all generated from message macros at build
// time to describe a specific ipcz-internal message.
// `transport` is the transport from which the incoming data and handles were
// received.
bool DeserializeFromTransport(
size_t params_size,
absl::Span<const internal::VersionMetadata> versions,
const DriverTransport::RawMessage& message,
const DriverTransport& transport);
// Attempts to deserialize a message from raw `data`, given a set of already
// deserialized DriverObjects in `objects`. The objects and data here have
// been extracted from a message relayed opaquely through the broker. While
// each DriverObject has already been validated and deserialized, the
// message-specific parameter data and object-field assignments must be
// validated here.
bool DeserializeFromRelay(
size_t params_size,
absl::Span<const internal::VersionMetadata> versions,
absl::Span<const uint8_t> data,
absl::Span<DriverObject> objects);
// Inlined storage for this message's data. Used when constructing outgoing
// messages, since most are small and can avoid additional heap allocation
// before hitting the wire.
std::optional<absl::InlinedVector<uint8_t, 128>> inlined_data_;
// Heap storage for this message's data, as received from a transport.
std::optional<ReceivedDataBuffer> received_data_;
// A view over *either* `received_data_` *or* `inlined_data_`, or empty if
// neither is present.
// This is the raw serialized data for this message. It always begins with a
// MessageHeader (or potentially some newer or older version thereof), whose
// actual size is determined by the header's `size` field. After that many
// bytes, a parameters structure immediately follows, as generated by an
// invocation of IPCZ_MSG_BEGIN()/IPCZ_MSG_END(). After fixed parameters, any
// number of dynamicaly inlined allocations may follow (e.g. for array
// contents, driver objects, etc.)
absl::Span<uint8_t> data_;
// Collection of DriverObjects attached to this message. These are attached
// while building a message (e.g. by calling AppendDriverObject), and they are
// consumed by Serialize() to encode the objects for transmission. Serialized
// objects are represented by some combination of data within the message,
// and zero or more transmissible driver handles which accumulate in
// `transmissible_driver_handles_` during serialization.
// On deserialization, driver object data and transmissible handles are fed
// back to the driver and used to reconstruct this list. Deserialized objects
// may be extracted from the message by calling TakeDriverObject().
// Since each driver object may serialize to any number of bytes and
// transmissible handles, there is generally NOT a 1:1 correpsondence between
// this list and `transmissible_driver_handles_`.
absl::InlinedVector<DriverObject, 2> driver_objects_;
// Collection of driver handles which the driver knows how to transmit as-is,
// in conjunction with (but out-of-band from) the payload in `data_`. This
// is populated by Serialize() if the driver emits any transmissible handles
// as outputs when serializing any of the objects in `driver_objects_`.
// On deserialization this set of handles is consumed; and in combination with
// encoded object data, is used by the driver to reconstruct
// `driver_objects_`.
// Since each driver object may serialize to any number of bytes and
// transmissible handles, there is generally NOT a 1:1 correpsondence between
// this list and `driver_objects_`.
absl::InlinedVector<IpczDriverHandle, 2> transmissible_driver_handles_;
DriverObject envelope_;
// Template helper to wrap the Message type for a specific macro-generated
// parameter structure. This primarily exists for safe, convenient construction
// of message payloads with correct header information and no leaky padding
// bits, as well as for convenient access to parameters within size-validated,
// deserialized messages.
// When an IPCZ_MSG_BEGIN() macro is used to declare a new Foo message, it will
// emit both a msg::Foo_Params structure for the fixed wire data of the message
// parameters, as well as a msg::Foo which is an alias for an instance of this
// template, namely Message<msg::Foo_Params>.
template <typename ParamDataType>
class MessageWithParams : public Message {
MessageWithParams() : Message(ParamDataType::kId, sizeof(ParamDataType)) {
ParamDataType& p = *(new (&params()) ParamDataType());
p.header.size = sizeof(p);
p.header.padding = 0;
// Special constructor which avoids initializing storage that won't be used
// anyway.
explicit MessageWithParams(decltype(Message::kIncoming)) : Message() {}
~MessageWithParams() = default;
// Convenient accessors for the message's main parameters struct, whose
// location depends on the size of the header. Note that because this may be
// used to access parameters within messages using a newer or older header
// than what's defined above in MessageHeader, we index based on the header's
// encoded size rather than the compile-time size of MessageHeader.
// If this object was deserialized from the wire, it must already have been
// validated to have an enough space for `header().size` bytes plus the size
// of ParamDataType or some older version thereof. Safe access to newer
// versions' fields is managed by the ParamDataType itself.
ParamDataType& params() {
return *reinterpret_cast<ParamDataType*>(&data_[header().size]);
const ParamDataType& params() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const ParamDataType*>(&data_[header().size]);
} // namespace ipcz