Log Accessibility serialization and unserialization time taken.

We are already logging the worst serialization times as UKM metrics,
this change logs all times so we can track real world performance over
time. This will be useful for measuring the real world perf impact
of changes that alter what or how we serialize accessibility

Bug: 1194172

Change-Id: Ied0a85d5be9e7c4e610b090a5d9f076475e405c8
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2856707
Commit-Queue: Jacques Newman <janewman@microsoft.com>
Reviewed-by: Mark Pearson <mpearson@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Nektarios Paisios <nektar@chromium.org>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#879183}
GitOrigin-RevId: d7a6dc7209108119e6bd7cddddccaf9c36c30f7f
1 file changed
tree: 61670a9ef514148e7de94a0c6b08f7fe465e2a78
  1. accessibility/
  2. android/
  3. binary_size/
  4. bisect_repackage/
  5. cfi/
  6. check_ecs_deps/
  7. checkbins/
  8. checklicenses/
  9. checkperms/
  10. checkteamtags/
  11. chrome_extensions/
  12. clang/
  13. code_coverage/
  14. compile_test/
  15. coverity/
  16. cr/
  17. cros/
  18. cygprofile/
  19. determinism/
  20. diagnosis/
  21. dromaeo_benchmark_runner/
  22. dump_process_memory/
  23. emacs/
  24. find_runtime_symbols/
  25. flags/
  26. flakiness/
  27. fuchsia/
  28. gdb/
  29. generate_library_loader/
  30. generate_shim_headers/
  31. generate_stubs/
  32. get_swarming_logs/
  33. git/
  34. gn/
  35. grit/
  36. gritsettings/
  37. idl_parser/
  38. imagediff/
  39. infra/
  40. ipc_fuzzer/
  41. json_comment_eater/
  42. json_schema_compiler/
  43. json_to_struct/
  44. l10n/
  45. linux/
  46. lldb/
  47. luci-go/
  48. mac/
  49. mb/
  50. md_browser/
  51. media_engagement_preload/
  52. memory/
  53. memory_inspector/
  54. metrics/
  55. msan/
  56. oopif/
  57. origin_trials/
  58. page_cycler/
  59. perf/
  60. polymer/
  61. privacy_budget/
  62. protoc_wrapper/
  63. python/
  64. real_world_impact/
  65. resources/
  66. resultdb/
  67. security/
  68. site_compare/
  69. stats_viewer/
  70. strict_enum_value_checker/
  71. style_variable_generator/
  72. sublime/
  73. symsrc/
  74. tcmalloc/
  75. tests/
  76. traceline/
  77. traffic_annotation/
  78. translation/
  79. typescript/
  80. ubsan/
  81. usb_gadget/
  82. v8_context_snapshot/
  83. valgrind/
  84. variations/
  85. vim/
  86. vscode/
  87. web_bluetooth/
  88. web_dev_style/
  89. win/
  90. .style.yapf
  91. apply_cpplint_header_guard.py
  92. auto-nav.py
  93. autotest.py
  94. bash-completion
  95. bisect-builds.py
  96. bisect_test.py
  97. boilerplate.py
  98. buildstate.bat
  99. buildstate.py
  100. check_git_config.py
  101. check_grd_for_unused_strings.py
  102. clang-format-js
  103. DEPS
  104. diagnose-me.py
  106. download_optimization_profile.py
  107. gypv8sh.py
  108. include_tracer.py
  109. ipc_messages_log.py
  110. licenses.py
  111. make-gtest-filter.py
  112. multi_process_rss.py
  113. nocompile_driver.py
  114. omahaproxy.py
  115. OWNERS
  116. perry.py
  117. remove_duplicate_includes.py
  118. remove_stale_pyc_files.py
  119. roll_webgl_conformance.py
  120. run-swarmed.py
  121. sort-headers.py
  122. sort_sources.py
  123. uberblame.py
  124. unused-symbols-report.py
  125. update_pgo_profiles.py
  126. yes_no.py