Nuke tools/android/loading

In attempt to avoid breaking customtabs_benchmark also move to tools/android/customtabs_benchmark/scripts.

Reason: currently unused, does not comply with presubmit checks, no
plans to develop it further.

Change-Id: I01486f7fcbd663281e43c6db95bd621969a5f7d2
Reviewed-by: Matthew Cary <>
Reviewed-by: Benoit L <>
Commit-Queue: Egor Pasko <>
Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#614691}
Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 17f636f29fef89d40edce0727806d72eaf4baba8
diff --git a/loading/ b/customtabs_benchmark/scripts/
similarity index 100%
rename from loading/
rename to customtabs_benchmark/scripts/
diff --git a/customtabs_benchmark/scripts/ b/customtabs_benchmark/scripts/
index a907ce7..b5a3afe 100755
--- a/customtabs_benchmark/scripts/
+++ b/customtabs_benchmark/scripts/
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
 sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'build', 'android'))
 import devil_chromium
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'tools', 'android', 'loading'))
 import chrome_setup
diff --git a/loading/OWNERS b/loading/OWNERS
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a4803..0000000
--- a/loading/OWNERS
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd740ef..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Top-level presubmit script for loading.
-for more details on the presubmit API built into depot_tools.
-def CommonChecks(input_api, output_api):
-  output = []
-  blacklist = [r'cloud/frontend/lib/*']
-  output.extend(input_api.canned_checks.RunPylint(
-      input_api, output_api, black_list=blacklist))
-  output.extend(input_api.canned_checks.RunUnitTests(
-      input_api,
-      output_api,
-      [input_api.os_path.join(input_api.PresubmitLocalPath(), 'run_tests')]))
-  if input_api.is_committing:
-    output.extend(input_api.canned_checks.PanProjectChecks(input_api,
-                                                           output_api,
-                                                           owners_check=False))
-  return output
-def CheckChangeOnUpload(input_api, output_api):
-  return CommonChecks(input_api, output_api)
-def CheckChangeOnCommit(input_api, output_api):
-  return CommonChecks(input_api, output_api)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e3a98e..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Gives a picture of the CPU activity between timestamps.
-When executed as a script, takes a loading trace, and prints the activity
-breakdown for the request dependencies.
-import collections
-import logging
-import operator
-import request_track
-class ActivityLens(object):
-  """Reconstructs the activity of the main renderer thread between requests."""
-  _SCRIPT_EVENT_NAMES = ('EvaluateScript', 'FunctionCall')
-  _PARSING_EVENT_NAMES = ('ParseHTML', 'ParseAuthorStyleSheet')
-  def __init__(self, trace):
-    """Initializes an instance of ActivityLens.
-    Args:
-      trace: (LoadingTrace) loading trace.
-    """
-    self._trace = trace
-    events = trace.tracing_track.GetEvents()
-    self._renderer_main_pid_tid = self._GetRendererMainThreadId(events)
-    self._tracing = self._trace.tracing_track.Filter(
-        *self._renderer_main_pid_tid)
-  @classmethod
-  def _GetRendererMainThreadId(cls, events):
-    """Returns the most active main renderer thread.
-    Several renderers may be running concurrently, but we assume that only one
-    of them is busy during the time covered by the loading trace.. It can be
-    selected by looking at the number of trace events generated.
-    Args:
-      events: [tracing.Event] List of trace events.
-    Returns:
-      (PID (int), TID (int)) of the busiest renderer main thread.
-    """
-    events_count_per_pid_tid = collections.defaultdict(int)
-    main_renderer_thread_ids = set()
-    for event in events:
-      tracing_event = event.tracing_event
-      pid = event.tracing_event['pid']
-      tid = event.tracing_event['tid']
-      events_count_per_pid_tid[(pid, tid)] += 1
-      if (tracing_event['cat'] == '__metadata'
-          and tracing_event['name'] == 'thread_name'
-          and event.args['name'] == 'CrRendererMain'):
-        main_renderer_thread_ids.add((pid, tid))
-    events_count_per_pid_tid = {
-        pid_tid: count for (pid_tid, count) in events_count_per_pid_tid.items()
-        if pid_tid in main_renderer_thread_ids}
-    pid_tid_events_counts = sorted(events_count_per_pid_tid.items(),
-                                   key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
-    if (len(pid_tid_events_counts) > 1
-        and pid_tid_events_counts[0][1] < 2 * pid_tid_events_counts[1][1]):
-      logging.warning(
-          'Several active renderers (%d and %d with %d and %d events).'
-          % (pid_tid_events_counts[0][0][0], pid_tid_events_counts[1][0][0],
-             pid_tid_events_counts[0][1], pid_tid_events_counts[1][1]))
-    return pid_tid_events_counts[0][0]
-  def _OverlappingMainRendererThreadEvents(self, start_msec, end_msec):
-    return self._tracing.OverlappingEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
-  @classmethod
-  def _ClampedDuration(cls, event, start_msec, end_msec):
-      return max(0, (min(end_msec, event.end_msec)
-                     - max(start_msec, event.start_msec)))
-  @classmethod
-  def _ThreadBusyness(cls, events, start_msec, end_msec):
-    """Amount of time a thread spent executing from the message loop."""
-    busy_duration = 0
-    message_loop_events = [
-        e for e in events
-        if (e.tracing_event['cat'] == 'toplevel'
-            and e.tracing_event['name'] == 'MessageLoop::RunTask')]
-    for event in message_loop_events:
-      clamped_duration = cls._ClampedDuration(event, start_msec, end_msec)
-      busy_duration += clamped_duration
-    interval_msec = end_msec - start_msec
-    assert busy_duration <= interval_msec
-    return busy_duration
-  @classmethod
-  def _ScriptsExecuting(cls, events, start_msec, end_msec):
-    """Returns the time during which scripts executed within an interval.
-    Args:
-      events: ([tracing.Event]) list of tracing events.
-      start_msec: (float) start time in ms, inclusive.
-      end_msec: (float) end time in ms, inclusive.
-    Returns:
-      A dict {URL (str) -> duration_msec (float)}. The dict may have a None key
-      for scripts that aren't associated with a URL.
-    """
-    script_to_duration = collections.defaultdict(float)
-    script_events = [e for e in events
-                     if ('devtools.timeline' in e.tracing_event['cat']
-                         and (e.tracing_event['name']
-                              in cls._SCRIPT_EVENT_NAMES))]
-    for event in script_events:
-      clamped_duration = cls._ClampedDuration(event, start_msec, end_msec)
-      script_url = event.args['data'].get('scriptName', None)
-      script_to_duration[script_url] += clamped_duration
-    return dict(script_to_duration)
-  @classmethod
-  def _FullyIncludedEvents(cls, events, event):
-    """Return a list of events wholly included in the |event| span."""
-    (start, end) = (event.start_msec, event.end_msec)
-    result = []
-    for event in events:
-      if start <= event.start_msec < end and start <= event.end_msec < end:
-        result.append(event)
-    return result
-  @classmethod
-  def _Parsing(cls, events, start_msec, end_msec):
-    """Returns the HTML/CSS parsing time within an interval.
-    Args:
-      events: ([tracing.Event]) list of events.
-      start_msec: (float) start time in ms, inclusive.
-      end_msec: (float) end time in ms, inclusive.
-    Returns:
-      A dict {URL (str) -> duration_msec (float)}. The dict may have a None key
-      for tasks that aren't associated with a URL.
-    """
-    url_to_duration = collections.defaultdict(float)
-    parsing_events = [e for e in events
-                      if ('devtools.timeline' in e.tracing_event['cat']
-                          and (e.tracing_event['name']
-                               in cls._PARSING_EVENT_NAMES))]
-    for event in parsing_events:
-      # Parsing events can contain nested script execution events, avoid
-      # double-counting by discounting these.
-      nested_events = cls._FullyIncludedEvents(events, event)
-      events_tree = _EventsTree(event, nested_events)
-      js_events = events_tree.DominatingEventsWithNames(cls._SCRIPT_EVENT_NAMES)
-      duration_to_subtract = sum(
-          cls._ClampedDuration(e, start_msec, end_msec) for e in js_events)
-      tracing_event = event.tracing_event
-      clamped_duration = cls._ClampedDuration(event, start_msec, end_msec)
-      if tracing_event['name'] == 'ParseAuthorStyleSheet':
-        url = tracing_event['args']['data']['styleSheetUrl']
-      else:
-        url = tracing_event['args']['beginData']['url']
-      parsing_duration = clamped_duration - duration_to_subtract
-      assert parsing_duration >= 0
-      url_to_duration[url] += parsing_duration
-    return dict(url_to_duration)
-  def GenerateEdgeActivity(self, dep):
-    """For a dependency between two requests, returns the renderer activity
-    breakdown.
-    Args:
-      dep: (Request, Request, str) As returned from
-           RequestDependencyLens.GetRequestDependencies().
-    Returns:
-      {'edge_cost': (float) ms, 'busy': (float) ms,
-       'parsing': {'url' -> time_ms}, 'script' -> {'url' -> time_ms}}
-    """
-    (first, second, reason) = dep
-    (start_msec, end_msec) = request_track.IntervalBetween(
-        first, second, reason)
-    assert end_msec - start_msec >= 0.
-    events = self._OverlappingMainRendererThreadEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
-    result = {'edge_cost': end_msec - start_msec,
-              'busy': self._ThreadBusyness(events, start_msec, end_msec)}
-    result.update(self.ComputeActivity(start_msec, end_msec))
-    return result
-  def ComputeActivity(self, start_msec, end_msec):
-    """Returns a breakdown of the main renderer thread activity between two
-    timestamps.
-    Args:
-      start_msec: (float)
-      end_msec: (float)
-    Returns:
-       {'parsing': {'url' -> time_ms}, 'script': {'url' -> time_ms}}.
-    """
-    assert end_msec - start_msec >= 0.
-    events = self._OverlappingMainRendererThreadEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
-    result = {'parsing': self._Parsing(events, start_msec, end_msec),
-              'script': self._ScriptsExecuting(events, start_msec, end_msec)}
-    return result
-  def BreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(self, dep):
-    """For a dependency between two requests, categorizes the renderer activity.
-    Args:
-      dep: (Request, Request, str) As returned from
-           RequestDependencyLens.GetRequestDependencies().
-    Returns:
-      {'script': float, 'parsing': float, 'other_url': float,
-       'unknown_url': float, 'unrelated_work': float}
-      where the values are durations in ms:
-      - idle: The renderer main thread was idle.
-      - script: The initiating file was executing.
-      - parsing: The initiating file was being parsed.
-      - other_url: Other scripts and/or parsing activities.
-      - unknown_url: Activity which is not associated with a URL.
-      - unrelated_work: Activity unrelated to scripts or parsing.
-    """
-    activity = self.GenerateEdgeActivity(dep)
-    breakdown = {'unrelated_work': activity['busy'],
-                 'idle': activity['edge_cost'] - activity['busy'],
-                 'script': 0, 'parsing': 0,
-                 'other_url': 0, 'unknown_url': 0}
-    for kind in ('script', 'parsing'):
-      for (script_name, duration_ms) in activity[kind].items():
-        if not script_name:
-          breakdown['unknown_url'] += duration_ms
-        elif script_name == dep[0].url:
-          breakdown[kind] += duration_ms
-        else:
-          breakdown['other_url'] += duration_ms
-    breakdown['unrelated_work'] -= sum(
-        breakdown[x] for x in ('script', 'parsing', 'other_url', 'unknown_url'))
-    return breakdown
-  def MainRendererThreadBusyness(self, start_msec, end_msec):
-    """Returns the amount of time the main renderer thread was busy.
-    Args:
-      start_msec: (float) Start of the interval.
-      end_msec: (float) End of the interval.
-    """
-    events = self._OverlappingMainRendererThreadEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
-    return self._ThreadBusyness(events, start_msec, end_msec)
-class _EventsTree(object):
-  """Builds the hierarchy of events from a list of fully nested events."""
-  def __init__(self, root_event, events):
-    """Creates the tree.
-    Args:
-      root_event: (Event) Event held by the tree root.
-      events: ([Event]) List of events that are fully included in |root_event|.
-    """
-    self.event = root_event
-    self.start_msec = root_event.start_msec
-    self.end_msec = root_event.end_msec
-    self.children = []
-    events.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('start_msec'))
-    if not events:
-      return
-    current_child = (events[0], [])
-    for event in events[1:]:
-      if event.end_msec < current_child[0].end_msec:
-        current_child[1].append(event)
-      else:
-        self.children.append(_EventsTree(current_child[0], current_child[1]))
-        current_child = (event, [])
-    self.children.append(_EventsTree(current_child[0], current_child[1]))
-  def DominatingEventsWithNames(self, names):
-    """Returns a list of the top-most events in the tree with a matching name.
-    """
-    if in names:
-      return [self.event]
-    else:
-      result = []
-      for child in self.children:
-        result += child.DominatingEventsWithNames(names)
-      return result
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import sys
-  import json
-  import loading_trace
-  import request_dependencies_lens
-  filename = sys.argv[1]
-  json_dict = json.load(open(filename))
-  loading_trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-  activity_lens = ActivityLens(loading_trace)
-  dependencies_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(
-      loading_trace)
-  deps = dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-  for requests_dep in deps:
-    print activity_lens.GenerateEdgeActivity(requests_dep)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa4689..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import collections
-import copy
-import unittest
-from activity_lens import (ActivityLens, _EventsTree)
-import clovis_constants
-import test_utils
-import tracing_track
-class ActivityLensTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  @classmethod
-  def _EventsFromRawEvents(cls, raw_events):
-    track = tracing_track.TracingTrack(None,
-        clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)
-    track.Handle(
-        'Tracing.dataCollected', {'params': {'value': raw_events}})
-    return track.GetEvents()
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.track = tracing_track.TracingTrack(None,
-        clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)
-  def testGetRendererMainThread(self):
-    first_renderer_tid = 12345
-    second_renderer_tid = 123456
-    raw_events =  [
-        {u'args': {u'name': u'CrBrowserMain'},
-         u'cat': u'__metadata',
-         u'name': u'thread_name',
-         u'ph': u'M',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': 123,
-         u'ts': 0},
-        {u'args': {u'name': u'CrRendererMain'},
-         u'cat': u'__metadata',
-         u'name': u'thread_name',
-         u'ph': u'M',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': first_renderer_tid,
-         u'ts': 0},
-        {u'args': {u'name': u'CrRendererMain'},
-         u'cat': u'__metadata',
-         u'name': u'thread_name',
-         u'ph': u'M',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': second_renderer_tid,
-         u'ts': 0}]
-    raw_events += [
-        {u'args': {u'data': {}},
-         u'cat': u'devtools.timeline,v8',
-         u'name': u'FunctionCall',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tdur': 0,
-         u'tid': first_renderer_tid,
-         u'ts': 251427174674,
-         u'tts': 5107725}] * 100
-    raw_events += [
-        {u'args': {u'data': {}},
-         u'cat': u'devtools.timeline,v8',
-         u'name': u'FunctionCall',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tdur': 0,
-         u'tid': second_renderer_tid,
-         u'ts': 251427174674,
-         u'tts': 5107725}] * 150
-    # There are more events from first_renderer_tid when (incorrectly) ignoring
-    # the PID.
-    raw_events += [
-        {u'args': {u'data': {}},
-         u'cat': u'devtools.timeline,v8',
-         u'name': u'FunctionCall',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 12,
-         u'tdur': 0,
-         u'tid': first_renderer_tid,
-         u'ts': 251427174674,
-         u'tts': 5107725}] * 100
-    events = self._EventsFromRawEvents(raw_events)
-    self.assertEquals((1, second_renderer_tid),
-                      ActivityLens._GetRendererMainThreadId(events))
-  def testThreadBusyness(self):
-    raw_events =  [
-        {u'args': {},
-         u'cat': u'toplevel',
-         u'dur': 200 * 1000,
-         u'name': u'MessageLoop::RunTask',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 123,
-         u'tid': 123,
-         u'ts': 0,
-         u'tts': 56485},
-        {u'args': {},
-         u'cat': u'toplevel',
-         u'dur': 8 * 200,
-         u'name': u'MessageLoop::NestedSomething',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 123,
-         u'tid': 123,
-         u'ts': 0,
-         u'tts': 0}]
-    events = self._EventsFromRawEvents(raw_events)
-    self.assertEquals(200, ActivityLens._ThreadBusyness(events, 0, 1000))
-    # Clamping duration.
-    self.assertEquals(100, ActivityLens._ThreadBusyness(events, 0, 100))
-    self.assertEquals(50, ActivityLens._ThreadBusyness(events, 25, 75))
-  def testScriptExecuting(self):
-    url = u''
-    raw_events = [
-        {u'args': {u'data': {u'scriptName': url}},
-         u'cat': u'devtools.timeline,v8',
-         u'dur': 250 * 1000,
-         u'name': u'FunctionCall',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 123,
-         u'tdur': 247,
-         u'tid': 123,
-         u'ts': 0,
-         u'tts': 0},
-        {u'args': {u'data': {}},
-         u'cat': u'devtools.timeline,v8',
-         u'dur': 350 * 1000,
-         u'name': u'EvaluateScript',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 123,
-         u'tdur': 247,
-         u'tid': 123,
-         u'ts': 0,
-         u'tts': 0}]
-    events = self._EventsFromRawEvents(raw_events)
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(ActivityLens._ScriptsExecuting(events, 0, 1000)))
-    self.assertTrue(None in ActivityLens._ScriptsExecuting(events, 0, 1000))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        350, ActivityLens._ScriptsExecuting(events, 0, 1000)[None])
-    self.assertTrue(url in ActivityLens._ScriptsExecuting(events, 0, 1000))
-    self.assertEquals(250, ActivityLens._ScriptsExecuting(events, 0, 1000)[url])
-    # Aggreagates events.
-    raw_events.append({u'args': {u'data': {}},
-                       u'cat': u'devtools.timeline,v8',
-                       u'dur': 50 * 1000,
-                       u'name': u'EvaluateScript',
-                       u'ph': u'X',
-                       u'pid': 123,
-                       u'tdur': 247,
-                       u'tid': 123,
-                       u'ts': 0,
-                       u'tts': 0})
-    events = self._EventsFromRawEvents(raw_events)
-    self.assertEquals(
-        350 + 50, ActivityLens._ScriptsExecuting(events, 0, 1000)[None])
-  def testParsing(self):
-    css_url = u''
-    html_url = u''
-    raw_events = [
-        {u'args': {u'data': {u'styleSheetUrl': css_url}},
-         u'cat': u'blink,devtools.timeline',
-         u'dur': 400 * 1000,
-         u'name': u'ParseAuthorStyleSheet',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 32723,
-         u'tdur': 49721,
-         u'tid': 32738,
-         u'ts': 0,
-         u'tts': 216148},
-        {u'args': {u'beginData': {u'url': html_url}},
-         u'cat': u'devtools.timeline',
-         u'dur': 42 * 1000,
-         u'name': u'ParseHTML',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 32723,
-         u'tdur': 49721,
-         u'tid': 32738,
-         u'ts': 0,
-         u'tts': 5032310},]
-    events = self._EventsFromRawEvents(raw_events)
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(ActivityLens._Parsing(events, 0, 1000)))
-    self.assertTrue(css_url in ActivityLens._Parsing(events, 0, 1000))
-    self.assertEquals(400, ActivityLens._Parsing(events, 0, 1000)[css_url])
-    self.assertTrue(html_url in ActivityLens._Parsing(events, 0, 1000))
-    self.assertEquals(42, ActivityLens._Parsing(events, 0, 1000)[html_url])
-  def testBreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(self):
-    requests = [test_utils.MakeRequest(0, 1, 10, 20, 30),
-                test_utils.MakeRequest(0, 1, 50, 60, 70)]
-    raw_events = [
-        {u'args': {u'beginData': {u'url': requests[0].url}},
-         u'cat': u'devtools.timeline',
-         u'dur': 12 * 1000,
-         u'name': u'ParseHTML',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': 1,
-         u'ts': 25 * 1000},
-        {u'args': {u'data': {'scriptName': requests[0].url}},
-         u'cat': u'devtools.timeline,v8',
-         u'dur': 0,
-         u'name': u'EvaluateScript',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': 1,
-         u'ts': 0},
-        {u'cat': u'toplevel',
-         u'dur': 100 * 1000,
-         u'name': u'MessageLoop::RunTask',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': 1,
-         u'ts': 0},
-        {u'args': {u'name': u'CrRendererMain'},
-         u'cat': u'__metadata',
-         u'name': u'thread_name',
-         u'ph': u'M',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': 1,
-         u'ts': 0}]
-    activity = self._ActivityLens(requests, raw_events)
-    dep = (requests[0], requests[1], 'parser')
-    self.assertEquals(
-        {'unrelated_work': 18, 'idle': 0, 'script': 0, 'parsing': 12,
-         'other_url': 0, 'unknown_url': 0},
-        activity.BreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(dep))
-    dep = (requests[0], requests[1], 'other')
-    # Truncating the event from the parent request end.
-    self.assertEquals(
-        {'unrelated_work': 13, 'idle': 0, 'script': 0, 'parsing': 7,
-         'other_url': 0, 'unknown_url': 0},
-        activity.BreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(dep))
-    # Unknown URL
-    raw_events[0]['args']['beginData']['url'] = None
-    activity = self._ActivityLens(requests, raw_events)
-    dep = (requests[0], requests[1], 'parser')
-    self.assertEquals(
-        {'unrelated_work': 18, 'idle': 0, 'script': 0, 'parsing': 0,
-         'other_url': 0, 'unknown_url': 12},
-        activity.BreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(dep))
-    # Script
-    raw_events[1]['ts'] = 40 * 1000
-    raw_events[1]['dur'] = 6 * 1000
-    activity = self._ActivityLens(requests, raw_events)
-    dep = (requests[0], requests[1], 'script')
-    self.assertEquals(
-        {'unrelated_work': 7, 'idle': 0, 'script': 6, 'parsing': 0,
-         'other_url': 0, 'unknown_url': 7},
-        activity.BreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(dep))
-    # Other URL
-    raw_events[1]['args']['data']['scriptName'] = ''
-    activity = self._ActivityLens(requests, raw_events)
-    self.assertEquals(
-        {'unrelated_work': 7, 'idle': 0, 'script': 0., 'parsing': 0.,
-         'other_url': 6., 'unknown_url': 7.},
-        activity.BreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(dep))
-  def testMainRendererThreadBusyness(self):
-    raw_events =  [
-        {u'args': {u'name': u'CrRendererMain'},
-         u'cat': u'__metadata',
-         u'name': u'thread_name',
-         u'ph': u'M',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': 12,
-         u'ts': 0},
-        {u'args': {},
-         u'cat': u'toplevel',
-         u'dur': 200 * 1000,
-         u'name': u'MessageLoop::RunTask',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': 12,
-         u'ts': 0,
-         u'tts': 56485},
-        {u'args': {},
-         u'cat': u'toplevel',
-         u'dur': 8 * 200,
-         u'name': u'MessageLoop::NestedSomething',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 1,
-         u'tid': 12,
-         u'ts': 0,
-         u'tts': 0},
-        {u'args': {},
-         u'cat': u'toplevel',
-         u'dur': 500 * 1000,
-         u'name': u'MessageLoop::RunTask',
-         u'ph': u'X',
-         u'pid': 12,
-         u'tid': 12,
-         u'ts': 0,
-         u'tts': 56485}]
-    lens = self._ActivityLens([], raw_events)
-    # Ignore events from another PID.
-    self.assertEquals(200, lens.MainRendererThreadBusyness(0, 1000))
-    # Clamping duration.
-    self.assertEquals(100, lens.MainRendererThreadBusyness(0, 100))
-    self.assertEquals(50, lens.MainRendererThreadBusyness(25, 75))
-    # Other PID.
-    raw_events[0]['pid'] = 12
-    lens = self._ActivityLens([], raw_events)
-    self.assertEquals(500, lens.MainRendererThreadBusyness(0, 1000))
-  def _ActivityLens(self, requests, raw_events):
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        requests, None, raw_events)
-    return ActivityLens(loading_trace)
-class EventsTreeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  FakeEvent = collections.namedtuple(
-      'FakeEvent', ('name', 'start_msec', 'end_msec'))
-  _ROOT_EVENT = FakeEvent('-1', 0, 20)
-  _EVENTS = [
-      FakeEvent('0', 2, 4), FakeEvent('1', 1, 5),
-      FakeEvent('2', 6, 9),
-      FakeEvent('3', 13, 14), FakeEvent('4', 14, 17), FakeEvent('5', 12, 18)]
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.tree = _EventsTree(self._ROOT_EVENT, copy.deepcopy(self._EVENTS))
-  def testEventsTreeConstruction(self):
-    self.assertEquals(self._ROOT_EVENT, self.tree.event)
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(self.tree.children))
-    self.assertEquals(self._EVENTS[1], self.tree.children[0].event)
-    self.assertEquals(self._EVENTS[0], self.tree.children[0].children[0].event)
-    self.assertEquals(self._EVENTS[2], self.tree.children[1].event)
-    self.assertEquals([], self.tree.children[1].children)
-    self.assertEquals(self._EVENTS[5], self.tree.children[2].event)
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(self.tree.children[2].children))
-  def testDominatingEventsWithNames(self):
-    self.assertListEqual(
-        [self._ROOT_EVENT], self.tree.DominatingEventsWithNames(('-1')))
-    self.assertListEqual(
-        [self._ROOT_EVENT], self.tree.DominatingEventsWithNames(('-1', '0')))
-    self.assertListEqual(
-        [self._EVENTS[1], self._EVENTS[5]],
-        self.tree.DominatingEventsWithNames(('1', '5')))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100755
index 91ed008..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import argparse
-import cgi
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'catapult', 'devil'))
-from import device_utils
-from import intent
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'build', 'android'))
-import devil_chromium
-from pylib import constants
-import activity_lens
-import clovis_constants
-import content_classification_lens
-import controller
-import device_setup
-import frame_load_lens
-import loading_graph_view
-import loading_graph_view_visualization
-import loading_trace
-import options
-import request_dependencies_lens
-import request_track
-import xvfb_helper
-# TODO(mattcary): isn't that useful, as the whole (tools) world
-# uses logging info; we need to introduce logging modules to get finer-grained
-# output. For now we just do logging.warning.
-def _LoadPage(device, url):
-  """Load a page on chrome on our device.
-  Args:
-    device: an AdbWrapper for the device on which to load the page.
-    url: url as a string to load.
-  """
-  load_intent = intent.Intent(
-      package=OPTIONS.ChromePackage().package,
-      activity=OPTIONS.ChromePackage().activity,
-      data=url)
-  logging.warning('Loading ' + url)
-  device.StartActivity(load_intent, blocking=True)
-def _GetPrefetchHtml(graph_view, name=None):
-  """Generate prefetch page for the resources in resource graph.
-  Args:
-    graph_view: (LoadingGraphView)
-    name: optional string used in the generated page.
-  Returns:
-    HTML as a string containing all the link rel=prefetch directives necessary
-    for prefetching the given ResourceGraph.
-  """
-  if name:
-    title = 'Prefetch for ' + cgi.escape(name)
-  else:
-    title = 'Generated prefetch page'
-  output = []
-  output.append("""<!DOCTYPE html>
-""" % title)
-  for node in graph_view.deps_graph.graph.Nodes():
-    output.append('<link rel="prefetch" href="%s">\n' % node.request.url)
-  output.append("""</head>
-  """ % title)
-  return '\n'.join(output)
-def _LogRequests(url, clear_cache_override=None):
-  """Logs requests for a web page.
-  Args:
-    url: url to log as string.
-    clear_cache_override: if not None, set clear_cache different from OPTIONS.
-  Returns:
-    JSON dict of logged information (ie, a dict that describes JSON).
-  """
-  xvfb_process = None
-  if OPTIONS.local:
-    chrome_ctl = controller.LocalChromeController()
-    if OPTIONS.headless:
-      xvfb_process =  xvfb_helper.LaunchXvfb()
-      chrome_ctl.SetChromeEnvOverride(xvfb_helper.GetChromeEnvironment())
-  else:
-    chrome_ctl = controller.RemoteChromeController(
-        device_setup.GetFirstDevice())
-  clear_cache = (clear_cache_override if clear_cache_override is not None
-                 else OPTIONS.clear_cache)
-  if OPTIONS.emulate_device:
-    chrome_ctl.SetDeviceEmulation(OPTIONS.emulate_device)
-  if OPTIONS.emulate_network:
-    chrome_ctl.SetNetworkEmulation(OPTIONS.emulate_network)
-  try:
-    with chrome_ctl.Open() as connection:
-      if clear_cache:
-        connection.ClearCache()
-      trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.RecordUrlNavigation(
-          url, connection, chrome_ctl.ChromeMetadata(),
-          categories=clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)
-  except controller.ChromeControllerError as e:
-    e.Dump(sys.stderr)
-    raise
-  if xvfb_process:
-    xvfb_process.terminate()
-  return trace.ToJsonDict()
-def _FullFetch(url, json_output, prefetch):
-  """Do a full fetch with optional prefetching."""
-  if not url.startswith('http') and not url.startswith('file'):
-    url = 'http://' + url
-  logging.warning('Cold fetch')
-  cold_data = _LogRequests(url)
-  assert cold_data, 'Cold fetch failed to produce data. Check your phone.'
-  if prefetch:
-    assert not OPTIONS.local
-    logging.warning('Generating prefetch')
-    prefetch_html = _GetPrefetchHtml(_ProcessJsonTrace(cold_data), name=url)
-    tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-    tmp.write(prefetch_html)
-    tmp.flush()
-    # We hope that the tmpfile name is unique enough for the device.
-    target = os.path.join('/sdcard/Download', os.path.basename(
-    device = device_setup.GetFirstDevice()
-    device.adb.Push(, target)
-    logging.warning('Pushed prefetch %s to device at %s' % (, target))
-    _LoadPage(device, 'file://' + target)
-    time.sleep(OPTIONS.prefetch_delay_seconds)
-    logging.warning('Warm fetch')
-    warm_data = _LogRequests(url, clear_cache_override=False)
-    with open(json_output, 'w') as f:
-      json.dump(warm_data, f)
-    logging.warning('Wrote ' + json_output)
-    with open(json_output + '.cold', 'w') as f:
-      json.dump(cold_data, f)
-    logging.warning('Wrote ' + json_output + '.cold')
-  else:
-    with open(json_output, 'w') as f:
-      json.dump(cold_data, f)
-    logging.warning('Wrote ' + json_output)
-def _ProcessTraceFile(filename):
-  with open(filename) as f:
-    return _ProcessJsonTrace(json.load(f))
-def _ProcessJsonTrace(json_dict):
-    trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-    content_lens = (
-        content_classification_lens.ContentClassificationLens.WithRulesFiles(
-            trace, OPTIONS.ad_rules, OPTIONS.tracking_rules))
-    frame_lens = frame_load_lens.FrameLoadLens(trace)
-    activity = activity_lens.ActivityLens(trace)
-    deps_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(trace)
-    graph_view = loading_graph_view.LoadingGraphView(
-        trace, deps_lens, content_lens, frame_lens, activity)
-    if OPTIONS.noads:
-      graph_view.RemoveAds()
-    return graph_view
-def InvalidCommand(cmd):
-  sys.exit('Invalid command "%s"\nChoices are: %s' %
-           (cmd, ' '.join(COMMAND_MAP.keys())))
-def DoPng(arg_str):
-  OPTIONS.ParseArgs(arg_str, description='Generates a PNG from a trace',
-                    extra=['request_json', ('--png_output', ''),
-                           ('--eog', False)])
-  graph_view = _ProcessTraceFile(OPTIONS.request_json)
-  visualization = (
-      loading_graph_view_visualization.LoadingGraphViewVisualization(
-          graph_view))
-  tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-  visualization.OutputDot(tmp)
-  tmp.flush()
-  png_output = OPTIONS.png_output
-  if not png_output:
-    if OPTIONS.request_json.endswith('.json'):
-      png_output = OPTIONS.request_json[
-          :OPTIONS.request_json.rfind('.json')] + '.png'
-    else:
-      png_output = OPTIONS.request_json + '.png'
-  subprocess.check_call(['dot', '-Tpng',, '-o', png_output])
-  logging.warning('Wrote ' + png_output)
-  if OPTIONS.eog:
-    subprocess.Popen(['eog', png_output])
-  tmp.close()
-def DoPrefetchSetup(arg_str):
-  OPTIONS.ParseArgs(arg_str, description='Sets up prefetch',
-                    extra=['request_json', 'target_html', ('--upload', False)])
-  graph_view = _ProcessTraceFile(OPTIONS.request_json)
-  with open(OPTIONS.target_html, 'w') as html:
-    html.write(_GetPrefetchHtml(
-        graph_view, name=os.path.basename(OPTIONS.request_json)))
-  if OPTIONS.upload:
-    device = device_setup.GetFirstDevice()
-    destination = os.path.join('/sdcard/Download',
-                               os.path.basename(OPTIONS.target_html))
-    device.adb.Push(OPTIONS.target_html, destination)
-    logging.warning(
-        'Pushed %s to device at %s' % (OPTIONS.target_html, destination))
-def DoLogRequests(arg_str):
-  OPTIONS.ParseArgs(arg_str, description='Logs requests of a load',
-                    extra=['--url', '--output', ('--prefetch', False)])
-  _FullFetch(url=OPTIONS.url,
-             json_output=OPTIONS.output,
-             prefetch=OPTIONS.prefetch)
-def DoFetch(arg_str):
-  OPTIONS.ParseArgs(arg_str,
-                    description=('Fetches SITE into DIR with '
-                                 'standard naming that can be processed by '
-                                 './  Both warm and cold '
-                                 'fetches are done.  SITE can be a full url '
-                                 'but the filename may be strange so better '
-                                 'to just use a site (ie, domain).'),
-                    extra=['--site', '--dir'])
-  if not os.path.exists(OPTIONS.dir):
-    os.makedirs(OPTIONS.dir)
-  _FullFetch(,
-             json_output=os.path.join(OPTIONS.dir, + '.json'),
-             prefetch=True)
-def DoLongPole(arg_str):
-  OPTIONS.ParseArgs(arg_str, description='Calculates long pole',
-                    extra='request_json')
-  graph_view = _ProcessTraceFile(OPTIONS.request_json)
-  path_list = []
-  cost = graph_view.deps_graph.Cost(path_list=path_list)
-  print '%s (%s)' % (path_list[-1].request.url, cost)
-def DoNodeCost(arg_str):
-  OPTIONS.ParseArgs(arg_str,
-                    description='Calculates node cost',
-                    extra='request_json')
-  graph_view = _ProcessTraceFile(OPTIONS.request_json)
-  print sum((n.cost for n in graph_view.deps_graph.graph.Nodes()))
-def DoCost(arg_str):
-  OPTIONS.ParseArgs(arg_str,
-                    description='Calculates total cost',
-                    extra=['request_json', ('--path', False)])
-  graph_view = _ProcessTraceFile(OPTIONS.request_json)
-  path_list = []
-  print 'Graph cost: %s' % graph_view.deps_graph.Cost(path_list=path_list)
-  if OPTIONS.path:
-    for n in path_list:
-      print '  ' + request_track.ShortName(n.request.url)
-    'png': DoPng,
-    'prefetch_setup': DoPrefetchSetup,
-    'log_requests': DoLogRequests,
-    'longpole': DoLongPole,
-    'nodecost': DoNodeCost,
-    'cost': DoCost,
-    'fetch': DoFetch,
-def main():
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING)
-  OPTIONS.AddGlobalArgument(
-      'clear_cache', True, 'clear browser cache before loading')
-  OPTIONS.AddGlobalArgument(
-      'emulate_device', '',
-      'Name of the device to emulate. Must be present '
-      'in --devices_file, or empty for no emulation.')
-  OPTIONS.AddGlobalArgument('emulate_network', '',
-      'Type of network emulation. Empty for no emulation.')
-  OPTIONS.AddGlobalArgument(
-      'local', False,
-      'run against local desktop chrome rather than device '
-      '(see also --local_binary and local_profile_dir)')
-  OPTIONS.AddGlobalArgument(
-      'noads', False, 'ignore ad resources in modeling')
-  OPTIONS.AddGlobalArgument(
-      'ad_rules', '', 'AdBlocker+ ad rules file.')
-  OPTIONS.AddGlobalArgument(
-      'tracking_rules', '', 'AdBlocker+ tracking rules file.')
-  OPTIONS.AddGlobalArgument(
-      'prefetch_delay_seconds', 5,
-      'delay after requesting load of prefetch page '
-      '(only when running full fetch)')
-  OPTIONS.AddGlobalArgument(
-      'headless', False, 'Do not display Chrome UI (only works in local mode).')
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Analyzes loading')
-  parser.add_argument('command', help=' '.join(COMMAND_MAP.keys()))
-  parser.add_argument('rest', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER)
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  devil_chromium.Initialize()
-  COMMAND_MAP.get(args.command,
-                  lambda _: InvalidCommand(args.command))(
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 24d3f75..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,423 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Takes care of manipulating the chrome's HTTP cache.
-from datetime import datetime
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import zipfile
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'build', 'android'))
-from pylib import constants
-import device_setup
-import options
-# Cache back-end types supported by cachetool.
-BACKEND_TYPES = {'simple', 'blockfile'}
-# Regex used to parse HTTP headers line by line.
-HEADER_PARSING_REGEX = re.compile(r'^(?P<header>\S+):(?P<value>.*)$')
-def _EnsureCleanCacheDirectory(directory_dest_path):
-  """Ensure that a cache directory is created and clean.
-  Args:
-    directory_dest_path: Path of the cache directory to ensure cleanliness.
-  """
-  if os.path.isdir(directory_dest_path):
-    shutil.rmtree(directory_dest_path)
-  elif not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(directory_dest_path)):
-    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(directory_dest_path))
-  assert not os.path.exists(directory_dest_path)
-def _RemoteCacheDirectory():
-  """Returns the path of the cache directory's on the remote device."""
-  return '/data/data/{}/cache/Cache'.format(
-      constants.PACKAGE_INFO[OPTIONS.chrome_package_name].package)
-def _AdbShell(adb, cmd):
-  adb.Shell(subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd))
-def PullBrowserCache(device):
-  """Pulls the browser cache from the device and saves it locally.
-  Cache is saved with the same file structure as on the device. Timestamps are
-  important to preserve because indexing and eviction depends on them.
-  Returns:
-    Temporary directory containing all the browser cache.
-  """
-  _INDEX_DIRECTORY_NAME = 'index-dir'
-  _REAL_INDEX_FILE_NAME = 'the-real-index'
-  remote_cache_directory = _RemoteCacheDirectory()
-  save_target = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.cache')
-  # Pull the cache recursively.
-  device.adb.Pull(remote_cache_directory, save_target)
-  # Update the modification time stamp on the local cache copy.
-  def _UpdateTimestampFromAdbStat(filename, stat):
-    assert os.path.exists(filename)
-    os.utime(filename, (stat.st_time, stat.st_time))
-  for filename, stat in device.adb.Ls(remote_cache_directory):
-    if filename == '..':
-      continue
-    if filename == '.':
-      cache_directory_stat = stat
-      continue
-    original_file = os.path.join(remote_cache_directory, filename)
-    saved_file = os.path.join(save_target, filename)
-    _UpdateTimestampFromAdbStat(saved_file, stat)
-    if filename == _INDEX_DIRECTORY_NAME:
-      # The directory containing the index was pulled recursively, update the
-      # timestamps for known files. They are ignored by cache backend, but may
-      # be useful for debugging.
-      index_dir_stat = stat
-      saved_index_dir = os.path.join(save_target, _INDEX_DIRECTORY_NAME)
-      saved_index_file = os.path.join(saved_index_dir, _REAL_INDEX_FILE_NAME)
-      for sub_file, sub_stat in device.adb.Ls(original_file):
-        if sub_file == _REAL_INDEX_FILE_NAME:
-          _UpdateTimestampFromAdbStat(saved_index_file, sub_stat)
-          break
-      _UpdateTimestampFromAdbStat(saved_index_dir, index_dir_stat)
-  # Store the cache directory modification time. It is important to update it
-  # after all files in it have been written. The timestamp is compared with
-  # the contents of the index file when freshness is determined.
-  _UpdateTimestampFromAdbStat(save_target, cache_directory_stat)
-  return save_target
-def PushBrowserCache(device, local_cache_path):
-  """Pushes the browser cache saved locally to the device.
-  Args:
-    device: Android device.
-    local_cache_path: The directory's path containing the cache locally.
-  """
-  remote_cache_directory = _RemoteCacheDirectory()
-  # Clear previous cache.
-  _AdbShell(device.adb, ['rm', '-rf', remote_cache_directory])
-  _AdbShell(device.adb, ['mkdir', '-p', remote_cache_directory])
-  # Push cache content.
-  device.adb.Push(local_cache_path, remote_cache_directory)
-  # Command queue to touch all files with correct timestamp.
-  command_queue = []
-  # Walk through the local cache to update mtime on the device.
-  def MirrorMtime(local_path):
-    cache_relative_path = os.path.relpath(local_path, start=local_cache_path)
-    remote_path = os.path.join(remote_cache_directory, cache_relative_path)
-    timestamp = os.stat(local_path).st_mtime
-    touch_stamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y%m%d.%H%M%S')
-    command_queue.append(['touch', '-t', touch_stamp, remote_path])
-  for local_directory_path, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(
-        local_cache_path, topdown=False):
-    for filename in filenames:
-      MirrorMtime(os.path.join(local_directory_path, filename))
-    for dirname in dirnames:
-      MirrorMtime(os.path.join(local_directory_path, dirname))
-  MirrorMtime(local_cache_path)
-  device_setup.DeviceSubmitShellCommandQueue(device, command_queue)
-def ZipDirectoryContent(root_directory_path, archive_dest_path):
-  """Zip a directory's content recursively with all the directories'
-  timestamps preserved.
-  Args:
-    root_directory_path: The directory's path to archive.
-    archive_dest_path: Archive destination's path.
-  """
-  with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_dest_path, 'w') as zip_output:
-    timestamps = {}
-    root_directory_stats = os.stat(root_directory_path)
-    timestamps['.'] = {
-        'atime': root_directory_stats.st_atime,
-        'mtime': root_directory_stats.st_mtime}
-    for directory_path, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root_directory_path):
-      for dirname in dirnames:
-        subdirectory_path = os.path.join(directory_path, dirname)
-        subdirectory_relative_path = os.path.relpath(subdirectory_path,
-                                                     root_directory_path)
-        subdirectory_stats = os.stat(subdirectory_path)
-        timestamps[subdirectory_relative_path] = {
-            'atime': subdirectory_stats.st_atime,
-            'mtime': subdirectory_stats.st_mtime}
-      for filename in filenames:
-        file_path = os.path.join(directory_path, filename)
-        file_archive_name = os.path.join('content',
-            os.path.relpath(file_path, root_directory_path))
-        file_stats = os.stat(file_path)
-        timestamps[file_archive_name[8:]] = {
-            'atime': file_stats.st_atime,
-            'mtime': file_stats.st_mtime}
-        zip_output.write(file_path, arcname=file_archive_name)
-    zip_output.writestr('timestamps.json',
-                        json.dumps(timestamps, indent=2))
-def UnzipDirectoryContent(archive_path, directory_dest_path):
-  """Unzip a directory's content recursively with all the directories'
-  timestamps preserved.
-  Args:
-    archive_path: Archive's path to unzip.
-    directory_dest_path: Directory destination path.
-  """
-  _EnsureCleanCacheDirectory(directory_dest_path)
-  with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path) as zip_input:
-    timestamps = None
-    for file_archive_name in zip_input.namelist():
-      if file_archive_name == 'timestamps.json':
-        timestamps = json.loads(
-      elif file_archive_name.startswith('content/'):
-        file_relative_path = file_archive_name[8:]
-        file_output_path = os.path.join(directory_dest_path, file_relative_path)
-        file_parent_directory_path = os.path.dirname(file_output_path)
-        if not os.path.exists(file_parent_directory_path):
-          os.makedirs(file_parent_directory_path)
-        with open(file_output_path, 'w') as f:
-          f.write(
-    assert timestamps
-    # os.utime(file_path, ...) modifies modification time of file_path's parent
-    # directories. Therefore we call os.utime on files and directories that have
-    # longer relative paths first.
-    for relative_path in sorted(timestamps.keys(), key=len, reverse=True):
-      stats = timestamps[relative_path]
-      output_path = os.path.join(directory_dest_path, relative_path)
-      if not os.path.exists(output_path):
-        os.makedirs(output_path)
-      os.utime(output_path, (stats['atime'], stats['mtime']))
-def CopyCacheDirectory(directory_src_path, directory_dest_path):
-  """Copies a cache directory recursively with all the directories'
-  timestamps preserved.
-  Args:
-    directory_src_path: Path of the cache directory source.
-    directory_dest_path: Path of the cache directory destination.
-  """
-  assert os.path.isdir(directory_src_path)
-  _EnsureCleanCacheDirectory(directory_dest_path)
-  shutil.copytree(directory_src_path, directory_dest_path)
-class CacheBackend(object):
-  """Takes care of reading and deleting cached keys.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, cache_directory_path, cache_backend_type):
-    """Chrome cache back-end constructor.
-    Args:
-      cache_directory_path: The directory path where the cache is locally
-        stored.
-      cache_backend_type: A cache back-end type in BACKEND_TYPES.
-    """
-    assert os.path.isdir(cache_directory_path)
-    assert cache_backend_type in BACKEND_TYPES
-    self._cache_directory_path = cache_directory_path
-    self._cache_backend_type = cache_backend_type
-    # Make sure cache_directory_path is a valid cache.
-    self._CachetoolCmd('validate')
-  def GetSize(self):
-    """Gets total size of cache entries in bytes."""
-    size = self._CachetoolCmd('get_size')
-    return int(size.strip())
-  def ListKeys(self):
-    """Lists cache's keys.
-    Returns:
-      A list of all keys stored in the cache.
-    """
-    return [k.strip() for k in self._CachetoolCmd('list_keys').split('\n')[:-1]]
-  def GetStreamForKey(self, key, index):
-    """Gets a key's stream.
-    Args:
-      key: The key to access the stream.
-      index: The stream index:
-          index=0 is the HTTP response header;
-          index=1 is the transport encoded content;
-          index=2 is the compiled content.
-    Returns:
-      String holding stream binary content.
-    """
-    return self._CachetoolCmd('get_stream', [key, str(index)])
-  def DeleteStreamForKey(self, key, index):
-    """Delete a key's stream.
-    Args:
-      key: The key to access the stream.
-      index: The stream index
-    """
-    self._CachetoolCmd('delete_stream', [key, str(index)])
-  def DeleteKey(self, key):
-    """Deletes a key from the cache.
-    Args:
-      key: The key delete.
-    """
-    self._CachetoolCmd('delete_key', [key])
-  def _CachetoolCmd(self, operation, args=None, stdin=''):
-    """Runs the cache editor tool and return the stdout.
-    Args:
-      operation: Cachetool operation.
-      args: Additional operation argument to append to the command line.
-      stdin: String to pipe to the Cachetool's stdin.
-    Returns:
-      Cachetool's stdout string.
-    """
-    editor_tool_cmd = [
-        OPTIONS.LocalBinary('cachetool'),
-        self._cache_directory_path,
-        self._cache_backend_type,
-        operation]
-    editor_tool_cmd.extend(args or [])
-    process = subprocess.Popen(
-        editor_tool_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
-    stdout_data, _ = process.communicate(input=stdin)
-    assert process.returncode == 0
-    return stdout_data
-  def UpdateRawResponseHeaders(self, key, raw_headers):
-    """Updates a key's raw response headers.
-    Args:
-      key: The key to modify.
-      raw_headers: Raw response headers to set.
-    """
-    self._CachetoolCmd('update_raw_headers', [key], stdin=raw_headers)
-  def GetDecodedContentForKey(self, key):
-    """Gets a key's decoded content.
-    HTTP cache is storing into key's index stream 1 the transport layer resource
-    binary. However, the resources might be encoded using a compression
-    algorithm specified in the Content-Encoding response header. This method
-    takes care of returning decoded binary content of the resource.
-    Args:
-      key: The key to access the decoded content.
-    Returns:
-      String holding binary content.
-    """
-    response_headers = self.GetStreamForKey(key, 0)
-    content_encoding = None
-    for response_header_line in response_headers.split('\n'):
-      match = HEADER_PARSING_REGEX.match(response_header_line)
-      if not match:
-        continue
-      if'header').lower() == 'content-encoding':
-        content_encoding ='value')
-        break
-    encoded_content = self.GetStreamForKey(key, 1)
-    if content_encoding == None:
-      return encoded_content
-    cmd = [OPTIONS.LocalBinary('content_decoder_tool')]
-    cmd.extend([s.strip() for s in content_encoding.split(',')])
-    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
-                               stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
-                               stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-    decoded_content, _ = process.communicate(input=encoded_content)
-    assert process.returncode == 0
-    return decoded_content
-def ApplyUrlWhitelistToCacheArchive(cache_archive_path,
-                                    whitelisted_urls,
-                                    output_cache_archive_path):
-  """Generate a new cache archive containing only whitelisted urls.
-  Args:
-    cache_archive_path: Path of the cache archive to apply the white listing.
-    whitelisted_urls: Set of url to keep in cache.
-    output_cache_archive_path: Destination path of cache archive containing only
-      white-listed urls.
-  """
-  cache_temp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.cache')
-  try:
-    UnzipDirectoryContent(cache_archive_path, cache_temp_directory)
-    backend = CacheBackend(cache_temp_directory, 'simple')
-    cached_urls = backend.ListKeys()
-    for cached_url in cached_urls:
-      if cached_url not in whitelisted_urls:
-        backend.DeleteKey(cached_url)
-    for cached_url in backend.ListKeys():
-      assert cached_url in whitelisted_urls
-    ZipDirectoryContent(cache_temp_directory, output_cache_archive_path)
-  finally:
-    shutil.rmtree(cache_temp_directory)
-def ManualTestMain():
-  import argparse
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tests cache back-end.')
-  parser.add_argument('cache_archive_path', type=str)
-  parser.add_argument('backend_type', type=str, choices=BACKEND_TYPES)
-  command_line_args = parser.parse_args()
-  cache_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-  UnzipDirectoryContent(command_line_args.cache_archive_path, cache_path)
-  cache_backend = CacheBackend(
-      cache_directory_path=cache_path,
-      cache_backend_type=command_line_args.backend_type)
-  keys = sorted(cache_backend.ListKeys())
-  selected_key = None
-  for key in keys:
-    if key.endswith('.js'):
-      selected_key = key
-      break
-  assert selected_key
-  print '{}\'s HTTP response header:'.format(selected_key)
-  print cache_backend.GetStreamForKey(selected_key, 0)
-  print cache_backend.GetDecodedContentForKey(selected_key)
-  cache_backend.DeleteKey(keys[1])
-  assert keys[1] not in cache_backend.ListKeys()
-  shutil.rmtree(cache_path)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  ManualTestMain()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 051a938..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import chrome_cache
-LOADING_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
-THIS_BASEMAME = os.path.basename(__file__)
-class CacheDirectoryTest(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-  def tearDown(self):
-    shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir)
-  def GetTempPath(self, temp_name):
-    return os.path.join(self._temp_dir, temp_name)
-  def CreateNewGarbageFile(self, file_path):
-    assert not os.path.exists(file_path)
-    with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
-      f.write('garbage content')
-    assert os.path.isfile(file_path)
-  @classmethod
-  def CompareDirectories(cls, reference_path, generated_path):
-    def CompareNode(relative_path):
-      reference_stat = os.stat(os.path.join(reference_path, relative_path))
-      generated_stat = os.stat(os.path.join(generated_path, relative_path))
-      assert int(reference_stat.st_mtime) == int(generated_stat.st_mtime), \
-          "{}: invalid mtime.".format(relative_path)
-    for reference_parent_path, dir_names, file_names in os.walk(reference_path):
-      parent_path = os.path.relpath(reference_parent_path, reference_path)
-      reference_nodes = sorted(dir_names + file_names)
-      generated_nodes = sorted(os.listdir(
-          os.path.join(generated_path, parent_path)))
-      assert reference_nodes == generated_nodes, \
-          '{}: directory entries don\'t match.'.format(parent_path)
-      for node in file_names:
-        CompareNode(os.path.join(parent_path, node))
-      CompareNode(parent_path)
-  def testCompareDirectories(self):
-    generated_path = self.GetTempPath('dir0')
-    shutil.copytree(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    generated_path = self.GetTempPath('dir1')
-    shutil.copytree(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    self.CreateNewGarbageFile(os.path.join(generated_path, 'garbage'))
-    assert 'garbage' in os.listdir(generated_path)
-    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AssertionError, r'^.* match\.$'):
-      self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    generated_path = self.GetTempPath('dir2')
-    shutil.copytree(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    self.CreateNewGarbageFile(os.path.join(generated_path, 'testdata/garbage'))
-    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AssertionError, r'^.* match\.$'):
-      self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    generated_path = self.GetTempPath('dir3')
-    shutil.copytree(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    os.remove(os.path.join(generated_path, THIS_BASEMAME))
-    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AssertionError, r'^.* match\.$'):
-      self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    self.CreateNewGarbageFile(os.path.join(generated_path, 'garbage'))
-    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AssertionError, r'^.* match\.$'):
-      self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    def TouchHelper(temp_name, relative_name, timestamps):
-      generated_path = self.GetTempPath(temp_name)
-      shutil.copytree(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-      os.utime(os.path.join(generated_path, relative_name), timestamps)
-      with self.assertRaisesRegexp(AssertionError, r'^.* invalid mtime\.$'):
-        self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, generated_path)
-    TouchHelper('dir4', THIS_BASEMAME, (1256925858, 1256463122))
-    TouchHelper('dir5', 'testdata', (1256918318, 1256568641))
-    TouchHelper('dir6', 'trace_test/', (1255116211, 1256156632))
-    TouchHelper('dir7', './', (1255115332, 1256251864))
-  def testCacheArchive(self):
-    zip_dest = self.GetTempPath('')
-    chrome_cache.ZipDirectoryContent(LOADING_DIR, zip_dest)
-    unzip_dest = self.GetTempPath('cache')
-    chrome_cache.UnzipDirectoryContent(zip_dest, unzip_dest)
-    self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, unzip_dest)
-    self.CreateNewGarbageFile(os.path.join(unzip_dest, 'garbage'))
-    chrome_cache.UnzipDirectoryContent(zip_dest, unzip_dest)
-    self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, unzip_dest)
-    unzip_dest = self.GetTempPath('foo/bar/cache')
-    chrome_cache.UnzipDirectoryContent(zip_dest, unzip_dest)
-    self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, unzip_dest)
-  def testCopyCacheDirectory(self):
-    copy_dest = self.GetTempPath('cache')
-    chrome_cache.CopyCacheDirectory(LOADING_DIR, copy_dest)
-    self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, copy_dest)
-    self.CreateNewGarbageFile(os.path.join(copy_dest, 'garbage'))
-    chrome_cache.CopyCacheDirectory(LOADING_DIR, copy_dest)
-    self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, copy_dest)
-    copy_dest = self.GetTempPath('foo/bar/cache')
-    chrome_cache.CopyCacheDirectory(LOADING_DIR, copy_dest)
-    self.CompareDirectories(LOADING_DIR, copy_dest)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/cloud/ b/loading/cloud/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/loading/cloud/backend/ b/loading/cloud/backend/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3376457..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# Clovis in the Cloud: Developer Guide
-This document describes the backend-side of the trace collection, using Google
-Compute Engine.
-When the [frontend][3] spawns new tasks, it pushes them into a [TaskQueue][4]
-called `clovis-queue` with a unique tag.
-Then it creates backend instances (as an instance group) and passes them the
-TaskQueue tag.
-The backend instances then pull tasks from the TaskQueue and process them until
-it is empty. When there is no task left in the queue, the backend instances
-kill themselves.
-The main files for the backend are:
--   ``: initializes an instance (installs the dependencies,
-    downloads the code and the configuration).
--   ``: the main worker script.
--   Task handlers have a `Run()` method taking a `ClovisTask` parameter.
-    -   ``: Main entry point, dispatches the tasks to the
-        more specialized handlers below.
-    -   ``: Handles `trace` tasks.
-    -   ``: Handles `report` tasks.
-## Initial setup for development
-Install the [gcloud command line tool][1].
-## Deploy the code
-This step deploys all the source code needed by the backend workers, as well as
-the Chromium binaries required for trace collection.
-# Build Chrome (do not use the component build).
-ninja -C $BUILD_DIR -j1000 -l60 chrome chrome_sandbox
-# Deploy to GCE
-# CLOUD_STORAGE_PATH is the path in Google Cloud Storage under which the
-# Clovis deployment will be uploaded.
-./tools/android/loading/cloud/backend/ $BUILD_DIR $CLOUD_STORAGE_PATH
-## Start the app in the cloud
-The application is automatically started by the frontend, and should not need to
-be started manually.
-If you really want to create an instance manually (when debugging for example),
-this can be done like this:
-gcloud compute instances create $INSTANCE_NAME \
- --machine-type n1-standard-1 \
- --image ubuntu-14-04 \
- --zone europe-west1-c \
- --scopes cloud-platform, \
- --metadata \
-    cloud-storage-path=$CLOUD_STORAGE_PATH,task-dir=dir,taskqueue-tag=tag \
- --metadata-from-file \
-    startup-script=$CHROMIUM_SRC/tools/android/loading/cloud/backend/
-If you are debbugging, you probably want to set additional metadata:
--   `auto-start=false`: to start an instance without automatically starting the
-    app on it. This can be useful when doing iterative development on the
-    instance using ssh, to be able to stop and restart the app manually.
--   `self-destruct=false`: to prevent the instance from self-destructing when
-    the queue is empty.
--   If you use `auto-start=false`, and then try to ssh on the instance and
-    launch ``, it will not work because of various issues, such as:
-    -   Environment variables defined by the startup script are not available
-        to your user and you will need to redefine them.
-    -   You will not have permissions to access the files, and need to run
-        `sudo chown` to give yourself permissions.
-    -   You need to activate `virtualenv`.
-    Get in touch with *droger@* if you need this or want to improve it.
--   It can take a few minutes for the instance to start. You can follow the
-    progress of the startup script on the gcloud console web interface (menu
-    "Compute Engine" > "VM instances" then click on your instance and scroll
-    down to see the "Serial console output") or from the command line using:
-gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output $INSTANCE_NAME
-## `` configuration file
-`` takes a configuration file as command line parameter. This is a JSON
-dictionary with the keys:
--   `project_name` (string): Name of the Google Cloud project
--   `task_storage_path` (string): Path in Google Storage where task output is
-    generated.
--   `binaries_path` (string): Path to the executables (Containing chrome).
--   `src_path` (string): Path to the Chromium source directory.
--   `taskqueue_tag` (string): Tag used by the worker when pulling tasks from
-    `clovis-queue`.
--   `ad_rules_filename` and `tracking_rules_filename` (string): Path to the ad
-     and tracking filtering rules.
--   `instance_name` (string, optional): Name of the Compute Engine instance this
-    script is running on.
--   `worker_log_path` (string, optional): Path to the log file capturing the
-    output of ``, to be uploaded to Cloud Storage.
--   `self_destruct` (boolean, optional): Whether the worker will destroy the
-    Compute Engine instance when there are no remaining tasks to process. This
-    is only relevant when running in the cloud, and requires `instance_name` to
-    be defined.
-## Use the app
-Create tasks from the associated AppEngine application, see [documentation][3].
-If you want the frontend to send tasks to a particular instance that you created
-manually, make sure the `tag` and `storage_bucket` of the AppEngine request
-match the ones of your ComputeEngine instance, and set `instance_count` to `0`.
-## Stop the app in the cloud
-To stop a single instance that you started manually, do:
-gcloud compute instances delete $INSTANCE_NAME
-To stop instances that were created by the frontend, you must delete the
-instance group, not the individual instances. Otherwise the instance group will
-just recreate the deleted instances. You can do this from the Google Cloud
-console web interface, or using the `gcloud compute groups` commands.
-## Connect to the instance with SSH
-gcloud compute ssh $INSTANCE_NAME
-## Run the app locally
-From a new directory, set up a local environment:
-virtualenv env
-source env/bin/activate
-pip install -r \
-    $CHROMIUM_SRC/tools/android/loading/cloud/backend/pip_requirements.txt
-The first time, you may need to get more access tokens:
-gcloud beta auth application-default login --scopes \
- \
-Create a local configuration file for ``. Example:
-  "project_name" : "$PROJECT_NAME",
-  "cloud_storage_path" : "$CLOUD_STORAGE_PATH",
-  "binaries_path" : "$BUILD_DIR",
-  "src_path" : "$CHROMIUM_SRC",
-  "taskqueue_tag" : "some-tag"
-Launch the app, passing the path to the deployment configuration file:
-python $CHROMIUM_SRC/tools/android/loading/cloud/backend/ \
-    --config $CONFIG_FILE
-You can now [use the app][2].
-Tear down the local environment:
-[2]: #Use-the-app
-[3]: ../frontend/
diff --git a/loading/cloud/backend/ b/loading/cloud/backend/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e05ee9..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-from common.clovis_task import ClovisTask
-from failure_database import FailureDatabase
-from report_task_handler import ReportTaskHandler
-from trace_task_handler import TraceTaskHandler
-class ClovisTaskHandler(object):
-  """Handles all the supported clovis tasks."""
-  def __init__(self, project_name, base_path, failure_database,
-               google_storage_accessor, bigquery_service, binaries_path,
-               ad_rules_filename, tracking_rules_filename, logger,
-               instance_name=None):
-    """Creates a ClovisTaskHandler.
-    Args:
-      project_name (str): Name of the project.
-      base_path(str): Base path where results are written.
-      failure_database (FailureDatabase): Failure Database.
-      google_storage_accessor (GoogleStorageAccessor): Cloud storage accessor.
-      bigquery_service (googleapiclient.discovery.Resource): Bigquery service.
-      binaries_path(str): Path to the directory where Chrome executables are.
-      ad_rules_filename (str): Path to the ad filtering rules.
-      tracking_rules_filename (str): Path to the tracking filtering rules.
-      instance_name(str, optional): Name of the ComputeEngine instance.
-    """
-    self._failure_database = failure_database
-    self._handlers = {
-        'trace': TraceTaskHandler(
-            base_path, failure_database, google_storage_accessor, binaries_path,
-            logger, instance_name),
-        'report': ReportTaskHandler(
-            project_name, failure_database, google_storage_accessor,
-            bigquery_service, logger, ad_rules_filename,
-            tracking_rules_filename)}
-  def Run(self, clovis_task):
-    """Runs a clovis_task.
-    Args:
-      clovis_task(ClovisTask): The task to run.
-    """
-    handler = self._handlers.get(clovis_task.Action())
-    if not handler:
-      self._logger.error('Unsupported task action: %s' % clovis_task.Action())
-      self._failure_database.AddFailure('unsupported_action',
-                                        clovis_task.Action())
-      return
-    handler.Run(clovis_task)
-  def Finalize(self):
-    """Called once before the handler is destroyed."""
-    for handler in self._handlers.values():
-      handler.Finalize()
diff --git a/loading/cloud/backend/ b/loading/cloud/backend/
deleted file mode 100755
index 75f0703..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# This script copies all dependencies required for trace collection.
-# Usage:
-# builddir gcs_path
-# Where:
-#   builddir is the build directory for Chrome
-#   gcs_path is the Google Storage bucket under which the deployment is
-#   installed
-tmpdir=`mktemp -d`
-# Extract needed sources.
-# Copy files from tools/android/loading.
-mkdir -p $tmp_src_dir/tools/android/loading/cloud
-cp -r tools/android/loading/cloud/backend \
-  $tmp_src_dir/tools/android/loading/cloud/
-cp -r tools/android/loading/cloud/common \
-  $tmp_src_dir/tools/android/loading/cloud/
-cp tools/android/loading/*.py $tmp_src_dir/tools/android/loading
-cp tools/android/loading/cloud/*.py $tmp_src_dir/tools/android/loading/cloud
-# Copy other dependencies.
-mkdir $tmp_src_dir/third_party
-rsync -av --exclude=".*" --exclude "*.pyc" --exclude "*.html" --exclude "*.md" \
-  third_party/catapult $tmp_src_dir/third_party
-mkdir $tmp_src_dir/tools/perf
-cp -r tools/perf/chrome_telemetry_build $tmp_src_dir/tools/perf
-mkdir -p $tmp_src_dir/build/android
-cp build/android/ $tmp_src_dir/build/android/
-cp build/android/ $tmp_src_dir/build/android/
-cp build/android/devil_chromium.json $tmp_src_dir/build/android/
-cp -r build/android/pylib $tmp_src_dir/build/android/
-mkdir -p \
-  $tmp_src_dir/third_party/blink/renderer/devtools/front_end/emulated_devices
-cp third_party/blink/renderer/devtools/front_end/emulated_devices/module.json \
-  $tmp_src_dir/third_party/blink/renderer/devtools/front_end/emulated_devices/
-# Tar up the source and copy it to Google Cloud Storage.
-tar -cvzf $source_tarball -C $tmpdir $src_suffix
-gsutil cp $source_tarball gs://$deployment_gcs_path/source/
-# Copy the chrome executable to Google Cloud Storage.
-chrome/tools/build/ $builddir chrome/tools/build/linux/FILES.cfg \
-  $tmpdir/
-gsutil cp $tmpdir/ gs://$deployment_gcs_path/binaries/
-# Copy the startup script uncompressed so that it can be executed.
-gsutil cp tools/android/loading/cloud/backend/ \
-  gs://$deployment_gcs_path/
-# Generate and upload metadata about this deployment.
-CHROMIUM_REV=$(git merge-base HEAD origin/master)
-cat >$tmpdir/build_metadata.json << EOF
-  "chromium_rev": "$CHROMIUM_REV"
-gsutil cp $tmpdir/build_metadata.json \
-  gs://$deployment_gcs_path/deployment_metadata.json
-rm -rf $tmpdir
diff --git a/loading/cloud/backend/ b/loading/cloud/backend/
deleted file mode 100644
index a044f04..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import json
-class FailureDatabase(object):
-  """Logs the failures happening in the Clovis backend."""
-  DIRTY_STATE_ERROR = 'startup_with_dirty_state'
-  CRITICAL_ERROR = 'critical_error'
-  def __init__(self, json_string=None):
-    """Loads a FailureDatabase from a string returned by ToJsonString()."""
-    self.is_dirty = False
-    if json_string:
-      self._failures_dict = json.loads(json_string)
-    else:
-      self._failures_dict = {}
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    """Returns a dict representing this instance."""
-    return self._failures_dict
-  def ToJsonString(self):
-    """Returns a string representing this instance."""
-    return json.dumps(self.ToJsonDict(), indent=2)
-  def AddFailure(self, failure_name, failure_content=None):
-    """Adds a failure with the given name and content. If the failure already
-    exists, it will increment the associated count.
-    Sets the 'is_dirty' bit to True.
-    Args:
-      failure_name (str): name of the failure.
-      failure_content (str): content of the failure (e.g. the URL or task that
-                             is failing).
-    """
-    self.is_dirty = True
-    content = failure_content if failure_content else 'error_count'
-    if failure_name not in self._failures_dict:
-      self._failures_dict[failure_name] = {}
-    error_count = self._failures_dict[failure_name].get(content, 0)
-    self._failures_dict[failure_name][content] = error_count + 1
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deleted file mode 100644
index c95d742..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import gcloud.exceptions
-class GoogleStorageAccessor(object):
-  """Utility class providing helpers for Google Cloud Storage.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, credentials, project_name, bucket_name):
-    """project_name is the name of the Google Cloud project.
-    bucket_name is the name of the bucket that is used for Cloud Storage calls.
-    """
-    self._credentials = credentials
-    self._project_name = project_name
-    self._bucket_name = bucket_name
-  def _GetStorageClient(self):
-    """Returns the storage client associated with the project."""
-    return = self._project_name,
-                                 credentials = self._credentials)
-  def _GetStorageBucket(self, storage_client):
-    return storage_client.get_bucket(self._bucket_name)
-  def BucketName(self):
-    """Returns the name of the bucket associated with this instance."""
-    return self._bucket_name
-  def DownloadAsString(self, remote_filename):
-    """Returns the content of a remote file as a string, or None if the file
-    does not exist.
-    """
-    client = self._GetStorageClient()
-    bucket = self._GetStorageBucket(client)
-    blob = bucket.get_blob(remote_filename)
-    if not blob:
-      return None
-    try:
-      return blob.download_as_string()
-    except gcloud.exceptions.NotFound:
-      return None
-  def UploadFile(self, filename_src, filename_dest):
-    """Uploads a file to Google Cloud Storage.
-    Args:
-      filename_src: name of the local file.
-      filename_dest: name of the file in Google Cloud Storage.
-    Returns:
-      The URL of the file in Google Cloud Storage.
-    """
-    client = self._GetStorageClient()
-    bucket = self._GetStorageBucket(client)
-    blob = bucket.blob(filename_dest)
-    with open(filename_src) as file_src:
-      blob.upload_from_file(file_src)
-    return blob.public_url
-  def UploadString(self, data_string, filename_dest):
-    """Uploads a string to Google Cloud Storage.
-    Args:
-      data_string: the contents of the file to be uploaded.
-      filename_dest: name of the file in Google Cloud Storage.
-    Returns:
-      The URL of the file in Google Cloud Storage.
-    """
-    client = self._GetStorageClient()
-    bucket = self._GetStorageBucket(client)
-    blob = bucket.blob(filename_dest)
-    blob.upload_from_string(data_string)
-    return blob.public_url
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3bd7879..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import multiprocessing
-import os
-import Queue
-import resource
-import signal
-import psutil
-def _LimitMemory(memory_share):
-  """Limits the memory available to this process, to avoid OOM issues.
-  Args:
-    memory_share: (float) Share coefficient of the total physical memory that
-                          the process can use.
-  """
-  total_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total
-  memory_limit = memory_share * total_memory
-  resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_AS, (memory_limit, -1L))
-def _MultiprocessingWrapper(queue, memory_share, function, args):
-  """Helper function that sets a memory limit on the current process, then
-  calls |function| on |args| and writes the results to |queue|.
-  Args:
-    queue: (multiprocessing.Queue) Queue where the results of the wrapped
-           function are written.
-    memory_share: (float) Share coefficient of the total physical memory that
-                          the process can use.
-    function: The wrapped function.
-    args: (list) Arguments for the wrapped function.
-  """
-  try:
-    if memory_share:
-      _LimitMemory(memory_share)
-    queue.put(function(*args))
-  except Exception:
-    queue.put(None)
-def RunInSeparateProcess(function, args, logger, timeout_seconds,
-                         memory_share=None):
-  """Runs a function in a separate process, and kills it after the timeout is
-  reached.
-  Args:
-    function: The function to run.
-    args: (list) Arguments for the wrapped function.
-    timeout_seconds: (float) Timeout in seconds after which the subprocess is
-                     terminated.
-    memory_share: (float) Set this parameter to limit the memory available to
-                  the spawned subprocess. This is a ratio of the total system
-                  memory (between 0 and 1).
-  Returns:
-    The result of the wrapped function, or None if the call failed.
-  """
-  queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
-  process = multiprocessing.Process(target=_MultiprocessingWrapper,
-                                    args=(queue, memory_share, function, args))
-  process.daemon = True
-  process.start()
-  result = None
-  try:
-'Wait for result.')
-    # Note: If the subprocess somehow crashes (e.g. Python crashing), this
-    # process will wait the full timeout. Could be avoided but probably not
-    # worth the extra complexity.
-    result = queue.get(block=True, timeout=timeout_seconds)
-  except Queue.Empty:
-    logger.warning('Subprocess timeout.')
-    process.terminate()
-'Wait for process to terminate.')
-  process.join(timeout=5)
-  if process.is_alive():
-    logger.warning('Process still alive, hard killing now.')
-    os.kill(, signal.SIGKILL)
-  return result
diff --git a/loading/cloud/backend/pip_requirements.txt b/loading/cloud/backend/pip_requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f2eb36b..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/pip_requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index e59d65e..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import json
-import math
-from googleapiclient import errors
-import common.google_bigquery_helper
-from common.loading_trace_database import LoadingTraceDatabase
-import common.google_error_helper as google_error_helper
-from failure_database import FailureDatabase
-from loading_trace import LoadingTrace
-from report import LoadingReport
-def LoadRemoteTrace(storage_accessor, remote_trace_path, logger):
-  """Loads and returns the LoadingTrace located at the remote trace path.
-  Args:
-    storage_accessor: (GoogleStorageAccessor) Used to download the trace from
-                                              CloudStorage.
-    remote_trace_path: (str) Path to the trace file.
-  """
-  # Cut the gs://<bucket_name> prefix from trace paths if needed.
-  prefix = 'gs://%s/' % storage_accessor.BucketName()
-  prefix_length = len(prefix)
-  if remote_trace_path.startswith(prefix):
-    remote_trace_path = remote_trace_path[prefix_length:]
-  trace_string = storage_accessor.DownloadAsString(
-      remote_trace_path)
-  if not trace_string:
-    logger.error('Failed to download: ' + remote_trace_path)
-    return None
-  trace_dict = json.loads(trace_string)
-  if not trace_dict:
-    logger.error('Failed to parse: ' + remote_trace_path)
-    return None
-  trace = LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(trace_dict)
-  if not trace:
-    logger.error('Invalid format for: ' + remote_trace_path)
-    return None
-  return trace
-class ReportTaskHandler(object):
-  """Handles 'report' tasks.
-  This handler loads the traces given in the task parameters, generates a report
-  from them, and add them to a BigQuery table.
-  The BigQuery table is implicitly created from a template (using the stream
-  mode), and identified by the task tag.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, project_name, failure_database, google_storage_accessor,
-               bigquery_service, logger, ad_rules_filename,
-               tracking_rules_filename):
-    self._project_name = project_name
-    self._failure_database = failure_database
-    self._google_storage_accessor = google_storage_accessor
-    self._bigquery_service = bigquery_service
-    self._logger = logger
-    self._ad_rules_filename = ad_rules_filename
-    self._tracking_rules_filename = tracking_rules_filename
-  def _IsBigQueryValueValid(self, value):
-    """Returns whether a value is valid and can be uploaded to BigQuery."""
-    if value is None:
-      return False
-    # BigQuery rejects NaN.
-    if type(value) is float and (math.isnan(value) or math.isinf(value)):
-      return False
-    return True
-  def _StreamRowsToBigQuery(self, rows, table_id):
-    """Uploads a list of rows to the BigQuery table associated with the given
-    table_id.
-    Args:
-      rows: (list of dict) Each dictionary is a row to add to the table.
-      table_id: (str) Identifier of the BigQuery table to update.
-    """
-    try:
-      response = common.google_bigquery_helper.InsertInTemplatedBigQueryTable(
-          self._bigquery_service, self._project_name, table_id, rows,
-          self._logger)
-    except errors.HttpError as http_error:
-      # Handles HTTP error response codes (such as 404), typically indicating a
-      # problem in parameters other than 'body'.
-      error_content = google_error_helper.GetErrorContent(http_error)
-      error_reason = google_error_helper.GetErrorReason(error_content)
-      self._logger.error('BigQuery API error (reason: "%s"):\n%s' % (
-            error_reason, http_error))
-      self._failure_database.AddFailure('big_query_error', error_reason)
-      if error_content:
-        self._logger.error('Error details:\n%s' % error_content)
-      return
-    # Handles other errors, typically when the body is ill-formatted.
-    insert_errors = response.get('insertErrors')
-    if insert_errors:
-      self._logger.error('BigQuery API error:\n' + str(insert_errors))
-      for insert_error in insert_errors:
-        self._failure_database.AddFailure('big_query_insert_error',
-                                          str(insert_error.get('errors')))
-  def Finalize(self):
-    """Called once before the handler is destroyed."""
-    pass
-  def Run(self, clovis_task):
-    """Runs a 'report' clovis_task.
-    Args:
-      clovis_task: (ClovisTask) The task to run.
-    """
-    if clovis_task.Action() != 'report':
-      self._logger.error('Unsupported task action: %s' % clovis_task.Action())
-      self._failure_database.AddFailure(FailureDatabase.CRITICAL_ERROR,
-                                        'report_task_handler_run')
-      return
-    ad_rules = open(self._ad_rules_filename).readlines()
-    tracking_rules = open(self._tracking_rules_filename).readlines()
-    rows = []
-    for path in clovis_task.ActionParams()['traces']:
-'Generating report for: ' + path)
-      trace = LoadRemoteTrace(self._google_storage_accessor, path, self._logger)
-      if not trace:
-        self._logger.error('Failed loading trace at: ' + path)
-        self._failure_database.AddFailure('missing_trace_for_report', path)
-        continue
-      report = LoadingReport(trace, ad_rules, tracking_rules).GenerateReport()
-      if not report:
-        self._logger.error('Failed generating report for: ' + path)
-        self._failure_database.AddFailure('report_generation_failed', path)
-        continue
-      # Filter out bad values.
-      for key, value in report.items():
-        if not self._IsBigQueryValueValid(value):
-          url = report.get('url')
-          self._logger.error('Invalid %s for URL:%s' % (key, url))
-          self._failure_database.AddFailure('invalid_bigquery_value', url)
-          del report[key]
-      rows.append(report)
-    if rows:
-      table_id = common.google_bigquery_helper.GetBigQueryTableID(clovis_task)
-      self._StreamRowsToBigQuery(rows, table_id)
diff --git a/loading/cloud/backend/ b/loading/cloud/backend/
deleted file mode 100644
index 66ec2a4..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Script executed at instance startup. It installs the required dependencies,
-# downloads the source code, and starts a web server.
-set -v
-get_instance_metadata() {
-  curl -fs http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/$1 \
-      -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google"
-# Talk to the metadata server to get the project id and the instance id
-PROJECTID=$(curl -s \
-    "" \
-    -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google")
-INSTANCE_NAME=$(curl -s \
-    "" \
-    -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google")
-# Install dependencies from apt
-apt-get update
-# Basic dependencies
-apt-get install -yq git supervisor python-pip python-dev unzip
-# Web server dependencies
-apt-get install -yq libffi-dev libssl-dev
-# Chrome dependencies
-apt-get install -yq libpangocairo-1.0-0 libXcomposite1 libXcursor1 libXdamage1 \
-    libXi6 libXtst6 libnss3 libcups2 libgconf2-4 libXss1 libXrandr2 \
-    libatk1.0-0 libasound2 libgtk-3-0
-# Trace collection dependencies
-apt-get install -yq xvfb
-# Create a pythonapp user. The application will run as this user.
-useradd -m -d /home/pythonapp pythonapp
-# pip from apt is out of date, so make it update itself and install virtualenv.
-pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv
-# Download the Clovis deployment from Google Cloud Storage and unzip it.
-# It is expected that the contents of the deployment have been generated using
-# the tools/android/loading/cloud/backend/ script.
-CLOUD_STORAGE_PATH=`get_instance_metadata cloud-storage-path`
-mkdir -p /opt/app/clovis
-gsutil cp gs://$DEPLOYMENT_PATH/source/source.tgz /opt/app/clovis/source.tgz
-tar xvf /opt/app/clovis/source.tgz -C /opt/app/clovis
-rm /opt/app/clovis/source.tgz
-# Install app dependencies
-virtualenv /opt/app/clovis/env
-/opt/app/clovis/env/bin/pip install -r \
-   /opt/app/clovis/src/tools/android/loading/cloud/backend/pip_requirements.txt
-mkdir /opt/app/clovis/binaries
-gsutil cp gs://$DEPLOYMENT_PATH/binaries/* /opt/app/clovis/binaries/
-unzip /opt/app/clovis/binaries/ -d /opt/app/clovis/binaries/
-# Ad and tracking filtering rules.
-# Made by the EasyList authors (
-mkdir $DATA_DIR && cd $DATA_DIR
-curl > easylist.txt
-curl > easyprivacy.txt
-# Install the Chrome sandbox
-cp /opt/app/clovis/binaries/chrome_sandbox /usr/local/sbin/chrome-devel-sandbox
-chown root:root /usr/local/sbin/chrome-devel-sandbox
-chmod 4755 /usr/local/sbin/chrome-devel-sandbox
-# Make sure the pythonapp user owns the application code.
-chown -R pythonapp:pythonapp /opt/app
-# Create the configuration file for this deployment.
-TASKQUEUE_TAG=`get_instance_metadata taskqueue-tag`
-TASK_DIR=`get_instance_metadata task-dir`
-if [ "$(get_instance_metadata self-destruct)" == "false" ]; then
-  "instance_name" : "$INSTANCE_NAME",
-  "project_name" : "$PROJECTID",
-  "task_storage_path" : "$TASK_STORAGE_PATH",
-  "binaries_path" : "/opt/app/clovis/binaries",
-  "src_path" : "/opt/app/clovis/src",
-  "taskqueue_tag" : "$TASKQUEUE_TAG",
-  "worker_log_path" : "$WORKER_LOG_PATH",
-  "self_destruct" : "$SELF_DESTRUCT",
-  "ad_rules_filename": "$DATA_DIR/easylist.txt",
-  "tracking_rules_filename": "$DATA_DIR/easyprivacy.txt"
-# Check if auto-start is enabled
-AUTO_START=`get_instance_metadata auto-start`
-# Exit early if auto start is not enabled.
-if [ "$AUTO_START" == "false" ]; then
-  exit 1
-# Configure supervisor to start the worker inside of our virtualenv.
-cat >/etc/supervisor/conf.d/python-app.conf << EOF
-command=python -u --config $DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_PATH
-# Environment variables ensure that the application runs inside of the
-# configured virtualenv.
-environment=VIRTUAL_ENV="/opt/app/clovis/env", \
-    PATH="/opt/app/clovis/env/bin:/usr/bin", \
-    HOME="/home/pythonapp",USER="pythonapp", \
-    CHROME_DEVEL_SANDBOX="/usr/local/sbin/chrome-devel-sandbox"
-supervisorctl reread
-supervisorctl update
diff --git a/loading/cloud/backend/ b/loading/cloud/backend/
deleted file mode 100644
index e031636..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/backend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,272 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import traceback
-import clovis_constants
-import common.clovis_paths
-from common.clovis_task import ClovisTask
-from common.loading_trace_database import LoadingTraceDatabase
-import controller
-from failure_database import FailureDatabase
-import loading_trace
-import multiprocessing_helper
-import options
-import xvfb_helper
-def GenerateTrace(url, emulate_device, emulate_network, filename, log_filename):
-  """ Generates a trace.
-  Args:
-    url: URL as a string.
-    emulate_device: Name of the device to emulate. Empty for no emulation.
-    emulate_network: Type of network emulation. Empty for no emulation.
-    filename: Name of the file where the trace is saved.
-    log_filename: Name of the file where standard output and errors are
-                  logged.
-  Returns:
-    A dictionary of metadata about the trace, including a 'succeeded' field
-    indicating whether the trace was successfully generated.
-  """
-  try:
-    os.remove(filename)  # Remove any existing trace for this URL.
-  except OSError:
-    pass  # Nothing to remove.
-  old_stdout = sys.stdout
-  old_stderr = sys.stderr
-  trace_metadata = { 'succeeded' : False, 'url' : url }
-  trace = None
-  if not url.startswith('http') and not url.startswith('file'):
-    url = 'http://' + url
-  with open(log_filename, 'w') as sys.stdout:
-    try:
-      sys.stderr = sys.stdout
-      sys.stdout.write('Starting trace generation for: %s.\n' % url)
-      # Set up the controller.
-      chrome_ctl = controller.LocalChromeController()
-      chrome_ctl.SetChromeEnvOverride(xvfb_helper.GetChromeEnvironment())
-      if emulate_device:
-        chrome_ctl.SetDeviceEmulation(emulate_device)
-      if emulate_network:
-        chrome_ctl.SetNetworkEmulation(emulate_network)
-      # Record and write the trace.
-      with chrome_ctl.Open() as connection:
-        connection.ClearCache()
-        trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.RecordUrlNavigation(
-            url, connection, chrome_ctl.ChromeMetadata(),
-            clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)
-        trace_metadata['succeeded'] = True
-        trace_metadata.update(trace.ToJsonDict()[trace._METADATA_KEY])
-        sys.stdout.write('Trace generation success.\n')
-    except controller.ChromeControllerError as e:
-      e.Dump(sys.stderr)
-    except Exception as e:
-      sys.stderr.write('Unknown exception:\n' + str(e))
-      traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
-    if trace:
-      sys.stdout.write('Dumping trace to file.\n')
-      trace.ToJsonFile(filename)
-    else:
-      sys.stderr.write('No trace generated.\n')
-    sys.stdout.write('Trace generation finished.\n')
-  sys.stdout = old_stdout
-  sys.stderr = old_stderr
-  return trace_metadata
-class TraceTaskHandler(object):
-  """Handles 'trace' tasks."""
-  def __init__(self, base_path, failure_database,
-               google_storage_accessor, binaries_path, logger,
-               instance_name=None):
-    """Args:
-      base_path(str): Base path where results are written.
-      binaries_path(str): Path to the directory where Chrome executables are.
-      instance_name(str, optional): Name of the ComputeEngine instance.
-    """
-    self._failure_database = failure_database
-    self._logger = logger
-    self._google_storage_accessor = google_storage_accessor
-    self._base_path = base_path
-    self._is_initialized = False
-    self._trace_database = None
-    self._xvfb_process = None
-    trace_database_filename = common.clovis_paths.TRACE_DATABASE_PREFIX
-    if instance_name:
-      trace_database_filename += '_%s.json' % instance_name
-    else:
-      trace_database_filename += '.json'
-    self._trace_database_path = os.path.join(base_path, trace_database_filename)
-    # Initialize the global options that will be used during trace generation.
-    options.OPTIONS.ParseArgs(['--local_build_dir', binaries_path])
-  def _Initialize(self):
-    """Initializes the trace task handler. Can be called multiple times."""
-    if self._is_initialized:
-      return
-    self._is_initialized = True
-    self._xvfb_process = xvfb_helper.LaunchXvfb()
-    # Recover any existing traces in case the worker died.
-    self._DownloadTraceDatabase()
-    if self._trace_database.ToJsonDict():
-      # There are already files from a previous run in the directory, likely
-      # because the script is restarting after a crash.
-      self._failure_database.AddFailure(FailureDatabase.DIRTY_STATE_ERROR,
-                                        'trace_database')
-  def _DownloadTraceDatabase(self):
-    """Downloads the trace database from CloudStorage."""
-'Downloading trace database')
-    trace_database_string = self._google_storage_accessor.DownloadAsString(
-        self._trace_database_path) or '{}'
-    self._trace_database = LoadingTraceDatabase.FromJsonString(
-        trace_database_string)
-  def _UploadTraceDatabase(self):
-    """Uploads the trace database to CloudStorage."""
-'Uploading trace database')
-    assert self._is_initialized
-    self._google_storage_accessor.UploadString(
-        self._trace_database.ToJsonString(),
-        self._trace_database_path)
-  def _GenerateTraceOutOfProcess(self, url, emulate_device, emulate_network,
-                                 filename, log_filename):
-    """ Generates a trace in a separate process by calling GenerateTrace().
-    The generation is done out of process to avoid issues where the system would
-    run out of memory when the trace is very large. This ensures that the system
-    can reclaim all the memory when the trace generation is done.
-    See the GenerateTrace() documentation for a description of the parameters
-    and return values.
-    """
-'Starting external process for trace generation.')
-    result = multiprocessing_helper.RunInSeparateProcess(
-        GenerateTrace,
-        (url, emulate_device, emulate_network, filename, log_filename),
-        self._logger, timeout_seconds=180, memory_share=0.9)
-'Cleaning up Chrome processes.')
-    controller.LocalChromeController.KillChromeProcesses()
-    if not result:
-      self._failure_database.AddFailure('trace_process_timeout', url)
-      return {'succeeded':False, 'url':url}
-    return result
-  def _HandleTraceGenerationResults(self, local_filename, log_filename,
-                                    remote_filename, trace_metadata):
-    """Updates the trace database and the failure database after a trace
-    generation. Uploads the trace and the log.
-    Results related to successful traces are uploaded in the 'traces' directory,
-    and failures are uploaded in the 'failures' directory.
-    Args:
-      local_filename (str): Path to the local file containing the trace.
-      log_filename (str): Path to the local file containing the log.
-      remote_filename (str): Name of the target remote file where the trace and
-                             the log (with a .log extension added) are uploaded.
-      trace_metadata (dict): Metadata associated with the trace generation.
-    """
-    assert self._is_initialized
-    if trace_metadata['succeeded']:
-      traces_dir = os.path.join(self._base_path, 'traces')
-      remote_trace_location = os.path.join(traces_dir, remote_filename)
-      full_cloud_storage_path = os.path.join(
-          'gs://' + self._google_storage_accessor.BucketName(),
-          remote_trace_location)
-      self._trace_database.SetTrace(full_cloud_storage_path, trace_metadata)
-    else:
-      url = trace_metadata['url']
-      self._logger.warning('Trace generation failed for URL: %s' % url)
-      failures_dir = os.path.join(self._base_path, 'failures')
-      remote_trace_location = os.path.join(failures_dir, remote_filename)
-      self._failure_database.AddFailure('trace_collection', url)
-    if os.path.isfile(local_filename):
-      self._logger.debug('Uploading: %s' % remote_trace_location)
-      self._google_storage_accessor.UploadFile(local_filename,
-                                               remote_trace_location)
-      os.remove(local_filename)  # The trace may be very large.
