blob: 9bef7f9e83e8682bd093ea609466d37e6e173b1f [file] [log] [blame]
/src/chromium/src/myheader.h:2:21: warning: [chromium-style] Overriding method must be marked with 'override' or 'final'.
virtual void foo(); // Should warn about missing 'override'.
/src/chromium/src/myheader.h:2:3: warning: [chromium-style] 'virtual' will be redundant; 'override' implies 'virtual'.
virtual void foo(); // Should warn about missing 'override'.
/src/chrome-breakpad/src/myheader.h:124:21: warning: [chromium-style] Overriding method must be marked with 'override' or 'final'.
virtual void foo(); // Should warn about missing 'override'.
/src/chrome-breakpad/src/myheader.h:124:3: warning: [chromium-style] 'virtual' will be redundant; 'override' implies 'virtual'.
virtual void foo(); // Should warn about missing 'override'.
4 warnings generated.