-    else:
-      self._logger.warning('No trace found at: ' + local_filename)
-    if os.path.isfile(log_filename):
-      self._logger.debug('Uploading analyze log')
-      remote_log_location = remote_trace_location + '.log'
-      self._google_storage_accessor.UploadFile(
-          log_filename, remote_log_location)
-    else:
-      self._logger.warning('No log file found at: {}'.format(log_filename))
-  def Finalize(self):
-    """Called once before the handler is destroyed."""
-    if self._xvfb_process:
-      try:
-        self._xvfb_process.terminate()
-      except OSError:
-        self._logger.error('Could not terminate Xvfb.')
-  def Run(self, clovis_task):
-    """Runs a 'trace' clovis_task.
-    Args:
-      clovis_task(ClovisTask): The task to run.
-    """
-    if clovis_task.Action() != 'trace':
-      self._logger.error('Unsupported task action: %s' % clovis_task.Action())
-      self._failure_database.AddFailure(FailureDatabase.CRITICAL_ERROR,
-                                        'trace_task_handler_run')
-      return
-    self._Initialize()
-    # Extract the task parameters.
-    params = clovis_task.ActionParams()
-    urls = params['urls']
-    repeat_count = params.get('repeat_count', 1)
-    emulate_device = params.get('emulate_device')
-    emulate_network = params.get('emulate_network')
-    log_filename = 'analyze.log'
-    # Avoid special characters in storage object names
-    pattern = re.compile(r"[#\?\[\]\*/]")
-    success_happened = False
-    while len(urls) > 0:
-      url = urls.pop()
-      local_filename = pattern.sub('_', url)
-      for repeat in range(repeat_count):
-        self._logger.debug('Generating trace for URL: %s' % url)
-        trace_metadata = self._GenerateTraceOutOfProcess(
-            url, emulate_device, emulate_network, local_filename, log_filename)
-        if trace_metadata['succeeded']:
-          success_happened = True
-        remote_filename = os.path.join(local_filename, str(repeat))
-        self._HandleTraceGenerationResults(
-            local_filename, log_filename, remote_filename, trace_metadata)
-    if success_happened:
-      self._UploadTraceDatabase()
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deleted file mode 100644
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-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import argparse
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import random
-import sys
-import time
-from googleapiclient import discovery
-from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
-# NOTE: The parent directory needs to be first in sys.path to avoid conflicts
-# with catapult modules that have colliding names, as catapult inserts itself
-# into the path as the second element. This is an ugly and fragile hack.
-_CLOUD_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
-                          os.pardir)
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(_CLOUD_DIR, os.pardir))
-# Add _CLOUD_DIR to the path to access common code through the same path as the
-# frontend.
-from common.clovis_task import ClovisTask
-import common.google_bigquery_helper
-from common.google_instance_helper import GoogleInstanceHelper
-from clovis_task_handler import ClovisTaskHandler
-from failure_database import FailureDatabase
-from google_storage_accessor import GoogleStorageAccessor
-class Worker(object):
-  def __init__(self, config, logger):
-    """See for the config format."""
-    self._project_name = config['project_name']
-    self._taskqueue_tag = config['taskqueue_tag']
-    self._src_path = config['src_path']
-    self._instance_name = config.get('instance_name')
-    self._worker_log_path = config.get('worker_log_path')
-    self._credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
-    self._logger = logger
-    self._self_destruct = config.get('self_destruct')
-    if self._self_destruct and not self._instance_name:
-      self._logger.error('Self destruction requires an instance name.')
-    # Separate the task storage path into the bucket and the base path under
-    # the bucket.
-    storage_path_components = config['task_storage_path'].split('/')
-    self._bucket_name = storage_path_components[0]
-    self._base_path_in_bucket = ''
-    if len(storage_path_components) > 1:
-      self._base_path_in_bucket = '/'.join(storage_path_components[1:])
-      if not self._base_path_in_bucket.endswith('/'):
-        self._base_path_in_bucket += '/'
-    self._google_storage_accessor = GoogleStorageAccessor(
-        credentials=self._credentials, project_name=self._project_name,
-        bucket_name=self._bucket_name)
-    if self._instance_name:
-      failure_database_filename = \
-          'failure_database_%s.json' % self._instance_name
-    else:
-      failure_database_filename = 'failure_dabatase.json'
-    self._failure_database_path = os.path.join(self._base_path_in_bucket,
-                                               failure_database_filename)
-    # Recover any existing failures in case the worker died.
-    self._failure_database = self._GetFailureDatabase()
-    if self._failure_database.ToJsonDict():
-      # Script is restarting after a crash, or there are already files from a
-      # previous run in the directory.
-      self._failure_database.AddFailure(FailureDatabase.DIRTY_STATE_ERROR,
-                                        'failure_database')
-    bigquery_service = common.google_bigquery_helper.GetBigQueryService(
-        self._credentials)
-    self._clovis_task_handler = ClovisTaskHandler(
-        self._project_name, self._base_path_in_bucket, self._failure_database,
-        self._google_storage_accessor, bigquery_service,
-        config['binaries_path'], config['ad_rules_filename'],
-        config['tracking_rules_filename'], self._logger, self._instance_name)
-    self._UploadFailureDatabase()
-  def Start(self):
-    """Main worker loop.
-    Repeatedly pulls tasks from the task queue and processes them. Returns when
-    the queue is empty.
-    """
-    task_api ='taskqueue', 'v1beta2',
-                               credentials=self._credentials)
-    queue_name = 'clovis-queue'
-    # Workaround for
-    #
-    project = 's~' + self._project_name
-    while True:
-      self._logger.debug('Fetching new task.')
-      (clovis_task, task_id) = self._FetchClovisTask(project, task_api,
-                                                     queue_name)
-      if not clovis_task:
-        break
-'Processing task %s' % task_id)
-      self._clovis_task_handler.Run(clovis_task)
-      self._UploadFailureDatabase()
-      self._logger.debug('Deleting task %s' % task_id)
-      task_api.tasks().delete(project=project, taskqueue=queue_name,
-                              task=task_id).execute()
-'Finished task %s' % task_id)
-    self._Finalize()
-  def _GetFailureDatabase(self):
-    """Downloads the failure database from CloudStorage."""
-'Downloading failure database')
-    failure_database_string = self._google_storage_accessor.DownloadAsString(
-        self._failure_database_path)
-    return FailureDatabase(failure_database_string)
-  def _UploadFailureDatabase(self):
-    """Uploads the failure database to CloudStorage."""
-    if not self._failure_database.is_dirty:
-      return
-'Uploading failure database')
-    self._google_storage_accessor.UploadString(
-        self._failure_database.ToJsonString(),
-        self._failure_database_path)
-    self._failure_database.is_dirty = False
-  def _FetchClovisTask(self, project_name, task_api, queue_name):
-    """Fetches a ClovisTask from the task queue.
-    Params:
-      project_name(str): The name of the Google Cloud project.
-      task_api: The TaskQueue service.
-      queue_name(str): The name of the task queue.
-    Returns:
-      (ClovisTask, str): The fetched ClovisTask and its task ID, or (None, None)
-                         if no tasks are found.
-    """
-    response = task_api.tasks().lease(
-        project=project_name, taskqueue=queue_name, numTasks=1, leaseSecs=600,
-        groupByTag=True, tag=self._taskqueue_tag).execute()
-    if (not response.get('items')) or (len(response['items']) < 1):
-      return (None, None)  # The task queue is empty.
-    google_task = response['items'][0]
-    task_id = google_task['id']
-    # Delete the task without processing if it already failed multiple times.
-    # TODO(droger): This is a workaround for internal bug b/28442122, revisit
-    # once it is fixed.
-    retry_count = google_task['retry_count']
-    max_retry_count = 3
-    skip_task = retry_count >= max_retry_count
-    if skip_task:
-      task_api.tasks().delete(project=project_name, taskqueue=queue_name,
-                              task=task_id).execute()
-    clovis_task = ClovisTask.FromBase64(google_task['payloadBase64'])
-    if retry_count > 0:
-      self._failure_database.AddFailure('task_queue_retry',
-                                        clovis_task.ToJsonString())
-      self._UploadFailureDatabase()
-    if skip_task:
-      return self._FetchClovisTask(project_name, task_api, queue_name)
-    return (clovis_task, task_id)
-  def _Finalize(self):
-    """Called before exiting."""
-    self._clovis_task_handler.Finalize()
-    # Upload the worker log.
-    if self._worker_log_path:
-'Uploading worker log.')
-      remote_log_path = os.path.join(self._base_path_in_bucket, 'worker_log')
-      if self._instance_name:
-        remote_log_path += '_' + self._instance_name
-      self._google_storage_accessor.UploadFile(self._worker_log_path,
-                                               remote_log_path)
-    # Self destruct.
-    if self._self_destruct:
-      # Workaround for ComputeEngine internal bug b/28760288.
-      random_delay = random.random() * 600.0  # Up to 10 minutes.
-          'Wait %.0fs to avoid load spikes on compute engine.' % random_delay)
-      time.sleep(random_delay)
-'Starting instance destruction: ' + self._instance_name)
-      google_instance_helper = GoogleInstanceHelper(
-          self._credentials, self._project_name, self._logger)
-      success = google_instance_helper.DeleteInstance(self._taskqueue_tag,
-                                                      self._instance_name)
-      if not success:
-        self._logger.error('Self destruction failed.')
-    # Do not add anything after this line, as the instance might be killed at
-    # any time.
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-      description='ComputeEngine Worker for Clovis')
-  parser.add_argument('--config', required=True,
-                      help='Path to the configuration file.')
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  # Configure logging.
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING,
-                      format='[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(message)s',
-                      datefmt='%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
-  logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime
-  worker_logger = logging.getLogger('worker')
-  worker_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-'Reading configuration')
-  with open(args.config) as config_json:
-    worker = Worker(json.load(config_json), worker_logger)
-    worker.Start()
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@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Trace path constants.
-# Prefix for the loading trace database files.
-TRACE_DATABASE_PREFIX = 'trace_database'
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-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import base64
-import json
-import uuid
-class ClovisTask(object):
-  """Generic task, generated by the AppEngine frontend and consumed by the
-  ComputeEngine backend.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, action, action_params, backend_params):
-    """ See tools/android/loading/cloud/frontend/ for a specification
-    of the parameters.
-    Args:
-      action(str): Action accomplished by this task.
-      action_params(dict): Parameters of task.
-      backend_params(dict): Parameters of the instances running the task.
-          If this is None, no instances are created. If this dictionary has no
-          'tag' key, a unique tag will be generated.
-    """
-    self._action = action
-    self._action_params = action_params or {}
-    self._backend_params = backend_params or {}
-    # If no tag is specified, generate a unique tag.
-    if not self._backend_params.get('tag'):
-      self._backend_params.update({'tag': str(uuid.uuid1())})
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    """Loads a ClovisTask from a JSON dictionary.
-    Returns:
-      ClovisTask: The task, or None if the string is invalid.
-    """
-    try:
-      action = json_dict['action']
-      action_params = json_dict['action_params']
-      # Vaidate the format.
-      if action == 'trace':
-        urls = action_params['urls']
-        if (type(urls) is not list) or (len(urls) == 0):
-          return None
-      elif action == 'report':
-        if not action_params.get('trace_bucket'):
-          return None
-      else:
-        # When more actions are supported, check that they are valid here.
-        return None
-      return cls(action, action_params, json_dict.get('backend_params'))
-    except Exception:
-      return None
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonString(cls, json_string):
-    """Loads a ClovisTask from a JSON string.
-    Returns:
-      ClovisTask: The task, or None if the string is invalid.
-    """
-    try:
-      return cls.FromJsonDict(json.loads(json_string))
-    except Exception:
-      return None
-  @classmethod
-  def FromBase64(cls, base64_string):
-    """Loads a ClovisTask from a base 64 string."""
-    return ClovisTask.FromJsonString(base64.b64decode(base64_string))
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    """Returns the JSON representation of the task as a dictionary."""
-    return {'action': self._action, 'action_params': self._action_params,
-            'backend_params': self._backend_params}
-  def ToJsonString(self):
-    """Returns the JSON representation of the task as a string."""
-    return json.dumps(self.ToJsonDict())
-  def Action(self):
-    return self._action
-  def ActionParams(self):
-    return self._action_params
-  def BackendParams(self):
-    return self._backend_params
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-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-import uuid
-from googleapiclient import (discovery, errors)
-import common.google_error_helper as google_error_helper
-# Name of the dataset.
-BIGQUERY_DATASET = 'clovis_dataset'
-# Name of the table used as a template for new tables.
-def GetBigQueryService(credentials):
-  """Returns the BigQuery service."""
-  return'bigquery', 'v2', credentials=credentials)
-def GetBigQueryTableID(clovis_report_task):
-  """Returns the ID of the BigQuery table associated with the task.
-  This ID is appended at the end of the table name.
-  Args:
-    clovis_report_task: (ClovisTask) The task, must be a 'report' task.
-  Returns:
-    str: The table ID.
-  """
-  assert (clovis_report_task.Action() == 'report')
-  # Name the table after the last path component of the trace bucket.
-  trace_bucket = clovis_report_task.ActionParams()['trace_bucket']
-  table_id = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(trace_bucket))
-  task_name = clovis_report_task.BackendParams().get('task_name')
-  if task_name is not None:
-    table_id += '_' + task_name
-  # BigQuery table names can contain only alpha numeric characters and
-  # underscores.
-  return ''.join(c for c in table_id if c.isalnum() or c == '_')
-def GetBigQueryTableURL(project_name, table_id):
-  """Returns the full URL for the BigQuery table associated with table_id."""
-  return '' % (
-      project_name, BIGQUERY_DATASET, BIGQUERY_TABLE_TEMPLATE, table_id)
-def InsertInTemplatedBigQueryTable(bigquery_service, project_name, table_id,
-                                   rows, logger):
-  """Inserts rows in the BigQuery table corresponding to table_id.
-  Assumes that the BigQuery dataset and table template already exist.
-  Args:
-    bigquery_service: The BigQuery service.
-    project_name: (str) Name of the Google Cloud project.
-    table_id: (str) table_id as returned by GetBigQueryTableID().
-    rows: (list) Rows to insert in the table.
-    logger: (logging.Logger) The logger.
-  Returns:
-    dict: The BigQuery service response.
-  """
-  rows_data = [{'json': row, 'insertId': str(uuid.uuid4())} for row in rows]
-  body = {'rows': rows_data, 'templateSuffix':'_'+table_id}
-'BigQuery API request:\n' + str(body))
-  response = bigquery_service.tabledata().insertAll(
-      projectId=project_name, datasetId=BIGQUERY_DATASET,
-      tableId=BIGQUERY_TABLE_TEMPLATE, body=body).execute()
-'BigQuery API response:\n' + str(response))
-  return response
-def DoesBigQueryTableExist(bigquery_service, project_name, table_id, logger):
-  """Returns wether the BigQuery table identified by table_id exists.
-  Raises a HttpError exception if the call to BigQuery API fails.
-  Args:
-    bigquery_service: The BigQuery service.
-    project_name: (str) Name of the Google Cloud project.
-    table_id: (str) table_id as returned by GetBigQueryTableID().
-  Returns:
-    bool: True if the table exists.
-  """
-  table_name = BIGQUERY_TABLE_TEMPLATE + '_' + table_id
-'Getting table information for %s.' % table_name)
-  try:
-    table = bigquery_service.tables().get(projectId=project_name,
-                                          datasetId=BIGQUERY_DATASET,
-                                          tableId=table_name).execute()
-    return bool(table)
-  except errors.HttpError as http_error:
-    error_content = google_error_helper.GetErrorContent(http_error)
-    error_reason = google_error_helper.GetErrorReason(error_content)
-    if error_reason == google_error_helper.REASON_NOT_FOUND:
-      return False
-    else:
-      logger.error('BigQuery API error (reason: "%s"):\n%s' % (
-          error_reason, http_error))
-      if error_content:
-        logger.error('Error details:\n%s' % error_content)
-      raise  # Re-raise the exception.
-  return False
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-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Helper functions to manage errors returned by Google Compute APIs."""
-import json
-# Error reason returned by GetErrorReason() when a resource is not found.
-REASON_NOT_FOUND = 'notFound'
-def GetErrorContent(error):
-  """Returns the contents of an error returned by Google Compute APIs as a
-  dictionary or None.
-  """
-  if not error.resp.get('content-type', '').startswith('application/json'):
-    return None
-  return json.loads(error.content)
-def GetErrorReason(error_content):
-  """Returns the error reason as a string."""
-  if not error_content:
-    return None
-  if (not error_content.get('error') or
-      not error_content['error'].get('errors')):
-    return None
-  error_list = error_content['error']['errors']
-  if not error_list:
-    return None
-  return error_list[0].get('reason')
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-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import json
-import time
-from googleapiclient import (discovery, errors)
-import common.google_error_helper as google_error_helper
-class GoogleInstanceHelper(object):
-  """Helper class for the Google Compute API, allowing to manage groups of
-  instances more easily. Groups of instances are identified by a tag."""
-  def __init__(self, credentials, project, logger):
-    self._compute_api ='compute','v1', credentials=credentials)
-    self._project = project
-    self._project_api_url = self._COMPUTE_API_ROOT + project
-    self._region = 'europe-west1'
-    self._zone = 'europe-west1-c'
-    self._logger = logger
-  def _ExecuteApiRequest(self, request, retry_count=3):
-    """ Executes a Compute API request and returns True on success.
-    Returns:
-      (True, Response) in case of success, or (False, error_content) otherwise.
-    """
-'Compute API request:\n' + request.to_json())
-    try:
-      response = request.execute()
-'Compute API response:\n' + str(response))
-      return (True, response)
-    except errors.HttpError as err:
-      error_content = google_error_helper.GetErrorContent(err)
-      error_reason = google_error_helper.GetErrorReason(error_content)
-      if error_reason == 'resourceNotReady' and retry_count > 0:
-        # Retry after a delay
-        delay_seconds = 1
-            'Resource not ready, retrying in %i seconds.' % delay_seconds)
-        time.sleep(delay_seconds)
-        return self._ExecuteApiRequest(request, retry_count - 1)
-      else:
-        self._logger.error('Compute API error (reason: "%s"):\n%s' % (
-            error_reason, err))
-        if error_content:
-          self._logger.error('Error details:\n%s' % error_content)
-        return (False, error_content)
-  def _GetTemplateName(self, tag):
-    """Returns the name of the instance template associated with tag."""
-    return 'template-' + tag
-  def _GetInstanceGroupName(self, tag):
-    """Returns the name of the instance group associated with tag."""
-    return 'group-' + tag
-  def CreateTemplate(self, tag, bucket, task_dir):
-    """Creates an instance template for instances identified by tag.
-    Args:
-      tag: (string) Tag associated to a task.
-      bucket: (string) Root bucket where the deployment is located.
-      task_dir: (string) Subdirectory of |bucket| where task data is read and
-                         written.
-    Returns:
-      boolean: True if successful.
-    """
-    image_url = self._COMPUTE_API_ROOT + \
-                'ubuntu-os-cloud/global/images/ubuntu-1404-trusty-v20160406'
-    request_body = {
-        'name': self._GetTemplateName(tag),
-        'properties': {
-            'machineType': 'n1-standard-1',
-            'networkInterfaces': [{
-                'network': self._project_api_url + '/global/networks/default',
-                'accessConfigs': [{
-                    'name': 'external-IP',
-                    'type': 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT'
-            }]}],
-            'disks': [{
-                'type': 'PERSISTENT',
-                'boot': True,
-                'autoDelete': True,
-                'mode': 'READ_WRITE',
-                'initializeParams': {'sourceImage': image_url}}],
-            'canIpForward': False,
-            'scheduling': {
-                'automaticRestart': True,
-                'onHostMaintenance': 'MIGRATE',
-                'preemptible': False},
-            'serviceAccounts': [{
-                'scopes': [
-                    '',
-                    ''],
-                'email': 'default'}],
-            'metadata': { 'items': [
-                {'key': 'cloud-storage-path',
-                 'value': bucket},
-                {'key': 'task-dir',
-                 'value': task_dir},
-                {'key': 'startup-script-url',
-                 'value': 'gs://%s/deployment/' % bucket},
-                {'key': 'taskqueue-tag', 'value': tag}]}}}
-    request = self._compute_api.instanceTemplates().insert(
-        project=self._project, body=request_body)
-    return self._ExecuteApiRequest(request)[0]
-  def DeleteTemplate(self, tag):
-    """Deletes the instance template associated with tag. Returns True if
-    successful.
-    """
-    template_name = self._GetTemplateName(tag)
-    request = self._compute_api.instanceTemplates().delete(
-        project=self._project, instanceTemplate=template_name)
-    (success, result) = self._ExecuteApiRequest(request)
-    if success:
-      return True
-    if google_error_helper.GetErrorReason(result) == \
-        google_error_helper.REASON_NOT_FOUND:
-      # The template does not exist, nothing to do.
-      self._logger.warning('Template not found: ' + template_name)
-      return True
-    return False
-  def CreateInstances(self, tag, instance_count):
-    """Creates an instance group associated with tag. The instance template must
-    exist for this to succeed. Returns True if successful.
-    """
-    template_url = '%s/global/instanceTemplates/%s' % (
-        self._project_api_url, self._GetTemplateName(tag))
-    request_body = {
-        'zone': self._zone, 'targetSize': instance_count,
-        'baseInstanceName': 'instance-' + tag,
-        'instanceTemplate': template_url,
-        'name': self._GetInstanceGroupName(tag)}
-    request = self._compute_api.instanceGroupManagers().insert(
-        project=self._project, zone=self._zone,
-        body=request_body)
-    return self._ExecuteApiRequest(request)[0]
-  def DeleteInstance(self, tag, instance_hostname):
-    """Deletes one instance from the instance group identified by tag. Returns
-    True if successful.
-    """
-    # The instance hostname may be of the form <name>.c.<project>.internal but
-    # only the <name> part should be passed to the compute API.
-    name = instance_hostname.split('.')[0]
-    instance_url = self._project_api_url + (
-        "/zones/%s/instances/%s" % (self._zone, name))
-    request = self._compute_api.instanceGroupManagers().deleteInstances(
-        project=self._project, zone=self._zone,
-        instanceGroupManager=self._GetInstanceGroupName(tag),
-        body={'instances': [instance_url]})
-    return self._ExecuteApiRequest(request)[0]
-  def DeleteInstanceGroup(self, tag):
-    """Deletes the instance group identified by tag. If instances are still
-    running in this group, they are deleted as well.
-    """
-    group_name = self._GetInstanceGroupName(tag)
-    request = self._compute_api.instanceGroupManagers().delete(
-        project=self._project, zone=self._zone,
-        instanceGroupManager=group_name)
-    (success, result) = self._ExecuteApiRequest(request)
-    if success:
-      return True
-    if google_error_helper.GetErrorReason(result) == \
-        google_error_helper.REASON_NOT_FOUND:
-      # The group does not exist, nothing to do.
-      self._logger.warning('Instance group not found: ' + group_name)
-      return True
-    return False
-  def GetInstanceCount(self, tag):
-    """Returns the number of instances in the instance group identified by
-    tag, or -1 in case of failure.
-    """
-    request = self._compute_api.instanceGroupManagers().listManagedInstances(
-        project=self._project, zone=self._zone,
-        instanceGroupManager=self._GetInstanceGroupName(tag))
-    (success, response) = self._ExecuteApiRequest(request)
-    if not success:
-      return -1
-    return len(response.get('managedInstances', []))
-  def GetAvailableInstanceCount(self):
-    """Returns the number of instances that can be created, according to the
-    ComputeEngine quotas, or -1 on failure.
-    """
-    request = self._compute_api.regions().get(project=self._project,
-                                              region=self._region)
-    (success, response) = self._ExecuteApiRequest(request)
-    if not success:
-      self._logger.error('Could not get ComputeEngine region information.')
-      return -1
-    metric_name = 'IN_USE_ADDRESSES'
-    for quota in response.get('quotas', []):
-      if quota['metric'] == metric_name:
-        return quota['limit'] - quota['usage']
-    self._logger.error(
-        metric_name + ' quota not found in ComputeEngine response.')
-    return -1
diff --git a/loading/cloud/common/ b/loading/cloud/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index f6e946a..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Represents a database of on-disk traces."""
-import json
-class LoadingTraceDatabase(object):
-  def __init__(self, traces_dict):
-    """traces_dict is a dictionary mapping filenames of traces to metadata
-       about those traces."""
-    self._traces_dict = traces_dict
-  def SetTrace(self, filename, trace_dict):
-    """Sets a mapping from |filename| to |trace_dict| into the database.
-    If there is an existing mapping for filename, it is replaced.
-    """
-    self._traces_dict[filename] = trace_dict
-  def GetTraceFilesForURL(self, url):
-    """Given a URL, returns the set of filenames of traces that were generated
-       for this URL."""
-    trace_files = [f for f in self._traces_dict.keys()
-        if self._traces_dict[f]["url"] == url]
-    return trace_files
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    """Returns a dict representing this instance."""
-    return self._traces_dict
-  def ToJsonString(self):
-    """Returns a string representing this instance."""
-    return json.dumps(self._traces_dict, indent=2)
-  def ToJsonFile(self, json_path):
-    """Saves a json file representing this instance."""
-    json_dict = self.ToJsonDict()
-    with open(json_path, 'w') as output_file:
-       json.dump(json_dict, output_file, indent=2)
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    """Returns an instance from a dict returned by ToJsonDict()."""
-    return LoadingTraceDatabase(json_dict)
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonString(cls, json_string):
-    """Returns an instance from a string returned by ToJsonString()."""
-    return LoadingTraceDatabase(json.loads(json_string))
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonFile(cls, json_path):
-    """Returns an instance from a json file saved by ToJsonFile()."""
-    with open(json_path) as input_file:
-      return cls.FromJsonDict(json.load(input_file))
diff --git a/loading/cloud/common/ b/loading/cloud/common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 72ffcba..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-from cloud.common.loading_trace_database import LoadingTraceDatabase
-class LoadingTraceDatabaseUnittest(unittest.TestCase):
-    "traces/trace1.json" : { "url" : "http://bar.html", },
-    "traces/trace2.json" : { "url" : "http://bar.html", },
-    "traces/trace3.json" : { "url" : "http://qux.html", },
-  }
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.database = LoadingTraceDatabase.FromJsonDict(self._JSON_DATABASE)
-  def testGetTraceFilesForURL(self):
-    # Test a URL with no matching traces.
-    self.assertEqual(
-        self.database.GetTraceFilesForURL("http://foo.html"),
-        [])
-    # Test a URL with matching traces.
-    self.assertEqual(
-        set(self.database.GetTraceFilesForURL("http://bar.html")),
-        set(["traces/trace1.json", "traces/trace2.json"]))
-  def testSerialization(self):
-    self.assertEqual(
-        self._JSON_DATABASE, self.database.ToJsonDict())
-  def testSetTrace(self):
-    dummy_url = ""
-    new_trace_file = "traces/new_trace.json"
-    self.assertEqual(self.database.GetTraceFilesForURL(dummy_url), [])
-    self.database.SetTrace(new_trace_file, {"url" : dummy_url})
-    self.assertEqual(self.database.GetTraceFilesForURL(dummy_url),
-                     [new_trace_file])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/.gitignore b/loading/cloud/frontend/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index c3af857..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/.gitignore
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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index ec9b8d9..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# Appengine Frontend for Clovis
-## Usage
-Visit the application URL in your browser, and upload a JSON dictionary with the
-following keys:
--   `action` (string): the action to perform. Only `trace` and `report` are
-    supported.
--   `action_params` (dictionary): the parameters associated to the action.
-    See below for more details.
--   `backend_params` (dictionary): the parameters configuring the backend for
-    this task. See below for more details.
-### Parameters for `backend_params`
--   `storage_bucket` (string): Name of the storage bucket used by the backend
-    instances. Backend code and data must have been previously deployed to this
-    bucket using the `` [script][4].
--   `instance_count` (int, optional): Number of Compute Engine instances that
-    will be started for this task. If not specified, the number of instances is
-    determined automatically depending on the size of the task and the number
-    of available instances.
--   `task_name` (string, opitonal): Name of the task, used to build the name of
-    the output directory.
--   `tag` (string, optional): tag internally used to associate tasks to backend
-    ComputeEngine instances. This parameter should not be set in general, as it
-    is mostly exposed for development purposes. If this parameter is not
-    specified, a unique tag will be generated.
--   `timeout_hours` (int, optional): if workers are still alive after this
-    delay, they will be forcibly killed, to avoid wasting Compute Engine
-    resources. If not specified, the timeout is determined automatically.
-### Parameters for the `trace` action
-The trace action takes a list of URLs as input and generates a list of traces by
-running Chrome.
--   `urls` (list of strings): the list of URLs to process.
--   `repeat_count` (integer, optional): the number of traces to be generated
-    for each URL. Defaults to 1.
--   `emulate_device` (string, optional): the device to emulate (e.g. `Nexus 4`).
--   `emulate_network` (string, optional): the network to emulate.
-### Parameters for the `report` action
-Finds all the traces in the specified bucket and generates a report in BigQuery.
-- `trace_bucket` (string): Name of the storage bucket where trace databases can
-  be found. It can be either absolute or relative to the `storage_bucket`
-  specified in the backend parameters.
-This requires an existing `` BigQuery table that will be
-used as a template. The schema of this template is not updated automatically and
-must match the format of the report (as generated by ``).
-See [how to update the schema manually][7].
-## Development
-### Design overview
-This is a [python AppEngine][5] application using [Flask][6].
--   Appengine configuration:
-    -   `app.yaml` defines the handlers. There is a static handler for all URLs
-    in the `static/` directory, and all other URLs are handled by the
-    `` script.
-    -   `queue.yaml` defines the task queues associated with the application. In
-        particular, the `clovis-queue` is a pull-queue where tasks are added by
-        the AppEngine frontend and consummed by the ComputeEngine backend.
-        See the [TaskQueue documentation][2] for more details.
--   `templates/form.html` is a static HTML document allowing the user to upload
-    a JSON file. `` is then invoked with the contents of the
-    file (see the `/form_sent` handler).
--   `` defines a task to be run by the backend. It is sent through
-    the `clovis-queue` task queue.
--   `` is the script that processes the file uploaded by the
-    form, creates the tasks and enqueues them in `clovis-queue`.
-### Prerequisites
--   Install the gcloud [tool][1]
--   Add a `queue.yaml` file in the application directory (i.e. next to
-    `app.yaml`) defining a `clovis-queue` pull queue that can be accessed by the
-    ComputeEngine service worker associated to the project. Add your email too
-    if you want to run the application locally. See the [TaskQueue configuration
-    documentation][3] for more details. Example:
-# queue.yaml
-- name: clovis-queue
-  mode: pull
-  acl:
-    - user_email:  # For local development.
-    - user_email:
-### Run Locally
-# Install dependencies in the lib/ directory. Note that this will pollute your
-# Chromium checkout, see the cleanup intructions below.
-pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib
-# Start the local server. -A $PROJECT_NAME .
-Visit the application [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080).
-After you are done, cleanup your Chromium checkout:
-rm -rf $CHROMIUM_SRC/tools/android/loading/frontend/lib
-### Deploy
-# Install dependencies in the lib/ directory.
-pip install -r requirements.txt -t lib
-# Deploy.
-gcloud preview app deploy app.yaml
-To deploy to a staging/test version of the server, you can do:
-gcloud preview app deploy --no-promote --version $MY_VERSION
-where `MY_VERSION` can be something like `staging` or something more unique to
-ensure there is no name collision. You can then access the application live on
-the web by prefixing the URL of the service with `$MY_VERSION-dot-`.
-### Updating the Database Schema
-When a change is made to the dictionary returned by, the BigQuery
-database schema must be updated accordingly.
-To update the schema, run:
-bq update \
-  --schema \
-    $CHROMIUM_SRC/tools/android/loading/cloud/frontend/bigquery_schema.json \
-  -t
-Adding a new field is harmless, but don't modify existing ones.
-If the above command does not work, this is probably because you are doing more
-than adding fields.
-In this case, you can delete and recreate the `` table from
-the [BigQuery web interface][8]:
--   Expand `clovis_dataset` from the left menu, and delete the `report` table.
--   Create a new table in `clovis_dataset`, and call it `report`.
--   Set `Location` to `None` in order to create an empty table.
--   Click `Edit as Text` in the `Schema` section , and  paste the contents of
-    `bigquery_schema.json` there.
-[4]: ../backend/
-[7]: #Updating-the-Database-Schema
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/app.yaml b/loading/cloud/frontend/app.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 48bf775..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/app.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-runtime: python27
-api_version: 1
-threadsafe: yes
-instance_class: F4_1G
-- deferred: on
-- url: /_ah/queue/deferred
-  # For the deferred API (
-  script: google.appengine.ext.deferred.deferred.application
-  login: admin
-- url: /static
-  # Static content.
-  static_dir: static
-- url: .*
-  script:
-- name: ssl
-  version: latest
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/ b/loading/cloud/frontend/
deleted file mode 100644
index 608cd73..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from google.appengine.ext import vendor
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/bigquery_schema.json b/loading/cloud/frontend/bigquery_schema.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 254e475..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/bigquery_schema.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-    {
-        "name": "url",
-        "type": "STRING",
-        "mode": "REQUIRED"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "ad_or_tracking_initiated_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "ad_or_tracking_initiated_transfer_size",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "ad_or_tracking_parsing_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "ad_or_tracking_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "ad_or_tracking_script_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "ad_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "connection_cost_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "connections",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_activity_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_byte_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_inversion",
-        "type": "STRING"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_parsing_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_predicted_no_state_prefetch_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_preloaded_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_preloaded_requests_cost",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_requests_cost",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "contentful_script_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "data_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "dns_cost_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "dns_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "domains",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_activity_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_byte_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_inversion",
-        "type": "STRING"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_parsing_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_predicted_no_state_prefetch_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_preloaded_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_preloaded_requests_cost",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_requests_cost",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "first_text_script_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "h2_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "http11_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_activity_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_byte_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_inversion",
-        "type": "STRING"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_parsing_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_predicted_no_state_prefetch_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_preloaded_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_preloaded_requests_cost",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_requests_cost",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "plt_script_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_activity_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_byte_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_inversion",
-        "type": "STRING"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_parsing_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_predicted_no_state_prefetch_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_preloaded_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_preloaded_requests_cost",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_requests_cost",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "significant_script_frac",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "ssl_connections",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "ssl_cost_ms",
-        "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "tracking_requests",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-        "name": "transfer_size",
-        "type": "INTEGER"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "total_queuing_blocked_msec",
-      "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "total_queuing_load_msec",
-      "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "average_blocking_request_count",
-      "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "median_blocking_request_count",
-      "type": "FLOAT"
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "total_requests",
-      "type": "INTEGER"
-    }
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/ b/loading/cloud/frontend/
deleted file mode 100644
index 675e2af..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,604 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-import datetime
-import math
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-import traceback
-import cloudstorage
-import flask
-from google.appengine.api import (app_identity, taskqueue)
-from google.appengine.ext import deferred
-from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials
-import common.clovis_paths
-from common.clovis_task import ClovisTask
-import common.google_bigquery_helper
-import common.google_instance_helper
-from common.loading_trace_database import LoadingTraceDatabase
-import email_helper
-from frontend_job import FrontendJob
-from memory_logs import MemoryLogs
-# Global variables.
-logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime
-clovis_logger = logging.getLogger('clovis_frontend')
-project_name = app_identity.get_application_id()
-instance_helper = common.google_instance_helper.GoogleInstanceHelper(
-    credentials=GoogleCredentials.get_application_default(),
-    project=project_name,
-    logger=clovis_logger)
-app = flask.Flask(__name__)
-def RenderJobCreationPage(message, memory_logs=None):
-  """Renders the log.html template.
-  Args:
-    message (str): Main content of the page.
-    memory_logs (MemoryLogs): Optional logs.
-  """
-  log = None
-  if memory_logs:
-    log = memory_logs.Flush().split('\n')
-  return flask.render_template('log.html', body=message, log=log,
-                               title='Job Creation Status')
-def PollWorkers(tag, start_time, timeout_hours, email_address, task_url):
-  """Checks if there are workers associated with tag, by polling the instance
-  group. When all workers are finished, the instance group and the instance
-  template are destroyed.
-  After some timeout delay, the instance group is destroyed even if there are
-  still workers associated to it, which has the effect of killing all these
-  workers.
-  Args:
-    tag (string): Tag of the task that is polled.
-    start_time (float): Time when the polling started, as returned by
-                        time.time().
-    timeout_hours (int): Timeout after which workers are terminated.
-    email_address (str): Email address to notify when the task is complete.
-    task_url (str): URL where the results of the task can be found.
-  """
-  if (time.time() - start_time) > (3600 * timeout_hours):
-    clovis_logger.error('Worker timeout for tag %s, shuting down.' % tag)
-    Finalize(tag, email_address, 'TIMEOUT', task_url)
-    return
-'Polling workers for tag: ' + tag)
-  live_instance_count = instance_helper.GetInstanceCount(tag)
-'%i live instances for tag %s.' % (
-      live_instance_count, tag))
-  if live_instance_count > 0 or live_instance_count == -1:
-'Retry later, instances still alive for tag: ' + tag)
-    poll_interval_minutes = 10
-    deferred.defer(PollWorkers, tag, start_time, timeout_hours, email_address,
-                   task_url, _countdown=(60 * poll_interval_minutes))
-    return
-  Finalize(tag, email_address, 'SUCCESS', task_url)
-def Finalize(tag, email_address, status, task_url):
-  """Cleans up the remaining ComputeEngine resources and notifies the user.
-  Args:
-    tag (str): Tag of the task to finalize.
-    email_address (str): Email address of the user to be notified.
-    status (str): Status of the task, indicating the success or the cause of
-                  failure.
-    task_url (str): URL where the results of the task can be found.
-  """
-  email_helper.SendEmailTaskComplete(
-      to_address=email_address, tag=tag, status=status, task_url=task_url,
-      logger=clovis_logger)
-'Scheduling instance group destruction for tag: ' + tag)
-  deferred.defer(DeleteInstanceGroup, tag)
-  FrontendJob.DeleteForTag(tag)
-def GetEstimatedTaskDurationInSeconds(task):
-  """Returns an estimation of the time required to run the task.
-  Args:
-    task: (ClovisTask) The task.
-  Returns:
-    float: Time estimation in seconds, or -1 in case of failure.
-  """
-  action_params = task.ActionParams()
-  if task.Action() == 'trace':
-    estimated_trace_time_s = 40.0
-    return (len(action_params['urls']) * action_params.get('repeat_count', 1) *
-            estimated_trace_time_s)
-  elif task.Action() == 'report':
-    estimated_report_time_s = 20.0
-    return len(action_params['traces']) * estimated_report_time_s
-  else:
-    clovis_logger.error('Unexpected action.')
-    return -1
-def CreateInstanceTemplate(task, task_dir):
-  """Create the Compute Engine instance template that will be used to create the
-  instances.
-  """
-  backend_params = task.BackendParams()
-  instance_count = backend_params.get('instance_count', 0)
-  if instance_count <= 0:
-'No template required.')
-    return True
-  bucket = backend_params.get('storage_bucket')
-  if not bucket:
-    clovis_logger.error('Missing bucket in backend_params.')
-    return False
-  return instance_helper.CreateTemplate(task.BackendParams()['tag'], bucket,
-                                        task_dir)
-def CreateInstances(task):
-  """Creates the Compute engine requested by the task."""
-  backend_params = task.BackendParams()
-  instance_count = backend_params.get('instance_count', 0)
-  if instance_count <= 0:
-'No instances to create.')
-    return True
-  return instance_helper.CreateInstances(backend_params['tag'], instance_count)
-def DeleteInstanceGroup(tag, try_count=0):
-  """Deletes the instance group associated with tag, and schedules the deletion
-  of the instance template."""
-'Instance group destruction for tag: ' + tag)
-  if not instance_helper.DeleteInstanceGroup(tag):
-'Instance group destruction failed for: ' + tag)
-    if try_count <= 5:
-      deferred.defer(DeleteInstanceGroup, tag, try_count + 1, _countdown=60)
-      return
-    clovis_logger.error('Giving up group destruction for: ' + tag)
-'Scheduling instance template destruction for tag: ' + tag)
-  # Wait a little before deleting the instance template, because it may still be
-  # considered in use, causing failures.
-  deferred.defer(DeleteInstanceTemplate, tag, _countdown=30)
-def DeleteInstanceTemplate(tag, try_count=0):
-  """Deletes the instance template associated with tag."""
-'Instance template destruction for tag: ' + tag)
-  if not instance_helper.DeleteTemplate(tag):
-'Instance template destruction failed for: ' + tag)
-    if try_count <= 5:
-      deferred.defer(DeleteInstanceTemplate, tag, try_count + 1, _countdown=60)
-      return
-    clovis_logger.error('Giving up template destruction for: ' + tag)
-'Cleanup complete for tag: ' + tag)
-def SplitClovisTask(task):
-  """Splits a ClovisTask in smaller ClovisTasks.
-  Args:
-    task: (ClovisTask) The task to split.
-  Returns:
-    list: The list of ClovisTasks.
-  """
-  # For report task, need to find the traces first.
-  if task.Action() == 'report':
-    trace_bucket = task.ActionParams().get('trace_bucket')
-    if not trace_bucket:
-      clovis_logger.error('Missing trace bucket for report task.')
-      return None
-    # Allow passing the trace bucket as absolute or relative to the base bucket.
-    base_bucket = task.BackendParams().get('storage_bucket', '')
-    if not trace_bucket.startswith(base_bucket):
-      trace_bucket = os.path.join(base_bucket, trace_bucket)
-    traces = GetTracePaths(trace_bucket)
-    if not traces:
-      clovis_logger.error('No traces found in bucket: ' + trace_bucket)
-      return None
-    task.ActionParams()['traces'] = traces
-  # Compute the split key.
-  # Keep the tasks small, but large enough to avoid "rate exceeded" errors when
-  # pulling them from the TaskQueue.
-  split_params_for_action = {'trace': ('urls', 3), 'report': ('traces', 5)}
-  (split_key, slice_size) = split_params_for_action.get(task.Action(),
-                                                        (None, 0))
-  if not split_key:
-    clovis_logger.error('Cannot split task with action: ' + task.Action())
-    return None
-  # Split the task using the split key.
-  clovis_logger.debug('Splitting task by: ' + split_key)
-  action_params = task.ActionParams()
-  values = action_params[split_key]
-  sub_tasks = []
-  for i in range(0, len(values), slice_size):
-    sub_task_params = action_params.copy()
-    sub_task_params[split_key] = [v for v in values[i:i+slice_size]]
-    sub_tasks.append(ClovisTask(task.Action(), sub_task_params,
-                                task.BackendParams()))
-  return sub_tasks
-def GetTracePaths(bucket):
-  """Returns a list of trace files in a bucket.
-  Finds and loads the trace databases, and returns their content as a list of
-  paths.
-  This function assumes a specific structure for the files in the bucket. These
-  assumptions must match the behavior of the backend:
-  - The trace databases are located in the bucket.
-  - The trace databases files are the only objects with the
-    TRACE_DATABASE_PREFIX prefix in their name.
-  Returns:
-    list: The list of paths to traces, as strings.
-  """
-  traces = []
-  prefix = os.path.join('/', bucket, common.clovis_paths.TRACE_DATABASE_PREFIX)
-  file_stats = cloudstorage.listbucket(prefix)
-  for file_stat in file_stats:
-    database_file = file_stat.filename
-'Loading trace database: ' + database_file)
-    with as remote_file:
-      json_string =
-    if not json_string:
-      clovis_logger.warning('Failed to download: ' + database_file)
-      continue
-    database = LoadingTraceDatabase.FromJsonString(json_string)
-    if not database:
-      clovis_logger.warning('Failed to parse: ' + database_file)
-      continue
-    for path in database.ToJsonDict():
-      traces.append(path)
-  return traces
-def GetTaskURL(task, task_dir):
-  """Returns the URL where the task output are generated, or None.
-  Args:
-    task: (ClovisTask) The task.
-    task_dir: (str) Working directory for the backend, it is a subdirectory of
-                    the deployment bucket.
-  Returns:
-    str: The URL.
-  """
-'Building task result URL.')
-  if task.Action() == 'trace':
-    storage_bucket = task.BackendParams().get('storage_bucket')
-    if not storage_bucket:
-      clovis_logger.error('Missing storage_bucket for trace action.')
-      return None
-    return '' % (storage_bucket,
-                                                               task_dir)
-  elif task.Action() == 'report':
-    table_id = common.google_bigquery_helper.GetBigQueryTableID(task)
-    task_url = common.google_bigquery_helper.GetBigQueryTableURL(project_name,
-                                                                 table_id)
-    # Abort if the table already exists.
-    bigquery_service = common.google_bigquery_helper.GetBigQueryService(
-        GoogleCredentials.get_application_default())
-    try:
-      table_exists = common.google_bigquery_helper.DoesBigQueryTableExist(
-          bigquery_service, project_name, table_id, clovis_logger)
-    except Exception:
-      return None
-    if table_exists:
-      clovis_logger.error('BigQuery table %s already exists.' % task_url)
-      return None
-    return task_url
-  else:
-    clovis_logger.error('Unsupported action: %s.' % task.Action())
-    return None
-def StartFromJsonString(http_body_str):
-  """Main function handling a JSON task posted by the user."""
-  # Set up logging.
-  memory_logs = MemoryLogs(clovis_logger)
-  memory_logs.Start()
-  # Load the task from JSON.
-  task = ClovisTask.FromJsonString(http_body_str)
-  if not task:
-    clovis_logger.error('Invalid JSON task.')
-    return RenderJobCreationPage(
-        'Invalid JSON task:\n' + http_body_str, memory_logs)
-  task_tag = task.BackendParams()['tag']
-'Start processing %s task with tag %s.' % (task.Action(),
-                                                                task_tag))
-  user_email = email_helper.GetUserEmail()
-  # Write the job to the datastore.
-  frontend_job = FrontendJob.CreateForTag(task_tag)
- = user_email
-  frontend_job.status = 'not_started'
-  frontend_job.clovis_task = task.ToJsonString()
-  frontend_job.put()
-  # Process the job on the queue, to avoid timeout issues.
-  deferred.defer(SpawnTasksOnBackgroundQueue, task_tag)
-  return RenderJobCreationPage(
-      flask.Markup(
-          '<a href="%s">See progress.</a>' % FrontendJob.GetJobURL(task_tag)),
-      memory_logs)
-def SpawnTasksOnBackgroundQueue(task_tag):
-  """Spawns Clovis tasks associated with task_tag from the backgound queue.
-  This function is mostly a wrapper around SpawnTasks() that catches exceptions.
-  It is assumed that a FrontendJob for task_tag exists.
-  """
-  memory_logs = MemoryLogs(clovis_logger)
-  memory_logs.Start()
-'Spawning tasks on background queue.')
-  try:
-    frontend_job = FrontendJob.GetFromTag(task_tag)
-    frontend_job.status = 'will_start'
-    SpawnTasks(frontend_job)
-  except Exception as e:
-    clovis_logger.error('Exception spawning tasks: ' + str(e))
-    clovis_logger.error(traceback.print_exc())
-  # Update the task.
-  if frontend_job:
-    frontend_job.log = memory_logs.Flush()
-    frontend_job.put()
-def SpawnTasks(frontend_job):
-  """ Spawns Clovis tasks associated with the frontend job."""
-  user_email =
-  task = ClovisTask.FromJsonString(frontend_job.clovis_task)
-  task_tag = task.BackendParams()['tag']
-  # Delete the clovis task from the FrontendJob because it can make the object
-  # very heavy and it is no longer needed.
-  frontend_job.clovis_task = None
-  # Compute the task directory.
-  frontend_job.status = 'building_task_dir'
-  task_dir_components = []
-  user_name = None
-  if user_email:
-    user_name = user_email[:user_email.find('@')]
-  if user_name:
-    task_dir_components.append(user_name)
-  task_name = task.BackendParams().get('task_name')
-  if task_name:
-    task_dir_components.append(task_name)
-  task_dir_components.append(task_tag)
-  task_dir = os.path.join(task.Action(), '_'.join(task_dir_components))
-  # Build the URL where the result will live.
-  frontend_job.status = 'building_task_url'
-  task_url = GetTaskURL(task, task_dir)
-  if task_url:
-'Task result URL: ' + task_url)
-    frontend_job.task_url = task_url
-  else:
-    frontend_job.status = 'task_url_error'
-    return
-  # Split the task in smaller tasks.
-  frontend_job.status = 'splitting_task'
-  frontend_job.put()
-  sub_tasks = SplitClovisTask(task)
-  if not sub_tasks:
-    frontend_job.status = 'task_split_error'
-    return
-  # Compute estimates for the work duration, in order to compute the instance
-  # count and the timeout.
-  frontend_job.status = 'estimating_duration'
-  sequential_duration_s = \
-      GetEstimatedTaskDurationInSeconds(sub_tasks[0]) * len(sub_tasks)
-  if sequential_duration_s <= 0:
-    frontend_job.status = 'time_estimation_error'
-    return
-  # Compute the number of required instances if not specified.
-  if task.BackendParams().get('instance_count') is None:
-    frontend_job.status = 'estimating_instance_count'
-    target_parallel_duration_s = 1800.0 # 30 minutes.
-    task.BackendParams()['instance_count'] = math.ceil(
-        sequential_duration_s / target_parallel_duration_s)
-  # Check the instance quotas.
-      'Requesting %i instances.' % task.BackendParams()['instance_count'])
-  frontend_job.status = 'checking_instance_quotas'
-  max_instances = instance_helper.GetAvailableInstanceCount()
-  if max_instances == -1:
-    frontend_job.status = 'instance_count_error'
-    return
-  elif max_instances == 0 and task.BackendParams()['instance_count'] > 0:
-    frontend_job.status = 'no_instance_available_error'
-    return
-  elif max_instances < task.BackendParams()['instance_count']:
-    clovis_logger.warning(
-        'Instance count limited by quota: %i available / %i requested.' % (
-            max_instances, task.BackendParams()['instance_count']))
-    task.BackendParams()['instance_count'] = max_instances
-  # Compute the timeout if there is none specified.
-  expected_duration_s = sequential_duration_s / (
-      task.BackendParams()['instance_count'])
-  frontend_job.eta = + datetime.timedelta(
-      seconds=expected_duration_s)
-  if not task.BackendParams().get('timeout_hours'):
-    # Timeout is at least 1 hour.
-    task.BackendParams()['timeout_hours'] = max(
-        1, 5 * expected_duration_s / 3600.0)
-      'Timeout delay: %.1f hours. ' % task.BackendParams()['timeout_hours'])
-  frontend_job.status = 'queueing_tasks'
-  if not EnqueueTasks(sub_tasks, task_tag):
-    frontend_job.status = 'task_creation_error'
-    return
-  # Start polling the progress.
-'Creating worker polling task.')
-  first_poll_delay_minutes = 10
-  deferred.defer(PollWorkers, task_tag, time.time(),
-                 task.BackendParams()['timeout_hours'], user_email,
-                 task_url, _countdown=(60 * first_poll_delay_minutes))
-  # Start the instances if required.
-  frontend_job.status = 'creating_instances'
-  frontend_job.put()
-  if not CreateInstanceTemplate(task, task_dir):
-    frontend_job.status = 'instance_template_error'
-    return
-  if not CreateInstances(task):
-    frontend_job.status = 'instance_creation_error'
-    return
-  frontend_job.status = 'started'
-def EnqueueTasks(tasks, task_tag):
-  """Enqueues a list of tasks in the Google Cloud task queue, for consumption by
-  Google Compute Engine.
-  """
-  q = taskqueue.Queue('clovis-queue')
-  # Add tasks to the queue by groups.
-  # TODO(droger): This supports thousands of tasks, but maybe not millions.
-  # Defer the enqueuing if it times out.
-  group_size = 100
-  callbacks = []
-  try:
-    for i in range(0, len(tasks), group_size):
-      group = tasks[i:i+group_size]
-      taskqueue_tasks = [
-          taskqueue.Task(payload=task.ToJsonString(), method='PULL',
-                         tag=task_tag)
-          for task in group]
-      rpc = taskqueue.create_rpc()
-      q.add_async(task=taskqueue_tasks, rpc=rpc)
-      callbacks.append(rpc)
-    for callback in callbacks:
-      callback.get_result()
-  except Exception as e:
-    clovis_logger.error('Exception:' + type(e).__name__ + ' ' + str(e.args))
-    return False
-'Pushed %i tasks with tag: %s.' % (len(tasks), task_tag))
-  return True
-def Root():
-  """Home page: show the new task form."""
-  return flask.render_template('form.html')
-@app.route('/form_sent', methods=['POST'])
-def StartFromForm():
-  """HTML form endpoint."""
-  data_stream = flask.request.files.get('json_task')
-  if not data_stream:
-    return RenderJobCreationPage('Failed, no content.')
-  http_body_str =
-  return StartFromJsonString(http_body_str)
-def KillJob():
-  tag = flask.request.args.get('tag')
-  page_title = 'Kill Job'
-  if not tag:
-    return flask.render_template('log.html', body='Failed: Invalid tag.',
-                                 title=page_title)
-  frontend_job = FrontendJob.GetFromTag(tag)
-  if not frontend_job:
-    return flask.render_template('log.html', body='Job not found.',
-                                 title=page_title)
-  Finalize(tag,, 'CANCELED', frontend_job.task_url)
-  body = 'Killed job %s.' % tag
-  return flask.render_template('log.html', body=body, title=page_title)
-def ShowJobList():
-  """Shows a list of all active jobs."""
-  tags = FrontendJob.ListJobs()
-  page_title = 'Active Jobs'
-  if not tags:
-    return flask.render_template('log.html', body='No active job.',
-                                 title=page_title)
-  html = ''
-  for tag in tags:
-    html += flask.Markup(
-        '<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>') % (FrontendJob.GetJobURL(tag), tag)
-  html += flask.Markup('</ul>')
-  return flask.render_template('log.html', body=html, title=page_title)
-def ShowJob():
-  """Shows basic information abour a job."""
-  tag = flask.request.args.get('tag')
-  page_title = 'Job Information'
-  if not tag:
-    return flask.render_template('log.html', body='Invalid tag.',
-                                 title=page_title)
-  frontend_job = FrontendJob.GetFromTag(tag)
-  if not frontend_job:
-    return flask.render_template('log.html', body='Job not found.',
-                                 title=page_title)
-  log = None
-  if frontend_job.log:
-    log = frontend_job.log.split('\n')
-  body = flask.Markup(frontend_job.RenderAsHtml())
-  body += flask.Markup('<a href="/kill_job?tag=%s">Kill</a>' % tag)
-  return flask.render_template('log.html', log=log, title=page_title,
-                               body=body)
-def PageNotFound(e):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
-  """Return a custom 404 error."""
-  return 'Sorry, Nothing at this URL.', 404
-def ApplicationError(e):
-  """Return a custom 500 error."""
-  return 'Sorry, unexpected error: {}'.format(e), 499
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/common b/loading/cloud/frontend/common
deleted file mode 120000
index 60d3b0a..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/common
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/ b/loading/cloud/frontend/
deleted file mode 100644
index dd82ee7..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from google.appengine.api import (mail, users)
-def GetUserEmail():
-  """Returns the email address of the user currently making the request or None.
-  """
-  user = users.get_current_user()
-  if user:
-    return
-  return None
-def SendEmailTaskComplete(to_address, tag, status, task_url, logger):
-  """Sends an email to to_address notifying that the task identified by tag is
-  complete.
-  Args:
-    to_address (str): The email address to notify.
-    tag (str): The tag of the task.
-    status (str): Status of the task.
-    task_url (str): URL where the results of the task can be found.
-    logger (logging.logger): Used for logging.
-  """
-  if not to_address:
-    logger.error('No email address to notify for task ' + tag)
-    return
-'Notify task %s complete to %s.' % (tag, to_address))
-  # The sender address must be in the "Email API authorized senders", configured
-  # in the Application Settings of AppEngine.
-  sender_address = ''
-  subject = 'Task %s complete' % tag
-  body = 'Your Clovis task %s is now complete with status: %s.' % (tag, status)
-  if task_url:
-    body += '\nCheck the results at ' + task_url
-  mail.send_mail(sender=sender_address, to=to_address, subject=subject,
-                 body=body)
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/ b/loading/cloud/frontend/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c5783e..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from google.appengine.ext import ndb
-class FrontendJob(ndb.Model):
-  """Class representing a frontend job.
-  A frontend job is a Clovis task sent by the user, and associated metadata
-  (such as the username, the start time...).
-  It is persisted in the Google Cloud datastore.
-  All frontend jobs are ancestors of a single entity called 'FrontendJobList'.
-  This allows to benefit from strong consistency when querying the job
-  associated to a tag.
-  """
-  # Base URL path to get information about a job.
-  SHOW_JOB_URL = '/show_job'
-  # ndb properties persisted in the datastore. Indexing is not needed.
-  email = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
-  status = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
-  task_url = ndb.StringProperty(indexed=False)
-  eta = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=False)
-  start_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True, indexed=False)
-  # Not indexed by default.
-  clovis_task = ndb.TextProperty(compressed=True, indexed=False)
-  log = ndb.TextProperty(indexed=False)
-  @classmethod
-  def _GetParentKeyFromTag(cls, tag):
-    """Gets the key that can be used to retrieve a frontend job from the job
-    list.
-    """
-    return ndb.Key('FrontendJobList', tag)
-  @classmethod
-  def CreateForTag(cls, tag):
-    """Creates a frontend job associated with tag."""
-    parent_key = cls._GetParentKeyFromTag(tag)
-    return cls(parent=parent_key)
-  @classmethod
-  def GetFromTag(cls, tag):
-    """Gets the frontend job associated with tag."""
-    parent_key = cls._GetParentKeyFromTag(tag)
-    return cls.query(ancestor=parent_key).get()
-  @classmethod
-  def DeleteForTag(cls, tag):
-    """Deletes the frontend job assowiated with tag."""
-    parent_key = cls._GetParentKeyFromTag(tag)
-    frontend_job = cls.query(ancestor=parent_key).get(keys_only=True)
-    if frontend_job:
-      frontend_job.delete()
-  @classmethod
-  def ListJobs(cls):
-    """Lists all the frontend jobs.
-    Returns:
-      list of strings: The list of tags corresponding to existing frontend jobs.
-    """
-    return [key.parent().string_id() for key in cls.query().fetch(
-        100, keys_only=True)]
-  @classmethod
-  def GetJobURL(cls, tag):
-    """Gets the URL that can be used to get information about a specific job."""
-    return cls.SHOW_JOB_URL + '?tag=' + tag
-  def RenderAsHtml(self):
-    """Render a short job description as a HTML table.
-    The log and ClovisTask are not included, because they are potentially very
-    large.
-    """
-    html = '<table>'
-    for p in FrontendJob._properties:
-      if p == 'log' or p == 'clovis_task':
-        continue
-      value = getattr(self, p)
-      if value:
-        html += '<tr><td>' + p + '</td><td>' + str(value) + '</td></tr>'
-    html += '</table>'
-    return html
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/lib/common b/loading/cloud/frontend/lib/common
deleted file mode 120000
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\ No newline at end of file
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-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-from StringIO import StringIO
-class MemoryLogs(object):
-  """Collects logs in memory."""
-  def __init__(self, logger):
-    self._logger = logger
-    self._log_buffer = StringIO()
-    self._log_handler = logging.StreamHandler(self._log_buffer)
-    formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s][%(levelname)s] %(message)s",
-                                  "%y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-    self._log_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
-  def Start(self):
-    """Starts collecting the logs."""
-    self._logger.addHandler(self._log_handler)
-  def Flush(self):
-    """Stops collecting the logs and returns the logs collected since Start()
-    was called.
-    """
-    self._logger.removeHandler(self._log_handler)
-    self._log_handler.flush()
-    self._log_buffer.flush()
-    result = self._log_buffer.getvalue()
-    self._log_buffer.truncate(0)
-    return result
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/requirements.txt b/loading/cloud/frontend/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
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--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/static/base.css
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@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-   Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-   found in the LICENSE file. */
-body {
-  font-family:'Arial', sans-serif;
- {
-  margin-bottom: 1em;
-  --padding: 14px 16px;
-  border: 1px solid #e7e7e7;
- div {
-  padding: var(--padding);
-  font-weight:bold;
-  color: #ffca00;
-  background-color: #cc0000;
-  cursor: default;
- ul {
-  list-style-type: none;
-  margin: 0;
-  padding: 0;
-  overflow: hidden;
- li {
-  float: left;
-  text-align: center;
- li a {
-  color: #666;
-  background-color: #f3f3f3;
-  text-decoration: none;
-  display: block;
-  padding: var(--padding);
- li a:hover {
-  background-color: #ddd;
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/static/crown_icon.png b/loading/cloud/frontend/static/crown_icon.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d5ac45..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/static/crown_icon.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/templates/base.html b/loading/cloud/frontend/templates/base.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 72d732c..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/templates/base.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-{# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-   Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-   found in the LICENSE file.
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-  <meta charset="utf-8">
-  <title>Clovis</title>
-  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/base.css"/>
-  <link rel="icon" href="/static/crown_icon.png"/>
-  <div class="menu">
-    <ul style="border: 1px solid #e7e7e7; background-color: #f3f3f3;">
-      <li> <div> Clovis </div>
-      <li> <a href="/">New Job</a>
-      <li> <a href="/list_jobs">Active Jobs</a>
-      <li> <a href="">
-             Documentation
-           </a>
-    </ul>
-  </div>
-{# The main content of the page goes here #}
-{% block content %}
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/templates/form.html b/loading/cloud/frontend/templates/form.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9003259..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/templates/form.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-{# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-   Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-   found in the LICENSE file.
-{% extends "base.html" %}
-{% block content %}
-<h2>Submit New Task</h2>
-<p> Select JSON file </p>
-<form action="/form_sent" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
-  <input type="file" name="json_task"/>
-  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload"/>
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/loading/cloud/frontend/templates/log.html b/loading/cloud/frontend/templates/log.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b43f87..0000000
--- a/loading/cloud/frontend/templates/log.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-{# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-   Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-   found in the LICENSE file.
-{# Template for a page displaying a body and logs (optional) under a collapsible
-   section.
-{% extends "base.html" %}
-{% block content %}
-<h2> {{ title }} </h2>
-{{ body }}
-{% if log %}
-<p><a onclick="javascript:ShowHide('HiddenDiv'); return false;" href="#">
-  Show/hide details
-<div id="HiddenDiv"
-  style="display:none; font: 0.8em 'Droid Sans Mono', monospace;">
-{# Loop over the lines of the log to add linebreaks. #}
-{%- for line in log -%}
-  {{ line }}<br/>
-{%- endfor -%}
-<script type="text/javascript">
-function ShowHide(divId) {
-  element = document.getElementById(divId)
- = ( == 'none') ? 'block' : 'none';
-{% endif %}
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index e64ddf0..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Provides common constants for Clovis."""
-QUEUING_CATEGORY = 'disabled-by-default-loading.resource'
-# Categories to enable or disable for all traces collected. Disabled categories
-# are prefixed with '-'.
-  'blink',
-  '',
-  'blink.user_timing',
-  'devtools.timeline',
-  'disabled-by-default-blink.debug.layout',
-  'toplevel',
-  'v8',
-  '-cc',  # Contains a lot of events, none of which we use.
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 899062c..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import contextlib
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import signal
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-def VerboseCompileRegexOrAbort(regex):
-  """Compiles a user-provided regular expression, exits the program on error."""
-  try:
-    return re.compile(regex)
-  except re.error as e:
-    sys.stderr.write('invalid regex: {}\n{}\n'.format(regex, e))
-    sys.exit(2)
-def PollFor(condition, condition_name, interval=5):
-  """Polls for a function to return true.
-  Args:
-    condition: Function to wait its return to be True.
-    condition_name: The condition's name used for logging.
-    interval: Periods to wait between tries in seconds.
-  Returns:
-    What condition has returned to stop waiting.
-  """
-  while True:
-    result = condition()
-'Polling condition %s is %s' % (
-        condition_name, 'met' if result else 'not met'))
-    if result:
-      return result
-    time.sleep(interval)
-def SerializeAttributesToJsonDict(json_dict, instance, attributes):
-  """Adds the |attributes| from |instance| to a |json_dict|.
-  Args:
-    json_dict: (dict) Dict to update.
-    instance: (object) instance to take the values from.
-    attributes: ([str]) List of attributes to serialize.
-  Returns:
-    json_dict
-  """
-  json_dict.update({attr: getattr(instance, attr) for attr in attributes})
-  return json_dict
-def DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(json_dict, instance, attributes):
-  """Sets a list of |attributes| in |instance| according to their value in
-    |json_dict|.
-  Args:
-    json_dict: (dict) Dict containing values dumped by
-               SerializeAttributesToJsonDict.
-    instance: (object) instance to modify.
-    attributes: ([str]) List of attributes to set.
-  Raises:
-    AttributeError if one of the attribute doesn't exist in |instance|.
-  Returns:
-    instance
-  """
-  for attr in attributes:
-    getattr(instance, attr) # To raise AttributeError if attr doesn't exist.
-    setattr(instance, attr, json_dict[attr])
-  return instance
-def TemporaryDirectory(suffix='', prefix='tmp'):
-  """Returns a freshly-created directory that gets automatically deleted after
-  usage.
-  """
-  name = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix=suffix, prefix=prefix)
-  try:
-    yield name
-  finally:
-    shutil.rmtree(name)
-def EnsureParentDirectoryExists(path):
-  """Verifies that the parent directory exists or creates it if missing."""
-  parent_directory_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(path))
-  if not os.path.isdir(parent_directory_path):
-    os.makedirs(parent_directory_path)
-def GetCommandLineForLogging(cmd, env_diff=None):
-  """Get command line string.
-  Args:
-    cmd: Command line argument
-    env_diff: Environment modification for the command line.
-  Returns:
-    Command line string.
-  """
-  cmd_str = ''
-  if env_diff:
-    for key, value in env_diff.iteritems():
-      cmd_str += '{}={} '.format(key, value)
-  return cmd_str + subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)
-# TimeoutError inherit from BaseException to pass through DevUtils' retries
-# decorator that catches only exceptions inheriting from Exception.
-class TimeoutError(BaseException):
-  pass
-# If this exception is ever raised, then might be better to replace this
-# implementation with Thread.join(timeout=XXX).
-class TimeoutCollisionError(Exception):
-  pass
-def TimeoutScope(seconds, error_name):
-  """Raises TimeoutError if the with statement is finished within |seconds|."""
-  assert seconds > 0
-  def _signal_callback(signum, frame):
-    del signum, frame # unused.
-    raise TimeoutError(error_name)
-  try:
-    signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _signal_callback)
-    if signal.alarm(seconds) != 0:
-      raise TimeoutCollisionError(
-          'Discarding an alarm that was scheduled before.')
-    yield
-  finally:
-    signal.alarm(0)
-    if signal.getsignal(signal.SIGALRM) != _signal_callback:
-      raise TimeoutCollisionError('Looks like there is a signal.signal(signal.'
-          'SIGALRM) made within the with statement.')
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 62ddaee..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import signal
-import time
-import unittest
-import common_util
-class SerializeAttributesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  class Foo(object):
-    def __init__(self, foo_fighters, whisky_bar):
-      # Pylint doesn't like foo and bar, but I guess musical references are OK.
-      self.foo_fighters = foo_fighters
-      self.whisky_bar = whisky_bar
-  def testSerialization(self):
-    foo_fighters = self.Foo('1', 2)
-    json_dict = common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict(
-        {}, foo_fighters, ['foo_fighters', 'whisky_bar'])
-    self.assertDictEqual({'foo_fighters': '1', 'whisky_bar': 2}, json_dict)
-    # Partial update
-    json_dict = common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict(
-        {'baz': 42}, foo_fighters, ['whisky_bar'])
-    self.assertDictEqual({'baz': 42, 'whisky_bar': 2}, json_dict)
-    # Non-existing attribute.
-    with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
-      json_dict = common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict(
-          {}, foo_fighters, ['foo_fighters', 'whisky_bar', 'baz'])
-  def testDeserialization(self):
-    foo_fighters = self.Foo('hello', 'world')
-    json_dict = {'foo_fighters': 12, 'whisky_bar': 42}
-    # Partial.
-    foo_fighters = common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, foo_fighters, ['foo_fighters'])
-    self.assertEqual(12, foo_fighters.foo_fighters)
-    self.assertEqual('world', foo_fighters.whisky_bar)
-    # Complete.
-    foo_fighters = common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, foo_fighters, ['foo_fighters', 'whisky_bar'])
-    self.assertEqual(42, foo_fighters.whisky_bar)
-    # Non-existing attribute.
-    with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
-      json_dict['baz'] = 'bad'
-      foo_fighters = common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-          json_dict, foo_fighters, ['foo_fighters', 'whisky_bar', 'baz'])
-class TimeoutScopeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testTimeoutRaise(self):
-    self.assertEquals(0, signal.alarm(0))
-    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(common_util.TimeoutError, 'hello'):
-      with common_util.TimeoutScope(seconds=1, error_name='hello'):
-        signal.pause()
-    self.assertEquals(0, signal.alarm(0))
-    with self.assertRaisesRegexp(common_util.TimeoutError, 'world'):
-      with common_util.TimeoutScope(seconds=1, error_name='world'):
-        time.sleep(2)
-    self.assertEquals(0, signal.alarm(0))
-  def testCollisionDetection(self):
-    ONE_YEAR = 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
-    def _mock_callback(signum, frame):
-      del signum, frame # unused.
-    flag = False
-    with self.assertRaises(common_util.TimeoutCollisionError):
-      with common_util.TimeoutScope(seconds=ONE_YEAR, error_name=''):
-        flag = True
-        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _mock_callback)
-    self.assertTrue(flag)
-    self.assertEquals(0, signal.alarm(0))
-    flag = False
-    with self.assertRaises(common_util.TimeoutCollisionError):
-      with common_util.TimeoutScope(seconds=ONE_YEAR, error_name=''):
-        flag = True
-        with common_util.TimeoutScope(seconds=ONE_YEAR, error_name=''):
-    self.assertTrue(flag)
-    self.assertEquals(0, signal.alarm(0))
-    signal.alarm(ONE_YEAR)
-    with self.assertRaises(common_util.TimeoutCollisionError):
-      with common_util.TimeoutScope(seconds=ONE_YEAR, error_name=''):
-    self.assertEquals(0, signal.alarm(0))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 89f40e2..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Labels requests according to the type of content they represent."""
-import collections
-import logging
-import operator
-import os
-import urlparse
-import loading_trace
-import request_track
-class ContentClassificationLens(object):
-  """Associates requests and frames with the type of content they represent."""
-  def __init__(self, trace, ad_rules, tracking_rules):
-    """Initializes an instance of ContentClassificationLens.
-    Args:
-      trace: (LoadingTrace) loading trace.
-      ad_rules: ([str]) List of Adblock+ compatible rules used to classify ads.
-      tracking_rules: ([str]) List of Adblock+ compatible rules used to
-                      classify tracking and analytics.
-    """
-    self._trace = trace
-    self._requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-    self._requests_by_id = {r.request_id: r for r in self._requests}
-    self._main_frame_id = trace.page_track.GetEvents()[0]['frame_id']
-    self._frame_to_requests = collections.defaultdict(list)
-    self._ad_requests = set()
-    self._tracking_requests = set()
-    self._ad_matcher = _RulesMatcher(ad_rules, True)
-    self._tracking_matcher = _RulesMatcher(tracking_rules, True)
-    self._document_url = self._GetDocumentUrl()
-    self._GroupRequestsByFrameId()
-    self._LabelRequests()
-  def IsAdRequest(self, request):
-    """Returns True iff the request matches one of the ad_rules."""
-    return request.request_id in self._ad_requests
-  def IsTrackingRequest(self, request):
-    """Returns True iff the request matches one of the tracking_rules."""
-    return request.request_id in self._tracking_requests
-  def IsAdOrTrackingFrame(self, frame_id):
-    """A Frame is an Ad frame if it's not the main frame and its main resource
-    is ad or tracking-related.
-    """
-    if (frame_id not in self._frame_to_requests
-        or frame_id == self._main_frame_id):
-      return False
-    frame_requests = [self._requests_by_id[request_id]
-                      for request_id in self._frame_to_requests[frame_id]]
-    sorted_frame_resources = sorted(
-        frame_requests, key=operator.attrgetter('start_msec'))
-    frame_main_resource = sorted_frame_resources[0]
-    return (frame_main_resource.request_id in self._ad_requests
-            or frame_main_resource.request_id in self._tracking_requests)
-  def AdAndTrackingRequests(self):
-    """Returns a list of requests linked to ads and tracking.
-    Returns the union of:
-    - Requests tagged as ad or tracking.
-    - Requests originating from an ad frame.
-    """
-    frame_ids = {r.frame_id for r in self._requests}
-    ad_frame_ids = filter(self.IsAdOrTrackingFrame, frame_ids)
-    return filter(lambda r: self.IsAdRequest(r) or self.IsTrackingRequest(r)
-                  or r.frame_id in ad_frame_ids, self._requests)
-  @classmethod
-  def WithRulesFiles(cls, trace, ad_rules_filename, tracking_rules_filename):
-    """Returns an instance of ContentClassificationLens with the rules read
-    from files.
-    """
-    ad_rules = []
-    tracking_rules = []
-    if os.path.exists(ad_rules_filename):
-      ad_rules = open(ad_rules_filename, 'r').readlines()
-    if os.path.exists(tracking_rules_filename):
-      tracking_rules = open(tracking_rules_filename, 'r').readlines()
-    return ContentClassificationLens(trace, ad_rules, tracking_rules)
-  def _GroupRequestsByFrameId(self):
-    for request in self._requests:
-      frame_id = request.frame_id
-      self._frame_to_requests[frame_id].append(request.request_id)
-  def _LabelRequests(self):
-    for request in self._requests:
-      request_id = request.request_id
-      if self._ad_matcher.Matches(request, self._document_url):
-        self._ad_requests.add(request_id)
-      if self._tracking_matcher.Matches(request, self._document_url):
-        self._tracking_requests.add(request_id)
-  def _GetDocumentUrl(self):
-    main_frame_id = self._trace.page_track.GetMainFrameId()
-    # Take the last one as JS redirects can change the document URL.
-    document_url = None
-    for r in self._requests:
-      # 304: not modified.
-      if r.frame_id == main_frame_id and r.status in (200, 304):
-        document_url = r.document_url
-    return document_url
-class _RulesMatcher(object):
-  """Matches requests with rules in Adblock+ format."""
-      'Script': 'script', 'Stylesheet': 'stylesheet', 'Image': 'image',
-      'XHR': 'xmlhttprequest'}
-  def __init__(self, rules, no_whitelist):
-    """Initializes an instance of _RulesMatcher.
-    Args:
-      rules: ([str]) list of rules.
-      no_whitelist: (bool) Whether the whitelisting rules should be ignored.
-    """
-    self._rules = self._FilterRules(rules, no_whitelist)
-    if self._rules:
-      try:
-        import adblockparser
-        self._matcher = adblockparser.AdblockRules(self._rules)
-      except ImportError:
-        logging.critical('Likely you need to install adblockparser. Try:\n'
-                         ' pip install --user adblockparser\n'
-                         'For 10-100x better performance, also try:\n'
-                         " pip install --user 're2 >= 0.2.21'")
-        raise
-    else:
-      self._matcher = None
-  def Matches(self, request, document_url):
-    """Returns whether a request matches one of the rules."""
-    if self._matcher is None:
-      return False
-    url = request.url
-    return self._matcher.should_block(
-        url, self._GetOptions(request, document_url))
-  @classmethod
-  def _GetOptions(cls, request, document_url):
-    options = {}
-    resource_type = request.resource_type
-    option = cls._RESOURCE_TYPE_TO_OPTIONS_KEY.get(resource_type)
-    if option:
-      options[option] = True
-    if cls._IsThirdParty(request.url, document_url):
-      options['third-party'] = True
-    return options
-  @classmethod
-  def _FilterRules(cls, rules, no_whitelist):
-    if not no_whitelist:
-      return rules
-    else:
-      return [rule for rule in rules
-              if not rule.startswith(cls._WHITELIST_PREFIX)]
-  @classmethod
-  def _IsThirdParty(cls, url, document_url):
-    # Common definition of "third-party" is "not from the same TLD+1".
-    # Unfortunately, knowing what is a TLD is not trivial. To do it without a
-    # database, we use the following simple (and incorrect) rules:
-    # - co.{in,uk,jp,hk} is a TLD
-    # - com.{au,hk} is a TLD
-    # Otherwise, this is the part after the last dot.
-    return cls._GetTldPlusOne(url) != cls._GetTldPlusOne(document_url)
-  @classmethod
-  def _GetTldPlusOne(cls, url):
-    hostname = urlparse.urlparse(url).hostname
-    if not hostname:
-      return hostname
-    parts = hostname.split('.')
-    if len(parts) <= 2:
-      return hostname
-    tld_parts_count = 1
-    may_be_tld = parts[-2:]
-    if may_be_tld[0] == 'co' and may_be_tld[1] in ('in', 'uk', 'jp'):
-      tld_parts_count = 2
-    elif may_be_tld[0] == 'com' and may_be_tld[1] in ('au', 'hk'):
-      tld_parts_count = 2
-    tld_plus_one = '.'.join(parts[-(tld_parts_count + 1):])
-    return tld_plus_one
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deleted file mode 100644
index 18025b0..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import copy
-import unittest
-from content_classification_lens import (ContentClassificationLens,
-                                         _RulesMatcher)
-from request_track import Request
-import test_utils
-class ContentClassificationLensTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  _MAIN_FRAME_ID = '123.1'
-  _REQUEST = Request.FromJsonDict({'url': _DOCUMENT_URL,
-                                   'document_url': _DOCUMENT_URL,
-                                   'request_id': '1234.1',
-                                   'frame_id': _MAIN_FRAME_ID,
-                                   'initiator': {'type': 'other'},
-                                   'timestamp': 2,
-                                   'status': 200,
-                                   'timing': {},
-                                   'resource_type': 'Document'})
-  _PAGE_EVENTS = [{'method': 'Page.frameStartedLoading',
-                   'frame_id': _MAIN_FRAME_ID},
-                  {'method': 'Page.frameAttached',
-                   'frame_id': '123.13', 'parent_frame_id': _MAIN_FRAME_ID}]
-  _RULES = ['']
-  def testGetDocumentUrl(self):
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [self._REQUEST], self._PAGE_EVENTS)
-    lens = ContentClassificationLens(trace, [], [])
-    self.assertEquals(self._DOCUMENT_URL, lens._GetDocumentUrl())
-    # Don't be fooled by redirects.
-    request = copy.deepcopy(self._REQUEST)
-    request.status = 302
-    request.document_url = ''
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [request, self._REQUEST], self._PAGE_EVENTS)
-    lens = ContentClassificationLens(trace, [], [])
-    self.assertEquals(self._DOCUMENT_URL, lens._GetDocumentUrl())
-  def testGetDocumentUrlSeveralChanges(self):
-    request = copy.deepcopy(self._REQUEST)
-    request.status = 200
-    request.document_url = ''
-    request2 = copy.deepcopy(request)
-    request2.document_url = ''
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [self._REQUEST, request, request2], self._PAGE_EVENTS)
-    lens = ContentClassificationLens(trace, [], [])
-    self.assertEquals(request2.document_url, lens._GetDocumentUrl())
-  def testNoRules(self):
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [self._REQUEST], self._PAGE_EVENTS)
-    lens = ContentClassificationLens(trace, [], [])
-    self.assertFalse(lens.IsAdRequest(self._REQUEST))
-    self.assertFalse(lens.IsTrackingRequest(self._REQUEST))
-  def testAdRequest(self):
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [self._REQUEST], self._PAGE_EVENTS)
-    lens = ContentClassificationLens(trace, self._RULES, [])
-    self.assertTrue(lens.IsAdRequest(self._REQUEST))
-    self.assertFalse(lens.IsTrackingRequest(self._REQUEST))
-  def testTrackingRequest(self):
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [self._REQUEST], self._PAGE_EVENTS)
-    lens = ContentClassificationLens(trace, [], self._RULES)
-    self.assertFalse(lens.IsAdRequest(self._REQUEST))
-    self.assertTrue(lens.IsTrackingRequest(self._REQUEST))
-  def testMainFrameIsNotAnAdFrame(self):
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [self._REQUEST], self._PAGE_EVENTS)
-    lens = ContentClassificationLens(trace, self._RULES, [])
-    self.assertFalse(lens.IsAdOrTrackingFrame(self._MAIN_FRAME_ID))
-  def testAdFrame(self):
-    request = copy.deepcopy(self._REQUEST)
-    request.request_id = '1234.2'
-    request.frame_id = '123.123'
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [self._REQUEST, request], self._PAGE_EVENTS)
-    lens = ContentClassificationLens(trace, self._RULES, [])
-    self.assertTrue(lens.IsAdOrTrackingFrame(request.frame_id))
-  def testAdAndTrackingRequests(self):
-    ad_request = copy.deepcopy(self._REQUEST)
-    ad_request.request_id = '1234.2'
-    ad_request.frame_id = '123.123'
-    non_ad_request_non_ad_frame = copy.deepcopy(self._REQUEST)
-    non_ad_request_non_ad_frame.request_id = '1234.3'
-    non_ad_request_non_ad_frame.url = ''
-    non_ad_request_non_ad_frame.frame_id = '123.456'
-    non_ad_request_ad_frame = copy.deepcopy(self._REQUEST)
-    non_ad_request_ad_frame.request_id = '1234.4'
-    non_ad_request_ad_frame.url = ''
-    non_ad_request_ad_frame.frame_id = ad_request.frame_id
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [self._REQUEST, ad_request, non_ad_request_non_ad_frame,
-         non_ad_request_ad_frame], self._PAGE_EVENTS)
-    lens = ContentClassificationLens(trace, self._RULES, [])
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([self._REQUEST, ad_request, non_ad_request_ad_frame]),
-        set(lens.AdAndTrackingRequests()))
-class _MatcherTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  _RULES_WITH_WHITELIST = ['/thisisanad.', '*',
-                           '@@||$elemhide']
-  _SCRIPT_RULE = '*$script'
-  _THIRD_PARTY_RULE = '*$third-party'
-  _SCRIPT_REQUEST = Request.FromJsonDict(
-      {'url': '',
-       'resource_type': 'Script',
-       'request_id': '1234.1',
-       'frame_id': '123.1',
-       'initiator': {'type': 'other'},
-       'timestamp': 2,
-       'timing': {}})
-  def testRemovesWhitelistRules(self):
-    matcher = _RulesMatcher(self._RULES_WITH_WHITELIST, False)
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(matcher._rules))
-    matcher = _RulesMatcher(self._RULES_WITH_WHITELIST, True)
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(matcher._rules))
-  def testScriptRule(self):
-    matcher = _RulesMatcher([self._SCRIPT_RULE], False)
-    request = copy.deepcopy(self._SCRIPT_REQUEST)
-    request.resource_type = 'Stylesheet'
-    self.assertFalse(matcher.Matches(
-        request, ContentClassificationLensTestCase._DOCUMENT_URL))
-    self.assertTrue(matcher.Matches(
-        self._SCRIPT_REQUEST, ContentClassificationLensTestCase._DOCUMENT_URL))
-  def testGetTldPlusOne(self):
-    self.assertEquals(
-        '',
-        _RulesMatcher._GetTldPlusOne(''))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        '',
-        _RulesMatcher._GetTldPlusOne(''))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        '',
-        _RulesMatcher._GetTldPlusOne(''))
-  def testThirdPartyRule(self):
-    matcher = _RulesMatcher([self._THIRD_PARTY_RULE], False)
-    request = copy.deepcopy(self._SCRIPT_REQUEST)
-    document_url = ''
-    self.assertFalse(matcher.Matches(request, document_url))
-    document_url = ''
-    self.assertTrue(matcher.Matches(request, document_url))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0cad7f1..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Controller objects that control the context in which chrome runs.
-This is responsible for the setup necessary for launching chrome, and for
-creating a DevToolsConnection. There are remote device and local
-desktop-specific versions.
-import contextlib
-import copy
-import datetime
-import errno
-import logging
-import os
-import platform
-import shutil
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-import traceback
-import psutil
-import chrome_cache
-import chrome_setup
-import common_util
-import device_setup
-import devtools_monitor
-import emulation
-from options import OPTIONS
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-_CATAPULT_DIR = os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'catapult')
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_CATAPULT_DIR, 'devil'))
-from import device_errors
-from import flag_changer
-from import intent
-    os.path.join(_CATAPULT_DIR, 'telemetry', 'third_party', 'websocket-client'))
-import websocket
-class ChromeControllerMetadataGatherer(object):
-  """Gather metadata for the ChromeControllerBase."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._chromium_commit = None
-  def GetMetadata(self):
-    """Gets metadata to update in the ChromeControllerBase"""
-    if self._chromium_commit is None:
-      def _GitCommand(subcmd):
-        return subprocess.check_output(['git', '-C', _SRC_DIR] + subcmd).strip()
-      try:
-        self._chromium_commit = _GitCommand(['merge-base', 'master', 'HEAD'])
-        if self._chromium_commit != _GitCommand(['rev-parse', 'HEAD']):
-          self._chromium_commit = 'unknown'
-      except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
-        self._chromium_commit = 'git_error'
-    return {
-      'chromium_commit': self._chromium_commit,
-      'date': datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(),
-      'seconds_since_epoch': time.time()
-    }
-class ChromeControllerInternalError(Exception):
-  pass
-def _AllocateTcpListeningPort():
-  """Allocates a TCP listening port.
-  Note: The use of this function is inherently OS level racy because the
-    port returned by this function might be re-used by another running process.
-  """
-  temp_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-  try:
-    temp_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
-    temp_socket.bind(('', 0))
-    return temp_socket.getsockname()[1]
-  finally:
-    temp_socket.close()
-class ChromeControllerError(Exception):
-  """Chrome error with detailed log.
-  Note:
-    Some of these errors might be known intermittent errors that can usually be
-    retried by the caller after re-doing any specific setup again.
-  """
-  _INTERMITTENT_WHITE_LIST = {websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException,
-                              devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionTargetCrashed}
-  _PASSTHROUGH_WHITE_LIST = (MemoryError, SyntaxError)
-  def __init__(self, log):
-    """Constructor
-    Args:
-      log: String containing the log of the running Chrome instance that was
-          running. It will be interleaved with any other running Android
-          package.
-    """
-    self.error_type, self.error_value, self.error_traceback = sys.exc_info()
-    super(ChromeControllerError, self).__init__(repr(self.error_value))
-    self.parent_stack = traceback.extract_stack()
-    self.log = log
-  def Dump(self, output):
-    """Dumps the entire error's infos into file-like object."""
-    output.write('-' * 60 + ' {}:\n'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
-    output.write(repr(self) + '\n')
-    output.write('{} is {}known as intermittent.\n'.format(
-        self.error_type.__name__, '' if self.IsIntermittent() else 'NOT '))
-    output.write(
-        '-' * 60 + ' {}\'s full traceback:\n'.format(self.error_type.__name__))
-    output.write(''.join(traceback.format_list(self.parent_stack)))
-    traceback.print_tb(self.error_traceback, file=output)
-    output.write('-' * 60 + ' Begin log\n')
-    output.write(self.log)
-    output.write('-' * 60 + ' End log\n')
-  def IsIntermittent(self):
-    """Returns whether the error is an known intermittent error."""
-    return self.error_type in self._INTERMITTENT_WHITE_LIST
-  def RaiseOriginal(self):
-    """Raises the original exception that has caused <self>."""
-    raise self.error_type, self.error_value, self.error_traceback
-class ChromeControllerBase(object):
-  """Base class for all controllers.
-  Defines common operations but should not be created directly.
-  """
-  METADATA_GATHERER = ChromeControllerMetadataGatherer()
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._chrome_args = chrome_setup.CHROME_ARGS + [
-        # Tests & dev-tools related stuff.
-        '--enable-test-events',
-        '--remote-debugging-port=%d' % OPTIONS.devtools_port,
-        # Detailed log.
-        '--enable-logging=stderr',
-        '--v=1',
-    ]
-    self._wpr_attributes = None
-    self._metadata = {}
-    self._emulated_device = None
-    self._network_name = None
-    self._slow_death = False
-  def AddChromeArguments(self, args):
-    """Add command-line arguments to the chrome execution."""
-    self._chrome_args.extend(args)
-  @contextlib.contextmanager
-  def Open(self):
-    """Context that returns a connection/chrome instance.
-    Returns:
-      DevToolsConnection instance for which monitoring has been set up but not
-      started.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  def ChromeMetadata(self):
-    """Return metadata such as emulation information.
-    Returns:
-      Metadata as JSON dictionary.
-    """
-    return self._metadata
-  def GetDevice(self):
-    """Returns an android device, or None if chrome is local."""
-    return None
-  def SetDeviceEmulation(self, device_name):
-    """Set device emulation.
-    Args:
-      device_name: (str) Key from --devices_file.
-    """
-    devices = emulation.LoadEmulatedDevices(file(OPTIONS.devices_file))
-    self._emulated_device = devices[device_name]
-  def SetNetworkEmulation(self, network_name):
-    """Set network emulation.
-    Args:
-      network_name: (str) Key from emulation.NETWORK_CONDITIONS or None to
-        disable network emulation.
-    """
-    assert network_name in emulation.NETWORK_CONDITIONS or network_name is None
-    self._network_name = network_name
-  def ResetBrowserState(self):
-    """Resets the chrome's browser state."""
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  def PushBrowserCache(self, cache_path):
-    """Pushes the HTTP chrome cache to the profile directory.
-    Caution:
-      The chrome cache backend type differ according to the platform. On
-      desktop, the cache backend type is `blockfile` versus `simple` on Android.
-      This method assumes that your are pushing a cache with the correct backend
-      type, and will NOT verify for you.
-    Args:
-      cache_path: The directory's path containing the cache locally.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  def PullBrowserCache(self):
-    """Pulls the HTTP chrome cache from the profile directory.
-    Returns:
-      Temporary directory containing all the browser cache. Caller will need to
-      remove this directory manually.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  def SetSlowDeath(self, slow_death=True):
-    """Set to pause before final kill of chrome.
-    Gives time for caches to write.
-    Args:
-      slow_death: (bool) True if you want that which comes to all who live, to
-        be slow.
-    """
-    self._slow_death = slow_death
-  @contextlib.contextmanager
-  def OpenWprHost(self, wpr_archive_path, record=False,
-                  network_condition_name=None,
-                  disable_script_injection=False,
-                  out_log_path=None):
-    """Opens a Web Page Replay host context.
-    Args:
-      wpr_archive_path: host sided WPR archive's path.
-      record: Enables or disables WPR archive recording.
-      network_condition_name: Network condition name available in
-          emulation.NETWORK_CONDITIONS.
-      disable_script_injection: Disable JavaScript file injections that is
-        fighting against resources name entropy.
-      out_log_path: Path of the WPR host's log.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  def _StartConnection(self, connection):
-    """This should be called after opening an appropriate connection."""
-    if self._emulated_device:
-      self._metadata.update(emulation.SetUpDeviceEmulationAndReturnMetadata(
-          connection, self._emulated_device))
-    if self._network_name:
-      network_condition = emulation.NETWORK_CONDITIONS[self._network_name]
-'Set up network emulation %s (latency=%dms, down=%d, up=%d)'
-          % (self._network_name, network_condition['latency'],
-              network_condition['download'], network_condition['upload']))
-      emulation.SetUpNetworkEmulation(connection, **network_condition)
-      self._metadata['network_emulation'] = copy.copy(network_condition)
-      self._metadata['network_emulation']['name'] = self._network_name
-    else:
-      self._metadata['network_emulation'] = \
-          {k: 'disabled' for k in ['name', 'download', 'upload', 'latency']}
-    self._metadata.update(self.METADATA_GATHERER.GetMetadata())
-'Devtools connection success')
-  def _GetChromeArguments(self):
-    """Get command-line arguments for the chrome execution."""
-    chrome_args = self._chrome_args[:]
-    if self._wpr_attributes:
-      chrome_args.extend(self._wpr_attributes.chrome_args)
-    return chrome_args
-class RemoteChromeController(ChromeControllerBase):
-  """A controller for an android device, aka remote chrome instance."""
-  # An estimate of time to wait for the device to become idle after expensive
-  # operations, such as opening the launcher activity.
-  def __init__(self, device):
-    """Initialize the controller.
-    Caution: The browser state might need to be manually reseted.
-    Args:
-      device: (device_utils.DeviceUtils) an android device.
-    """
-    assert device is not None, 'Should you be using LocalController instead?'
-    super(RemoteChromeController, self).__init__()
-    self._device = device
-    self._metadata['platform'] = {
-        'os': 'A-' + device.build_id,
-        'product_model': device.product_model
-    }
-    self._InitDevice()
-  def GetDevice(self):
-    """Overridden android device."""
-    return self._device
-  @contextlib.contextmanager
-  def Open(self):
-    """Overridden connection creation."""
-    if self._wpr_attributes:
-      assert self._wpr_attributes.chrome_env_override == {}, \
-          'Remote controller doesn\'t support chrome environment variables.'
-    package_info = OPTIONS.ChromePackage()
-    self._device.ForceStop(package_info.package)
-    with flag_changer.CustomCommandLineFlags(
-        self._device, package_info.cmdline_file, self._GetChromeArguments()):
-      self._DismissCrashDialogIfNeeded()
-      start_intent = intent.Intent(
-          package=package_info.package, activity=package_info.activity,
-          data='about:blank')
-      self._device.adb.Logcat(clear=True, dump=True)
-      self._device.StartActivity(start_intent, blocking=True)
-      try:
-        for attempt_id in xrange(self.DEVTOOLS_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS):
-'Devtools connection attempt %d' % attempt_id)
-          # Adb forwarding does not provide a way to print the port number if
-          # it is allocated atomically by the OS by passing port=0, but we need
-          # dynamically allocated listening port here to handle parallel run on
-          # different devices.
-          host_side_port = _AllocateTcpListeningPort()
-'Allocated host sided listening port for devtools '
-              'connection: %d', host_side_port)
-          try:
-            with device_setup.ForwardPort(
-                self._device, 'tcp:%d' % host_side_port,
-                'localabstract:chrome_devtools_remote'):
-              try:
-                connection = devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnection(
-                    OPTIONS.devtools_hostname, host_side_port)
-                self._StartConnection(connection)
-              except socket.error as e:
-                if e.errno != errno.ECONNRESET:
-                  raise
-                continue
-              yield connection
-              if self._slow_death:
-                self._device.adb.Shell('am start')
-                time.sleep(self.TIME_TO_IDLE_SECONDS)
-              break
-          except device_errors.AdbCommandFailedError as error:
-              'cannot bind to socket: Address already in use',
-              'cannot rebind existing socket: Resource temporarily unavailable']
-            for message in _KNOWN_ADB_FORWARDER_FAILURES:
-              if message in error.message:
-                break
-            else:
-              raise
-            continue
-        else:
-          raise ChromeControllerInternalError(
-              'Failed to connect to Chrome devtools after {} '
-              'attempts.'.format(self.DEVTOOLS_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS))
-      except ChromeControllerError._PASSTHROUGH_WHITE_LIST:
-        raise
-      except Exception:
-        logcat = ''.join([l + '\n' for l in self._device.adb.Logcat(dump=True)])
-        raise ChromeControllerError(log=logcat)
-      finally:
-        self._device.ForceStop(package_info.package)
-        self._DismissCrashDialogIfNeeded()
-  def ResetBrowserState(self):
-    """Override resetting Chrome local state."""
-'Resetting Chrome local state')
-    chrome_setup.ResetChromeLocalState(self._device,
-                                       OPTIONS.ChromePackage().package)
-  def RebootDevice(self):
-    """Reboot the remote device."""
-    assert self._wpr_attributes is None, 'WPR should be closed before rebooting'
-    logging.warning('Rebooting the device')
-    device_setup.Reboot(self._device)
-    self._InitDevice()
-  def PushBrowserCache(self, cache_path):
-    """Override for chrome cache pushing."""
-'Push cache from %s' % cache_path)
-    chrome_cache.PushBrowserCache(self._device, cache_path)
-  def PullBrowserCache(self):
-    """Override for chrome cache pulling."""
-    assert self._slow_death, 'Must do SetSlowDeath() before opening chrome.'
-'Pull cache from device')
-    return chrome_cache.PullBrowserCache(self._device)
-  @contextlib.contextmanager
-  def OpenWprHost(self, wpr_archive_path, record=False,
-                  network_condition_name=None,
-                  disable_script_injection=False,
-                  out_log_path=None):
-    """Starts a WPR host, overrides Chrome flags until contextmanager exit."""
-    assert not self._wpr_attributes, 'WPR is already running.'
-    with device_setup.RemoteWprHost(self._device, wpr_archive_path,
-        record=record,
-        network_condition_name=network_condition_name,
-        disable_script_injection=disable_script_injection,
-        out_log_path=out_log_path) as wpr_attributes:
-      self._wpr_attributes = wpr_attributes
-      yield
-    self._wpr_attributes = None
-  def _DismissCrashDialogIfNeeded(self):
-    for _ in xrange(10):
-      if not self._device.DismissCrashDialogIfNeeded():
-        break
-  def _InitDevice(self):
-    self._device.EnableRoot()
-class LocalChromeController(ChromeControllerBase):
-  """Controller for a local (desktop) chrome instance."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Initialize the controller.
-    Caution: The browser state might need to be manually reseted.
-    """
-    super(LocalChromeController, self).__init__()
-    if OPTIONS.no_sandbox:
-      self.AddChromeArguments(['--no-sandbox'])
-    self._profile_dir = OPTIONS.local_profile_dir
-    self._using_temp_profile_dir = self._profile_dir is None
-    if self._using_temp_profile_dir:
-      self._profile_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.profile')
-    self._chrome_env_override = {}
-    self._metadata['platform'] = {
-        'os': platform.system()[0] + '-' + platform.release(),
-        'product_model': 'unknown'
-    }
-  def __del__(self):
-    if self._using_temp_profile_dir:
-      shutil.rmtree(self._profile_dir)
-  @staticmethod
-  def KillChromeProcesses():
-    """Kills all the running instances of Chrome.
-    Returns: (int) The number of processes that were killed.
-    """
-    killed_count = 0
-    chrome_path = OPTIONS.LocalBinary('chrome')
-    for process in psutil.process_iter():
-      try:
-        process_bin_path = None
-        # In old versions of psutil, process.exe is a member, in newer ones it's
-        # a method.
-        if type(process.exe) == str:
-          process_bin_path = process.exe
-        else:
-          process_bin_path = process.exe()
-        if os.path.abspath(process_bin_path) == os.path.abspath(chrome_path):
-          process.terminate()
-          killed_count += 1
-          try:
-            process.wait(timeout=10)
-          except psutil.TimeoutExpired:
-            process.kill()
-      except psutil.AccessDenied:
-        pass
-      except psutil.NoSuchProcess:
-        pass
-    return killed_count
-  def SetChromeEnvOverride(self, env):
-    """Set the environment for Chrome.
-    Args:
-      env: (dict) Environment.
-    """
-    self._chrome_env_override = env
-  @contextlib.contextmanager
-  def Open(self):
-    """Overridden connection creation."""
-    # Kill all existing Chrome instances.
-    killed_count = LocalChromeController.KillChromeProcesses()
-    if killed_count > 0:
-      logging.warning('Killed existing Chrome instance.')
-    chrome_cmd = [OPTIONS.LocalBinary('chrome')]
-    chrome_cmd.extend(self._GetChromeArguments())
-    # Force use of simple cache.
-    chrome_cmd.append('--use-simple-cache-backend=on')
-    chrome_cmd.append('--user-data-dir=%s' % self._profile_dir)
-    # Navigates to about:blank for couples of reasons:
-    #   - To find the correct target descriptor at devtool connection;
-    #   - To avoid cache and WPR pollution by the NTP.
-    chrome_cmd.append('about:blank')
-    tmp_log = \
-        tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="chrome_controller_", suffix='.log')
-    chrome_process = None
-    try:
-      chrome_env_override = self._chrome_env_override.copy()
-      if self._wpr_attributes:
-        chrome_env_override.update(self._wpr_attributes.chrome_env_override)
-      chrome_env = os.environ.copy()
-      chrome_env.update(chrome_env_override)
-      # Launch Chrome.
-                                                        chrome_env_override))
-      chrome_process = subprocess.Popen(chrome_cmd, stdout=tmp_log.file,
-                                        stderr=tmp_log.file, env=chrome_env)
-      # Attempt to connect to Chrome's devtools
-      for attempt_id in xrange(self.DEVTOOLS_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS):
-'Devtools connection attempt %d' % attempt_id)
-        process_result = chrome_process.poll()
-        if process_result is not None:
-          raise ChromeControllerInternalError(
-              'Unexpected Chrome exit: {}'.format(process_result))
-        try:
-          connection = devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnection(
-              OPTIONS.devtools_hostname, OPTIONS.devtools_port)
-          break
-        except socket.error as e:
-          if e.errno != errno.ECONNREFUSED:
-            raise
-      else:
-        raise ChromeControllerInternalError(
-            'Failed to connect to Chrome devtools after {} '
-            'attempts.'.format(self.DEVTOOLS_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS))
-      # Start and yield the devtool connection.
-      self._StartConnection(connection)
-      yield connection
-      if self._slow_death:
-        connection.Close()
-        chrome_process.wait()
-        chrome_process = None
-    except ChromeControllerError._PASSTHROUGH_WHITE_LIST:
-      raise
-    except Exception:
-      raise ChromeControllerError(log=open(
-    finally:
-      if OPTIONS.local_noisy:
-        sys.stderr.write(open(
-      del tmp_log
-      if chrome_process:
-        try:
-          chrome_process.kill()
-        except OSError:
-          pass  # Chrome is already dead.
-  def ResetBrowserState(self):
-    """Override for chrome state reseting."""
-    assert os.path.isdir(self._profile_dir)
-'Reset chrome\'s profile')
-    # Don't do a rmtree(self._profile_dir) because it might be a temp directory.
-    for filename in os.listdir(self._profile_dir):
-      path = os.path.join(self._profile_dir, filename)
-      if os.path.isdir(path):
-        shutil.rmtree(path)
-      else:
-        os.remove(path)
-  def PushBrowserCache(self, cache_path):
-    """Override for chrome cache pushing."""
-    self._EnsureProfileDirectory()
-    profile_cache_path = self._GetCacheDirectoryPath()
-'Copy cache directory from %s to %s.' % (
-        cache_path, profile_cache_path))
-    chrome_cache.CopyCacheDirectory(cache_path, profile_cache_path)
-  def PullBrowserCache(self):
-    """Override for chrome cache pulling."""
-    cache_path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    profile_cache_path = self._GetCacheDirectoryPath()
-'Copy cache directory from %s to %s.' % (
-        profile_cache_path, cache_path))
-    chrome_cache.CopyCacheDirectory(profile_cache_path, cache_path)
-    return cache_path
-  @contextlib.contextmanager
-  def OpenWprHost(self, wpr_archive_path, record=False,
-                  network_condition_name=None,
-                  disable_script_injection=False,
-                  out_log_path=None):
-    """Override for WPR context."""
-    assert not self._wpr_attributes, 'WPR is already running.'
-    with device_setup.LocalWprHost(wpr_archive_path,
-        record=record,
-        network_condition_name=network_condition_name,
-        disable_script_injection=disable_script_injection,
-        out_log_path=out_log_path) as wpr_attributes:
-      self._wpr_attributes = wpr_attributes
-      yield
-    self._wpr_attributes = None
-  def _EnsureProfileDirectory(self):
-    if (not os.path.isdir(self._profile_dir) or
-        os.listdir(self._profile_dir) == []):
-      # Launch chrome so that it populates the profile directory.
-      with self.Open():
-        pass
-    assert os.path.isdir(self._profile_dir)
-    assert os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(self._GetCacheDirectoryPath()))
-  def _GetCacheDirectoryPath(self):
-    return os.path.join(self._profile_dir, 'Default', 'Cache')
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 910c280..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Compute core set for a page.
-This script is a collection of utilities for working with core sets.
-import argparse
-import glob
-import json
-import logging
-import multiprocessing
-import os
-import sys
-import dependency_graph
-import loading_trace
-import request_dependencies_lens
-import resource_sack
-def _Progress(x):
-  sys.stderr.write(x + '\n')
-def _PageCore(prefix, graph_set_names, output):
-  """Compute the page core over sets defined by graph_set_names."""
-  assert graph_set_names
-  graph_sets = []
-  sack = resource_sack.GraphSack()
-  for name in graph_set_names:
-    name_graphs = []
-    _Progress('Processing %s' % name)
-    for filename in glob.iglob('-'.join([prefix, name, '*.trace'])):
-      _Progress('Reading %s' % filename)
-      trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(filename)
-      graph = dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph(
-          trace.request_track.GetEvents(),
-          request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(trace))
-      sack.ConsumeGraph(graph)
-      name_graphs.append(graph)
-    graph_sets.append(name_graphs)
-  core = sack.CoreSet(*graph_sets)
-  json.dump({'page_core': [{'label': b.label,
-                            'name':,
-                            'count': b.num_nodes}
-                           for b in core],
-             'non_core': [{'label': b.label,
-                           'name':,
-                           'count': b.num_nodes}
-                          for b in sack.bags if b not in core],
-             'threshold': sack.CORE_THRESHOLD},
-            output, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
-  output.write('\n')
-def _DoSite(site, graph_sets, input_dir, output_dir):
-  """Compute the appropriate page core for a site.
-  Used by _Spawn.
-  """
-  _Progress('Doing %s on %s' % (site, '/'.join(graph_sets)))
-  prefix = os.path.join(input_dir, site)
-  with file(os.path.join(output_dir,
-                         '%s-%s.json' % (site, '.'.join(graph_sets))),
-            'w') as output:
-    _PageCore(prefix, graph_sets, output)
-def _DoSiteRedirect(t):
-  """Unpack arguments for map call.
-  Note that cannot use a lambda (as it needs to be
-  serialized into the executing process).
-  """
-  _DoSite(*t)
-def _Spawn(site_list_file, graph_sets, input_dir, output_dir, workers):
-  """Spool site computation out to a multiprocessing pool."""
-  with file(site_list_file) as site_file:
-    sites = [l.strip() for l in site_file.readlines()]
-  _Progress('Using sites:\n %s' % '\n '.join(sites))
-  pool = multiprocessing.Pool(workers, maxtasksperchild=1)
-, [(s, graph_sets, input_dir, output_dir)
-                             for s in sites])
-def _ReadCoreSet(filename):
-  data = json.load(open(filename))
-  return set(page['name'] for page in data['page_core'])
-def _Compare(a_name, b_name, csv):
-  """Compare two core sets."""
-  a = _ReadCoreSet(a_name)
-  b = _ReadCoreSet(b_name)
-  result = (resource_sack.GraphSack.CoreSimilarity(a, b),
-            '  Equal' if a == b else 'UnEqual',
-            'a<=b' if a <= b else 'a!<b',
-            'a>=b' if b <= a else 'a!>b')
-  if csv:
-    print '%s,%s,%s,%s' % result
-  else:
-    print '%.2f %s %s %s' % result
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR)
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-  subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
-  spawn = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'spawn', help=('spawn page core set computation from a sites list.\n'
-                     'A core set will be computed for each site by '
-                     'combining all run indicies from site traces for each '
-                     '--set, then computing the page core over the sets. '
-                     'Assumes trace file names in form {input-dir}/'
-                     '{site}-{set}-{run index}.trace'))
-  spawn.add_argument('--sets', required=True,
-                     help='sets to combine, comma-separated')
-  spawn.add_argument('--sites', required=True, help='file containing sites')
-  spawn.add_argument('--workers', default=8, type=int,
-                     help=('number of parallel workers. Each worker seems to '
-                           'use about 0.5-1G/trace when processing. Total '
-                           'memory usage should be kept less than physical '
-                           'memory for the job to run in a reasonable time'))
-  spawn.add_argument('--input_dir', required=True,
-                     help='trace input directory')
-  spawn.add_argument('--output_dir', required=True,
-                     help=('core set output directory. Each site will have one '
-                           'JSON file generated listing the core set as well '
-                           'as some metadata like the threshold used'))
-  spawn.set_defaults(executor=lambda args:
-                     _Spawn(site_list_file=args.sites,
-                            graph_sets=args.sets.split(','),
-                            input_dir=args.input_dir,
-                            output_dir=args.output_dir,
-                            workers=args.workers))
-  page_core = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'page_core',
-      help=('compute page core set for a group of files of form '
-            '{--prefix}{set}*.trace over each set in --sets'))
-  page_core.add_argument('--sets', required=True,
-                       help='sets to combine, comma-separated')
-  page_core.add_argument('--prefix', required=True,
-                           help='trace file prefix')
-  page_core.add_argument('--output', required=True,
-                           help='JSON output file name')
-  page_core.set_defaults(executor=lambda args:
-                         _PageCore(args.prefix, args.sets.split(','),
-                                   file(args.output, 'w')))
-  compare = subparsers.add_parser(
-      'compare',
-      help=('compare two core sets (as output by spawn, page_core or '
-            'all_cores) using Jaccard index. Outputs on stdout'))
-  compare.add_argument('--a', required=True, help='the first core set JSON')
-  compare.add_argument('--b', required=True, help='the second core set JSON')
-  compare.add_argument('--csv', action='store_true', help='output as CSV')
-  compare.set_defaults(
-      executor=lambda args:
-      _Compare(args.a, args.b, args.csv))
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  args.executor(args)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100755
index d271d06..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import argparse
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-from processing import (SitesFromDir, WarmGraph, ColdGraph)
-def main():
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR)
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-      description=('Convert a directory created by ./ fetch '
-                   'to a CSV.'))
-  parser.add_argument('--datadir', required=True)
-  parser.add_argument('--csv', required=True)
-  parser.add_argument('--noads', action='store_true')
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  sites = SitesFromDir(args.datadir)
-  with open(args.csv, 'w') as output:
-    output.write('site,kind,cost\n')
-    for site in sites:
-      print site
-      warm = WarmGraph(args.datadir, site)
-      if args.noads:
-        warm.Set(node_filter=warm.FilterAds)
-      cold = ColdGraph(args.datadir, site)
-      if args.noads:
-        cold.Set(node_filter=cold.FilterAds)
-      output.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % (site, 'warm', warm.Cost()))
-      warm.Set(cache_all=True)
-      output.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % (site, 'warm-cache', warm.Cost()))
-      output.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % (site, 'cold', cold.Cost()))
-      cold.Set(cache_all=True)
-      output.write('%s,%s,%s\n' % (site, 'cold-cache', cold.Cost()))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index ccdfb92..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import csv
-import logging
-import os
-def CollectCSVsFromDirectory(directory_path, file_output):
-  """Collects recursively all .csv files from directory into one.
-  Note: The list of CSV columns must be identical across all files.
-  Args:
-    directory_path: Path of the directory to collect from.
-    file_output: File-like object to dump the CSV to.
-  """
-  # List CSVs.
-  csv_list = []
-  for root, _, files in os.walk(directory_path):
-    for file_name in files:
-      file_path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
-      if os.path.abspath(file_path) == os.path.abspath(
-        continue
-      if file_name.endswith('.csv'):
-        csv_list.append(os.path.join(root, file_name))
-  if not csv_list:
-    logging.error('No CSV files found in %s' % directory_path)
-    return False
-  # List rows.
-  csv_list.sort()
-  csv_field_names = None
-  csv_rows = []
-  for csv_file in csv_list:
-'collecting %s' % csv_file)
-    with open(csv_file) as csvfile:
-      reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
-      if csv_field_names is None:
-        csv_field_names = reader.fieldnames
-      else:
-        assert reader.fieldnames == csv_field_names, (
-            'Different field names in: {}'.format(csv_file))
-      for row in reader:
-        csv_rows.append(row)
-  # Export rows.
-  writer = csv.DictWriter(file_output, fieldnames=csv_field_names)
-  writer.writeheader()
-  for row in csv_rows:
-    writer.writerow(row)
-  return True
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2eacd3a..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Support for directed acyclic graphs.
-Used in the ResourceGraph model for chrome loading.
-class Node(object):
-  """A node in a DAG.
-  We do not enforce at a node level that a graph is a DAG. Methods like
-  TopologicalSort will assume a DAG and may fail if that's not the case.
-  Nodes are identified with an index that must be unique for a particular graph
-  (it is used for hashing and equality). A graph is represented as a list of
-  nodes, for example in the TopologicalSort class method. By convention a node's
-  index is its position in this list, making it easy to store auxillary
-  information.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, index):
-    """Create a new node.
-    Args:
-      index: index of the node. We assume these indicies uniquely identify a
-        node (and so use it for hashing and equality).
-    """
-    self._predecessors = set()
-    self._successors = set()
-    self._index = index
-  def Predecessors(self):
-    return self._predecessors
-  def Successors(self):
-    return self._successors
-  def AddSuccessor(self, s):
-    """Add a successor.
-    Updates appropriate links. Any existing parents of s are unchanged; to move
-    a node you must do a combination of RemoveSuccessor and AddSuccessor.
-    Args:
-      s: the node to add as a successor.
-    """
-    self._successors.add(s)
-    s._predecessors.add(self)
-  def RemoveSuccessor(self, s):
-    """Removes a successor.
-    Updates appropriate links.
-    Args:
-      s: the node to remove as a successor. Will raise a set exception if s is
-         not an existing successor.
-    """
-    self._successors.remove(s)
-    s._predecessors.remove(self)
-  def SortedSuccessors(self):
-    children = [c for c in self.Successors()]
-    children.sort(key=lambda c: c.Index())
-    return children
-  def Index(self):
-    return self._index
-  def __eq__(self, o):
-    return self.Index() == o.Index()
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return hash(self.Index())
-def TopologicalSort(nodes, node_filter=None):
-  """Topological sort.
-  We use a BFS-like walk which ensures that sibling are always grouped
-  together in the output. This is more convenient for some later analyses.
-  Args:
-    nodes: [Node, ...] Nodes to sort.
-    node_filter: a filter Node->boolean to restrict the graph. A node passes the
-      filter on a return value of True. Only the subgraph reachable from a root
-      passing the filter is considered.
-  Returns:
-    A list of Nodes in topological order. Note that node indicies are
-    unchanged; the original list nodes is not modified.
-  """
-  if node_filter is None:
-    node_filter = lambda _: True
-  sorted_nodes = []
-  sources = []
-  remaining_in_edges = {}
-  for n in nodes:
-    if n.Predecessors():
-      remaining_in_edges[n] = len(n.Predecessors())
-    elif node_filter(n):
-      sources.append(n)
-  while sources:
-    n = sources.pop(0)
-    assert node_filter(n)
-    sorted_nodes.append(n)
-    # We sort by index to get consistent sorts across runs/machines.
-    for c in n.SortedSuccessors():
-      assert remaining_in_edges[c] > 0
-      if not node_filter(c):
-        continue
-      remaining_in_edges[c] -= 1
-      if not remaining_in_edges[c]:
-        sources.append(c)
-  return sorted_nodes
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6701c9e..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-import sys
-import unittest
-import dag
-class DagTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def MakeDag(self, links):
-    """Make a graph from a description of links.
-    Args:
-      links: A list of (index, (successor index...)) tuples. Index must equal
-        the location of the tuple in the list and are provided to make it easier
-        to read.
-    Returns:
-      A list of Nodes.
-    """
-    nodes = []
-    for i in xrange(len(links)):
-      assert i == links[i][0]
-      nodes.append(dag.Node(i))
-    for l in links:
-      for s in l[1]:
-        nodes[l[0]].AddSuccessor(nodes[s])
-    return nodes
-  def SortedIndicies(self, graph, node_filter=None):
-    return [n.Index() for n in dag.TopologicalSort(graph, node_filter)]
-  def SuccessorIndicies(self, node):
-    return [c.Index() for c in node.SortedSuccessors()]
-  def test_SimpleSorting(self):
-    graph = self.MakeDag([(0, (1,2)),
-                          (1, (3,)),
-                          (2, ()),
-                          (3, (4,)),
-                          (4, ()),
-                          (5, (6,)),
-                          (6, ())])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SuccessorIndicies(graph[0]), [1, 2])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SuccessorIndicies(graph[1]), [3])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SuccessorIndicies(graph[2]), [])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SuccessorIndicies(graph[3]), [4])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SuccessorIndicies(graph[4]), [])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SuccessorIndicies(graph[5]), [6])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SuccessorIndicies(graph[6]), [])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SortedIndicies(graph), [0, 5, 1, 2, 6, 3, 4])
-  def test_SortSiblingsAreGrouped(self):
-    graph = self.MakeDag([(0, (1, 2, 3)),
-                          (1, (4,)),
-                          (2, (5, 6)),
-                          (3, (7, 8)),
-                          (4, ()),
-                          (5, ()),
-                          (6, ()),
-                          (7, ()),
-                          (8, ())])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SortedIndicies(graph), [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])
-  def test_FilteredSorting(self):
-    # 0 is a filtered-out root, which means the subgraph containing 1, 2, 3 and
-    # 4 should be ignored. 5 is an unfiltered root, and the subgraph containing
-    # 6, 7, 8 and 10 should be sorted. 9 and 11 are filtered out, and should
-    # exclude the unfiltred node 12.
-    graph = self.MakeDag([(0, (1,)),
-                          (1, (2, 3)),
-                          (2, ()),
-                          (3, (4,)),
-                          (4, ()),
-                          (5, (6, 7)),
-                          (6, (11,)),
-                          (7, (8,)),
-                          (8, (9, 10)),
-                          (9, ()),
-                          (10, ()),
-                          (11, (12,)),
-                          (12, ())])
-    self.assertEqual(self.SortedIndicies(
-        graph, lambda n: n.Index() not in (0, 3, 9, 11)),
-                     [5, 6, 7, 8, 10])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index a2c1f17..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Request dependency graph."""
-import logging
-import sys
-import common_util
-import graph
-import request_track
-class RequestNode(graph.Node):
-  def __init__(self, request=None):
-    super(RequestNode, self).__init__()
-    self.request = request
-    self.cost = request.Cost() if request else None # Deserialization.
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    json_dict = super(RequestNode, self).ToJsonDict()
-    json_dict.update({'request': self.request.ToJsonDict()})
-    return json_dict
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    result = super(RequestNode, cls).FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-    result.request = request_track.Request.FromJsonDict(json_dict['request'])
-    return common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, result, ['cost'])
-class Edge(graph.Edge):
-  def __init__(self, from_node, to_node, reason=None):
-    super(Edge, self).__init__(from_node, to_node)
-    self.reason = reason
-    self.cost = None
-    self.is_timing = None
-    if from_node is None: # Deserialization.
-      return
-    self.reason = reason
-    self.cost = request_track.TimeBetween(
-        self.from_node.request, self.to_node.request, self.reason)
-    self.is_timing = False
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    result = {}
-    return common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict(
-        result, self, ['reason', 'cost', 'is_timing'])
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    result = cls(None, None, None)
-    return common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, result, ['reason', 'cost', 'is_timing'])
-class RequestDependencyGraph(object):
-  """Request dependency graph."""
-  # This resource type may induce a timing dependency. See _SplitChildrenByTime
-  # for details.
-  # TODO(lizeb,mattcary): are these right?
-  _CAN_BE_TIMING_PARENT = set(['script', 'magic-debug-content'])
-  _CAN_MAKE_TIMING_DEPENDENCE = set(['json', 'other', 'magic-debug-content'])
-  def __init__(self, requests, dependencies_lens,
-               node_class=RequestNode, edge_class=Edge):
-    """Creates a request dependency graph.
-    Args:
-      requests: ([Request]) a list of requests.
-      dependencies_lens: (RequestDependencyLens)
-      node_class: (subclass of RequestNode)
-      edge_class: (subclass of Edge)
-    """
-    self._requests = None
-    self._first_request_node = None
-    self._deps_graph = None
-    self._nodes_by_id = None
-    if requests is None: # Deserialization.
-      return
-    assert issubclass(node_class, RequestNode)
-    assert issubclass(edge_class, Edge)
-    self._requests = requests
-    deps = dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-    self._nodes_by_id = {r.request_id : node_class(r) for r in self._requests}
-    edges = []
-    for (parent_request, child_request, reason) in deps:
-      if (parent_request.request_id not in self._nodes_by_id
-          or child_request.request_id not in self._nodes_by_id):
-        continue
-      parent_node = self._nodes_by_id[parent_request.request_id]
-      child_node = self._nodes_by_id[child_request.request_id]
-      edges.append(edge_class(parent_node, child_node, reason))
-    self._first_request_node = self._nodes_by_id[self._requests[0].request_id]
-    self._deps_graph = graph.DirectedGraph(self._nodes_by_id.values(), edges)
-    self._HandleTimingDependencies()
-  @property
-  def graph(self):
-    """Return the Graph we're based on."""
-    return self._deps_graph
-  def UpdateRequestsCost(self, request_id_to_cost):
-    """Updates the cost of the nodes identified by their request ID.
-    Args:
-      request_id_to_cost: ({request_id: new_cost}) Can be a superset of the
-                          requests actually present in the graph.
-    """
-    for node in self._deps_graph.Nodes():
-      request_id = node.request.request_id
-      if request_id in request_id_to_cost:
-        node.cost = request_id_to_cost[request_id]
-  def Cost(self, from_first_request=True, path_list=None, costs_out=None):
-    """Returns the cost of the graph, that is the costliest path.
-    Args:
-      from_first_request: (boolean) If True, only considers paths that originate
-                          from the first request node.
-      path_list: (list) See graph.Cost().
-      costs_out: (list) See graph.Cost().
-    """
-    if from_first_request:
-      return self._deps_graph.Cost(
-          [self._first_request_node], path_list, costs_out)
-    else:
-      return self._deps_graph.Cost(path_list=path_list, costs_out=costs_out)
-  def AncestorRequests(self, descendants):
-    """Return requests that are ancestors of a set of requests.
-    Args:
-      descendants: ([Request]) List of requests.
-    Returns:
-      List of Requests that are ancestors of descendants.
-    """
-    return [n.request for n in self.graph.AncestorNodes(
-        self._nodes_by_id[r.request_id] for r in descendants)]
-  def _HandleTimingDependencies(self):
-    try:
-      for n in self._deps_graph.TopologicalSort():
-        self._SplitChildrenByTime(n)
-    except AssertionError as exc:
-      sys.stderr.write('Bad topological sort: %s\n'
-                       'Skipping child split\n' % str(exc))
-  def _SplitChildrenByTime(self, parent):
-    """Splits children of a node by request times.
-    The initiator of a request may not be the true dependency of a request. For
-    example, a script may appear to load several resources independently, but in
-    fact one of them may be a JSON data file, and the remaining resources assets
-    described in the JSON. The assets should be dependent upon the JSON data
-    file, and not the original script.
-    This function approximates that by rearranging the children of a node
-    according to their request times. The predecessor of each child is made to
-    be the node with the greatest finishing time, that is before the start time
-    of the child.
-    We do this by sorting the nodes twice, once by start time and once by end
-    time. We mark the earliest end time, and then we walk the start time list,
-    advancing the end time mark when it is less than our current start time.
-    This is refined by only considering assets which we believe actually create
-    a dependency. We only split if the original parent is a script, and the new
-    parent a data file.
-    We incorporate this heuristic by skipping over any non-script/json resources
-    when moving the end mark.
-    TODO(mattcary): More heuristics, like incorporating cachability somehow, and
-    not just picking arbitrarily if there are two nodes with the same end time
-    (does that ever really happen?)
-    Args:
-      parent: (_RequestNode) The children of this node are processed by this
-              function.
-    """
-    if parent.request.GetContentType() not in self._CAN_BE_TIMING_PARENT:
-      return
-    edges = self._deps_graph.OutEdges(parent)
-    edges_by_start_time = sorted(
-        edges, key=lambda e: e.to_node.request.start_msec)
-    edges_by_end_time = sorted(
-        edges, key=lambda e: e.to_node.request.end_msec)
-    end_mark = 0
-    for current in edges_by_start_time:
-      assert current.from_node is parent
-      if current.to_node.request.start_msec < parent.request.end_msec - 1e-5:
-        parent_url = parent.request.url
-        child_url = current.to_node.request.url
-        logging.warning('Child loaded before parent finished: %s -> %s',
-                        request_track.ShortName(parent_url),
-                        request_track.ShortName(child_url))
-      go_to_next_child = False
-      while end_mark < len(edges_by_end_time):
-        if edges_by_end_time[end_mark] == current:
-          go_to_next_child = True
-          break
-        elif (edges_by_end_time[end_mark].to_node.request.GetContentType()
-              not in self._CAN_MAKE_TIMING_DEPENDENCE):
-          end_mark += 1
-        elif (end_mark < len(edges_by_end_time) - 1 and
-              edges_by_end_time[end_mark + 1].to_node.request.end_msec
-              < current.to_node.request.start_msec):
-          end_mark += 1
-        else:
-          break
-      if end_mark >= len(edges_by_end_time):
-        break  # It's not possible to rearrange any more children.
-      if go_to_next_child:
-        continue  # We can't rearrange this child, but the next child may be
-                  # eligible.
-      if (edges_by_end_time[end_mark].to_node.request.end_msec
-          <= current.to_node.request.start_msec):
-        current.is_timing = True
-        self._deps_graph.UpdateEdge(
-            current, edges_by_end_time[end_mark].to_node,
-            current.to_node)
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    result = {'graph': self.graph.ToJsonDict()}
-    result['requests'] = [r.ToJsonDict() for r in self._requests]
-    return result
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict, node_class, edge_class):
-    result = cls(None, None)
-    graph_dict = json_dict['graph']
-    g = graph.DirectedGraph.FromJsonDict(graph_dict, node_class, edge_class)
-    result._requests = [request_track.Request.FromJsonDict(r)
-                        for r in json_dict['requests']]
-    result._nodes_by_id = {node.request.request_id: node
-                           for node in g.Nodes()}
-    result._first_request_node = result._nodes_by_id[
-        result._requests[0].request_id]
-    result._deps_graph = g
-    return result
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 23441f4..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-import dependency_graph
-import request_dependencies_lens
-from request_dependencies_lens_unittest import TestRequests
-import request_track
-import test_utils
-class RequestDependencyGraphTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    super(RequestDependencyGraphTestCase, self).setUp()
-    self.trace = TestRequests.CreateLoadingTrace()
-  def testUpdateRequestCost(self, serialize=False):
-    requests = self.trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-    requests[0].timing = request_track.Timing.FromDevToolsDict(
-        {'requestTime': 12, 'loadingFinished': 10})
-    dependencies_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(
-        self.trace)
-    g = dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph(requests, dependencies_lens)
-    if serialize:
-      g = self._SerializeDeserialize(g)
-    self.assertEqual(10, g.Cost())
-    request_id = requests[0].request_id
-    g.UpdateRequestsCost({request_id: 100})
-    self.assertEqual(100, g.Cost())
-    g.UpdateRequestsCost({'unrelated_id': 1000})
-    self.assertEqual(100, g.Cost())
-  def testCost(self, serialize=False):
-    requests = self.trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-    for (index, request) in enumerate(requests):
-      request.timing = request_track.Timing.FromDevToolsDict(
-          {'requestTime': index, 'receiveHeadersEnd': 10,
-           'loadingFinished': 10})
-    dependencies_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(
-        self.trace)
-    g = dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph(requests, dependencies_lens)
-    if serialize:
-      g = self._SerializeDeserialize(g)
-    # First redirect -> Second redirect -> Redirected Request -> Request ->
-    # JS Request 2
-    self.assertEqual(7010, g.Cost())
-    # Not on the critical path
-    g.UpdateRequestsCost({TestRequests.JS_REQUEST.request_id: 0})
-    self.assertEqual(7010, g.Cost())
-    g.UpdateRequestsCost({TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id: 0})
-    self.assertEqual(7000, g.Cost())
-    g.UpdateRequestsCost({TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id: 0})
-    self.assertEqual(6990, g.Cost())
-  def testHandleTimingDependencies(self, serialize=False):
-    # Timing adds node 1 as a parent to 2 but not 3.
-    requests = [
-        test_utils.MakeRequest(0, 'null', 100, 110, 110,
-                               magic_content_type=True),
-        test_utils.MakeRequest(1, 0, 115, 120, 120,
-                               magic_content_type=True),
-        test_utils.MakeRequest(2, 0, 121, 122, 122,
-                               magic_content_type=True),
-        test_utils.MakeRequest(3, 0, 112, 119, 119,
-                               magic_content_type=True),
-        test_utils.MakeRequest(4, 2, 122, 126, 126),
-        test_utils.MakeRequest(5, 2, 122, 126, 126)]
-    g = self._GraphFromRequests(requests)
-    if serialize:
-      g = self._SerializeDeserialize(g)
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        self._Successors(g, requests[0]), set([requests[1], requests[3]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        self._Successors(g, requests[1]), set([requests[2]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        self._Successors(g, requests[2]), set([requests[4], requests[5]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[3]), set())
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[4]), set())
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[5]), set())
-    # Change node 1 so it is a parent of 3, which becomes the parent of 2.
-    requests[1] = test_utils.MakeRequest(
-        1, 0, 110, 111, 111, magic_content_type=True)
-    g = self._GraphFromRequests(requests)
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[0]), set([requests[1]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[1]), set([requests[3]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[2]),
-                        set([requests[4], requests[5]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[3]), set([requests[2]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[4]), set())
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[5]), set())
-    # Add an initiator dependence to 1 that will become the parent of 3.
-    requests[1] = test_utils.MakeRequest(
-        1, 0, 110, 111, 111, magic_content_type=True)
-    requests.append(test_utils.MakeRequest(6, 1, 111, 112, 112))
-    g = self._GraphFromRequests(requests)
-    # Check it doesn't change until we change the content type of 6.
-    self.assertEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[6]), set())
-    requests[6] = test_utils.MakeRequest(6, 1, 111, 112, 112,
-                                         magic_content_type=True)
-    g = self._GraphFromRequests(requests)
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[0]), set([requests[1]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[1]), set([requests[6]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[2]),
-                        set([requests[4], requests[5]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[3]), set([requests[2]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[4]), set())
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[5]), set())
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[6]), set([requests[3]]))
-  def testHandleTimingDependenciesImages(self, serialize=False):
-    # If we're all image types, then we shouldn't split by timing.
-    requests = [test_utils.MakeRequest(0, 'null', 100, 110, 110),
-                test_utils.MakeRequest(1, 0, 115, 120, 120),
-                test_utils.MakeRequest(2, 0, 121, 122, 122),
-                test_utils.MakeRequest(3, 0, 112, 119, 119),
-                test_utils.MakeRequest(4, 2, 122, 126, 126),
-                test_utils.MakeRequest(5, 2, 122, 126, 126)]
-    for r in requests:
-      r.response_headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/gif'
-    g = self._GraphFromRequests(requests)
-    if serialize:
-      g = self._SerializeDeserialize(g)
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[0]),
-                        set([requests[1], requests[2], requests[3]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[1]), set())
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[2]),
-                        set([requests[4], requests[5]]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[3]), set())
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[4]), set())
-    self.assertSetEqual(self._Successors(g, requests[5]), set())
-  def testSerializeDeserialize(self):
-    # Redo the tests, with a graph that has been serialized / deserialized.
-    self.testUpdateRequestCost(True)
-    self.testCost(True)
-    self.testHandleTimingDependencies(True)
-    self.testHandleTimingDependenciesImages(True)
-  @classmethod
-  def _SerializeDeserialize(cls, g):
-    json_dict = g.ToJsonDict()
-    return dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph.FromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, dependency_graph.RequestNode, dependency_graph.Edge)
-  @classmethod
-  def _GraphFromRequests(cls, requests):
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(requests)
-    deps_lens = test_utils.SimpleLens(trace)
-    return dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph(requests, deps_lens)
-  @classmethod
-  def _Successors(cls, g, parent_request):
-    parent_node = g._nodes_by_id[parent_request.request_id]
-    edges = g._deps_graph.OutEdges(parent_node)
-    return set(e.to_node.request for e in edges)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa19bf..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,411 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import collections
-import contextlib
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-_CATAPULT_DIR = os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'catapult')
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_CATAPULT_DIR, 'devil'))
-from import device_utils
-from import forwarder
-from import adb_wrapper
-from import intent
-from import keyevent
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'build', 'android'))
-from pylib import constants
-from video_recorder import video_recorder
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'tools', 'perf'))
-from core import path_util
-from telemetry.internal.image_processing import video
-from telemetry.internal.util import wpr_server
-    _CATAPULT_DIR, 'telemetry', 'third_party', 'webpagereplay'))
-import adb_install_cert
-import certutils
-import common_util
-import devtools_monitor
-import emulation
-import options
-# The speed index's video recording's bit rate in Mb/s.
-class DeviceSetupException(Exception):
-  def __init__(self, msg):
-    super(DeviceSetupException, self).__init__(msg)
-    logging.error(msg)
-def GetFirstDevice():
-  """Returns the first connected device.
-  Raises:
-    DeviceSetupException if there is no such device.
-  """
-  devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices()
-  if not devices:
-    raise DeviceSetupException('No devices found')
-  return devices[0]
-def GetDeviceFromSerial(android_device_serial):
-  """Returns the DeviceUtils instance."""
-  devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices()
-  for device in devices:
-    if device.adb._device_serial == android_device_serial:
-      return device
-  raise DeviceSetupException(
-      'Device {} not found'.format(android_device_serial))
-def Reboot(device):
-  """Reboot the device.
-  Args:
-    device: Device to reboot, from DeviceUtils.
-  """
-  # Kills the device -> host forwarder running on the device so that
-  # forwarder.Forwarder have correct state tracking after having rebooted.
-  forwarder.Forwarder.UnmapAllDevicePorts(device)
-  # Reboot the device.
-  device.Reboot()
-  # Pass through the lock screen.
-  time.sleep(3)
-  device.SendKeyEvent(keyevent.KEYCODE_MENU)
-def DeviceSubmitShellCommandQueue(device, command_queue):
-  """Executes on the device a command queue.
-  Args:
-    device: The device to execute the shell commands to.
-    command_queue: a list of commands to be executed in that order.
-  """
-  REMOTE_COMMAND_FILE_PATH = '/data/local/tmp/'
-  if not command_queue:
-    return
-  with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='adb_command_file_',
-                                   suffix='.sh') as command_file:
-    command_file.write('#!/bin/sh\n')
-    command_file.write('# Shell file generated by {}\'s {}\n'.format(
-        __file__, DeviceSubmitShellCommandQueue.__name__))
-    command_file.write('set -e\n')
-    for command in command_queue:
-      command_file.write(subprocess.list2cmdline(command) + ' ;\n')
-    command_file.write('exit 0;\n'.format(
-    command_file.flush()
-    device.adb.Push(, REMOTE_COMMAND_FILE_PATH)
-    device.adb.Shell('sh {p} && rm {p}'.format(p=REMOTE_COMMAND_FILE_PATH))
-def ForwardPort(device, local, remote):
-  """Forwards a local port to a remote one on a device in a context."""
-  # If we're logging requests from a local desktop chrome instance there is no
-  # device.
-  if not device:
-    yield
-    return
-  device.adb.Forward(local, remote)
-  try:
-    yield
-  finally:
-    device.adb.ForwardRemove(local)
-# WPR specific attributes to set up chrome.
-# Members:
-#   chrome_args: Additional flags list that may be used for chromium to load web
-#     page through the running web page replay host.
-#   chrome_env_override: Dictionary of environment variables to override at
-#     Chrome's launch time.
-WprAttribute = collections.namedtuple('WprAttribute',
-                                      ['chrome_args', 'chrome_env_override'])
-def _WprHost(wpr_archive_path, record=False,
-             network_condition_name=None,
-             disable_script_injection=False,
-             wpr_ca_cert_path=None,
-             out_log_path=None):
-  assert wpr_archive_path
-  def PathWorkaround(path):
-    # webpagereplay.ReplayServer is doing a os.path.exist(os.path.dirname(p))
-    # that fails if p = 'my_file.txt' because os.path.dirname(p) = '' != '.'.
-    # This workaround just sends absolute path to work around this bug.
-    return os.path.abspath(path)
-  wpr_server_args = ['--use_closest_match']
-  if record:
-    wpr_server_args.append('--record')
-    if os.path.exists(wpr_archive_path):
-      os.remove(wpr_archive_path)
-  else:
-    assert os.path.exists(wpr_archive_path)
-  if network_condition_name:
-    condition = emulation.NETWORK_CONDITIONS[network_condition_name]
-    if record:
-      logging.warning('WPR network condition is ignored when recording.')
-    else:
-      wpr_server_args.extend([
-          '--down', emulation.BandwidthToString(condition['download']),
-          '--up', emulation.BandwidthToString(condition['upload']),
-          '--delay_ms', str(condition['latency']),
-          '--shaping_type', 'proxy'])
-  if disable_script_injection:
-    # Remove default WPR injected scripts like deterministic.js which
-    # overrides Math.random.
-    wpr_server_args.extend(['--inject_scripts', ''])
-  if wpr_ca_cert_path:
-    wpr_server_args.extend(['--should_generate_certs',
-        '--https_root_ca_cert_path=' + PathWorkaround(wpr_ca_cert_path)])
-  if out_log_path:
-    # --log_level debug to extract the served URLs requests from the log.
-    wpr_server_args.extend(['--log_level', 'debug',
-                            '--log_file', PathWorkaround(out_log_path)])
-    # Don't append to previously existing log.
-    if os.path.exists(out_log_path):
-      os.remove(out_log_path)
-  # Set up WPR server and device forwarder.
-  server = wpr_server.ReplayServer(PathWorkaround(wpr_archive_path),
-      '', 0, 0, None, wpr_server_args)
-  http_port, https_port = server.StartServer()[:-1]
-'WPR server listening on HTTP=%s, HTTPS=%s (options=%s)' % (
-      http_port, https_port, wpr_server_args))
-  try:
-    yield http_port, https_port
-  finally:
-    server.StopServer()
-def _VerifySilentWprHost(record, network_condition_name):
-  assert not record, 'WPR cannot record without a specified archive.'
-  assert not network_condition_name, ('WPR cannot emulate network condition' +
-                                      ' without a specified archive.')
-def _FormatWPRRelatedChromeArgumentFor(http_port, https_port):
-  HOST_RULES='MAP *,EXCLUDE localhost'
-  return [
-      '--testing-fixed-http-port={}'.format(http_port),
-      '--testing-fixed-https-port={}'.format(https_port),
-      '--host-resolver-rules={}'.format(HOST_RULES)]
-def LocalWprHost(wpr_archive_path, record=False,
-                 network_condition_name=None,
-                 disable_script_injection=False,
-                 out_log_path=None):
-  """Launches web page replay host.
-  Args:
-    wpr_archive_path: host sided WPR archive's path.
-    record: Enables or disables WPR archive recording.
-    network_condition_name: Network condition name available in
-        emulation.NETWORK_CONDITIONS.
-    disable_script_injection: Disable JavaScript file injections that is
-      fighting against resources name entropy.
-    out_log_path: Path of the WPR host's log.
-  Returns:
-    WprAttribute
-  """
-  if wpr_archive_path == None:
-    _VerifySilentWprHost(record, network_condition_name)
-    yield []
-    return
-  with common_util.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_home_dir:
-    # Generate a root certification authority certificate for WPR.
-    private_ca_cert_path = os.path.join(temp_home_dir, 'wpr.pem')
-    ca_cert_path = os.path.join(temp_home_dir, 'wpr-cert.pem')
-    certutils.write_dummy_ca_cert(*certutils.generate_dummy_ca_cert(),
-                                  cert_path=private_ca_cert_path)
-    assert os.path.isfile(ca_cert_path)
-    certutils.install_cert_in_nssdb(temp_home_dir, ca_cert_path)
-    with _WprHost(
-        wpr_archive_path,
-        record=record,
-        network_condition_name=network_condition_name,
-        disable_script_injection=disable_script_injection,
-        wpr_ca_cert_path=private_ca_cert_path,
-        out_log_path=out_log_path) as (http_port, https_port):
-      chrome_args = _FormatWPRRelatedChromeArgumentFor(http_port, https_port)
-      yield WprAttribute(chrome_args=chrome_args,
-                         chrome_env_override={'HOME': temp_home_dir})
-def RemoteWprHost(device, wpr_archive_path, record=False,
-                  network_condition_name=None,
-                  disable_script_injection=False,
-                  out_log_path=None):
-  """Launches web page replay host.
-  Args:
-    device: Android device.
-    wpr_archive_path: host sided WPR archive's path.
-    record: Enables or disables WPR archive recording.
-    network_condition_name: Network condition name available in
-        emulation.NETWORK_CONDITIONS.
-    disable_script_injection: Disable JavaScript file injections that is
-      fighting against resources name entropy.
-    out_log_path: Path of the WPR host's log.
-  Returns:
-    WprAttribute
-  """
-  assert device
-  if wpr_archive_path == None:
-    _VerifySilentWprHost(record, network_condition_name)
-    yield []
-    return
-  # Deploy certification authority to the device.
-  temp_certificate_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-  wpr_ca_cert_path = os.path.join(temp_certificate_dir, 'testca.pem')
-  certutils.write_dummy_ca_cert(*certutils.generate_dummy_ca_cert(),
-                                cert_path=wpr_ca_cert_path)
-  device_cert_util = adb_install_cert.AndroidCertInstaller(
-      device.adb.GetDeviceSerial(), None, wpr_ca_cert_path,
-      adb_wrapper.AdbWrapper.GetAdbPath())
-  device_cert_util.install_cert(overwrite_cert=True)
-  try:
-    # Set up WPR server
-    with _WprHost(
-        wpr_archive_path,
-        record=record,
-        network_condition_name=network_condition_name,
-        disable_script_injection=disable_script_injection,
-        wpr_ca_cert_path=wpr_ca_cert_path,
-        out_log_path=out_log_path) as (http_port, https_port):
-      # Set up the forwarder.
-      forwarder.Forwarder.Map([(0, http_port), (0, https_port)], device)
-      device_http_port = forwarder.Forwarder.DevicePortForHostPort(http_port)
-      device_https_port = forwarder.Forwarder.DevicePortForHostPort(https_port)
-      try:
-        chrome_args = _FormatWPRRelatedChromeArgumentFor(device_http_port,
-                                                         device_https_port)
-        yield WprAttribute(chrome_args=chrome_args, chrome_env_override={})
-      finally:
-        # Tear down the forwarder.
-        forwarder.Forwarder.UnmapDevicePort(device_http_port, device)
-        forwarder.Forwarder.UnmapDevicePort(device_https_port, device)
-  finally:
-    # Remove certification authority from the device.
-    device_cert_util.remove_cert()
-    shutil.rmtree(temp_certificate_dir)
-# Deprecated
-def _RemoteVideoRecorder(device, local_output_path, megabits_per_second):
-  """Record a video on Device.
-  Args:
-    device: (device_utils.DeviceUtils) Android device to connect to.
-    local_output_path: Output path were to save the video locally.
-    megabits_per_second: Video recorder Mb/s.
-  Yields:
-    None
-  """
-  assert device
-  if megabits_per_second > 100:
-    raise ValueError('Android video capture cannot capture at %dmbps. '
-                     'Max capture rate is 100mbps.' % megabits_per_second)
-  assert local_output_path.endswith('.mp4')
-  recorder = video_recorder.VideoRecorder(device, megabits_per_second)
-  recorder.Start()
-  try:
-    yield
-    recorder.Stop()
-    recorder.Pull(host_file=local_output_path)
-    recorder = None
-  finally:
-    if recorder:
-      recorder.Stop()
-def RemoteSpeedIndexRecorder(device, connection, local_output_path):
-  """Records on a device a video compatible for speed-index computation.
-  Note:
-    Chrome should be opened with the --disable-infobars command line argument to
-    avoid web page viewport size to be changed, that can change speed-index
-    value.
-  Args:
-    device: (device_utils.DeviceUtils) Android device to connect to.
-    connection: devtools connection.
-    local_output_path: Output path were to save the video locally.
-  Yields:
-    None
-  """
-  # Paint the current HTML document with the ORANGE that video is detecting with
-  # the view-port position and size.
-  connection.ExecuteJavaScript("""
-    (function() {
-      var screen = document.createElement('div');
- = 'rgb(%d, %d, %d)';
- = 'fixed';
- = '0';
- = '0';
- = '100%%';
- = '100%%';
- = '2147483638';
-      document.body.appendChild(screen);
-      requestAnimationFrame(function() {
-        requestAnimationFrame(function() {
-          window.__speedindex_screen = screen;
-        });
-      });
-    })();
-  """ % (color.r, color.g, color.b))
-  connection.PollForJavaScriptExpression('!!window.__speedindex_screen', 1)
-  with _RemoteVideoRecorder(device, local_output_path,
-                            megabits_per_second=_SPEED_INDEX_VIDEO_BITRATE):
-    # Paint the current HTML document with white so that it is not troubling the
-    # speed index measurement.
-    connection.ExecuteJavaScript("""
-      (function() {
-        requestAnimationFrame(function() {
-          var screen = window.__speedindex_screen;
- = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)';
-        });
-      })();
-    """)
-    yield
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a5ed10..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,494 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Library handling DevTools websocket interaction.
-import datetime
-import httplib
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-file_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(file_dir, '..', '..', 'perf'))
-from core import path_util
-from telemetry.internal.backends.chrome_inspector import inspector_websocket
-from telemetry.internal.backends.chrome_inspector import websocket
-import common_util
-class DevToolsConnectionException(Exception):
-  def __init__(self, message):
-    super(DevToolsConnectionException, self).__init__(message)
-    logging.warning("DevToolsConnectionException: " + message)
-class DevToolsConnectionTargetCrashed(DevToolsConnectionException):
-  pass
-# Taken from telemetry.internal.backends.chrome_inspector.tracing_backend.
-# TODO(mattcary): combine this with the above and export?
-class _StreamReader(object):
-  def __init__(self, inspector, stream_handle):
-    self._inspector_websocket = inspector
-    self._handle = stream_handle
-    self._callback = None
-    self._data = None
-  def Read(self, callback):
-    # Do not allow the instance of this class to be reused, as
-    # we only read data sequentially at the moment, so a stream
-    # can only be read once.
-    assert not self._callback
-    self._data = []
-    self._callback = callback
-    self._ReadChunkFromStream()
-    # Queue one extra read ahead to avoid latency.
-    self._ReadChunkFromStream()
-  def _ReadChunkFromStream(self):
-    # Limit max block size to avoid fragmenting memory in sock.recv(),
-    # (see for details)
-    req = {'method': '', 'params': {
-        'handle': self._handle, 'size': 32768}}
-    self._inspector_websocket.AsyncRequest(req, self._GotChunkFromStream)
-  def _GotChunkFromStream(self, response):
-    # Quietly discard responses from reads queued ahead after EOF.
-    if self._data is None:
-      return
-    if 'error' in response:
-      raise DevToolsConnectionException(
-          'Reading trace failed: %s' % response['error']['message'])
-    result = response['result']
-    self._data.append(result['data'])
-    if not result.get('eof', False):
-      self._ReadChunkFromStream()
-      return
-    req = {'method': 'IO.close', 'params': {'handle': self._handle}}
-    self._inspector_websocket.SendAndIgnoreResponse(req)
-    trace_string = ''.join(self._data)
-    self._data = None
-    self._callback(trace_string)
-class DevToolsConnection(object):
-  """Handles the communication with a DevTools server.
-  """
-  TRACING_DOMAIN = 'Tracing'
-  TRACING_END_METHOD = 'Tracing.end'
-  TRACING_DATA_METHOD = 'Tracing.dataCollected'
-  TRACING_DONE_EVENT = 'Tracing.tracingComplete'
-  TRACING_STREAM_EVENT = 'Tracing.tracingComplete'  # Same as TRACING_DONE.
-  def __init__(self, hostname, port):
-    """Initializes the connection with a DevTools server.
-    Args:
-      hostname: server hostname.
-      port: port number.
-    """
-    self._http_hostname = hostname
-    self._http_port = port
-    self._event_listeners = {}
-    self._domain_listeners = {}
-    self._scoped_states = {}
-    self._domains_to_enable = set()
-    self._tearing_down_tracing = False
-    self._ws = None
-    self._target_descriptor = None
-    self._stop_delay_multiplier = 0
-    self._monitoring_start_timestamp = None
-    self._monitoring_stop_timestamp = None
-    self._Connect()
-    self.RegisterListener('Inspector.targetCrashed', self)
-  def RegisterListener(self, name, listener):
-    """Registers a listener for an event.
-    Also takes care of enabling the relevant domain before starting monitoring.
-    Args:
-      name: (str) Domain or event the listener wants to listen to, e.g.
-            "Network.requestWillBeSent" or "Tracing".
-      listener: (Listener) listener instance.
-    """
-    if '.' in name:
-      domain = name[:name.index('.')]
-      self._event_listeners[name] = listener
-    else:
-      domain = name
-      self._domain_listeners[domain] = listener
-    self._domains_to_enable.add(domain)
-  def UnregisterListener(self, listener):
-    """Unregisters a listener.
-    Args:
-      listener: (Listener) listener to unregister.
-    """
-    keys = ([k for k, l in self._event_listeners if l is listener] +
-            [k for k, l in self._domain_listeners if l is listener])
-    assert keys, "Removing non-existent listener"
-    for key in keys:
-      if key in self._event_listeners:
-        del(self._event_listeners[key])
-      if key in self._domain_listeners:
-        del(self._domain_listeners[key])
-  def SetScopedState(self, method, params, default_params, enable_domain):
-    """Changes state at the beginning the monitoring and resets it at the end.
-    |method| is called with |params| at the beginning of the monitoring. After
-    the monitoring completes, the state is reset by calling |method| with
-    |default_params|.
-    Args:
-      method: (str) Method.
-      params: (dict) Parameters to set when the monitoring starts.
-      default_params: (dict) Parameters to reset the state at the end.
-      enable_domain: (bool) True if enabling the domain is required.
-    """
-    if enable_domain:
-      if '.' in method:
-        domain = method[:method.index('.')]
-        assert domain, 'No valid domain'
-        self._domains_to_enable.add(domain)
-    scoped_state_value = (params, default_params)
-    if self._scoped_states.has_key(method):
-      assert self._scoped_states[method] == scoped_state_value
-    else:
-      self._scoped_states[method] = scoped_state_value
-  def SyncRequest(self, method, params=None):
-    """Issues a synchronous request to the DevTools server.
-    Args:
-      method: (str) Method.
-      params: (dict) Optional parameters to the request.
-    Returns:
-      The answer.
-    """
-    request = {'method': method}
-    if params:
-      request['params'] = params
-    return self._ws.SyncRequest(request, timeout=_WEBSOCKET_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
-  def SendAndIgnoreResponse(self, method, params=None):
-    """Issues a request to the DevTools server, do not wait for the response.
-    Args:
-      method: (str) Method.
-      params: (dict) Optional parameters to the request.
-    """
-    request = {'method': method}
-    if params:
-      request['params'] = params
-    self._ws.SendAndIgnoreResponse(request)
-  def SyncRequestNoResponse(self, method, params=None):
-    """As SyncRequest, but asserts that no meaningful response was received.
-    Args:
-      method: (str) Method.
-      params: (dict) Optional parameters to the request.
-    """
-    result = self.SyncRequest(method, params)
-    if 'error' in result or ('result' in result and
-                             result['result']):
-      raise DevToolsConnectionException(
-          'Unexpected response for %s: %s' % (method, result))
-  def ClearCache(self):
-    """Clears buffer cache.
-    Will assert that the browser supports cache clearing.
-    """
-    res = self.SyncRequest('Network.canClearBrowserCache')
-    assert res['result'], 'Cache clearing is not supported by this browser.'
-    self.SyncRequest('Network.clearBrowserCache')
-  def MonitorUrl(self, url, timeout_seconds=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,
-                 stop_delay_multiplier=0):
-    """Navigate to url and dispatch monitoring loop.
-    Unless you have registered a listener that will call StopMonitoring, this
-    will run until timeout from chrome.
-    Args:
-      url: (str) a URL to navigate to before starting monitoring loop.
-      timeout_seconds: timeout in seconds for monitoring loop.
-      stop_delay_multiplier: (float) How long to wait after page load completed
-        before tearing down, relative to the time it took to reach the page load
-        to complete.
-    """
-    for domain in self._domains_to_enable:
-      self._ws.RegisterDomain(domain, self._OnDataReceived)
-      if domain != self.TRACING_DOMAIN:
-        self.SyncRequestNoResponse('%s.enable' % domain)
-        # Tracing setup must be done by the tracing track to control filtering
-        # and output.
-    for scoped_state in self._scoped_states:
-      self.SyncRequestNoResponse(scoped_state,
-                                 self._scoped_states[scoped_state][0])
-    self._tearing_down_tracing = False
-'Navigate to %s' % url)
-    self.SendAndIgnoreResponse('Page.navigate', {'url': url})
-    self._monitoring_start_timestamp =
-    self._Dispatch(timeout=timeout_seconds,
-                   stop_delay_multiplier=stop_delay_multiplier)
-    self._monitoring_start_timestamp = None
-'Tearing down monitoring.')
-    self._TearDownMonitoring()
-  def StopMonitoring(self):
-    """Sets the timestamp when to stop monitoring.
-    Args:
-      address_delayed_stop: Whether the MonitorUrl()'s stop_delay_multiplier
-        should be addressed or not.
-    """
-    if self._stop_delay_multiplier == 0:
-      self._StopMonitoringImmediately()
-    elif self._monitoring_stop_timestamp is None:
-      assert self._monitoring_start_timestamp is not None
-      current_time =
-      stop_delay_duration_seconds = self._stop_delay_multiplier * (
-          current_time - self._monitoring_start_timestamp).seconds
-'Delaying monitoring stop for %.1fs',
-                   stop_delay_duration_seconds)
-      self._monitoring_stop_timestamp = (
-          current_time + datetime.timedelta(
-              seconds=stop_delay_duration_seconds))
-  def ExecuteJavaScript(self, expression):
-    """Run JavaScript expression.
-    Args:
-      expression: JavaScript expression to run.
-    Returns:
-      The return value from the JavaScript expression.
-    """
-    # Note: Clients may be tempted to do naive string interpolation to inject
-    # Python values into the JavaScript expression, which could lead to syntax
-    # errors during evaluation (e.g. injecting strings with special characters).
-    # If this becomes an issue, consider extending the interface of this method
-    # as in:
-    response = self.SyncRequest('Runtime.evaluate', {
-        'expression': expression,
-        'returnByValue': True})
-    if 'error' in response:
-      raise Exception(response['error']['message'])
-    if 'wasThrown' in response['result'] and response['result']['wasThrown']:
-      raise Exception(response['error']['result']['description'])
-    if response['result']['result']['type'] == 'undefined':
-      return None
-    return response['result']['result']['value']
-  def PollForJavaScriptExpression(self, expression, interval):
-    """Wait until JavaScript expression is true.
-    Args:
-      expression: JavaScript expression to run.
-      interval: Period between expression evaluation in seconds.
-    """
-    common_util.PollFor(lambda: bool(self.ExecuteJavaScript(expression)),
-                        'JavaScript: {}'.format(expression),
-                        interval)
-  def Close(self):
-    """Cleanly close chrome by closing the only tab."""
-    assert self._ws
-    response = self._HttpRequest('/close/' + self._target_descriptor['id'])
-    assert response == 'Target is closing'
-    self._ws = None
-  def _StopMonitoringImmediately(self):
-    self._monitoring_stop_timestamp =
-  def _Dispatch(self, timeout, kind='Monitoring', stop_delay_multiplier=0):
-    self._monitoring_stop_timestamp = None
-    self._stop_delay_multiplier = stop_delay_multiplier
-    while True:
-      try:
-        self._ws.DispatchNotifications(timeout=timeout)
-      except websocket.WebSocketTimeoutException:
-        if self._monitoring_stop_timestamp is None:
-          logging.warning('%s stopped on a timeout.' % kind)
-          break
-      if self._monitoring_stop_timestamp:
-        # After the first timeout reduce the timeout to check when to stop
-        # monitoring more often, because the page at this moment can already be
-        # loaded and not many events would be arriving from it.
-        timeout = 1
-        if >= self._monitoring_stop_timestamp:
-          break
-  def Handle(self, method, event):
-    del event # unused
-    if method == 'Inspector.targetCrashed':
-      raise DevToolsConnectionTargetCrashed('Renderer crashed.')
-  def _TearDownMonitoring(self):
-    if self.TRACING_DOMAIN in self._domains_to_enable:
-'Fetching tracing')
-      self.SyncRequestNoResponse(self.TRACING_END_METHOD)
-      self._tearing_down_tracing = True
-      self._Dispatch(timeout=self.TRACING_TIMEOUT, kind='Tracing')
-    for scoped_state in self._scoped_states:
-      self.SyncRequestNoResponse(scoped_state,
-                                 self._scoped_states[scoped_state][1])
-    for domain in self._domains_to_enable:
-      if domain != self.TRACING_DOMAIN:
-        self.SyncRequest('%s.disable' % domain)
-      self._ws.UnregisterDomain(domain)
-    self._domains_to_enable.clear()
-    self._domain_listeners.clear()
-    self._event_listeners.clear()
-    self._scoped_states.clear()
-  def _OnDataReceived(self, msg):
-    if 'method' not in msg:
-      raise DevToolsConnectionException('Malformed message: %s' % msg)
-    method = msg['method']
-    domain = method[:method.index('.')]
-    if self._tearing_down_tracing and method == self.TRACING_STREAM_EVENT:
-      stream_handle = msg.get('params', {}).get('stream')
-      if not stream_handle:
-        self._tearing_down_tracing = False
-        self._StopMonitoringImmediately()
-        # Fall through to regular dispatching.
-      else:
-        _StreamReader(self._ws, stream_handle).Read(self._TracingStreamDone)
-        # Skip regular dispatching.
-        return
-    if (method not in self._event_listeners and
-        domain not in self._domain_listeners):
-      return
-    if method in self._event_listeners:
-      self._event_listeners[method].Handle(method, msg)
-    if domain in self._domain_listeners:
-      self._domain_listeners[domain].Handle(method, msg)
-    if self._tearing_down_tracing and method == self.TRACING_DONE_EVENT:
-      self._tearing_down_tracing = False
-      self._StopMonitoringImmediately()
-  def _TracingStreamDone(self, data):
-    tracing_events = json.loads(data)
-    for evt in tracing_events:
-      self._OnDataReceived({'method': self.TRACING_DATA_METHOD,
-                            'params': {'value': [evt]}})
-      if self._please_stop:
-        break
-    self._tearing_down_tracing = False
-    self._StopMonitoringImmediately()
-  def _HttpRequest(self, path):
-    assert path[0] == '/'
-    for _ in xrange(self.HTTP_ATTEMPTS):
-      r = httplib.HTTPConnection(self._http_hostname, self._http_port)
-      try:
-        r.request('GET', '/json' + path)
-        response = r.getresponse()
-        if response.status != 200:
-          raise DevToolsConnectionException(
-              'Cannot connect to DevTools, reponse code %d' % response.status)
-        return
-      except httplib.BadStatusLine as exception:
-        logging.warning('Devtools HTTP connection failed: %s' % repr(exception))
-        time.sleep(self.HTTP_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL_SECONDS)
-      finally:
-        r.close()
-    # Raise the exception that has failed the last attempt.
-    raise
-  def _Connect(self):
-    assert not self._ws
-    assert not self._target_descriptor
-    for target_descriptor in json.loads(self._HttpRequest('/list')):
-      if target_descriptor['type'] == 'page':
-        self._target_descriptor = target_descriptor
-        break
-    if not self._target_descriptor:
-      raise DevToolsConnectionException(
-        'No pages are open, connected to a wrong instance?')
-    if self._target_descriptor['url'] != 'about:blank':
-      raise DevToolsConnectionException(
-          'Looks like devtools connection was made to a different instance.')
-    self._ws = inspector_websocket.InspectorWebsocket()
-    self._ws.Connect(self._target_descriptor['webSocketDebuggerUrl'],
-                     timeout=_WEBSOCKET_TIMEOUT_SECONDS)
-class Listener(object):
-  """Listens to events forwarded by a DevToolsConnection instance."""
-  def __init__(self, connection):
-    """Initializes a Listener instance.
-    Args:
-      connection: (DevToolsConnection).
-    """
-    pass
-  def Handle(self, method, msg):
-    """Handles an event this instance listens for.
-    Args:
-      event_name: (str) Event name, as registered.
-      event: (dict) complete event.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
-class Track(Listener):
-  """Collects data from a DevTools server."""
-  def GetEvents(self):
-    """Returns a list of collected events, finalizing the state if necessary."""
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    """Serializes to a dictionary, to be dumped as JSON.
-    Returns:
-      A dict that can be dumped by the json module, and loaded by
-      FromJsonDict().
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, _json_dict):
-    """Returns a Track instance constructed from data dumped by
-       Track.ToJsonDict().
-    Args:
-      json_data: (dict) Parsed from a JSON file using the json module.
-    Returns:
-      a Track instance.
-    """
-    # There is no sensible way to deserialize this abstract class, but
-    # subclasses are not required to define a deserialization method. For
-    # example, for testing we have a FakeRequestTrack which is never
-    # deserialized; instead fake instances are deserialized as RequestTracks.
-    assert False
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index d7f05c6..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Device and network emulation utilities via devtools."""
-import json
-# Copied from
-# WebKit/Source/devtools/front_end/network/NetworkConditionsSelector.js
-# Units:
-#   download/upload: byte/s
-#   latency: ms
-    'GPRS': {
-        'download': 50 * 1024 / 8, 'upload': 20 * 1024 / 8, 'latency': 500},
-    'Regular2G': {
-        'download': 250 * 1024 / 8, 'upload': 50 * 1024 / 8, 'latency': 300},
-    'Good2G': {
-        'download': 450 * 1024 / 8, 'upload': 150 * 1024 / 8, 'latency': 150},
-    'Regular3G': {
-        'download': 750 * 1024 / 8, 'upload': 250 * 1024 / 8, 'latency': 100},
-    'Good3G': {
-        'download': 1.5 * 1024 * 1024 / 8, 'upload': 750 * 1024 / 8,
-        'latency': 40},
-    'Regular4G': {
-        'download': 4 * 1024 * 1024 / 8, 'upload': 3 * 1024 * 1024 / 8,
-        'latency': 20},
-    'DSL': {
-        'download': 2 * 1024 * 1024 / 8, 'upload': 1 * 1024 * 1024 / 8,
-        'latency': 5},
-    'WiFi': {
-        'download': 30 * 1024 * 1024 / 8, 'upload': 15 * 1024 * 1024 / 8,
-        'latency': 2}
-def LoadEmulatedDevices(registry):
-  """Loads a list of emulated devices from the DevTools JSON registry.
-  See, for example, third_party/WebKit/Source/devtools/front_end
-  /emulated_devices/module.json.
-  Args:
-    registry: A file-like object for the device registry (should be JSON).
-  Returns:
-    {'device_name': device}
-  """
-  json_dict = json.load(registry)
-  devices = {}
-  for device in json_dict['extensions']:
-    device = device['device']
-    devices[device['title']] = device
-  return devices
-def SetUpDeviceEmulationAndReturnMetadata(connection, device):
-  """Configures an instance of Chrome for device emulation.
-  Args:
-    connection: (DevToolsConnection)
-    device: (dict) An entry from LoadEmulatedDevices().
-  Returns:
-    A dict containing the device emulation metadata.
-  """
-  res = connection.SyncRequest('Emulation.canEmulate')
-  assert res['result'], 'Cannot set device emulation.'
-  data = _GetDeviceEmulationMetadata(device)
-  connection.SyncRequestNoResponse(
-      'Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride',
-      {'width': data['width'],
-       'height': data['height'],
-       'deviceScaleFactor': data['deviceScaleFactor'],
-       'mobile': data['mobile'],
-       'fitWindow': True})
-  connection.SyncRequestNoResponse('Network.setUserAgentOverride',
-                                   {'userAgent': data['userAgent']})
-  return data
-def SetUpNetworkEmulation(connection, latency, download, upload):
-  """Configures an instance of Chrome for network emulation.
-  See NETWORK_CONDITIONS for example (or valid?) emulation options.
-  Args:
-    connection: (DevToolsConnection)
-    latency: (float) Latency in ms.
-    download: (float) Download speed (Bytes / s).
-    upload: (float) Upload speed (Bytes / s).
-  """
-  res = connection.SyncRequest('Network.canEmulateNetworkConditions')
-  assert res['result'], 'Cannot set network emulation.'
-  connection.SyncRequestNoResponse(
-      'Network.emulateNetworkConditions',
-      {'offline': False, 'latency': latency, 'downloadThroughput': download,
-       'uploadThroughput': upload})
-def BandwidthToString(bandwidth):
-  """Converts a bandwidth to string.
-  Args:
-    bandwidth: The bandwidth to convert in byte/s. Must be a multiple of 1024/8.
-  Returns:
-    A string compatible with wpr --{up,down} command line flags.
-  """
-  assert bandwidth % (1024/8) == 0
-  bandwidth_kbps = (int(bandwidth) * 8) / 1024
-  if bandwidth_kbps % 1024:
-    return '{}Kbit/s'.format(bandwidth_kbps)
-  return '{}Mbit/s'.format(bandwidth_kbps / 1024)
-def _GetDeviceEmulationMetadata(device):
-  """Returns the metadata associated with a given device."""
-  return {'width': device['screen']['vertical']['width'],
-          'height': device['screen']['vertical']['height'],
-          'deviceScaleFactor': device['screen']['device-pixel-ratio'],
-          'mobile': 'mobile' in device['capabilities'],
-          'userAgent': device['user-agent']}
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 44bd5ff..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-from StringIO import StringIO
-import unittest
-import emulation
-import test_utils
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-class EmulationTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testLoadDevices(self):
-    devices = emulation.LoadEmulatedDevices(file(os.path.join(
-        _SRC_DIR, 'third_party/blink/renderer/devtools/front_end',
-        'emulated_devices/module.json')))
-    # Just check we have something. We'll assume that if we were able to read
-    # the file without dying we must be ok.
-    self.assertTrue(devices)
-  def testSetUpDevice(self):
-    registry = StringIO("""{
-      "extensions": [
-          {
-              "type": "emulated-device",
-              "device": {
-                  "show-by-default": false,
-                  "title": "mattPhone" ,
-                  "screen": {
-                      "horizontal": {
-                          "width": 480,
-                          "height": 320
-                      },
-                      "device-pixel-ratio": 2,
-                      "vertical": {
-                          "width": 320,
-                          "height": 480
-                      }
-                  },
-                  "capabilities": [
-                      "touch",
-                      "mobile"
-                  ],
-                  "user-agent": "James Bond"
-              }
-          } ]}""")
-    devices = emulation.LoadEmulatedDevices(registry)
-    connection = test_utils.MockConnection(self)
-    connection.ExpectSyncRequest({'result': True}, 'Emulation.canEmulate')
-    metadata = emulation.SetUpDeviceEmulationAndReturnMetadata(
-        connection, devices['mattPhone'])
-    self.assertEqual(320, metadata['width'])
-    self.assertEqual('James Bond', metadata['userAgent'])
-    self.assertTrue(connection.AllExpectationsUsed())
-    self.assertEqual('Emulation.setDeviceMetricsOverride',
-                     connection.no_response_requests_seen[0][0])
-  def testSetUpNetwork(self):
-    connection = test_utils.MockConnection(self)
-    connection.ExpectSyncRequest({'result': True},
-                                 'Network.canEmulateNetworkConditions')
-    emulation.SetUpNetworkEmulation(connection, 120, 2048, 1024)
-    self.assertTrue(connection.AllExpectationsUsed())
-    self.assertEqual('Network.emulateNetworkConditions',
-                     connection.no_response_requests_seen[0][0])
-    self.assertEqual(
-        1024,
-        connection.no_response_requests_seen[0][1]['uploadThroughput'])
-  def testBandwidthToString(self):
-    self.assertEqual('16Kbit/s', emulation.BandwidthToString(2048))
-    self.assertEqual('8Mbit/s', emulation.BandwidthToString(1024 * 1024))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index e0479ab..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Gathers and infers dependencies between requests.
-When executed as a script, loads a trace and outputs synthetic frame load nodes
-and the new introduced dependencies.
-import bisect
-import collections
-import logging
-import operator
-import loading_trace
-class FrameLoadLens(object):
-  """Analyses and creates request dependencies for inferred frame events."""
-  _FRAME_EVENT = 'RenderFrameImpl::didFinishLoad'
-  def __init__(self, trace):
-    """Instance initialization.
-    Args:
-      trace: (LoadingTrace) Loading trace.
-    """
-    self._frame_load_events = self._GetFrameLoadEvents(trace.tracing_track)
-    self._request_track = trace.request_track
-    self._tracing_track = trace.tracing_track
-    self._load_dependencies = []
-    self._request_dependencies = []
-    for i, load in enumerate(self._frame_load_events):
-      self._load_dependencies.extend(
-          [(i, r) for r in self._GetLoadDependencies(load)])
-      self._request_dependencies.extend(
-          [(r, i) for r in self._GetRequestDependencies(load)])
-  def GetFrameLoadInfo(self):
-    """Returns [(index, msec)]."""
-    return [collections.namedtuple('LoadInfo', ['index', 'msec'])._make(
-        (i, self._frame_load_events[i].start_msec))
-            for i in xrange(len(self._frame_load_events))]
-  def GetFrameResourceComplete(self, request_track):
-    """Returns [(frame id, msec)]."""
-    frame_to_end_msec = collections.defaultdict(int)
-    for r in request_track.GetEvents():
-      if r.end_msec > frame_to_end_msec[r.frame_id]:
-        frame_to_end_msec[r.frame_id] = r.end_msec
-    loads = []
-    for f in sorted(frame_to_end_msec.keys()):
-      loads.append((f, frame_to_end_msec[f]))
-    return loads
-  def GetFrameLoadDependencies(self):
-    """Returns a list of frame load dependencies.
-    Returns:
-      ([(frame load index, request), ...],
-       [(request, frame load index), ...]), where request are instances of
-      request_trace.Request, and frame load index is an integer. The first list
-      in the tuple gives the requests that are dependent on the given frame
-      load, and the second list gives the frame loads that are dependent on the
-      given request.
-    """
-    return (self._load_dependencies, self._request_dependencies)
-  def _GetFrameLoadEvents(self, tracing_track):
-    events = []
-    for e in tracing_track.GetEvents():
-      if e.tracing_event['name'] == self._FRAME_EVENT:
-        events.append(e)
-    return events
-  def _GetLoadDependencies(self, load):
-    for r in self._request_track.GetEventsStartingBetween(
-        load.start_msec, load.start_msec + self._LOAD_TO_REQUEST_GAP_MSEC):
-      yield r
-  def _GetRequestDependencies(self, load):
-    for r in self._request_track.GetEventsEndingBetween(
-        load.start_msec - self._REQUEST_TO_LOAD_GAP_MSEC, load.start_msec):
-      yield r
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import loading_trace
-  import json
-  import sys
-  lens = FrameLoadLens(loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(
-      json.load(open(sys.argv[1]))))
-  load_times = lens.GetFrameLoadInfo()
-  for t in load_times:
-    print t
-  print (lens._request_track.GetFirstRequestMillis(),
-         lens._request_track.GetLastRequestMillis())
-  load_dep, request_dep = lens.GetFrameLoadDependencies()
-  rq_str = lambda r: '%s (%d-%d)' % (
-      r.request_id,
-      r.start_msec - lens._request_track.GetFirstRequestMillis(),
-      r.end_msec - lens._request_track.GetFirstRequestMillis())
-  load_str = lambda i: '%s (%d)' % (i, load_times[i][1])
-  for load_idx, request in load_dep:
-    print '%s -> %s' % (load_str(load_idx), rq_str(request))
-  for request, load_idx in request_dep:
-    print '%s -> %s' % (rq_str(request), load_str(load_idx))
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 684fee6..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Support for graphs."""
-import collections
-import common_util
-class Node(object):
-  """A node in a Graph.
-  Nodes are identified within a graph using object identity.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Create a new node."""
-    self.cost = 0
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    return common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict({}, self, ['cost'])
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    return common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, cls(), ['cost'])
-class Edge(object):
-  """Represents an edge in a graph."""
-  def __init__(self, from_node, to_node):
-    """Creates an Edge.
-    Args:
-      from_node: (Node) Start node.
-      to_node: (Node) End node.
-    """
-    self.from_node = from_node
-    self.to_node = to_node
-    self.cost = 0
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    return common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict(
-        {}, self, ['from_node', 'to_node', 'cost'])
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    result = cls(None, None)
-    return common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, result, ['from_node', 'to_node', 'cost'])
-class DirectedGraph(object):
-  """Directed graph.
-  A graph is identified by a list of nodes and a list of edges. It does not need
-  to be acyclic, but then some methods will fail.
-  """
-  __GRAPH_NODE_INDEX = '__graph_node_index'
-  __TO_NODE_INDEX = '__to_node_index'
-  __FROM_NODE_INDEX = '__from_node_index'
-  def __init__(self, nodes, edges):
-    """Builds a graph from a set of node and edges.
-    Note that the edges referencing a node not in the provided list are dropped.
-    Args:
-      nodes: ([Node]) Sequence of Nodes.
-      edges: ([Edge]) Sequence of Edges.
-    """
-    self._nodes = set(nodes)
-    self._edges = set(filter(
-        lambda e: e.from_node in self._nodes and e.to_node in self._nodes,
-        edges))
-    assert all(isinstance(node, Node) for node in self._nodes)
-    assert all(isinstance(edge, Edge) for edge in self._edges)
-    self._in_edges = {n: [] for n in self._nodes}
-    self._out_edges = {n: [] for n in self._nodes}
-    for edge in self._edges:
-      self._out_edges[edge.from_node].append(edge)
-      self._in_edges[edge.to_node].append(edge)
-  def OutEdges(self, node):
-    """Returns a list of edges starting from a node.
-    """
-    return self._out_edges[node]
-  def InEdges(self, node):
-    """Returns a list of edges ending at a node."""
-    return self._in_edges[node]
-  def Nodes(self):
-    """Returns the set of nodes of this graph."""
-    return self._nodes
-  def Edges(self):
-    """Returns the set of edges of this graph."""
-    return self._edges
-  def RootNodes(self):
-    """Returns an iterable of nodes that have no incoming edges."""
-    return filter(lambda n: not self.InEdges(n), self._nodes)
-  def UpdateEdge(self, edge, new_from_node, new_to_node):
-    """Updates an edge.
-    Args:
-      edge:
-      new_from_node:
-      new_to_node:
-    """
-    assert edge in self._edges
-    assert new_from_node in self._nodes
-    assert new_to_node in self._nodes
-    self._in_edges[edge.to_node].remove(edge)
-    self._out_edges[edge.from_node].remove(edge)
-    edge.from_node = new_from_node
-    edge.to_node = new_to_node
-    # TODO(lizeb): Check for duplicate edges?
-    self._in_edges[edge.to_node].append(edge)
-    self._out_edges[edge.from_node].append(edge)
-  def TopologicalSort(self, roots=None):
-    """Returns a list of nodes, in topological order.
-      Args:
-        roots: ([Node]) If set, the topological sort will only consider nodes
-                        reachable from this list of sources.
-    """
-    sorted_nodes = []
-    if roots is None:
-      nodes_subset = self._nodes
-    else:
-      nodes_subset = self.ReachableNodes(roots)
-    remaining_in_edges = {n: 0 for n in nodes_subset}
-    for edge in self._edges:
-      if edge.from_node in nodes_subset and edge.to_node in nodes_subset:
-        remaining_in_edges[edge.to_node] += 1
-    sources = [node for (node, count) in remaining_in_edges.items()
-               if count == 0]
-    while sources:
-      node = sources.pop(0)
-      sorted_nodes.append(node)
-      for e in self.OutEdges(node):
-        successor = e.to_node
-        if successor not in nodes_subset:
-          continue
-        assert remaining_in_edges[successor] > 0
-        remaining_in_edges[successor] -= 1
-        if remaining_in_edges[successor] == 0:
-          sources.append(successor)
-    return sorted_nodes
-  def ReachableNodes(self, roots, should_stop=lambda n: False):
-    """Returns a list of nodes from a set of root nodes.
-    Args:
-      roots: ([Node]) List of roots to start from.
-      should_stop: (callable) Returns True when a node should stop the
-                   exploration and be skipped.
-    """
-    return self._ExploreFrom(
-        roots, lambda n: (e.to_node for e in self.OutEdges(n)),
-        should_stop=should_stop)
-  def AncestorNodes(self, descendants):
-    """Returns a set of nodes that are ancestors of a set of nodes.
-    This is not quite the opposite of ReachableNodes, because (in a tree) it
-    will not include |descendants|.
-    Args:
-      descendants: ([Node]) List of nodes to start from.
-    """
-    return set(self._ExploreFrom(
-        descendants,
-        lambda n: (e.from_node for e in self.InEdges(n)))) - set(descendants)
-  def Cost(self, roots=None, path_list=None, costs_out=None):
-    """Compute the cost of the graph.
-    Args:
-      roots: ([Node]) If set, only compute the cost of the paths reachable
-             from this list of nodes.
-      path_list: if not None, gets a list of nodes in the longest path.
-      costs_out: if not None, gets a vector of node costs by node.
-    Returns:
-      Cost of the longest path.
-    """
-    if not self._nodes:
-     return 0
-    costs = {n: 0 for n in self._nodes}
-    for node in self.TopologicalSort(roots):
-      cost = 0
-      if self.InEdges(node):
-        cost = max([costs[e.from_node] + e.cost for e in self.InEdges(node)])
-      costs[node] = cost + node.cost
-    max_cost = max(costs.values())
-    if costs_out is not None:
-      del costs_out[:]
-      costs_out.extend(costs)
-    if path_list is not None:
-      del path_list[:]
-      node = (i for i in self._nodes if costs[i] == max_cost).next()
-      path_list.append(node)
-      while self.InEdges(node):
-        predecessors = [e.from_node for e in self.InEdges(node)]
-        node = reduce(
-            lambda costliest_node, next_node:
-            next_node if costs[next_node] > costs[costliest_node]
-            else costliest_node, predecessors)
-        path_list.insert(0, node)
-    return max_cost
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    node_dicts = []
-    node_to_index = {node: index for (index, node) in enumerate(self._nodes)}
-    for (node, index) in node_to_index.items():
-      node_dict = node.ToJsonDict()
-      assert self.__GRAPH_NODE_INDEX not in node_dict
-      node_dict.update({self.__GRAPH_NODE_INDEX: index})
-      node_dicts.append(node_dict)
-    edge_dicts = []
-    for edge in self._edges:
-      edge_dict = edge.ToJsonDict()
-      assert self.__TO_NODE_INDEX not in edge_dict
-      assert self.__FROM_NODE_INDEX not in edge_dict
-      edge_dict.update({self.__TO_NODE_INDEX: node_to_index[edge.to_node],
-                        self.__FROM_NODE_INDEX: node_to_index[edge.from_node]})
-      edge_dicts.append(edge_dict)
-    return {'nodes': node_dicts, 'edges': edge_dicts}
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict, node_class, edge_class):
-    """Returns an instance from a dict.
-    Note that the classes of the nodes and edges need to be specified here.
-    This is done to reduce the likelihood of error.
-    """
-    index_to_node = {
-        node_dict[cls.__GRAPH_NODE_INDEX]: node_class.FromJsonDict(node_dict)
-        for node_dict in json_dict['nodes']}
-    edges = []
-    for edge_dict in json_dict['edges']:
-      edge = edge_class.FromJsonDict(edge_dict)
-      edge.from_node = index_to_node[edge_dict[cls.__FROM_NODE_INDEX]]
-      edge.to_node = index_to_node[edge_dict[cls.__TO_NODE_INDEX]]
-      edges.append(edge)
-    result = DirectedGraph(index_to_node.values(), edges)
-    return result
-  def _ExploreFrom(self, initial, expand, should_stop=lambda n: False):
-    """Explore from a set of nodes.
-    Args:
-      initial: ([Node]) List of nodes to start from.
-      expand: (callable) Given a node, return an iterator of nodes to explore
-        from that node.
-      should_stop: (callable) Returns True when a node should stop the
-                   exploration and be skipped.
-    """
-    visited = set()
-    fifo = collections.deque([n for n in initial if not should_stop(n)])
-    while fifo:
-      node = fifo.pop()
-      if should_stop(node):
-        continue
-      visited.add(node)
-      for n in expand(node):
-        if n not in visited and not should_stop(n):
-          visited.add(n)
-          fifo.appendleft(n)
-    return list(visited)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 28e9e21..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import operator
-import os
-import sys
-import unittest
-import common_util
-import graph
-class _IndexedNode(graph.Node):
-  def __init__(self, index=None):
-    super(_IndexedNode, self).__init__()
-    self.index = index
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    return common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict(
-        super(_IndexedNode, self).ToJsonDict(), self, ['index'])
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    result = super(_IndexedNode, cls).FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-    return common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, result, ['index'])
-class GraphTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  @classmethod
-  def MakeGraph(cls, count, edge_tuples, serialize=False):
-    """Makes a graph from a list of edges.
-    Args:
-      count: Number of nodes.
-      edge_tuples: (from_index, to_index). Both indices must be in [0, count),
-                   and uniquely identify a node. Must be sorted
-                   lexicographically by node indices.
-    """
-    nodes = [_IndexedNode(i) for i in xrange(count)]
-    edges = [graph.Edge(nodes[from_index], nodes[to_index])
-             for (from_index, to_index) in edge_tuples]
-    g = graph.DirectedGraph(nodes, edges)
-    if serialize:
-      g = graph.DirectedGraph.FromJsonDict(
-          g.ToJsonDict(), _IndexedNode, graph.Edge)
-      nodes = sorted(g.Nodes(), key=operator.attrgetter('index'))
-      edges = sorted(g.Edges(), key=operator.attrgetter(
-          'from_node.index', 'to_node.index'))
-    return (nodes, edges, g)
-  @classmethod
-  def _NodesIndices(cls, g):
-    return map(operator.attrgetter('index'), g.Nodes())
-  def testBuildGraph(self, serialize=False):
-    (nodes, edges, g) = self.MakeGraph(
-        7,
-        [(0, 1),
-         (0, 2),
-         (1, 3),
-         (3, 4),
-         (5, 6)], serialize)
-    self.assertListEqual(range(7), sorted(self._NodesIndices(g)))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set(edges), set(g.Edges()))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set([edges[0], edges[1]]), set(g.OutEdges(nodes[0])))
-    self.assertFalse(g.InEdges(nodes[0]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set([edges[2]]), set(g.OutEdges(nodes[1])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set([edges[0]]), set(g.InEdges(nodes[1])))
-    self.assertFalse(g.OutEdges(nodes[2]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set([edges[1]]), set(g.InEdges(nodes[2])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set([edges[3]]), set(g.OutEdges(nodes[3])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set([edges[2]]), set(g.InEdges(nodes[3])))
-    self.assertFalse(g.OutEdges(nodes[4]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set([edges[3]]), set(g.InEdges(nodes[4])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set([edges[4]]), set(g.OutEdges(nodes[5])))
-    self.assertFalse(g.InEdges(nodes[5]))
-    self.assertFalse(g.OutEdges(nodes[6]))
-    self.assertSetEqual(set([edges[4]]), set(g.InEdges(nodes[6])))
-  def testIgnoresUnknownEdges(self):
-    nodes = [_IndexedNode(i) for i in xrange(7)]
-    edges = [graph.Edge(nodes[from_index], nodes[to_index])
-             for (from_index, to_index) in [
-                 (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 3), (3, 4), (5, 6)]]
-    edges.append(graph.Edge(nodes[4], _IndexedNode(42)))
-    edges.append(graph.Edge(_IndexedNode(42), nodes[5]))
-    g = graph.DirectedGraph(nodes, edges)
-    self.assertListEqual(range(7), sorted(self._NodesIndices(g)))
-    self.assertEqual(5, len(g.Edges()))
-  def testUpdateEdge(self, serialize=False):
-    (nodes, edges, g) = self.MakeGraph(
-        7,
-        [(0, 1),
-         (0, 2),
-         (1, 3),
-         (3, 4),
-         (5, 6)], serialize)
-    edge = edges[1]
-    self.assertTrue(edge in g.OutEdges(nodes[0]))
-    self.assertTrue(edge in g.InEdges(nodes[2]))
-    g.UpdateEdge(edge, nodes[2], nodes[3])
-    self.assertFalse(edge in g.OutEdges(nodes[0]))
-    self.assertFalse(edge in g.InEdges(nodes[2]))
-    self.assertTrue(edge in g.OutEdges(nodes[2]))
-    self.assertTrue(edge in g.InEdges(nodes[3]))
-  def testTopologicalSort(self, serialize=False):
-    (_, edges, g) = self.MakeGraph(
-        7,
-        [(0, 1),
-         (0, 2),
-         (1, 3),
-         (3, 4),
-         (5, 6)], serialize)
-    sorted_nodes = g.TopologicalSort()
-    node_to_sorted_index = dict(zip(sorted_nodes, xrange(len(sorted_nodes))))
-    for e in edges:
-      self.assertTrue(
-          node_to_sorted_index[e.from_node] < node_to_sorted_index[e.to_node])
-  def testReachableNodes(self, serialize=False):
-    (nodes, _, g) = self.MakeGraph(
-        7,
-        [(0, 1),
-         (0, 2),
-         (1, 3),
-         (3, 4),
-         (5, 6)], serialize)
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]),
-        set(n.index for n in g.ReachableNodes([nodes[0]])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]),
-        set(n.index for n in g.ReachableNodes([nodes[0], nodes[1]])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([5, 6]),
-        set(n.index for n in g.ReachableNodes([nodes[5]])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([6]),
-        set(n.index for n in g.ReachableNodes([nodes[6]])))
-  def testAncestorNodes(self, serialize=False):
-    (nodes, _, g) = self.MakeGraph(
-        7,
-        [(0, 1),
-         (0, 2),
-         (1, 3),
-         (3, 4),
-         (5, 6)], serialize)
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([0, 1, 3]),
-        set(n.index for n in g.AncestorNodes([nodes[4]])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([0, 1]),
-        set(n.index for n in g.AncestorNodes([nodes[3]])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([0]),
-        set(n.index for n in g.AncestorNodes([nodes[1]])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set(),
-        set(n.index for n in g.AncestorNodes([nodes[0]])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([0]),
-        set(n.index for n in g.AncestorNodes([nodes[2]])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set([5]),
-        set(n.index for n in g.AncestorNodes([nodes[6]])))
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set(),
-        set(n.index for n in g.AncestorNodes([nodes[5]])))
-  def testCost(self, serialize=False):
-    (nodes, edges, g) = self.MakeGraph(
-        7,
-        [(0, 1),
-         (0, 2),
-         (1, 3),
-         (3, 4),
-         (5, 6)], serialize)
-    for (i, node) in enumerate(nodes):
-      node.cost = i + 1
-    nodes[6].cost = 6
-    for edge in edges:
-      edge.cost = 1
-    self.assertEqual(15, g.Cost())
-    path_list = []
-    g.Cost(path_list=path_list)
-    self.assertListEqual([nodes[i] for i in (0, 1, 3, 4)], path_list)
-    nodes[6].cost = 9
-    self.assertEqual(16, g.Cost())
-    g.Cost(path_list=path_list)
-    self.assertListEqual([nodes[i] for i in (5, 6)], path_list)
-  def testCostWithRoots(self, serialize=False):
-    (nodes, edges, g) = self.MakeGraph(
-        7,
-        [(0, 1),
-         (0, 2),
-         (1, 3),
-         (3, 4),
-         (5, 6)], serialize)
-    for (i, node) in enumerate(nodes):
-      node.cost = i + 1
-    nodes[6].cost = 9
-    for edge in edges:
-      edge.cost = 1
-    path_list = []
-    self.assertEqual(16, g.Cost(path_list=path_list))
-    self.assertListEqual([nodes[i] for i in (5, 6)], path_list)
-    self.assertEqual(15, g.Cost(roots=[nodes[0]], path_list=path_list))
-    self.assertListEqual([nodes[i] for i in (0, 1, 3, 4)], path_list)
-  def testSerialize(self):
-    # Re-do tests with a deserialized graph.
-    self.testBuildGraph(True)
-    self.testUpdateEdge(True)
-    self.testTopologicalSort(True)
-    self.testReachableNodes(True)
-    self.testCost(True)
-    self.testCostWithRoots(True)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 67c993c..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Views a trace as an annotated request dependency graph."""
-import dependency_graph
-import request_dependencies_lens
-class RequestNode(dependency_graph.RequestNode):
-  """Represents a request in the graph.
-  is_ad and is_tracking are set according to the ContentClassificationLens
-  passed to LoadingGraphView.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, request):
-    super(RequestNode, self).__init__(request)
-    self.is_ad = False
-    self.is_tracking = False
-class Edge(dependency_graph.Edge):
-  """Represents a dependency between two nodes.
-  activity is set according to the ActivityLens passed to LoadingGraphView.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, from_node, to_node, reason):
-    super(Edge, self).__init__(from_node, to_node, reason)
-    self.activity = {}
-class LoadingGraphView(object):
-  """Represents a trace as a dependency graph. The graph is annotated using
-     optional lenses passed to it.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, trace, dependencies_lens, content_lens=None,
-               frame_lens=None, activity=None):
-    """Initalizes a LoadingGraphView instance.
-    Args:
-      trace: (LoadingTrace) a loading trace.
-      dependencies_lens: (RequestDependencyLens)
-      content_lens: (ContentClassificationLens)
-      frame_lens: (FrameLoadLens)
-      activity: (ActivityLens)
-    """
-    self._requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-    self._deps_lens = dependencies_lens
-    self._content_lens = content_lens
-    self._frame_lens = frame_lens
-    self._activity_lens = activity
-    self._graph = None
-    self._BuildGraph()
-  @classmethod
-  def FromTrace(cls, trace):
-    """Create a graph from a trace with no additional annotation."""
-    return cls(trace, request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(trace))
-  def RemoveAds(self):
-    """Updates the graph to remove the Ads.
-    Nodes that are only reachable through ad nodes are excluded as well.
-    """
-    roots = self._graph.graph.RootNodes()
-    self._requests = [n.request for n in self._graph.graph.ReachableNodes(
-        roots, should_stop=lambda n: n.is_ad or n.is_tracking)]
-    self._BuildGraph()
-  def GetInversionsAtTime(self, msec):
-    """Return the inversions, if any for an event.
-    An inversion is when a node is finished before an event, but an ancestor is
-    not finished. For example, an image is loaded before a first paint, but the
-    HTML which requested the image has not finished loading at the time of the
-    paint due to incremental parsing.
-    Args:
-      msec: the time of the event, from the same base as requests.
-    Returns:
-      The inverted Requests, ordered by start time, or None if there is no
-      inversion.
-    """
-    completed_requests = []
-    for rq in self._requests:
-      if rq.end_msec <= msec:
-        completed_requests.append(rq)
-    inversions = []
-    for rq in self._graph.AncestorRequests(completed_requests):
-      if rq.end_msec > msec:
-        inversions.append(rq)
-    if inversions:
-      inversions.sort(key=lambda rq: rq.start_msec)
-      return inversions
-    return None
-  @property
-  def deps_graph(self):
-    return self._graph
-  def _BuildGraph(self):
-    self._graph = dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph(
-        self._requests, self._deps_lens, RequestNode, Edge)
-    self._AnnotateNodes()
-    self._AnnotateEdges()
-  def _AnnotateNodes(self):
-    if self._content_lens is None:
-      return
-    for node in self._graph.graph.Nodes():
-      node.is_ad = self._content_lens.IsAdRequest(node.request)
-      node.is_tracking = self._content_lens.IsTrackingRequest(node.request)
-  def _AnnotateEdges(self):
-    if self._activity_lens is None:
-      return
-    for edge in self._graph.graph.Edges():
-      dep = (edge.from_node.request, edge.to_node.request, edge.reason)
-      activity = self._activity_lens.BreakdownEdgeActivityByInitiator(dep)
-      edge.activity = activity
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index d134d8e..0000000
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-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-import loading_graph_view
-import request_dependencies_lens
-from request_dependencies_lens_unittest import TestRequests
-class MockContentClassificationLens(object):
-  def __init__(self, ad_request_ids, tracking_request_ids):
-    self._ad_requests_ids = ad_request_ids
-    self._tracking_request_ids = tracking_request_ids
-  def IsAdRequest(self, request):
-    return request.request_id in self._ad_requests_ids
-  def IsTrackingRequest(self, request):
-    return request.request_id in self._tracking_request_ids
-class LoadingGraphViewTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    super(LoadingGraphViewTestCase, self).setUp()
-    self.trace = TestRequests.CreateLoadingTrace()
-    self.deps_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(self.trace)
-  def testAnnotateNodesNoLenses(self):
-    graph_view = loading_graph_view.LoadingGraphView(self.trace, self.deps_lens)
-    for node in graph_view.deps_graph.graph.Nodes():
-      self.assertFalse(node.is_ad)
-      self.assertFalse(node.is_tracking)
-    for edge in graph_view.deps_graph.graph.Edges():
-      self.assertFalse(edge.is_timing)
-  def testAnnotateNodesContentLens(self):
-    ad_request_ids = set([TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_UNRELATED_FRAME.request_id])
-    tracking_request_ids = set([TestRequests.JS_REQUEST.request_id])
-    content_lens = MockContentClassificationLens(
-        ad_request_ids, tracking_request_ids)
-    graph_view = loading_graph_view.LoadingGraphView(self.trace, self.deps_lens,
-                                                     content_lens)
-    for node in graph_view.deps_graph.graph.Nodes():
-      request_id = node.request.request_id
-      self.assertEqual(request_id in ad_request_ids, node.is_ad)
-      self.assertEqual(request_id in tracking_request_ids, node.is_tracking)
-  def testRemoveAds(self):
-    ad_request_ids = set([TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_UNRELATED_FRAME.request_id])
-    tracking_request_ids = set([TestRequests.JS_REQUEST.request_id])
-    content_lens = MockContentClassificationLens(
-        ad_request_ids, tracking_request_ids)
-    graph_view = loading_graph_view.LoadingGraphView(self.trace, self.deps_lens,
-                                                     content_lens)
-    graph_view.RemoveAds()
-    request_ids = set([n.request.request_id
-                       for n in graph_view.deps_graph.graph.Nodes()])
-    expected_request_ids = set([r.request_id for r in [
-        TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-        TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-        TestRequests.REDIRECTED_REQUEST,
-        TestRequests.REQUEST,
-        TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_OTHER_FRAME]])
-    self.assertSetEqual(expected_request_ids, request_ids)
-  def testRemoveAdsPruneGraph(self):
-    ad_request_ids = set([TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id])
-    tracking_request_ids = set([])
-    content_lens = MockContentClassificationLens(
-        ad_request_ids, tracking_request_ids)
-    graph_view = loading_graph_view.LoadingGraphView(
-        self.trace, self.deps_lens, content_lens)
-    graph_view.RemoveAds()
-    request_ids = set([n.request.request_id
-                       for n in graph_view.deps_graph.graph.Nodes()])
-    expected_request_ids = set(
-        [TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id])
-    self.assertSetEqual(expected_request_ids, request_ids)
-  def testEventInversion(self):
-    self._UpdateRequestTiming({
-        '1234.redirect.1': (0, 0),
-        '1234.redirect.2': (0, 0),
-        '1234.1': (10, 100),
-        '1234.12': (20, 50),
-        '1234.42': (40, 70),
-        '1234.56': (40, 150)})
-    graph_view = loading_graph_view.LoadingGraphView(
-        self.trace, self.deps_lens)
-    self.assertEqual(None, graph_view.GetInversionsAtTime(40))
-    self.assertEqual('1234.1', graph_view.GetInversionsAtTime(60)[0].request_id)
-    self.assertEqual('1234.1', graph_view.GetInversionsAtTime(80)[0].request_id)
-    self.assertEqual(None, graph_view.GetInversionsAtTime(110))
-    self.assertEqual(None, graph_view.GetInversionsAtTime(160))
-  def _UpdateRequestTiming(self, changes):
-    for rq in self.trace.request_track.GetEvents():
-      if rq.request_id in changes:
-        start_msec, end_msec = changes[rq.request_id]
-        rq.timing.request_time = float(start_msec) / 1000
-        rq.timing.loading_finished = end_msec - start_msec
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7a89f6b..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Visualize a loading_graph_view.LoadingGraphView.
-When executed as a script, takes a loading trace and generates a png of the
-loading graph."""
-import activity_lens
-import request_track
-class LoadingGraphViewVisualization(object):
-  """Manipulate visual representations of a request graph.
-  Currently only DOT output is supported.
-  """
-  _LONG_EDGE_THRESHOLD_MS = 2000  # Time in milliseconds.
-      'application':     'blue',      # Scripts.
-      'font':            'grey70',
-      'image':           'orange',    # This probably catches gifs?
-      'video':           'hotpink1',
-      'audio':           'hotpink2',
-      }
-      'html':            'red',
-      'css':             'green',
-      'script':          'blue',
-      'javascript':      'blue',
-      'json':            'purple',
-      'gif':             'grey',
-      'image':           'orange',
-      'jpeg':            'orange',
-      'ping':            'cyan',  # Empty response
-      'redirect':        'forestgreen',
-      'png':             'orange',
-      'plain':           'brown3',
-      'octet-stream':    'brown3',
-      'other':           'white',
-      }
-    'redirect': 'black',
-    'parser': 'red',
-    'script': 'blue',
-    'script_inferred': 'purple',
-  }
-      ('idle', 'I'), ('unrelated_work', 'W'), ('script', 'S'),
-      ('parsing', 'P'), ('other_url', 'O'), ('unknown_url', 'U'))
-  def __init__(self, graph_view):
-    """Initialize.
-    Args:
-      graph_view: (loading_graph_view.LoadingGraphView) the graph to visualize.
-    """
-    self._graph_view = graph_view
-    self._global_start = None
-  def OutputDot(self, output):
-    """Output DOT (graphviz) representation.
-    Args:
-      output: a file-like output stream to receive the dot file.
-    """
-    nodes = self._graph_view.deps_graph.graph.Nodes()
-    self._global_start = min(n.request.start_msec for n in nodes)
-    g = self._graph_view.deps_graph.graph
-    output.write("""digraph dependencies {
-    rankdir = LR;
-    """)
-    isolated_nodes = [
-        n for n in nodes if (
-            len(g.InEdges(n)) == 0 and len(g.OutEdges(n)) == 0)]
-    if isolated_nodes:
-      output.write("""subgraph cluster_isolated {
-                        color=black;
-                        label="Isolated Nodes";
-                   """)
-      for n in isolated_nodes:
-        output.write(self._DotNode(n))
-      output.write('}\n')
-    output.write("""subgraph cluster_nodes {
-                      color=invis;
-                 """)
-    for n in nodes:
-      if n in isolated_nodes:
-        continue
-      output.write(self._DotNode(n))
-    edges = g.Edges()
-    for edge in edges:
-      output.write(self._DotEdge(edge))
-    output.write('}\n')
-    output.write('}\n')
-  def _ContentTypeToColor(self, content_type):
-    if not content_type:
-      type_str = 'other'
-    elif '/' in content_type:
-      kind, type_str = content_type.split('/', 1)
-      if kind in self._CONTENT_KIND_TO_COLOR:
-        return self._CONTENT_KIND_TO_COLOR[kind]
-    else:
-      type_str = content_type
-    return self._CONTENT_TYPE_TO_COLOR[type_str]
-  def _DotNode(self, node):
-    """Returns a graphviz node description for a given node.
-    Args:
-      node: (RequestNode)
-    Returns:
-      A string describing the resource in graphviz format.
-      The resource is color-coded according to its content type, and its shape
-      is oval if its max-age is less than 300s (or if it's not cacheable).
-    """
-    color = self._ContentTypeToColor(node.request.GetContentType())
-    request = node.request
-    max_age = request.MaxAge()
-    shape = 'polygon' if max_age > 300 else 'oval'
-    styles = ['filled']
-    if node.is_ad or node.is_tracking:
-      styles += ['bold', 'diagonals']
-    return ('"%s" [label = "%s\\n%.2f->%.2f (%.2f)"; style = "%s"; '
-            'fillcolor = %s; shape = %s];\n'
-            % (request.request_id, request_track.ShortName(request.url),
-               request.start_msec - self._global_start,
-               request.end_msec - self._global_start,
-               request.end_msec - request.start_msec,
-               ','.join(styles), color, shape))
-  def _DotEdge(self, edge):
-    """Returns a graphviz edge description for a given edge.
-    Args:
-      edge: (Edge)
-    Returns:
-      A string encoding the graphviz representation of the edge.
-    """
-    style = {'color': 'orange'}
-    label = '%.02f' % edge.cost
-    if edge.is_timing:
-      style['style'] = 'dashed'
-    style['color'] = self._EDGE_REASON_TO_COLOR[edge.reason]
-    if edge.cost > self._LONG_EDGE_THRESHOLD_MS:
-      style['penwidth'] = '5'
-      style['weight'] = '2'
-    style_str = '; '.join('%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in style.items())
-    label = '%.02f' % edge.cost
-    if edge.activity:
-      separator = ' - '
-      for activity_type, activity_label in self._ACTIVITY_TYPE_LABEL:
-        label += '%s%s:%.02f ' % (
-            separator, activity_label, edge.activity[activity_type])
-        separator = ' '
-    arrow = '[%s; label="%s"]' % (style_str, label)
-    from_request_id = edge.from_node.request.request_id
-    to_request_id = edge.to_node.request.request_id
-    return '"%s" -> "%s" %s;\n' % (from_request_id, to_request_id, arrow)
-def main(trace_file):
-  import subprocess
-  import loading_graph_view
-  import loading_trace
-  import request_dependencies_lens
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(trace_file)
-  dependencies_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(trace)
-  activity = activity_lens.ActivityLens(trace)
-  graph_view = loading_graph_view.LoadingGraphView(trace, dependencies_lens,
-                                                   activity=activity)
-  visualization = LoadingGraphViewVisualization(graph_view)
-  dotfile = trace_file + '.dot'
-  pngfile = trace_file + '.png'
-  with file(dotfile, 'w') as output:
-    visualization.OutputDot(output)
-  subprocess.check_call(['dot', '-Tpng', dotfile, '-o', pngfile])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import sys
-  main(sys.argv[1])
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deleted file mode 100644
index cad3f30..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Represents the trace of a page load."""
-import datetime
-  import ujson as json
-except ImportError:
-  import json
-import time
-import devtools_monitor
-import page_track
-import request_track
-import tracing_track
-class LoadingTrace(object):
-  """Represents the trace of a page load."""
-  _URL_KEY = 'url'
-  _METADATA_KEY = 'metadata'
-  _PAGE_KEY = 'page_track'
-  _REQUEST_KEY = 'request_track'
-  _TRACING_KEY = 'tracing_track'
-  def __init__(self, url, metadata, page, request, track):
-    """Initializes a loading trace instance.
-    Args:
-      url: (str) URL that has been loaded
-      metadata: (dict) Metadata associated with the load.
-      page: (PageTrack) instance of PageTrack.
-      request: (RequestTrack) instance of RequestTrack.
-      track: (TracingTrack) instance of TracingTrack.
-    """
-    self.url = url
-    self.metadata = metadata
-    self.page_track = page
-    self.request_track = request
-    self._tracing_track = track
-    self._tracing_json_str = None
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    """Returns a dictionary representing this instance."""
-    result = {self._URL_KEY: self.url, self._METADATA_KEY: self.metadata,
-              self._PAGE_KEY: self.page_track.ToJsonDict(),
-              self._REQUEST_KEY: self.request_track.ToJsonDict(),
-              self._TRACING_KEY: (self.tracing_track.ToJsonDict()
-                                  if self.tracing_track else None)}
-    return result
-  def ToJsonFile(self, json_path):
-    """Save a json file representing this instance."""
-    json_dict = self.ToJsonDict()
-    with open(json_path, 'w') as output_file:
-       json.dump(json_dict, output_file)
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    """Returns an instance from a dictionary returned by ToJsonDict()."""
-    keys = (cls._URL_KEY, cls._METADATA_KEY, cls._PAGE_KEY, cls._REQUEST_KEY,
-            cls._TRACING_KEY)
-    assert all(key in json_dict for key in keys)
-    page = page_track.PageTrack.FromJsonDict(json_dict[cls._PAGE_KEY])
-    request = request_track.RequestTrack.FromJsonDict(
-        json_dict[cls._REQUEST_KEY])
-    track = tracing_track.TracingTrack.FromJsonDict(
-        json_dict[cls._TRACING_KEY])
-    return LoadingTrace(json_dict[cls._URL_KEY], json_dict[cls._METADATA_KEY],
-                        page, request, track)
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonFile(cls, json_path):
-    """Returns an instance from a json file saved by ToJsonFile()."""
-    with open(json_path) as input_file:
-      return cls.FromJsonDict(json.load(input_file))
-  @classmethod
-  def RecordUrlNavigation(
-      cls, url, connection, chrome_metadata, categories,
-      timeout_seconds=devtools_monitor.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS,
-      stop_delay_multiplier=0):
-    """Create a loading trace by using controller to fetch url.
-    Args:
-      url: (str) url to fetch.
-      connection: An opened devtools connection.
-      chrome_metadata: Dictionary of chrome metadata.
-      categories: as in tracing_track.TracingTrack
-      timeout_seconds: monitoring connection timeout in seconds.
-      stop_delay_multiplier: How long to wait after page load completed before
-        tearing down, relative to the time it took to reach the page load to
-        complete.
-    Returns:
-      LoadingTrace instance.
-    """
-    page = page_track.PageTrack(connection)
-    request = request_track.RequestTrack(connection)
-    trace = tracing_track.TracingTrack(connection, categories)
-    start_date_str = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
-    seconds_since_epoch=time.time()
-    connection.MonitorUrl(url,
-                          timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds,
-                          stop_delay_multiplier=stop_delay_multiplier)
-    trace = cls(url, chrome_metadata, page, request, trace)
-    trace.metadata.update(date=start_date_str,
-                          seconds_since_epoch=seconds_since_epoch)
-    return trace
-  @property
-  def tracing_track(self):
-    if not self._tracing_track:
-      self._RestoreTracingTrack()
-    return self._tracing_track
-  def Slim(self):
-    """Slims the memory usage of a trace by dropping the TraceEvents from it.
-    The tracing track is restored on-demand when accessed.
-    """
-    self._tracing_json_str = json.dumps(self._tracing_track.ToJsonDict())
-    self._tracing_track = None
-  def _RestoreTracingTrack(self):
-    if not self._tracing_json_str:
-      return None
-    self._tracing_track = tracing_track.TracingTrack.FromJsonDict(
-        json.loads(self._tracing_json_str))
-    self._tracing_json_str = None
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index 3c7882d..0000000
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-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import argparse
-import json
-import re
-import sys
-from loading_trace import LoadingTrace
-import request_track
-def _ArgumentParser():
-  """Builds a command line argument's parser.
-  """
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-  subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand', help='subcommand line')
-  # requests listing subcommand.
-  requests_parser = subparsers.add_parser('requests',
-      help='Lists all request from the loading trace.')
-  requests_parser.add_argument('loading_trace', type=str,
-      help='Input loading trace to see the cache usage from.')
-  requests_parser.add_argument('--output',
-      type=argparse.FileType('w'),
-      default=sys.stdout,
-      help='Output destination path if different from stdout.')
-  requests_parser.add_argument('--output-format', type=str, default='{url}',
-      help='Output line format (Default to "{url}")')
-  requests_parser.add_argument('--where',
-      dest='where_statement', type=str,
-      nargs=2, metavar=('FORMAT', 'REGEX'), default=[],
-      help='Where statement to filter such as: --where "{protocol}" "https?"')
-  # requests listing subcommand.
-  prune_parser = subparsers.add_parser('prune',
-      help='Prunes some stuff from traces to make them small.')
-  prune_parser.add_argument('loading_trace', type=file,
-      help='Input path of the loading trace.')
-  prune_parser.add_argument('-t', '--trace-filters',
-      type=str, nargs='+', metavar='REGEX', default=[],
-      help='Regex filters to whitelist trace events.')
-  prune_parser.add_argument('-r', '--request-member-filter',
-      type=str, nargs='+', metavar='REGEX', default=[],
-      help='Regex filters to whitelist requests\' members.')
-  prune_parser.add_argument('-i', '--indent', type=int, default=2,
-      help='Number of space to indent the output.')
-  prune_parser.add_argument('-o', '--output',
-      type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout,
-      help='Output destination path if different from stdout.')
-  return parser
-def ListRequests(loading_trace_path,
-                 output_format='{url}',
-                 where_format='{url}',
-                 where_statement=None):
-  """` requests` Command line tool entry point.
-  Args:
-    loading_trace_path: Path of the loading trace.
-    output_format: Output format of the generated strings.
-    where_format: String formated to be regex tested with <where_statement>
-    where_statement: Regex for selecting request event.
-  Yields:
-    Formated string of the selected request event.
-  Example:
-    Lists all request with timing:
-      ... requests --output-format "{timing} {url}"
-    Lists  HTTP/HTTPS requests that have used the cache:
-      ... requests --where "{protocol} {from_disk_cache}" "https?\S* True"
-  """
-  if where_statement:
-    where_statement = re.compile(where_statement)
-  loading_trace = LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(loading_trace_path)
-  for request_event in loading_trace.request_track.GetEvents():
-    request_event_json = request_event.ToJsonDict()
-    if where_statement != None:
-      where_in = where_format.format(**request_event_json)
-      if not where_statement.match(where_in):
-        continue
-    yield output_format.format(**request_event_json)
-def _PruneMain(args):
-  """` requests` Command line tool entry point.
-  Args:
-    args: Command line parsed arguments.
-  Example:
-    Keep only trace event category:
-      ... prune -t ""
-    Keep only requestStart trace events:
-      ... prune -t "requestStart"
-    Keep only requestStart trace events of the blink.user_timing category:
-      ... prune -t "blink.user_timing:requestStart"
-    Keep only all blink trace event categories:
-      ... prune -t "^blink\.*"
-    Keep only requests' url member:
-      ... prune -r "^url$"
-    Keep only requests' url and document_url members:
-      ... prune -r "^./url$"
-    Keep only requests' url, document_url and initiator members:
-      ... prune -r "^./url$" "initiator"
-  """
-  trace_json = json.load(args.loading_trace)
-  # Filter trace events.
-  regexes = [re.compile(f) for f in args.trace_filters]
-  events = []
-  for event in trace_json['tracing_track']['events']:
-    prune = True
-    for cat in event['cat'].split(','):
-      event_name = cat + ':' + event['name']
-      for regex in regexes:
-        if
-          prune = False
-          break
-      if not prune:
-        events.append(event)
-        break
-  trace_json['tracing_track']['events'] = events
-  # Filter members of requests.
-  regexes = [re.compile(f) for f in args.request_member_filter]
-  for request in trace_json['request_track']['events']:
-    for key in request.keys():
-      prune = True
-      for regex in regexes:
-        if
-          prune = False
-          break
-      if prune:
-        del request[key]
-  json.dump(trace_json, args.output, indent=args.indent)
-  return 0
-def main(command_line_args):
-  """Command line tool entry point."""
-  args = _ArgumentParser().parse_args(command_line_args)
-  if args.subcommand == 'requests':
-    try:
-      where_format = None
-      where_statement = None
-      if args.where_statement:
-        where_format = args.where_statement[0]
-        where_statement = args.where_statement[1]
-      for output_line in ListRequests(loading_trace_path=args.loading_trace,
-                                      output_format=args.output_format,
-                                      where_format=where_format,
-                                      where_statement=where_statement):
-        args.output.write(output_line + '\n')
-      return 0
-    except re.error as e:
-      sys.stderr.write("Invalid where statement REGEX: {}\n{}\n".format(
-          where_statement[1], str(e)))
-    return 1
-  elif args.subcommand == 'prune':
-    return _PruneMain(args)
-  assert False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3a82d1e..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Descriptive metrics for Clovis.
-When executed as a script, prints the amount of data attributed to Ads, and
-shows a graph of the amount of data to download for a new visit to the same
-page, with a given time interval.
-import collections
-import urlparse
-import content_classification_lens
-from request_track import CachingPolicy
-HTTP_OK_LENGTH = len("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n")
-def _RequestTransferSize(request):
-  def HeadersSize(headers):
-    # 4: ':', ' ', '\r', '\n'
-    return sum(len(k) + len(v) + 4 for (k, v) in headers.items())
-  if request.protocol == 'data':
-    return {'get': 0, 'request_headers': 0, 'response_headers': 0, 'body': 0}
-  return {'get': len('GET ') + len(request.url) + 2,
-          'request_headers': HeadersSize(request.request_headers or {}),
-          'response_headers': HeadersSize(request.response_headers or {}),
-          'body': request.encoded_data_length}
-def TransferSize(requests):
-  """Returns the total transfer size (uploaded, downloaded) of requests.
-  This is an estimate as we assume:
-  - 200s (for the size computation)
-  - GET only.
-  Args:
-    requests: ([Request]) List of requests.
-  Returns:
-    (uploaded_bytes (int), downloaded_bytes (int))
-  """
-  uploaded_bytes = 0
-  downloaded_bytes = 0
-  for request in requests:
-    request_bytes = _RequestTransferSize(request)
-    uploaded_bytes += request_bytes['get'] + request_bytes['request_headers']
-    downloaded_bytes += (HTTP_OK_LENGTH
-                         + request_bytes['response_headers']
-                         + request_bytes['body'])
-  return (uploaded_bytes, downloaded_bytes)
-def TotalTransferSize(trace):
-  """Returns the total transfer size (uploaded, downloaded) from a trace."""
-  return TransferSize(trace.request_track.GetEvents())
-def TransferredDataRevisit(trace, after_time_s, assume_validation_ok=False):
-  """Returns the amount of data transferred for a revisit.
-  Args:
-    trace: (LoadingTrace) loading trace.
-    after_time_s: (float) Time in s after which the site is revisited.
-    assume_validation_ok: (bool) Assumes that the resources to validate return
-                          304s.
-  Returns:
-    (uploaded_bytes, downloaded_bytes)
-  """
-  uploaded_bytes = 0
-  downloaded_bytes = 0
-  for request in trace.request_track.GetEvents():
-    caching_policy = CachingPolicy(request)
-    policy = caching_policy.PolicyAtDate(request.wall_time + after_time_s)
-    request_bytes = _RequestTransferSize(request)
-    if policy == CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_NONE:
-      continue
-    uploaded_bytes += request_bytes['get'] + request_bytes['request_headers']
-    if (policy in (CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_SYNC,
-                   CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_ASYNC)
-        and caching_policy.HasValidators() and assume_validation_ok):
-      downloaded_bytes += len('HTTP/1.1 304 NOT MODIFIED\r\n')
-      continue
-    downloaded_bytes += (HTTP_OK_LENGTH
-                         + request_bytes['response_headers']
-                         + request_bytes['body'])
-  return (uploaded_bytes, downloaded_bytes)
-def AdsAndTrackingTransferSize(trace, ad_rules_filename,
-                               tracking_rules_filename):
-  """Returns the transfer size attributed to ads and tracking.
-  Args:
-    trace: (LoadingTrace) a loading trace.
-    ad_rules_filename: (str) Path to an ad rules file.
-    tracking_rules_filename: (str) Path to a tracking rules file.
-  Returns:
-    (uploaded_bytes (int), downloaded_bytes (int))
-  """
-  content_lens = (
-      content_classification_lens.ContentClassificationLens.WithRulesFiles(
-          trace, ad_rules_filename, tracking_rules_filename))
-  requests = content_lens.AdAndTrackingRequests()
-  return TransferSize(requests)
-def DnsRequestsAndCost(trace):
-  """Returns the number and cost of DNS requests for a trace."""
-  requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-  requests_with_dns = [r for r in requests if r.timing.dns_start != -1]
-  dns_requests_count = len(requests_with_dns)
-  dns_cost = sum(r.timing.dns_end - r.timing.dns_start
-                 for r in requests_with_dns)
-  return (dns_requests_count, dns_cost)
-def ConnectionMetrics(trace):
-  """Returns the connection metrics for a given trace.
-  Returns:
-  {
-    'connections': int,
-    'connection_cost_ms': float,
-    'ssl_connections': int,
-    'ssl_cost_ms': float,
-    'http11_requests': int,
-    'h2_requests': int,
-    'data_requests': int,
-    'domains': int
-  }
-  """
-  requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-  requests_with_connect = [r for r in requests if r.timing.connect_start != -1]
-  requests_with_connect_count = len(requests_with_connect)
-  connection_cost = sum(r.timing.connect_end - r.timing.connect_start
-                        for r in requests_with_connect)
-  ssl_requests = [r for r in requests if r.timing.ssl_start != -1]
-  ssl_requests_count = len(ssl_requests)
-  ssl_cost = sum(r.timing.ssl_end - r.timing.ssl_start for r in ssl_requests)
-  requests_per_protocol = collections.defaultdict(int)
-  for r in requests:
-    requests_per_protocol[r.protocol] += 1
-  domains = set()
-  for r in requests:
-    if r.protocol == 'data':
-      continue
-    domain = urlparse.urlparse(r.url).hostname
-    domains.add(domain)
-  return {
-    'connections': requests_with_connect_count,
-    'connection_cost_ms': connection_cost,
-    'ssl_connections': ssl_requests_count,
-    'ssl_cost_ms': ssl_cost,
-    'http11_requests': requests_per_protocol['http/1.1'],
-    'h2_requests': requests_per_protocol['h2'],
-    'data_requests': requests_per_protocol['data'],
-    'domains': len(domains)
-  }
-def PlotTransferSizeVsTimeBetweenVisits(trace):
-  times = [10, 60, 300, 600, 3600, 4 * 3600, 12 * 3600, 24 * 3600]
-  labels = ['10s', '1m', '10m', '1h', '4h', '12h', '1d']
-  (_, total_downloaded) = TotalTransferSize(trace)
-  downloaded = [TransferredDataRevisit(trace, delta_t)[1] for delta_t in times]
-  plt.figure()
-  plt.title('Amount of data to download for a revisit - %s' % trace.url)
-  plt.xlabel('Time between visits (log)')
-  plt.ylabel('Amount of data (bytes)')
-  plt.plot(times, downloaded, 'k+--')
-  plt.axhline(total_downloaded, color='k', linewidth=2)
-  plt.xscale('log')
-  plt.xticks(times, labels)
-def main(trace_filename, ad_rules_filename, tracking_rules_filename):
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(trace_filename)
-  (_, ads_downloaded_bytes) = AdsAndTrackingTransferSize(
-      trace, ad_rules_filename, tracking_rules_filename)
-  (_, total_downloaded_bytes) = TotalTransferSize(trace)
-  print '%e bytes linked to Ads/Tracking (%.02f%%)' % (
-      ads_downloaded_bytes,
-      (100. * ads_downloaded_bytes) / total_downloaded_bytes)
-  PlotTransferSizeVsTimeBetweenVisits(trace)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import sys
-  from matplotlib import pylab as plt
-  import loading_trace
-  if len(sys.argv) != 4:
-    print (
-        'Usage: %s trace_filename ad_rules_filename tracking_rules_filename'
-        % sys.argv[0])
-    sys.exit(0)
-  main(*sys.argv[1:])
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deleted file mode 100644
index b10a529..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import copy
-import unittest
-import metrics
-import request_track
-import test_utils
-class MetricsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  _BODY_SIZE = 14187
-  _URL = ''
-  _REQUEST_HEADERS_SIZE = (len(_URL) + len('GET ') + 2
-                           + len('Accept: Everything\r\n'))
-  _REQUEST = {
-      'encoded_data_length': _BODY_SIZE,
-      'request_id': '2291.1',
-      'request_headers': {
-          'Accept': 'Everything',
-      },
-      'response_headers': {
-          'Age': '866',
-          'Content-Length': str(_BODY_SIZE),
-          'Etag': 'ABCD',
-          'Date': 'Fri, 22 Apr 2016 08:56:19 -0200',
-          'Vary': 'Accept-Encoding',
-      },
-      'timestamp': 5535648.730768,
-      'timing': {
-          'receive_headers_end': 47.0650000497699,
-          'request_time': 5535648.73264,
-      },
-      'url': _URL,
-      'status': 200,
-      'wall_time': 1461322579.59422}
-  def testTransferredDataRevisitNoCache(self):
-    trace = self._MakeTrace()
-    (uploaded, downloaded) = metrics.TransferredDataRevisit(trace, 10)
-    self.assertEqual(self._REQUEST_HEADERS_SIZE, uploaded)
-    self.assertEqual(self._BODY_SIZE + self._RESPONSE_HEADERS_SIZE, downloaded)
-  def testTransferredDataRevisitNoCacheAssumeValidates(self):
-    trace = self._MakeTrace()
-    (uploaded, downloaded) = metrics.TransferredDataRevisit(trace, 10, True)
-    self.assertEqual(self._REQUEST_HEADERS_SIZE, uploaded)
-    not_modified_length = len('HTTP/1.1 304 NOT MODIFIED\r\n')
-    self.assertEqual(not_modified_length, downloaded)
-  def testTransferredDataRevisitCacheable(self):
-    trace = self._MakeTrace()
-    r = trace.request_track.GetEvents()[0]
-    r.response_headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=1000'
-    (uploaded, downloaded) = metrics.TransferredDataRevisit(trace, 10)
-    self.assertEqual(0, uploaded)
-    self.assertEqual(0, downloaded)
-    (uploaded, downloaded) = metrics.TransferredDataRevisit(trace, 1000)
-    self.assertEqual(self._REQUEST_HEADERS_SIZE, uploaded)
-    cache_control_length = len('Cache-Control: max-age=1000\r\n')
-    self.assertEqual(
-        self._BODY_SIZE + self._RESPONSE_HEADERS_SIZE + cache_control_length,
-        downloaded)
-  def testTransferSize(self):
-    trace = self._MakeTrace()
-    r = trace.request_track.GetEvents()[0]
-    (_, downloaded) = metrics.TransferSize([r])
-    self.assertEqual(self._BODY_SIZE + self._RESPONSE_HEADERS_SIZE,
-                     downloaded)
-  def testDnsRequestsAndCost(self):
-    trace = self._MakeTrace()
-    (count, cost) = metrics.DnsRequestsAndCost(trace)
-    self.assertEqual(0, count)
-    self.assertEqual(0, cost)
-    r = trace.request_track.GetEvents()[0]
-    r.timing.dns_end = 12
-    r.timing.dns_start = 4
-    (count, cost) = metrics.DnsRequestsAndCost(trace)
-    self.assertEqual(1, count)
-    self.assertEqual(8, cost)
-  def testConnectionMetrics(self):
-    requests = [request_track.Request.FromJsonDict(copy.deepcopy(self._REQUEST))
-                for _ in xrange(3)]
-    requests[0].url = ''
-    requests[0].protocol = 'http/1.1'
-    requests[0].timing.connect_start = 12
-    requests[0].timing.connect_end = 42
-    requests[0].timing.ssl_start = 50
-    requests[0].timing.ssl_end = 70
-    requests[1].url = ''
-    requests[1].protocol = 'h2'
-    requests[1].timing.connect_start = 22
-    requests[1].timing.connect_end = 73
-    requests[2].url = ''
-    requests[2].protocol = 'http/42'
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(requests)
-    stats = metrics.ConnectionMetrics(trace)
-    self.assertEqual(2, stats['connections'])
-    self.assertEqual(81, stats['connection_cost_ms'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, stats['ssl_connections'])
-    self.assertEqual(20, stats['ssl_cost_ms'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, stats['http11_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, stats['h2_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(0, stats['data_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(2, stats['domains'])
-  @classmethod
-  def _MakeTrace(cls):
-    request = request_track.Request.FromJsonDict(copy.deepcopy(cls._REQUEST))
-    return test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents([request])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7e087e4..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Gives a picture of the network activity between timestamps."""
-import bisect
-import collections
-import itertools
-import operator
-class NetworkActivityLens(object):
-  """Reconstructs the network activity during a trace.
-  The {uploaded,downloaded}_bytes_timeline timelines are:
-  ([timestamp_msec], [value_at_timestamp]). Bytes are counted when a
-  network event completes.
-  The rate timelines are:
-  ([timestamp_msec], [rate]), where the rate is computed over the time
-  period ending at timestamp_msec.
-  For all the timelines, the list of timestamps are identical.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, trace):
-    """Initializes a NetworkActivityLens instance.
-    Args:
-      trace: (LoadingTrace)
-    """
-    self._trace = trace
-    self._start_end_times = []
-    self._active_events_list = []
-    self._uploaded_bytes_timeline = []
-    self._downloaded_bytes_timeline = []
-    self._upload_rate_timeline = []
-    self._download_rate_timeline = []
-    self._total_downloaded_bytes = 0
-    requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-    self._network_events = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
-        NetworkEvent.EventsFromRequest(request) for request in requests))
-    self._IndexEvents()
-    self._CreateTimelines()
-  @property
-  def uploaded_bytes_timeline(self): # (timestamps, data)
-    return (self._start_end_times, self._uploaded_bytes_timeline)
-  @property
-  def downloaded_bytes_timeline(self):
-    return (self._start_end_times, self._downloaded_bytes_timeline)
-  @property
-  def upload_rate_timeline(self):
-    return (self._start_end_times, self._upload_rate_timeline)
-  @property
-  def download_rate_timeline(self):
-    return (self._start_end_times, self._download_rate_timeline)
-  @property
-  def total_download_bytes(self):
-    return self._total_downloaded_bytes
-  def DownloadedBytesAt(self, time_msec):
-    """Return the the downloaded bytes at a given timestamp.
-    Args:
-      time_msec: a timestamp, in the same scale as the timelines.
-    Returns:
-      The total bytes downloaded up until the time period ending at time_msec.
-    """
-    # We just do a linear cumulative sum. Currently this is only called a couple
-    # of times, so making an indexed cumulative sum does not seem to be worth
-    # the bother.
-    total_bytes = 0
-    previous_msec = self.downloaded_bytes_timeline[0][0]
-    for msec, nbytes in zip(*self.downloaded_bytes_timeline):
-      if msec < time_msec:
-        total_bytes += nbytes
-        previous_msec = msec
-      else:
-        if time_msec > previous_msec:
-          fraction_of_chunk = ((time_msec - previous_msec)
-                               / (msec - previous_msec))
-          total_bytes += float(nbytes) * fraction_of_chunk
-        break
-    return total_bytes
-  def _IndexEvents(self):
-    start_end_times_set = set()
-    for event in self._network_events:
-      start_end_times_set.add(event.start_msec)
-      start_end_times_set.add(event.end_msec)
-    self._start_end_times = sorted(list(start_end_times_set))
-    self._active_events_list = [[] for _ in self._start_end_times]
-    for event in self._network_events:
-      start_index = bisect.bisect_right(
-          self._start_end_times, event.start_msec) - 1
-      end_index = bisect.bisect_right(
-          self._start_end_times, event.end_msec)
-      for index in range(start_index, end_index):
-        self._active_events_list[index].append(event)
-  def _CreateTimelines(self):
-    for (index, timestamp) in enumerate(self._start_end_times):
-      upload_rate = sum(
-          e.UploadRate() for e in self._active_events_list[index]
-          if timestamp != e.end_msec)
-      download_rate = sum(
-          e.DownloadRate() for e in self._active_events_list[index]
-          if timestamp != e.end_msec)
-      uploaded_bytes = sum(
-          e.UploadedBytes() for e in self._active_events_list[index]
-          if timestamp == e.end_msec)
-      downloaded_bytes = sum(
-          e.DownloadedBytes() for e in self._active_events_list[index]
-          if timestamp == e.end_msec)
-      self._total_downloaded_bytes += downloaded_bytes
-      self._uploaded_bytes_timeline.append(uploaded_bytes)
-      self._downloaded_bytes_timeline.append(downloaded_bytes)
-      self._upload_rate_timeline.append(upload_rate)
-      self._download_rate_timeline.append(download_rate)
-class NetworkEvent(object):
-  """Represents a network event."""
-  KINDS = set(
-      ('dns', 'connect', 'send', 'receive_headers', 'receive_body'))
-  def __init__(self, request, kind, start_msec, end_msec, chunk_index=None):
-    """Creates a NetworkEvent."""
-    self._request = request
-    self._kind = kind
-    self.start_msec = start_msec
-    self.end_msec = end_msec
-    self._chunk_index = chunk_index
-  @classmethod
-  def _GetStartEndOffsetsMsec(cls, request, kind, index=None):
-    start_offset, end_offset = (0, 0)
-    r = request
-    if kind == 'dns':
-      start_offset = r.timing.dns_start
-      end_offset = r.timing.dns_end
-    elif kind == 'connect':
-      start_offset = r.timing.connect_start
-      end_offset = r.timing.connect_end
-    elif kind == 'send':
-      start_offset = r.timing.send_start
-      end_offset = r.timing.send_end
-    elif kind == 'receive_headers': # There is no responseReceived timing.
-      start_offset = r.timing.send_end
-      end_offset = r.timing.receive_headers_end
-    elif kind == 'receive_body':
-      if index is None:
-        start_offset = r.timing.receive_headers_end
-        end_offset = r.timing.loading_finished
-      else:
-        # Some chunks can correspond to no data.
-        i = index - 1
-        while i >= 0:
-          (offset, size) = r.data_chunks[i]
-          if size != 0:
-            previous_chunk_start = offset
-            break
-          i -= 1
-        else:
-          previous_chunk_start = r.timing.receive_headers_end
-        start_offset = previous_chunk_start
-        end_offset = r.data_chunks[index][0]
-    return (start_offset, end_offset)
-  @classmethod
-  def EventsFromRequest(cls, request):
-    # TODO(lizeb): This ignore forced revalidations.
-    if (request.from_disk_cache or request.served_from_cache
-        or request.IsDataRequest()):
-      return []
-    events = []
-    for kind in cls.KINDS - set(['receive_body']):
-      event = cls._EventWithKindFromRequest(request, kind)
-      if event:
-        events.append(event)
-    kind = 'receive_body'
-    if request.data_chunks:
-      for (index, chunk) in enumerate(request.data_chunks):
-        if chunk[0] != 0:
-          event = cls._EventWithKindFromRequest(request, kind, index)
-          if event:
-            events.append(event)
-    else:
-      event = cls._EventWithKindFromRequest(request, kind, None)
-      if event:
-        events.append(event)
-    return events
-  @classmethod
-  def _EventWithKindFromRequest(cls, request, kind, index=None):
-    (start_offset, end_offset) = cls._GetStartEndOffsetsMsec(
-        request, kind, index)
-    event = cls(request, kind, request.start_msec + start_offset,
-                request.start_msec + end_offset, index)
-    if start_offset == -1 or end_offset == -1:
-      return None
-    return event
-  def UploadedBytes(self):
-    """Returns the number of bytes uploaded during this event."""
-    if self._kind not in ('send'):
-      return 0
-    # Headers are not compressed (ignoring SPDY / HTTP/2)
-    if not self._request.request_headers:
-      return 0
-    return sum(len(k) + len(str(v)) for (k, v)
-               in self._request.request_headers.items())
-  def DownloadedBytes(self):
-    """Returns the number of bytes downloaded during this event."""
-    if self._kind not in ('receive_headers', 'receive_body'):
-      return 0
-    if self._kind == 'receive_headers':
-      return sum(len(k) + len(str(v)) for (k, v)
-                 in self._request.response_headers.items())
-    else:
-      if self._chunk_index is None:
-        return self._request.encoded_data_length
-      else:
-        return self._request.data_chunks[self._chunk_index][1]
-  def UploadRate(self):
-    """Returns the upload rate of this event in Bytes / s."""
-    return 1000 * self.UploadedBytes() / float(self.end_msec - self.start_msec)
-  def DownloadRate(self):
-    """Returns the download rate of this event in Bytes / s."""
-    downloaded_bytes = self.DownloadedBytes()
-    value = 1000 * downloaded_bytes / float(self.end_msec - self.start_msec)
-    return value
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b2031e..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import copy
-import unittest
-from network_activity_lens import NetworkActivityLens
-import test_utils
-class NetworkActivityLensTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testTimeline(self):
-    timing_dict = {
-        'requestTime': 1.2,
-        'dnsStart': 20, 'dnsEnd': 30,
-        'connectStart': 50, 'connectEnd': 60,
-        'sendStart': 70, 'sendEnd': 80,
-        'receiveHeadersEnd': 90,
-        'loadingFinished': 100}
-    request = test_utils.MakeRequestWithTiming(1, 2, timing_dict)
-    lens = self._NetworkActivityLens([request])
-    start_end_times = lens.uploaded_bytes_timeline[0]
-    expected_start_times = [
-        1220., 1230., 1250., 1260., 1270., 1280., 1290., 1300.]
-    self.assertListEqual(expected_start_times, start_end_times)
-    timing_dict = copy.copy(timing_dict)
-    timing_dict['requestTime'] += .005
-    second_request = test_utils.MakeRequestWithTiming(1, 2, timing_dict)
-    lens = self._NetworkActivityLens([request, second_request])
-    start_end_times = lens.uploaded_bytes_timeline[0]
-    expected_start_times = sorted(
-        expected_start_times + [x + 5. for x in expected_start_times])
-    for (expected, actual) in zip(expected_start_times, start_end_times):
-      self.assertAlmostEquals(expected, actual)
-  def testTransferredBytes(self):
-    timing_dict = {
-        'requestTime': 1.2,
-        'dnsStart': 20, 'dnsEnd': 30,
-        'connectStart': 50, 'connectEnd': 60,
-        'sendStart': 70, 'sendEnd': 80,
-        'receiveHeadersEnd': 90,
-        'loadingFinished': 100}
-    request = test_utils.MakeRequestWithTiming(1, 2, timing_dict)
-    request.request_headers = {'a': 'b'}
-    request.response_headers = {'c': 'def'}
-    lens = self._NetworkActivityLens([request])
-    # Upload
-    upload_timeline = lens.uploaded_bytes_timeline
-    self.assertEquals(1270, upload_timeline[0][4])
-    self.assertEquals(1280, upload_timeline[0][5])
-    self.assertEquals(0, upload_timeline[1][4])
-    self.assertEquals(2, upload_timeline[1][5])
-    self.assertEquals(0, upload_timeline[1][6])
-    upload_rate = lens.upload_rate_timeline
-    self.assertEquals(2 / 10e-3, upload_rate[1][4])
-    self.assertEquals(0, upload_rate[1][5])
-    # Download
-    download_timeline = lens.downloaded_bytes_timeline
-    download_rate = lens.download_rate_timeline
-    self.assertEquals(1280, download_timeline[0][5])
-    self.assertEquals(1290, download_timeline[0][6])
-    self.assertEquals(0, download_timeline[1][5])
-    self.assertEquals(4, download_timeline[1][6])
-    self.assertEquals(0, download_timeline[1][7])
-    download_rate = lens.download_rate_timeline
-    self.assertEquals(4 / 10e-3, download_rate[1][5])
-    self.assertEquals(0, download_rate[1][6])
-    self.assertAlmostEquals(4, lens.total_download_bytes)
-  def testLongRequest(self):
-    timing_dict = {
-        'requestTime': 1200,
-        'dnsStart': 20, 'dnsEnd': 30,
-        'connectStart': 50, 'connectEnd': 60,
-        'sendStart': 70, 'sendEnd': 80,
-        'receiveHeadersEnd': 90,
-        'loadingFinished': 100}
-    request = test_utils.MakeRequestWithTiming(1, 2, timing_dict)
-    request.response_headers = {}
-    timing_dict = {
-        'requestTime': 1200,
-        'dnsStart': 2, 'dnsEnd': 3,
-        'connectStart': 5, 'connectEnd': 6,
-        'sendStart': 7, 'sendEnd': 8,
-        'receiveHeadersEnd': 10,
-        'loadingFinished': 1000}
-    long_request = test_utils.MakeRequestWithTiming(1, 2, timing_dict)
-    long_request.response_headers = {}
-    long_request.encoded_data_length = 1000
-    lens = self._NetworkActivityLens([request, long_request])
-    (timestamps, downloaded_bytes) = lens.downloaded_bytes_timeline
-    (_, download_rate) = lens.download_rate_timeline
-    start_receive = (long_request.start_msec
-                     + long_request.timing.receive_headers_end)
-    end_receive = (long_request.start_msec
-                   + long_request.timing.loading_finished)
-    self.assertEquals(1000, downloaded_bytes[-1])
-    for (index, timestamp) in enumerate(timestamps):
-      if start_receive < timestamp < end_receive:
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(1000 / 990e-3, download_rate[index])
-        self.assertEquals(0, downloaded_bytes[index])
-    self.assertEquals(1000, downloaded_bytes[-1])
-  def testDownloadedBytesAt(self):
-    timing_dict = {
-        'requestTime': 1.2,
-        'dnsStart': 20, 'dnsEnd': 30,
-        'connectStart': 50, 'connectEnd': 60,
-        'sendStart': 70, 'sendEnd': 80,
-        'receiveHeadersEnd': 90,
-        'loadingFinished': 100}
-    request = test_utils.MakeRequestWithTiming(1, 2, timing_dict)
-    lens = self._NetworkActivityLens([request])
-    # See testTransferredBytes for key events times. We test around events at
-    # the start, middle and end of the data transfer as well as for the
-    # interpolation.
-    self.assertEquals(0, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1219))
-    self.assertEquals(0, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1220))
-    self.assertEquals(0, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1225))
-    self.assertEquals(0, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1280))
-    self.assertEquals(1.6, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1281))
-    self.assertEquals(8, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1285))
-    self.assertEquals(14.4, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1289))
-    self.assertEquals(16, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1290))
-    self.assertEquals(16, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1291))
-    self.assertEquals(16, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1295))
-    self.assertEquals(16, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1300))
-    self.assertEquals(16, lens.DownloadedBytesAt(1400))
-  def _NetworkActivityLens(self, requests):
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(requests)
-    return NetworkActivityLens(trace)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100755
index a118823..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Graphs the CPU and network activity during a load."""
-import numpy as np
-import matplotlib
-from matplotlib import pylab as plt
-import sys
-import activity_lens
-import loading_trace
-import network_activity_lens
-def _CpuActivityTimeline(cpu_lens, start_msec, end_msec, granularity):
-  cpu_timestamps = np.arange(start_msec, end_msec, granularity)
-  busy_percentage = []
-  print len(cpu_timestamps)
-  for i in range(len(cpu_timestamps) - 1):
-    (start, end) = (cpu_timestamps[i], cpu_timestamps[i + 1])
-    duration = end - start
-    busy_ms = cpu_lens.MainRendererThreadBusyness(start, end)
-    busy_percentage.append(100 * busy_ms / float(duration))
-  return (cpu_timestamps[:-1], np.array(busy_percentage))
-def GraphTimelines(trace):
-  """Creates a figure of Network and CPU activity for a trace.
-  Args:
-    trace: (LoadingTrace)
-  Returns:
-    A matplotlib.pylab.figure.
-  """
-  cpu_lens = activity_lens.ActivityLens(trace)
-  network_lens = network_activity_lens.NetworkActivityLens(trace)
-  matplotlib.rc('font', size=14)
-  figure, (network, cpu) = plt.subplots(2, sharex = True, figsize=(14, 10))
-  figure.suptitle('Network and CPU Activity - %s' % trace.url)
-  upload_timeline = network_lens.uploaded_bytes_timeline
-  download_timeline = network_lens.downloaded_bytes_timeline
-  start_time = upload_timeline[0][0]
-  end_time = upload_timeline[0][-1]
-  times = np.array(upload_timeline[0]) - start_time
-  network.step(times, np.cumsum(download_timeline[1]) / 1e6, label='Download')
-  network.step(times, np.cumsum(upload_timeline[1]) / 1e6, label='Upload')
-  network.legend(loc='lower right')
-  network.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
-  network.set_ylabel('Total Data Transferred (MB)')
-  (cpu_timestamps, cpu_busyness) = _CpuActivityTimeline(
-      cpu_lens, start_time, end_time, 100)
-  cpu.step(cpu_timestamps - start_time, cpu_busyness)
-  cpu.set_ylim(ymin=0, ymax=100)
-  cpu.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
-  cpu.set_ylabel('Main Renderer Thread Busyness (%)')
-  return figure
-def main():
-  filename = sys.argv[1]
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(filename)
-  figure = GraphTimelines(trace, filename + '.pdf')
-  output_filename = filename + '.pdf'
-  figure.savefig(output_filename, dpi=300)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100755
index 79d3b06..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import argparse
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-from processing import (SitesFromDir, WarmGraph, ColdGraph)
-def main():
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR)
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-      description=('Convert a directory created by ./ fetch '
-                   'to a node cost CSV which compares cold and warm total '
-                   'node costs.'))
-  parser.add_argument('--datadir', required=True)
-  parser.add_argument('--csv', required=True)
-  parser.add_argument('--noads', action='store_true')
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  sites = SitesFromDir(args.datadir)
-  with open(args.csv, 'w') as output:
-    output.write('site,,,cold.common,warm.common,'
-                 'cold.node.count,common.cold.node.count,'
-                 'cold.all.edges,warm.all.edges,'
-                 'cold.common.edges,warm.common.edges,'
-                 'cold.edge.fraction,common.cold.edge.fraction\n')
-    for site in sites:
-      print site
-      warm = WarmGraph(args.datadir, site)
-      if args.noads:
-        warm.Set(node_filter=warm.FilterAds)
-      cold = ColdGraph(args.datadir, site)
-      if args.noads:
-        cold.Set(node_filter=cold.FilterAds)
-      common = [p for p in cold.Intersect(warm.Nodes())]
-      common_cold = set([c.Node() for c, w in common])
-      common_warm = set([w.Node() for c, w in common])
-      output.write(','.join([str(s) for s in [
-          site,
-          sum((n.NodeCost() for n in cold.Nodes())),
-          sum((n.NodeCost() for n in warm.Nodes())),
-          sum((c.NodeCost() for c, w in common)),
-          sum((w.NodeCost() for c, w in common)),
-          sum((1 for n in cold.Nodes())),
-          len(common),
-          cold.EdgeCosts(), warm.EdgeCosts(),
-          cold.EdgeCosts(lambda n: n in common_cold),
-          warm.EdgeCosts(lambda n: n in common_warm),
-          (cold.EdgeCosts() /
-           sum((n.NodeCost() for n in cold.Nodes()))),
-          (cold.EdgeCosts(lambda n: n in common_cold) /
-           sum((c.NodeCost() for c, w in common)))
-          ]]) + '\n')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c6234c..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import argparse
-import os.path
-import sys
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'build', 'android'))
-from pylib import constants
-class Options(object):
-  """Global options repository.
-  ParseArgs must be called before use. See _ARGS for common members, these will
-  be available as instance attributes (eg, OPTIONS.clear_cache).
-  """
-  # Tuples of (argument name, default value, help string).
-  _ARGS = [ ('chrome_package_name', 'chrome',
-             'build/android/pylib/constants package description'),
-            ('devtools_hostname', 'localhost',
-             'hostname for devtools websocket connection'),
-            ('devtools_port', 9222,
-             'port for devtools websocket connection'),
-            ('local_build_dir', None,
-             'Build directory for local binary files such as chrome'),
-            ('local_noisy', False,
-             'Enable local chrome console output'),
-            ('local_profile_dir', None,
-             'profile directory to use for local runs'),
-            ('no_sandbox', False,
-             'pass --no-sandbox to browser (local run only; see also '
-             ''
-             'docs/'),
-            ('devices_file', _SRC_DIR + '/third_party/blink/renderer/devtools'
-             '/front_end/emulated_devices/module.json', 'File containing a'
-             ' list of emulated devices characteristics.')
-          ]
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._arg_set = set()
-    self._parsed_args = None
-  def AddGlobalArgument(self, arg_name, default, help_str):
-    """Add a global argument.
-    Args:
-      arg_name: the name of the argument. This will be used as an optional --
-        argument.
-      default: the default value for the argument. The type of this default will
-        be used as the type of the argument.
-      help_str: the argument help string.
-    """
-    self._ARGS.append((arg_name, default, help_str))
-  def ParseArgs(self, arg_list, description=None, extra=None):
-    """Parse command line arguments.
-    Args:
-      arg_list: command line argument list.
-      description: description to use in argument parser.
-      extra: additional required arguments to add. These will be exposed as
-        instance attributes. This is either a list of extra arguments, or a
-        single string or tuple. If a tuple, the first item is the argument and
-        the second a default, otherwise the argument is required. Arguments are
-        used as in argparse, ie those beginning with -- are named, and those
-        without a dash are positional. Don't use a single dash.
-    """
-    parser = self._MakeParser(description, extra)
-    self._parsed_args = parser.parse_args(arg_list)
-  def ExtractArgs(self, arg_list):
-    """Extract arguments from arg_str.
-    Args:
-      arg_list: command line argument list. It will be changed so that arguments
-        used by this options instance are removed.
-    """
-    parser = self._MakeParser()
-    (self._parsed_args, unused) = parser.parse_known_args(arg_list)
-    del arg_list[:]
-    arg_list.extend(unused)
-  def GetParentParser(self, group_name='Global'):
-    """Returns a parser suitable for passing in as a parent to argparse.
-    Args:
-      group_name: A group name for the parser (see argparse's
-        add_argument_group).
-    Returns:
-      An argparse parser instance.
-    """
-    return self._MakeParser(group=group_name)
-  def SetParsedArgs(self, parsed_args):
-    """Set parsed args. Used with GetParentParser.
-    Args:
-      parsed_args: the result of argparse.parse_args or similar.
-    """
-    self._parsed_args = parsed_args
-  def _MakeParser(self, description=None, extra=None, group=None):
-    self._arg_set = set()
-    add_help = True if group is None else False
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description=description, add_help=add_help)
-    container = parser if group is None else parser.add_argument_group(group)
-    for arg, default, help_str in self._ARGS:
-      # All global options are named.
-      arg = '--' + arg
-      self._AddArg(container, arg, default, help_str=help_str)
-    if extra is not None:
-      if type(extra) is not list:
-        extra = [extra]
-      for arg in extra:
-        if type(arg) is tuple:
-          argname, default = arg
-          self._AddArg(container, argname, default)
-        else:
-          self._AddArg(container, arg, None, required=True)
-    return parser
-  def _AddArg(self, container, arg, default, required=False, help_str=None):
-    assert not arg.startswith('-') or arg.startswith('--'), \
-        "Single dash arguments aren't supported: %s" % arg
-    arg_name = arg
-    if arg.startswith('--'):
-      arg_name = arg[2:]
-    assert arg_name not in self._arg_set, \
-      '%s extra arg is a duplicate' % arg_name
-    self._arg_set.add(arg_name)
-    kwargs = {}
-    if required and arg.startswith('--'):
-      kwargs['required'] = required
-    if help_str is not None:
-      kwargs['help'] = help_str
-    if default is not None:
-      if type(default) is bool:
-        # If the default of a switch is true, setting the flag stores false.
-        if default:
-          kwargs['action'] = 'store_false'
-        else:
-          kwargs['action'] = 'store_true'
-      else:
-        kwargs['default'] = default
-        kwargs['type'] = type(default)
-    container.add_argument(arg, **kwargs)
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    if name in self._arg_set:
-      assert self._parsed_args, 'Option requested before ParseArgs called'
-      return getattr(self._parsed_args, name)
-    raise AttributeError(name)
-  def ChromePackage(self):
-    return constants.PACKAGE_INFO[self.chrome_package_name]
-  def LocalBinary(self, binary_name):
-    """Get local binary path from its name."""
-    assert self.local_build_dir, '--local_build_dir needs to be set.'
-    path = os.path.join(self.local_build_dir, binary_name)
-    assert os.path.isfile(path), \
-        'Missing binary file {} (wrong --local_build_dir?).'.format(path)
-    return path
-OPTIONS = Options()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ecca66..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import argparse
-import unittest
-import options
-class OptionsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testExtract(self):
-    args = ['--A', 'foo', '--devtools_port', '2000', '--B=20',
-            '--no_sandbox', '--C', '30', 'baz']
-    opts = options.Options()
-    opts.ExtractArgs(args)
-    self.assertEqual(['--A', 'foo', '--B=20', '--C', '30', 'baz'], args)
-    self.assertEqual(2000, opts.devtools_port)
-    self.assertTrue(opts.no_sandbox)
-  def testParent(self):
-    opts = options.Options()
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[opts.GetParentParser()])
-    parser.add_argument('--foo', type=int)
-    parsed_args = parser.parse_args(['--foo=4', '--devtools_port', '2000'])
-    self.assertEqual(4,
-    opts.SetParsedArgs(parsed_args)
-    self.assertEqual(2000, opts.devtools_port)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc904ba..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import devtools_monitor
-class PageTrack(devtools_monitor.Track):
-  """Records the events from the page track."""
-  _METHODS = ('Page.frameStartedLoading', 'Page.frameStoppedLoading',
-              'Page.frameAttached')
-  FRAME_STARTED_LOADING = 'Page.frameStartedLoading'
-  def __init__(self, connection):
-    super(PageTrack, self).__init__(connection)
-    self._connection = connection
-    self._events = []
-    self._pending_frames = set()
-    self._known_frames = set()
-    self._main_frame_id = None
-    if self._connection:
-      for method in PageTrack._METHODS:
-        self._connection.RegisterListener(method, self)
-  def Handle(self, method, msg):
-    assert method in PageTrack._METHODS
-    params = msg['params']
-    frame_id = params['frameId']
-    should_stop = False
-    event = {'method': method, 'frame_id': frame_id}
-    if method == self.FRAME_STARTED_LOADING:
-      if self._main_frame_id is None:
-        self._main_frame_id = params['frameId']
-      self._pending_frames.add(frame_id)
-      self._known_frames.add(frame_id)
-    elif method == 'Page.frameStoppedLoading':
-      assert frame_id in self._pending_frames
-      self._pending_frames.remove(frame_id)
-      if frame_id == self._main_frame_id:
-        should_stop = True
-    elif method == 'Page.frameAttached':
-      self._known_frames.add(frame_id)
-      parent_frame = params['parentFrameId']
-      assert parent_frame in self._known_frames
-      event['parent_frame_id'] = parent_frame
-    self._events.append(event)
-    if should_stop and self._connection:
-      self._connection.StopMonitoring()
-  def GetEvents(self):
-    #TODO(lizeb): Add more checks here (child frame stops loading before parent,
-    #for instance).
-    return self._events
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    return {'events': [event for event in self._events]}
-  def GetMainFrameId(self):
-    """Returns the Id (str) of the main frame, or raises a ValueError."""
-    for event in self._events:
-      if event['method'] == self.FRAME_STARTED_LOADING:
-        return event['frame_id']
-    else:
-      raise ValueError('No frame loads in the track.')
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    assert 'events' in json_dict
-    result = PageTrack(None)
-    events = [event for event in json_dict['events']]
-    result._events = events
-    return result
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index 3056d99..0000000
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-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-import devtools_monitor
-from page_track import PageTrack
-class MockDevToolsConnection(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.stop_has_been_called = False
-  def RegisterListener(self, name, listener):
-    pass
-  def StopMonitoring(self):
-    self.stop_has_been_called = True
-class PageTrackTest(unittest.TestCase):
-  _EVENTS = [{'method': 'Page.frameStartedLoading',
-              'params': {'frameId': '1234.1'}},
-             {'method': 'Page.frameAttached',
-              'params': {'frameId': '1234.12', 'parentFrameId': '1234.1'}},
-             {'method': 'Page.frameStartedLoading',
-              'params': {'frameId': '1234.12'}},
-             {'method': 'Page.frameStoppedLoading',
-              'params': {'frameId': '1234.12'}},
-             {'method': 'Page.frameStoppedLoading',
-              'params': {'frameId': '1234.1'}}]
-  def testAsksMonitoringToStop(self):
-    devtools_connection = MockDevToolsConnection()
-    page_track = PageTrack(devtools_connection)
-    for msg in PageTrackTest._EVENTS[:-1]:
-      page_track.Handle(msg['method'], msg)
-      self.assertFalse(devtools_connection.stop_has_been_called)
-    msg = PageTrackTest._EVENTS[-1]
-    page_track.Handle(msg['method'], msg)
-    self.assertTrue(devtools_connection.stop_has_been_called)
-  def testUnknownParent(self):
-    page_track = PageTrack(None)
-    msg = {'method': 'Page.frameAttached',
-           'params': {'frameId': '1234.12', 'parentFrameId': '1234.1'}}
-    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
-      page_track.Handle(msg['method'], msg)
-  def testStopsLoadingUnknownFrame(self):
-    page_track = PageTrack(None)
-    msg = {'method': 'Page.frameStoppedLoading',
-           'params': {'frameId': '1234.12'}}
-    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
-      page_track.Handle(msg['method'], msg)
-  def testGetMainFrameId(self):
-    devtools_connection = MockDevToolsConnection()
-    page_track = PageTrack(devtools_connection)
-    for msg in PageTrackTest._EVENTS:
-      page_track.Handle(msg['method'], msg)
-    self.assertEquals('1234.1', page_track.GetMainFrameId())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index cbd882a..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Models the effect of prefetching resources from a loading trace.
-For example, this can be used to evaluate NoState Prefetch
-When executed as a script, takes a trace as a command-line arguments and shows
-statistics about it.
-import itertools
-import operator
-import common_util
-import dependency_graph
-import graph
-import loading_trace
-import user_satisfied_lens
-import request_dependencies_lens
-import request_track
-class RequestNode(dependency_graph.RequestNode):
-  """Simulates the effect of prefetching resources discoverable by the preload
-  scanner.
-  """
-  _ATTRS = ['preloaded', 'before']
-  def __init__(self, request=None):
-    super(RequestNode, self).__init__(request)
-    self.preloaded = False
-    self.before = False
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    result = super(RequestNode, self).ToJsonDict()
-    return common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict(result, self, self._ATTRS)
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    result = super(RequestNode, cls).FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-    return common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, result, cls._ATTRS)
-class PrefetchSimulationView(object):
-  """Simulates the effect of prefetch."""
-  def __init__(self, trace, dependencies_lens, user_lens):
-    self.postload_msec = None
-    self.graph = None
-    if trace is None:
-      return
-    requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-    critical_requests_ids = user_lens.CriticalRequestIds()
-    self.postload_msec = user_lens.PostloadTimeMsec()
-    self.graph = dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph(
-        requests, dependencies_lens, node_class=RequestNode)
-    preloaded_requests = [r.request_id for r in self.PreloadedRequests(
-        requests[0], dependencies_lens, trace)]
-    self._AnnotateNodes(self.graph.graph.Nodes(), preloaded_requests,
-                        critical_requests_ids)
-  def Cost(self):
-    """Returns the cost of the graph, restricted to the critical requests."""
-    pruned_graph = self._PrunedGraph()
-    return pruned_graph.Cost() + self.postload_msec
-  def UpdateNodeCosts(self, node_to_cost):
-    """Updates the cost of nodes, according to |node_to_cost|.
-    Args:
-      node_to_cost: (Callable) RequestNode -> float. Callable returning the cost
-                    of a node.
-    """
-    pruned_graph = self._PrunedGraph()
-    for node in pruned_graph.Nodes():
-      node.cost = node_to_cost(node)
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    """Returns a dict representing this instance."""
-    result = {'graph': self.graph.ToJsonDict()}
-    return common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict(
-        result, self, ['postload_msec'])
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    """Returns an instance of PrefetchSimulationView from a dict dumped by
-    ToJSonDict().
-    """
-    result = cls(None, None, None)
-    result.graph = dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph.FromJsonDict(
-        json_dict['graph'], RequestNode, dependency_graph.Edge)
-    return common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, result, ['postload_msec'])
-  @classmethod
-  def _AnnotateNodes(cls, nodes, preloaded_requests_ids,
-                     critical_requests_ids,):
-    for node in nodes:
-      node.preloaded = node.request.request_id in preloaded_requests_ids
-      node.before = node.request.request_id in critical_requests_ids
-  @classmethod
-  def ParserDiscoverableRequests(
-      cls, request, dependencies_lens, recurse=False):
-    """Returns a list of requests IDs dicovered by the parser.
-    Args:
-      request: (Request) Root request.
-    Returns:
-      [Request]
-    """
-    # TODO(lizeb): handle the recursive case.
-    assert not recurse
-    discoverable_requests = [request]
-    first_request = dependencies_lens.GetRedirectChain(request)[-1]
-    deps = dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-    for (first, second, reason) in deps:
-      if first.request_id == first_request.request_id and reason == 'parser':
-        discoverable_requests.append(second)
-    return discoverable_requests
-  @classmethod
-  def _ExpandRedirectChains(cls, requests, dependencies_lens):
-    return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
-        [dependencies_lens.GetRedirectChain(r) for r in requests]))
-  @classmethod
-  def PreloadedRequests(cls, request, dependencies_lens, trace):
-    """Returns the requests that have been preloaded from a given request.
-    This list is the set of request that are:
-    - Discoverable by the parser
-    - Found in the trace log.
-    Before looking for dependencies, this follows the redirect chain.
-    Args:
-      request: (Request) Root request.
-    Returns:
-      A list of Request. Does not include the root request. This list is a
-      subset of the one returned by ParserDiscoverableRequests().
-    """
-    # Preload step events are emitted in ResourceFetcher::preloadStarted().
-    resource_events = trace.tracing_track.Filter(
-        categories=set([u'']))
-    preload_step_events = filter(
-        lambda e:  e.args.get('step') == 'Preload',
-        resource_events.GetEvents())
-    preloaded_urls = set()
-    for preload_step_event in preload_step_events:
-      preload_event = resource_events.EventFromStep(preload_step_event)
-      if preload_event:
-        preloaded_urls.add(preload_event.args['data']['url'])
-    parser_requests = cls.ParserDiscoverableRequests(
-        request, dependencies_lens)
-    preloaded_root_requests = filter(
-        lambda r: r.url in preloaded_urls, parser_requests)
-    # We can actually fetch the whole redirect chain.
-    return [request] + list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(
-        [dependencies_lens.GetRedirectChain(r)
-         for r in preloaded_root_requests]))
-  def _PrunedGraph(self):
-    roots = self.graph.graph.RootNodes()
-    nodes = self.graph.graph.ReachableNodes(
-        roots, should_stop=lambda n: not n.before)
-    return graph.DirectedGraph(nodes, self.graph.graph.Edges())
-def _PrintSumamry(trace, dependencies_lens, user_lens):
-  prefetch_view = PrefetchSimulationView(trace, dependencies_lens, user_lens)
-  print 'Time to First Contentful Paint = %.02fms' % prefetch_view.Cost()
-  print 'Set costs of prefetched requests to 0.'
-  prefetch_view.UpdateNodeCosts(lambda n: 0 if n.preloaded else n.cost)
-  print 'Time to First Contentful Paint = %.02fms' % prefetch_view.Cost()
-def main(filename):
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(filename)
-  dependencies_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(trace)
-  user_lens = user_satisfied_lens.FirstContentfulPaintLens(trace)
-  _PrintSumamry(trace, dependencies_lens, user_lens)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import sys
-  main(sys.argv[1])
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index 1f85019..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-from prefetch_view import PrefetchSimulationView
-import request_dependencies_lens
-from request_dependencies_lens_unittest import TestRequests
-import request_track
-import test_utils
-class PrefetchSimulationViewTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    super(PrefetchSimulationViewTestCase, self).setUp()
-    self._SetUp()
-  def testExpandRedirectChains(self):
-    self.assertListEqual(
-        [TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-        PrefetchSimulationView._ExpandRedirectChains(
-            [TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST], self.dependencies_lens))
-  def testParserDiscoverableRequests(self):
-    first_request = TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST
-    discovered_requests = PrefetchSimulationView.ParserDiscoverableRequests(
-        first_request, self.dependencies_lens)
-    self.assertListEqual(
-        [TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-         TestRequests.JS_REQUEST, TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_OTHER_FRAME,
-         TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_UNRELATED_FRAME], discovered_requests)
-  def testPreloadedRequests(self):
-    first_request = TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST
-    preloaded_requests = PrefetchSimulationView.PreloadedRequests(
-        first_request, self.dependencies_lens, self.trace)
-    self.assertListEqual([first_request], preloaded_requests)
-    self._SetUp(
-        [{'args': {'data': {'url': ''}},
-          'cat': '', 'id': '0xaf9f14fa9dd6c314', 'name': 'Resource',
-          'ph': 'X', 'ts': 1, 'dur': 120, 'pid': 12, 'tid': 12},
-         {'args': {'step': 'Preload'}, 'cat': '',
-          'id': '0xaf9f14fa9dd6c314', 'name': 'Resource', 'ph': 'T',
-          'ts': 12, 'pid': 12, 'tid': 12}])
-    preloaded_requests = PrefetchSimulationView.PreloadedRequests(
-        first_request, self.dependencies_lens, self.trace)
-    self.assertListEqual([TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-         TestRequests.JS_REQUEST, TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_OTHER_FRAME,
-         TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_UNRELATED_FRAME], preloaded_requests)
-  def testCost(self):
-    self.assertEqual(40 + 12, self.prefetch_view.Cost())
-  def testUpdateNodeCosts(self):
-    self.prefetch_view.UpdateNodeCosts(lambda _: 100)
-    self.assertEqual(500 + 40 + 12, self.prefetch_view.Cost())
-  def testUpdateNodeCostsPartial(self):
-    self.prefetch_view.UpdateNodeCosts(
-        lambda n: 100 if (n.request.request_id
-                          == TestRequests.REDIRECTED_REQUEST.request_id) else 0)
-    self.assertEqual(100 + 40 + 12, self.prefetch_view.Cost())
-  def testToFromJsonDict(self):
-    self.assertEqual(40 + 12, self.prefetch_view.Cost())
-    json_dict = self.prefetch_view.ToJsonDict()
-    new_view = PrefetchSimulationView.FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-    self.assertEqual(40 + 12, new_view.Cost())
-    # Updated Costs.
-    self.prefetch_view.UpdateNodeCosts(lambda _: 100)
-    self.assertEqual(500 + 40 + 12, self.prefetch_view.Cost())
-    json_dict = self.prefetch_view.ToJsonDict()
-    new_view = PrefetchSimulationView.FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-    self.assertEqual(500 + 40 + 12, new_view.Cost())
-  def _SetUp(self, added_trace_events=None):
-    trace_events = [
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'cat': ''}]
-    if added_trace_events is not None:
-      trace_events += added_trace_events
-    self.trace = TestRequests.CreateLoadingTrace(trace_events)
-    self.dependencies_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(
-        self.trace)
-    self.user_satisfied_lens = test_utils.MockUserSatisfiedLens(self.trace)
-    self.user_satisfied_lens._postload_msec = 12
-    self.prefetch_view = PrefetchSimulationView(
-        self.trace, self.dependencies_lens, self.user_satisfied_lens)
-    for e in self.prefetch_view.graph.graph.Edges():
-      e.cost = 10
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7c00951..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import json
-import os
-import os.path
-import sys
-import loading_model
-import loading_trace
-def SitesFromDir(directory):
-  """Extract sites from a data directory.
-  Based on ./ fetch file name conventions. We assume each site
-  corresponds to two files, <site>.json and <site>.json.cold, and that no other
-  kind of file appears in the data directory.
-  Args:
-    directory: the directory to process.
-  Returns:
-    A list of sites as strings.
-  """
-  files = set(os.listdir(directory))
-  assert files
-  sites = []
-  for f in files:
-    if f.endswith('.png'):
-      continue
-    assert f.endswith('.json') or f.endswith('.json.cold'), f
-    if f.endswith('.json'):
-      assert f + '.cold' in files
-      sites.append(f[:f.rfind('.json')])
-    elif f.endswith('.cold'):
-      assert f[:f.rfind('.cold')] in files
-  sites.sort()
-  return sites
-def WarmGraph(datadir, site):
-  """Return a loading model graph for the warm pull of site.
-  Based on ./ fetch file name conventions.
-  Args:
-    datadir: the directory containing site JSON data.
-    site: a site string.
-  Returns:
-    A loading model object.
-  """
-  with file(os.path.join(datadir, site + '.json')) as f:
-    return loading_model.ResourceGraph(loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(
-        json.load(f)))
-def ColdGraph(datadir, site):
-  """Return a loading model graph for the cold pull of site.
-  Based on ./ fetch file name conventions.
-  Args:
-    datadir: the directory containing site JSON data.
-    site: a site string.
-  Returns:
-    A loading model object.
-  """
-  with file(os.path.join(datadir, site + '.json.cold')) as f:
-    return loading_model.ResourceGraph(loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(
-        json.load(f)))
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deleted file mode 100644
index e29ce7a..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Lens for resource load queuing.
-When executed as a script, takes a loading trace and prints queuing information
-for each request.
-import collections
-import itertools
-import logging
-import clovis_constants
-class QueuingLens(object):
-  """Attaches queuing related trace events to request objects."""
-  ASYNC_NAME = 'ScheduledResourceRequest'
-  READY_NAME = 'ScheduledResourceRequest.Ready'
-  SET_PRIORITY_NAME = 'ScheduledResourceRequest.SetPriority'
-                       READY_NAME,
-                       SET_PRIORITY_NAME])
-  IN_FLIGHT_NAME = 'ResourceScheduler::Client.InFlightRequests'
-  SHOULD_START_NAME = 'ResourceScheduler::Client::ShouldStartRequestInfo'
-  def __init__(self, trace):
-    self._request_track = trace.request_track
-    self._queuing_events_by_id = self._GetQueuingEvents(trace.tracing_track)
-    self._source_id_to_url = {}
-    for source_id, events in self._queuing_events_by_id.iteritems():
-      self._source_id_to_url[source_id] = self._GetQueuingEventUrl(events)
-  def GenerateRequestQueuing(self):
-    """Computes queuing information for each request.
-    We determine blocking requests by looking at which urls are in-flight
-    (created but not yet destroyed) at the time of the creation of each
-    request. This means that a request that we list as blocking may just be
-    queued (throttled) at the same time as our request, and not actually
-    blocking.
-    The lifetime of the queuing events extends from when a resource is first
-    slotted into the sytem until the request is complete. The main interesting
-    queuing events are begin, end (which define the lifetime) and ready, an
-    instant event that is usually within a millisecond after the request_time of
-    the Request.
-    Returns:
-      {request_track.Request:
-         (start_msec: throttle start, end_msec: throttle end,
-          ready_msec: ready,
-          blocking: [blocking requests],
-          source_ids: [source ids of the request])}, where the map values are
-      a named tuple with the specified fields.
-    """
-    url_to_requests = collections.defaultdict(list)
-    for rq in self._request_track.GetEvents():
-      url_to_requests[rq.url].append(rq)
-    # Queuing events are organized by source id, which corresponds to a load of
-    # a url. First collect timing information for each source id, then associate
-    # with each request.
-    timing_by_source_id = {}
-    for source_id, events in self._queuing_events_by_id.iteritems():
-      assert all(e.end_msec is None for e in events), \
-          'Unexpected end_msec for nested async queuing events'
-      ready_times = [e.start_msec for e in events if == self.READY_NAME]
-      if not ready_times:
-        ready_msec = None
-      else:
-        assert len(ready_times) == 1, events
-        ready_msec = ready_times[0]
-      timing_by_source_id[source_id] = (
-          min(e.start_msec for e in events),
-          max(e.start_msec for e in events),
-          ready_msec)
-    queue_info = {}
-    for request_url, requests in url_to_requests.iteritems():
-      matching_source_ids = set(
-          source_id for source_id, url in self._source_id_to_url.iteritems()
-          if url == request_url)
-      if len(matching_source_ids) > 1:
-        logging.warning('Multiple matching source ids, probably duplicated'
-                        'urls: %s', [rq.url for rq in requests])
-      # Get first source id.
-      sid = next(s for s in matching_source_ids) \
-          if matching_source_ids else None
-      (throttle_start_msec, throttle_end_msec, ready_msec) = \
-         timing_by_source_id[sid] if matching_source_ids else (-1, -1, -1)
-      blocking_requests = []
-      for sid, (flight_start_msec,
-                flight_end_msec, _)  in timing_by_source_id.iteritems():
-        if (flight_start_msec < throttle_start_msec and
-            flight_end_msec > throttle_start_msec and
-            flight_end_msec < throttle_end_msec):
-          blocking_requests.extend(
-              url_to_requests.get(self._source_id_to_url[sid], []))
-      info = collections.namedtuple(
-          'QueueInfo', ['start_msec', 'end_msec', 'ready_msec', 'blocking'
-                        'source_ids'])
-      info.start_msec = throttle_start_msec
-      info.end_msec = throttle_end_msec
-      info.ready_msec = ready_msec
-      current_request_ids = set(rq.request_id for rq in requests)
-      info.blocking = [b for b in blocking_requests
-                       if b is not None and
-                       b.request_id not in current_request_ids]
-      info.source_ids = matching_source_ids
-      for rq in requests:
-        queue_info[rq] = info
-    return queue_info
-  def _GetQueuingEvents(self, tracing_track):
-    events = collections.defaultdict(list)
-    for e in tracing_track.GetEvents():
-      if (e.category == self.QUEUING_CATEGORY and
- in self.QUEUING_NAMES):
-        events[e.args['data']['source_id']].append(e)
-    return events
-  def _GetQueuingEventUrl(self, events):
-    urls = set()
-    for e in events:
-      if 'request_url' in e.args['data']:
-        urls.add(e.args['data']['request_url'])
-    assert len(urls) == 1, urls
-    return urls.pop()
-  def _GetEventsForRequest(self, request):
-    request_events = []
-    for source_id, url in self._source_id_to_url:
-      if url == request.url:
-        request_events.extend(self._queuing_events_by_id[source_id])
-    return request_events
-def _Main(trace_file):
-  import loading_trace
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(trace_file)
-  lens = QueuingLens(trace)
-  queue_info = lens.GenerateRequestQueuing()
-  base_msec = trace.request_track.GetFirstRequestMillis()
-  mkmsec = lambda ms: ms - base_msec if ms > 0 else -1
-  for rq, info in queue_info.iteritems():
-    print '{fp} ({ts}->{te})[{rs}->{re}] {ids} {url}'.format(
-        fp=rq.fingerprint,
-        ts=mkmsec(info.start_msec), te=mkmsec(info.end_msec),
-        rs=mkmsec(rq.start_msec), re=mkmsec(rq.end_msec),
-        ids=info.source_ids, url=rq.url)
-    for blocking_request in info.blocking:
-      print '  {} {}'.format(blocking_request.fingerprint, blocking_request.url)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import sys
-  _Main(sys.argv[1])
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2b0a8d7..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-from queuing_lens import QueuingLens
-import request_track
-import test_utils
-class QueuingLensTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  URL_1 = 'http://1'
-  URL_2 = 'http://2'
-  def testRequestQueuing(self):
-    # http://1: queued at 5ms, request start at 10ms, ready at 11ms,
-    #           done at 12ms; blocked by 2.
-    # http://2: queued at 4ms, request start at 4ms, ready at 5 ms, done at 9ms.
-    trace_events = [
-        {'args': {
-            'data': {
-                'request_url': self.URL_1,
-                'source_id': 1
-            }
-          },
-         'cat': QueuingLens.QUEUING_CATEGORY,
-         'id': 1,
-         'name': QueuingLens.ASYNC_NAME,
-         'ph': 'b',
-         'ts': 5 * self.MILLIS_TO_MICROS
-        },
-        {'args': {
-            'data': {
-                'source_id': 1
-            }
-          },
-         'cat': QueuingLens.QUEUING_CATEGORY,
-         'id': 1,
-         'name': QueuingLens.READY_NAME,
-         'ph': 'n',
-         'ts': 10 * self.MILLIS_TO_MICROS
-        },
-        {'args': {
-            'data': {
-                'source_id': 1
-            }
-          },
-         'cat': QueuingLens.QUEUING_CATEGORY,
-         'id': 1,
-         'name': QueuingLens.ASYNC_NAME,
-         'ph': 'e',
-         'ts': 12 * self.MILLIS_TO_MICROS
-        },
-        {'args': {
-            'data': {
-                'request_url': self.URL_2,
-                'source_id': 2
-            }
-          },
-         'cat': QueuingLens.QUEUING_CATEGORY,
-         'id': 2,
-         'name': QueuingLens.ASYNC_NAME,
-         'ph': 'b',
-         'ts': 4 * self.MILLIS_TO_MICROS
-        },
-        {'args': {
-            'data': {
-                'source_id': 2
-            }
-          },
-         'cat': QueuingLens.QUEUING_CATEGORY,
-         'id': 2,
-         'name': QueuingLens.READY_NAME,
-         'ph': 'n',
-         'ts': 5 * self.MILLIS_TO_MICROS
-        },
-        {'args': {
-            'data': {
-                'source_id': 2
-            }
-          },
-         'cat': QueuingLens.QUEUING_CATEGORY,
-         'id': 2,
-         'name': QueuingLens.ASYNC_NAME,
-         'ph': 'e',
-         'ts': 9 * self.MILLIS_TO_MICROS
-        }]
-    requests = [
-        request_track.Request.FromJsonDict(
-            {'url': self.URL_1,
-             'request_id': '0.1',
-             'timing': {'request_time': 10 * self.MILLIS_TO_SECONDS,
-                        'loading_finished': 2}}),
-        request_track.Request.FromJsonDict(
-            {'url': self.URL_2,
-             'request_id': '0.2',
-             'timing': {'request_time': 4 * self.MILLIS_TO_SECONDS,
-                        'loading_finished': 5}})]
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        requests=requests, trace_events=trace_events)
-    queue_info = QueuingLens(trace).GenerateRequestQueuing()
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0.2']),
-                     set(rq.request_id
-                         for rq in queue_info[requests[0]].blocking))
-    self.assertEqual((5., 10., 12.), (queue_info[requests[0]].start_msec,
-                                      queue_info[requests[0]].ready_msec,
-                                      queue_info[requests[0]].end_msec))
-    self.assertEqual(0, len(queue_info[requests[1]].blocking))
-    self.assertEqual((4., 5., 9.), (queue_info[requests[1]].start_msec,
-                                    queue_info[requests[1]].ready_msec,
-                                    queue_info[requests[1]].end_msec))
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a39a4..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Generates a loading report.
-When executed as a script, takes a trace filename and print the report.
-from activity_lens import ActivityLens
-from content_classification_lens import ContentClassificationLens
-from loading_graph_view import LoadingGraphView
-import loading_trace
-import metrics
-from network_activity_lens import NetworkActivityLens
-from prefetch_view import PrefetchSimulationView
-from queuing_lens import QueuingLens
-import request_dependencies_lens
-from user_satisfied_lens import (
-    FirstTextPaintLens, FirstContentfulPaintLens, FirstSignificantPaintLens,
-    PLTLens)
-def _ComputeCpuBusyness(activity, load_start, satisfied_end):
-  """Generates a breakdown of CPU activity between |load_start| and
-  |satisfied_end|."""
-  duration = float(satisfied_end - load_start)
-  result = {
-      'activity_frac': (
-          activity.MainRendererThreadBusyness(load_start, satisfied_end)
-          / duration),
-  }
-  activity_breakdown = activity.ComputeActivity(load_start, satisfied_end)
-  result['parsing_frac'] = (
-      sum(activity_breakdown['parsing'].values()) / duration)
-  result['script_frac'] = (
-      sum(activity_breakdown['script'].values()) / duration)
-  return result
-class PerUserLensReport(object):
-  """Generates a variety of metrics relative to a passed in user lens."""
-  def __init__(self, trace, user_lens, activity_lens, network_lens,
-               navigation_start_msec):
-    requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-    dependencies_lens = request_dependencies_lens.RequestDependencyLens(
-        trace)
-    prefetch_view = PrefetchSimulationView(trace, dependencies_lens, user_lens)
-    preloaded_requests = prefetch_view.PreloadedRequests(
-        requests[0], dependencies_lens, trace)
-    self._navigation_start_msec = navigation_start_msec
-    self._satisfied_msec = user_lens.SatisfiedMs()
-    graph = LoadingGraphView.FromTrace(trace)
-    self._inversions = graph.GetInversionsAtTime(self._satisfied_msec)
-    self._byte_frac = self._GenerateByteFrac(network_lens)
-    self._requests = user_lens.CriticalRequests()
-    self._preloaded_requests = (
-        [r for r in preloaded_requests if r in self._requests])
-    self._cpu_busyness = _ComputeCpuBusyness(activity_lens,
-                                             navigation_start_msec,
-                                             self._satisfied_msec)
-    prefetch_view.UpdateNodeCosts(lambda n: 0 if n.preloaded else n.cost)
-    self._no_state_prefetch_ms = prefetch_view.Cost()
-  def GenerateReport(self):
-    report = {}
-    report['ms'] = self._satisfied_msec - self._navigation_start_msec
-    report['byte_frac'] = self._byte_frac
-    report['requests'] = len(self._requests)
-    report['preloaded_requests'] = len(self._preloaded_requests)
-    report['requests_cost'] = reduce(lambda x,y: x + y.Cost(),
-                                     self._requests, 0)
-    report['preloaded_requests_cost'] = reduce(lambda x,y: x + y.Cost(),
-                                        self._preloaded_requests, 0)
-    report['predicted_no_state_prefetch_ms'] = self._no_state_prefetch_ms
-    # Take the first (earliest) inversion.
-    report['inversion'] = self._inversions[0].url if self._inversions else ''
-    report.update(self._cpu_busyness)
-    return report
-  def _GenerateByteFrac(self, network_lens):
-    if not network_lens.total_download_bytes:
-      return float('Nan')
-    byte_frac = (network_lens.DownloadedBytesAt(self._satisfied_msec)
-          / float(network_lens.total_download_bytes))
-    return byte_frac
-class LoadingReport(object):
-  """Generates a loading report from a loading trace."""
-  def __init__(self, trace, ad_rules=None, tracking_rules=None):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      trace: (LoadingTrace) a loading trace.
-      ad_rules: ([str]) List of ad filtering rules.
-      tracking_rules: ([str]) List of tracking filtering rules.
-    """
-    self.trace = trace
-    navigation_start_events = trace.tracing_track.GetMatchingEvents(
-        'blink.user_timing', 'navigationStart')
-    self._navigation_start_msec = min(
-        e.start_msec for e in navigation_start_events)
-    self._dns_requests, self._dns_cost_msec = metrics.DnsRequestsAndCost(trace)
-    self._connection_stats = metrics.ConnectionMetrics(trace)
-    self._user_lens_reports = {}
-    plt_lens = PLTLens(self.trace)
-    first_text_paint_lens = FirstTextPaintLens(self.trace)
-    first_contentful_paint_lens = FirstContentfulPaintLens(self.trace)
-    first_significant_paint_lens = FirstSignificantPaintLens(self.trace)
-    activity = ActivityLens(trace)
-    network_lens = NetworkActivityLens(self.trace)
-    for key, user_lens in [['plt', plt_lens],
-                           ['first_text', first_text_paint_lens],
-                           ['contentful', first_contentful_paint_lens],
-                           ['significant', first_significant_paint_lens]]:
-      self._user_lens_reports[key] = PerUserLensReport(self.trace,
-          user_lens, activity, network_lens, self._navigation_start_msec)
-    self._transfer_size = metrics.TotalTransferSize(trace)[1]
-    self._request_count = len(trace.request_track.GetEvents())
-    content_lens = ContentClassificationLens(
-        trace, ad_rules or [], tracking_rules or [])
-    has_ad_rules = bool(ad_rules)
-    has_tracking_rules = bool(tracking_rules)
-    self._ad_report = self._AdRequestsReport(
-        trace, content_lens, has_ad_rules, has_tracking_rules)
-    self._ads_cost = self._AdsAndTrackingCpuCost(
-        self._navigation_start_msec,
-        (self._navigation_start_msec
-         + self._user_lens_reports['plt'].GenerateReport()['ms']),
-        content_lens, activity, has_tracking_rules or has_ad_rules)
-    self._queue_stats = self._ComputeQueueStats(QueuingLens(trace))
-  def GenerateReport(self):
-    """Returns a report as a dict."""
-    # NOTE: When changing the return value here, also update the schema
-    # (bigquery_schema.json) accordingly. See cloud/frontend/ for
-    # details.
-    report = {
-        'url': self.trace.url,
-        'transfer_size': self._transfer_size,
-        'dns_requests': self._dns_requests,
-        'dns_cost_ms': self._dns_cost_msec,
-        'total_requests': self._request_count}
-    for user_lens_type, user_lens_report in self._user_lens_reports.iteritems():
-      for key, value in user_lens_report.GenerateReport().iteritems():
-        report[user_lens_type + '_' + key] = value
-    report.update(self._ad_report)
-    report.update(self._ads_cost)
-    report.update(self._connection_stats)
-    report.update(self._queue_stats)
-    return report
-  @classmethod
-  def FromTraceFilename(cls, filename, ad_rules_filename,
-                        tracking_rules_filename):
-    """Returns a LoadingReport from a trace filename."""
-    trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(filename)
-    return LoadingReport(trace, ad_rules_filename, tracking_rules_filename)
-  @classmethod
-  def _AdRequestsReport(
-      cls, trace, content_lens, has_ad_rules, has_tracking_rules):
-    requests = trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-    has_rules = has_ad_rules or has_tracking_rules
-    result = {
-        'ad_requests': 0 if has_ad_rules else None,
-        'tracking_requests': 0 if has_tracking_rules else None,
-        'ad_or_tracking_requests': 0 if has_rules else None,
-        'ad_or_tracking_initiated_requests': 0 if has_rules else None,
-        'ad_or_tracking_initiated_transfer_size': 0 if has_rules else None}
-    if not has_rules:
-      return result
-    for request in requests:
-      is_ad = content_lens.IsAdRequest(request)
-      is_tracking = content_lens.IsTrackingRequest(request)
-      if has_ad_rules:
-        result['ad_requests'] += int(is_ad)
-      if has_tracking_rules:
-        result['tracking_requests'] += int(is_tracking)
-      result['ad_or_tracking_requests'] += int(is_ad or is_tracking)
-    ad_tracking_requests = content_lens.AdAndTrackingRequests()
-    result['ad_or_tracking_initiated_requests'] = len(ad_tracking_requests)
-    result['ad_or_tracking_initiated_transfer_size'] = metrics.TransferSize(
-        ad_tracking_requests)[1]
-    return result
-  @classmethod
-  def _ComputeQueueStats(cls, queue_lens):
-    queuing_info = queue_lens.GenerateRequestQueuing()
-    total_blocked_msec = 0
-    total_loading_msec = 0
-    num_blocking_requests = []
-    for queue_info in queuing_info.itervalues():
-      try:
-        total_blocked_msec += max(0, queue_info.ready_msec -
-                                  queue_info.start_msec)
-        total_loading_msec += max(0, queue_info.end_msec -
-                                  queue_info.start_msec)
-      except TypeError:
-        pass  # Invalid queue info timings.
-      num_blocking_requests.append(len(queue_info.blocking))
-    if num_blocking_requests:
-      num_blocking_requests.sort()
-      avg_blocking = (float(sum(num_blocking_requests)) /
-                      len(num_blocking_requests))
-      mid = len(num_blocking_requests) / 2
-      if len(num_blocking_requests) & 1:
-        median_blocking = num_blocking_requests[mid]
-      else:
-        median_blocking = (num_blocking_requests[mid-1] +
-                           num_blocking_requests[mid]) / 2
-    else:
-      avg_blocking = 0
-      median_blocking = 0
-    return {
-        'total_queuing_blocked_msec': int(total_blocked_msec),
-        'total_queuing_load_msec': int(total_loading_msec),
-        'average_blocking_request_count': avg_blocking,
-        'median_blocking_request_count': median_blocking,
-    }
-  @classmethod
-  def _AdsAndTrackingCpuCost(
-      cls, start_msec, end_msec, content_lens, activity, has_rules):
-    """Returns the CPU cost associated with Ads and tracking between timestamps.
-    Can return an overestimate, as execution slices are tagged by URL, and not
-    by requests.
-    Args:
-      start_msec: (float)
-      end_msec: (float)
-      content_lens: (ContentClassificationLens)
-      activity: (ActivityLens)
-    Returns:
-      {'ad_and_tracking_script_frac': float,
-       'ad_and_tracking_parsing_frac': float}
-    """
-    result = {'ad_or_tracking_script_frac': None,
-              'ad_or_tracking_parsing_frac': None}
-    if not has_rules:
-      return result
-    duration = float(end_msec - start_msec)
-    requests = content_lens.AdAndTrackingRequests()
-    urls = {r.url for r in requests}
-    cpu_breakdown = activity.ComputeActivity(start_msec, end_msec)
-    result['ad_or_tracking_script_frac'] = sum(
-            value for (url, value) in cpu_breakdown['script'].items()
-            if url in urls) / duration
-    result['ad_or_tracking_parsing_frac'] = sum(
-            value for (url, value) in cpu_breakdown['parsing'].items()
-            if url in urls) / duration
-    return result
-def _Main(args):
-  if len(args) not in (2, 4):
-    print 'Usage: trace.json (ad_rules tracking_rules)'
-    sys.exit(1)
-  trace_filename = args[1]
-  ad_rules = None
-  tracking_rules = None
-  if len(args) == 4:
-    ad_rules = open(args[2]).readlines()
-    tracking_rules = open(args[3]).readlines()
-  report = LoadingReport.FromTraceFilename(
-      trace_filename, ad_rules, tracking_rules)
-  print json.dumps(report.GenerateReport(), indent=2, sort_keys=True)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import sys
-  import json
-  _Main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index ef43014..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,298 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-import metrics
-import report
-from queuing_lens import QueuingLens
-import test_utils
-import user_satisfied_lens_unittest
-class LoadingReportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  MILLI_TO_MICRO = 1000
-  _TEXT_PAINT = 30
-  _DURATION = 400
-  _LOAD_END_TIME = 1280
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.trace_creator = test_utils.TraceCreator()
-    self.requests = [
-        self.trace_creator.RequestAt(self._FIRST_REQUEST_TIME, frame_id=1),
-        self.trace_creator.RequestAt(
-            self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME + self._REQUEST_OFFSET, self._DURATION)]
-    self.requests[0].timing.receive_headers_end = 0
-    self.requests[1].timing.receive_headers_end = 0
-    self.requests[0].encoded_data_length = self._FIRST_REQUEST_DATA_LENGTH
-    self.requests[1].encoded_data_length = self._SECOND_REQUEST_DATA_LENGTH
-    self.ad_domain = ''
-    self.ad_url = 'http://www.' + self.ad_domain + '/i-m-really-rich.js'
-    self.requests[0].url = self.ad_url
-    self.trace_events = [
-        {'args': {'name': 'CrRendererMain'}, 'cat': '__metadata',
-         'name': 'thread_name', 'ph': 'M', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1, 'ts': 0},
-        {'ts': self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'R',
-         'cat': 'blink.user_timing', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1,
-         'name': 'navigationStart',
-         'args': {'frame': 1}},
-        {'ts': self._LOAD_END_TIME * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-         'cat': 'devtools.timeline', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1,
-         'name': 'MarkLoad',
-         'args': {'data': {'isMainFrame': True}}},
-        {'ts': self._CONTENTFUL_PAINT * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-         'cat': 'blink.user_timing', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1,
-         'name': 'firstContentfulPaint',
-         'args': {'frame': self._MAIN_FRAME_ID}},
-        {'ts': self._TEXT_PAINT * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-         'cat': 'blink.user_timing', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1,
-         'name': 'firstPaint',
-         'args': {'frame': self._MAIN_FRAME_ID}},
-        {'ts': 90 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-         'cat': 'blink', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1,
-         'name': 'FrameView::paintTree'},
-        {'ts': self._SIGNIFICANT_PAINT * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-         'cat': 'foobar', 'name': 'biz', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1,
-         'args': {'counters': {
-             'LayoutObjectsThatHadNeverHadLayout': 10}}},
-         * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO,
-         'pid': 1, 'tid': 1, 'ph': 'X',
-         'dur': self._TOPLEVEL_EVENT_DURATION * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO,
-         'cat': 'toplevel', 'name': 'MessageLoop::RunTask'},
-        {'ts': self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO,
-         'pid': 1, 'tid': 1, 'ph': 'X',
-         'dur': self._PARSING_EVENT_DURATION * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO,
-         'cat': 'devtools.timeline', 'name': 'ParseHTML',
-         'args': {'beginData': {'url': ''}}},
-        {'ts': self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO,
-         'pid': 1, 'tid': 1, 'ph': 'X',
-         'dur': self._SCRIPT_EVENT_DURATION * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO,
-         'cat': 'devtools.timeline', 'name': 'EvaluateScript',
-         'args': {'data': {'scriptName': ''}}}]
-  def _MakeTrace(self):
-    trace = self.trace_creator.CreateTrace(
-        self.requests, self.trace_events, self._MAIN_FRAME_ID)
-    return trace
-  def _AddQueuingEvents(self, source_id, url, start_msec, ready_msec, end_msec):
-    self.trace_events.extend([
-        {'args': {
-            'data': {
-                'request_url': url,
-                'source_id': source_id
-            }
-          },
-         'cat': QueuingLens.QUEUING_CATEGORY,
-         'id': source_id,
-         'pid': 1, 'tid': 10,
-         'name': QueuingLens.ASYNC_NAME,
-         'ph': 'b',
-         'ts': start_msec * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO
-        },
-        {'args': {
-            'data': {
-                'source_id': source_id
-            }
-          },
-         'cat': QueuingLens.QUEUING_CATEGORY,
-         'id': source_id,
-         'pid': 1, 'tid': 10,
-         'name': QueuingLens.READY_NAME,
-         'ph': 'n',
-         'ts': ready_msec * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO
-        },
-        {'args': {
-            'data': {
-                'source_id': source_id
-            }
-          },
-         'cat': QueuingLens.QUEUING_CATEGORY,
-         'id': source_id,
-         'pid': 1, 'tid': 10,
-         'name': QueuingLens.ASYNC_NAME,
-         'ph': 'e',
-         'ts': end_msec * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO
-        }])
-  def testGenerateReport(self):
-    trace = self._MakeTrace()
-    loading_report = report.LoadingReport(trace).GenerateReport()
-    self.assertEqual(trace.url, loading_report['url'])
-    self.assertEqual(self._TEXT_PAINT - self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME,
-                     loading_report['first_text_ms'])
-    self.assertEqual(self._SIGNIFICANT_PAINT - self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME,
-                     loading_report['significant_ms'])
-    self.assertEqual(self._CONTENTFUL_PAINT - self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME,
-                     loading_report['contentful_ms'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(self._LOAD_END_TIME - self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME,
-                           loading_report['plt_ms'])
-    self.assertEqual(2, loading_report['total_requests'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(0.34, loading_report['contentful_byte_frac'], 2)
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(0.1844, loading_report['significant_byte_frac'], 2)
-    self.assertEqual(2, loading_report['plt_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['first_text_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['contentful_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['significant_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['plt_preloaded_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['first_text_preloaded_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['contentful_preloaded_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['significant_preloaded_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(401, loading_report['plt_requests_cost'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['first_text_requests_cost'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['contentful_requests_cost'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['significant_requests_cost'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['plt_preloaded_requests_cost'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['first_text_preloaded_requests_cost'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['contentful_preloaded_requests_cost'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['significant_preloaded_requests_cost'])
-    self.assertEqual(400, loading_report['plt_predicted_no_state_prefetch_ms'])
-    self.assertEqual(14,
-        loading_report['first_text_predicted_no_state_prefetch_ms'])
-    self.assertEqual(104,
-        loading_report['contentful_predicted_no_state_prefetch_ms'])
-    self.assertEqual(74,
-        loading_report['significant_predicted_no_state_prefetch_ms'])
-    self.assertEqual('', loading_report['contentful_inversion'])
-    self.assertEqual('', loading_report['significant_inversion'])
-    self.assertIsNone(loading_report['ad_requests'])
-    self.assertIsNone(loading_report['ad_or_tracking_requests'])
-    self.assertIsNone(loading_report['ad_or_tracking_initiated_requests'])
-    self.assertIsNone(loading_report['ad_or_tracking_initiated_transfer_size'])
-    self.assertIsNone(loading_report['ad_or_tracking_script_frac'])
-    self.assertIsNone(loading_report['ad_or_tracking_parsing_frac'])
-    self.assertEqual(
-        + metrics.HTTP_OK_LENGTH * 2,
-        loading_report['transfer_size'])
-    self.assertEqual(0, loading_report['total_queuing_blocked_msec'])
-    self.assertEqual(0, loading_report['total_queuing_load_msec'])
-    self.assertEqual(0, loading_report['average_blocking_request_count'])
-    self.assertEqual(0, loading_report['median_blocking_request_count'])
-  def testInversion(self):
-    self.requests[0].timing.loading_finished = 4 * (
-        self._REQUEST_OFFSET + self._DURATION)
-    self.requests[1].initiator['type'] = 'parser'
-    self.requests[1].initiator['url'] = self.requests[0].url
-    for e in self.trace_events:
-      if e['name'] == 'firstContentfulPaint':
-        e['ts'] = self.MILLI_TO_MICRO * (
-            self._FIRST_REQUEST_TIME +  self._REQUEST_OFFSET +
-            self._DURATION + 1)
-        break
-    loading_report = report.LoadingReport(self._MakeTrace()).GenerateReport()
-    self.assertEqual(self.requests[0].url,
-                     loading_report['contentful_inversion'])
-    self.assertEqual('', loading_report['significant_inversion'])
-  def testPltNoLoadEvents(self):
-    trace = self._MakeTrace()
-    # Change the MarkLoad events.
-    for e in trace.tracing_track.GetEvents():
-      if == 'MarkLoad':
-        e.tracing_event['name'] = 'dummy'
-    loading_report = report.LoadingReport(trace).GenerateReport()
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(self._REQUEST_OFFSET + self._DURATION,
-                           loading_report['plt_ms'])
-  def testAdTrackingRules(self):
-    trace = self._MakeTrace()
-    loading_report = report.LoadingReport(
-        trace, [self.ad_domain], []).GenerateReport()
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['ad_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['ad_or_tracking_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['ad_or_tracking_initiated_requests'])
-    self.assertIsNone(loading_report['tracking_requests'])
-    self.assertEqual(
-        loading_report['ad_or_tracking_initiated_transfer_size'])
-  def testThreadBusyness(self):
-    loading_report = report.LoadingReport(self._MakeTrace()).GenerateReport()
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(
-        1., loading_report['significant_activity_frac'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(
-        loading_report['contentful_activity_frac'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(
-        / (self._LOAD_END_TIME - self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME),
-        loading_report['plt_activity_frac'])
-  def testActivityBreakdown(self):
-    loading_report = report.LoadingReport(self._MakeTrace()).GenerateReport()
-    load_time = float(self._LOAD_END_TIME - self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME)
-    contentful_time = float(
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(self._SCRIPT_EVENT_DURATION / load_time,
-                           loading_report['plt_script_frac'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(
-        / load_time,
-        loading_report['plt_parsing_frac'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(1., loading_report['significant_script_frac'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(0., loading_report['significant_parsing_frac'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(self._SCRIPT_EVENT_DURATION / contentful_time,
-                           loading_report['contentful_script_frac'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(
-        / contentful_time, loading_report['contentful_parsing_frac'])
-  def testAdsAndTrackingCost(self):
-    load_time = float(self._LOAD_END_TIME - self._NAVIGATION_START_TIME)
-    self.trace_events.append(
-       {'ts':  load_time / 3. * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO,
-        'pid': 1, 'tid': 1, 'ph': 'X',
-        'dur': load_time / 2. * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO,
-        'cat': 'devtools.timeline', 'name': 'EvaluateScript',
-        'args': {'data': {'scriptName': self.ad_url}}})
-    loading_report = report.LoadingReport(
-        self._MakeTrace(), [self.ad_domain]).GenerateReport()
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(.5, loading_report['ad_or_tracking_script_frac'], 2)
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(0., loading_report['ad_or_tracking_parsing_frac'])
-  def testQueueStats(self):
-    # We use three requests, A, B and C. A is not blocked, B is blocked by A,
-    # and C blocked by A and B.
-    self.requests = []
-    request_A = self.trace_creator.RequestAt(BASE_MSEC, 5)
-    request_B = self.trace_creator.RequestAt(BASE_MSEC + 6, 5)
-    request_C = self.trace_creator.RequestAt(BASE_MSEC + 12, 10)
-    self.requests.extend([request_A, request_B, request_C])
-    self._AddQueuingEvents(10, request_A.url,
-                           BASE_MSEC, BASE_MSEC, BASE_MSEC + 5)
-    self._AddQueuingEvents(20, request_B.url,
-                           BASE_MSEC + 1, BASE_MSEC + 6, BASE_MSEC + 11)
-    self._AddQueuingEvents(30, request_C.url,
-                           BASE_MSEC + 2, BASE_MSEC + 12, BASE_MSEC + 22)
-    loading_report = report.LoadingReport(self._MakeTrace()).GenerateReport()
-    self.assertEqual(15, loading_report['total_queuing_blocked_msec'])
-    self.assertEqual(35, loading_report['total_queuing_load_msec'])
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(1, loading_report['average_blocking_request_count'])
-    self.assertEqual(1, loading_report['median_blocking_request_count'])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1689547..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Gathers and infers dependencies between requests.
-When executed as a script, loads a trace and outputs the dependencies.
-import collections
-import copy
-import logging
-import operator
-import loading_trace
-import request_track
-class RequestDependencyLens(object):
-  """Analyses and infers request dependencies."""
-  DEPENDENCIES = ('redirect', 'parser', 'script', 'inferred', 'other')
-  CALLFRAMES_KEY = 'callFrames'
-  def __init__(self, trace):
-    """Initializes an instance of RequestDependencyLens.
-    Args:
-      trace: (LoadingTrace) Loading trace.
-    """
-    self.loading_trace = trace
-    self._requests = self.loading_trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-    self._requests_by_id = {r.request_id: r for r in self._requests}
-    self._requests_by_url = collections.defaultdict(list)
-    self._deps = None
-    for request in self._requests:
-      self._requests_by_url[request.url].append(request)
-    self._frame_to_parent = {}
-    for event in self.loading_trace.page_track.GetEvents():
-      if event['method'] == 'Page.frameAttached':
-        self._frame_to_parent[event['frame_id']] = event['parent_frame_id']
-  def GetRequestDependencies(self):
-    """Returns a list of request dependencies.
-    Returns:
-      [(first, second, reason), ...] where first and second are instances of
-      request_track.Request, and reason is in DEPENDENCIES. The second request
-      depends on the first one, with the listed reason.
-    """
-    self._ComputeRequestDependencies()
-    return copy.copy(self._deps)
-  def GetRedirectChain(self, request):
-    """Returns the whole redirect chain for a given request.
-    Note that this misses some JS-based redirects.
-    Returns:
-      A list of request, containing the request passed as a parameter.
-    """
-    self._ComputeRequestDependencies()
-    chain = [request]
-    while True:
-      for (first_request, second_request, why) in self._deps:
-        if first_request == request and why == 'redirect':
-          chain.append(second_request)
-          request = second_request
-          break
-      else:
-        return chain
-  def _ComputeRequestDependencies(self):
-    if self._deps is not None:
-      return
-    self._deps = []
-    for request in self._requests:
-      dependency = self._GetDependency(request)
-      if dependency:
-        self._deps.append(dependency)
-  def _GetDependency(self, request):
-    """Returns (first, second, reason), or None.
-    |second| depends on |first|.
-    Args:
-      request: (Request) the request we wish to get the initiator of.
-    Returns:
-      None if no dependency is found from this request, or
-      (initiator (Request), blocked_request (Request), reason (str)).
-    """
-    reason = request.initiator['type']
-    assert reason in request_track.Request.INITIATORS
-    if reason == 'redirect':
-      return self._GetInitiatingRequestRedirect(request)
-    elif reason == 'parser':
-      return self._GetInitiatingRequestParser(request)
-    elif reason == 'script':
-      return self._GetInitiatingRequestScript(request)
-    else:
-      assert reason == 'other'
-      return self._GetInitiatingRequestOther(request)
-  def _GetInitiatingRequestRedirect(self, request):
-    assert request_track.Request.INITIATING_REQUEST in request.initiator
-    initiating_request_id = request.initiator[
-        request_track.Request.INITIATING_REQUEST]
-    assert initiating_request_id in self._requests_by_id
-    return (self._requests_by_id[initiating_request_id], request, 'redirect')
-  def _GetInitiatingRequestParser(self, request):
-    url = request.initiator['url']
-    candidates = self._FindMatchingRequests(url, request.timing.request_time)
-    if not candidates:
-      return None
-    initiating_request = self._FindBestMatchingInitiator(request, candidates)
-    return (initiating_request, request, 'parser')
-  def _FlattenScriptStack(self, stack):
-    """Recursively collapses the stack of asynchronous callstacks.
-    A stack has a list of call frames and optionnally a "parent" stack.
-    This function recursively folds the parent stacks into the root stack by
-    concatening all the call frames.
-    Args:
-      stack: (dict) the stack that must be flattened
-    Returns:
-      A stack with no parent, which is a dictionary with a single "callFrames"
-      key, and no "parent" key.
-    """
-    PARENT_KEY = 'parent'
-    if not PARENT_KEY in stack:
-      return stack
-    stack[self.CALLFRAMES_KEY] += stack[PARENT_KEY][self.CALLFRAMES_KEY]
-    if not PARENT_KEY in stack[PARENT_KEY]:
-      stack.pop(PARENT_KEY)
-    else:
-      stack[PARENT_KEY] = stack[PARENT_KEY][PARENT_KEY]
-    return self._FlattenScriptStack(stack)
-  def _GetInitiatingRequestScript(self, request):
-    STACK_KEY = 'stack'
-    if not STACK_KEY in request.initiator:
-      logging.warning('Script initiator but no stack trace.')
-      return None
-    initiating_request = None
-    timestamp = request.timing.request_time
-    # Deep copy the initiator's stack to avoid mutating the input request.
-    stack = self._FlattenScriptStack(
-        copy.deepcopy(request.initiator[STACK_KEY]))
-    call_frames = stack[self.CALLFRAMES_KEY]
-    for frame in call_frames:
-      url = frame['url']
-      candidates = self._FindMatchingRequests(url, timestamp)
-      if candidates:
-        initiating_request = self._FindBestMatchingInitiator(
-            request, candidates)
-        if initiating_request:
-          break
-    else:
-      for frame in call_frames:
-        if not frame.get('url', None) and frame.get(
-            'functionName', None) == 'window.onload':
-          logging.warning('Unmatched request for onload handler.')
-          break
-      else:
-        logging.warning('Unmatched request.')
-      return None
-    return (initiating_request, request, 'script')
-  def _GetInitiatingRequestOther(self, _):
-    # TODO(lizeb): Infer "other" initiator types.
-    return None
-  def _FindMatchingRequests(self, url, before_timestamp):
-    """Returns a list of requests matching a URL, before a timestamp.
-    Args:
-      url: (str) URL to match in requests.
-      before_timestamp: (int) Only keep requests submitted before a given
-                        timestamp.
-    Returns:
-      A list of candidates, ordered by timestamp.
-    """
-    candidates = self._requests_by_url.get(url, [])
-    candidates = [r for r in candidates if (
-        r.timing.request_time + max(
-            0, r.timing.receive_headers_end / 1000) <= before_timestamp)]
-    candidates.sort(key=lambda r: r.timing.request_time)
-    return candidates
-  def _FindBestMatchingInitiator(self, request, matches):
-    """Returns the best matching request within a list of matches.
-    Iteratively removes candidates until one is left:
-    - With the same parent frame.
-    - From the same frame.
-    If this is not successful, takes the most recent request.
-    Args:
-      request: (Request) Request.
-      matches: [Request] As returned by _FindMatchingRequests(), that is
-               sorted by timestamp.
-    Returns:
-      The best matching initiating request, or None.
-    """
-    if not matches:
-      return None
-    if len(matches) == 1:
-      return matches[0]
-    # Several matches, try to reduce this number to 1. Otherwise, return the
-    # most recent one.
-    if request.frame_id in self._frame_to_parent: # Main frame has no parent.
-      parent_frame_id = self._frame_to_parent[request.frame_id]
-      same_parent_matches = [
-          r for r in matches
-          if r.frame_id in self._frame_to_parent and
-          self._frame_to_parent[r.frame_id] == parent_frame_id]
-      if not same_parent_matches:
-        logging.warning('All matches are from non-sibling frames.')
-        return matches[-1]
-      if len(same_parent_matches) == 1:
-        return same_parent_matches[0]
-    same_frame_matches = [r for r in matches if r.frame_id == request.frame_id]
-    if not same_frame_matches:
-      logging.warning('All matches are from non-sibling frames.')
-      return matches[-1]
-    if len(same_frame_matches) == 1:
-      return same_frame_matches[0]
-    else:
-      logging.warning('Several matches')
-      return same_frame_matches[-1]
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import json
-  import sys
-  trace_filename = sys.argv[1]
-  json_dict = json.load(open(trace_filename, 'r'))
-  lens = RequestDependencyLens(
-      loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(json_dict))
-  depedencies = lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-  for (first, second, dep_reason) in depedencies:
-    print '%s -> %s\t(%s)' % (first.request_id, second.request_id, dep_reason)
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deleted file mode 100644
index bf2d858..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-import devtools_monitor
-from loading_trace import LoadingTrace
-from request_dependencies_lens import RequestDependencyLens
-from request_track import Request
-import test_utils
-class TestRequests(object):
-  FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST = Request.FromJsonDict(
-      {'url': '', 'request_id': '1234.redirect.1',
-       'initiator': {'type': 'other'},
-       'timestamp': 0.5, 'timing': {}})
-  SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST = Request.FromJsonDict(
-      {'url': '', 'request_id': '1234.redirect.2',
-       'initiator': {'type': 'redirect',
-                     'initiating_request': '1234.redirect.1'},
-       'timestamp': 1, 'timing': {}})
-  REDIRECTED_REQUEST = Request.FromJsonDict({
-      'url': '',
-      'request_id': '1234.1',
-      'frame_id': '123.1',
-      'initiator': {'type': 'redirect',
-                    'initiating_request': '1234.redirect.2'},
-      'timestamp': 2,
-      'timing': {}})
-  REQUEST = Request.FromJsonDict({'url': '',
-                                  'request_id': '1234.1',
-                                  'frame_id': '123.1',
-                                  'initiator': {'type': 'other'},
-                                  'timestamp': 2,
-                                  'timing': {}})
-  JS_REQUEST = Request.FromJsonDict({'url': '',
-                                     'request_id': '1234.12',
-                                     'frame_id': '123.123',
-                                     'initiator': {
-                                         'type': 'parser',
-                                         'url': ''},
-                                     'timestamp': 3,
-                                     'timing': {}})
-  JS_REQUEST_OTHER_FRAME = Request.FromJsonDict(
-      {'url': '',
-       'request_id': '1234.42',
-       'frame_id': '123.13',
-       'initiator': {'type': 'parser',
-                     'url': ''},
-       'timestamp': 4, 'timing': {}})
-      {'url': '',
-       'request_id': '1234.56',
-       'frame_id': '123.99',
-       'initiator': {'type': 'parser',
-                     'url': ''},
-       'timestamp': 5, 'timing': {}})
-  JS_REQUEST_2 = Request.FromJsonDict(
-      {'url': '', 'request_id': '1234.13',
-       'frame_id': '123.123',
-       'initiator': {'type': 'script',
-                     'stack': {'callFrames': [
-                         {'url': 'unknown'},
-                         {'url': ''}]}},
-       'timestamp': 10, 'timing': {}})
-  PAGE_EVENTS = [{'method': 'Page.frameAttached',
-                   'frame_id': '123.13', 'parent_frame_id': '123.1'},
-                 {'method': 'Page.frameAttached',
-                  'frame_id': '123.123', 'parent_frame_id': '123.1'}]
-  @classmethod
-  def CreateLoadingTrace(cls, trace_events=None):
-    # This creates a set of requests with the following dependency structure.
-    #
-    # 1234.redirect.1 -> 1234.redirect.2
-    # 1234.redirect.2 -> 1234.1
-    # 1234.1 -> 1234.12
-    # 1234.1 -> 1234.42
-    # 1234.1 -> 1234.56
-    # 1234.12 -> 1234.13
-    trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        cls.PAGE_EVENTS, trace_events)
-    # Serialize and deserialize so that clients can change events without
-    # affecting future tests.
-    return LoadingTrace.FromJsonDict(trace.ToJsonDict())
-class RequestDependencyLensTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testRedirectDependency(self):
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-    request_dependencies_lens = RequestDependencyLens(loading_trace)
-    deps = request_dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(deps))
-    (first, second, reason) = deps[0]
-    self.assertEquals('redirect', reason)
-    self.assertEquals(TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id,
-                      first.request_id)
-    self.assertEquals(TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id,
-                      second.request_id)
-    (first, second, reason) = deps[1]
-    self.assertEquals('redirect', reason)
-    self.assertEquals(TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id,
-                      first.request_id)
-    self.assertEquals(TestRequests.REQUEST.request_id, second.request_id)
-  def testGetRedirectChain(self):
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-    request_dependencies_lens = RequestDependencyLens(loading_trace)
-    whole_chain = [TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-                   TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-                   TestRequests.REDIRECTED_REQUEST]
-    chain = request_dependencies_lens.GetRedirectChain(
-        TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST)
-    self.assertListEqual(whole_chain, chain)
-    chain = request_dependencies_lens.GetRedirectChain(
-        TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST)
-    self.assertListEqual(whole_chain[1:], chain)
-    chain = request_dependencies_lens.GetRedirectChain(
-        TestRequests.REDIRECTED_REQUEST)
-    self.assertEquals(whole_chain[2:], chain)
-  def testScriptDependency(self):
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [TestRequests.JS_REQUEST, TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_2])
-    request_dependencies_lens = RequestDependencyLens(loading_trace)
-    deps = request_dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(deps))
-    self._AssertDependencyIs(
-        deps[0],
-        TestRequests.JS_REQUEST.request_id,
-        TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_2.request_id, 'script')
-  def testAsyncScriptDependency(self):
-    JS_REQUEST_WITH_ASYNC_STACK = Request.FromJsonDict(
-        {'url': '', 'request_id': '1234.14',
-         'initiator': {
-             'type': 'script',
-             'stack': {'callFrames': [],
-                       'parent': {'callFrames': [
-                                      {'url': ''}]}}},
-         'timestamp': 10, 'timing': {}})
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-    request_dependencies_lens = RequestDependencyLens(loading_trace)
-    deps = request_dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(deps))
-    self._AssertDependencyIs(
-        deps[0], TestRequests.JS_REQUEST.request_id,
-        JS_REQUEST_WITH_ASYNC_STACK.request_id, 'script')
-  def testParserDependency(self):
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [TestRequests.REQUEST, TestRequests.JS_REQUEST])
-    request_dependencies_lens = RequestDependencyLens(loading_trace)
-    deps = request_dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(deps))
-    self._AssertDependencyIs(
-        deps[0],
-        TestRequests.REQUEST.request_id, TestRequests.JS_REQUEST.request_id,
-        'parser')
-  def testSeveralDependencies(self):
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-         TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST,
-         TestRequests.REDIRECTED_REQUEST,
-         TestRequests.JS_REQUEST, TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_2])
-    request_dependencies_lens = RequestDependencyLens(loading_trace)
-    deps = request_dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-    self.assertEquals(4, len(deps))
-    self._AssertDependencyIs(
-        deps[0], TestRequests.FIRST_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id,
-        TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id, 'redirect')
-    self._AssertDependencyIs(
-        deps[1], TestRequests.SECOND_REDIRECT_REQUEST.request_id,
-        TestRequests.REQUEST.request_id, 'redirect')
-    self._AssertDependencyIs(
-        deps[2],
-        TestRequests.REQUEST.request_id, TestRequests.JS_REQUEST.request_id,
-        'parser')
-    self._AssertDependencyIs(
-        deps[3],
-        TestRequests.JS_REQUEST.request_id,
-        TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_2.request_id, 'script')
-  def testDependencyDifferentFrame(self):
-    """Checks that a more recent request from another frame is ignored."""
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [TestRequests.JS_REQUEST, TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_OTHER_FRAME,
-         TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_2])
-    request_dependencies_lens = RequestDependencyLens(loading_trace)
-    deps = request_dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(deps))
-    self._AssertDependencyIs(
-        deps[0],
-        TestRequests.JS_REQUEST.request_id,
-        TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_2.request_id, 'script')
-  def testDependencySameParentFrame(self):
-    """Checks that a more recent request from an unrelated frame is ignored
-    if there is one from a related frame."""
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        [TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_OTHER_FRAME,
-         TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_UNRELATED_FRAME, TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_2],
-        TestRequests.PAGE_EVENTS)
-    request_dependencies_lens = RequestDependencyLens(loading_trace)
-    deps = request_dependencies_lens.GetRequestDependencies()
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(deps))
-    self._AssertDependencyIs(
-        deps[0],
-        TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_OTHER_FRAME.request_id,
-        TestRequests.JS_REQUEST_2.request_id, 'script')
-  def _AssertDependencyIs(
-      self, dep, first_request_id, second_request_id, reason):
-    (first, second, dependency_reason) = dep
-    self.assertEquals(reason, dependency_reason)
-    self.assertEquals(first_request_id, first.request_id)
-    self.assertEquals(second_request_id, second.request_id)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
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deleted file mode 100644
index be62cd1..0000000
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@@ -1,873 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""The request data track.
-When executed, parses a JSON dump of DevTools messages.
-import bisect
-import collections
-import copy
-import datetime
-import email.utils
-import hashlib
-import json
-import logging
-import re
-import sys
-import urlparse
-import devtools_monitor
-class Timing(object):
-  """Collects the timing data for a request."""
-      ('connectEnd', 'connect_end'), ('connectStart', 'connect_start'),
-      ('dnsEnd', 'dns_end'), ('dnsStart', 'dns_start'),
-      ('proxyEnd', 'proxy_end'), ('proxyStart', 'proxy_start'),
-      ('receiveHeadersEnd', 'receive_headers_end'),
-      ('requestTime', 'request_time'), ('sendEnd', 'send_end'),
-      ('sendStart', 'send_start'), ('sslEnd', 'ssl_end'),
-      ('sslStart', 'ssl_start'), ('workerReady', 'worker_ready'),
-      ('workerStart', 'worker_start'),
-      ('loadingFinished', 'loading_finished'), ('pushStart', 'push_start'),
-      ('pushEnd', 'push_end'))
-  __slots__ = tuple(x[1] for x in _TIMING_NAMES)
-  def __init__(self, **kwargs):
-    """Constructor.
-    Initialize with keywords arguments from __slots__.
-    """
-    for slot in self.__slots__:
-      setattr(self, slot, self.UNVAILABLE)
-    for (attr, value) in kwargs.items():
-      setattr(self, attr, value)
-  def __eq__(self, o):
-    return all(getattr(self, attr) == getattr(o, attr)
-               for attr in self.__slots__)
-  def __str__(self):
-    return str(self.ToJsonDict())
-  def LargestOffset(self):
-    """Returns the largest offset in the available timings."""
-    return max(0, max(
-        getattr(self, attr) for attr in self.__slots__
-        if attr != 'request_time'))
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    return {attr: getattr(self, attr)
-            for attr in self.__slots__ if getattr(self, attr) != -1}
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    return cls(**json_dict)
-  @classmethod
-  def FromDevToolsDict(cls, json_dict):
-    """Returns an instance of Timing from a dict, as passed by DevTools."""
-    timing_dict = {
-        cls._TIMING_NAMES_MAPPING[k]: v for (k, v) in json_dict.items()}
-    return cls(**timing_dict)
-def ShortName(url):
-  """Returns a shortened version of a URL."""
-  parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
-  path = parsed.path
-  hostname = parsed.hostname if parsed.hostname else '?.?.?'
-  if path != '' and path != '/':
-    last_path = parsed.path.split('/')[-1]
-    if len(last_path) < 10:
-      if len(path) < 10:
-        return hostname + '/' + path
-      else:
-        return hostname + '/..' + parsed.path[-10:]
-    else:
-        return hostname + '/..' + last_path[:5]
-  else:
-    return hostname
-def IntervalBetween(first, second, reason):
-  """Returns the start and end of the inteval between two requests, in ms.
-  This is defined as:
-  - [first.headers, second.start] if reason is 'parser'. This is to account
-    for incremental parsing.
-  - [first.end, second.start] if reason is 'script', 'redirect' or 'other'.
-  Args:
-    first: (Request) First request.
-    second: (Request) Second request.
-    reason: (str) Link between the two requests, in Request.INITIATORS.
-  Returns:
-    (start_msec (float), end_msec (float)),
-  """
-  assert reason in Request.INITIATORS
-  second_ms = second.timing.request_time * 1000
-  if reason == 'parser':
-    first_offset_ms = first.timing.receive_headers_end
-  else:
-    first_offset_ms = first.timing.LargestOffset()
-  return (first.timing.request_time * 1000 + first_offset_ms, second_ms)
-def TimeBetween(first, second, reason):
-  """(end_msec - start_msec), with the values as returned by IntervalBetween().
-  """
-  (first_ms, second_ms) = IntervalBetween(first, second, reason)
-  return second_ms - first_ms
-def TimingAsList(timing):
-  """Transform Timing to a list, eg as is used in JSON output.
-  Args:
-    timing: a Timing.
-  Returns:
-    A list identical to what the eventual JSON output will be (eg,
-    Request.ToJsonDict).
-  """
-  return json.loads(json.dumps(timing))
-class Request(object):
-  """Represents a single request.
-  Generally speaking, fields here closely mirror those documented in
-  third_party/blink/renderer/devtools/protocol.json.
-  Fields:
-    request_id: (str) unique request ID. Postfixed with _REDIRECT_SUFFIX for
-                redirects.
-    frame_id: (str) unique frame identifier.
-    loader_id: (str) unique frame identifier.
-    document_url: (str) URL of the document this request is loaded for.
-    url: (str) Request URL.
-    protocol: (str) protocol used for the request.
-    method: (str) HTTP method, such as POST or GET.
-    request_headers: (dict) {'header': 'value'} Request headers.
-    response_headers: (dict) {'header': 'value'} Response headers.
-    initial_priority: (str) Initial request priority, in REQUEST_PRIORITIES.
-    timestamp: (float) Request timestamp, in s.
-    wall_time: (float) Request timestamp, UTC timestamp in s.
-    initiator: (dict) Request initiator, in INITIATORS.
-    resource_type: (str) Resource type, in RESOURCE_TYPES
-    served_from_cache: (bool) Whether the request was served from cache.
-    from_disk_cache: (bool) Whether the request was served from the disk cache.
-    from_service_worker: (bool) Whether the request was served by a Service
-                         Worker.
-    timing: (Timing) Request timing, extended with loading_finished.
-    status: (int) Response status code.
-    status_text: (str) Response status text received in the status line.
-    encoded_data_length: (int) Total encoded data length.
-    data_chunks: (list) [(offset, encoded_data_length), ...] List of data
-                 chunks received, with their offset in ms relative to
-                 Timing.requestTime.
-    failed: (bool) Whether the request failed.
-    error_text: (str) User friendly error message when request failed.
-    start_msec: (float) Request start time, in milliseconds from chrome start.
-    end_msec: (float) Request end time, in milliseconds from chrome start.
-      start_msec.
-  """
-  REQUEST_PRIORITIES = ('VeryLow', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'VeryHigh')
-  RESOURCE_TYPES = ('Document', 'Stylesheet', 'Image', 'Media', 'Font',
-                    'Script', 'TextTrack', 'XHR', 'Fetch', 'EventSource',
-                    'WebSocket', 'Manifest', 'Other')
-  INITIATORS = ('parser', 'script', 'other', 'redirect')
-  INITIATING_REQUEST = 'initiating_request'
-  ORIGINAL_INITIATOR = 'original_initiator'
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.request_id = None
-    self.frame_id = None
-    self.loader_id = None
-    self.document_url = None
-    self.url = None
-    self.protocol = None
-    self.method = None
-    self.mime_type = None
-    self.request_headers = None
-    self.response_headers = None
-    self.initial_priority = None
-    self.timestamp = -1
-    self.wall_time = -1
-    self.initiator = None
-    self.resource_type = None
-    self.served_from_cache = False
-    self.from_disk_cache = False
-    self.from_service_worker = False
-    self.timing = None
-    self.status = None
-    self.status_text = None
-    self.response_headers_length = 0
-    self.encoded_data_length = 0
-    self.data_chunks = []
-    self.failed = False
-    self.error_text = None
-  @property
-  def start_msec(self):
-    return self.timing.request_time * 1000
-  @property
-  def end_msec(self):
-    if self.start_msec is None:
-      return None
-    return self.start_msec + self.timing.LargestOffset()
-  @property
-  def fingerprint(self):
-    h = hashlib.sha256()
-    h.update(self.url)
-    return h.hexdigest()[:10]
-  def _TimestampOffsetFromStartMs(self, timestamp):
-    assert self.timing.request_time != -1
-    request_time = self.timing.request_time
-    return (timestamp - request_time) * 1000
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    result = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
-    result['timing'] = self.timing.ToJsonDict() if self.timing else {}
-    return result
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, data_dict):
-    result = Request()
-    for (k, v) in data_dict.items():
-      setattr(result, k, v)
-    if not result.response_headers:
-      result.response_headers = {}
-    if result.timing:
-      result.timing = Timing.FromJsonDict(result.timing)
-    else:
-      result.timing = Timing(request_time=result.timestamp)
-    return result
-  def GetResponseTransportLength(self):
-    """Get the total amount of encoded data no matter whether load has finished
-    or not.
-    """
-    assert self.HasReceivedResponse()
-    assert not self.from_disk_cache and not self.served_from_cache
-    assert self.protocol not in {'about', 'blob', 'data'}
-    if self.timing.loading_finished != Timing.UNVAILABLE:
-      encoded_data_length = self.encoded_data_length
-    else:
-      encoded_data_length = sum(
-          [chunk_size for _, chunk_size in self.data_chunks])
-      assert encoded_data_length > 0 or len(self.data_chunks) == 0
-    return encoded_data_length + self.response_headers_length
-  def GetHTTPResponseHeader(self, header_name):
-    """Gets the value of a HTTP response header.
-    Does a case-insensitive search for the header name in the HTTP response
-    headers, in order to support servers that use a wrong capitalization.
-    """
-    lower_case_name = header_name.lower()
-    result = None
-    for name, value in self.response_headers.iteritems():
-      if name.lower() == lower_case_name:
-        result = value
-        break
-    return result
-  def SetHTTPResponseHeader(self, header, header_value):
-    """Sets the value of a HTTP response header."""
-    assert header.islower()
-    for name in self.response_headers.keys():
-      if name.lower() == header:
-        del self.response_headers[name]
-    self.response_headers[header] = header_value
-  def GetResponseHeaderValue(self, header, value):
-    """Returns a copy of |value| iff response |header| contains it."""
-    header_values = self.GetHTTPResponseHeader(header)
-    if not header_values:
-      return None
-    values = header_values.split(',')
-    for header_value in values:
-      if header_value.lower() == value.lower():
-        return header_value
-    return None
-  def HasResponseHeaderValue(self, header, value):
-    """Returns True iff the response headers |header| contains |value|."""
-    return self.GetResponseHeaderValue(header, value) is not None
-  def GetContentType(self):
-    """Returns the content type, or None."""
-    # Check for redirects. Use the "Location" header, because the HTTP status is
-    # not reliable.
-    if self.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Location') is not None:
-      return 'redirect'
-    # Check if the response is empty.
-    if (self.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Content-Length') == '0' or
-        self.status == 204):
-      return 'ping'
-    if self.mime_type:
-      return self.mime_type
-    content_type = self.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Content-Type')
-    if not content_type or ';' not in content_type:
-      return content_type
-    else:
-      return content_type[:content_type.index(';')]
-  def IsDataRequest(self):
-    return self.protocol == 'data'
-  def HasReceivedResponse(self):
-    return self.status is not None
-  def GetCacheControlDirective(self, directive_name):
-    """Returns the value of a Cache-Control directive, or None."""
-    cache_control_str = self.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Cache-Control')
-    if cache_control_str is None:
-      return None
-    directives = [s.strip() for s in cache_control_str.split(',')]
-    for directive in directives:
-      parts = directive.split('=')
-      if len(parts) != 2:
-        continue
-      (name, value) = parts
-      if name == directive_name:
-        return value
-    return None
-  def MaxAge(self):
-    """Returns the max-age of a resource, or -1."""
-    # TODO(lizeb): Handle the "Expires" header as well.
-    cache_control = {}
-    if not self.response_headers:
-      return -1
-    cache_control_str = self.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Cache-Control')
-    if cache_control_str is not None:
-      directives = [s.strip() for s in cache_control_str.split(',')]
-      for directive in directives:
-        parts = [s.strip() for s in directive.split('=')]
-        if len(parts) == 1:
-          cache_control[parts[0]] = True
-        else:
-          cache_control[parts[0]] = parts[1]
-    if (u'no-store' in cache_control
-        or u'no-cache' in cache_control
-        or len(cache_control) == 0):
-      return -1
-    max_age = self.GetCacheControlDirective('max-age')
-    if max_age:
-      return int(max_age)
-    return -1
-  def Cost(self):
-    """Returns the cost of this request in ms, defined as time between
-    request_time and the latest timing event.
-    """
-    # All fields in timing are millis relative to request_time.
-    return self.timing.LargestOffset()
-  def GetRawResponseHeaders(self):
-    """Gets the request's raw response headers compatible with
-    net::HttpResponseHeaders's constructor.
-    """
-    assert not self.IsDataRequest()
-    assert self.HasReceivedResponse()
-    headers = bytes('{} {} {}\x00'.format(
-        self.protocol.upper(), self.status, self.status_text))
-    for key in sorted(self.response_headers.keys()):
-      headers += (bytes(key.encode('latin-1')) + b': ' +
-          bytes(self.response_headers[key].encode('latin-1')) + b'\x00')
-    return headers
-  def __eq__(self, o):
-    return self.__dict__ == o.__dict__
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return hash(self.request_id)
-  def __str__(self):
-    return json.dumps(self.ToJsonDict(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)
-def _ParseStringToInt(string):
-  """Parses a string to an integer like base::StringToInt64().
-  Returns:
-    Parsed integer.
-  """
-  string = string.strip()
-  while string:
-    try:
-      parsed_integer = int(string)
-      if parsed_integer > sys.maxint:
-        return sys.maxint
-      if parsed_integer < -sys.maxint - 1:
-        return -sys.maxint - 1
-      return parsed_integer
-    except ValueError:
-      string = string[:-1]
-  return 0
-class CachingPolicy(object):
-  """Represents the caching policy at an arbitrary time for a cached response.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, request):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      request: (Request)
-    """
-    assert request.response_headers is not None
-    self.request = request
-    # This is incorrect, as the timestamp corresponds to when devtools is made
-    # aware of the request, not when it was sent. However, this is good enough
-    # for computing cache expiration, which doesn't need sub-second precision.
-    self._request_time = self.request.wall_time
-    # Used when the date is not available.
-    self._response_time = (
-        self._request_time + self.request.timing.receive_headers_end)
-  def HasValidators(self):
-    """Returns wether the request has a validator."""
-    # Assuming HTTP 1.1+.
-    return (self.request.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Last-Modified')
-            or self.request.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Etag'))
-  def IsCacheable(self):
-    """Returns whether the request could be stored in the cache."""
-    return not self.request.HasResponseHeaderValue('Cache-Control', 'no-store')
-  def PolicyAtDate(self, timestamp):
-    """Returns the caching policy at an aribitrary timestamp.
-    Args:
-      timestamp: (float) Seconds since Epoch.
-    Returns:
-      A policy in POLICIES.
-    """
-    # Note: the implementation is largely transcribed from
-    # net/http/, itself following RFC 2616.
-    if not self.IsCacheable():
-      return self.FETCH
-    freshness = self.GetFreshnessLifetimes()
-    if freshness[0] == 0 and freshness[1] == 0:
-      return self.VALIDATION_SYNC
-    age = self._GetCurrentAge(timestamp)
-    if freshness[0] > age:
-      return self.VALIDATION_NONE
-    if (freshness[0] + freshness[1]) > age:
-      return self.VALIDATION_ASYNC
-    return self.VALIDATION_SYNC
-  def GetFreshnessLifetimes(self):
-    """Returns [freshness, stale-while-revalidate freshness] in seconds."""
-    # This is adapted from GetFreshnessLifetimes() in
-    # //net/http/ (which follows the RFC).
-    r = self.request
-    result = [0, 0]
-    if (r.HasResponseHeaderValue('Cache-Control', 'no-cache')
-        or r.HasResponseHeaderValue('Cache-Control', 'no-store')
-        or r.HasResponseHeaderValue('Vary', '*')):  # RFC 2616, 13.6.
-      return result
-    must_revalidate = r.HasResponseHeaderValue(
-        'Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate')
-    swr_header = r.GetCacheControlDirective('stale-while-revalidate')
-    if not must_revalidate and swr_header:
-      result[1] = _ParseStringToInt(swr_header)
-    max_age_header = r.GetCacheControlDirective('max-age')
-    if max_age_header:
-      result[0] = _ParseStringToInt(max_age_header)
-      return result
-    date = self._GetDateValue('Date') or self._response_time
-    expires = self._GetDateValue('Expires')
-    if expires:
-      result[0] = expires - date
-      return result
-    if self.request.status in (200, 203, 206) and not must_revalidate:
-      last_modified = self._GetDateValue('Last-Modified')
-      if last_modified and last_modified < date:
-        result[0] = (date - last_modified) / 10
-        return result
-    if self.request.status in (300, 301, 308, 410):
-      return [2**48, 0] # ~forever.
-    # No header -> not fresh.
-    return result
-  def _GetDateValue(self, name):
-    date_str = self.request.GetHTTPResponseHeader(name)
-    if not date_str:
-      return None
-    parsed_date = email.utils.parsedate_tz(date_str)
-    if parsed_date is None:
-      return None
-    return email.utils.mktime_tz(parsed_date)
-  def _GetCurrentAge(self, current_time):
-    # See GetCurrentAge() in //net/http/
-    r = self.request
-    date_value = self._GetDateValue('Date') or self._response_time
-    age_value = int(r.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Age') or '0')
-    apparent_age = max(0, self._response_time - date_value)
-    corrected_received_age = max(apparent_age, age_value)
-    response_delay = self._response_time - self._request_time
-    corrected_initial_age = corrected_received_age + response_delay
-    resident_time = current_time - self._response_time
-    current_age = corrected_initial_age + resident_time
-    return current_age
-class RequestTrack(devtools_monitor.Track):
-  """Aggregates request data."""
-  _REDIRECT_SUFFIX = '.redirect'
-  # Request status
-  # Serialization KEYS
-  _EVENTS_KEY = 'events'
-  _METADATA_KEY = 'metadata'
-  _DUPLICATES_KEY = 'duplicates_count'
-  _INCONSISTENT_INITIATORS_KEY = 'inconsistent_initiators'
-  def __init__(self, connection):
-    super(RequestTrack, self).__init__(connection)
-    self._connection = connection
-    self._requests = []
-    self._requests_in_flight = {}  # requestId -> (request, status)
-    self._completed_requests_by_id = {}
-    self._redirects_count_by_id = collections.defaultdict(int)
-    self._indexed = False
-    self._request_start_timestamps = None
-    self._request_end_timestamps = None
-    self._requests_by_start = None
-    self._requests_by_end = None
-    if connection:  # Optional for testing.
-      for method in RequestTrack._METHOD_TO_HANDLER:
-        self._connection.RegisterListener(method, self)
-      # Enable asynchronous callstacks to get full javascript callstacks in
-      # initiators
-      self._connection.SetScopedState('Debugger.setAsyncCallStackDepth',
-                                      {'maxDepth': 4}, {'maxDepth': 0}, True)
-    # responseReceived message are sometimes duplicated. Records the message to
-    # detect this.
-    self._request_id_to_response_received = {}
-    self.duplicates_count = 0
-    self.inconsistent_initiators_count = 0
-  def Handle(self, method, msg):
-    assert method in RequestTrack._METHOD_TO_HANDLER
-    self._indexed = False
-    params = msg['params']
-    request_id = params['requestId']
-    RequestTrack._METHOD_TO_HANDLER[method](self, request_id, params)
-  def GetEvents(self):
-    if self._requests_in_flight:
-      logging.warning('Number of requests still in flight: %d.'
-                      % len(self._requests_in_flight))
-    return self._requests
-  def GetFirstResourceRequest(self):
-    return self.GetEvents()[0]
-  def GetFirstRequestMillis(self):
-    """Find the canonical start time for this track.
-    Returns:
-      The millisecond timestamp of the first request.
-    """
-    assert self._requests, "No requests to analyze."
-    self._IndexRequests()
-    return self._request_start_timestamps[0]
-  def GetLastRequestMillis(self):
-    """Find the canonical start time for this track.
-    Returns:
-      The millisecond timestamp of the first request.
-    """
-    assert self._requests, "No requests to analyze."
-    self._IndexRequests()
-    return self._request_end_timestamps[-1]
-  def GetEventsStartingBetween(self, start_ms, end_ms):
-    """Return events that started in a range.
-    Args:
-      start_ms: the start time to query, in milliseconds from the first request.
-      end_ms: the end time to query, in milliseconds from the first request.
-    Returns:
-      A list of requests whose start time is in [start_ms, end_ms].
-    """
-    self._IndexRequests()
-    low = bisect.bisect_left(self._request_start_timestamps, start_ms)
-    high = bisect.bisect_right(self._request_start_timestamps, end_ms)
-    return self._requests_by_start[low:high]
-  def GetEventsEndingBetween(self, start_ms, end_ms):
-    """Return events that ended in a range.
-    Args:
-      start_ms: the start time to query, in milliseconds from the first request.
-      end_ms: the end time to query, in milliseconds from the first request.
-    Returns:
-      A list of requests whose end time is in [start_ms, end_ms].
-    """
-    self._IndexRequests()
-    low = bisect.bisect_left(self._request_end_timestamps, start_ms)
-    high = bisect.bisect_right(self._request_end_timestamps, end_ms)
-    return self._requests_by_end[low:high]
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    if self._requests_in_flight:
-      logging.warning('Requests in flight, will be ignored in the dump')
-    return {self._EVENTS_KEY: [
-        request.ToJsonDict() for request in self._requests],
-            self._METADATA_KEY: {
-                self._DUPLICATES_KEY: self.duplicates_count,
-                self._INCONSISTENT_INITIATORS_KEY:
-                self.inconsistent_initiators_count}}
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    assert cls._EVENTS_KEY in json_dict
-    assert cls._METADATA_KEY in json_dict
-    result = RequestTrack(None)
-    requests = [Request.FromJsonDict(request)
-                for request in json_dict[cls._EVENTS_KEY]]
-    result._requests = requests
-    metadata = json_dict[cls._METADATA_KEY]
-    result.duplicates_count = metadata.get(cls._DUPLICATES_KEY, 0)
-    result.inconsistent_initiators_count = metadata.get(
-    return result
-  def _IndexRequests(self):
-    # TODO(mattcary): if we ever have requests without timing then we either
-    # need a default, or to make an index that only includes requests with
-    # timings.
-    if self._indexed:
-      return
-    valid_requests = [r for r in self._requests
-                      if r.start_msec is not None]
-    self._requests_by_start = sorted(valid_requests,
-                                     key=lambda r: r.start_msec)
-    self._request_start_timestamps = [r.start_msec
-                                      for r in self._requests_by_start]
-    self._requests_by_end = sorted(valid_requests,
-                                     key=lambda r: r.end_msec)
-    self._request_end_timestamps = [r.end_msec
-                                    for r in self._requests_by_end]
-    self._indexed = True
-  def _RequestWillBeSent(self, request_id, params):
-    # Several "requestWillBeSent" events can be dispatched in a row in the case
-    # of redirects.
-    redirect_initiator = None
-    if request_id in self._completed_requests_by_id:
-      assert request_id not in self._requests_in_flight
-      return
-    if request_id in self._requests_in_flight:
-      redirect_initiator = self._HandleRedirect(request_id, params)
-    assert (request_id not in self._requests_in_flight)
-    r = Request()
-    r.request_id = request_id
-    _CopyFromDictToObject(
-        params, r, (('frameId', 'frame_id'), ('loaderId', 'loader_id'),
-                    ('documentURL', 'document_url'),
-                    ('timestamp', 'timestamp'), ('wallTime', 'wall_time'),
-                    ('initiator', 'initiator')))
-    request = params['request']
-    _CopyFromDictToObject(
-        request, r, (('url', 'url'), ('method', 'method'),
-                     ('headers', 'headers'),
-                     ('initialPriority', 'initial_priority')))
-    r.resource_type = params.get('type', 'Other')
-    if redirect_initiator:
-      original_initiator = r.initiator
-      r.initiator = redirect_initiator
-      r.initiator[Request.ORIGINAL_INITIATOR] = original_initiator
-      initiating_request = self._completed_requests_by_id[
-          redirect_initiator[Request.INITIATING_REQUEST]]
-      initiating_initiator = initiating_request.initiator.get(
-          Request.ORIGINAL_INITIATOR, initiating_request.initiator)
-      if initiating_initiator != original_initiator:
-        self.inconsistent_initiators_count += 1
-    self._requests_in_flight[request_id] = (r, RequestTrack._STATUS_SENT)
-  def _HandleRedirect(self, request_id, params):
-    (r, status) = self._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    assert status == RequestTrack._STATUS_SENT
-    # The second request contains timing information pertaining to the first
-    # one. Finalize the first request.
-    assert 'redirectResponse' in params
-    redirect_response = params['redirectResponse']
-    _CopyFromDictToObject(redirect_response, r,
-                          (('headers', 'response_headers'),
-                           ('encodedDataLength', 'response_headers_length'),
-                           ('fromDiskCache', 'from_disk_cache'),
-                           ('protocol', 'protocol'), ('status', 'status'),
-                           ('statusText', 'status_text')))
-    r.timing = Timing.FromDevToolsDict(redirect_response['timing'])
-    redirect_index = self._redirects_count_by_id[request_id]
-    self._redirects_count_by_id[request_id] += 1
-    r.request_id = '%s%s.%d' % (request_id, self._REDIRECT_SUFFIX,
-                                 redirect_index + 1)
-    initiator = {
-        'type': 'redirect', Request.INITIATING_REQUEST: r.request_id}
-    self._requests_in_flight[r.request_id] = (r, RequestTrack._STATUS_FINISHED)
-    del self._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    self._FinalizeRequest(r.request_id)
-    return initiator
-  def _RequestServedFromCache(self, request_id, _):
-    if request_id not in self._requests_in_flight:
-      return
-    (request, status) = self._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    assert status == RequestTrack._STATUS_SENT
-    request.served_from_cache = True
-  def _ResponseReceived(self, request_id, params):
-    if request_id in self._completed_requests_by_id:
-      assert request_id not in self._requests_in_flight
-      return
-    assert request_id in self._requests_in_flight
-    (r, status) = self._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    if status == RequestTrack._STATUS_RESPONSE:
-      # Duplicated messages (apart from the timestamp) are OK.
-      old_params = self._request_id_to_response_received[request_id]
-      params_copy = copy.deepcopy(params)
-      params_copy['timestamp'] = None
-      old_params['timestamp'] = None
-      assert params_copy == old_params
-      self.duplicates_count += 1
-      return
-    assert status == RequestTrack._STATUS_SENT
-    assert (r.frame_id == params['frameId'] or
-            params['response']['protocol'] == 'data')
-    assert r.timestamp <= params['timestamp']
-    if r.resource_type == 'Other':
-      r.resource_type = params.get('type', 'Other')
-    else:
-      assert r.resource_type == params.get('type', 'Other')
-    response = params['response']
-    _CopyFromDictToObject(
-        response, r, (('status', 'status'), ('mimeType', 'mime_type'),
-                      ('fromDiskCache', 'from_disk_cache'),
-                      ('fromServiceWorker', 'from_service_worker'),
-                      ('protocol', 'protocol'), ('statusText', 'status_text'),
-                      # Actual request headers are not known before reaching the
-                      # network stack.
-                      ('requestHeaders', 'request_headers'),
-                      ('encodedDataLength', 'response_headers_length'),
-                      ('headers', 'response_headers')))
-    timing_dict = {}
-    # Some URLs don't have a timing dict (e.g. data URLs), and timings for
-    # cached requests are stale.
-    # TODO(droger): the timestamp is inacurate, get the real timings instead.
-    if not response.get('timing') or r.served_from_cache:
-      timing_dict = {'requestTime': r.timestamp}
-    else:
-      timing_dict = response['timing']
-    r.timing = Timing.FromDevToolsDict(timing_dict)
-    self._requests_in_flight[request_id] = (r, RequestTrack._STATUS_RESPONSE)
-    self._request_id_to_response_received[request_id] = params
-  def _DataReceived(self, request_id, params):
-    if request_id not in self._requests_in_flight:
-      return
-    (r, status) = self._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    assert (status == RequestTrack._STATUS_RESPONSE
-            or status == RequestTrack._STATUS_DATA)
-    offset = r._TimestampOffsetFromStartMs(params['timestamp'])
-    r.data_chunks.append((offset, params['encodedDataLength']))
-    self._requests_in_flight[request_id] = (r, RequestTrack._STATUS_DATA)
-  def _LoadingFinished(self, request_id, params):
-    if request_id not in self._requests_in_flight:
-      return
-    (r, status) = self._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    assert (status == RequestTrack._STATUS_RESPONSE
-            or status == RequestTrack._STATUS_DATA)
-    r.encoded_data_length = params['encodedDataLength']
-    r.timing.loading_finished = r._TimestampOffsetFromStartMs(
-        params['timestamp'])
-    self._requests_in_flight[request_id] = (r, RequestTrack._STATUS_FINISHED)
-    self._FinalizeRequest(request_id)
-  def _LoadingFailed(self, request_id, params):
-    if request_id not in self._requests_in_flight:
-      logging.warning('An unknown request failed: %s' % request_id)
-      return
-    (r, _) = self._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    r.failed = True
-    r.error_text = params['errorText']
-    self._requests_in_flight[request_id] = (r, RequestTrack._STATUS_FINISHED)
-    self._FinalizeRequest(request_id)
-  def _FinalizeRequest(self, request_id):
-    (request, status) = self._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    assert status == RequestTrack._STATUS_FINISHED
-    del self._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    self._completed_requests_by_id[request_id] = request
-    self._requests.append(request)
-  def __eq__(self, o):
-    return self._requests == o._requests
-RequestTrack._METHOD_TO_HANDLER = {
-    'Network.requestWillBeSent': RequestTrack._RequestWillBeSent,
-    'Network.requestServedFromCache': RequestTrack._RequestServedFromCache,
-    'Network.responseReceived': RequestTrack._ResponseReceived,
-    'Network.dataReceived': RequestTrack._DataReceived,
-    'Network.loadingFinished': RequestTrack._LoadingFinished,
-    'Network.loadingFailed': RequestTrack._LoadingFailed}
-def _CopyFromDictToObject(d, o, key_attrs):
-  for (key, attr) in key_attrs:
-    if key in d:
-      setattr(o, attr, d[key])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import json
-  import sys
-  events = json.load(open(sys.argv[1], 'r'))
-  request_track = RequestTrack(None)
-  for event in events:
-    event_method = event['method']
-    request_track.Handle(event_method, event)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f0baea..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,636 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import copy
-import json
-import sys
-import unittest
-from request_track import (TimeBetween, Request, CachingPolicy, RequestTrack,
-                           Timing, _ParseStringToInt)
-class TimeBetweenTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  _REQUEST = Request.FromJsonDict({'url': '',
-                                   'request_id': '1234.1',
-                                   'frame_id': '123.1',
-                                   'initiator': {'type': 'other'},
-                                   'timestamp': 2,
-                                   'timing': {}})
-  def setUp(self):
-    super(TimeBetweenTestCase, self).setUp()
-    self.first = copy.deepcopy(self._REQUEST)
-    self.first.timing = Timing.FromDevToolsDict({'requestTime': 123456,
-                                                 'receiveHeadersEnd': 100,
-                                                 'loadingFinished': 500})
-    self.second = copy.deepcopy(self._REQUEST)
-    self.second.timing = Timing.FromDevToolsDict({'requestTime': 123456 + 1,
-                                                  'receiveHeadersEnd': 200,
-                                                  'loadingFinished': 600})
-  def testTimeBetweenParser(self):
-    self.assertEquals(900, TimeBetween(self.first, self.second, 'parser'))
-  def testTimeBetweenScript(self):
-    self.assertEquals(500, TimeBetween(self.first, self.second, 'script'))
-class RequestTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testContentType(self):
-    r = Request()
-    r.response_headers = {}
-    self.assertEquals(None, r.GetContentType())
-    r.response_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/javascript'}
-    self.assertEquals('application/javascript', r.GetContentType())
-    # Case-insensitive match.
-    r.response_headers = {'content-type': 'application/javascript'}
-    self.assertEquals('application/javascript', r.GetContentType())
-    # Parameters are filtered out.
-    r.response_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/javascript;bla'}
-    self.assertEquals('application/javascript', r.GetContentType())
-    # MIME type takes precedence over 'Content-Type' header.
-    r.mime_type = 'image/webp'
-    self.assertEquals('image/webp', r.GetContentType())
-    r.mime_type = None
-    # Test for 'ping' type.
-    r.status = 204
-    self.assertEquals('ping', r.GetContentType())
-    r.status = None
-    r.response_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/javascript',
-                          'content-length': '0'}
-    self.assertEquals('ping', r.GetContentType())
-    # Test for 'redirect' type.
-    r.response_headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/javascript',
-                          'location': 'http://foo',
-                          'content-length': '0'}
-    self.assertEquals('redirect', r.GetContentType())
-  def testGetHTTPResponseHeader(self):
-    r = Request()
-    r.response_headers = {}
-    self.assertEquals(None, r.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Foo'))
-    r.response_headers = {'Foo': 'Bar', 'Baz': 'Foo'}
-    self.assertEquals('Bar', r.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Foo'))
-    r.response_headers = {'foo': 'Bar', 'Baz': 'Foo'}
-    self.assertEquals('Bar', r.GetHTTPResponseHeader('Foo'))
-  def testGetRawResponseHeaders(self):
-    r = Request()
-    r.protocol = 'http/1.1'
-    r.status = 200
-    r.status_text = 'Hello world'
-    r.response_headers = {'Foo': 'Bar', 'Baz': 'Foo'}
-    self.assertEquals('HTTP/1.1 200 Hello world\x00Baz: Foo\x00Foo: Bar\x00',
-                      r.GetRawResponseHeaders())
-class ParseStringToIntTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def runTest(self):
-    MININT = -sys.maxint - 1
-    # Same test cases as in
-    CASES = [
-        ("0", 0),
-        ("42", 42),
-        ("-2147483648", -2147483648),
-        ("2147483647", 2147483647),
-        ("-2147483649", -2147483649),
-        ("-99999999999", -99999999999),
-        ("2147483648", 2147483648),
-        ("99999999999", 99999999999),
-        ("9223372036854775807", sys.maxint),
-        ("-9223372036854775808", MININT),
-        ("09", 9),
-        ("-09", -9),
-        ("", 0),
-        (" 42", 42),
-        ("42 ", 42),
-        ("0x42", 0),
-        ("\t\n\v\f\r 42", 42),
-        ("blah42", 0),
-        ("42blah", 42),
-        ("blah42blah", 0),
-        ("-273.15", -273),
-        ("+98.6", 98),
-        ("--123", 0),
-        ("++123", 0),
-        ("-+123", 0),
-        ("+-123", 0),
-        ("-", 0),
-        ("-9223372036854775809", MININT),
-        ("-99999999999999999999", MININT),
-        ("9223372036854775808", sys.maxint),
-        ("99999999999999999999", sys.maxint)]
-    for string, expected_int in CASES:
-      parsed_int = _ParseStringToInt(string)
-      self.assertEquals(expected_int, parsed_int)
-class CachingPolicyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  _REQUEST = {
-      'encoded_data_length': 14726,
-      'request_id': '2291.1',
-      'response_headers': {
-          'Age': '866',
-          'Content-Length': '14187',
-          'Date': 'Fri, 22 Apr 2016 08:56:19 -0200',
-          'Vary': 'Accept-Encoding',
-      },
-      'timestamp': 5535648.730768,
-      'timing': {
-          'connect_end': 34.0510001406074,
-          'connect_start': 21.6859998181462,
-          'dns_end': 21.6859998181462,
-          'dns_start': 0,
-          'loading_finished': 58.76399949193001,
-          'receive_headers_end': 47.0650000497699,
-          'request_time': 5535648.73264,
-          'send_end': 34.6099995076656,
-          'send_start': 34.2979999259114
-      },
-      'url': '',
-      'status': 200,
-      'wall_time': 1461322579.59422}
-  def testHasValidators(self):
-    r = self._MakeRequest()
-    self.assertFalse(CachingPolicy(r).HasValidators())
-    r.response_headers['Last-Modified'] = 'Yesterday all my troubles'
-    self.assertTrue(CachingPolicy(r).HasValidators())
-    r = self._MakeRequest()
-    r.response_headers['ETAG'] = 'ABC'
-    self.assertTrue(CachingPolicy(r).HasValidators())
-  def testIsCacheable(self):
-    r = self._MakeRequest()
-    self.assertTrue(CachingPolicy(r).IsCacheable())
-    r.response_headers['Cache-Control'] = 'Whatever,no-store'
-    self.assertFalse(CachingPolicy(r).IsCacheable())
-  def testPolicyNoStore(self):
-    r = self._MakeRequest()
-    r.response_headers['Cache-Control'] = 'Whatever,no-store'
-    self.assertEqual(CachingPolicy.FETCH, CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(0))
-  def testPolicyMaxAge(self):
-    r = self._MakeRequest()
-    r.response_headers['Cache-Control'] = 'whatever,max-age=  1000,whatever'
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_NONE,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time))
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_SYNC,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 10000))
-    # Take current age into account.
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_SYNC,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 500))
-    # Max-Age before Expires.
-    r.response_headers['Expires'] = 'Thu, 21 Apr 2016 00:00:00 -0200'
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_NONE,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time))
-    # Max-Age < age
-    r.response_headers['Cache-Control'] = 'whatever,max-age=100crap,whatever'
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_SYNC,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 2))
-  def testPolicyExpires(self):
-    r = self._MakeRequest()
-    # Already expired
-    r.response_headers['Expires'] = 'Thu, 21 Apr 2016 00:00:00 -0200'
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_SYNC,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time))
-    r.response_headers['Expires'] = 'Thu, 25 Apr 2016 00:00:00 -0200'
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_NONE,\
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time))
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_NONE,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 86400))
-    self.assertEqual(CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_SYNC,
-                     CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 86400 * 5))
-  def testStaleWhileRevalidate(self):
-    r = self._MakeRequest()
-    r.response_headers['Cache-Control'] = (
-        'whatever,max-age=1000,stale-while-revalidate=2000')
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_ASYNC,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 200))
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_ASYNC,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 2000))
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_SYNC,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 3100))
-    # must-revalidate overrides stale-while-revalidate.
-    r.response_headers['Cache-Control'] += ',must-revalidate'
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_SYNC,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 200))
-  def test301NeverExpires(self):
-    r = self._MakeRequest()
-    r.status = 301
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_NONE,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 2000))
-  def testLastModifiedHeuristic(self):
-    r = self._MakeRequest()
-    # 8 hours ago.
-    r.response_headers['Last-Modified'] = 'Fri, 22 Apr 2016 00:56:19 -0200'
-    del r.response_headers['Age']
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_NONE,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 60))
-    self.assertEqual(
-        CachingPolicy.VALIDATION_SYNC,
-        CachingPolicy(r).PolicyAtDate(r.wall_time + 3600))
-  @classmethod
-  def _MakeRequest(cls):
-    return Request.FromJsonDict(copy.deepcopy(cls._REQUEST))
-class RequestTrackTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-      'method': 'Network.requestWillBeSent',
-      'params': {
-          'documentURL': '',
-          'frameId': '32493.1',
-          'initiator': {
-              'type': 'other'
-              },
-          'loaderId': '32493.3',
-          'request': {
-              'headers': {
-                  'Accept': 'text/html',
-                  'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests': '1',
-                  'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'
-                  },
-              'initialPriority': 'VeryHigh',
-              'method': 'GET',
-              'mixedContentType': 'none',
-              'url': ''
-              },
-          'requestId': '32493.1',
-          'timestamp': 5571441.535053,
-          'type': 'Document',
-          'wallTime': 1452691674.08878}}
-  _REDIRECT = {
-      'method': 'Network.requestWillBeSent',
-      'params': {
-          'documentURL': '',
-          'frameId': '32493.1',
-          'initiator': {
-              'type': 'other'
-              },
-          'loaderId': '32493.3',
-          'redirectResponse': {
-              'connectionId': 18,
-              'connectionReused': False,
-              'encodedDataLength': 198,
-              'fromDiskCache': False,
-              'fromServiceWorker': False,
-              'headers': {},
-              'headersText': 'HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n',
-              'mimeType': 'text/html',
-              'protocol': 'http/1.1',
-              'remoteIPAddress': '',
-              'remotePort': 80,
-              'requestHeaders': {
-                  'Accept': 'text/html',
-                  'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'
-                  },
-              'securityState': 'neutral',
-              'status': 301,
-              'statusText': 'Moved Permanently',
-              'timing': {
-                  'connectEnd': 137.435999698937,
-                  'connectStart': 51.1459996923804,
-                  'dnsEnd': 51.1459996923804,
-                  'dnsStart': 0,
-                  'proxyEnd': -1,
-                  'proxyStart': -1,
-                  'receiveHeadersEnd': 228.187000378966,
-                  'requestTime': 5571441.55002,
-                  'sendEnd': 138.841999694705,
-                  'sendStart': 138.031999580562,
-                  'sslEnd': -1,
-                  'sslStart': -1,
-                  'workerReady': -1,
-                  'workerStart': -1
-                  },
-              'url': ''
-              },
-          'request': {
-              'headers': {
-                  'Accept': 'text/html',
-                  'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'
-                  },
-              'initialPriority': 'VeryLow',
-              'method': 'GET',
-              'mixedContentType': 'none',
-              'url': ''
-              },
-          'requestId': '32493.1',
-          'timestamp': 5571441.795948,
-          'type': 'Document',
-          'wallTime': 1452691674.34968}}
-      'method': 'Network.responseReceived',
-      'params': {
-          'frameId': '32493.1',
-          'loaderId': '32493.3',
-          'requestId': '32493.1',
-          'response': {
-              'connectionId': 26,
-              'connectionReused': False,
-              'encodedDataLength': -1,
-              'fromDiskCache': False,
-              'fromServiceWorker': False,
-              'headers': {
-                  'Age': '67',
-                  'Cache-Control': 'max-age=0,must-revalidate',
-                  },
-              'headersText': 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n',
-              'mimeType': 'text/html',
-              'protocol': 'http/1.1',
-              'requestHeaders': {
-                  'Accept': 'text/html',
-                    'Host': '',
-                    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'
-                },
-                'status': 200,
-                'timing': {
-                    'connectEnd': 37.9800004884601,
-                    'connectStart': 26.8250005319715,
-                    'dnsEnd': 26.8250005319715,
-                    'dnsStart': 0,
-                    'proxyEnd': -1,
-                    'proxyStart': -1,
-                    'receiveHeadersEnd': 54.9750002101064,
-                    'requestTime': 5571441.798671,
-                    'sendEnd': 38.3980004116893,
-                    'sendStart': 38.1810003891587,
-                    'sslEnd': -1,
-                    'sslStart': -1,
-                    'workerReady': -1,
-                    'workerStart': -1
-                },
-                'url': ''
-            },
-            'timestamp': 5571441.865639,
-            'type': 'Document'}}
-      "method": "Network.dataReceived",
-      "params": {
-          "dataLength": 1803,
-          "encodedDataLength": 1326,
-          "requestId": "32493.1",
-          "timestamp": 5571441.867347}}
-      "method": "Network.dataReceived",
-      "params": {
-          "dataLength": 32768,
-          "encodedDataLength": 32768,
-          "requestId": "32493.1",
-          "timestamp": 5571441.893121}}
-      "method": "Network.requestServedFromCache",
-      "params": {
-          "requestId": "32493.1"}}
-  _LOADING_FINISHED = {'method': 'Network.loadingFinished',
-                       'params': {
-                           'encodedDataLength': 101829,
-                           'requestId': '32493.1',
-                           'timestamp': 5571441.891189}}
-  _LOADING_FAILED = {'method': 'Network.loadingFailed',
-                     'params': {
-                         'canceled': False,
-                         'blockedReason': None,
-                         'encodedDataLength': 101829,
-                         'errorText': 'net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS',
-                         'requestId': '32493.1',
-                         'timestamp': 5571441.891189,
-                         'type': 'Document'}}
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.request_track = RequestTrack(None)
-  def testParseRequestWillBeSent(self):
-    msg = RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT
-    request_id = msg['params']['requestId']
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent', msg)
-    self.assertTrue(request_id in self.request_track._requests_in_flight)
-    (_, status) = self.request_track._requests_in_flight[request_id]
-    self.assertEquals(RequestTrack._STATUS_SENT, status)
-  def testRejectsUnknownMethod(self):
-    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
-      self.request_track.Handle(
-          'unknown', RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT)
-  def testHandleRedirect(self):
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT)
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._REDIRECT)
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(self.request_track._requests_in_flight))
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(self.request_track.GetEvents()))
-    redirect_request = self.request_track.GetEvents()[0]
-    self.assertTrue(redirect_request.request_id.endswith(
-        RequestTrack._REDIRECT_SUFFIX + '.1'))
-    request = self.request_track._requests_in_flight.values()[0][0]
-    self.assertEquals('redirect', request.initiator['type'])
-    self.assertEquals(
-        redirect_request.request_id,
-        request.initiator[Request.INITIATING_REQUEST])
-    self.assertEquals(0, self.request_track.inconsistent_initiators_count)
-  def testMultipleRedirects(self):
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT)
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._REDIRECT)
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._REDIRECT)
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(self.request_track._requests_in_flight))
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(self.request_track.GetEvents()))
-    first_redirect_request = self.request_track.GetEvents()[0]
-    self.assertTrue(first_redirect_request.request_id.endswith(
-        RequestTrack._REDIRECT_SUFFIX + '.1'))
-    second_redirect_request = self.request_track.GetEvents()[1]
-    self.assertTrue(second_redirect_request.request_id.endswith(
-        RequestTrack._REDIRECT_SUFFIX + '.2'))
-    self.assertEquals('redirect', second_redirect_request.initiator['type'])
-    self.assertEquals(
-        first_redirect_request.request_id,
-        second_redirect_request.initiator[Request.INITIATING_REQUEST])
-    request = self.request_track._requests_in_flight.values()[0][0]
-    self.assertEquals('redirect', request.initiator['type'])
-    self.assertEquals(
-        second_redirect_request.request_id,
-        request.initiator[Request.INITIATING_REQUEST])
-    self.assertEquals(0, self.request_track.inconsistent_initiators_count)
-  def testInconsistentInitiators(self):
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT)
-    request = copy.deepcopy(RequestTrackTestCase._REDIRECT)
-    request['params']['initiator']['type'] = 'script'
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent', request)
-    self.assertEquals(1, self.request_track.inconsistent_initiators_count)
-  def testRejectDuplicates(self):
-    msg = RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent', msg)
-    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
-      self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent', msg)
-  def testIgnoreCompletedDuplicates(self):
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT)
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.responseReceived',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._RESPONSE_RECEIVED)
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.loadingFinished',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._LOADING_FINISHED)
-    # Should not raise an AssertionError.
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT)
-  def testSequenceOfGeneratedResponse(self):
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestServedFromCache',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._SERVED_FROM_CACHE)
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.loadingFinished',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._LOADING_FINISHED)
-    self.assertEquals(0, len(self.request_track.GetEvents()))
-  def testInvalidSequence(self):
-    msg1 = RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT
-    msg2 = RequestTrackTestCase._LOADING_FINISHED
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent', msg1)
-    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
-      self.request_track.Handle('Network.loadingFinished', msg2)
-  def testValidSequence(self):
-    self._ValidSequence(self.request_track)
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(self.request_track.GetEvents()))
-    self.assertEquals(0, len(self.request_track._requests_in_flight))
-    r = self.request_track.GetEvents()[0]
-    self.assertEquals('32493.1', r.request_id)
-    self.assertEquals('32493.1', r.frame_id)
-    self.assertEquals('32493.3', r.loader_id)
-    self.assertEquals('', r.document_url)
-    self.assertEquals('', r.url)
-    self.assertEquals('http/1.1', r.protocol)
-    self.assertEquals('GET', r.method)
-    response = RequestTrackTestCase._RESPONSE_RECEIVED['params']['response']
-    self.assertEquals(response['requestHeaders'], r.request_headers)
-    self.assertEquals(response['headers'], r.response_headers)
-    self.assertEquals('VeryHigh', r.initial_priority)
-    request_will_be_sent = (
-        RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT['params'])
-    self.assertEquals(request_will_be_sent['timestamp'], r.timestamp)
-    self.assertEquals(request_will_be_sent['wallTime'], r.wall_time)
-    self.assertEquals(request_will_be_sent['initiator'], r.initiator)
-    self.assertEquals(request_will_be_sent['type'], r.resource_type)
-    self.assertEquals(False, r.served_from_cache)
-    self.assertEquals(False, r.from_disk_cache)
-    self.assertEquals(False, r.from_service_worker)
-    timing = Timing.FromDevToolsDict(response['timing'])
-    loading_finished = RequestTrackTestCase._LOADING_FINISHED['params']
-    loading_finished_offset = r._TimestampOffsetFromStartMs(
-        loading_finished['timestamp'])
-    timing.loading_finished = loading_finished_offset
-    self.assertEquals(timing, r.timing)
-    self.assertEquals(200, r.status)
-    self.assertEquals(
-        loading_finished['encodedDataLength'], r.encoded_data_length)
-    self.assertEquals(False, r.failed)
-  def testDataReceived(self):
-    self._ValidSequence(self.request_track)
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(self.request_track.GetEvents()))
-    r = self.request_track.GetEvents()[0]
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(r.data_chunks))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        RequestTrackTestCase._DATA_RECEIVED_1['params']['encodedDataLength'],
-        r.data_chunks[0][1])
-    self.assertEquals(
-        RequestTrackTestCase._DATA_RECEIVED_2['params']['encodedDataLength'],
-        r.data_chunks[1][1])
-  def testDuplicatedResponseReceived(self):
-    msg1 = RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT
-    msg2 = copy.deepcopy(RequestTrackTestCase._RESPONSE_RECEIVED)
-    msg2_other_timestamp = copy.deepcopy(msg2)
-    msg2_other_timestamp['params']['timestamp'] += 12
-    msg2_different = copy.deepcopy(msg2)
-    msg2_different['params']['response']['encodedDataLength'] += 1
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent', msg1)
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.responseReceived', msg2)
-    # Should not raise an AssertionError.
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.responseReceived', msg2)
-    self.assertEquals(1, self.request_track.duplicates_count)
-    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
-      self.request_track.Handle('Network.responseReceived', msg2_different)
-  def testLoadingFailed(self):
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.requestWillBeSent',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT)
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.responseReceived',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._RESPONSE_RECEIVED)
-    self.request_track.Handle('Network.loadingFailed',
-                              RequestTrackTestCase._LOADING_FAILED)
-    r = self.request_track.GetEvents()[0]
-    self.assertTrue(r.failed)
-    self.assertEquals('net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS', r.error_text)
-  def testCanSerialize(self):
-    self._ValidSequence(self.request_track)
-    json_dict = self.request_track.ToJsonDict()
-    _ = json.dumps(json_dict)  # Should not raise an exception.
-  def testCanDeserialize(self):
-    self._ValidSequence(self.request_track)
-    self.request_track.duplicates_count = 142
-    self.request_track.inconsistent_initiators_count = 123
-    json_dict = self.request_track.ToJsonDict()
-    request_track = RequestTrack.FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-    self.assertEquals(self.request_track, request_track)
-  def testMaxAge(self):
-    rq = Request()
-    self.assertEqual(-1, rq.MaxAge())
-    rq.response_headers = {}
-    self.assertEqual(-1, rq.MaxAge())
-    rq.response_headers[
-        'Cache-Control'] = 'private,s-maxage=0,max-age=0,must-revalidate'
-    self.assertEqual(0, rq.MaxAge())
-    rq.response_headers[
-        'Cache-Control'] = 'private,s-maxage=0,no-store,max-age=100'
-    self.assertEqual(-1, rq.MaxAge())
-    rq.response_headers[
-        'Cache-Control'] = 'private,s-maxage=0'
-    self.assertEqual(-1, rq.MaxAge())
-    # Case-insensitive match.
-    rq.response_headers['cache-control'] = 'max-age=600'
-    self.assertEqual(600, rq.MaxAge())
-  @classmethod
-  def _ValidSequence(cls, request_track):
-    request_track.Handle(
-        'Network.requestWillBeSent', cls._REQUEST_WILL_BE_SENT)
-    request_track.Handle('Network.responseReceived', cls._RESPONSE_RECEIVED)
-    request_track.Handle('Network.dataReceived', cls._DATA_RECEIVED_1)
-    request_track.Handle('Network.dataReceived', cls._DATA_RECEIVED_2)
-    request_track.Handle('Network.loadingFinished', cls._LOADING_FINISHED)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index d7fe331..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""A collection of ResourceGraphs.
-Processes multiple ResourceGraphs, all presumably from requests to the same
-site. Common urls are collected in Bags and different statistics on the
-relationship between bags are collected.
-import collections
-import json
-import sys
-import urlparse
-from collections import defaultdict
-import content_classification_lens
-import graph
-import user_satisfied_lens
-class GraphSack(object):
-  """Aggreate of RequestDependencyGraphs.
-  Collects RequestDependencyGraph nodes into bags, where each bag contains the
-  nodes with common urls. Dependency edges are tracked between bags (so that
-  each bag may be considered as a node of a graph). This graph of bags is
-  referred to as a sack.
-  Each bag is associated with a dag.Node, even though the bag graph may not be a
-  DAG. The edges are annotated with list of graphs and nodes that generated
-  them.
-  """
-  # See CoreSet().
-  _GraphInfo = collections.namedtuple('_GraphInfo', (
-      'cost',   # The graph cost (aka critical path length).
-      ))
-  def __init__(self):
-    # Each bag in our sack is named as indicated by this map.
-    self._name_to_bag = {}
-    # List our edges by bag pairs: (from_bag, to_bag) -> graph.Edge.
-    self._edges = {}
-    # Maps graph -> _GraphInfo structures for each graph we've consumed.
-    self._graph_info = {}
-    # How we generate names.
-    self._name_generator = lambda n: n.request.url
-    # Our graph, updated after each ConsumeGraph.
-    self._graph = None
-  def SetNameGenerator(self, generator):
-    """Set the generator we use for names.
-    This will define the equivalence class of requests we use to define sacks.
-    Args:
-      generator: a function taking a RequestDependencyGraph node and returning a
-        string.
-    """
-    self._name_generator = generator
-  def ConsumeGraph(self, request_graph):
-    """Add a graph and process.
-    Args:
-      graph: (RequestDependencyGraph) the graph to add.
-    """
-    assert graph not in self._graph_info
-    cost = request_graph.Cost()
-    self._graph_info[request_graph] = self._GraphInfo(cost=cost)
-    for n in request_graph.graph.Nodes():
-      self.AddNode(request_graph, n)
-    # TODO(mattcary): this is inefficient but our current API doesn't require an
-    # explicit graph creation from the client.
-    self._graph = graph.DirectedGraph(self.bags, self._edges.itervalues())
-  def GetBag(self, node):
-    """Find the bag for a node, or None if not found."""
-    return self._name_to_bag.get(self._name_generator(node), None)
-  def AddNode(self, request_graph, node):
-    """Add a node to our collection.
-    Args:
-      graph: (RequestDependencyGraph) the graph in which the node lives.
-      node: (RequestDependencyGraph node) the node to add.
-    Returns:
-      The Bag containing the node.
-    """
-    sack_name = self._name_generator(node)
-    if sack_name not in self._name_to_bag:
-      self._name_to_bag[sack_name] = Bag(self, sack_name)
-    bag = self._name_to_bag[sack_name]
-    bag.AddNode(request_graph, node)
-    return bag
-  def AddEdge(self, from_bag, to_bag):
-    """Add an edge between two bags."""
-    if (from_bag, to_bag) not in self._edges:
-      self._edges[(from_bag, to_bag)] = graph.Edge(from_bag, to_bag)
-  def CoreSet(self, *graph_sets):
-    """Compute the core set of this sack.
-    The core set of a sack is the set of resource that are common to most of the
-    graphs in the sack. A core set of a set of graphs are the resources that
-    appear with frequency at least CORE_THRESHOLD. For a collection of graph
-    sets, for instance pulling the same page under different network
-    connections, we intersect the core sets to produce a page core set that
-    describes the key resources used by the page. See for
-    context and discussion.
-    Args:
-      graph_sets: one or more collection of graphs to compute core sets. If one
-        graph set is given, its core set is computed. If more than one set is
-        given, the page core set of all sets is computed (the intersection of
-        core sets). If no graph set is given, the core of all graphs is
-        computed.
-    Returns:
-      A set of bags in the core set.
-    """
-    if not graph_sets:
-      graph_sets = [self._graph_info.keys()]
-    return reduce(lambda a, b: a & b,
-                  (self._SingleCore(s) for s in graph_sets))
-  @classmethod
-  def CoreSimilarity(cls, a, b):
-    """Compute the similarity of two core sets.
-    We use the Jaccard index. See for discussion.
-    Args:
-      a: The first core set, as a set of strings.
-      b: The second core set, as a set of strings.
-    Returns:
-      A similarity score between zero and one. If both sets are empty the
-      similarity is zero.
-    """
-    if not a and not b:
-      return 0
-    return float(len(a & b)) / len(a | b)
-  @property
-  def num_graphs(self):
-    return len(self.graph_info)
-  @property
-  def graph_info(self):
-    return self._graph_info
-  @property
-  def bags(self):
-    return self._name_to_bag.values()
-  def _SingleCore(self, graph_set):
-    core = set()
-    graph_set = set(graph_set)
-    num_graphs = len(graph_set)
-    for b in self.bags:
-      count = sum([g in graph_set for g in b.graphs])
-      if float(count) / num_graphs > self.CORE_THRESHOLD:
-        core.add(b)
-    return core
-  @classmethod
-  def _MakeShortname(cls, url):
-    # TODO(lizeb): Move this method to a convenient common location.
-    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url)
-    if parsed.scheme == 'data':
-      if ';' in parsed.path:
-        kind, _ = parsed.path.split(';', 1)
-      else:
-        kind, _ = parsed.path.split(',', 1)
-      return 'data:' + kind
-    path = parsed.path[:10]
-    hostname = parsed.hostname if parsed.hostname else '?.?.?'
-    return hostname + '/' + path
-class Bag(graph.Node):
-  def __init__(self, sack, name):
-    super(Bag, self).__init__()
-    self._sack = sack
-    self._name = name
-    self._label = GraphSack._MakeShortname(name)
-    # Maps a ResourceGraph to its Nodes contained in this Bag.
-    self._graphs = defaultdict(set)
-  @property
-  def name(self):
-    return self._name
-  @property
-  def label(self):
-    return self._label
-  @property
-  def graphs(self):
-    return self._graphs.iterkeys()
-  @property
-  def num_nodes(self):
-    return sum(len(g) for g in self._graphs.itervalues())
-  def GraphNodes(self, g):
-    return self._graphs.get(g, set())
-  def AddNode(self, request_graph, node):
-    if node in self._graphs[request_graph]:
-      return  # Already added.
-    self._graphs[request_graph].add(node)
-    for edge in request_graph.graph.OutEdges(node):
-      out_bag = self._sack.AddNode(request_graph, edge.to_node)
-      self._sack.AddEdge(self, out_bag)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 30c1d0e..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-import resource_sack
-from test_utils import (MakeRequest,
-                        TestDependencyGraph)
-class ResourceSackTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def SimpleGraph(self, node_names):
-    """Create a simple graph from a list of nodes."""
-    requests = [MakeRequest(node_names[0], 'null')]
-    for n in node_names[1:]:
-      requests.append(MakeRequest(n, node_names[0]))
-    return TestDependencyGraph(requests)
-  def test_NodeMerge(self):
-    g1 = TestDependencyGraph([
-        MakeRequest(0, 'null'),
-        MakeRequest(1, 0),
-        MakeRequest(2, 0),
-        MakeRequest(3, 1)])
-    g2 = TestDependencyGraph([
-        MakeRequest(0, 'null'),
-        MakeRequest(1, 0),
-        MakeRequest(2, 0),
-        MakeRequest(4, 2)])
-    sack = resource_sack.GraphSack()
-    sack.ConsumeGraph(g1)
-    sack.ConsumeGraph(g2)
-    self.assertEqual(5, len(sack.bags))
-    for bag in sack.bags:
-      if bag.label not in ('3/', '4/'):
-        self.assertEqual(2, bag.num_nodes)
-      else:
-        self.assertEqual(1, bag.num_nodes)
-  def test_MultiParents(self):
-    g1 = TestDependencyGraph([
-        MakeRequest(0, 'null'),
-        MakeRequest(2, 0)])
-    g2 = TestDependencyGraph([
-        MakeRequest(1, 'null'),
-        MakeRequest(2, 1)])
-    sack = resource_sack.GraphSack()
-    sack.ConsumeGraph(g1)
-    sack.ConsumeGraph(g2)
-    self.assertEqual(3, len(sack.bags))
-    labels = {bag.label: bag for bag in sack.bags}
-    def Predecessors(label):
-      bag = labels['%s/' % label]
-      return [e.from_node
-              for e in bag._sack._graph.InEdges(bag)]
-    self.assertEqual(
-        set(['0/', '1/']),
-        set([bag.label for bag in Predecessors(2)]))
-    self.assertFalse(Predecessors(0))
-    self.assertFalse(Predecessors(1))
-  def test_Shortname(self):
-    root = MakeRequest(0, 'null')
-    shortname = MakeRequest(1, 0)
-    shortname.url = 'data:fake/content;' + 'lotsand' * 50 + 'lotsofdata'
-    g1 = TestDependencyGraph([root, shortname])
-    sack = resource_sack.GraphSack()
-    sack.ConsumeGraph(g1)
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0/', 'data:fake/content']),
-                     set([bag.label for bag in sack.bags]))
-  def test_Core(self):
-    # We will use a core threshold of 0.5 to make it easier to define
-    # graphs. Resources 0 and 1 are core and others are not. We check full names
-    # and node counts as we output that for core set analysis. In subsequent
-    # tests we just check labels to make the tests easier to read.
-    graphs = [self.SimpleGraph([0, 1, 2]),
-              self.SimpleGraph([0, 1, 3]),
-              self.SimpleGraph([0, 1, 4]),
-              self.SimpleGraph([0, 5])]
-    sack = resource_sack.GraphSack()
-    sack.CORE_THRESHOLD = 0.5
-    for g in graphs:
-      sack.ConsumeGraph(g)
-    self.assertEqual(set([('http://0', 4), ('http://1', 3)]),
-                     set((, b.num_nodes) for b in sack.CoreSet()))
-  def test_IntersectingCore(self):
-    # Graph set A has core set {0, 1} and B {0, 2} so the final core set should
-    # be {0}. Set C makes sure we restrict core computation to tags A and B.
-    set_A = [self.SimpleGraph([0, 1, 2]),
-             self.SimpleGraph([0, 1, 3])]
-    set_B = [self.SimpleGraph([0, 2, 3]),
-             self.SimpleGraph([0, 2, 1])]
-    set_C = [self.SimpleGraph([2 * i + 4, 2 * i + 5]) for i in xrange(5)]
-    sack = resource_sack.GraphSack()
-    sack.CORE_THRESHOLD = 0.5
-    for g in set_A + set_B + set_C:
-      sack.ConsumeGraph(g)
-    self.assertEqual(set(), sack.CoreSet())
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0/', '1/']),
-                     set(b.label for b in sack.CoreSet(set_A)))
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0/', '2/']),
-                     set(b.label for b in sack.CoreSet(set_B)))
-    self.assertEqual(set(), sack.CoreSet(set_C))
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0/']),
-                     set(b.label for b in sack.CoreSet(set_A, set_B)))
-    self.assertEqual(set(), sack.CoreSet(set_A, set_B, set_C))
-  def test_Simililarity(self):
-    self.assertAlmostEqual(
-        0.5,
-        resource_sack.GraphSack.CoreSimilarity(
-            set([1, 2, 3]), set([1, 3, 4])))
-    self.assertEqual(
-        0, resource_sack.GraphSack.CoreSimilarity(set(), set()))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/run_tests b/loading/run_tests
deleted file mode 100755
index 1f04f05..0000000
--- a/loading/run_tests
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-import unittest
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  logging.basicConfig(
-      level=logging.DEBUG if '-v' in sys.argv else logging.WARNING,
-      format='%(levelname)5s %(filename)15s(%(lineno)3d): %(message)s')
-  suite = unittest.TestSuite()
-  loader = unittest.TestLoader()
-  root_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
-  if len(sys.argv) < 2:
-    cases =, pattern='*')
-  else:
-    cases = []
-    for module in sys.argv[1:]:
-      pattern = '{}'.format(module)
-      cases.extend(, pattern=pattern))
-  suite.addTests(cases)
-  res = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)
-  if res.wasSuccessful():
-    sys.exit(0)
-  else:
-    sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100755
index ffd7b00..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Instructs Chrome to load series of web pages and reports results.
-When running Chrome is sandwiched between preprocessed disk caches and
-WepPageReplay serving all connections.
-import argparse
-import csv
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-from urlparse import urlparse
-import yaml
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'catapult', 'devil'))
-from import device_utils
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'build', 'android'))
-from pylib import constants
-import devil_chromium
-import csv_util
-import device_setup
-import options
-import sandwich_prefetch
-import sandwich_swr
-import sandwich_utils
-import task_manager
-# Use options layer to access constants.
-_CORPUS_DIR = 'sandwich_corpuses'
-_SANDWICH_SETUP_FILENAME = 'sandwich_setup.yaml'
-_MAIN_TRANSFORMER_LIST_NAME = 'no-network-emulation'
-def ReadUrlsFromCorpus(corpus_path):
-  """Retrieves the list of URLs associated with the corpus name."""
-  try:
-    # Attempt to read by regular file name.
-    json_file_name = corpus_path
-    with open(json_file_name) as f:
-      json_data = json.load(f)
-  except IOError:
-    # Extra sugar: attempt to load from _CORPUS_DIR.
-    json_file_name = os.path.join(
-        os.path.dirname(__file__), _CORPUS_DIR, corpus_path)
-    with open(json_file_name) as f:
-      json_data = json.load(f)
-  key = 'urls'
-  if json_data and key in json_data:
-    url_list = json_data[key]
-    if isinstance(url_list, list) and len(url_list) > 0:
-      return [str(u) for u in url_list]
-  raise Exception(
-      'File {} does not define a list named "urls"'.format(json_file_name))
-def _GenerateUrlDirectoryMap(urls):
-  domain_times_encountered_per_domain = {}
-  url_directories = {}
-  for url in urls:
-    domain = '.'.join(urlparse(url).netloc.split('.')[-2:])
-    domain_times_encountered = domain_times_encountered_per_domain.get(
-        domain, 0)
-    output_subdirectory = '{}.{}'.format(domain, domain_times_encountered)
-    domain_times_encountered_per_domain[domain] = domain_times_encountered + 1
-    url_directories[output_subdirectory] = url
-  return url_directories
-def _ArgumentParser():
-  """Build a command line argument's parser."""
-  # Command line parser when dealing with _SetupBenchmarkMain.
-  sandwich_setup_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
-  sandwich_setup_parser.add_argument('--android', default=None, type=str,
-      dest='android_device_serial', help='Android device\'s serial to use.')
-  sandwich_setup_parser.add_argument('-c', '--corpus', required=True,
-      help='Path to a JSON file with a corpus such as in %s/.' % _CORPUS_DIR)
-  sandwich_setup_parser.add_argument('-m', '--measure', default=[], nargs='+',
-               _MEMORY_MEASUREMENT,
-               _TTFMP_MEASUREMENT],
-      dest='optional_measures', help='Enable optional measurements.')
-  sandwich_setup_parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, required=True,
-      help='Path of the output directory to setup.')
-  sandwich_setup_parser.add_argument('-r', '--url-repeat', default=1, type=int,
-      help='How many times to repeat the urls.')
-  # Plumbing parser to configure OPTIONS.
-  plumbing_parser = OPTIONS.GetParentParser('plumbing options')
-  # Main parser
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[plumbing_parser],
-      fromfile_prefix_chars=task_manager.FROMFILE_PREFIX_CHARS)
-  subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand', help='subcommand line')
-  # Setup NoState-Prefetch benchmarks subcommand.
-  subparsers.add_parser('setup-prefetch', parents=[sandwich_setup_parser],
-      help='Setup all NoState-Prefetch benchmarks.')
-  # Setup Stale-While-Revalidate benchmarks subcommand.
-  swr_setup_parser = subparsers.add_parser('setup-swr',
-      parents=[sandwich_setup_parser],
-      help='Setup all Stale-While-Revalidate benchmarks.')
-  swr_setup_parser.add_argument('-d', '--domains-csv',
-      type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True,
-      help='Path of the CSV containing the pattern of domains in a '
-           '`domain-patterns` column and a `usage` column in percent in how '
-           'likely they are in a page load.')
-  # Run benchmarks subcommand (used in _RunBenchmarkMain).
-  subparsers.add_parser('run', parents=[task_manager.CommandLineParser()],
-      help='Run benchmarks steps using the task manager infrastructure.')
-  # Collect subcommand.
-  collect_csv_parser = subparsers.add_parser('collect-csv',
-      help='Collects all CSVs from Sandwich output directory into a single '
-           'CSV.')
-  collect_csv_parser.add_argument('output_dir', type=str,
-                                  help='Path to the run output directory.')
-  collect_csv_parser.add_argument('output_csv', type=argparse.FileType('w'),
-                                  help='Path to the output CSV.')
-  return parser
-def _SetupNoStatePrefetchBenchmark(args):
-  del args # unused.
-  return {
-    'network_conditions': ['Regular4G', 'Regular3G', 'Regular2G'],
-    'subresource_discoverers': [
-        e for e in sandwich_prefetch.SUBRESOURCE_DISCOVERERS
-            if e != sandwich_prefetch.Discoverer.FullCache]
-  }
-def _GenerateNoStatePrefetchBenchmarkTasks(
-    common_builder, main_transformer, benchmark_setup):
-  builder = sandwich_prefetch.PrefetchBenchmarkBuilder(common_builder)
-  builder.PopulateLoadBenchmark(sandwich_prefetch.Discoverer.EmptyCache,
-                                _MAIN_TRANSFORMER_LIST_NAME,
-                                transformer_list=[main_transformer])
-  builder.PopulateLoadBenchmark(sandwich_prefetch.Discoverer.FullCache,
-                                _MAIN_TRANSFORMER_LIST_NAME,
-                                transformer_list=[main_transformer])
-  for network_condition in benchmark_setup['network_conditions']:
-    transformer_list_name = network_condition.lower()
-    network_transformer = \
-        sandwich_utils.NetworkSimulationTransformer(network_condition)
-    transformer_list = [main_transformer, network_transformer]
-    for subresource_discoverer in benchmark_setup['subresource_discoverers']:
-      builder.PopulateLoadBenchmark(
-          subresource_discoverer, transformer_list_name, transformer_list)
-def _SetupStaleWhileRevalidateBenchmark(args):
-  domain_regexes = []
-  for row in csv.DictReader(args.domains_csv):
-    domain_patterns = json.loads('[{}]'.format(row['domain-patterns']))
-    for domain_pattern in domain_patterns:
-      domain_pattern_escaped = r'(\.|^){}$'.format(re.escape(domain_pattern))
-      domain_regexes.append({
-          'usage': float(row['usage']),
-          'domain_regex': domain_pattern_escaped.replace(r'\?', r'\w*')})
-  return {
-    'domain_regexes': domain_regexes,
-    'network_conditions': ['Regular3G', 'Regular2G'],
-    'usage_thresholds': [1, 3, 5, 10]
-  }
-def _GenerateStaleWhileRevalidateBenchmarkTasks(
-    common_builder, main_transformer, benchmark_setup):
-  # Compile domain regexes.
-  domain_regexes = []
-  for e in benchmark_setup['domain_regexes']:
-     domain_regexes.append({
-        'usage': e['usage'],
-        'domain_regex': re.compile(e['domain_regex'])})
-  # Build tasks.
-  builder = sandwich_swr.StaleWhileRevalidateBenchmarkBuilder(common_builder)
-  for network_condition in benchmark_setup['network_conditions']:
-    transformer_list_name = network_condition.lower()
-    network_transformer = \
-        sandwich_utils.NetworkSimulationTransformer(network_condition)
-    transformer_list = [main_transformer, network_transformer]
-    builder.PopulateBenchmark(
-        'no-swr', [], transformer_list_name, transformer_list)
-    for usage_threshold in benchmark_setup['usage_thresholds']:
-      benchmark_name = 'threshold{}'.format(usage_threshold)
-      selected_domain_regexes = [e['domain_regex'] for e in domain_regexes
-          if e['usage'] > usage_threshold]
-      builder.PopulateBenchmark(
-          benchmark_name, selected_domain_regexes,
-          transformer_list_name, transformer_list)
-  'prefetch': _GenerateNoStatePrefetchBenchmarkTasks,
-  'swr': _GenerateStaleWhileRevalidateBenchmarkTasks
-def _SetupBenchmarkMain(args, benchmark_type, benchmark_specific_handler):
-  assert benchmark_type in _TASK_GENERATORS
-  urls = ReadUrlsFromCorpus(args.corpus)
-  setup = {
-    'benchmark_type': benchmark_type,
-    'benchmark_setup': benchmark_specific_handler(args),
-    'sandwich_runner': {
-      'record_video': _SPEED_INDEX_MEASUREMENT in args.optional_measures,
-      'record_memory_dumps': _MEMORY_MEASUREMENT in args.optional_measures,
-      'record_first_meaningful_paint': (
-          _TTFMP_MEASUREMENT in args.optional_measures),
-      'repeat': args.url_repeat,
-      'android_device_serial': args.android_device_serial
-    },
-    'urls': _GenerateUrlDirectoryMap(urls)
-  }
-  if not os.path.isdir(args.output):
-    os.makedirs(args.output)
-  setup_path = os.path.join(args.output, _SANDWICH_SETUP_FILENAME)
-  with open(setup_path, 'w') as file_output:
-    yaml.dump(setup, file_output, default_flow_style=False)
-def _RunBenchmarkMain(args):
-  setup_path = os.path.join(args.output, _SANDWICH_SETUP_FILENAME)
-  with open(setup_path) as file_input:
-    setup = yaml.load(file_input)
-  android_device = None
-  if setup['sandwich_runner']['android_device_serial']:
-    android_device = device_setup.GetDeviceFromSerial(
-        setup['sandwich_runner']['android_device_serial'])
-  task_generator = _TASK_GENERATORS[setup['benchmark_type']]
-  def MainTransformer(runner):
-    runner.record_video = setup['sandwich_runner']['record_video']
-    runner.record_memory_dumps = setup['sandwich_runner']['record_memory_dumps']
-    runner.record_first_meaningful_paint = (
-        setup['sandwich_runner']['record_first_meaningful_paint'])
-    runner.repeat = setup['sandwich_runner']['repeat']
-  default_final_tasks = []
-  for output_subdirectory, url in setup['urls'].iteritems():
-    common_builder = sandwich_utils.SandwichCommonBuilder(
-        android_device=android_device,
-        url=url,
-        output_directory=args.output,
-        output_subdirectory=output_subdirectory)
-    common_builder.PopulateWprRecordingTask()
-    task_generator(common_builder, MainTransformer, setup['benchmark_setup'])
-    default_final_tasks.extend(common_builder.default_final_tasks)
-  return task_manager.ExecuteWithCommandLine(args, default_final_tasks)
-def main(command_line_args):
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
-  devil_chromium.Initialize()
-  args = _ArgumentParser().parse_args(command_line_args)
-  OPTIONS.SetParsedArgs(args)
-  if args.subcommand == 'setup-prefetch':
-    return _SetupBenchmarkMain(
-        args, 'prefetch', _SetupNoStatePrefetchBenchmark)
-  if args.subcommand == 'setup-swr':
-    return _SetupBenchmarkMain(
-        args, 'swr', _SetupStaleWhileRevalidateBenchmark)
-  if args.subcommand == 'run':
-    return _RunBenchmarkMain(args)
-  if args.subcommand == 'collect-csv':
-    with args.output_csv as output_file:
-      if not csv_util.CollectCSVsFromDirectory(args.output_dir, output_file):
-        return 1
-    return 0
-  assert False
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))
diff --git a/loading/sandwich_corpuses/mobile.json b/loading/sandwich_corpuses/mobile.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d6ad19c..0000000
--- a/loading/sandwich_corpuses/mobile.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-  "urls": [
-    "",
-    "",
-    "",
-    "",
-    ""
-  ]
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index bceb690..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,345 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Pull a sandwich run's output directory's metrics from traces into a CSV.
-python -h
-import collections
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'tools', 'perf'))
-from core import path_util
-from telemetry.internal.image_processing import video
-from telemetry.util import image_util
-from telemetry.util import rgba_color
-import common_util
-import loading_trace as loading_trace_module
-import sandwich_runner
-import tracing_track
-    'chromium_commit',
-    'platform',
-    'first_layout',
-    'first_contentful_paint',
-    'first_meaningful_paint',
-    'total_load',
-    'js_onload_event',
-    'browser_malloc_avg',
-    'browser_malloc_max',
-    'speed_index',
-    '', # Should be in emulation.NETWORK_CONDITIONS.keys()
-    '',
-    'net_emul.upload',
-    'net_emul.latency']
-_UNAVAILABLE_CSV_VALUE = 'unavailable'
-_FAILED_CSV_VALUE = 'failed'
-    'requestStart',
-    'loadEventStart',
-    'loadEventEnd',
-    'firstContentfulPaint',
-    'firstLayout'])
-# Points of a completeness record.
-# Members:
-#   |time| is in milliseconds,
-#   |frame_completeness| value representing how complete the frame is at a given
-#     |time|. Caution: this completeness might be negative.
-CompletenessPoint = collections.namedtuple('CompletenessPoint',
-    ('time', 'frame_completeness'))
-def _GetBrowserPID(track):
-  """Get the browser PID from a trace.
-  Args:
-    track: The tracing_track.TracingTrack.
-  Returns:
-    The browser's PID as an integer.
-  """
-  for event in track.GetEvents():
-    if event.category != '__metadata' or != 'process_name':
-      continue
-    if event.args['name'] == 'Browser':
-      return
-  raise ValueError('couldn\'t find browser\'s PID')
-def _GetBrowserDumpEvents(track):
-  """Get the browser memory dump events from a tracing track.
-  Args:
-    track: The tracing_track.TracingTrack.
-  Returns:
-    List of memory dump events.
-  """
-  assert sandwich_runner.MEMORY_DUMP_CATEGORY in track.Categories()
-  browser_pid = _GetBrowserPID(track)
-  browser_dumps_events = []
-  for event in track.GetEvents():
-    if event.category != 'disabled-by-default-memory-infra':
-      continue
-    if event.type != 'v' or != 'periodic_interval':
-      continue
-    # Ignore dump events for processes other than the browser process
-    if != browser_pid:
-      continue
-    browser_dumps_events.append(event)
-  if len(browser_dumps_events) == 0:
-    raise ValueError('No browser dump events found.')
-  return browser_dumps_events
-def _GetWebPageTrackedEvents(track):
-  """Get the web page's tracked events from a tracing track.
-  Args:
-    track: The tracing_track.TracingTrack.
-  Returns:
-    A dict mapping -> tracing_track.Event for each first occurrence
-        of a tracked event.
-  """
-  main_frame_id = None
-  tracked_events = {}
-  sorted_events = sorted(track.GetEvents(),
-                         key=lambda event: event.start_msec)
-  for event in sorted_events:
-    if event.category != 'blink.user_timing':
-      continue
-    event_name =
-    # Find the id of the main frame. Skip all events until it is found.
-    if not main_frame_id:
-      # Tracing (in Sandwich) is started after about:blank is fully loaded,
-      # hence the first navigationStart in the trace registers the correct frame
-      # id.
-      if event_name == 'navigationStart':
-'  Found navigationStart at: %f', event.start_msec)
-        main_frame_id = event.args['frame']
-      continue
-    # Ignore events with frame id attached, but not being the main frame.
-    if 'frame' in event.args and event.args['frame'] != main_frame_id:
-      continue
-    # Capture trace events by the first time of their appearance. Note: some
-    # important events (like requestStart) do not have a frame id attached.
-    if event_name in _TRACKED_EVENT_NAMES and event_name not in tracked_events:
-      tracked_events[event_name] = event
-'  Event %s first appears at: %f', event_name,
-          event.start_msec)
-  return tracked_events
-def _ExtractDefaultMetrics(loading_trace):
-  """Extracts all the default metrics from a given trace.
-  Args:
-    loading_trace: loading_trace.LoadingTrace.
-  Returns:
-    Dictionary with all trace extracted fields set.
-  """
-      ('first_layout', 'requestStart', 'firstLayout'),
-      ('first_contentful_paint', 'requestStart', 'firstContentfulPaint'),
-      ('total_load', 'requestStart', 'loadEventEnd'),
-      ('js_onload_event', 'loadEventStart', 'loadEventEnd')]
-  web_page_tracked_events = _GetWebPageTrackedEvents(
-      loading_trace.tracing_track)
-  metrics = {}
-  for metric_name, start_event_name, end_event_name in END_REQUEST_EVENTS:
-    try:
-      metrics[metric_name] = (
-          web_page_tracked_events[end_event_name].start_msec -
-          web_page_tracked_events[start_event_name].start_msec)
-    except KeyError as error:
-      logging.error('could not extract metric %s: missing trace event: %s' % (
-          metric_name, str(error)))
-      metrics[metric_name] = _FAILED_CSV_VALUE
-  return metrics
-def _ExtractTimeToFirstMeaningfulPaint(loading_trace):
-  """Extracts the time to first meaningful paint from a given trace.
-  Args:
-    loading_trace: loading_trace_module.LoadingTrace.
-  Returns:
-    Time to first meaningful paint in milliseconds.
-  """
-  required_categories = set(sandwich_runner.TTFMP_ADDITIONAL_CATEGORIES)
-  if not required_categories.issubset(loading_trace.tracing_track.Categories()):
-'  Extracting first_meaningful_paint')
-  events = [e.ToJsonDict() for e in loading_trace.tracing_track.GetEvents()]
-  with common_util.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='sandwich_tmp_') as tmp_dir:
-    chrome_trace_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, 'chrome_trace.json')
-    with open(chrome_trace_path, 'w') as output_file:
-      json.dump({'traceEvents': events, 'metadata': {}}, output_file)
-    catapult_run_metric_bin_path = os.path.join(
-        _SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'catapult', 'tracing', 'bin', 'run_metric')
-    output = subprocess.check_output(
-        [catapult_run_metric_bin_path, 'firstPaintMetric', chrome_trace_path])
-  json_output = json.loads(output)
-  for metric in json_output[chrome_trace_path]['pairs']['values']:
-    if metric['name'] == 'firstMeaningfulPaint_avg':
-      return metric['numeric']['value']
-'  Extracting first_meaningful_paint: failed')
-def _ExtractMemoryMetrics(loading_trace):
-  """Extracts all the memory metrics from a given trace.
-  Args:
-    loading_trace: loading_trace_module.LoadingTrace.
-  Returns:
-    Dictionary with all trace extracted fields set.
-  """
-  if (sandwich_runner.MEMORY_DUMP_CATEGORY not in
-          loading_trace.tracing_track.Categories()):
-    return {
-      'browser_malloc_avg': _UNAVAILABLE_CSV_VALUE,
-      'browser_malloc_max': _UNAVAILABLE_CSV_VALUE
-    }
-  browser_dump_events = _GetBrowserDumpEvents(loading_trace.tracing_track)
-  browser_malloc_sum = 0
-  browser_malloc_max = 0
-  for dump_event in browser_dump_events:
-    attr = dump_event.args['dumps']['allocators']['malloc']['attrs']['size']
-    assert attr['units'] == 'bytes'
-    size = int(attr['value'], 16)
-    browser_malloc_sum += size
-    browser_malloc_max = max(browser_malloc_max, size)
-  return {
-    'browser_malloc_avg': browser_malloc_sum / float(len(browser_dump_events)),
-    'browser_malloc_max': browser_malloc_max
-  }
-def _ExtractCompletenessRecordFromVideo(video_path):
-  """Extracts the completeness record from a video.
-  The video must start with a filled rectangle of orange (RGB: 222, 100, 13), to
-  give the view-port size/location from where to compute the completeness.
-  Args:
-    video_path: Path of the video to extract the completeness list from.
-  Returns:
-    list(CompletenessPoint)
-  """
-  video_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
-  shutil.copy(video_path,
-  video_capture = video.Video(video_file)
-  histograms = [
-      (time, image_util.GetColorHistogram(
-          image, ignore_color=rgba_color.WHITE, tolerance=8))
-      for time, image in video_capture.GetVideoFrameIter()
-  ]
-  start_histogram = histograms[1][1]
-  final_histogram = histograms[-1][1]
-  total_distance = start_histogram.Distance(final_histogram)
-  def FrameProgress(histogram):
-    if total_distance == 0:
-      if histogram.Distance(final_histogram) == 0:
-        return 1.0
-      else:
-        return 0.0
-    return 1 - histogram.Distance(final_histogram) / total_distance
-  return [(time, FrameProgress(hist)) for time, hist in histograms]
-def _ComputeSpeedIndex(completeness_record):
-  """Computes the speed-index from a completeness record.
-  Args:
-    completeness_record: list(CompletenessPoint)
-  Returns:
-    Speed-index value.
-  """
-  speed_index = 0.0
-  last_time = completeness_record[0][0]
-  last_completness = completeness_record[0][1]
-  for time, completeness in completeness_record:
-    if time < last_time:
-      raise ValueError('Completeness record must be sorted by timestamps.')
-    elapsed = time - last_time
-    speed_index += elapsed * (1.0 - last_completness)
-    last_time = time
-    last_completness = completeness
-  return speed_index
-def ExtractCommonMetricsFromRepeatDirectory(repeat_dir, trace):
-  """Extracts all the metrics from traces and video of a sandwich run repeat
-  directory.
-  Args:
-    repeat_dir: Path of the repeat directory within a run directory.
-    trace: preloaded LoadingTrace in |repeat_dir|
-  Contract:
-    trace == LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(
-        os.path.join(repeat_dir, sandwich_runner.TRACE_FILENAME))
-  Returns:
-    Dictionary of extracted metrics.
-  """
-  run_metrics = {
-      'chromium_commit': trace.metadata['chromium_commit'],
-      'platform': (trace.metadata['platform']['os'] + '-' +
-          trace.metadata['platform']['product_model'])
-  }
-  run_metrics.update(_ExtractDefaultMetrics(trace))
-  run_metrics.update(_ExtractMemoryMetrics(trace))
-  run_metrics['first_meaningful_paint'] = _ExtractTimeToFirstMeaningfulPaint(
-      trace)
-  video_path = os.path.join(repeat_dir, sandwich_runner.VIDEO_FILENAME)
-  if os.path.isfile(video_path):
-'processing speed-index video \'%s\'' % video_path)
-    try:
-      completeness_record = _ExtractCompletenessRecordFromVideo(video_path)
-      run_metrics['speed_index'] = _ComputeSpeedIndex(completeness_record)
-    except video.BoundingBoxNotFoundException:
-      # Sometimes the bounding box for the web content area is not present. Skip
-      # calculating Speed Index.
-      run_metrics['speed_index'] = _FAILED_CSV_VALUE
-  else:
-    run_metrics['speed_index'] = _UNAVAILABLE_CSV_VALUE
-  for key, value in trace.metadata['network_emulation'].iteritems():
-    run_metrics['net_emul.' + key] = value
-  assert set(run_metrics.keys()) == set(COMMON_CSV_COLUMN_NAMES)
-  return run_metrics
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 19520b5..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import copy
-import json
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import loading_trace
-import page_track
-import sandwich_metrics as puller
-import sandwich_runner
-import request_track
-import tracing_track
-_BLINK_CAT = 'blink.user_timing'
-_MEM_CAT = sandwich_runner.MEMORY_DUMP_CATEGORY
-_START = 'requestStart'
-_LOADS = 'loadEventStart'
-_LOADE = 'loadEventEnd'
-_NAVIGATION_START = 'navigationStart'
-_PAINT = 'firstContentfulPaint'
-_LAYOUT = 'firstLayout'
-    {'ph': 'R', 'cat': _BLINK_CAT, 'name': _NAVIGATION_START, 'ts': 10000,
-        'args': {'frame': '0'}},
-    {'ph': 'R', 'cat': _BLINK_CAT, 'name': _START,  'ts': 20000,
-        'args': {}},
-    {'cat': _MEM_CAT,   'name': 'periodic_interval', 'pid': 1, 'ph': 'v',
-        'ts': 1, 'args': {'dumps': {'allocators': {'malloc': {'attrs': {'size':{
-            'units': 'bytes', 'value': '1af2', }}}}}}},
-    {'ph': 'R', 'cat': _BLINK_CAT, 'name': _LAYOUT,  'ts': 24000,
-        'args': {'frame': '0'}},
-    {'ph': 'R', 'cat': _BLINK_CAT, 'name': _PAINT,  'ts': 31000,
-        'args': {'frame': '0'}},
-    {'ph': 'R', 'cat': _BLINK_CAT, 'name': _LOADS,  'ts': 35000,
-        'args': {'frame': '0'}},
-    {'ph': 'R', 'cat': _BLINK_CAT, 'name': _LOADE,  'ts': 40000,
-        'args': {'frame': '0'}},
-    {'cat': _MEM_CAT,   'name': 'periodic_interval', 'pid': 1, 'ph': 'v',
-        'ts': 1, 'args': {'dumps': {'allocators': {'malloc': {'attrs': {'size':{
-            'units': 'bytes', 'value': 'd704', }}}}}}},
-    {'ph': 'M', 'cat': '__metadata', 'pid': 1, 'name': 'process_name', 'ts': 1,
-        'args': {'name': 'Browser'}}]
-def TracingTrack(events):
-  return tracing_track.TracingTrack.FromJsonDict({
-      'events': events,
-      'categories': (sandwich_runner._TRACING_CATEGORIES +
-          [sandwich_runner.MEMORY_DUMP_CATEGORY])})
-def LoadingTrace(events):
-  return loading_trace.LoadingTrace('', {},
-                                    page_track.PageTrack(None),
-                                    request_track.RequestTrack(None),
-                                    TracingTrack(events))
-class PageTrackTest(unittest.TestCase):
-  def testGetBrowserPID(self):
-    def RunHelper(expected, events):
-      self.assertEquals(expected, puller._GetBrowserPID(TracingTrack(events)))
-    RunHelper(123, [
-        {'ph': 'M', 'ts': 0, 'pid': 354, 'cat': 'whatever0'},
-        {'ph': 'M', 'ts': 0, 'pid': 354, 'cat': 'whatever1'},
-        {'ph': 'M', 'ts': 0, 'pid': 354, 'cat': '__metadata',
-            'name': 'thread_name'},
-        {'ph': 'M', 'ts': 0, 'pid': 354, 'cat': '__metadata',
-            'name': 'process_name', 'args': {'name': 'Renderer'}},
-        {'ph': 'M', 'ts': 0, 'pid': 123, 'cat': '__metadata',
-            'name': 'process_name', 'args': {'name': 'Browser'}},
-        {'ph': 'M', 'ts': 0, 'pid': 354, 'cat': 'whatever0'}])
-    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-      RunHelper(123, [
-          {'ph': 'M', 'ts': 0, 'pid': 354, 'cat': 'whatever0'},
-          {'ph': 'M', 'ts': 0, 'pid': 354, 'cat': 'whatever1'}])
-  def testGetBrowserDumpEvents(self):
-    NAME = 'periodic_interval'
-    def RunHelper(trace_events, browser_pid):
-      trace_events = copy.copy(trace_events)
-      trace_events.append({
-          'pid': browser_pid,
-          'cat': '__metadata',
-          'name': 'process_name',
-          'ph': 'M',
-          'ts': 0,
-          'args': {'name': 'Browser'}})
-      return puller._GetBrowserDumpEvents(TracingTrack(trace_events))
-        {'pid': 354, 'ts':  1000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'v', 'name': NAME},
-        {'pid': 354, 'ts':  2000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'V'},
-        {'pid': 672, 'ts':  3000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'v', 'name': NAME},
-        {'pid': 123, 'ts':  4000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'v', 'name': 'foo'},
-        {'pid': 123, 'ts':  5000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'v', 'name': NAME},
-        {'pid': 123, 'ts':  6000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'V'},
-        {'pid': 672, 'ts':  7000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'v', 'name': NAME},
-        {'pid': 354, 'ts':  8000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'v', 'name': 'foo'},
-        {'pid': 123, 'ts':  9000, 'cat': 'whatever1', 'ph': 'v', 'name': NAME},
-        {'pid': 123, 'ts': 10000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'v', 'name': NAME},
-        {'pid': 354, 'ts': 11000, 'cat': 'whatever0', 'ph': 'R'},
-        {'pid': 672, 'ts': 12000, 'cat': _MEM_CAT, 'ph': 'v', 'name': NAME}]
-    bump_events = RunHelper(TRACE_EVENTS, 123)
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(bump_events))
-    self.assertEquals(5, bump_events[0].start_msec)
-    self.assertEquals(10, bump_events[1].start_msec)
-    bump_events = RunHelper(TRACE_EVENTS, 354)
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(bump_events))
-    self.assertEquals(1, bump_events[0].start_msec)
-    bump_events = RunHelper(TRACE_EVENTS, 672)
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(bump_events))
-    self.assertEquals(3, bump_events[0].start_msec)
-    self.assertEquals(7, bump_events[1].start_msec)
-    self.assertEquals(12, bump_events[2].start_msec)
-    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-      RunHelper(TRACE_EVENTS, 895)
-  def testGetWebPageTrackedEvents(self):
-    trace_events = puller._GetWebPageTrackedEvents(TracingTrack([
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  0000, 'args': {},             'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  1000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _LOADS},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  2000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _LOADE},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  3000, 'args': {},             'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  4000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADS},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  5000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADE},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  7000, 'args': {},             'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  8000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADS},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  9000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADE},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 11000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 12000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _LOADS},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 13000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _LOADE},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 14000, 'args': {},             'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 10000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _NAVIGATION_START}, # Event out of |start_msec| order.
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts':  6000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _NAVIGATION_START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 15000, 'args': {},             'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 16000, 'args': {'frame': '1'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADS},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 17000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADS},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 18000, 'args': {'frame': '1'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADE},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 19000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADE},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 20000, 'args': {},             'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 21000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _LOADS},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 22000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _LOADE},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 23000, 'args': {},             'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 24000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADS},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 25000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _LOADE}]))
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(trace_events))
-    self.assertEquals(14, trace_events['requestStart'].start_msec)
-    self.assertEquals(17, trace_events['loadEventStart'].start_msec)
-    self.assertEquals(19, trace_events['loadEventEnd'].start_msec)
-  def testExtractDefaultMetrics(self):
-    metrics = puller._ExtractDefaultMetrics(LoadingTrace(
-    self.assertEquals(4, len(metrics))
-    self.assertEquals(20, metrics['total_load'])
-    self.assertEquals(5, metrics['js_onload_event'])
-    self.assertEquals(4, metrics['first_layout'])
-    self.assertEquals(11, metrics['first_contentful_paint'])
-  def testExtractDefaultMetricsBestEffort(self):
-    metrics = puller._ExtractDefaultMetrics(LoadingTrace([
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 10000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': _BLINK_CAT,
-            'name': _NAVIGATION_START},
-        {'ph': 'R', 'ts': 11000, 'args': {'frame': '0'}, 'cat': 'whatever',
-            'name': _START}]))
-    self.assertEquals(4, len(metrics))
-    self.assertEquals(puller._FAILED_CSV_VALUE, metrics['total_load'])
-    self.assertEquals(puller._FAILED_CSV_VALUE, metrics['js_onload_event'])
-    self.assertEquals(puller._FAILED_CSV_VALUE, metrics['first_layout'])
-    self.assertEquals(puller._FAILED_CSV_VALUE,
-                      metrics['first_contentful_paint'])
-  def testExtractMemoryMetrics(self):
-    metrics = puller._ExtractMemoryMetrics(LoadingTrace(
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(metrics))
-    self.assertEquals(30971, metrics['browser_malloc_avg'])
-    self.assertEquals(55044, metrics['browser_malloc_max'])
-  def testComputeSpeedIndex(self):
-    def point(time, frame_completeness):
-      return puller.CompletenessPoint(time=time,
-                                      frame_completeness=frame_completeness)
-    completness_record = [
-      point(0, 0.0),
-      point(120, 0.4),
-      point(190, 0.75),
-      point(280, 1.0),
-      point(400, 1.0),
-    ]
-    self.assertEqual(120 + 70 * 0.6 + 90 * 0.25,
-                     puller._ComputeSpeedIndex(completness_record))
-    completness_record = [
-      point(70, 0.0),
-      point(150, 0.3),
-      point(210, 0.6),
-      point(220, 0.9),
-      point(240, 1.0),
-    ]
-    self.assertEqual(80 + 60 * 0.7 + 10 * 0.4 + 20 * 0.1,
-                     puller._ComputeSpeedIndex(completness_record))
-    completness_record = [
-      point(90, 0.0),
-      point(200, 0.6),
-      point(150, 0.3),
-      point(230, 1.0),
-    ]
-    with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-      puller._ComputeSpeedIndex(completness_record)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f53263..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,678 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-Implements a task builder for benchmarking effects of NoState Prefetch.
-Noticeable steps of the task pipeline:
-  * Save a WPR archive
-  * Process the WPR archive to make all resources cacheable
-  * Process cache archive to patch response headers back to their original
-      values.
-  * Find out which resources are discoverable by NoState Prefetch
-      (HTMLPreloadScanner)
-  * Load pages with empty/full/prefetched cache
-  * Extract most important metrics to a CSV
-import csv
-import logging
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import urlparse
-import chrome_cache
-import common_util
-import loading_trace
-from prefetch_view import PrefetchSimulationView
-from request_dependencies_lens import RequestDependencyLens
-import sandwich_metrics
-import sandwich_runner
-import sandwich_utils
-import task_manager
-import wpr_backend
-class Discoverer(object):
-  # Do not prefetch anything.
-  EmptyCache = 'empty-cache'
-  # Prefetches everything to load fully from cache (impossible in practice).
-  FullCache = 'full-cache'
-  # Prefetches the first resource following the redirection chain.
-  MainDocument = 'main-document'
-  # All resources which are fetched from the main document and their
-  # redirections.
-  Parser = 'parser'
-  # Simulation of HTMLPreloadScanner on the main document and their
-  # redirections and subsets:
-  #   Store: only resources that don't have Cache-Control: No-Store.
-  HTMLPreloadScanner = 'html-scanner'
-  HTMLPreloadScannerStore = 'html-scanner-store'
-# List of all available sub-resource discoverers.
-  Discoverer.EmptyCache,
-  Discoverer.FullCache,
-  Discoverer.MainDocument,
-  Discoverer.Parser,
-  Discoverer.HTMLPreloadScanner,
-  Discoverer.HTMLPreloadScannerStore,
-_UPLOAD_DATA_STREAM_REQUESTS_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\d+/(?P<url>.*)$')
-def _NormalizeUrl(url):
-  """Returns normalized URL such as removing trailing slashes."""
-  parsed_url = list(urlparse.urlparse(url))
-  parsed_url[2] = re.sub(r'/{2,}', r'/', parsed_url[2])
-  return urlparse.urlunparse(parsed_url)
-def _PatchCacheArchive(cache_archive_path, loading_trace_path,
-                       cache_archive_dest_path):
-  """Patch the cache archive.
-  Note: This method update the raw response headers of cache entries' to store
-    the ones such as Set-Cookie that were pruned by the
-    net::HttpCacheTransaction, and remove the stream index 2 holding resource's
-    compile meta data.
-  Args:
-    cache_archive_path: Input archive's path to patch.
-    loading_trace_path: Path of the loading trace that have recorded the cache
-        archive <cache_archive_path>.
-    cache_archive_dest_path: Archive destination's path.
-  """
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(loading_trace_path)
-  with common_util.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='sandwich_tmp') as tmp_path:
-    cache_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'cache')
-    chrome_cache.UnzipDirectoryContent(cache_archive_path, cache_path)
-    cache_backend = chrome_cache.CacheBackend(cache_path, 'simple')
-    cache_entries = set(cache_backend.ListKeys())
-'Original cache size: %d bytes' % cache_backend.GetSize())
-    for request in sandwich_utils.FilterOutDataAndIncompleteRequests(
-        trace.request_track.GetEvents()):
-      # On requests having an upload data stream such as POST requests,
-      # net::HttpCache::GenerateCacheKey() prefixes the cache entry's key with
-      # the upload data stream's session unique identifier.
-      #
-      # It is fine to not patch these requests since when reopening Chrome,
-      # there is no way the entry can be reused since the upload data stream's
-      # identifier will be different.
-      #
-      # The fact that these entries are kept in the cache after closing Chrome
-      # properly by closing the Chrome tab as the ChromeControler.SetSlowDeath()
-      # do is known chrome bug (
-      if request.url not in cache_entries:
-        continue
-      # Chrome prunes Set-Cookie from response headers before storing them in
-      # disk cache. Also, it adds implicit "Vary: cookie" header to all redirect
-      # response headers. Sandwich manages the cache, but between recording the
-      # cache and benchmarking the cookie jar is invalidated. This leads to
-      # invalidation of all cacheable redirects.
-      raw_headers = request.GetRawResponseHeaders()
-      cache_backend.UpdateRawResponseHeaders(request.url, raw_headers)
-      # NoState-Prefetch would only fetch the resources, but not parse them.
-      cache_backend.DeleteStreamForKey(request.url, 2)
-    chrome_cache.ZipDirectoryContent(cache_path, cache_archive_dest_path)
-'Patched cache size: %d bytes' % cache_backend.GetSize())
-def _DiscoverRequests(dependencies_lens, subresource_discoverer):
-  trace = dependencies_lens.loading_trace
-  first_resource_request = trace.request_track.GetFirstResourceRequest()
-  if subresource_discoverer == Discoverer.EmptyCache:
-    requests = []
-  elif subresource_discoverer == Discoverer.FullCache:
-    requests = dependencies_lens.loading_trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-  elif subresource_discoverer == Discoverer.MainDocument:
-    requests = [dependencies_lens.GetRedirectChain(first_resource_request)[-1]]
-  elif subresource_discoverer == Discoverer.Parser:
-    requests = PrefetchSimulationView.ParserDiscoverableRequests(
-        first_resource_request, dependencies_lens)
-  elif subresource_discoverer == Discoverer.HTMLPreloadScanner:
-    requests = PrefetchSimulationView.PreloadedRequests(
-        first_resource_request, dependencies_lens, trace)
-  else:
-    assert False
-'number of requests discovered by %s: %d',
-      subresource_discoverer, len(requests))
-  return requests
-def _PruneOutOriginalNoStoreRequests(original_headers_path, requests):
-  with open(original_headers_path) as file_input:
-    original_headers = json.load(file_input)
-  pruned_requests = set()
-  for request in requests:
-    url = _NormalizeUrl(request.url)
-    if url not in original_headers:
-      # TODO(gabadie): Investigate why these requests were not in WPR.
-      assert request.failed
-      logging.warning(
-          'could not find original headers for: %s (failure: %s)',
-          url, request.error_text)
-      continue
-    request_original_headers = original_headers[url]
-    if ('cache-control' in request_original_headers and
-        'no-store' in request_original_headers['cache-control'].lower()):
-      pruned_requests.add(request)
-  return [r for r in requests if r not in pruned_requests]
-def _ExtractDiscoverableUrls(
-    original_headers_path, loading_trace_path, subresource_discoverer):
-  """Extracts discoverable resource urls from a loading trace according to a
-  sub-resource discoverer.
-  Args:
-    original_headers_path: Path of JSON containing the original headers.
-    loading_trace_path: Path of the loading trace recorded at original cache
-      creation.
-    subresource_discoverer: The sub-resources discoverer that should white-list
-      the resources to keep in cache for the NoState-Prefetch benchmarks.
-  Returns:
-    A set of urls.
-  """
-  assert subresource_discoverer in SUBRESOURCE_DISCOVERERS, \
-      'unknown prefetch simulation {}'.format(subresource_discoverer)
-'loading %s', loading_trace_path)
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(loading_trace_path)
-  dependencies_lens = RequestDependencyLens(trace)
-  # Build the list of discovered requests according to the desired simulation.
-  discovered_requests = []
-  if subresource_discoverer == Discoverer.HTMLPreloadScannerStore:
-    requests = _DiscoverRequests(
-        dependencies_lens, Discoverer.HTMLPreloadScanner)
-    discovered_requests = _PruneOutOriginalNoStoreRequests(
-        original_headers_path, requests)
-  else:
-    discovered_requests = _DiscoverRequests(
-        dependencies_lens, subresource_discoverer)
-  whitelisted_urls = set()
-  for request in sandwich_utils.FilterOutDataAndIncompleteRequests(
-      discovered_requests):
-    logging.debug('white-listing %s', request.url)
-    whitelisted_urls.add(request.url)
-'number of white-listed resources: %d', len(whitelisted_urls))
-  return whitelisted_urls
-def _PrintUrlSetComparison(ref_url_set, url_set, url_set_name):
-  """Compare URL sets and log the diffs.
-  Args:
-    ref_url_set: Set of reference urls.
-    url_set: Set of urls to compare to the reference.
-    url_set_name: The set name for logging purposes.
-  """
-  assert type(ref_url_set) == set
-  assert type(url_set) == set
-  if ref_url_set == url_set:
-'  %d %s are matching.' % (len(ref_url_set), url_set_name))
-    return
-  missing_urls = ref_url_set.difference(url_set)
-  unexpected_urls = url_set.difference(ref_url_set)
-  logging.error('  %s are not matching (expected %d, had %d)' % \
-      (url_set_name, len(ref_url_set), len(url_set)))
-  logging.error('    List of %d missing resources:' % len(missing_urls))
-  for url in sorted(missing_urls):
-    logging.error('-     ' + url)
-  logging.error('    List of %d unexpected resources:' % len(unexpected_urls))
-  for url in sorted(unexpected_urls):
-    logging.error('+     ' + url)
-class _RunOutputVerifier(object):
-  """Object to verify benchmark run from traces and WPR log stored in the
-  runner output directory.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, cache_validation_result, benchmark_setup):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      cache_validation_result: JSON of the cache validation task.
-      benchmark_setup: JSON of the benchmark setup.
-    """
-    self._cache_whitelist = set(benchmark_setup['cache_whitelist'])
-    self._original_requests = set(
-        cache_validation_result['effective_encoded_data_lengths'].keys())
-    self._original_post_requests = set(
-        cache_validation_result['effective_post_requests'])
-    self._original_cached_requests = self._original_requests.intersection(
-        self._cache_whitelist)
-    self._original_uncached_requests = self._original_requests.difference(
-        self._cache_whitelist)
-    self._all_sent_url_requests = set()
-  def VerifyTrace(self, trace):
-    """Verifies a trace with the cache validation result and the benchmark
-    setup.
-    """
-    effective_requests = sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-        trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.All)
-    effective_post_requests = sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-        trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.Post)
-    effective_cached_requests = sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-        trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.ServedFromCache)
-    effective_uncached_requests = sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-        trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.NotServedFromCache)
-    missing_requests = self._original_requests.difference(effective_requests)
-    unexpected_requests = effective_requests.difference(self._original_requests)
-    expected_cached_requests = \
-        self._original_cached_requests.difference(missing_requests)
-    expected_uncached_requests = self._original_uncached_requests.union(
-        unexpected_requests).difference(missing_requests)
-    # POST requests are known to be unable to use the cache.
-    expected_cached_requests.difference_update(effective_post_requests)
-    expected_uncached_requests.update(effective_post_requests)
-    _PrintUrlSetComparison(self._original_requests, effective_requests,
-                           'All resources')
-    _PrintUrlSetComparison(set(), effective_post_requests, 'POST resources')
-    _PrintUrlSetComparison(expected_cached_requests, effective_cached_requests,
-                           'Cached resources')
-    _PrintUrlSetComparison(expected_uncached_requests,
-                           effective_uncached_requests, 'Non cached resources')
-    self._all_sent_url_requests.update(effective_uncached_requests)
-  def VerifyWprLog(self, wpr_log_path):
-    """Verifies WPR log with previously verified traces."""
-    all_wpr_requests = wpr_backend.ExtractRequestsFromLog(wpr_log_path)
-    all_wpr_urls = set()
-    unserved_wpr_urls = set()
-    wpr_command_colliding_urls = set()
-    for request in all_wpr_requests:
-      if request.is_wpr_host:
-        continue
-      if urlparse.urlparse(request.url).path.startswith('/web-page-replay'):
-        wpr_command_colliding_urls.add(request.url)
-      elif request.is_served is False:
-        unserved_wpr_urls.add(request.url)
-      all_wpr_urls.add(request.url)
-    _PrintUrlSetComparison(set(), unserved_wpr_urls,
-                           'Distinct unserved resources from WPR')
-    _PrintUrlSetComparison(set(), wpr_command_colliding_urls,
-                           'Distinct resources colliding to WPR commands')
-    _PrintUrlSetComparison(all_wpr_urls, self._all_sent_url_requests,
-                           'Distinct resource requests to WPR')
-def _ValidateCacheArchiveContent(cache_build_trace_path, cache_archive_path):
-  """Validates a cache archive content.
-  Args:
-    cache_build_trace_path: Path of the generated trace at the cache build time.
-    cache_archive_path: Cache archive's path to validate.
-  Returns:
-    {
-      'effective_encoded_data_lengths':
-        {URL of all requests: encoded_data_length},
-      'effective_post_requests': [URLs of POST requests],
-      'expected_cached_resources': [URLs of resources expected to be cached],
-      'successfully_cached': [URLs of cached sub-resources]
-    }
-  """
-  # TODO(gabadie): What's the best way of propagating errors happening in here?
-'lists cached urls from %s' % cache_archive_path)
-  with common_util.TemporaryDirectory() as cache_directory:
-    chrome_cache.UnzipDirectoryContent(cache_archive_path, cache_directory)
-    cache_keys = set(
-        chrome_cache.CacheBackend(cache_directory, 'simple').ListKeys())
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(cache_build_trace_path)
-  effective_requests = sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-      trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.All)
-  effective_post_requests = sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-      trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.Post)
-  effective_encoded_data_lengths = {}
-  for request in sandwich_utils.FilterOutDataAndIncompleteRequests(
-      trace.request_track.GetEvents()):
-    if request.from_disk_cache or request.served_from_cache:
-      # At cache archive creation time, a request might be loaded several times,
-      # but avoid the request.encoded_data_length == 0 if loaded from cache.
-      continue
-    if request.url in effective_encoded_data_lengths:
-      effective_encoded_data_lengths[request.url] = max(
-          effective_encoded_data_lengths[request.url],
-          request.GetResponseTransportLength())
-    else:
-      effective_encoded_data_lengths[request.url] = (
-          request.GetResponseTransportLength())
-  upload_data_stream_cache_entry_keys = set()
-  upload_data_stream_requests = set()
-  for cache_entry_key in cache_keys:
-    match = _UPLOAD_DATA_STREAM_REQUESTS_REGEX.match(cache_entry_key)
-    if not match:
-      continue
-    upload_data_stream_cache_entry_keys.add(cache_entry_key)
-    upload_data_stream_requests.add('url'))
-  expected_cached_requests = effective_requests.difference(
-      effective_post_requests)
-  effective_cache_keys = cache_keys.difference(
-      upload_data_stream_cache_entry_keys)
-  _PrintUrlSetComparison(effective_post_requests, upload_data_stream_requests,
-                         'POST resources')
-  _PrintUrlSetComparison(expected_cached_requests, effective_cache_keys,
-                         'Cached resources')
-  return {
-      'effective_encoded_data_lengths': effective_encoded_data_lengths,
-      'effective_post_requests': [url for url in effective_post_requests],
-      'expected_cached_resources': [url for url in expected_cached_requests],
-      'successfully_cached_resources': [url for url in effective_cache_keys]
-  }
-def _ProcessRunOutputDir(
-    cache_validation_result, benchmark_setup, runner_output_dir):
-  """Process benchmark's run output directory.
-  Args:
-    cache_validation_result: Same as for _RunOutputVerifier
-    benchmark_setup: Same as for _RunOutputVerifier
-    runner_output_dir: Same as for SandwichRunner.output_dir
-  Returns:
-    List of dictionary.
-  """
-  run_metrics_list = []
-  run_output_verifier = _RunOutputVerifier(
-      cache_validation_result, benchmark_setup)
-  cached_encoded_data_lengths = (
-      cache_validation_result['effective_encoded_data_lengths'])
-  for repeat_id, repeat_dir in sandwich_runner.WalkRepeatedRuns(
-      runner_output_dir):
-    trace_path = os.path.join(repeat_dir, sandwich_runner.TRACE_FILENAME)
-'loading trace: %s', trace_path)
-    trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(trace_path)
-'verifying trace: %s', trace_path)
-    run_output_verifier.VerifyTrace(trace)
-'extracting metrics from trace: %s', trace_path)
-    # Gather response size per URLs.
-    response_sizes = {}
-    for request in sandwich_utils.FilterOutDataAndIncompleteRequests(
-        trace.request_track.GetEvents()):
-      # Ignore requests served from the blink's cache.
-      if request.served_from_cache:
-        continue
-      if request.from_disk_cache:
-        if request.url in cached_encoded_data_lengths:
-          response_size = cached_encoded_data_lengths[request.url]
-        else:
-          # Some fat webpages may overflow the Memory cache, and so some
-          # requests might be served from disk cache couple of times per page
-          # load.
-          logging.warning('Looks like could be served from memory cache: %s',
-              request.url)
-          if request.url in response_sizes:
-            response_size = response_sizes[request.url]
-      else:
-        response_size = request.GetResponseTransportLength()
-      response_sizes[request.url] = response_size
-    # Sums the served from cache/network bytes.
-    served_from_network_bytes = 0
-    served_from_cache_bytes = 0
-    urls_hitting_network = set()
-    for request in sandwich_utils.FilterOutDataAndIncompleteRequests(
-        trace.request_track.GetEvents()):
-      # Ignore requests served from the blink's cache.
-      if request.served_from_cache:
-        continue
-      urls_hitting_network.add(request.url)
-      if request.from_disk_cache:
-        served_from_cache_bytes += response_sizes[request.url]
-      else:
-        served_from_network_bytes += response_sizes[request.url]
-    # Make sure the served from blink's cache requests have at least one
-    # corresponding request that was not served from the blink's cache.
-    for request in sandwich_utils.FilterOutDataAndIncompleteRequests(
-        trace.request_track.GetEvents()):
-      assert (request.url in urls_hitting_network or
-              not request.served_from_cache)
-    run_metrics = {
-        'url': trace.url,
-        'repeat_id': repeat_id,
-        'subresource_discoverer': benchmark_setup['subresource_discoverer'],
-        'cache_recording.subresource_count':
-            len(cache_validation_result['effective_encoded_data_lengths']),
-        'cache_recording.cached_subresource_count_theoretic':
-            len(cache_validation_result['successfully_cached_resources']),
-        'cache_recording.cached_subresource_count':
-            len(cache_validation_result['expected_cached_resources']),
-        'benchmark.subresource_count': len(sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-            trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.All)),
-        'benchmark.served_from_cache_count_theoretic':
-            len(benchmark_setup['cache_whitelist']),
-        'benchmark.served_from_cache_count': len(sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-            trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.ServedFromCache)),
-        'benchmark.served_from_network_bytes': served_from_network_bytes,
-        'benchmark.served_from_cache_bytes': served_from_cache_bytes
-    }
-    run_metrics.update(
-        sandwich_metrics.ExtractCommonMetricsFromRepeatDirectory(
-            repeat_dir, trace))
-    run_metrics_list.append(run_metrics)
-  run_metrics_list.sort(key=lambda e: e['repeat_id'])
-  wpr_log_path = os.path.join(
-      runner_output_dir, sandwich_runner.WPR_LOG_FILENAME)
-'verifying wpr log: %s', wpr_log_path)
-  run_output_verifier.VerifyWprLog(wpr_log_path)
-  return run_metrics_list
-class PrefetchBenchmarkBuilder(task_manager.Builder):
-  """A builder for a graph of tasks for NoState-Prefetch emulated benchmarks."""
-  def __init__(self, common_builder):
-    task_manager.Builder.__init__(self,
-                                  common_builder.output_directory,
-                                  common_builder.output_subdirectory)
-    self._common_builder = common_builder
-    self._original_headers_path = None
-    self._wpr_archive_path = None
-    self._cache_path = None
-    self._trace_from_grabbing_reference_cache = None
-    self._cache_validation_task = None
-    self._PopulateCommonPipelines()
-  def _PopulateCommonPipelines(self):
-    """Creates necessary tasks to produce initial cache archive.
-    Also creates a task for producing a json file with a mapping of URLs to
-    subresources (urls-resources.json).
-    Here is the full dependency tree for the returned task:
-    common/patched-cache-validation.json
-      depends on: common/
-        depends on: common/
-          depends on: common/webpages-patched.wpr
-            depends on: common/webpages.wpr
-    """
-    self._original_headers_path = self.RebaseOutputPath(
-        'common/response-headers.json')
-    @self.RegisterTask('common/webpages-patched.wpr',
-                       dependencies=[self._common_builder.original_wpr_task])
-    def BuildPatchedWpr():
-      shutil.copyfile(
-          self._common_builder.original_wpr_task.path, BuildPatchedWpr.path)
-      wpr_archive = wpr_backend.WprArchiveBackend(BuildPatchedWpr.path)
-      # Save up original response headers.
-      original_response_headers = {e.url: e.GetResponseHeadersDict() \
-          for e in wpr_archive.ListUrlEntries()}
-'save up response headers for %d resources',
-                   len(original_response_headers))
-      if not original_response_headers:
-        # TODO(gabadie): How is it possible to not even have the main resource
-        # in the WPR archive? Example URL can be found in:
-        #
-        raise Exception(
-            'Looks like no resources were recorded in WPR during: {}'.format(
-      with open(self._original_headers_path, 'w') as file_output:
-        json.dump(original_response_headers, file_output)
-      # Patch WPR.
-      wpr_url_entries = wpr_archive.ListUrlEntries()
-      for wpr_url_entry in wpr_url_entries:
-        sandwich_utils.PatchWprEntryToBeCached(wpr_url_entry)
-'number of patched entries: %d', len(wpr_url_entries))
-      wpr_archive.Persist()
-    @self.RegisterTask('common/', [BuildPatchedWpr])
-    def BuildOriginalCache():
-      runner = self._common_builder.CreateSandwichRunner()
-      runner.wpr_archive_path = BuildPatchedWpr.path
-      runner.cache_archive_path = BuildOriginalCache.path
-      runner.cache_operation = sandwich_runner.CacheOperation.SAVE
-      runner.output_dir = BuildOriginalCache.run_path
-      runner.Run()
-    BuildOriginalCache.run_path = BuildOriginalCache.path[:-4] + '-run'
-    original_cache_trace_path = os.path.join(
-        BuildOriginalCache.run_path, '0', sandwich_runner.TRACE_FILENAME)
-    @self.RegisterTask('common/', [BuildOriginalCache])
-    def BuildPatchedCache():
-      _PatchCacheArchive(BuildOriginalCache.path,
-          original_cache_trace_path, BuildPatchedCache.path)
-    @self.RegisterTask('common/patched-cache-validation.json',
-                       [BuildPatchedCache])
-    def ValidatePatchedCache():
-      cache_validation_result = _ValidateCacheArchiveContent(
-          original_cache_trace_path, BuildPatchedCache.path)
-      with open(ValidatePatchedCache.path, 'w') as output:
-        json.dump(cache_validation_result, output)
-    self._wpr_archive_path = BuildPatchedWpr.path
-    self._trace_from_grabbing_reference_cache = original_cache_trace_path
-    self._cache_path = BuildPatchedCache.path
-    self._cache_validation_task = ValidatePatchedCache
-    self._common_builder.default_final_tasks.append(ValidatePatchedCache)
-  def PopulateLoadBenchmark(self, subresource_discoverer,
-                            transformer_list_name, transformer_list):
-    """Populate benchmarking tasks from its setup tasks.
-    Args:
-      subresource_discoverer: Name of a subresources discoverer.
-      transformer_list_name: A string describing the transformers, will be used
-          in Task names (prefer names without spaces and special characters).
-      transformer_list: An ordered list of function that takes an instance of
-          SandwichRunner as parameter, would be applied immediately before
-          SandwichRunner.Run() in the given order.
-    Here is the full dependency of the added tree for the returned task:
-    <transformer_list_name>/<subresource_discoverer>-metrics.csv
-      depends on: <transformer_list_name>/<subresource_discoverer>-run/
-        depends on: common/<subresource_discoverer>
-          depends on: common/<subresource_discoverer>-setup.json
-            depends on: common/patched-cache-validation.json
-    """
-    additional_column_names = [
-        'url',
-        'repeat_id',
-        'subresource_discoverer',
-        'cache_recording.subresource_count',
-        'cache_recording.cached_subresource_count_theoretic',
-        'cache_recording.cached_subresource_count',
-        'benchmark.subresource_count',
-        'benchmark.served_from_cache_count_theoretic',
-        'benchmark.served_from_cache_count',
-        'benchmark.served_from_network_bytes',
-        'benchmark.served_from_cache_bytes']
-    assert subresource_discoverer in SUBRESOURCE_DISCOVERERS
-    assert 'common' not in SUBRESOURCE_DISCOVERERS
-    shared_task_prefix = os.path.join('common', subresource_discoverer)
-    task_prefix = os.path.join(transformer_list_name, subresource_discoverer)
-    @self.RegisterTask(shared_task_prefix + '-setup.json', merge=True,
-                       dependencies=[self._cache_validation_task])
-    def SetupBenchmark():
-      whitelisted_urls = _ExtractDiscoverableUrls(
-          original_headers_path=self._original_headers_path,
-          loading_trace_path=self._trace_from_grabbing_reference_cache,
-          subresource_discoverer=subresource_discoverer)
-      common_util.EnsureParentDirectoryExists(SetupBenchmark.path)
-      with open(SetupBenchmark.path, 'w') as output:
-        json.dump({
-            'cache_whitelist': [url for url in whitelisted_urls],
-            'subresource_discoverer': subresource_discoverer,
-          }, output)
-    @self.RegisterTask(shared_task_prefix + '', merge=True,
-                       dependencies=[SetupBenchmark])
-    def BuildBenchmarkCacheArchive():
-      benchmark_setup = json.load(open(SetupBenchmark.path))
-      chrome_cache.ApplyUrlWhitelistToCacheArchive(
-          cache_archive_path=self._cache_path,
-          whitelisted_urls=benchmark_setup['cache_whitelist'],
-          output_cache_archive_path=BuildBenchmarkCacheArchive.path)
-    @self.RegisterTask(task_prefix + '-run/',
-                       dependencies=[BuildBenchmarkCacheArchive])
-    def RunBenchmark():
-      runner = self._common_builder.CreateSandwichRunner()
-      for transformer in transformer_list:
-        transformer(runner)
-      runner.wpr_archive_path = self._common_builder.original_wpr_task.path
-      runner.wpr_out_log_path = os.path.join(
-          RunBenchmark.path, sandwich_runner.WPR_LOG_FILENAME)
-      runner.cache_archive_path = BuildBenchmarkCacheArchive.path
-      runner.cache_operation = sandwich_runner.CacheOperation.PUSH
-      runner.output_dir = RunBenchmark.path
-      runner.Run()
-    @self.RegisterTask(task_prefix + '-metrics.csv',
-                       dependencies=[RunBenchmark])
-    def ProcessRunOutputDir():
-      benchmark_setup = json.load(open(SetupBenchmark.path))
-      cache_validation_result = json.load(
-          open(self._cache_validation_task.path))
-      run_metrics_list = _ProcessRunOutputDir(
-          cache_validation_result, benchmark_setup, RunBenchmark.path)
-      with open(ProcessRunOutputDir.path, 'w') as csv_file:
-        writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=(additional_column_names +
-                                    sandwich_metrics.COMMON_CSV_COLUMN_NAMES))
-        writer.writeheader()
-        for trace_metrics in run_metrics_list:
-          writer.writerow(trace_metrics)
-    self._common_builder.default_final_tasks.append(ProcessRunOutputDir)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d69a47..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import json
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import urlparse
-import sandwich_prefetch
-LOADING_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-TEST_DATA_DIR = os.path.join(LOADING_DIR, 'testdata')
-class SandwichPrefetchTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  _TRACE_PATH = os.path.join(TEST_DATA_DIR, 'scanner_vs_parser.trace')
-  def setUp(self):
-    self._tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-  def tearDown(self):
-    shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_dir)
-  def GetTmpPath(self, file_name):
-    return os.path.join(self._tmp_dir, file_name)
-  def GetResourceUrl(self, path):
-    return urlparse.urljoin('http://l/', path)
-  def testEmptyCacheWhitelisting(self):
-    url_set = sandwich_prefetch._ExtractDiscoverableUrls(None,
-        self._TRACE_PATH, sandwich_prefetch.Discoverer.EmptyCache)
-    self.assertEquals(set(), url_set)
-  def testFullCacheWhitelisting(self):
-    reference_url_set = set([self.GetResourceUrl('./'),
-                             self.GetResourceUrl('0.png'),
-                             self.GetResourceUrl('1.png'),
-                             self.GetResourceUrl('0.css'),
-                             self.GetResourceUrl('favicon.ico')])
-    url_set = sandwich_prefetch._ExtractDiscoverableUrls(None,
-        self._TRACE_PATH, sandwich_prefetch.Discoverer.FullCache)
-    self.assertEquals(reference_url_set, url_set)
-  def testMainDocumentWhitelisting(self):
-    reference_url_set = set([self.GetResourceUrl('./')])
-    url_set = sandwich_prefetch._ExtractDiscoverableUrls(None,
-        self._TRACE_PATH, sandwich_prefetch.Discoverer.MainDocument)
-    self.assertEquals(reference_url_set, url_set)
-  def testParserDiscoverableWhitelisting(self):
-    reference_url_set = set([self.GetResourceUrl('./'),
-                             self.GetResourceUrl('0.png'),
-                             self.GetResourceUrl('1.png'),
-                             self.GetResourceUrl('0.css')])
-    url_set = sandwich_prefetch._ExtractDiscoverableUrls(None,
-        self._TRACE_PATH, sandwich_prefetch.Discoverer.Parser)
-    self.assertEquals(reference_url_set, url_set)
-  def testHTMLPreloadScannerWhitelisting(self):
-    reference_url_set = set([self.GetResourceUrl('./'),
-                             self.GetResourceUrl('0.png'),
-                             self.GetResourceUrl('0.css')])
-    url_set = sandwich_prefetch._ExtractDiscoverableUrls(None,
-        self._TRACE_PATH, sandwich_prefetch.Discoverer.HTMLPreloadScanner)
-    self.assertEquals(reference_url_set, url_set)
-  def testHTMLPreloadScannerStoreWhitelisting(self):
-    original_headers_path = self.GetTmpPath('original_headers.json')
-    def RunTest(reference_urls):
-      url_set = sandwich_prefetch._ExtractDiscoverableUrls(
-          original_headers_path, self._TRACE_PATH,
-          sandwich_prefetch.Discoverer.HTMLPreloadScannerStore)
-      self.assertEquals(set(reference_urls), url_set)
-    with open(original_headers_path, 'w') as output_file:
-      json.dump({
-          self.GetResourceUrl('./'): {},
-          self.GetResourceUrl('0.png'): {'cache-control': 'max-age=0'},
-          self.GetResourceUrl('0.css'): {}
-        }, output_file)
-    RunTest([self.GetResourceUrl('./'),
-             self.GetResourceUrl('0.png'),
-             self.GetResourceUrl('0.css')])
-    with open(original_headers_path, 'w') as output_file:
-      json.dump({
-          self.GetResourceUrl('./'): {},
-          self.GetResourceUrl('0.png'): {'cache-control': 'private, no-store'},
-          self.GetResourceUrl('0.css'): {}
-        }, output_file)
-    RunTest([self.GetResourceUrl('./'),
-             self.GetResourceUrl('0.css')])
-    with open(original_headers_path, 'w') as output_file:
-      json.dump({
-          self.GetResourceUrl('./'): {'cache-control': 'private, no-store'},
-          self.GetResourceUrl('0.png'): {},
-          self.GetResourceUrl('0.css'): {}
-        }, output_file)
-    RunTest([self.GetResourceUrl('0.png'),
-             self.GetResourceUrl('0.css')])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3bb94..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'catapult', 'devil'))
-from import device_utils
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'catapult', 'telemetry',
-    'third_party', 'websocket-client'))
-import websocket
-import chrome_cache
-import common_util
-import controller
-import devtools_monitor
-import device_setup
-import loading_trace
-# Standard filenames in the sandwich runner's output directory.
-TRACE_FILENAME = 'trace.json'
-VIDEO_FILENAME = 'video.mp4'
-WPR_LOG_FILENAME = 'wpr.log'
-# Memory dump category used to get memory metrics.
-MEMORY_DUMP_CATEGORY = 'disabled-by-default-memory-infra'
-# Devtools timeout of 1 minute to avoid websocket timeout on slow
-# network condition.
-# Categories to enable or disable for all traces collected. Disabled categories
-# are prefixed with '-'.
-  'blink',
-  '',
-  'blink.user_timing',
-  'devtools.timeline',
-  'java',
-  'navigation',
-  'toplevel',
-  'v8',
-  '-cc',  # A lot of unnecessary events are enabled by default in "cc".
-  'loading',
-  'disabled-by-default-blink.debug.layout',
-def _CleanArtefactsFromPastRuns(output_directories_path):
-  """Cleans artifacts generated from past run in the output directory.
-  Args:
-    output_directories_path: The output directory path where to clean the
-        previous traces.
-  """
-  for dirname in os.listdir(output_directories_path):
-    directory_path = os.path.join(output_directories_path, dirname)
-    if not os.path.isdir(directory_path):
-      continue
-    try:
-      int(dirname)
-    except ValueError:
-      continue
-    shutil.rmtree(directory_path)
-class CacheOperation(object):
-  CLEAR, SAVE, PUSH = range(3)
-class SandwichRunnerError(Exception):
-  pass
-class SandwichRunner(object):
-  """Sandwich runner.
-  This object is meant to be configured first and then run using the Run()
-  method.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Configures a sandwich runner out of the box.
-    Public members are meant to be configured before calling Run().
-    """
-    # Cache operation to do before doing the chrome navigation.
-    self.cache_operation = CacheOperation.CLEAR
-    # The cache archive's path to save to or push from. Is str or None.
-    self.cache_archive_path = None
-    # List of additional chrome command line flags.
-    self.chrome_args = []
-    # Controls whether the WPR server should do script injection.
-    self.disable_wpr_script_injection = False
-    # Number of times to repeat the url.
-    self.repeat = 1
-    # Network conditions to emulate. None if no emulation.
-    self.network_condition = None
-    # Network condition emulator. Can be: browser,wpr
-    self.network_emulator = 'browser'
-    # Output directory where to save the traces, videos, etc. Is str or None.
-    self.output_dir = None
-    # URL to navigate to.
-    self.url = None
-    # Configures whether to record speed-index video.
-    self.record_video = False
-    # Configures whether to record memory dumps.
-    self.record_memory_dumps = False
-    # Configures whether to record tracing categories needed for TTFMP.
-    self.record_first_meaningful_paint = False
-    # Path to the WPR archive to load or save. Is str or None.
-    self.wpr_archive_path = None
-    # Configures whether the WPR archive should be read or generated.
-    self.wpr_record = False
-    # The android DeviceUtils to run sandwich on or None to run it locally.
-    self.android_device = None
-    self._chrome_ctl = None
-    self._local_cache_directory_path = None
-  def _CleanTraceOutputDirectory(self):
-    assert self.output_dir
-    if not os.path.isdir(self.output_dir):
-      try:
-        os.makedirs(self.output_dir)
-      except OSError:
-        logging.error('Cannot create directory for results: %s',
-            self.output_dir)
-        raise
-    else:
-      _CleanArtefactsFromPastRuns(self.output_dir)
-  def _GetEmulatorNetworkCondition(self, emulator):
-    if self.network_emulator == emulator:
-      return self.network_condition
-    return None
-  def _RunNavigation(self, clear_cache, repeat_id=None):
-    """Run a page navigation to the given URL.
-    Args:
-      clear_cache: Whether if the cache should be cleared before navigation.
-      repeat_id: Id of the run in the output directory. If it is None, then no
-        trace or video will be saved.
-    """
-    run_path = None
-    if repeat_id is not None:
-      run_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, str(repeat_id))
-      if not os.path.isdir(run_path):
-        os.makedirs(run_path)
-    self._chrome_ctl.SetNetworkEmulation(
-        self._GetEmulatorNetworkCondition('browser'))
-    categories = _TRACING_CATEGORIES
-    if self.record_memory_dumps:
-      categories += [MEMORY_DUMP_CATEGORY]
-    if self.record_first_meaningful_paint:
-    stop_delay_multiplier = 0
-    if self.wpr_record or self.cache_operation == CacheOperation.SAVE:
-      stop_delay_multiplier = self._STOP_DELAY_MULTIPLIER
-    # TODO(gabadie): add a way to avoid recording a trace.
-    with common_util.TimeoutScope(
-        self._ABORT_RUN_TIMEOUT_SECONDS, 'Sandwich run overdue.'):
-      with self._chrome_ctl.Open() as connection:
-        if clear_cache:
-          connection.ClearCache()
-        # Binds all parameters of RecordUrlNavigation() to avoid repetition.
-        def RecordTrace():
-          return loading_trace.LoadingTrace.RecordUrlNavigation(
-              url=self.url,
-              connection=connection,
-              chrome_metadata=self._chrome_ctl.ChromeMetadata(),
-              categories=categories,
-              timeout_seconds=_DEVTOOLS_TIMEOUT,
-              stop_delay_multiplier=stop_delay_multiplier)
-        if run_path is not None and self.record_video:
-          device = self._chrome_ctl.GetDevice()
-          if device is None:
-            raise RuntimeError('Can only record video on a remote device.')
-          video_recording_path = os.path.join(run_path, VIDEO_FILENAME)
-          with device_setup.RemoteSpeedIndexRecorder(device, connection,
-                                                     video_recording_path):
-            trace = RecordTrace()
-        else:
-          trace = RecordTrace()
-        for event in trace.request_track.GetEvents():
-          if event.failed:
-            logging.warning(
-                'request to %s failed: %s', event.url, event.error_text)
-        if not trace.tracing_track.HasLoadingSucceeded():
-          raise SandwichRunnerError('Page load has failed.')
-    if run_path is not None:
-      trace_path = os.path.join(run_path, TRACE_FILENAME)
-      trace.ToJsonFile(trace_path)
-  def _RunInRetryLoop(self, repeat_id, perform_dry_run_before):
-    """Attempts to run monitoring navigation.
-    Args:
-      repeat_id: Id of the run in the output directory.
-      perform_dry_run_before: Whether it should do a dry run attempt before the
-        actual monitoring run.
-    Returns:
-      Whether the device should be rebooted to continue attempting for that
-      given |repeat_id|.
-    """
-    resume_attempt_id = 0
-    if perform_dry_run_before:
-      resume_attempt_id = 1
-    for attempt_id in xrange(resume_attempt_id, self._ATTEMPT_COUNT):
-      try:
-        if perform_dry_run_before:
-'Do sandwich dry run attempt %d', attempt_id)
-        else:
-'Do sandwich run attempt %d', attempt_id)
-        self._chrome_ctl.ResetBrowserState()
-        clear_cache = False
-        if self.cache_operation == CacheOperation.CLEAR:
-          clear_cache = True
-        elif self.cache_operation == CacheOperation.PUSH:
-          self._chrome_ctl.PushBrowserCache(self._local_cache_directory_path)
-        elif self.cache_operation == CacheOperation.SAVE:
-          clear_cache = repeat_id == 0
-        self._RunNavigation(clear_cache=clear_cache, repeat_id=repeat_id)
-        if not perform_dry_run_before or attempt_id > resume_attempt_id:
-          break
-      except controller.ChromeControllerError as error:
-        request_reboot = False
-        is_intermittent = error.IsIntermittent()
-        if (self.android_device and
-            attempt_id == 0 and
-            error.error_type is websocket.WebSocketConnectionClosedException):
-          assert not perform_dry_run_before
-          # On Android, the first socket connection closure is likely caused by
-          # memory pressure on the device and therefore considered intermittent,
-          # and therefore request a reboot of the device to the caller.
-          request_reboot = True
-          is_intermittent = True
-        if is_intermittent and attempt_id + 1 != self._ATTEMPT_COUNT:
-          dump_filename = '{}_intermittent_failure'.format(attempt_id)
-          dump_path = os.path.join(
-              self.output_dir, str(repeat_id), dump_filename)
-        else:
-          dump_path = os.path.join(self.output_dir, ERROR_FILENAME)
-        with open(dump_path, 'w') as dump_output:
-          error.Dump(dump_output)
-        if not is_intermittent:
-          error.RaiseOriginal()
-        if request_reboot:
-          assert resume_attempt_id is 0
-          return True
-    else:
-      logging.error('Failed to navigate to %s after %d attemps' % \
-                    (self.url, self._ATTEMPT_COUNT))
-      error.RaiseOriginal()
-    return False
-  def _RunWithWpr(self, resume_repeat_id, perform_dry_run_before):
-    """Opens WPR and attempts to run repeated monitoring navigation.
-    Args:
-      resume_repeat_id: Id of the run to resume.
-      perform_dry_run_before: Whether the repeated run to resume should first do
-        a dry run navigation attempt.
-    Returns:
-      Number of repeat performed. If < self.repeat, then it means that the
-        device should be rebooted.
-    """
-    with self._chrome_ctl.OpenWprHost(self.wpr_archive_path,
-        record=self.wpr_record,
-        network_condition_name=self._GetEmulatorNetworkCondition('wpr'),
-        disable_script_injection=self.disable_wpr_script_injection,
-        out_log_path=os.path.join(self.output_dir, WPR_LOG_FILENAME)):
-      for repeat_id in xrange(resume_repeat_id, self.repeat):
-        reboot_requested = self._RunInRetryLoop(
-            repeat_id, perform_dry_run_before)
-        if reboot_requested:
-          return repeat_id
-    return self.repeat
-  def _PullCacheFromDevice(self):
-    assert self.cache_operation == CacheOperation.SAVE
-    assert self.cache_archive_path, 'Need to specify where to save the cache'
-    cache_directory_path = self._chrome_ctl.PullBrowserCache()
-    chrome_cache.ZipDirectoryContent(
-        cache_directory_path, self.cache_archive_path)
-    shutil.rmtree(cache_directory_path)
-  def Run(self):
-    """SandwichRunner main entry point meant to be called once configured."""
-    assert self.output_dir is not None
-    assert self._chrome_ctl == None
-    assert self._local_cache_directory_path == None
-    self._CleanTraceOutputDirectory()
-    if self.android_device:
-      self._chrome_ctl = controller.RemoteChromeController(self.android_device)
-    else:
-      self._chrome_ctl = controller.LocalChromeController()
-    self._chrome_ctl.AddChromeArguments(['--disable-infobars'])
-    self._chrome_ctl.AddChromeArguments(self.chrome_args)
-    if self.cache_operation == CacheOperation.SAVE:
-      self._chrome_ctl.SetSlowDeath()
-    try:
-      if self.cache_operation == CacheOperation.PUSH:
-        assert os.path.isfile(self.cache_archive_path)
-        self._local_cache_directory_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='.cache')
-        chrome_cache.UnzipDirectoryContent(
-            self.cache_archive_path, self._local_cache_directory_path)
-      times_repeated = self._RunWithWpr(0, False)
-      if times_repeated < self.repeat:
-        self._chrome_ctl.RebootDevice()
-        self._RunWithWpr(times_repeated, True)
-    finally:
-      if self._local_cache_directory_path:
-        shutil.rmtree(self._local_cache_directory_path)
-        self._local_cache_directory_path = None
-    if self.cache_operation == CacheOperation.SAVE:
-      self._PullCacheFromDevice()
-    self._chrome_ctl = None
-def WalkRepeatedRuns(runner_output_dir):
-  """Yields unordered (repeat id, path of the repeat directory).
-  Args:
-    runner_output_dir: Same as for SandwichRunner.output_dir.
-  """
-  repeated_run_count = 0
-  for node_name in os.listdir(runner_output_dir):
-    repeat_dir = os.path.join(runner_output_dir, node_name)
-    if not os.path.isdir(repeat_dir):
-      continue
-    try:
-      repeat_id = int(node_name)
-    except ValueError:
-      continue
-    yield repeat_id, repeat_dir
-    repeated_run_count += 1
-  assert repeated_run_count > 0, ('Error: not a sandwich runner output '
-                                  'directory: {}').format(runner_output_dir)
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deleted file mode 100644
index e6b3736..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-""" This module implements the Stale-While-Revalidate performance improvement
-experiment on third parties' resources.
-The top level operations of the experiment are:
-  1. Record WPR archive;
-  2. Create a patched WPR archive so that all resource are getting cached;
-  3. Record original cache using the patched WPR archive;
-  4. Setup the benchmark producing the list of URL to enable SWR in a JSON file;
-  5. Create the benchmark cache by:
-     - Remove No-Store resources;
-     - Adding the SWR header on resources that are experimentally required to
-       have it;
-     - Patch SWR header on resources that already had it to make sure the
-       the SWR freshness is not out of date;
-     - And restore all other headers so that response headers such as
-       Set-Cookie are still in the cache to avoid entropy caused by
-       different cookie values.
-  6. Run the benchmark;
-  7. Extract metrics into CSV files.
-import csv
-import json
-import logging
-import os
-import shutil
-from urlparse import urlparse
-import chrome_cache
-import common_util
-import loading_trace
-import request_track
-import sandwich_metrics
-import sandwich_runner
-import sandwich_utils
-import task_manager
-import wpr_backend
-def _ExtractRegexMatchingUrls(urls, domain_regexes):
-  urls_to_enable = set()
-  for url in urls:
-    if url in urls_to_enable:
-      continue
-    parsed_url = urlparse(url)
-    for domain_regex in domain_regexes:
-      if
-        urls_to_enable.add(url)
-        break
-  return urls_to_enable
-def _BuildBenchmarkCache(
-    original_wpr_trace_path, urls_to_enable_swr,
-    original_cache_trace_path, original_cache_archive_path,
-    cache_archive_dest_path):
-  # Load trace that was generated at original cache creation.
-'loading %s', original_wpr_trace_path)
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(original_wpr_trace_path)
-  # Lists URLs that should not be in the cache or already have SWR headers.
-  urls_should_not_be_cached = set()
-  urls_already_with_swr = set()
-  for request in trace.request_track.GetEvents():
-    caching_policy = request_track.CachingPolicy(request)
-    if not caching_policy.IsCacheable():
-      urls_should_not_be_cached.add(request.url)
-    elif caching_policy.GetFreshnessLifetimes()[1] > 0:
-      urls_already_with_swr.add(request.url)
-  # Trace are fat, kill this one to save up memory for the next one to load in
-  # this scope.
-  del trace
-  # Load trace that was generated at original cache creation.
-'loading %s', original_cache_trace_path)
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(original_cache_trace_path)
-  # Create cache contents.
-  delete_count = 0
-  swr_patch_count = 0
-  originaly_swr_patch_count = 0
-  noswr_patch_count = 0
-  with common_util.TemporaryDirectory(prefix='sandwich_tmp') as tmp_path:
-    cache_path = os.path.join(tmp_path, 'cache')
-    chrome_cache.UnzipDirectoryContent(original_cache_archive_path, cache_path)
-    cache_backend = chrome_cache.CacheBackend(cache_path, 'simple')
-    cache_keys = set(cache_backend.ListKeys())
-    for request in trace.request_track.GetEvents():
-      if request.url not in cache_keys:
-        continue
-      if request.url in urls_should_not_be_cached:
-        cache_backend.DeleteKey(request.url)
-        delete_count += 1
-        continue
-      if not request.HasReceivedResponse():
-        continue
-      if request.url in urls_to_enable_swr:
-        request.SetHTTPResponseHeader(
-            'cache-control', 'max-age=0,stale-while-revalidate=315360000')
-        request.SetHTTPResponseHeader(
-            'last-modified', 'Thu, 23 Jun 2016 11:30:00 GMT')
-        swr_patch_count += 1
-      elif request.url in urls_already_with_swr:
-        # Force to use SWR on resources that originally attempted to use it.
-        request.SetHTTPResponseHeader(
-            'cache-control', 'max-age=0,stale-while-revalidate=315360000')
-        # The resource originally had SWR enabled therefore we don't
-        # Last-Modified to repro exactly the performance impact in case these
-        # headers were not set properly causing an invalidation instead of a
-        # revalidation.
-        originaly_swr_patch_count += 1
-      else:
-        # Force synchronous revalidation.
-        request.SetHTTPResponseHeader('cache-control', 'max-age=0')
-        noswr_patch_count += 1
-      raw_headers = request.GetRawResponseHeaders()
-      cache_backend.UpdateRawResponseHeaders(request.url, raw_headers)
-    chrome_cache.ZipDirectoryContent(cache_path, cache_archive_dest_path)
-'patched %d cached resources with forced SWR', swr_patch_count)
-'patched %d cached resources with original SWR',
-      originaly_swr_patch_count)
-'patched %d cached resources without SWR', noswr_patch_count)
-'deleted %d cached resources', delete_count)
-def _ProcessRunOutputDir(benchmark_setup, runner_output_dir):
-  """Process benchmark's run output directory.
-  Args:
-    cache_validation_result: Same as for _RunOutputVerifier
-    benchmark_setup: Same as for _RunOutputVerifier
-    runner_output_dir: Same as for SandwichRunner.output_dir
-  Returns:
-    List of dictionary.
-  """
-  run_metrics_list = []
-  for repeat_id, repeat_dir in sandwich_runner.WalkRepeatedRuns(
-      runner_output_dir):
-    trace_path = os.path.join(repeat_dir, sandwich_runner.TRACE_FILENAME)
-'processing trace: %s', trace_path)
-    trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(trace_path)
-    served_from_cache_urls = sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-        trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.ServedFromCache)
-    matching_subresource_count_used_from_cache = (
-        served_from_cache_urls.intersection(
-            set(benchmark_setup['urls_to_enable_swr'])))
-    run_metrics = {
-        'url': trace.url,
-        'repeat_id': repeat_id,
-        'benchmark_name': benchmark_setup['benchmark_name'],
-        'cache_recording.subresource_count':
-            len(benchmark_setup['effective_subresource_urls']),
-        'cache_recording.matching_subresource_count':
-            len(benchmark_setup['urls_to_enable_swr']),
-        'benchmark.matching_subresource_count_used_from_cache':
-            len(matching_subresource_count_used_from_cache)
-    }
-    run_metrics.update(
-        sandwich_metrics.ExtractCommonMetricsFromRepeatDirectory(
-            repeat_dir, trace))
-    run_metrics_list.append(run_metrics)
-  return run_metrics_list
-class StaleWhileRevalidateBenchmarkBuilder(task_manager.Builder):
-  """A builder for a graph of tasks for Stale-While-Revalidate study benchmarks.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, common_builder):
-    task_manager.Builder.__init__(self,
-                                  common_builder.output_directory,
-                                  common_builder.output_subdirectory)
-    self._common_builder = common_builder
-    self._patched_wpr_path = None
-    self._original_cache_task = None
-    self._original_cache_trace_path = None
-    self._PopulateCommonPipelines()
-  def _PopulateCommonPipelines(self):
-    """Creates necessary tasks to produce initial cache archives.
-    Here is the full dependency tree for the returned task:
-    depends on: common/
-      depends on: common/webpages-patched.wpr
-        depends on: common/webpages.wpr
-    """
-    @self.RegisterTask('common/webpages-patched.wpr',
-                       dependencies=[self._common_builder.original_wpr_task])
-    def BuildPatchedWpr():
-      shutil.copyfile(
-          self._common_builder.original_wpr_task.path, BuildPatchedWpr.path)
-      wpr_archive = wpr_backend.WprArchiveBackend(BuildPatchedWpr.path)
-      wpr_url_entries = wpr_archive.ListUrlEntries()
-      for wpr_url_entry in wpr_url_entries:
-        sandwich_utils.PatchWprEntryToBeCached(wpr_url_entry)
-'number of patched entries: %d', len(wpr_url_entries))
-      wpr_archive.Persist()
-    @self.RegisterTask('common/',
-                       dependencies=[BuildPatchedWpr])
-    def BuildOriginalCache():
-      runner = self._common_builder.CreateSandwichRunner()
-      runner.wpr_archive_path = BuildPatchedWpr.path
-      runner.cache_archive_path = BuildOriginalCache.path
-      runner.cache_operation = sandwich_runner.CacheOperation.SAVE
-      runner.output_dir = BuildOriginalCache.run_path
-      runner.Run()
-    BuildOriginalCache.run_path = BuildOriginalCache.path[:-4] + '-run'
-    self._original_cache_trace_path = os.path.join(
-        BuildOriginalCache.run_path, '0', sandwich_runner.TRACE_FILENAME)
-    self._patched_wpr_path = BuildPatchedWpr.path
-    self._original_cache_task = BuildOriginalCache
-  def PopulateBenchmark(self, benchmark_name, domain_regexes,
-                        transformer_list_name, transformer_list):
-    """Populate benchmarking tasks.
-    Args:
-      benchmark_name: Name of the benchmark.
-      domain_regexes: Compiled regexes of domains to enable SWR.
-      transformer_list_name: A string describing the transformers, will be used
-          in Task names (prefer names without spaces and special characters).
-      transformer_list: An ordered list of function that takes an instance of
-          SandwichRunner as parameter, would be applied immediately before
-          SandwichRunner.Run() in the given order.
-    Here is the full dependency of the added tree for the returned task:
-    <transformer_list_name>/<benchmark_name>-metrics.csv
-      depends on: <transformer_list_name>/<benchmark_name>-run/
-        depends on: common/<benchmark_name>
-          depends on: common/<benchmark_name>-setup.json
-            depends on: common/
-    """
-    additional_column_names = [
-        'url',
-        'repeat_id',
-        'benchmark_name',
-        # Number of resources of the page.
-        'cache_recording.subresource_count',
-        # Number of resources matching at least one domain regex, to give an
-        # idea in the CSV how much the threshold influence additional SWR uses.
-        'cache_recording.matching_subresource_count',
-        # Number of resources fetched from cache matching at least one domain
-        # regex, to give an actual idea if it is possible to have performance
-        # improvement on the web page (or not because only XHR), but also tells
-        # if the page loading time should see a performance improvement or not
-        # compared with a different thresholds.
-        'benchmark.matching_subresource_count_used_from_cache']
-    shared_task_prefix = os.path.join('common', benchmark_name)
-    task_prefix = os.path.join(transformer_list_name, benchmark_name)
-    @self.RegisterTask(shared_task_prefix + '-setup.json', merge=True,
-                       dependencies=[self._original_cache_task])
-    def SetupBenchmark():
-'loading %s', self._original_cache_trace_path)
-      trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(
-          self._original_cache_trace_path)
-'generating %s', SetupBenchmark.path)
-      effective_subresource_urls = sandwich_utils.ListUrlRequests(
-          trace, sandwich_utils.RequestOutcome.All)
-      urls_to_enable_swr = _ExtractRegexMatchingUrls(
-          effective_subresource_urls, domain_regexes)
-          'count of urls to enable SWR: %s', len(urls_to_enable_swr))
-      with open(SetupBenchmark.path, 'w') as output:
-        json.dump({
-            'benchmark_name': benchmark_name,
-            'urls_to_enable_swr': [url for url in urls_to_enable_swr],
-            'effective_subresource_urls':
-                [url for url in effective_subresource_urls]
-          }, output)
-    @self.RegisterTask(shared_task_prefix + '', merge=True,
-                       dependencies=[SetupBenchmark])
-    def BuildBenchmarkCacheArchive():
-      benchmark_setup = json.load(open(SetupBenchmark.path))
-      _BuildBenchmarkCache(
-          original_wpr_trace_path=(
-              self._common_builder.original_wpr_recording_trace_path),
-          urls_to_enable_swr=set(benchmark_setup['urls_to_enable_swr']),
-          original_cache_trace_path=self._original_cache_trace_path,
-          original_cache_archive_path=self._original_cache_task.path,
-          cache_archive_dest_path=BuildBenchmarkCacheArchive.path)
-    @self.RegisterTask(task_prefix + '-run/', [BuildBenchmarkCacheArchive])
-    def RunBenchmark():
-      runner = self._common_builder.CreateSandwichRunner()
-      for transformer in transformer_list:
-        transformer(runner)
-      runner.wpr_archive_path = self._patched_wpr_path
-      runner.wpr_out_log_path = os.path.join(
-          RunBenchmark.path, sandwich_runner.WPR_LOG_FILENAME)
-      runner.cache_archive_path = BuildBenchmarkCacheArchive.path
-      runner.cache_operation = sandwich_runner.CacheOperation.PUSH
-      runner.output_dir = RunBenchmark.path
-      runner.chrome_args.append('--enable-features=StaleWhileRevalidate2')
-      runner.Run()
-    @self.RegisterTask(task_prefix + '-metrics.csv', [RunBenchmark])
-    def ExtractMetrics():
-      benchmark_setup = json.load(open(SetupBenchmark.path))
-      run_metrics_list = _ProcessRunOutputDir(
-          benchmark_setup, RunBenchmark.path)
-      run_metrics_list.sort(key=lambda e: e['repeat_id'])
-      with open(ExtractMetrics.path, 'w') as csv_file:
-        writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=(additional_column_names +
-                                    sandwich_metrics.COMMON_CSV_COLUMN_NAMES))
-        writer.writeheader()
-        for run_metrics in run_metrics_list:
-          writer.writerow(run_metrics)
-    self._common_builder.default_final_tasks.append(ExtractMetrics)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index eda55e0..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-import common_util
-import emulation
-import sandwich_runner
-import task_manager
-def NetworkSimulationTransformer(network_condition):
-  """Creates a function that accepts a SandwichRunner as a parameter and sets
-  network emulation options on it.
-  Args:
-    network_condition: The network condition to apply to the sandwich runner.
-  Returns:
-    A callback transforming the SandwichRunner given in argument accordingly
-  """
-  assert network_condition in emulation.NETWORK_CONDITIONS
-  def Transformer(runner):
-    assert isinstance(runner, sandwich_runner.SandwichRunner)
-    runner.network_condition = network_condition
-  return Transformer
-def FilterOutDataAndIncompleteRequests(requests):
-  for request in filter(lambda r: not r.IsDataRequest(), requests):
-    # The protocol is only known once the response has been received. But the
-    # trace recording might have been stopped with still some JavaScript
-    # originated requests that have not received any responses yet.
-    if request.protocol is None:
-      assert not request.HasReceivedResponse()
-      continue
-    if request.protocol in {'about'}:
-      continue
-    if request.protocol not in {'http/0.9', 'http/1.0', 'http/1.1'}:
-      raise RuntimeError('Unknown request protocol {}'.format(request.protocol))
-    yield request
-class RequestOutcome:
-  All, ServedFromCache, NotServedFromCache, Post = range(4)
-def ListUrlRequests(trace, request_kind):
-  """Lists requested URLs from a trace.
-  Args:
-    trace: (loading_trace.LoadingTrace) loading trace.
-    request_kind: RequestOutcome.* indicating the subset of requests to output.
-  Returns:
-    set([str])
-  """
-  urls = set()
-  for request_event in FilterOutDataAndIncompleteRequests(
-      trace.request_track.GetEvents()):
-    if (request_kind == RequestOutcome.ServedFromCache and
-        request_event.from_disk_cache):
-      urls.add(request_event.url)
-    elif (request_kind == RequestOutcome.Post and
-        request_event.method.upper().strip() == 'POST'):
-      urls.add(request_event.url)
-    elif (request_kind == RequestOutcome.NotServedFromCache and
-        not request_event.from_disk_cache):
-      urls.add(request_event.url)
-    elif request_kind == RequestOutcome.All:
-      urls.add(request_event.url)
-  return urls
-def PatchWprEntryToBeCached(wpr_url_entry):
-  """Patches a WprUrlEntry to ensure the resources to go into the HTTP cache and
-  avoid invalidation and revalidations.
-  Args:
-    wpr_url_entry: Wpr url entry of the resource to put into the cache.
-  """
-  MAX_AGE = 10 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60
-  CACHE_CONTROL = 'public, max-age={}'.format(MAX_AGE)
-  # TODO(gabadie): may need to patch Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since.
-  # TODO(gabadie): may need to delete ETag.
-  # TODO(gabadie): may need to take care of x-cache.
-  #
-  # Override the cache-control header to set the resources max age to MAX_AGE.
-  #
-  # Important note: Some resources holding sensitive information might have
-  # cache-control set to no-store which allow the resource to be cached but
-  # not cached in the file system. NoState-Prefetch is going to take care of
-  # this case. But in here, to simulate NoState-Prefetch, we don't have other
-  # choices but save absolutely all cached resources on disk so they survive
-  # after killing chrome for cache save, modification and push.
-  wpr_url_entry.SetResponseHeader('cache-control', CACHE_CONTROL)
-  # TODO(gabadie): May need to extend Vary blacklist (referer?)
-  #
-  # All of these Vary and Pragma possibilities need to be removed from
-  # response headers in order for Chrome to store a resource in HTTP cache and
-  # not to invalidate it.
-  wpr_url_entry.RemoveResponseHeaderDirectives('vary', {'*', 'cookie'})
-  wpr_url_entry.RemoveResponseHeaderDirectives('pragma', {'no-cache'})
-class SandwichCommonBuilder(task_manager.Builder):
-  """A builder for a graph of tasks, each prepares or invokes a SandwichRunner.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, android_device, url, output_directory,
-               output_subdirectory):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      android_device: The android DeviceUtils to run sandwich on or None to run
-        it locally.
-      url: URL to benchmark.
-      output_directory: As in task_manager.Builder.__init__
-      output_subdirectory: As in task_manager.Builder.__init__
-    """
-    task_manager.Builder.__init__(self, output_directory, output_subdirectory)
-    self._android_device = android_device
-    self._url = url
-    self.default_final_tasks = []
-    self.original_wpr_task = None
-    self.original_wpr_recording_trace_path = None
-  def CreateSandwichRunner(self):
-    """Create a runner for non benchmark purposes."""
-    runner = sandwich_runner.SandwichRunner()
-    runner.url = self._url
-    runner.android_device = self._android_device
-    return runner
-  def PopulateWprRecordingTask(self):
-    """Records the original WPR archive."""
-    @self.RegisterTask('common/webpages.wpr')
-    def BuildOriginalWpr():
-      common_util.EnsureParentDirectoryExists(BuildOriginalWpr.path)
-      runner = self.CreateSandwichRunner()
-      runner.wpr_archive_path = BuildOriginalWpr.path
-      runner.wpr_record = True
-      runner.output_dir = BuildOriginalWpr.run_path
-      runner.Run()
-    BuildOriginalWpr.run_path = BuildOriginalWpr.path[:-4] + '-run'
-    self.original_wpr_task = BuildOriginalWpr
-    self.original_wpr_recording_trace_path = os.path.join(
-        BuildOriginalWpr.run_path, '0', sandwich_runner.TRACE_FILENAME)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index f132eb1..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""API that build and execute recipes wrapped into a task dependency graph.
-A Task consists of a 'recipe' (a closure to be executed) and a list of refs to
-tasks that should be executed prior to executing this Task (i.e. dependencies).
-The responsibility of the recipe of a task is to produce the file with the name
-assigned at task creation.
-A scenario is a ordered list of tasks to execute such that the dependencies of a
-given task are execute before the said task. The scenario is built from a list
-of final tasks and a list of frozen tasks:
-  - A final task is a task to execute ultimately. Therefore the scenario is
-    composed of final tasks and their required intermediary tasks.
-  - A frozen task is task to not execute. This is a mechanism to morph a task
-    that may have dependencies to a task with no dependency at scenario
-    generation time, injecting what the task have already produced before as an
-    input of the smaller tasks dependency graph covered by the scenario.
-  # -------------------------------------------------- Build my dependency graph
-  builder = Builder('my/output/dir')
-  @builder.RegisterTask('out0')
-  def BuildOut0():
-    Produce(out=BuildOut0.path)
-  @builder.RegisterTask('out1')
-  def BuildOut1():
-    Produce(out=BuildOut1.path)
-  @builder.RegisterTask('out2', dependencies=[BuildOut0, BuildOut1])
-  def BuildOut2():
-    DoStuff(BuildOut0.path, BuildOut1.path, out=BuildOut2.path)
-  @builder.RegisterTask('out3', dependencies=[BuildOut0])
-  def BuildOut3():
-    DoStuff(BuildOut0.path, out=BuildOut3.path)
-  # ---------------------------- Case 1: Execute BuildOut3 and its dependencies.
-  for task in GenerateScenario(final_tasks=[BuildOut3], frozen_tasks=[])
-    task.Execute()
-  # ---------- Case 2: Execute BuildOut2 and its dependencies but not BuildOut1.
-  # It is required that BuildOut1.path is already existing.
-  for task in GenerateScenario(final_tasks=[BuildOut2],
-                               frozen_tasks=[BuildOut1])
-    task.Execute()
-import argparse
-import collections
-import datetime
-import errno
-import logging
-import os
-import re
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import common_util
-_TASK_GRAPH_PNG_NAME = 'tasks_graph.png'
-_TASK_EXECUTION_LOG_NAME_FORMAT = 'task-execution-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.log'
-class TaskError(Exception):
-  pass
-class Task(object):
-  """Task with a recipe."""
-  def __init__(self, name, path, dependencies, recipe):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      name: The name of the  task.
-      path: Path to the file or directory that this task produces.
-      dependencies: List of parent task to execute before.
-      recipe: Function to execute.
-    """
- = name
-    self.path = path
-    self._dependencies = dependencies
-    self._recipe = recipe
-    self._is_done = recipe == None
-  def Execute(self):
-    """Executes this task."""
-    if not self._is_done:
-      self._recipe()
-    self._is_done = True
-class Builder(object):
-  """Utilities for creating sub-graphs of tasks with dependencies."""
-  def __init__(self, output_directory, output_subdirectory):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      output_directory: Output directory where the tasks work.
-      output_subdirectory: Subdirectory to put all created tasks in or None.
-    """
-    self.output_directory = output_directory
-    self.output_subdirectory = output_subdirectory
-    self._tasks = {}
-  # Caution:
-  #   This decorator may not create a task in the case where merge=True and
-  #   another task having the same name have already been created. In this case,
-  #   it will just reuse the former task. This is at the user responsibility to
-  #   ensure that merged tasks would do the exact same thing.
-  #
-  #     @builder.RegisterTask('hello')
-  #     def TaskA():
-  #       my_object.a = 1
-  #
-  #     @builder.RegisterTask('hello', merge=True)
-  #     def TaskB():
-  #       # This function won't be executed ever.
-  #       my_object.a = 2 # <------- Wrong because different from what TaskA do.
-  #
-  #     assert TaskA == TaskB
-  #     TaskB.Execute() # Sets set my_object.a == 1
-  def RegisterTask(self, task_name, dependencies=None, merge=False):
-    """Decorator that wraps a function into a task.
-    Args:
-      task_name: The name of this new task to register.
-      dependencies: List of SandwichTarget to build before this task.
-      merge: If a task already have this name, don't create a new one and
-        reuse the existing one.
-    Returns:
-      A Task that was created by wrapping the function or an existing registered
-      wrapper (that have wrapped a different function).
-    """
-    rebased_task_name = self._RebaseTaskName(task_name)
-    dependencies = dependencies or []
-    def InnerAddTaskWithNewPath(recipe):
-      if rebased_task_name in self._tasks:
-        if not merge:
-          raise TaskError('Task {} already exists.'.format(rebased_task_name))
-        task = self._tasks[rebased_task_name]
-        return task
-      task_path = self.RebaseOutputPath(task_name)
-      task = Task(rebased_task_name, task_path, dependencies, recipe)
-      self._tasks[rebased_task_name] = task
-      return task
-    return InnerAddTaskWithNewPath
-  def RebaseOutputPath(self, builder_relative_path):
-    """Rebases buider relative path."""
-    return os.path.join(
-        self.output_directory, self._RebaseTaskName(builder_relative_path))
-  def _RebaseTaskName(self,  task_name):
-    if self.output_subdirectory:
-      return os.path.join(self.output_subdirectory, task_name)
-    return task_name
-def GenerateScenario(final_tasks, frozen_tasks):
-  """Generates a list of tasks to execute in order of dependencies-first.
-  Args:
-    final_tasks: The final tasks to generate the scenario from.
-    frozen_tasks: Sets of task to freeze.
-  Returns:
-    [Task]
-  """
-  scenario = []
-  task_paths = {}
-  def InternalAppendTarget(task):
-    if task in frozen_tasks:
-      if not os.path.exists(task.path):
-        raise TaskError('Frozen target `{}`\'s path doesn\'t exist.'.format(
-      return
-    if task.path in task_paths:
-      if task_paths[task.path] == None:
-        raise TaskError('Target `{}` depends on itself.'.format(
-      if task_paths[task.path] != task:
-        raise TaskError(
-            'Tasks `{}` and `{}` produce the same file: `{}`.'.format(
-      , task_paths[task.path].name, task.path))
-      return
-    task_paths[task.path] = None
-    for dependency in task._dependencies:
-      InternalAppendTarget(dependency)
-    task_paths[task.path] = task
-    scenario.append(task)
-  for final_task in final_tasks:
-    InternalAppendTarget(final_task)
-  return scenario
-def GenerateDependentSetPerTask(scenario):
-  """Maps direct dependents per tasks of scenario.
-  Args:
-    scenario: The scenario containing the Tasks to map.
-  Returns:
-    {Task: set(Task)}
-  """
-  task_set = set(scenario)
-  task_children = collections.defaultdict(set)
-  for task in scenario:
-    for parent in task._dependencies:
-      if parent in task_set:
-        task_children[parent].add(task)
-  return task_children
-def ListResumingTasksToFreeze(scenario, final_tasks, skipped_tasks):
-  """Lists the tasks that one needs to freeze to be able to resume the scenario
-  after failure.
-  Args:
-    scenario: The scenario (list of Task) to be resumed.
-    final_tasks: The list of final Task used to generate the scenario.
-    skipped_tasks: Set of Tasks in the scenario that were skipped.
-  Returns:
-    [Task]
-  """
-  scenario_tasks = set(scenario)
-  assert skipped_tasks.issubset(scenario_tasks)
-  frozen_tasks = []
-  frozen_task_set = set()
-  walked_tasks = set()
-  def InternalWalk(task):
-    if task in walked_tasks:
-      return
-    walked_tasks.add(task)
-    if task not in scenario_tasks or task not in skipped_tasks:
-      if task not in frozen_task_set:
-        frozen_task_set.add(task)
-        frozen_tasks.append(task)
-    else:
-      for dependency in task._dependencies:
-        InternalWalk(dependency)
-  for final_task in final_tasks:
-    InternalWalk(final_task)
-  return frozen_tasks
-def OutputGraphViz(scenario, final_tasks, output):
-  """Outputs the build dependency graph covered by this scenario.
-  Args:
-    scenario: The generated scenario.
-    final_tasks: The final tasks used to generate the scenario.
-    output: A file-like output stream to receive the dot file.
-  Graph interpretations:
-    - Final tasks (the one that where directly appended) are box shaped.
-    - Non final tasks are ellipse shaped.
-    - Frozen tasks have a blue shape.
-  """
-  task_execution_ids = {t: i for i, t in enumerate(scenario)}
-  tasks_node_ids = dict()
-  def GetTaskNodeId(task):
-    if task in tasks_node_ids:
-      return tasks_node_ids[task]
-    node_id = len(tasks_node_ids)
-    node_label =
-    node_color = 'blue'
-    node_shape = 'ellipse'
-    if task in task_execution_ids:
-      node_color = 'black'
-      node_label = str(task_execution_ids[task]) + ': ' + node_label
-    if task in final_tasks:
-      node_shape = 'box'
-    output.write('  n{} [label="{}", color={}, shape={}];\n'.format(
-        node_id, node_label, node_color, node_shape))
-    tasks_node_ids[task] = node_id
-    return node_id
-  output.write('digraph graphname {\n')
-  for task in scenario:
-    task_node_id = GetTaskNodeId(task)
-    for dep in task._dependencies:
-      dep_node_id = GetTaskNodeId(dep)
-      output.write('  n{} -> n{};\n'.format(dep_node_id, task_node_id))
-  output.write('}\n')
-def CommandLineParser():
-  """Creates command line arguments parser meant to be used as a parent parser
-  for any entry point that use the ExecuteWithCommandLine() function.
-  The root parser must be created with:
-    fromfile_prefix_chars=FROMFILE_PREFIX_CHARS.
-  Returns:
-    The command line arguments parser.
-  """
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False)
-  parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry-run', action='store_true',
-                      help='Only prints the tasks to build.')
-  parser.add_argument('-e', '--to-execute', metavar='REGEX', type=str,
-                      action='append', dest='run_regexes', default=[],
-                      help='Regex selecting tasks to execute.')
-  parser.add_argument('-f', '--to-freeze', metavar='REGEX', type=str,
-                      action='append', dest='frozen_regexes', default=[],
-                      help='Regex selecting tasks to not execute.')
-  parser.add_argument('-k', '--keep-going', action='store_true', default=False,
-                      help='Keep going when some targets can\'t be made.')
-  parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', type=str, required=True,
-                      help='Path of the output directory.')
-  parser.add_argument('-v', '--output-graphviz', action='store_true',
-      help='Outputs the {} and {} file in the output directory.'
-  return parser
-def _SelectTasksFromCommandLineRegexes(args, default_final_tasks):
-  frozen_regexes = [common_util.VerboseCompileRegexOrAbort(e)
-                      for e in args.frozen_regexes]
-  run_regexes = [common_util.VerboseCompileRegexOrAbort(e)
-                   for e in args.run_regexes]
-  # Lists final tasks.
-  final_tasks = default_final_tasks
-  if run_regexes:
-    final_tasks = []
-    # Traverse the graph in the normal execution order starting from
-    # |default_final_tasks| in case of command line regex selection.
-    tasks = GenerateScenario(default_final_tasks, frozen_tasks=set())
-    # Order of run regexes prevails on the traversing order of tasks.
-    for regex in run_regexes:
-      for task in tasks:
-        if
-          final_tasks.append(task)
-  # Lists parents of |final_tasks| to freeze.
-  frozen_tasks = set()
-  impossible_tasks = set()
-  if frozen_regexes:
-    complete_scenario = GenerateScenario(final_tasks, frozen_tasks=set())
-    dependents_per_task = GenerateDependentSetPerTask(complete_scenario)
-    def MarkTaskAsImpossible(task):
-      if task in impossible_tasks:
-        return
-      impossible_tasks.add(task)
-      for dependent in dependents_per_task[task]:
-        MarkTaskAsImpossible(dependent)
-    for task in complete_scenario:
-      for regex in frozen_regexes:
-        if
-          if os.path.exists(task.path):
-            frozen_tasks.add(task)
-          else:
-            MarkTaskAsImpossible(task)
-          break
-  return [t for t in final_tasks if t not in impossible_tasks], frozen_tasks
-class _ResumingFileBuilder(object):
-  def __init__(self, args):
-    resume_path = os.path.join(args.output, _TASK_RESUME_ARGUMENTS_FILE)
-    self._resume_output = open(resume_path, 'w')
-    # List initial freezing regexes not to loose track of final targets to
-    # freeze in case of severals resume attempts caused by sudden death.
-    for regex in args.frozen_regexes:
-      self._resume_output.write('-f\n{}\n'.format(regex))
-  def __enter__(self):
-    return self
-  def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback):
-    del exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback # unused
-    self._resume_output.close()
-  def OnTaskSuccess(self, task):
-    # Log the succeed tasks so that they are ensured to be frozen in case
-    # of a sudden death.
-    self._resume_output.write('-f\n^{}$\n'.format(re.escape(
-    # Makes sure the task freezing command line make it to the disk.
-    self._resume_output.flush()
-    os.fsync(self._resume_output.fileno())
-  def OnScenarioFinish(
-      self, scenario, final_tasks, failed_tasks, skipped_tasks):
-    resume_additonal_arguments = []
-    for task in ListResumingTasksToFreeze(
-        scenario, final_tasks, skipped_tasks):
-      resume_additonal_arguments.extend(
-          ['-f', '^{}$'.format(re.escape(])
-    self._resume_output.truncate()
-    self._resume_output.write('\n'.join(resume_additonal_arguments))
-    print '# Looks like something went wrong in tasks:'
-    for failed_task in failed_tasks:
-      print '#   {}'.format(
-    print '#'
-    print '# To resume, append the following parameter:'
-    print '#   ' + FROMFILE_PREFIX_CHARS +
-def ExecuteWithCommandLine(args, default_final_tasks):
-  """Helper to execute tasks using command line arguments.
-  Args:
-    args: Command line argument parsed with CommandLineParser().
-    default_final_tasks: Default final tasks if there is no -r command
-      line arguments.
-  Returns:
-    0 if success or 1 otherwise
-  """
-  # Builds the scenario.
-  final_tasks, frozen_tasks = _SelectTasksFromCommandLineRegexes(
-      args, default_final_tasks)
-  scenario = GenerateScenario(final_tasks, frozen_tasks)
-  if len(scenario) == 0:
-    logging.error('No tasks to build.')
-    return 1
-  if not os.path.isdir(args.output):
-    os.makedirs(args.output)
-  # Print the task dependency graph visualization.
-  if args.output_graphviz:
-    graphviz_path = os.path.join(args.output, _TASK_GRAPH_DOTFILE_NAME)
-    png_graph_path = os.path.join(args.output, _TASK_GRAPH_PNG_NAME)
-    with open(graphviz_path, 'w') as output:
-      OutputGraphViz(scenario, final_tasks, output)
-    subprocess.check_call(['dot', '-Tpng', graphviz_path, '-o', png_graph_path])
-  # Use the build scenario.
-  if args.dry_run:
-    for task in scenario:
-      print
-    return 0
-  # Run the Scenario while saving intermediate state to be able to resume later.
-  failed_tasks = []
-  tasks_to_skip = set()
-  dependents_per_task = GenerateDependentSetPerTask(scenario)
-  def MarkTaskNotToExecute(task):
-    if task not in tasks_to_skip:
-      logging.warning('can not execute task: %s',
-      tasks_to_skip.add(task)
-      for dependent in dependents_per_task[task]:
-        MarkTaskNotToExecute(dependent)
-  log_filename =
-  log_path = os.path.join(args.output, _TASK_LOGS_DIR_NAME, log_filename)
-  if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(log_path)):
-    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(log_path))
-  formatter = logging.Formatter('[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s: %(message)s')
-  handler = logging.FileHandler(log_path, mode='a')
-  handler.setFormatter(formatter)
-  logging.getLogger().addHandler(handler)
-      '%s %s', '-' * 60, common_util.GetCommandLineForLogging(sys.argv))
-  try:
-    with _ResumingFileBuilder(args) as resume_file_builder:
-      for task_execute_id, task in enumerate(scenario):
-        if task in tasks_to_skip:
-          continue
-'%s %s', '-' * 60,
-        try:
-          task.Execute()
-        except (MemoryError, SyntaxError):
-          raise
-        except BaseException:
-          # The resuming file being incrementally generated by
-          # resume_file_builder.OnTaskSuccess() is automatically fsynced().
-          # But resume_file_builder.OnScenarioFinish() completely rewrite
-          # this file with the mininal subset of task to freeze, and in case
-          # of an ENOSPC, we don't want to touch the resuming file at all so
-          # that it remains uncorrupted.
-          if (sys.exc_info()[0] == IOError and
-              sys.exc_info()[1].errno == errno.ENOSPC):
-            raise
-          logging.exception('%s %s failed', '-' * 60,
-          failed_tasks.append(task)
-          if args.keep_going and sys.exc_info()[0] != KeyboardInterrupt:
-            MarkTaskNotToExecute(task)
-          else:
-            tasks_to_skip.update(set(scenario[task_execute_id:]))
-            break
-        else:
-          resume_file_builder.OnTaskSuccess(task)
-      if tasks_to_skip:
-        assert failed_tasks
-        resume_file_builder.OnScenarioFinish(
-            scenario, final_tasks, failed_tasks, tasks_to_skip)
-        if sys.exc_info()[0] == KeyboardInterrupt:
-          raise
-        return 1
-  finally:
-    logging.getLogger().removeHandler(handler)
-  assert not failed_tasks
-  return 0
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index f6e9788..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import argparse
-import contextlib
-import errno
-import os
-import re
-import shutil
-import StringIO
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-import common_util
-import task_manager
-_GOLDEN_GRAPHVIZ = """digraph graphname {
-  n0 [label="0: b", color=black, shape=ellipse];
-  n1 [label="1: a", color=black, shape=ellipse];
-  n2 [label="2: c", color=black, shape=ellipse];
-  n0 -> n2;
-  n1 -> n2;
-  n3 [label="3: d", color=black, shape=ellipse];
-  n2 -> n3;
-  n4 [label="4: f", color=black, shape=box];
-  n3 -> n4;
-  n5 [label="e", color=blue, shape=ellipse];
-  n5 -> n4;
-def EatStdoutAndStderr():
-  """Overrides sys.std{out,err} to intercept write calls."""
-  sys.stdout.flush()
-  sys.stderr.flush()
-  original_stdout = sys.stdout
-  original_stderr = sys.stderr
-  try:
-    sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
-    sys.stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
-    yield
-  finally:
-    sys.stdout = original_stdout
-    sys.stderr = original_stderr
-class TestException(Exception):
-  pass
-class TaskManagerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.output_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-  def tearDown(self):
-    shutil.rmtree(self.output_directory)
-  def OutputPath(self, file_path):
-    return os.path.join(self.output_directory, file_path)
-  def TouchOutputFile(self, file_path):
-    with open(self.OutputPath(file_path), 'w') as output:
-      output.write(file_path + '\n')
-class TaskTest(TaskManagerTestCase):
-  def testTaskExecution(self):
-    def Recipe():
-      Recipe.counter += 1
-    Recipe.counter = 0
-    task = task_manager.Task('hello.json', 'what/ever/hello.json', [], Recipe)
-    self.assertFalse(task._is_done)
-    self.assertEqual(0, Recipe.counter)
-    task.Execute()
-    self.assertEqual(1, Recipe.counter)
-    task.Execute()
-    self.assertEqual(1, Recipe.counter)
-  def testTaskExecutionWithUnexecutedDeps(self):
-    def RecipeA():
-    def RecipeB():
-      RecipeB.counter += 1
-    RecipeB.counter = 0
-    a = task_manager.Task('hello.json', 'out/hello.json', [], RecipeA)
-    b = task_manager.Task('hello.json', 'out/hello.json', [a], RecipeB)
-    self.assertEqual(0, RecipeB.counter)
-    b.Execute()
-    self.assertEqual(1, RecipeB.counter)
-class BuilderTest(TaskManagerTestCase):
-  def testRegisterTask(self):
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('hello.txt')
-    def TaskA():
-      TaskA.executed = True
-    TaskA.executed = False
-    self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.output_directory, 'hello.txt'),
-                     TaskA.path)
-    self.assertFalse(TaskA.executed)
-    TaskA.Execute()
-    self.assertTrue(TaskA.executed)
-  def testRegisterDuplicateTask(self):
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('hello.txt')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    del TaskA # unused
-    with self.assertRaises(task_manager.TaskError):
-      @builder.RegisterTask('hello.txt')
-      def TaskB():
-        pass
-      del TaskB # unused
-  def testTaskMerging(self):
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('hello.txt')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('hello.txt', merge=True)
-    def TaskB():
-      pass
-    self.assertEqual(TaskA, TaskB)
-  def testOutputSubdirectory(self):
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, 'subdir')
-    @builder.RegisterTask('world.txt')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    del TaskA # unused
-    self.assertIn('subdir/world.txt', builder._tasks)
-    self.assertNotIn('subdir/subdir/world.txt', builder._tasks)
-    self.assertNotIn('world.txt', builder._tasks)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('subdir/world.txt')
-    def TaskB():
-      pass
-    del TaskB # unused
-    self.assertIn('subdir/subdir/world.txt', builder._tasks)
-    self.assertNotIn('world.txt', builder._tasks)
-class GenerateScenarioTest(TaskManagerTestCase):
-  def testParents(self):
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('a')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('b', dependencies=[TaskA])
-    def TaskB():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('c', dependencies=[TaskB])
-    def TaskC():
-      pass
-    scenario = task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskA, TaskB, TaskC], set())
-    self.assertListEqual([TaskA, TaskB, TaskC], scenario)
-    scenario = task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskB], set())
-    self.assertListEqual([TaskA, TaskB], scenario)
-    scenario = task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskC], set())
-    self.assertListEqual([TaskA, TaskB, TaskC], scenario)
-    scenario = task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskC, TaskB], set())
-    self.assertListEqual([TaskA, TaskB, TaskC], scenario)
-  def testFreezing(self):
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('a')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('b', dependencies=[TaskA])
-    def TaskB():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('c')
-    def TaskC():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('d', dependencies=[TaskB, TaskC])
-    def TaskD():
-      pass
-    # assert no exception raised.
-    task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskB], set([TaskC]))
-    with self.assertRaises(task_manager.TaskError):
-      task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskD], set([TaskA]))
-    self.TouchOutputFile('a')
-    scenario = task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskD], set([TaskA]))
-    self.assertListEqual([TaskB, TaskC, TaskD], scenario)
-    self.TouchOutputFile('b')
-    scenario = task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskD], set([TaskB]))
-    self.assertListEqual([TaskC, TaskD], scenario)
-  def testCycleError(self):
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('a')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('b', dependencies=[TaskA])
-    def TaskB():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('c', dependencies=[TaskB])
-    def TaskC():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('d', dependencies=[TaskC])
-    def TaskD():
-      pass
-    TaskA._dependencies.append(TaskC)
-    with self.assertRaises(task_manager.TaskError):
-      task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskD], set())
-  def testCollisionError(self):
-    builder_a = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    builder_b = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder_a.RegisterTask('a')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    @builder_b.RegisterTask('a')
-    def TaskB():
-      pass
-    with self.assertRaises(task_manager.TaskError):
-      task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskA, TaskB], set())
-  def testGenerateDependentSetPerTask(self):
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('a')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('b')
-    def TaskB():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('c', dependencies=[TaskA, TaskB])
-    def TaskC():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('d', dependencies=[TaskA])
-    def TaskD():
-      pass
-    def RunSubTest(expected, scenario, task):
-      self.assertEqual(
-          expected, task_manager.GenerateDependentSetPerTask(scenario)[task])
-    RunSubTest(set([]), [TaskA], TaskA)
-    RunSubTest(set([]), [TaskA, TaskB], TaskA)
-    RunSubTest(set([TaskC]), [TaskA, TaskB, TaskC], TaskA)
-    RunSubTest(set([TaskC, TaskD]), [TaskA, TaskB, TaskC, TaskD], TaskA)
-    RunSubTest(set([]), [TaskA, TaskD], TaskD)
-  def testGraphVizOutput(self):
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('a')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('b')
-    def TaskB():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('c', dependencies=[TaskB, TaskA])
-    def TaskC():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('d', dependencies=[TaskC])
-    def TaskD():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('e')
-    def TaskE():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('f', dependencies=[TaskD, TaskE])
-    def TaskF():
-      pass
-    self.TouchOutputFile('e')
-    scenario = task_manager.GenerateScenario([TaskF], set([TaskE]))
-    output = StringIO.StringIO()
-    task_manager.OutputGraphViz(scenario, [TaskF], output)
-    self.assertEqual(_GOLDEN_GRAPHVIZ, output.getvalue())
-  def testListResumingTasksToFreeze(self):
-    TaskManagerTestCase.setUp(self)
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('a')
-    def TaskA():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('b')
-    def TaskB():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('c', dependencies=[TaskA, TaskB])
-    def TaskC():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('d', dependencies=[TaskA])
-    def TaskD():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('e', dependencies=[TaskC])
-    def TaskE():
-      pass
-    @builder.RegisterTask('f', dependencies=[TaskC])
-    def TaskF():
-      pass
-    for k in 'abcdef':
-      self.TouchOutputFile(k)
-    def RunSubTest(
-        final_tasks, initial_frozen_tasks, skipped_tasks, reference):
-      scenario = task_manager.GenerateScenario(
-          final_tasks, initial_frozen_tasks)
-      resume_frozen_tasks = task_manager.ListResumingTasksToFreeze(
-          scenario, final_tasks, skipped_tasks)
-      self.assertEqual(reference, resume_frozen_tasks)
-      new_scenario = \
-          task_manager.GenerateScenario(final_tasks, resume_frozen_tasks)
-      self.assertEqual(skipped_tasks, set(new_scenario))
-    RunSubTest([TaskA], set([]), set([TaskA]), [])
-    RunSubTest([TaskD], set([]), set([TaskA, TaskD]), [])
-    RunSubTest([TaskD], set([]), set([TaskD]), [TaskA])
-    RunSubTest([TaskE, TaskF], set([TaskA]), set([TaskB, TaskC, TaskE, TaskF]),
-               [TaskA])
-    RunSubTest([TaskE, TaskF], set([TaskA]), set([TaskC, TaskE, TaskF]),
-               [TaskA, TaskB])
-    RunSubTest([TaskE, TaskF], set([TaskA]), set([TaskE, TaskF]), [TaskC])
-    RunSubTest([TaskE, TaskF], set([TaskA]), set([TaskF]), [TaskE, TaskC])
-    RunSubTest([TaskD, TaskE, TaskF], set([]), set([TaskD, TaskF]),
-               [TaskA, TaskE, TaskC])
-class CommandLineControlledExecutionTest(TaskManagerTestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    TaskManagerTestCase.setUp(self)
-    self.with_raise_exception_tasks = False
-    self.task_execution_history = None
-  def Execute(self, command_line_args):
-    self.task_execution_history = []
-    builder = task_manager.Builder(self.output_directory, None)
-    @builder.RegisterTask('a')
-    def TaskA():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-    @builder.RegisterTask('b')
-    def TaskB():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-    @builder.RegisterTask('c', dependencies=[TaskA, TaskB])
-    def TaskC():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-    @builder.RegisterTask('d', dependencies=[TaskA])
-    def TaskD():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-    @builder.RegisterTask('e', dependencies=[TaskC])
-    def TaskE():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-    @builder.RegisterTask('raise_exception', dependencies=[TaskD])
-    def RaiseExceptionTask():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-      raise TestException('Expected error.')
-    @builder.RegisterTask('raise_keyboard_interrupt', dependencies=[TaskD])
-    def RaiseKeyboardInterruptTask():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-      raise KeyboardInterrupt
-    @builder.RegisterTask('sudden_death', dependencies=[TaskD])
-    def SimulateKillTask():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-      raise MemoryError
-    @builder.RegisterTask('timeout_error', dependencies=[TaskD])
-    def SimulateTimeoutError():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-      raise common_util.TimeoutError
-    @builder.RegisterTask('errno_ENOSPC', dependencies=[TaskD])
-    def SimulateENOSPC():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-      raise IOError(errno.ENOSPC, os.strerror(errno.ENOSPC))
-    @builder.RegisterTask('errno_EPERM', dependencies=[TaskD])
-    def SimulateEPERM():
-      self.task_execution_history.append(
-      raise IOError(errno.EPERM, os.strerror(errno.EPERM))
-    default_final_tasks = [TaskD, TaskE]
-    if self.with_raise_exception_tasks:
-      default_final_tasks.extend([
-          RaiseExceptionTask,
-          RaiseKeyboardInterruptTask,
-          SimulateKillTask,
-          SimulateTimeoutError,
-          SimulateENOSPC,
-          SimulateEPERM])
-    task_parser = task_manager.CommandLineParser()
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[task_parser],
-        fromfile_prefix_chars=task_manager.FROMFILE_PREFIX_CHARS)
-    cmd = ['-o', self.output_directory]
-    cmd.extend([i for i in command_line_args])
-    args = parser.parse_args(cmd)
-    with EatStdoutAndStderr():
-      return task_manager.ExecuteWithCommandLine(args, default_final_tasks)
-  def ResumeFilePath(self):
-    return self.OutputPath(task_manager._TASK_RESUME_ARGUMENTS_FILE)
-  def ResumeCmd(self):
-    return task_manager.FROMFILE_PREFIX_CHARS + self.ResumeFilePath()
-  def testSimple(self):
-    self.assertEqual(0, self.Execute([]))
-    self.assertListEqual(['a', 'd', 'b', 'c', 'e'], self.task_execution_history)
-  def testDryRun(self):
-    self.assertEqual(0, self.Execute(['-d']))
-    self.assertListEqual([], self.task_execution_history)
-  def testRegex(self):
-    self.assertEqual(0, self.Execute(['-e', 'b', '-e', 'd']))
-    self.assertListEqual(['b', 'a', 'd'], self.task_execution_history)
-    self.assertEqual(1, self.Execute(['-e', r'\d']))
-    self.assertListEqual([], self.task_execution_history)
-  def testFreezing(self):
-    self.assertEqual(0, self.Execute(['-f', r'\d']))
-    self.assertListEqual(['a', 'd', 'b', 'c', 'e'], self.task_execution_history)
-    self.TouchOutputFile('c')
-    self.assertEqual(0, self.Execute(['-f', 'c']))
-    self.assertListEqual(['a', 'd', 'e'], self.task_execution_history)
-  def testDontFreezeUnreachableTasks(self):
-    self.TouchOutputFile('c')
-    self.assertEqual(0, self.Execute(['-e', 'e', '-f', 'c', '-f', 'd']))
-  def testAbortOnFirstError(self):
-    ARGS = ['-e', 'exception', '-e', r'^b$']
-    self.with_raise_exception_tasks = True
-    self.assertEqual(1, self.Execute(ARGS))
-    self.assertListEqual(
-        ['a', 'd', 'raise_exception'], self.task_execution_history)
-    with open(self.ResumeFilePath()) as resume_input:
-      self.assertEqual('-f\n^d$',
-    self.TouchOutputFile('d')
-    self.assertEqual(1, self.Execute(ARGS + [self.ResumeCmd()]))
-    self.assertListEqual(['raise_exception'], self.task_execution_history)
-    self.assertEqual(1, self.Execute(ARGS + [self.ResumeCmd()]))
-    self.assertListEqual(['raise_exception'], self.task_execution_history)
-    self.assertEqual(1, self.Execute(ARGS + [self.ResumeCmd(), '-k']))
-    self.assertListEqual(['raise_exception', 'b'], self.task_execution_history)
-  def testKeepGoing(self):
-    ARGS = ['-k', '-e', 'exception', '-e', r'^b$']
-    self.with_raise_exception_tasks = True
-    self.assertEqual(1, self.Execute(ARGS))
-    self.assertListEqual(
-        ['a', 'd', 'raise_exception', 'b'], self.task_execution_history)
-    with open(self.ResumeFilePath()) as resume_input:
-      self.assertEqual('-f\n^d$\n-f\n^b$',
-    self.TouchOutputFile('d')
-    self.TouchOutputFile('b')
-    self.assertEqual(1, self.Execute(ARGS + [self.ResumeCmd()]))
-    self.assertListEqual(['raise_exception'], self.task_execution_history)
-    self.assertEqual(1, self.Execute(ARGS + [self.ResumeCmd()]))
-    self.assertListEqual(['raise_exception'], self.task_execution_history)
-  def testKeyboardInterrupt(self):
-    self.with_raise_exception_tasks = True
-    with self.assertRaises(KeyboardInterrupt):
-      self.Execute(
-          ['-k', '-e', 'raise_keyboard_interrupt', '-e', r'^b$'])
-    self.assertListEqual(['a', 'd', 'raise_keyboard_interrupt'],
-                         self.task_execution_history)
-    with open(self.ResumeFilePath()) as resume_input:
-      self.assertEqual('-f\n^d$',
-  def testResumeAfterSuddenDeath(self):
-    EXPECTED_RESUME_FILE_CONTENT = '-f\n^a$\n-f\n^d$\n'
-    ARGS = ['-k', '-e', 'sudden_death', '-e', r'^a$']
-    self.with_raise_exception_tasks = True
-    with self.assertRaises(MemoryError):
-      self.Execute(ARGS)
-    self.assertListEqual(
-        ['a', 'd', 'sudden_death'], self.task_execution_history)
-    with open(self.ResumeFilePath()) as resume_input:
-      self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_RESUME_FILE_CONTENT,
-    self.TouchOutputFile('a')
-    self.TouchOutputFile('d')
-    with self.assertRaises(MemoryError):
-      self.Execute(ARGS + [self.ResumeCmd()])
-    self.assertListEqual(['sudden_death'], self.task_execution_history)
-    with open(self.ResumeFilePath()) as resume_input:
-      self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_RESUME_FILE_CONTENT,
-    with self.assertRaises(MemoryError):
-      self.Execute(ARGS + [self.ResumeCmd()])
-    self.assertListEqual(['sudden_death'], self.task_execution_history)
-    with open(self.ResumeFilePath()) as resume_input:
-      self.assertEqual(EXPECTED_RESUME_FILE_CONTENT,
-  def testTimeoutError(self):
-    self.with_raise_exception_tasks = True
-    self.Execute(['-k', '-e', 'timeout_error', '-e', r'^b$'])
-    self.assertListEqual(['a', 'd', 'timeout_error', 'b'],
-                         self.task_execution_history)
-    with open(self.ResumeFilePath()) as resume_input:
-      self.assertEqual('-f\n^d$\n-f\n^b$',
-  def testENOSPC(self):
-    self.with_raise_exception_tasks = True
-    with self.assertRaises(IOError):
-      self.Execute(['-k', '-e', 'errno_ENOSPC', '-e', r'^a$'])
-    self.assertListEqual(
-        ['a', 'd', 'errno_ENOSPC'], self.task_execution_history)
-    with open(self.ResumeFilePath()) as resume_input:
-      self.assertEqual('-f\n^a$\n-f\n^d$\n',
-  def testEPERM(self):
-    self.with_raise_exception_tasks = True
-    self.Execute(['-k', '-e', 'errno_EPERM', '-e', r'^b$'])
-    self.assertListEqual(['a', 'd', 'errno_EPERM', 'b'],
-                         self.task_execution_history)
-    with open(self.ResumeFilePath()) as resume_input:
-      self.assertEqual('-f\n^d$\n-f\n^b$',
-  def testImpossibleTasks(self):
-    self.assertEqual(1, self.Execute(['-f', r'^a$', '-e', r'^c$']))
-    self.assertListEqual([], self.task_execution_history)
-    self.assertEqual(0, self.Execute(
-        ['-f', r'^a$', '-e', r'^c$', '-e', r'^b$']))
-    self.assertListEqual(['b'], self.task_execution_history)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b2479c..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Common utilities used in unit tests, within this directory."""
-import clovis_constants
-import dependency_graph
-import devtools_monitor
-import loading_trace
-import page_track
-import request_track
-import tracing_track
-import user_satisfied_lens
-class FakeRequestTrack(devtools_monitor.Track):
-  def __init__(self, events):
-    super(FakeRequestTrack, self).__init__(None)
-    self._events = events
-    for e in self._events:
-      e.timing.request_time = e.timestamp
-  def Handle(self, _method, _msg):
-    assert False  # Should never be called.
-  def GetEvents(self):
-    return self._events
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    cls = request_track.RequestTrack
-    return {cls._EVENTS_KEY: [
-        rq.ToJsonDict() for rq in self.GetEvents()],
-            cls._METADATA_KEY: {
-                cls._DUPLICATES_KEY: 0,
-                cls._INCONSISTENT_INITIATORS_KEY: 0}}
-class FakePageTrack(devtools_monitor.Track):
-  def __init__(self, events):
-    super(FakePageTrack, self).__init__(None)
-    self._events = events
-  def Handle(self, _method, _msg):
-    assert False  # Should never be called.
-  def GetEvents(self):
-    return self._events
-  def GetMainFrameId(self):
-    event = self._events[0]
-    # Make sure our laziness is not an issue here.
-    assert event['method'] == page_track.PageTrack.FRAME_STARTED_LOADING
-    return event['frame_id']
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    return {'events': [event for event in self._events]}
-def MakeRequestWithTiming(
-    url, source_url, timing_dict, magic_content_type=False,
-    initiator_type='other'):
-  """Make a dependent request.
-  Args:
-    url: a url, or number which will be used as a url.
-    source_url: a url or number which will be used as the source (initiating)
-      url. If the source url is not present, then url will be a root. The
-      convention in tests is to use a source_url of 'null' in this case.
-    timing_dict: (dict) Suitable to be passed to request_track.Timing().
-    initiator_type: the initiator type to use.
-  Returns:
-    A request_track.Request.
-  """
-  assert initiator_type in ('other', 'parser')
-  timing = request_track.Timing.FromDevToolsDict(timing_dict)
-  rq = request_track.Request.FromJsonDict({
-      'timestamp': timing.request_time,
-      'request_id': str(MakeRequestWithTiming._next_request_id),
-      'url': 'http://' + str(url),
-      'initiator': {'type': initiator_type, 'url': 'http://' + str(source_url)},
-      'response_headers': {'Content-Type':
-                           'null' if not magic_content_type
-                           else 'magic-debug-content' },
-      'timing': timing.ToJsonDict()
-  })
-  MakeRequestWithTiming._next_request_id += 1
-  return rq
-MakeRequestWithTiming._next_request_id = 0
-def MakeRequest(
-    url, source_url, start_time=None, headers_time=None, end_time=None,
-    magic_content_type=False, initiator_type='other'):
-  """Make a dependent request.
-  Args:
-    url: a url, or number which will be used as a url.
-    source_url: a url or number which will be used as the source (initiating)
-      url. If the source url is not present, then url will be a root. The
-      convention in tests is to use a source_url of 'null' in this case.
-    start_time: The request start time in milliseconds. If None, this is set to
-      the current request id in seconds. If None, the two other time parameters
-      below must also be None.
-    headers_time: The timestamp when resource headers were received, or None.
-    end_time: The timestamp when the resource was finished, or None.
-    magic_content_type (bool): if true, set a magic content type that makes url
-      always be detected as a valid source and destination request.
-    initiator_type: the initiator type to use.
-  Returns:
-    A request_track.Request.
-  """
-  assert ((start_time is None and
-           headers_time is None and
-           end_time is None) or
-          (start_time is not None and
-           headers_time is not None and
-           end_time is not None)), \
-      'Need no time specified or all times specified'
-  if start_time is None:
-    # Use the request id in seconds for timestamps. This guarantees increasing
-    # times which makes request dependencies behave as expected.
-    start_time = headers_time = end_time = (
-        MakeRequestWithTiming._next_request_id * 1000)
-  timing_dict = {
-      # connectEnd should be ignored.
-      'connectEnd': (end_time - start_time) / 2,
-      'receiveHeadersEnd': headers_time - start_time,
-      'loadingFinished': end_time - start_time,
-      'requestTime': start_time / 1000.0}
-  return MakeRequestWithTiming(
-      url, source_url, timing_dict, magic_content_type, initiator_type)
-def LoadingTraceFromEvents(requests, page_events=None, trace_events=None):
-  """Returns a LoadingTrace instance from various events."""
-  request = FakeRequestTrack(requests)
-  page_event_track = FakePageTrack(page_events if page_events else [])
-  if trace_events is not None:
-    track = tracing_track.TracingTrack(None,
-        clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)
-    track.Handle('Tracing.dataCollected',
-                 {'params': {'value': [e for e in trace_events]}})
-  else:
-    track = None
-  return loading_trace.LoadingTrace(
-      None, None, page_event_track, request, track)
-class SimpleLens(object):
-  """A simple replacement for RequestDependencyLens.
-  Uses only the initiator url of a request for determining a dependency.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, trace):
-    self._trace = trace
-  def GetRequestDependencies(self):
-    url_to_rq = {}
-    deps = []
-    for rq in self._trace.request_track.GetEvents():
-      assert rq.url not in url_to_rq
-      url_to_rq[rq.url] = rq
-    for rq in self._trace.request_track.GetEvents():
-      initiating_url = rq.initiator['url']
-      if initiating_url in url_to_rq:
-        deps.append((url_to_rq[initiating_url], rq, rq.initiator['type']))
-    return deps
-class TestDependencyGraph(dependency_graph.RequestDependencyGraph):
-  """A dependency graph created from requests using a simple lens."""
-  def __init__(self, requests):
-    lens = SimpleLens(LoadingTraceFromEvents(requests))
-    super(TestDependencyGraph, self).__init__(requests, lens)
-class MockConnection(object):
-  """Mock out connection for testing.
-  Use Expect* for requests expecting a repsonse. SyncRequestNoResponse puts
-  requests into no_response_requests_seen.
-  TODO(mattcary): use a standard mock system (the back-ported python3
-  unittest.mock? devil.utils.mock_calls?)
-  """
-  def __init__(self, test_case):
-    # List of (method, params) tuples.
-    self.no_response_requests_seen = []
-    self._test_case = test_case
-    self._expected_responses = {}
-  def ExpectSyncRequest(self, response, method, params=None):
-    """Test method when the connection is expected to make a SyncRequest.
-    Args:
-      response: (dict) the response to generate.
-      method: (str) the expected method in the call.
-      params: (dict) the expected params in the call.
-    """
-    self._expected_responses.setdefault(method, []).append((params, response))
-  def AllExpectationsUsed(self):
-    """Returns true when all expectations where used."""
-    return not self._expected_responses
-  def SyncRequestNoResponse(self, method, params):
-    """Mocked method."""
-    self.no_response_requests_seen.append((method, params))
-  def SyncRequest(self, method, params=None):
-    """Mocked method."""
-    expected_params, response = self._expected_responses[method].pop(0)
-    if not self._expected_responses[method]:
-      del self._expected_responses[method]
-    self._test_case.assertEqual(expected_params, params)
-    return response
-class MockUserSatisfiedLens(user_satisfied_lens._FirstEventLens):
-  def _CalculateTimes(self, _):
-    self._satisfied_msec = float('inf')
-    self._event_msec = float('inf')
-class TraceCreator(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._request_index = 1
-  def RequestAt(self, timestamp_msec, duration=1, frame_id=None):
-    timestamp_sec = float(timestamp_msec) / 1000
-    rq = request_track.Request.FromJsonDict({
-        'url': '' % timestamp_msec,
-        'document_url': '',
-        'request_id': '0.%s' % self._request_index,
-        'frame_id': frame_id or '123.%s' % timestamp_msec,
-        'initiator': {'type': 'other'},
-        'timestamp': timestamp_sec,
-        'timing': {'request_time': timestamp_sec,
-                   'loading_finished': duration},
-        'status': 200})
-    self._request_index += 1
-    return rq
-  def CreateTrace(self, requests, events, main_frame_id):
-    page_event = {'method': 'Page.frameStartedLoading',
-                  'frame_id': main_frame_id}
-    trace = LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        requests, trace_events=events, page_events=[page_event])
-    trace.tracing_track.SetMainFrameID(main_frame_id)
-    return trace
diff --git a/loading/testdata/scanner_vs_parser.trace b/loading/testdata/scanner_vs_parser.trace
deleted file mode 100644
index 991fe8b..0000000
--- a/loading/testdata/scanner_vs_parser.trace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-  "metadata": {},
-  "page_track": {
-    "events": []
-  },
-  "request_track": {
-    "events": [
-      {
-        "initiator": {
-          "type": "other"
-        },
-        "protocol": "http/1.0",
-        "url": "http://l/"
-      },
-      {
-        "initiator": {
-          "lineNumber": 28,
-          "type": "parser",
-          "url": "http://l/"
-        },
-        "protocol": "data",
-        "url": "[PRUNED]"
-      },
-      {
-        "initiator": {
-          "lineNumber": 21,
-          "type": "parser",
-          "url": "http://l/"
-        },
-        "protocol": "http/1.0",
-        "url": "http://l/0.png"
-      },
-      {
-        "initiator": {
-          "type": "parser",
-          "url": "http://l/"
-        },
-        "protocol": "http/1.0",
-        "url": "http://l/1.png"
-      },
-      {
-        "initiator": {
-          "lineNumber": 22,
-          "type": "parser",
-          "url": "http://l/"
-        },
-        "protocol": "http/1.0",
-        "url": "http://l/0.css"
-      },
-      {
-        "initiator": {
-          "type": "other"
-        },
-        "protocol": "http/1.0",
-        "url": "http://l/favicon.ico"
-      }
-    ],
-    "metadata": {
-      "duplicates_count": 0,
-      "inconsistent_initiators": 0
-    }
-  },
-  "tracing_track": {
-   "categories": [],
-    "events": [
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "data": {
-            "priority": 4,
-            "url": "http://l/"
-          }
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "S",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697828839,
-        "id": 0
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {},
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "F",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697889955,
-        "id": 0
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "data": {
-            "priority": 1,
-            "url": "http://l/0.png"
-          }
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "S",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697891911,
-        "id": 1
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "step": "Preload"
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "T",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697892658,
-        "id": 1
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "data": {
-            "priority": 1,
-            "url": "http://l/0.css"
-          }
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "S",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697892660,
-        "id": 2
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "step": "Preload"
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "T",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697892661,
-        "id": 2
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "data": {
-            "priority": 1,
-            "url": "http://l/1.png"
-          }
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "S",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697934273,
-        "id": 3
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "priority": 3,
-          "step": "ChangePriority"
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "T",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697984606,
-        "id": 0
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {},
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "F",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697943810,
-        "id": 1
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "priority": 3,
-          "step": "ChangePriority"
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "T",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697984875,
-        "id": 1
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "priority": 3,
-          "step": "ChangePriority"
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "T",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697985346,
-        "id": 2
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {
-          "priority": 3,
-          "step": "ChangePriority"
-        },
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "T",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213697985346,
-        "id": 3
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {},
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "F",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213698035637,
-        "id": 2
-      },
-      {
-        "args": {},
-        "cat": "",
-        "name": "Resource",
-        "ph": "F",
-        "pid": 3,
-        "ts": 1213698035637,
-        "id": 3
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "url": "http://l/"
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/ b/loading/trace_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index c16e472..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Trace Integration Tests
-This directory defines integration tests which verify traces in various corners
-of the HTML/JS/CSS world.
-The unittests in this directory are run as part of
-tools/android/loading/run_tests. The integration tests are only run
-manually. See for details.
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/ b/loading/trace_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/results/1.result b/loading/trace_test/results/1.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b445dc..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/results/1.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-parser (no stack) 1.css
-parser (no stack) 1a.js
-parser (no stack) 1a.png
-parser (no stack) 1b.png
-script (1a.js:9) 1b.js
-script (1b.js:54) 1.ttf
-script (1b.js:54) application/font-wof...Zk73/mAw==
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/results/2.result b/loading/trace_test/results/2.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fe8a06..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/results/2.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-parser (no stack) 1.css
-parser (no stack) 1a.png
-parser (no stack) 1b.js
-parser (no stack) 1b.png
-parser (no stack) application/font-wof...Zk73/mAw==
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/results/3.result b/loading/trace_test/results/3.result
deleted file mode 100644
index 196a88d..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/results/3.result
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-parser (no stack) 3a.js
-parser (no stack) 3c.js
-script (3a.js:10/3a.js:14/3.html:20) 3a.jpg
-script (3a.js:20) 3b.js
-script (3b.js:9) 3b.jpg
-script (3c.js:7/3.html:21) 3c.jpg
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/ b/loading/trace_test/
deleted file mode 100755
index 45517f7..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""A simple http server for running local integration tests.
-This chooses a port dynamically and so can communicate that back to its spawner
-via a named pipe at --fifo. Sources are served from the tree named at
-import argparse
-import cgi
-import json
-import os.path
-import logging
-import re
-import time
-import wsgiref.simple_server
-    'css': 'text/css',
-    'html': 'text/html',
-    'jpg': 'image/jpeg',
-    'js': 'text/javascript',
-    'json': 'application/json',
-    'png': 'image/png',
-    'ttf': 'font/ttf',}
-# Name of the JSON file containing per file custom response headers located in
-# the --source_dir.
-# This file should structured like:
-#   {
-#     'mydocument.html': [
-#       ['Cache-Control', 'max-age=3600'],
-#       ['Content-Encoding', 'gzip'],
-#     ]
-#   }
-class ServerApp(object):
-  """WSGI App.
-  Dispatches by matching, in order, against GetPaths.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, source_dir):
-    self._source_dir = source_dir
-    self._response_headers = {}
-    response_header_path = os.path.join(source_dir, RESPONSE_HEADERS_PATH)
-    if os.path.exists(response_header_path):
-      with open(response_header_path) as response_headers_file:
-        self._response_headers = json.load(response_headers_file)
-  def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
-    """WSGI dispatch.
-    Args:
-      environ: environment list.
-      start_response: WSGI response start.
-    Returns:
-      Iterable server result.
-    """
-    path = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
-    while path.startswith('/'):
-      path = path[1:]
-    filename = os.path.join(self._source_dir, path)
-    if not os.path.exists(filename):
-'%s not found', filename)
-      start_response('404 Not Found', [('Content-Type', 'text/html')])
-      return ["""<!DOCTYPE html>
-<title>Not Found</title>
-<body>%s not found</body>
-</html>""" % path]
-'responding with %s', filename)
-    suffix = path[path.rfind('.') + 1:]
-    headers = [('Content-Type', _CONTENT_TYPE_FOR_SUFFIX[suffix])]
-    if path in self._response_headers:
-      for header in self._response_headers[path]:
-        headers.append((str(header[0]), str(header[1])))
-    start_response('200 OK', headers)
-    return [file(filename).read()]
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-  parser.add_argument('--fifo', default=None,
-                      help='Named pipe used to communicate port')
-  parser.add_argument('--source_dir', required=True,
-                      help='Directory holding sources to serve.')
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  server_app = ServerApp(args.source_dir)
-  server = wsgiref.simple_server.make_server(
-      'localhost', 0, server_app)
-  ip, port = server.server_address
-'Listening on port %s at %s', port, args.source_dir)
-  if args.fifo:
-    fifo = file(args.fifo, 'w')
-    fifo.write('%s\n' % port)
-    fifo.flush()
-    fifo.close()
-  server.serve_forever()
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/1.css b/loading/trace_test/tests/1.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ae3598..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/1.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-.outside {
-    font-family: inline;
-    color: red;
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/1.html b/loading/trace_test/tests/1.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dd15ce..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/1.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-  Test Javascript Redirection in <head>
-  In <head> we have a CSS, a javascript file and a <style> tag. The javascript
-  file inserts another javascript file into head, which itself inserts a <style>
-  tag containing an inline font. The static <style> tag below has a font
-  resource. We expect the static font resource to have an initiator with a stack
-  trace incorrectly attached from the javascript.
-  TODO(mattcary): It also appears that if resources are found in the cache we
-  get different intiators: namely both the fonts have a parser initiator with no
-  stack. This is not exactly the problem, as occasionally the initiator sequence
-  changes, but can become consistent again by switching binaries with each run
-  (eg, out/Debug vs out/Release).
-<title>Test Javascript Redirection</title>
-<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='1.css'>
-<script type='text/javascript' src='1a.js'></script>
-/* Custom font */
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'test1';
- font-style: normal;
- font-weight: normal;
- src: local('test1'), local(test1), url(1.ttf) format('truetype');
-div {
- background: url('1a.png')
-<img src='1b.png' alt=''>
-<div class="outside">ABCpqrst</div>
-<div class="inside">ABCpqrst</div>
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/1.ttf b/loading/trace_test/tests/1.ttf
deleted file mode 100644
index d268785..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/1.ttf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/1a.js b/loading/trace_test/tests/1a.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 496cebb..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/1a.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-var scr = document.createElement('script');
-scr.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
-scr.setAttribute('src', '1b.js');
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/1a.png b/loading/trace_test/tests/1a.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 88a0325..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/1a.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/1b.js b/loading/trace_test/tests/1b.js
deleted file mode 100644
index eaf905d..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/1b.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-/* Droid Sans from Google Fonts */
-var font = '@font-face { font-family: "inline"; ' +
-    'src: url(data:application/font-woff2;charset=utf-8;base64,' +
-    '4FVDHg/d2ViZgYbkQxRlC1Sm+yLArvh2MHKbfiAVIG+Knex+u6x+Pyd0L+n' +
-    '4Cl0n74VfYIZH6AMqEOdEag0hxQqkzJcpeRdedy7DCB9T9LF3Y3l8976Xbg' +
-    'X6AArK4qytKYdx2UW4LK8xGbPr2v+AmhM4aV1UgMv5btaum+17iX0YpGGCG' +
-    'EYLIOf7Zf340t4NJtpeX7PFhBmixQP5C/r1GtZokUUskL2f9fU3r93GZDv8' +
-    '+jM5uzlH7wmKVHaEV07AFCtGtkaPQtEalMT1s5gePQ3sRnV4Ie/BQjAB0te' +
-    '/QV450a0AsBn99o2dz6vCnQQAg6CMAHBq5hchnij85b8j4/nx/4LIH3J2e5' +
-    'XnHWa4BC4kDXZW4H4ypUcLmTqeMADwE+YsRuLDoNQTwOuCFHme+wHNKnjeQ' +
-    '4VQlZxh0I4HB6bOp5lQIUVVdi92f3s9+zLil/yP//x853/zhXWky0SLJ0S5' +
-    '4zrezfa/qbk/3t+wEvL5BhOBEmi7632G4otEyCtC2O/ot+wANdlQyrVGts8' +
-    'YN/SC/C0smwfFwt9QSr1wUnXoLawNbial7VsAvWrAVkfgrAdYtjs6G/3rQ1' +
-    'prtX/7j8bsoFYqqg3bKtO6FyHi5IwOe5DkoPCi688Potvk0Fgih5ZDqp6NR' +
-    '2tSGoKVcR8qEL7C7Ab4UkZ+PwOJggFnUA/cz93Uzq5PGiMDbqKNoiLBbWdd' +
-    'SUHk81sPbrQ01ECBl4Qg1w6qURt3Dq3TkqL8+xIw81VqTxILmtzfUV2mSuX' +
-    '4jxxDKTSs2EtB1oqUXphrTK/5i3bmCC9uSugDMMdBIzsS5gxw7YwvS18KJN' +
-    '2DQUNmFV3mLEd7EpyXcjnRpsqxjkfzhOAwd3NY1rOA3dxgOWS2VOgLH2hnf' +
-    'P/lR3auchORtav1cGLzmsDOUK9VN/Y6HWdO4EFRDgyvioOmZTnCeDGoKywg' +
-    'Dxn1wNn1oazEwf00PlI8b3EQVsszOvJSeki/GZNCuSSCHSolHeYacwCKIkV' +
-    'gk0lGdQlFrwAlijFrUPfCPiHBEieVgkVuOoyOOaMxTXcR3AqCGkGfJQCoYX' +
-    'DR0JjAYqMqiuIQszkxdjNRcCh0k26crIa2hwb7S6x64eeF5UQEQuWvZN80m' +
-    'wrN8Xqyl8cyNI2QiZ/ARSYML05ZL/9fbIz/Q15LOjnMbVPpwZQNCuOmwM3L' +
-    'UiDSG5Te4UTpIZyv1JidE620EGKWp6qyYKVa2kGqomYifgQbFl05rNhXdk2' +
-    '39FozuhTZgW7ZxrT0CHrQTGiwxf6RRbMBj8ykW+lgFqPbD7MqhUhzUFOzSI' +
-    'y0Bgv5lRBu4PGKZ4kYGSXtw4jSajk1kHG6FI6ayMYtqVtyIPfmKDtmhsA5s' +
-    'IsBVWRHjmKyii7cJGTPWkAzzVY8Mn5iHJvJtlTehFLHzNU61VhdMNiyC1a7' +
-    '/o0MazQ1udRV1/RSwbgdhHPmTmlfgHUljaZl+YIF21T7wXFURxbqSgaPMXu' +
-    'AKkHFhRQaoCcoQsY5NxVP+7KyQxe8OGLMrp1iuoqu33iNFHQxsQnbG9dkX+' +
-    'mmSC6pbrljMi3Tu7p0zSqlUK3aoeOw827lGNdLWkAuD+wzpiunoecYa+ppN' +
-    'g0uIIfopXHHsrt7Fi0+0zg9123bWyYiwx5W2Asewfq7ckv+qphwrLb4fr4/' +
-    'D/zVWZssC/ATIP8Nc5KAn2R/ECQDG/9xOKzN+ZfVAJzXgmMS8CHxEqHmDhJ' +
-    '3mc9OTpEvQY4D3BOWKkgnsBXYnXT/WbePNtZ/v0kHCURbm/UROYYyz+EiXm' +
-    'G3IQoQks87lP8mIdwuTXrcHm0MuX1CVrsD8px2v0Mbl93vMsIT7veoksL72' +
-    't1Dv3Xp4iOukLFEdgL+7JSKja5Z3qEopSoEbFbnVwz0UEa8/ChDiY5IyMFC' +
-    'IR+TUyC/aWEHS0WxdgAFMY/fmcdC4oqzkDFiW8Qzyrmchn9OxEYbGteVGVs' +
-    'U8eYdv4uJjapb93SE21+g2IOMb1Pj79pAHHFxmcJUpoknvgSSk7wUpCglKU' +
-    'tFqlKTujSkGZxrr7E0c1f7yiDB1UndihFm1SyQURKTMTKbzCFzyTwynyzQV' +
-    'jTEa7U5uvS0VS+ePQ15hk3KbWcPLs8esLd/QzHV/ujFrK/UOR3oVeZfxDPA' +
-    'nXCNktFqJcM1KVF3ohJQDWSpTdTvBwboLiPX7iqwaaZUPuIAt0Zk73/mAw==) ' +
-    'format("woff2"); font-weight: normal; font-style: normal;} ' +
-    '.inside { font-family: test1; color: green;}';
-var sty = document.createElement('style');
-var dummyToCheckStackIsnotJustEndOfFile = 0;
-function makingTheStackTraceReallyInteresting(x) {
-  dummyToCheckStackIsnotJustEndOfFile = x + 3;
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/1b.png b/loading/trace_test/tests/1b.png
deleted file mode 100644
index dca89e0..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/1b.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/2.html b/loading/trace_test/tests/2.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d79ff3..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/2.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-  Test Less Javascript Redirection in <head>
-  Like 1.html, in <head> we have a CSS, a javascript file and a <style> tag. In
-  this case, the javacript file directly inserts a <style> tag into <head>. This
-  causes the subsequently loaded font to not be associated with a stack trace,
-  but also causes the dynamically loaded static font from 1b.js to also not have
-  a stack trace.
-<title>As 1.html, but one less redirection</title>
-<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='1.css'>
-<script type='text/javascript' src='1b.js'></script>
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'indie';
- font-style: normal;
- font-weight: normal;
- src: local('Indie Flower'), local('IndieFlower'), url(1.ttf) format('truetype');
-div {
- background: url('1a.png')
-<img src='1b.png' alt=''>
-<div class="outside">Outside</div>
-<div class="inside">Inside</div>
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/3.html b/loading/trace_test/tests/3.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f6850eb..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/3.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-  Javascript indirect image loading.
-  3a.js defines fn1(), which adds an <img> tag to the body. 3a.js also
-  inserts a script tag with 3b.js into head (between the scripts for
-  3a and 3c). 3b.js itself creates an <img> tag which directly adds it
-  to the body. Finally, 3c.js defines fn3(), which
-  modifies <img id='img3'>.
-  Note that as 3b.js adds a tag to the body, it is executed only after
-  the body has been parsed. No, I don't know how that works either.
-<script type='text/javascript' src='3a.js'></script>
-<script type='text/javascript' src='3c.js'></script>
-<img src='' alt='' id='img3'>
-<script type='text/javascript'>
- fn1();
- fn3();
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/3a.jpg b/loading/trace_test/tests/3a.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 25f3a43..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/3a.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/3a.js b/loading/trace_test/tests/3a.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 31f6dca..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/3a.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-function addImg(img_link) {
-  var img = document.createElement('img');
-  img.setAttribute('src', img_link);
-  img.setAttribute('alt', '');
-  document.body.appendChild(img);
-function fn1() {
-  addImg('3a.jpg');
-var scr = document.createElement('script');
-scr.setAttribute('src', '3b.js');
-scr.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');
-    scr, document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0].nextSibling);
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/3b.jpg b/loading/trace_test/tests/3b.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index de44b66..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/3b.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/3b.js b/loading/trace_test/tests/3b.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ccc020..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/3b.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-var img = document.createElement('img');
-img.setAttribute('src', '3b.jpg');
-img.setAttribute('alt', '');
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/3c.jpg b/loading/trace_test/tests/3c.jpg
deleted file mode 100644
index 688b70b..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/3c.jpg
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/tests/3c.js b/loading/trace_test/tests/3c.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b34da79..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/tests/3c.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-function fn3() {
-  document.getElementById('img3').setAttribute('src', '3c.jpg');
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/ b/loading/trace_test/
deleted file mode 100755
index f6dbf96..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""An integration test for tracing.
-This is not run as part of unittests and is executed directly. In normal
-operation it can be run with no arguments (or perhaps --no_sandbox depending on
-how you have chrome set up). When debugging or adding tests, setting
---failed_trace_dir could be useful.
-The integration test spawns a local http server to serve web pages. The trace
-generated by each file in tests/*.html will be compared with the corresponding
-results/*.result. Each test should have a detailed comment explaining its
-organization and what the important part of the test result is.
-By default this will use a release version of chrome built in this same
-code tree (out/Release/chrome), see --local_binary to override.
-See InitiatorSequence for what the integration tests verify. The idea is to
-capture a sketch of the initiator and call stack relationship. The output is
-human-readable. To create a new test, first run locally with
---source_dir pointing to tests/, and verify that the test page works as expected
-by pointing a browser to localhost:XXX/your_new_test.html (with XXX the port
-reported in the console output of Then run this with --failed_trace_dir set. Verify that the actual output is
-what you expect it to be, then copy it to results/. If your test is 7.html, you
-should copy to results/7.result.
-import argparse
-import contextlib
-import json
-import os
-import shutil
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import urlparse
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
-import clovis_constants
-import controller
-import loading_trace
-import options
-WEBSERVER = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')
-TESTDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests')
-RESULTDIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'results')
-def TemporaryDirectory():
-  """Returns a freshly-created directory that gets automatically deleted after
-  usage.
-  """
-  name = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-  try:
-    yield name
-  finally:
-    shutil.rmtree(name)
-class WebServer(object):
-  """Wrap the webserver."""
-  def __init__(self, source_dir, communication_dir):
-    """Initialize the server but does not start it.
-    Args:
-      source_dir: the directory where source data (html, js, etc) will be found.
-      communication_dir: a directory to use for IPC (eg, discovering the
-        port, which is dynamically allocated). This should probably be a
-        temporary directory.
-    """
-    self._source_dir = source_dir
-    self._communication_dir = communication_dir
-    self._fifo = None
-    self._server_process = None
-    self._port = None
-  @classmethod
-  @contextlib.contextmanager
-  def Context(cls, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Creates a webserver as a context manager.
-    Args:
-      As in __init__.
-    Returns:
-      A context manager for an instance of a WebServer.
-    """
-    try:
-      server = cls(*args, **kwargs)
-      server.Start()
-      yield server
-    finally:
-      server.Stop()
-  def Start(self):
-    """Start the server by spawning a process."""
-    fifo_name = os.path.join(self._communication_dir, 'from_server')
-    os.mkfifo(fifo_name)
-    server_out = None if OPTIONS.local_noisy else file('/dev/null', 'w')
-    self._server_process = subprocess.Popen(
-        [WEBSERVER,
-         '--source_dir=%s' % self._source_dir,
-         '--fifo=%s' % fifo_name],
-        shell=False, stdout=server_out, stderr=server_out)
-    fifo = file(fifo_name)
-    # TODO(mattcary): timeout?
-    self._port = int(fifo.readline())
-    fifo.close()
-  def Stop(self):
-    """Stops the server, waiting for it to complete.
-    Returns:
-      True if the server stopped correctly.
-    """
-    if self._server_process is None:
-      return False
-    self._server_process.kill()
-    # TODO(mattcary): timeout & error?
-    self._server_process.wait()
-    return True
-  def Address(self):
-    """Returns a host:port string suitable for an http request."""
-    assert self._port is not None, \
-        "No port exists until the server is started."
-    return 'localhost:%s' % self._port
-class InitiatorSequence(object):
-  """The interesting parts of the initiator dependancies that are tested."""
-  def __init__(self, trace):
-    """Create.
-    Args:
-      trace: a LoadingTrace.
-    """
-    self._seq = []
-    # ReadFromFile will initialize without a trace.
-    if trace is None:
-      return
-    for rq in trace.request_track.GetEvents():
-      if rq.initiator['type'] in ('parser', 'script'):
-        stack_string = ''
-        stack = rq.initiator.get('stack')
-        # Iteratively walk the stack and its parents.
-        while stack:
-          current_string = '/'.join(
-              ['%s:%s' % (self._ShortUrl(frame['url']), frame['lineNumber'])
-               for frame in stack['callFrames']])
-          if len(current_string) and len(stack_string):
-            stack_string += '/'
-          stack_string += current_string
-          stack = stack.get('parent')
-        if stack_string == '':
-          stack_string = 'no stack'
-        self._seq.append('%s (%s) %s' % (
-            rq.initiator['type'],
-            stack_string,
-            self._ShortUrl(rq.url)))
-    self._seq.sort()
-  @classmethod
-  def ReadFromFile(cls, input_file):
-    """Read a file from DumpToFile.
-    Args:
-      input_file: a file-like object.
-    Returns:
-      An InitiatorSequence instance.
-    """
-    seq = cls(None)
-    seq._seq = sorted([l.strip() for l in input_file.readlines() if l])
-    return seq
-  def DumpToFile(self, output):
-    """Write to a file.
-    Args:
-      output: a writeable file-like object.
-    """
-    output.write('\n'.join(self._seq) + '\n')
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    if other is None:
-      return False
-    assert type(other) is InitiatorSequence
-    if len(self._seq) != len(other._seq):
-      return False
-    for a, b in zip(self._seq, other._seq):
-      if a != b:
-        return False
-    return True
-  def _ShortUrl(self, url):
-    short = urlparse.urlparse(url).path
-    while short.startswith('/'):
-      short = short[1:]
-    if len(short) > 40:
-      short = '...'.join((short[:20], short[-10:]))
-    return short
-def RunTest(webserver, test_page, expected):
-  """Run an webserver test.
-  The expected result can be None, in which case --failed_trace_dir can be set
-  to output the observed trace.
-  Args:
-    webserver [WebServer]: the webserver to use for the test. It must be
-      started.
-    test_page: the name of the page to load.
-    expected [InitiatorSequence]: expected initiator sequence.
-  Returns:
-    True if the test passed and false otherwise. Status is printed to stdout.
-  """
-  url = 'http://%s/%s' % (webserver.Address(), test_page)
-  sys.stdout.write('Testing %s...' % url)
-  chrome_controller = controller.LocalChromeController()
-  with chrome_controller.Open() as connection:
-    connection.ClearCache()
-    observed_seq = InitiatorSequence(
-        loading_trace.LoadingTrace.RecordUrlNavigation(
-            url, connection, chrome_controller.ChromeMetadata(),
-            categories=clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES))
-  if observed_seq == expected:
-    sys.stdout.write(' ok\n')
-    return True
-  else:
-    sys.stdout.write(' FAILED!\n')
-    if OPTIONS.failed_trace_dir:
-      outname = os.path.join(OPTIONS.failed_trace_dir,
-                             test_page + '.observed_result')
-      with file(outname, 'w') as output:
-        observed_seq.DumpToFile(output)
-      sys.stdout.write('Wrote observed result to %s\n' % outname)
-  return False
-def RunAllTests():
-  """Run all tests in TESTDIR.
-  All tests must have a corresponding result in RESULTDIR unless
-  --failed_trace_dir is set.
-  """
-  test_filter = set(OPTIONS.test_filter.split(',')) \
-      if OPTIONS.test_filter else None
-  with TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir, \
-       WebServer.Context(TESTDIR, temp_dir) as webserver:
-    failure = False
-    for test in sorted(os.listdir(TESTDIR)):
-      if test.endswith('.html'):
-        if test_filter and test not in test_filter:
-          continue
-        result = os.path.join(RESULTDIR, test[:test.rfind('.')] + '.result')
-        assert OPTIONS.failed_trace_dir or os.path.exists(result), \
-            'No result found for test'
-        expected = None
-        if os.path.exists(result):
-          with file(result) as result_file:
-            expected = InitiatorSequence.ReadFromFile(result_file)
-        if not RunTest(webserver, test, expected):
-          failure = True
-  if failure:
-    print 'FAILED!'
-  else:
-    print 'all tests passed'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  OPTIONS.ParseArgs(sys.argv[1:],
-                    description='Run webserver integration test',
-                    extra=[('--failed_trace_dir', ''),
-                           ('--noisy', False),
-                           ('--test_filter', None)])
-  RunAllTests()
diff --git a/loading/trace_test/ b/loading/trace_test/
deleted file mode 100644
index f4b232c..0000000
--- a/loading/trace_test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import httplib
-import json
-import os
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', '..'))
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'tools', 'android', 'loading'))
-import options
-from trace_test import test_server
-from trace_test import webserver_test
-class WebServerTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    OPTIONS.ParseArgs('', extra=[('--noisy', False)])
-    self._temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
-    self._server = webserver_test.WebServer(self._temp_dir, self._temp_dir)
-  def tearDown(self):
-    self.assertTrue(self._server.Stop())
-    shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir)
-  def StartServer(self):
-    self._server.Start()
-  def WriteFile(self, path, file_content):
-    with open(os.path.join(self._temp_dir, path), 'w') as file_output:
-      file_output.write(file_content)
-  def Request(self, path):
-    host, port = self._server.Address().split(':')
-    connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(host, int(port))
-    connection.request('GET', path)
-    response = connection.getresponse()
-    connection.close()
-    return response
-  def testWebserverBasic(self):
-    self.WriteFile('test.html',
-               '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Test</title></head>'
-               '<body><h1>Test Page</h1></body></html>')
-    self.StartServer()
-    response = self.Request('test.html')
-    self.assertEqual(200, response.status)
-    response = self.Request('/test.html')
-    self.assertEqual(200, response.status)
-    response = self.Request('///test.html')
-    self.assertEqual(200, response.status)
-  def testWebserver404(self):
-    self.StartServer()
-    response = self.Request('null')
-    self.assertEqual(404, response.status)
-    self.assertEqual('text/html', response.getheader('content-type'))
-  def testContentType(self):
-    self.WriteFile('test.html',
-               '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Test</title></head>'
-               '<body><h1>Test Page</h1></body></html>')
-    self.WriteFile('blobfile',
-               'whatever')
-    self.StartServer()
-    response = self.Request('test.html')
-    self.assertEqual(200, response.status)
-    self.assertEqual('text/html', response.getheader('content-type'))
-    response = self.Request('blobfile')
-    self.assertEqual(500, response.status)
-  def testCustomResponseHeader(self):
-    self.WriteFile('test.html',
-               '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Test</title></head>'
-               '<body><h1>Test Page</h1></body></html>')
-    self.WriteFile('test2.html',
-               '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Test 2</title></head>'
-               '<body><h1>Test Page 2</h1></body></html>')
-    self.WriteFile(test_server.RESPONSE_HEADERS_PATH,
-               json.dumps({'test2.html': [['Cache-Control', 'no-store']]}))
-    self.StartServer()
-    response = self.Request('test.html')
-    self.assertEqual(200, response.status)
-    self.assertEqual('text/html', response.getheader('content-type'))
-    self.assertEqual(None, response.getheader('cache-control'))
-    response = self.Request('test2.html')
-    self.assertEqual(200, response.status)
-    self.assertEqual('text/html', response.getheader('content-type'))
-    self.assertEqual('no-store', response.getheader('cache-control'))
-    response = self.Request(test_server.RESPONSE_HEADERS_PATH)
-    self.assertEqual(200, response.status)
-    self.assertEqual('application/json', response.getheader('content-type'))
-    self.assertEqual(None, response.getheader('cache-control'))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100755
index 23c3632..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Convert trace output for Chrome.
-Takes a loading trace from ' log_requests' and outputs a json file
-that can be loaded by chrome's about:tracing..
-import argparse
-import json
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-  parser.add_argument('input')
-  parser.add_argument('output')
-  args = parser.parse_args()
-  with file(args.output, 'w') as output_f, file(args.input) as input_f:
-    events = json.load(input_f)['tracing_track']['events']
-    json.dump({'traceEvents': events, 'metadata': {}}, output_f)
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index f69392d..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Monitor tracing events on chrome via chrome remote debugging."""
-import itertools
-import logging
-import operator
-import clovis_constants
-import devtools_monitor
-class TracingTrack(devtools_monitor.Track):
-  """Grabs and processes trace event messages.
-  See for details on the protocol.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, connection, categories, fetch_stream=False):
-    """Initialize this TracingTrack.
-    Args:
-      connection: a DevToolsConnection.
-      categories: ([str] or None) If set, a list of categories to enable or
-                  disable in Chrome tracing. Categories prefixed with '-' are
-                  disabled.
-      fetch_stream: if true, use a websocket stream to fetch tracing data rather
-        than dataCollected events. It appears based on very limited testing that
-        a stream is slower than the default reporting as dataCollected events.
-    """
-    super(TracingTrack, self).__init__(connection)
-    if connection:
-      connection.RegisterListener('Tracing.dataCollected', self)
-    self._categories = set(categories)
-    params = {}
-    params['categories'] = ','.join(self._categories)
-    if fetch_stream:
-      params['transferMode'] = 'ReturnAsStream'
-    if connection:
-      connection.SyncRequestNoResponse('Tracing.start', params)
-    self._events = []
-    self._base_msec = None
-    self._interval_tree = None
-    self._main_frame_id = None
-  def Handle(self, method, event):
-    for e in event['params']['value']:
-      event = Event(e)
-      self._events.append(event)
-      if self._base_msec is None or event.start_msec < self._base_msec:
-        self._base_msec = event.start_msec
-    # Invalidate our index rather than trying to be fancy and incrementally
-    # update.
-    self._interval_tree = None
-  def Categories(self):
-    """Returns the set of categories in this trace."""
-    return self._categories
-  def GetFirstEventMillis(self):
-    """Find the canonical start time for this track.
-    Returns:
-      The millisecond timestamp of the first request.
-    """
-    return self._base_msec
-  def GetEvents(self):
-    """Returns a list of tracing.Event. Not sorted."""
-    return self._events
-  def GetMatchingEvents(self, category, name):
-    """Gets events matching |category| and |name|."""
-    return [e for e in self.GetEvents() if e.Matches(category, name)]
-  def GetMatchingMainFrameEvents(self, category, name):
-    """Gets events matching |category| and |name| that occur in the main frame.
-    Events without a 'frame' key in their |args| are discarded.
-    """
-    matching_events = self.GetMatchingEvents(category, name)
-    return [e for e in matching_events
-        if 'frame' in e.args and e.args['frame'] == self.GetMainFrameID()]
-  def GetMainFrameRoutingID(self):
-    """Returns the main frame routing ID."""
-    for event in self.GetMatchingEvents(
-        'navigation', 'RenderFrameImpl::OnNavigate'):
-      return event.args['id']
-    assert False
-  def GetMainFrameID(self):
-    """Returns the main frame ID."""
-    if not self._main_frame_id:
-      navigation_start_events = self.GetMatchingEvents(
-          'blink.user_timing', 'navigationStart')
-      first_event = min(navigation_start_events, key=lambda e: e.start_msec)
-      self._main_frame_id = first_event.args['frame']
-    return self._main_frame_id
-  def SetMainFrameID(self, frame_id):
-    """Set the main frame ID. Normally this is used only for testing."""
-    self._main_frame_id = frame_id
-  def EventsAt(self, msec):
-    """Gets events active at a timestamp.
-    Args:
-      msec: tracing milliseconds to query. Tracing milliseconds appears to be
-        since chrome startup (ie, arbitrary epoch).
-    Returns:
-      List of events active at that timestamp. Instantaneous (ie, instant,
-      sample and counter) events are never included. Event end times are
-      exclusive, so that an event ending at the usec parameter will not be
-      returned.
-    """
-    self._IndexEvents()
-    return self._interval_tree.EventsAt(msec)
-  def Filter(self, pid=None, tid=None, categories=None):
-    """Returns a new TracingTrack with a subset of the events.
-    Args:
-      pid: (int or None) Selects events from this PID.
-      tid: (int or None) Selects events from this TID.
-      categories: (set([str]) or None) Selects events belonging to one of the
-                  categories.
-    """
-    events = self._events
-    if pid is not None:
-      events = filter(lambda e : e.tracing_event['pid'] == pid, events)
-    if tid is not None:
-      events = filter(lambda e : e.tracing_event['tid'] == tid, events)
-    if categories is not None:
-      events = filter(
-          lambda e : set(e.category.split(',')).intersection(categories),
-          events)
-    tracing_track = TracingTrack(None, clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)
-    tracing_track._events = events
-    tracing_track._categories = self._categories
-    if categories is not None:
-      tracing_track._categories = self._categories.intersection(categories)
-    return tracing_track
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    return {'categories': list(self._categories),
-            'events': [e.ToJsonDict() for e in self._events]}
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    if not json_dict:
-      return None
-    assert 'events' in json_dict
-    events = [Event(e) for e in json_dict['events']]
-    tracing_track = TracingTrack(None, clovis_constants.DEFAULT_CATEGORIES)
-    tracing_track._categories = set(json_dict.get('categories', []))
-    tracing_track._events = events
-    tracing_track._base_msec = events[0].start_msec if events else 0
-    for e in events[1:]:
-      if e.type == 'M':
-        continue  # No timestamp for metadata events.
-      assert e.start_msec > 0
-      if e.start_msec < tracing_track._base_msec:
-        tracing_track._base_msec = e.start_msec
-    return tracing_track
-  def OverlappingEvents(self, start_msec, end_msec):
-    self._IndexEvents()
-    return self._interval_tree.OverlappingEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
-  def EventsEndingBetween(self, start_msec, end_msec):
-    """Gets the list of events ending within an interval.
-    Args:
-      start_msec: the start of the range to query, in milliseconds, inclusive.
-      end_msec: the end of the range to query, in milliseconds, inclusive.
-    Returns:
-      See OverlappingEvents() above.
-    """
-    overlapping_events = self.OverlappingEvents(start_msec, end_msec)
-    return [e for e in overlapping_events
-            if start_msec <= e.end_msec <= end_msec]
-  def EventFromStep(self, step_event):
-    """Returns the Event associated with a step event, or None.
-    Args:
-      step_event: (Event) Step event.
-    Returns:
-      an Event that matches the step event, or None.
-    """
-    self._IndexEvents()
-    assert 'step' in step_event.args and step_event.tracing_event['ph'] == 'T'
-    candidates = self._interval_tree.EventsAt(step_event.start_msec)
-    for event in candidates:
-      # IDs are only unique within a process (often they are pointers).
-      if ( == and event.tracing_event['ph'] != 'T'
-          and == and ==
-        return event
-    return None
-  def _IndexEvents(self, strict=False):
-    if self._interval_tree:
-      return
-    complete_events = []
-    spanning_events = self._SpanningEvents()
-    for event in self._events:
-      if not event.IsIndexable():
-        continue
-      if event.IsComplete():
-        complete_events.append(event)
-        continue
-      matched_event = spanning_events.Match(event, strict)
-      if matched_event is not None:
-        complete_events.append(matched_event)
-    self._interval_tree = _IntervalTree.FromEvents(complete_events)
-    if strict and spanning_events.HasPending():
-      raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
-          'Pending spanning events: %s' %
-          '\n'.join([str(e) for e in spanning_events.PendingEvents()]))
-  def _GetEvents(self):
-    self._IndexEvents()
-    return self._interval_tree.GetEvents()
-  def HasLoadingSucceeded(self):
-    """Returns whether the loading has succeed at recording time."""
-    main_frame_id = self.GetMainFrameRoutingID()
-    for event in self.GetMatchingEvents(
-        'navigation', 'RenderFrameImpl::didFailProvisionalLoad'):
-      if event.args['id'] == main_frame_id:
-        return False
-    for event in self.GetMatchingEvents(
-        'navigation', 'RenderFrameImpl::didFailLoad'):
-      if event.args['id'] == main_frame_id:
-        return False
-    return True
-  class _SpanningEvents(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-      self._duration_stack = []
-      self._async_stacks = {}
-      self._objects = {}
-      self._MATCH_HANDLER = {
-          'B': self._DurationBegin,
-          'E': self._DurationEnd,
-          'b': self._AsyncStart,
-          'e': self._AsyncEnd,
-          'S': self._AsyncStart,
-          'F': self._AsyncEnd,
-          'N': self._ObjectCreated,
-          'D': self._ObjectDestroyed,
-          'M': self._Ignore,
-          'X': self._Ignore,
-          'R': self._Ignore,
-          'p': self._Ignore,
-          '(': self._Ignore, # Context events.
-          ')': self._Ignore, # Ditto.
-          None: self._Ignore,
-          }
-    def Match(self, event, strict=False):
-      return self._MATCH_HANDLER.get(
-          event.type, self._Unsupported)(event, strict)
-    def HasPending(self):
-      return (self._duration_stack or
-              self._async_stacks or
-              self._objects)
-    def PendingEvents(self):
-      return itertools.chain(
-          (e for e in self._duration_stack),
-          (o for o in self._objects),
-          itertools.chain.from_iterable((
-              (e for e in s) for s in self._async_stacks.itervalues())))
-    def _AsyncKey(self, event, _):
-      return (event.tracing_event['cat'],
-    def _Ignore(self, _event, _):
-      return None
-    def _Unsupported(self, event, _):
-      raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
-          'Unsupported spanning event type: %s' % event)
-    def _DurationBegin(self, event, _):
-      self._duration_stack.append(event)
-      return None
-    def _DurationEnd(self, event, _):
-      if not self._duration_stack:
-        raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
-            'Unmatched duration end: %s' % event)
-      start = self._duration_stack.pop()
-      start.SetClose(event)
-      return start
-    def _AsyncStart(self, event, strict):
-      key = self._AsyncKey(event, strict)
-      self._async_stacks.setdefault(key, []).append(event)
-      return None
-    def _AsyncEnd(self, event, strict):
-      key = self._AsyncKey(event, strict)
-      if key not in self._async_stacks:
-        message = 'Unmatched async end %s: %s' % (key, event)
-        if strict:
-          raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(message)
-        else:
-          logging.warning(message)
-        return None
-      stack = self._async_stacks[key]
-      start = stack.pop()
-      if not stack:
-        del self._async_stacks[key]
-      start.SetClose(event)
-      return start
-    def _ObjectCreated(self, event, _):
-      # The tracing event format has object deletion timestamps being exclusive,
-      # that is the timestamp for a deletion my equal that of the next create at
-      # the same address. This asserts that does not happen in practice as it is
-      # inconvenient to handle that correctly here.
-      if in self._objects:
-        raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
-            'Multiple objects at same address: %s, %s' %
-            (event, self._objects[]))
-      self._objects[] = event
-      return None
-    def _ObjectDestroyed(self, event, _):
-      if not in self._objects:
-        raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
-            'Missing object creation for %s' % event)
-      start = self._objects[]
-      del self._objects[]
-      start.SetClose(event)
-      return start
-class Event(object):
-  """Wraps a tracing event."""
-  CLOSING_EVENTS = {'E': 'B',
-                    'e': 'b',
-                    'F': 'S',
-                    'D': 'N'}
-  __slots__ = ('_tracing_event', 'start_msec', 'end_msec', '_synthetic')
-  def __init__(self, tracing_event, synthetic=False):
-    """Creates Event.
-    Intended to be created only by TracingTrack.
-    Args:
-      tracing_event: JSON tracing event, as defined in
-      synthetic: True if the event is synthetic. This is only used for indexing
-        internal to TracingTrack.
-    """
-    if not synthetic and tracing_event['ph'] in ['s', 't', 'f']:
-      raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
-          'Unsupported event: %s' % tracing_event)
-    self._tracing_event = tracing_event
-    # Note tracing event times are in microseconds.
-    self.start_msec = tracing_event['ts'] / 1000.0
-    self.end_msec = None
-    self._synthetic = synthetic
-    if self.type == 'X':
-      # Some events don't have a duration.
-      duration = (tracing_event['dur']
-                  if 'dur' in tracing_event else tracing_event['tdur'])
-      self.end_msec = self.start_msec + duration / 1000.0
-  @property
-  def type(self):
-    if self._synthetic:
-      return None
-    return self._tracing_event['ph']
-  @property
-  def category(self):
-    return self._tracing_event['cat']
-  @property
-  def pid(self):
-    return self._tracing_event['pid']
-  @property
-  def args(self):
-    return self._tracing_event.get('args', {})
-  @property
-  def id(self):
-    return self._tracing_event.get('id')
-  @property
-  def name(self):
-    return self._tracing_event['name']
-  @property
-  def tracing_event(self):
-    return self._tracing_event
-  @property
-  def synthetic(self):
-    return self._synthetic
-  def __str__(self):
-    return ''.join([str(self._tracing_event),
-                    '[%s,%s]' % (self.start_msec, self.end_msec)])
-  def Matches(self, category, name):
-    """Match tracing events.
-    Args:
-      category: a tracing category (event['cat']).
-      name: the tracing event name (event['name']).
-    Returns:
-      True if the event matches and False otherwise.
-    """
-    if name !=
-      return False
-    categories = self.category.split(',')
-    return category in categories
-  def IsIndexable(self):
-    """True iff the event can be indexed by time."""
-    return self._synthetic or self.type not in [
-        'I', 'P', 'c', 'C',
-        'n', 'T', 'p',  # TODO(mattcary): ?? instant types of async events.
-        'O',            # TODO(mattcary): ?? object snapshot
-        'M'             # Metadata
-        ]
-  def IsComplete(self):
-    return self.type == 'X'
-  def Synthesize(self):
-    """Expand into synthetic events.
-    Returns:
-      A list of events, possibly some synthetic, whose start times are all
-      interesting for purposes of indexing. If the event is not indexable the
-      set may be empty.
-    """
-    if not self.IsIndexable():
-      return []
-    if self.IsComplete():
-      # Tracing event timestamps are microseconds!
-      return [self, Event({'ts': self.end_msec * 1000}, synthetic=True)]
-    return [self]
-  def SetClose(self, closing):
-    """Close a spanning event.
-    Args:
-      closing: The closing event.
-    Raises:
-      devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException if closing can't property
-      close this event.
-    """
-    if self.type != self.CLOSING_EVENTS.get(closing.type):
-      raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
-        'Bad closing: %s --> %s' % (self, closing))
-    if self.type in ['b', 'S'] and (
-        self.tracing_event['cat'] != closing.tracing_event['cat'] or
- !=
-      raise devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException(
-        'Bad async closing: %s --> %s' % (self, closing))
-    self.end_msec = closing.start_msec
-    if 'args' in closing.tracing_event:
-      self.tracing_event.setdefault(
-          'args', {}).update(closing.tracing_event['args'])
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    return self._tracing_event
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    return Event(json_dict)
-class _IntervalTree(object):
-  """Simple interval tree. This is not an optimal one, as the split is done with
-  an equal number of events on each side, according to start time.
-  """
-  _TRESHOLD = 100
-  def __init__(self, start, end, events):
-    """Builds an interval tree.
-    Args:
-      start: start timestamp of this node, in ms.
-      end: end timestamp covered by this node, in ms.
-      events: Iterable of objects having start_msec and end_msec fields. Has to
-              be sorted by start_msec.
-    """
-    self.start = start
-    self.end = end
-    self._events = events
-    self._left = self._right = None
-    if len(self._events) > self._TRESHOLD:
-      self._Divide()
-  @classmethod
-  def FromEvents(cls, events):
-    """Returns an IntervalTree instance from a list of events."""
-    filtered_events = [e for e in events
-                       if e.start_msec is not None and e.end_msec is not None]
-    filtered_events.sort(key=operator.attrgetter('start_msec'))
-    start = min(event.start_msec for event in filtered_events)
-    end = max(event.end_msec for event in filtered_events)
-    return _IntervalTree(start, end, filtered_events)
-  def OverlappingEvents(self, start, end):
-    """Returns a set of events overlapping with [start, end)."""
-    if min(end, self.end) - max(start, self.start) <= 0:
-      return set()
-    elif self._IsLeaf():
-      result = set()
-      for event in self._events:
-        if self._Overlaps(event, start, end):
-          result.add(event)
-      return result
-    else:
-      return (self._left.OverlappingEvents(start, end)
-              | self._right.OverlappingEvents(start, end))
-  def EventsAt(self, timestamp):
-    result = set()
-    if self._IsLeaf():
-      for event in self._events:
-        if event.start_msec <= timestamp < event.end_msec:
-          result.add(event)
-    else:
-      if self._left.start <= timestamp < self._left.end:
-        result |= self._left.EventsAt(timestamp)
-      if self._right.start <= timestamp < self._right.end:
-        result |= self._right.EventsAt(timestamp)
-    return result
-  def GetEvents(self):
-    return self._events
-  def _Divide(self):
-    middle = len(self._events) / 2
-    left_events = self._events[:middle]
-    right_events = self._events[middle:]
-    left_end = max(e.end_msec for e in left_events)
-    right_start = min(e.start_msec for e in right_events)
-    self._left = _IntervalTree(self.start, left_end, left_events)
-    self._right = _IntervalTree(right_start, self.end, right_events)
-  def _IsLeaf(self):
-    return self._left is None
-  @classmethod
-  def _Overlaps(cls, event, start, end):
-    return (min(end, event.end_msec) - max(start, event.start_msec) > 0
-            or start <= event.start_msec < end)  # For instant events.
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index b10083f..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import collections
-import copy
-import logging
-import operator
-import unittest
-import devtools_monitor
-from tracing_track import (Event, TracingTrack, _IntervalTree)
-class TracingTrackTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-      {'ts': 3, 'ph': 'N', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-      {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 1, 'args': {'name': 'B'}},
-      {'ts': 7, 'ph': 'D', 'id': 1},
-      {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'B', 'args': {'name': 'D'}},
-      {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'X', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'C'}},
-      {'ts': 11, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'X', 'id': 1},
-      {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'E'},
-      {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'N', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'E'}},
-      {'ts': 13, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'X', 'id': 2, 'args': {'name': 'F'}},
-      {'ts': 14, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'X', 'id': 2},
-      {'ts': 15, 'ph': 'D', 'id': 1}]
-  _EVENTS = [
-      {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 1, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'args': {'name': 'B'}},
-      {'ts': 3, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 4, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-      {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 1, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 2,
-       'args': {'name': 'C'}},
-      {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 2, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 2,
-       'args': {'name': 'D'}},
-      {'ts': 13, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 1, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1,
-       'args': {'name': 'F'}},
-      {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 3, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1,
-       'args': {'name': 'E'}}]
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.tree_threshold = _IntervalTree._TRESHOLD
-    _IntervalTree._TRESHOLD = 2  # Expose more edge cases in the tree.
-    self.track = TracingTrack(None, ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
-  def tearDown(self):
-    _IntervalTree._TRESHOLD = self.tree_threshold
-  def EventToMicroseconds(self, event):
-    result = copy.deepcopy(event)
-    if 'ts' in result:
-      result['ts'] *= 1000
-    if 'dur' in result:
-      result['dur'] *= 1000
-    return result
-  def CheckTrack(self, timestamp, names):
-    self.track._IndexEvents(strict=True)
-    self.assertEqual(
-        set((e.args['name'] for e in self.track.EventsAt(timestamp))),
-        set(names))
-  def CheckIntervals(self, events):
-    """All tests should produce the following sequence of intervals, each
-    identified by a 'name' in the event args.
-    Timestamp
-    3    |      A
-    4    |
-    5    | |    B
-    6    |
-    7
-    ..
-    10   | |    C, D
-    11     |
-    12   |      E
-    13   | |    F
-    14   |
-    """
-    self.track.Handle('Tracing.dataCollected',
-                      {'params': {'value': [self.EventToMicroseconds(e)
-                                            for e in events]}})
-    self.CheckTrack(0, '')
-    self.CheckTrack(2, '')
-    self.CheckTrack(3, 'A')
-    self.CheckTrack(4, 'A')
-    self.CheckTrack(5, 'AB')
-    self.CheckTrack(6, 'A')
-    self.CheckTrack(7, '')
-    self.CheckTrack(9, '')
-    self.CheckTrack(10, 'CD')
-    self.CheckTrack(11, 'D')
-    self.CheckTrack(12, 'E')
-    self.CheckTrack(13, 'EF')
-    self.CheckTrack(14, 'E')
-    self.CheckTrack(15, '')
-    self.CheckTrack(100, '')
-  def testComplete(self):
-    # These are deliberately out of order.
-    self.CheckIntervals([
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 1, 'args': {'name': 'B'}},
-        {'ts': 3, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 4, 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-        {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 1, 'args': {'name': 'C'}},
-        {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 2, 'args': {'name': 'D'}},
-        {'ts': 13, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 1, 'args': {'name': 'F'}},
-        {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 3, 'args': {'name': 'E'}}])
-  def testDuration(self):
-    self.CheckIntervals([
-        {'ts': 3, 'ph': 'B', 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'B', 'args': {'name': 'B'}},
-        {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'E'},
-        {'ts': 7, 'ph': 'E'},
-        # Since async intervals aren't named and must be nested, we fudge the
-        # beginning of D by a tenth to ensure it's consistently detected as the
-        # outermost event.
-        {'ts': 9.9, 'ph': 'B', 'args': {'name': 'D'}},
-        {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'B', 'args': {'name': 'C'}},
-        {'ts': 11, 'ph': 'E'},
-        # End of D. As end times are exclusive this should not conflict with the
-        # start of E.
-        {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'E'},
-        {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'B', 'args': {'name': 'E'}},
-        {'ts': 13, 'ph': 'B', 'args': {'name': 'F'}},
-        {'ts': 14, 'ph': 'E'},
-        {'ts': 15, 'ph': 'E'}])
-  def testBadDurationExtraBegin(self):
-    self.assertRaises(devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException,
-                      self.CheckIntervals,
-                      [{'ts': 3, 'ph': 'B'},
-                       {'ts': 4, 'ph': 'B'},
-                       {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'E'}])
-  def testBadDurationExtraEnd(self):
-    self.assertRaises(devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException,
-                      self.CheckIntervals,
-                      [{'ts': 3, 'ph': 'B'},
-                       {'ts': 4, 'ph': 'E'},
-                       {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'E'}])
-  def testAsync(self):
-    self.CheckIntervals([
-        # A, B and F have the same category/id (so that A & B nest); C-E do not.
-        {'ts': 3, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'B'}},
-        # Not indexable.
-        {'ts': 4, 'ph': 'n', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-        {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1},
-        {'ts': 7, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1},
-        {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'B', 'id': 2, 'args': {'name': 'D'}},
-        {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'B', 'id': 3, 'args': {'name': 'C'}},
-        {'ts': 11, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'B', 'id': 3},
-        {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'B', 'id': 2},
-        {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 2, 'args': {'name': 'E'}},
-        {'ts': 13, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'F'}},
-        {'ts': 14, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1},
-        {'ts': 15, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 2}])
-  def testBadAsyncIdMismatch(self):
-    self.assertRaises(
-        devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException,
-        self.CheckIntervals,
-        [{'ts': 3, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-         {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'B'}},
-         {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 2},
-         {'ts': 7, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1}])
-  def testBadAsyncExtraBegin(self):
-    self.assertRaises(
-        devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException,
-        self.CheckIntervals,
-        [{'ts': 3, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-         {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'B'}},
-         {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1}])
-  def testBadAsyncExtraEnd(self):
-    self.assertRaises(
-        devtools_monitor.DevToolsConnectionException,
-        self.CheckIntervals,
-        [{'ts': 3, 'ph': 'b', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-         {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1},
-         {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'e', 'cat': 'A', 'id': 1}])
-  def testObject(self):
-    # A and E share ids, which is okay as their scopes are disjoint.
-    self.CheckIntervals([
-        {'ts': 3, 'ph': 'N', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'A'}},
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'N', 'id': 2, 'args': {'name': 'B'}},
-        {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'D', 'id': 2},
-        {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'O', 'id': 2},  #  Ignored.
-        {'ts': 7, 'ph': 'D', 'id': 1},
-        {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'N', 'id': 3, 'args': {'name': 'D'}},
-        {'ts': 10, 'ph': 'N', 'id': 4, 'args': {'name': 'C'}},
-        {'ts': 11, 'ph': 'D', 'id': 4},
-        {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'D', 'id': 3},
-        {'ts': 12, 'ph': 'N', 'id': 1, 'args': {'name': 'E'}},
-        {'ts': 13, 'ph': 'N', 'id': 5, 'args': {'name': 'F'}},
-        {'ts': 14, 'ph': 'D', 'id': 5},
-        {'ts': 15, 'ph': 'D', 'id': 1}])
-  def testMixed(self):
-    # A and E are objects, B complete, D a duration, and C and F async.
-    self.CheckIntervals(self._MIXED_EVENTS)
-  def testEventSerialization(self):
-    for e in self._MIXED_EVENTS:
-      event = Event(e)
-      json_dict = event.ToJsonDict()
-      deserialized_event = Event.FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-      self.assertEquals(
-          event.tracing_event, deserialized_event.tracing_event)
-  def testTracingTrackSerialization(self):
-    self._HandleEvents(self._MIXED_EVENTS)
-    json_dict = self.track.ToJsonDict()
-    self.assertTrue('events' in json_dict)
-    deserialized_track = TracingTrack.FromJsonDict(json_dict)
-    self.assertEquals(
-        len(self.track._events), len(deserialized_track._events))
-    for (e1, e2) in zip(self.track._events, deserialized_track._events):
-      self.assertEquals(e1.tracing_event, e2.tracing_event)
-  def testEventsEndingBetween(self):
-    self._HandleEvents(self._EVENTS)
-    self.assertEqual(set('ABCDEF'),
-                     set([e.args['name']
-                          for e in self.track.EventsEndingBetween(0, 100)]))
-    self.assertFalse([e.args['name']
-                      for e in self.track.EventsEndingBetween(3, 5)])
-    self.assertTrue('B' in set([e.args['name']
-                          for e in self.track.EventsEndingBetween(3, 6)]))
-    self.assertEqual(set('B'),
-                     set([e.args['name']
-                          for e in self.track.EventsEndingBetween(3, 6)]))
-  def testOverlappingEvents(self):
-    self._HandleEvents(self._EVENTS)
-    self.assertEqual(set('ABCDEF'),
-                     set([e.args['name']
-                          for e in self.track.OverlappingEvents(0, 100)]))
-    self.assertFalse([e.args['name']
-                      for e in self.track.OverlappingEvents(0, 2)])
-    self.assertEqual(set('BA'),
-                     set([e.args['name']
-                          for e in self.track.OverlappingEvents(4, 5.1)]))
-    self.assertEqual(set('ACD'),
-                     set([e.args['name']
-                          for e in self.track.OverlappingEvents(6, 10.1)]))
-  def testEventFromStep(self):
-    events = [
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x123',
-         'name': 'B'},
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 2, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x12343',
-        'name': 'A'}]
-    step_events = [{'ts': 6, 'ph': 'T', 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x123',
-                    'name': 'B', 'args': {'step': 'Bla'}},
-                   {'ts': 4, 'ph': 'T', 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x123',
-                    'name': 'B', 'args': {'step': 'Bla'}},
-                   {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'T', 'pid': 12, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x123',
-                    'name': 'B', 'args': {'step': 'Bla'}},
-                   {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'T', 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x1234',
-                    'name': 'B', 'args': {'step': 'Bla'}},
-                   {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'T', 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x123',
-                    'name': 'A', 'args': {'step': 'Bla'}},
-                   {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'n', 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x123',
-                    'name': 'B', 'args': {'step': 'Bla'}},
-                   {'ts': 6, 'ph': 'n', 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x123',
-                    'name': 'B', 'args': {}}]
-    self._HandleEvents(events + step_events)
-    trace_events = self.track.GetEvents()
-    self.assertEquals(9, len(trace_events))
-    # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking
-    (event, _, step_event, outside, wrong_pid, wrong_id, wrong_name,
-     wrong_phase, no_step) = trace_events
-    self.assertEquals(event, self.track.EventFromStep(step_event))
-    self.assertIsNone(self.track.EventFromStep(outside))
-    self.assertIsNone(self.track.EventFromStep(wrong_pid))
-    self.assertIsNone(self.track.EventFromStep(wrong_id))
-    self.assertIsNone(self.track.EventFromStep(wrong_name))
-    # Invalid events
-    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
-      self.track.EventFromStep(wrong_phase)
-    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
-      self.track.EventFromStep(no_step)
-  def testFilterPidTid(self):
-    self._HandleEvents(self._EVENTS)
-    tracing_track = self.track.Filter(2, 1)
-    self.assertTrue(tracing_track is not self.track)
-    self.assertEquals(4, len(tracing_track.GetEvents()))
-    tracing_track = self.track.Filter(2, 42)
-    self.assertEquals(0, len(tracing_track.GetEvents()))
-  def testGetMainFrameID(self):
-    _MAIN_FRAME_ID = 0xffff
-    _SUBFRAME_ID = 0xaaaa
-    events = [
-        {'ts': 7, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x123',
-         'name': 'navigationStart', 'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-         'args': {'frame': _SUBFRAME_ID}},
-        {'ts': 8, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 2, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x12343',
-        'name': 'A'},
-        {'ts': 3, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x125',
-         'name': 'navigationStart', 'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-         'args': {'frame': _MAIN_FRAME_ID}},
-        ]
-    self._HandleEvents(events)
-    self.assertEquals(_MAIN_FRAME_ID, self.track.GetMainFrameID())
-  def testGetMatchingEvents(self):
-    _MAIN_FRAME_ID = 0xffff
-    _SUBFRAME_ID = 0xaaaa
-    events = [
-        {'ts': 7, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x123',
-         'name': 'navigationStart', 'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-         'args': {'frame': _SUBFRAME_ID}},
-        {'ts': 8, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 2, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x12343',
-        'name': 'A'},
-        {'ts': 3, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'id': '0x125',
-         'name': 'navigationStart', 'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-         'args': {'frame': _MAIN_FRAME_ID}},
-        ]
-    self._HandleEvents(events)
-    matching_events = self.track.GetMatchingEvents('blink.user_timing',
-                                                   'navigationStart')
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(matching_events))
-    self.assertListEqual([self.track.GetEvents()[0],
-                         self.track.GetEvents()[2]], matching_events)
-    matching_main_frame_events = self.track.GetMatchingMainFrameEvents(
-        'blink.user_timing', 'navigationStart')
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(matching_main_frame_events))
-    self.assertListEqual([self.track.GetEvents()[2]],
-                         matching_main_frame_events)
-  def testFilterCategories(self):
-    events = [
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'cat': 'A'},
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'cat': 'B'},
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'cat': 'C,D'},
-        {'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 2, 'tid': 1, 'cat': 'A,B,C,D'}]
-    self._HandleEvents(events)
-    tracing_events = self.track.GetEvents()
-    self.assertEquals(4, len(tracing_events))
-    filtered_events = self.track.Filter(categories=None).GetEvents()
-    self.assertListEqual(tracing_events, filtered_events)
-    filtered_events = self.track.Filter(categories=set(['A'])).GetEvents()
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(filtered_events))
-    self.assertListEqual([tracing_events[0], tracing_events[3]],
-                         filtered_events)
-    filtered_events = self.track.Filter(categories=set(['Z'])).GetEvents()
-    self.assertEquals(0, len(filtered_events))
-    filtered_events = self.track.Filter(categories=set(['B', 'C'])).GetEvents()
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(filtered_events))
-    self.assertListEqual(tracing_events[1:], filtered_events)
-    self.assertSetEqual(
-        set('A'), self.track.Filter(categories=set('A')).Categories())
-  def testHasLoadingSucceeded(self):
-    cat = 'navigation'
-    on_navigate = 'RenderFrameImpl::OnNavigate'
-    fail_provisional = 'RenderFrameImpl::didFailProvisionalLoad'
-    fail_load = 'RenderFrameImpl::didFailLoad'
-    track = TracingTrack.FromJsonDict({'categories': [cat], 'events': []})
-    with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
-      track.HasLoadingSucceeded()
-    track = TracingTrack.FromJsonDict({'categories': [cat], 'events': [
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': on_navigate, 'args': {'id': 1},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1}]})
-    self.assertTrue(track.HasLoadingSucceeded())
-    track = TracingTrack.FromJsonDict({'categories': [cat], 'events': [
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': on_navigate, 'args': {'id': 1},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1},
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': on_navigate, 'args': {'id': 2},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1},
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': fail_provisional, 'args': {'id': 2},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1}]})
-    self.assertTrue(track.HasLoadingSucceeded())
-    track = TracingTrack.FromJsonDict({'categories': [cat], 'events': [
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': on_navigate, 'args': {'id': 1},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1},
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': fail_provisional, 'args': {'id': 1},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1}]})
-    self.assertFalse(track.HasLoadingSucceeded())
-    track = TracingTrack.FromJsonDict({'categories': [cat], 'events': [
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': on_navigate, 'args': {'id': 1},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1},
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': fail_load, 'args': {'id': 1},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1}]})
-    self.assertFalse(track.HasLoadingSucceeded())
-    track = TracingTrack.FromJsonDict({'categories': [cat], 'events': [
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': on_navigate, 'args': {'id': 1},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1},
-        {'cat': cat, 'name': fail_load, 'args': {'id': 1},
-            'ts': 5, 'ph': 'X', 'dur': 10, 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1}]})
-    self.assertFalse(track.HasLoadingSucceeded())
-  def _HandleEvents(self, events):
-    self.track.Handle('Tracing.dataCollected', {'params': {'value': [
-        self.EventToMicroseconds(e) for e in events]}})
-class IntervalTreeTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  class FakeEvent(object):
-    def __init__(self, start_msec, end_msec):
-      self.start_msec = start_msec
-      self.end_msec = end_msec
-    def __eq__(self, o):
-      return self.start_msec == o.start_msec and self.end_msec == o.end_msec
-  _COUNT = 1000
-  def testCreateTree(self):
-    events = [self.FakeEvent(100 * i, 100 * (i + 1))
-              for i in range(self._COUNT)]
-    tree = _IntervalTree.FromEvents(events)
-    self.assertEquals(0, tree.start)
-    self.assertEquals(100 * self._COUNT, tree.end)
-    self.assertFalse(tree._IsLeaf())
-  def testEventsAt(self):
-    events = ([self.FakeEvent(100 * i, 100 * (i + 1))
-               for i in range(self._COUNT)]
-              + [self.FakeEvent(100 * i + 50, 100 * i + 150)
-                 for i in range(self._COUNT)])
-    tree = _IntervalTree.FromEvents(events)
-    self.assertEquals(0, tree.start)
-    self.assertEquals(100 * self._COUNT + 50, tree.end)
-    self.assertFalse(tree._IsLeaf())
-    for i in range(self._COUNT):
-      self.assertEquals(2, len(tree.EventsAt(100 * i + 75)))
-    # Add instant events, check that they are excluded.
-    events += [self.FakeEvent(100 * i + 75, 100 * i + 75)
-               for i in range(self._COUNT)]
-    tree = _IntervalTree.FromEvents(events)
-    self.assertEquals(3 * self._COUNT, len(tree._events))
-    for i in range(self._COUNT):
-      self.assertEquals(2, len(tree.EventsAt(100 * i + 75)))
-  def testOverlappingEvents(self):
-    events = ([self.FakeEvent(100 * i, 100 * (i + 1))
-               for i in range(self._COUNT)]
-              + [self.FakeEvent(100 * i + 50, 100 * i + 150)
-                 for i in range(self._COUNT)])
-    tree = _IntervalTree.FromEvents(events)
-    self.assertEquals(0, tree.start)
-    self.assertEquals(100 * self._COUNT + 50, tree.end)
-    self.assertFalse(tree._IsLeaf())
-    # 400 -> 500, 450 -> 550, 500 -> 600
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(tree.OverlappingEvents(450, 550)))
-    overlapping = sorted(
-        tree.OverlappingEvents(450, 550), key=operator.attrgetter('start_msec'))
-    self.assertEquals(self.FakeEvent(400, 500), overlapping[0])
-    self.assertEquals(self.FakeEvent(450, 550), overlapping[1])
-    self.assertEquals(self.FakeEvent(500, 600), overlapping[2])
-    self.assertEquals(8, len(tree.OverlappingEvents(450, 800)))
-    # Add instant events, check that they are included.
-    events += [self.FakeEvent(500, 500) for i in range(10)]
-    tree = _IntervalTree.FromEvents(events)
-    self.assertEquals(3 + 10, len(tree.OverlappingEvents(450, 550)))
-    self.assertEquals(8 + 10, len(tree.OverlappingEvents(450, 800)))
-  def testEventMatches(self):
-    event = Event({'name': 'foo',
-                   'cat': 'bar',
-                   'ph': 'X',
-                   'ts': 0, 'dur': 0})
-    self.assertTrue(event.Matches('bar', 'foo'))
-    self.assertFalse(event.Matches('bar', 'biz'))
-    self.assertFalse(event.Matches('biz', 'foo'))
-    event = Event({'name': 'foo',
-                   'cat': 'bar,baz,bizbiz',
-                   'ph': 'X',
-                   'ts': 0, 'dur': 0})
-    self.assertTrue(event.Matches('bar', 'foo'))
-    self.assertTrue(event.Matches('baz', 'foo'))
-    self.assertFalse(event.Matches('bar', 'biz'))
-    self.assertFalse(event.Matches('biz', 'foo'))
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/unmaintained/ b/loading/unmaintained/
deleted file mode 100644
index 295323b..0000000
--- a/loading/unmaintained/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains unmaintained code that still has value, such as
-experimental or temporary scripts.
diff --git a/loading/unmaintained/ b/loading/unmaintained/
deleted file mode 100755
index ec85dca..0000000
--- a/loading/unmaintained/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Takes a list of URLs (infile), and runs on them in  parallel on a
-# device and on GCE, in a sychronized manner (the task is started on both
-# platforms at the same time).
-for site in $(< $infile); do
- echo $site
- output_subdir=$(echo "$site"|tr "/:" "_")
- echo 'Start remote task'
- cat >urls.json << EOF
- {
-  "urls" : [
-    "$site"
-  ],
-  "repeat_count" : "$repeat_count",
-  "emulate_device" : "Nexus 4"
- }
- while [ "$(curl http://$instance_ip:8080/status)" != "Idle" ]; do
-   echo 'Waiting for instance to be ready, retry in 5s'
-   sleep 5
- done
- curl -X POST -d @urls.json http://$instance_ip:8080/set_tasks
- echo 'Run on device'
- mkdir $outdir/$output_subdir
- for ((run=0;run<$repeat_count;++run)); do
-   echo '****'  $run
-   tools/android/loading/ log_requests \
-      --devtools_port 9222 \
-      --url $site \
-      --output $outdir/${output_subdir}/${run}
-   if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo "Analyze failed. Wait a bit for device to recover."
-    sleep 3
-   fi
- done
diff --git a/loading/unmaintained/ b/loading/unmaintained/
deleted file mode 100755
index 88e26df..0000000
--- a/loading/unmaintained/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# rootdir compare_filename
-#   root_dir: root directory for the experiment.
-#   compare_filename: file where the comparison breakdown is output.
-# Computes core sets from GCE and device experiment resutls, and compare them.
-# The expected directory structure is:
-# root_dir/
-#   cloud/
-#     url1/         # Can be any name as long as it is mirrored under device/.
-#       run1.trace  # Can be any name.
-#       run2.trace
-#       ...
-#     url2/
-#     ...
-#   device/
-#     url1/
-#       run1.trace
-#       run2.trace
-#       ...
-#     url2/
-#     ...
-rm $compare_filename
-# Check directory structure.
-if [ ! -d $root_dir/cloud ]; then
-  echo "$root_dir/cloud missing!"
-  exit 1
-if [ ! -d $root_dir/device ]; then
-  echo "$root_dir/device missing!"
-  exit 1
-for device_file in $root_dir/device/*/  ; do
-  cloud_file=$root_dir/cloud/$(basename $device_file)
-  if [ ! -d $cloud_file ]; then
-    echo "$cloud_file not found"
-  fi
-for cloud_file in $root_dir/cloud/*/  ; do
-  device_file=$root_dir/device/$(basename $device_file)
-  if [ ! -d $device_file ]; then
-    echo "$device_file not found"
-  fi
-# Loop through all the subdirectories, compute the core sets and compare them.
-for device_file in $root_dir/device/*/  ; do
-  base_name=$(basename $device_file)
-  python tools/android/loading/ page_core --sets device/$base_name \
-    --output $device_file/core_set.json --prefix $device_file
-  cloud_file=$root_dir/cloud/$base_name
-  if [ -d $cloud_file ]; then
-    python tools/android/loading/ page_core --sets cloud/$base_name \
-      --output $cloud_file/core_set.json --prefix $cloud_file
-    compare_result=$(python tools/android/loading/ compare \
-      --a $cloud_file/core_set.json --b $device_file/core_set.json)
-    compare_result+=" $base_name"
-    echo $compare_result >> $compare_filename
-  fi
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e0b4be..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Identifies key events related to user satisfaction.
-Several lenses are defined, for example FirstTextPaintLens and
-When run from the command line, takes a lens name and a trace, and prints the
-fingerprints of the critical resources to stdout.
-import logging
-import operator
-import common_util
-class _UserSatisfiedLens(object):
-  """A base class for all user satisfaction metrics.
-  All of these work by identifying a user satisfaction event from the trace, and
-  then building a set of request ids whose loading is needed to achieve that
-  event. Subclasses need only provide the time computation. The base class will
-  use that to construct the request ids.
-  """
-  _ATTRS = ['_satisfied_msec', '_event_msec', '_postload_msec',
-            '_critical_request_ids']
-  def CriticalRequests(self):
-    """Critical requests.
-    Returns:
-      A sequence of request_track.Request objects representing an estimate of
-      all requests that are necessary for the user satisfaction defined by this
-      class.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  def CriticalRequestIds(self):
-    """Ids of critical requests."""
-    return set(rq.request_id for rq in self.CriticalRequests())
-  def CriticalFingerprints(self):
-    """Fingerprints of critical requests."""
-    return set(rq.fingerprint for rq in self.CriticalRequests())
-  def PostloadTimeMsec(self):
-    """Return postload time.
-    The postload time is an estimate of the amount of time needed by chrome to
-    transform the critical results into the satisfying event.
-    Returns:
-      Postload time in milliseconds.
-    """
-    return 0
-  def SatisfiedMs(self):
-    """Returns user satisfied timestamp, in ms.
-    This is *not* a unix timestamp. It is relative to the same point in time
-    as the request_time field in request_track.Timing.
-    """
-    return self._satisfied_msec
-  @classmethod
-  def RequestsBefore(cls, request_track, time_ms):
-    return [rq for rq in request_track.GetEvents()
-            if rq.end_msec <= time_ms]
-class PLTLens(_UserSatisfiedLens):
-  """A lens built using page load time (PLT) as the metric of user satisfaction.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, trace):
-    self._satisfied_msec = PLTLens._ComputePlt(trace)
-    self._critical_requests = _UserSatisfiedLens.RequestsBefore(
-        trace.request_track, self._satisfied_msec)
-  def CriticalRequests(self):
-    return self._critical_requests
-  @classmethod
-  def _ComputePlt(cls, trace):
-    mark_load_events = trace.tracing_track.GetMatchingEvents(
-        'devtools.timeline', 'MarkLoad')
-    # Some traces contain several load events for the main frame.
-    main_frame_load_events = filter(
-        lambda e: e.args['data']['isMainFrame'], mark_load_events)
-    if main_frame_load_events:
-      return max(e.start_msec for e in main_frame_load_events)
-    # Main frame onLoad() didn't finish. Take the end of the last completed
-    # request.
-    return max(r.end_msec or -1 for r in trace.request_track.GetEvents())
-class RequestFingerprintLens(_UserSatisfiedLens):
-  """A lens built using requests in a trace that match a set of fingerprints."""
-  def __init__(self, trace, fingerprints):
-    fingerprints = set(fingerprints)
-    self._critical_requests = [rq for rq in trace.request_track.GetEvents()
-                               if rq.fingerprint in fingerprints]
-  def CriticalRequests(self):
-    """Ids of critical requests."""
-    return set(self._critical_requests)
-class _FirstEventLens(_UserSatisfiedLens):
-  """Helper abstract subclass that defines users first event manipulations."""
-  # pylint can't handle abstract subclasses.
-  # pylint: disable=abstract-method
-  def __init__(self, trace):
-    """Initialize the lens.
-    Args:
-      trace: (LoadingTrace) the trace to use in the analysis.
-    """
-    self._satisfied_msec = None
-    self._event_msec = None
-    self._postload_msec = None
-    self._critical_request_ids = None
-    if trace is None:
-      return
-    self._CalculateTimes(trace)
-    self._critical_requests = _UserSatisfiedLens.RequestsBefore(
-        trace.request_track, self._satisfied_msec)
-    self._critical_request_ids = set(rq.request_id
-                                     for rq in self._critical_requests)
-    if self._critical_requests:
-      last_load = max(rq.end_msec for rq in self._critical_requests)
-    else:
-      last_load = float('inf')
-    self._postload_msec = self._event_msec - last_load
-  def CriticalRequests(self):
-    """Override."""
-    return self._critical_requests
-  def PostloadTimeMsec(self):
-    """Override."""
-    return self._postload_msec
-  def ToJsonDict(self):
-    return common_util.SerializeAttributesToJsonDict({}, self, self._ATTRS)
-  @classmethod
-  def FromJsonDict(cls, json_dict):
-    result = cls(None)
-    return common_util.DeserializeAttributesFromJsonDict(
-        json_dict, result, cls._ATTRS)
-  def _CalculateTimes(self, trace):
-    """Subclasses should implement to set _satisfied_msec and _event_msec."""
-    raise NotImplementedError
-  @classmethod
-  def _CheckCategory(cls, tracing_track, category):
-    assert category in tracing_track.Categories(), (
-        'The "%s" category must be enabled.' % category)
-  @classmethod
-  def _ExtractBestTiming(cls, times):
-    if not times:
-      return float('inf')
-    assert len(times) == 1, \
-        'Unexpected duplicate {}: {} with spread of {}'.format(
-            str(cls), len(times), max(times) - min(times))
-    return float(max(times))
-class FirstTextPaintLens(_FirstEventLens):
-  """Define satisfaction by the first text paint.
-  This event is taken directly from a trace.
-  """
-  _EVENT_CATEGORY = 'blink.user_timing'
-  def _CalculateTimes(self, trace):
-    self._CheckCategory(trace.tracing_track, self._EVENT_CATEGORY)
-    first_paints = [
-        e.start_msec for e in trace.tracing_track.GetMatchingMainFrameEvents(
-            'blink.user_timing', 'firstPaint')]
-    self._satisfied_msec = self._event_msec = \
-        self._ExtractBestTiming(first_paints)
-class FirstContentfulPaintLens(_FirstEventLens):
-  """Define satisfaction by the first contentful paint.
-  This event is taken directly from a trace. Internally to chrome it's computed
-  by filtering out things like background paint from firstPaint.
-  """
-  _EVENT_CATEGORY = 'blink.user_timing'
-  def _CalculateTimes(self, trace):
-    self._CheckCategory(trace.tracing_track, self._EVENT_CATEGORY)
-    first_paints = [
-        e.start_msec for e in trace.tracing_track.GetMatchingMainFrameEvents(
-            'blink.user_timing', 'firstContentfulPaint')]
-    self._satisfied_msec = self._event_msec = \
-       self._ExtractBestTiming(first_paints)
-class FirstSignificantPaintLens(_FirstEventLens):
-  """Define satisfaction by the first paint after a big layout change.
-  Our satisfaction time is that of the layout change, as all resources must have
-  been loaded to compute the layout. Our event time is that of the next paint as
-  that is the observable event.
-  """
-  _FIRST_LAYOUT_COUNTER = 'LayoutObjectsThatHadNeverHadLayout'
-  _EVENT_CATEGORIES = ['blink', 'disabled-by-default-blink.debug.layout']
-  def _CalculateTimes(self, trace):
-    for cat in self._EVENT_CATEGORIES:
-      self._CheckCategory(trace.tracing_track, cat)
-    paint_tree_times = []
-    layouts = []  # (layout item count, msec).
-    for e in trace.tracing_track.GetEvents():
-      if ('frame' in e.args and
-          e.args['frame'] != trace.tracing_track.GetMainFrameID()):
-        continue
-      # If we don't know have a frame id, we assume it applies to all events.
-      if e.Matches('blink', 'FrameView::paintTree'):
-        paint_tree_times.append(e.start_msec)
-      if ('counters' in e.args and
-          self._FIRST_LAYOUT_COUNTER in e.args['counters']):
-        layouts.append((e.args['counters'][self._FIRST_LAYOUT_COUNTER],
-                        e.start_msec))
-    assert layouts, 'No layout events'
-    assert paint_tree_times,'No paintTree times'
-    layouts.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True)
-    self._satisfied_msec = layouts[0][1]
-    self._event_msec = min(t for t in paint_tree_times
-                           if t > self._satisfied_msec)
-def main(lens_name, trace_file):
-  assert (lens_name in globals() and
-          not lens_name.startswith('_') and
-          lens_name.endswith('Lens')), 'Bad lens %s' % lens_name
-  lens_cls = globals()[lens_name]
-  trace = loading_trace.LoadingTrace.FromJsonFile(trace_file)
-  lens = lens_cls(trace)
-  for fp in sorted(lens.CriticalFingerprints()):
-    print fp
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import sys
-  import loading_trace
-  main(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2])
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index ed6c753..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import unittest
-import request_track
-import test_utils
-import user_satisfied_lens
-class TraceCreator(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self._request_index = 1
-  def RequestAt(self, timestamp_msec, duration=1):
-    timestamp_sec = float(timestamp_msec) / 1000
-    rq = request_track.Request.FromJsonDict({
-        'url': '' % timestamp_msec,
-        'request_id': '0.%s' % self._request_index,
-        'frame_id': '123.%s' % timestamp_msec,
-        'initiator': {'type': 'other'},
-        'timestamp': timestamp_sec,
-        'timing': {'request_time': timestamp_sec,
-                   'loading_finished': duration}
-        })
-    self._request_index += 1
-    return rq
-  def CreateTrace(self, requests, events, main_frame_id):
-    loading_trace = test_utils.LoadingTraceFromEvents(
-        requests, trace_events=events)
-    loading_trace.tracing_track.SetMainFrameID(main_frame_id)
-    loading_trace.url = ''
-    return loading_trace
-class UserSatisfiedLensTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  # We track all times in milliseconds, but raw trace events are in
-  # microseconds.
-  MILLI_TO_MICRO = 1000
-  def setUp(self):
-    super(UserSatisfiedLensTestCase, self).setUp()
-  def testPLTLens(self):
-    MAINFRAME = 1
-    trace_creator = test_utils.TraceCreator()
-    requests = [trace_creator.RequestAt(1), trace_creator.RequestAt(10),
-                trace_creator.RequestAt(20)]
-    loading_trace = trace_creator.CreateTrace(
-        requests,
-        [{'ts': 5 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'devtools.timeline', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1,
-          'name': 'MarkLoad',
-          'args': {'data': {'isMainFrame': True}}},
-         {'ts': 10 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'devtools.timeline', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1,
-          'name': 'MarkLoad',
-          'args': {'data': {'isMainFrame': True}}},
-         {'ts': 20 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'devtools.timeline', 'pid': 1, 'tid': 1,
-          'name': 'MarkLoad',
-          'args': {'data': {'isMainFrame': False}}}], MAINFRAME)
-    lens = user_satisfied_lens.PLTLens(loading_trace)
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0.1']), lens.CriticalRequestIds())
-    self.assertEqual(10, lens.SatisfiedMs())
-  def testFirstContentfulPaintLens(self):
-    MAINFRAME = 1
-    SUBFRAME = 2
-    trace_creator = test_utils.TraceCreator()
-    requests = [trace_creator.RequestAt(1), trace_creator.RequestAt(10),
-                trace_creator.RequestAt(20)]
-    loading_trace = trace_creator.CreateTrace(
-        requests,
-        [{'ts': 0, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.some_other_user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstContentfulPaint'},
-         {'ts': 30 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstDiscontentPaint'},
-         {'ts': 5 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstContentfulPaint',
-          'args': {'frame': SUBFRAME} },
-         {'ts': 12 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstContentfulPaint',
-          'args': {'frame': MAINFRAME}}], MAINFRAME)
-    lens = user_satisfied_lens.FirstContentfulPaintLens(loading_trace)
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0.1', '0.2']), lens.CriticalRequestIds())
-    self.assertEqual(1, lens.PostloadTimeMsec())
-  def testCantGetNoSatisfaction(self):
-    MAINFRAME = 1
-    trace_creator = test_utils.TraceCreator()
-    requests = [trace_creator.RequestAt(1), trace_creator.RequestAt(10),
-                trace_creator.RequestAt(20)]
-    loading_trace = trace_creator.CreateTrace(
-        requests,
-        [{'ts': 0, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'not_my_cat',
-          'name': 'someEvent',
-          'args': {'frame': MAINFRAME}}], MAINFRAME)
-    loading_trace.tracing_track.SetMainFrameID(MAINFRAME)
-    lens = user_satisfied_lens.FirstContentfulPaintLens(loading_trace)
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0.1', '0.2', '0.3']), lens.CriticalRequestIds())
-    self.assertEqual(float('inf'), lens.PostloadTimeMsec())
-  def testFirstTextPaintLens(self):
-    MAINFRAME = 1
-    SUBFRAME = 2
-    trace_creator = test_utils.TraceCreator()
-    requests = [trace_creator.RequestAt(1), trace_creator.RequestAt(10),
-                trace_creator.RequestAt(20)]
-    loading_trace = trace_creator.CreateTrace(
-        requests,
-        [{'ts': 0, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.some_other_user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstPaint'},
-         {'ts': 30 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstishPaint',
-          'args': {'frame': MAINFRAME}},
-         {'ts': 3 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstPaint',
-          'args': {'frame': SUBFRAME}},
-         {'ts': 12 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstPaint',
-          'args': {'frame': MAINFRAME}}], MAINFRAME)
-    loading_trace.tracing_track.SetMainFrameID(MAINFRAME)
-    lens = user_satisfied_lens.FirstTextPaintLens(loading_trace)
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0.1', '0.2']), lens.CriticalRequestIds())
-    self.assertEqual(1, lens.PostloadTimeMsec())
-  def testFirstSignificantPaintLens(self):
-    MAINFRAME = 1
-    trace_creator = test_utils.TraceCreator()
-    requests = [trace_creator.RequestAt(1), trace_creator.RequestAt(10),
-                trace_creator.RequestAt(15), trace_creator.RequestAt(20)]
-    loading_trace = trace_creator.CreateTrace(
-        requests,
-        [{'ts': 0, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink',
-          'name': 'firstPaint'},
-         {'ts': 9 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'FrameView::paintTree'},
-         {'ts': 18 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink',
-          'name': 'FrameView::paintTree'},
-         {'ts': 22 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink',
-          'name': 'FrameView::paintTree'},
-         {'ts': 5 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'foobar', 'name': 'biz',
-          'args': {'counters': {
-              'LayoutObjectsThatHadNeverHadLayout': 10
-          } } },
-         {'ts': 12 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'foobar', 'name': 'biz',
-          'args': {'counters': {
-              'LayoutObjectsThatHadNeverHadLayout': 12
-          } } },
-         {'ts': 15 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'foobar', 'name': 'biz',
-          'args': {'counters': {
-              'LayoutObjectsThatHadNeverHadLayout': 10
-          } } } ], MAINFRAME)
-    lens = user_satisfied_lens.FirstSignificantPaintLens(loading_trace)
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0.1', '0.2']), lens.CriticalRequestIds())
-    self.assertEqual(7, lens.PostloadTimeMsec())
-  def testRequestFingerprintLens(self):
-    MAINFRAME = 1
-    SUBFRAME = 2
-    trace_creator = test_utils.TraceCreator()
-    requests = [trace_creator.RequestAt(1), trace_creator.RequestAt(10),
-                trace_creator.RequestAt(20)]
-    loading_trace = trace_creator.CreateTrace(
-        requests,
-        [{'ts': 0, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.some_other_user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstContentfulPaint'},
-         {'ts': 30 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstDiscontentPaint'},
-         {'ts': 5 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstContentfulPaint',
-          'args': {'frame': SUBFRAME} },
-         {'ts': 12 * self.MILLI_TO_MICRO, 'ph': 'I',
-          'cat': 'blink.user_timing',
-          'name': 'firstContentfulPaint',
-          'args': {'frame': MAINFRAME}}], MAINFRAME)
-    lens = user_satisfied_lens.FirstContentfulPaintLens(loading_trace)
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0.1', '0.2']), lens.CriticalRequestIds())
-    self.assertEqual(1, lens.PostloadTimeMsec())
-    request_lens = user_satisfied_lens.RequestFingerprintLens(
-      loading_trace, lens.CriticalFingerprints())
-    self.assertEqual(set(['0.1', '0.2']), request_lens.CriticalRequestIds())
-    self.assertEqual(0, request_lens.PostloadTimeMsec())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/util.r b/loading/util.r
deleted file mode 100644
index a65c572..0000000
--- a/loading/util.r
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Useful R routines for analyzing output from several
-# output and producing interesting graphs.
-combine.runs <- function(times, prefix, suffix)
-"rbind", lapply(times, function (t)
-    with(read.csv(paste0(prefix, t, suffix)),
-         data.frame(site, kind, cost, time=t))))
-get.ordered.names <- function(runs) {
-  means <- with(runs, tapply(cost, list(site, kind), mean))
-  return(names(means[,"cold"])[order(means[,"cold"])])
-plot.warm.cold <- function(runs, main="") {
-  ordered.names <- get.ordered.names(runs)
-  n <- length(ordered.names)
-  par(mar=c(8,4,4,4), bg="white")
-  plot(NULL, xlim=c(1,25), ylim=range(runs$cost), xaxt="n",
-       ylab="ms", xlab="", main=main)
-  axis(1, 1:n, labels=ordered.names, las=2)
-  getdata <- function(k, t) sapply(
-      ordered.names, function (s) with(runs, cost[site==s & kind==k & time==t]))
-  for (t in unique(runs$time)) {
-    points(1:n, getdata("cold", t), pch=1)
-    points(1:n, getdata("warm", t), pch=3)
-  }
-  legend("topleft", pch=c(1, 3), legend=c("cold", "warm"))
-plot.relative.sds <- function(runs, main="") {
-  sds <- with(runs, tapply(cost, list(site, kind), sd))
-  means <- with(runs, tapply(cost, list(site, kind), mean))
-  ordered.names <- get.ordered.names(runs)
-  n <- length(ordered.names)
-  par(mar=c(8,4,4,4), bg="white")
-  plot(NULL, xlim=c(1,25), ylim=c(0,.8),
-       xaxt="n", ylab="Relative SD", xlab="", main=main)
-  axis(1, 1:n, labels=ordered.names, las=2)
-  getdata <- function(k) sapply(ordered.names, function(s) (sds/means)[s, k])
-  points(1:n, getdata("cold"), pch=1)
-  points(1:n, getdata("warm"), pch=3)
-  legend("topleft", pch=c(1, 3), legend=c("cold", "warm"))
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 25f753c..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Opens and modifies WPR archive.
-import collections
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-from urlparse import urlparse
-_SRC_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..'))
-_WEBPAGEREPLAY_DIR = os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'webpagereplay')
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_DIR, 'third_party', 'webpagereplay'))
-import httparchive
-# Regex used to parse stdout's when listing all urls.
-_PARSE_WPR_REQUEST_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\S+\s+(?P<url>\S+)')
-# Regex used to extract WPR domain from WPR log.
-_PARSE_WPR_DOMAIN_REGEX = re.compile(r'^\(WARNING\)\s.*\sHTTP server started on'
-                                     r' (?P<netloc>\S+)\s*$')
-# Regex used to extract URLs requests from WPR log.
-_PARSE_WPR_URL_REGEX = re.compile(
-    r'^\((?P<level>\S+)\)\s.*\shttpproxy\..*\s(?P<method>[A-Z]+)\s+'
-    r'(?P<url>https?://[a-zA-Z0-9\-_:.]+/?\S*)\s.*$')
-class WprUrlEntry(object):
-  """Wpr url entry holding request and response infos. """
-  def __init__(self, wpr_request, wpr_response):
-    self._wpr_response = wpr_response
-    self.url = self._ExtractUrl(str(wpr_request))
-  def GetResponseHeadersDict(self):
-    """Get a copied dictionary of available headers.
-    Returns:
-      dict(name -> value)
-    """
-    headers = collections.defaultdict(list)
-    for (key, value) in self._wpr_response.original_headers:
-      headers[key.lower()].append(value)
-    return {k: ','.join(v) for (k, v) in headers.items()}
-  def SetResponseHeader(self, name, value):
-    """Set a header value.
-    In the case where the <name> response header is present more than once
-    in the response header list, then the given value is set only to the first
-    occurrence of that given headers, and the next ones are removed.
-    Args:
-      name: The name of the response header to set.
-      value: The value of the response header to set.
-    """
-    assert name.islower()
-    new_headers = []
-    new_header_set = False
-    for header in self._wpr_response.original_headers:
-      if header[0].lower() != name:
-        new_headers.append(header)
-      elif not new_header_set:
-        new_header_set = True
-        new_headers.append((header[0], value))
-    if new_header_set:
-      self._wpr_response.original_headers = new_headers
-    else:
-      self._wpr_response.original_headers.append((name, value))
-  def DeleteResponseHeader(self, name):
-    """Delete a header.
-    In the case where the <name> response header is present more than once
-    in the response header list, this method takes care of removing absolutely
-    all them.
-    Args:
-      name: The name of the response header field to delete.
-    """
-    assert name.islower()
-    self._wpr_response.original_headers = \
-        [x for x in self._wpr_response.original_headers if x[0].lower() != name]
-  def RemoveResponseHeaderDirectives(self, name, directives_blacklist):
-    """Removed a set of directives from response headers.
-    Also removes the cache header in case no more directives are left.
-    It is useful, for example, to remove 'no-cache' from 'pragma: no-cache'.
-    Args:
-      name: The name of the response header field to modify.
-      directives_blacklist: Set of lowered directives to remove from list.
-    """
-    response_headers = self.GetResponseHeadersDict()
-    if name not in response_headers:
-      return
-    new_value = []
-    for header_name in response_headers[name].split(','):
-      if header_name.strip().lower() not in directives_blacklist:
-        new_value.append(header_name)
-    if new_value:
-      self.SetResponseHeader(name, ','.join(new_value))
-    else:
-      self.DeleteResponseHeader(name)
-  @classmethod
-  def _ExtractUrl(cls, request_string):
-    match = _PARSE_WPR_REQUEST_REGEX.match(request_string)
-    assert match, 'Looks like there is an issue with: {}'.format(request_string)
-    return'url')
-class WprArchiveBackend(object):
-  """WPR archive back-end able to read and modify. """
-  def __init__(self, wpr_archive_path):
-    """Constructor:
-    Args:
-      wpr_archive_path: The path of the WPR archive to read/modify.
-    """
-    self._wpr_archive_path = wpr_archive_path
-    self._http_archive = httparchive.HttpArchive.Load(wpr_archive_path)
-  def ListUrlEntries(self):
-    """Iterates over all url entries
-    Returns:
-      A list of WprUrlEntry.
-    """
-    return [WprUrlEntry(request, self._http_archive[request])
-            for request in self._http_archive.get_requests()]
-  def Persist(self):
-    """Persists the archive to disk. """
-    for request in self._http_archive.get_requests():
-      response = self._http_archive[request]
-      response.headers = response._TrimHeaders(response.original_headers)
-    self._http_archive.Persist(self._wpr_archive_path)
-# WPR request seen by the WPR's HTTP proxy.
-#   is_served: Boolean whether WPR has found a matching resource in the archive.
-#   method: HTTP method of the request ['GET', 'POST' and so on...].
-#   url: The requested URL.
-#   is_wpr_host: Whether the requested url have WPR has an host such as:
-#<WPR's HTTP listening port>/web-page-replay-command-exit
-WprRequest = collections.namedtuple('WprRequest',
-    ['is_served', 'method', 'url', 'is_wpr_host'])
-def ExtractRequestsFromLog(log_path):
-  """Extract list of requested handled by the WPR's HTTP proxy from a WPR log.
-  Args:
-    log_path: The path of the WPR log to parse.
-  Returns:
-    List of WprRequest.
-  """
-  requests = []
-  wpr_http_netloc = None
-  with open(log_path) as log_file:
-    for line in log_file.readlines():
-      # Extract WPR's HTTP proxy's listening network location.
-      match = _PARSE_WPR_DOMAIN_REGEX.match(line)
-      if match:
-        wpr_http_netloc ='netloc')
-        assert wpr_http_netloc.startswith('')
-        continue
-      # Extract the WPR requested URLs.
-      match = _PARSE_WPR_URL_REGEX.match(line)
-      if match:
-        parsed_url = urlparse('url'))
-        # Ignore strange URL requests such as http://ousvtzkizg/
-        # TODO(gabadie): Find and terminate the location where they are queried.
-        if '.' not in parsed_url.netloc and ':' not in parsed_url.netloc:
-          continue
-        assert wpr_http_netloc
-        request = WprRequest(is_served=('level') == 'DEBUG'),
-  'method'),'url'),
-            is_wpr_host=parsed_url.netloc == wpr_http_netloc)
-        requests.append(request)
-  return requests
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  import argparse
-  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tests cache back-end.')
-  parser.add_argument('wpr_archive', type=str)
-  command_line_args = parser.parse_args()
-  wpr_backend = WprArchiveBackend(command_line_args.wpr_archive)
-  url_entries = wpr_backend.ListUrlEntries()
-  print url_entries[0].url
-  wpr_backend.Persist()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index fbcb517..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import contextlib
-import httplib
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-from device_setup import _WprHost
-from options import OPTIONS
-from trace_test.webserver_test import WebServer
-from wpr_backend import WprUrlEntry, WprRequest, ExtractRequestsFromLog
-LOADING_DIR = os.path.dirname(__file__)
-class MockWprResponse(object):
-  def __init__(self, headers):
-    self.original_headers = headers
-class WprUrlEntryTest(unittest.TestCase):
-  @classmethod
-  def _CreateWprUrlEntry(cls, headers):
-    wpr_response = MockWprResponse(headers)
-    return WprUrlEntry('GET', wpr_response)
-  def testExtractUrl(self):
-    self.assertEquals('',
-                      WprUrlEntry._ExtractUrl('GET'))
-    self.assertEquals('http://aa.b/c',
-                      WprUrlEntry._ExtractUrl('POST http://aa.b/c'))
-    self.assertEquals('',
-                      WprUrlEntry._ExtractUrl('WHATEVER'))
-    self.assertEquals('',
-                      WprUrlEntry._ExtractUrl('GET'))
-    self.assertEquals('',
-                      WprUrlEntry._ExtractUrl('GET'))
-    self.assertEquals('',
-                      WprUrlEntry._ExtractUrl('GET FOO BAR'))
-  def testGetResponseHeadersDict(self):
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('header0', 'value0'),
-                                     ('header1', 'value1'),
-                                     ('header0', 'value2'),
-                                     ('header2', 'value3'),
-                                     ('header0', 'value4'),
-                                     ('HEadEr3', 'VaLue4')])
-    headers = entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()
-    self.assertEquals(4, len(headers))
-    self.assertEquals('value0,value2,value4', headers['header0'])
-    self.assertEquals('value1', headers['header1'])
-    self.assertEquals('value3', headers['header2'])
-    self.assertEquals('VaLue4', headers['header3'])
-  def testSetResponseHeader(self):
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('header0', 'value0'),
-                                     ('header1', 'value1')])
-    entry.SetResponseHeader('new_header0', 'new_value0')
-    headers = entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(headers))
-    self.assertEquals('new_value0', headers['new_header0'])
-    self.assertEquals('new_header0', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[2][0])
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('header0', 'value0'),
-                                     ('header1', 'value1'),
-                                     ('header2', 'value1'),])
-    entry.SetResponseHeader('header1', 'new_value1')
-    headers = entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(headers))
-    self.assertEquals('new_value1', headers['header1'])
-    self.assertEquals('header1', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[1][0])
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('header0', 'value0'),
-                                     ('hEADEr1', 'value1'),
-                                     ('header2', 'value1'),])
-    entry.SetResponseHeader('header1', 'new_value1')
-    headers = entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(headers))
-    self.assertEquals('new_value1', headers['header1'])
-    self.assertEquals('hEADEr1', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[1][0])
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('header0', 'value0'),
-                                     ('header1', 'value1'),
-                                     ('header2', 'value2'),
-                                     ('header1', 'value3'),
-                                     ('header3', 'value4'),
-                                     ('heADer1', 'value5')])
-    entry.SetResponseHeader('header1', 'new_value2')
-    headers = entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()
-    self.assertEquals(4, len(headers))
-    self.assertEquals('new_value2', headers['header1'])
-    self.assertEquals('header1', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[1][0])
-    self.assertEquals('header3', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[3][0])
-    self.assertEquals('value4', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[3][1])
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('header0', 'value0'),
-                                     ('heADer1', 'value1'),
-                                     ('header2', 'value2'),
-                                     ('HEader1', 'value3'),
-                                     ('header3', 'value4'),
-                                     ('header1', 'value5')])
-    entry.SetResponseHeader('header1', 'new_value2')
-    headers = entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()
-    self.assertEquals(4, len(headers))
-    self.assertEquals('new_value2', headers['header1'])
-    self.assertEquals('heADer1', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[1][0])
-    self.assertEquals('header3', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[3][0])
-    self.assertEquals('value4', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[3][1])
-  def testDeleteResponseHeader(self):
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('header0', 'value0'),
-                                     ('header1', 'value1'),
-                                     ('header0', 'value2'),
-                                     ('header2', 'value3')])
-    entry.DeleteResponseHeader('header1')
-    self.assertNotIn('header1', entry.GetResponseHeadersDict())
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()))
-    entry.DeleteResponseHeader('header0')
-    self.assertNotIn('header0', entry.GetResponseHeadersDict())
-    self.assertEquals(1, len(entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()))
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('header0', 'value0'),
-                                     ('hEAder1', 'value1'),
-                                     ('header0', 'value2'),
-                                     ('heaDEr2', 'value3')])
-    entry.DeleteResponseHeader('header1')
-    self.assertNotIn('header1', entry.GetResponseHeadersDict())
-    self.assertEquals(2, len(entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()))
-  def testRemoveResponseHeaderDirectives(self):
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('hEAder0', 'keyWOrd0,KEYword1'),
-                                     ('heaDER1', 'value1'),
-                                     ('headeR2', 'value3')])
-    entry.RemoveResponseHeaderDirectives('header0', {'keyword1', 'keyword0'})
-    self.assertNotIn('header0', entry.GetResponseHeadersDict())
-    entry = self._CreateWprUrlEntry([('heADEr0', 'keYWOrd0'),
-                                     ('hEADERr1', 'value1'),
-                                     ('HEAder0', 'keywoRD1,keYwoRd2'),
-                                     ('hEADer2', 'value3')])
-    entry.RemoveResponseHeaderDirectives('header0', {'keyword1'})
-    self.assertEquals(
-        'keYWOrd0,keYwoRd2', entry.GetResponseHeadersDict()['header0'])
-    self.assertEquals(3, len(entry._wpr_response.original_headers))
-    self.assertEquals(
-        'keYWOrd0,keYwoRd2', entry._wpr_response.original_headers[0][1])
-class WprHostTest(unittest.TestCase):
-  def setUp(self):
-    OPTIONS.ParseArgs([])
-    self._server_address = None
-    self._wpr_http_port = None
-    self._tmp_directory = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_test_')
-  def tearDown(self):
-    shutil.rmtree(self._tmp_directory)
-  def _TmpPath(self, name):
-    return os.path.join(self._tmp_directory, name)
-  def _LogPath(self):
-    return self._TmpPath('wpr.log')
-  def _ArchivePath(self):
-    return self._TmpPath('wpr')
-  @contextlib.contextmanager
-  def RunWebServer(self):
-    assert self._server_address is None
-    with WebServer.Context(
-        source_dir=os.path.join(LOADING_DIR, 'trace_test', 'tests'),
-        communication_dir=self._tmp_directory) as server:
-      self._server_address = server.Address()
-      yield
-  @contextlib.contextmanager
-  def RunWpr(self, record):
-    assert self._server_address is not None
-    assert self._wpr_http_port is None
-    with _WprHost(self._ArchivePath(), record=record,
-                  out_log_path=self._LogPath()) as (http_port, https_port):
-      del https_port # unused
-      self._wpr_http_port = http_port
-      yield http_port
-  def DoHttpRequest(self, path, expected_status=200, destination='wpr'):
-    assert self._server_address is not None
-    if destination == 'wpr':
-      assert self._wpr_http_port is not None
-      connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('', self._wpr_http_port)
-    elif destination == 'server':
-      connection = httplib.HTTPConnection(self._server_address)
-    else:
-      assert False
-    try:
-      connection.request(
-          "GET", '/' + path, headers={'Host': self._server_address})
-      response = connection.getresponse()
-    finally:
-      connection.close()
-    self.assertEquals(expected_status, response.status)
-  def _GenRawWprRequest(self, path):
-    assert self._wpr_http_port is not None
-    url = '{}/web-page-replay-{}'.format(
-        self._wpr_http_port, path)
-    return WprRequest(is_served=True, method='GET', is_wpr_host=True, url=url)
-  def GenRawRequest(self, path, is_served):
-    assert self._server_address is not None
-    return WprRequest(is_served=is_served, method='GET', is_wpr_host=False,
-        url='http://{}/{}'.format(self._server_address, path))
-  def AssertWprParsedRequests(self, ref_requests):
-    all_ref_requests = []
-    all_ref_requests.append(self._GenRawWprRequest('generate-200'))
-    all_ref_requests.extend(ref_requests)
-    all_ref_requests.append(self._GenRawWprRequest('generate-200'))
-    all_ref_requests.append(self._GenRawWprRequest('command-exit'))
-    requests = ExtractRequestsFromLog(self._LogPath())
-    self.assertEquals(all_ref_requests, requests)
-    self._wpr_http_port = None
-  def testExtractRequestsFromLog(self):
-    with self.RunWebServer():
-      with self.RunWpr(record=True):
-        self.DoHttpRequest('1.html')
-        self.DoHttpRequest('2.html')
-        ref_requests = [
-            self.GenRawRequest('1.html', is_served=True),
-            self.GenRawRequest('2.html', is_served=True)]
-    self.AssertWprParsedRequests(ref_requests)
-    with self.RunWpr(record=False):
-      self.DoHttpRequest('2.html')
-      self.DoHttpRequest('1.html')
-      ref_requests = [
-          self.GenRawRequest('2.html', is_served=True),
-          self.GenRawRequest('1.html', is_served=True)]
-    self.AssertWprParsedRequests(ref_requests)
-  def testExtractRequestsFromLogHaveCorrectIsServed(self):
-    with self.RunWebServer():
-      with self.RunWpr(record=True):
-        self.DoHttpRequest('4.html', expected_status=404)
-        ref_requests = [self.GenRawRequest('4.html', is_served=True)]
-    self.AssertWprParsedRequests(ref_requests)
-    with self.RunWpr(record=False):
-      self.DoHttpRequest('4.html', expected_status=404)
-      self.DoHttpRequest('5.html', expected_status=404)
-      ref_requests = [self.GenRawRequest('4.html', is_served=True),
-                      self.GenRawRequest('5.html', is_served=False)]
-    self.AssertWprParsedRequests(ref_requests)
-  def testExtractRequestsFromLogHaveCorrectIsWprHost(self):
-    PATH = 'web-page-replay-generate-200'
-    with self.RunWebServer():
-      self.DoHttpRequest(PATH, expected_status=404, destination='server')
-      with self.RunWpr(record=True):
-        self.DoHttpRequest(PATH)
-      ref_requests = [self.GenRawRequest(PATH, is_served=True)]
-    self.AssertWprParsedRequests(ref_requests)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100755
index b509d11..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Helper script to launch Chrome on device and WebPageReplay on host."""
-import logging
-import optparse
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-_SRC_PATH = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
-    os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir, os.pardir))
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'third_party', 'catapult', 'devil'))
-from import device_utils
-from import flag_changer
-from import chrome
-from import cache_control
-from import intent
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'build', 'android'))
-import devil_chromium
-import chrome_setup
-import device_setup
-def RunChrome(device, cold, chrome_args, package_info):
-  """Runs Chrome on the device.
-  Args:
-    device: (DeviceUtils) device to run the tests on.
-    cold: (bool) Whether caches should be dropped.
-    chrome_args: ([str]) List of arguments to pass to Chrome.
-    package_info: (PackageInfo) Chrome package info.
-  """
-  if not device.HasRoot():
-    device.EnableRoot()
-  cmdline_file = package_info.cmdline_file
-  package = package_info.package
-  with flag_changer.CustomCommandLineFlags(device, cmdline_file, chrome_args):
-    device.ForceStop(package)
-    if cold:
-      chrome_setup.ResetChromeLocalState(device, package)
-      cache_control.CacheControl(device).DropRamCaches()
-    start_intent = intent.Intent(package=package, data='about:blank',
-                                 activity=package_info.activity)
-    try:
-      device.StartActivity(start_intent, blocking=True)
-      print (
-          '\n\n'
-          '   +---------------------------------------------+\n'
-          '   | Chrome launched, press Ctrl-C to interrupt. |\n'
-          '   +---------------------------------------------+')
-      while True:
-        time.sleep(1)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-      pass
-    finally:
-      device.ForceStop(package)
-def _CreateOptionParser():
-  description = 'Launches Chrome on a device, connected to a WebPageReplay ' \
-                'instance running on the host. The WPR archive must be ' \
-                'passed as parameter.'
-  parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description,
-                                 usage='Usage: %prog [options] wpr_archive')
-  # Device-related options.
-  d = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Device options')
-  d.add_option('--device', help='Device ID')
-  d.add_option('--cold', help='Purge all caches before running Chrome.',
-               default=False, action='store_true')
-  d.add_option('--chrome_package_name',
-               help='Chrome package name (e.g. "chrome" or "chromium") '
-               '[default: %default].', default='chrome')
-  parser.add_option_group(d)
-  # WebPageReplay-related options.
-  w = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'WebPageReplay options')
-  w.add_option('--record',
-               help='Enable this to record a new WPR archive.',
-               action='store_true', default=False)
-  w.add_option('--wpr_log', help='WPR log path.')
-  w.add_option('--network_condition', help='Network condition for emulation.')
-  parser.add_option_group(w)
-  return parser
-def main():
-  parser = _CreateOptionParser()
-  options, args = parser.parse_args()
-  if len(args) != 1:
-    parser.error("Incorrect number of arguments.")
-  devil_chromium.Initialize()
-  devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices()
-  device = devices[0]
-  if len(devices) != 1 and options.device is None:
-    logging.error('Several devices attached, must specify one with --device.')
-    sys.exit(0)
-  if options.device is not None:
-    matching_devices = [d for d in devices if str(d) == options.device]
-    if not matching_devices:
-      logging.error('Device not found.')
-      sys.exit(0)
-    device = matching_devices[0]
-  with device_setup.RemoteWprHost(device, args[0], options.record,
-                                  options.network_condition,
-                                  out_log_path=options.wpr_log) as wpr_attr:
-    RunChrome(device, options.cold,
-              chrome_setup.CHROME_ARGS + wpr_attr.chrome_args,
-              chrome.PACKAGE_INFO[options.chrome_package_name])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  main()
diff --git a/loading/ b/loading/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4939e76..0000000
--- a/loading/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-import subprocess
-def LaunchXvfb():
-  """Launches Xvfb for running Chrome in headless mode, and returns the
-  subprocess."""
-  xvfb_cmd = ['Xvfb', ':99', '-screen', '0', '1600x1200x24']
-  return subprocess.Popen(xvfb_cmd, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'),
-                          stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
-def GetChromeEnvironment():
-  """Returns the environment for Chrome to run in headless mode with Xvfb."""
-  return {'DISPLAY': 'localhost:99'}