blob: 16058967ebe404d9b86ea1a1d094fe2a14f71bda [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Buildbot master utility functions.
import json
import errno
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
BUILD_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(BUILD_DIR, 'scripts'))
from tools import mastermap
from common import find_depot_tools # pylint: disable=W0611
import subprocess2
def sublists(superlist, n):
"""Breaks a list into list of sublists, each of length no more than n."""
result = []
for cut in range(0, len(superlist), n):
result.append(superlist[cut:cut + n])
return result
def pid_exists(pid):
"""Returns True if there is a process in the system with given |pid|."""
os.kill(pid, 0)
except OSError as error:
if error.errno == errno.EPERM:
return True
elif error.errno == errno.ESRCH:
return False
return True
def is_master_alive(master, path):
"""Reads master's *.pid file and checks for corresponding PID in the system.
If there is no such process, removes stale *.pid file and returns False.
True - *.pid file exists and corresponding process is running.
False - *.pid file doesn't exist or there is no such process.
pid_path = os.path.join(path, '')
contents = None
with open(pid_path) as f:
contents =
if pid_exists(int(contents.strip())):
return True
logging.warning('Ghost for %s, removing it', master)
except IOError as error:
if error.errno == errno.ENOENT:
return False
except ValueError:
logging.warning('Corrupted for %s, removing it: %r',
master, contents)
return False
def remove_file(path):
"""Deletes file at given |path| if it exists. Does nothing if it's not there
or can not be deleted."""
except OSError:
def start_master(master, path, dry_run=False):
"""Asynchronously starts the |master| at given |path|.
If |dry_run| is True, will start the master in a limited mode suitable only
for integration testing purposes.
True - the master was successfully started.
False - the master failed to start, details are in the log.
env = os.environ.copy()
# Note that this is a development master.
if dry_run:
# Ask ChromiumGitPoller not to pull git repos.
env['NO_REVISION_AUDIT'] = '0'
env['POLLER_DRY_RUN'] = '1'
['make', 'start'], timeout=120, cwd=path, env=env,
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
logging.error('Error: cannot start %s' % master)
print e
return False
return True
def stop_master(master, path, force=False):
"""Issues 'stop' command and waits for master to terminate. If |force| is True
will try to kill master process if it fails to terminate in time by itself.
True - master was stopped, killed or wasn't running.
False - master is still running.
if terminate_master(master, path, 'stop', timeout=10):
return True
if not force:
logging.warning('Master %s failed to stop in time', master)
return False
logging.warning('Master %s failed to stop in time, killing it', master)
if terminate_master(master, path, 'kill', timeout=2):
return True
logging.warning('Master %s is still running', master)
return False
def terminate_master(master, path, command, timeout=10):
"""Executes 'make |command|' and waits for master to stop running or until
|timeout| seconds pass.
True - the master was terminated or wasn't running.
False - the command failed, or master failed to terminate in time.
if not is_master_alive(master, path):
return True
env = os.environ.copy()
env['NO_REVISION_AUDIT'] = '0'
['make', command], timeout=5, cwd=path, env=env,
except subprocess2.CalledProcessError as e:
if not is_master_alive(master, path):
return True
logging.warning('Master %s was not terminated: \'make %s\' failed: %s',
master, command, e)
return False
return wait_for_termination(master, path, timeout=timeout)
def wait_for_termination(master, path, timeout=10):
"""Waits for master to finish running and cleans up pid file.
Waits for at most |timeout| seconds.
True - master has stopped or wasn't running.
False - master failed to terminate in time.
started = time.time()
while True:
now = time.time()
if now > started + timeout:
if not is_master_alive(master, path):'Master %s stopped in %.1f sec.', master, now - started)
return True
return False
def search_for_exceptions(path):
"""Looks in twistd.log for an exception.
Returns True if an exception is found.
twistd_log = os.path.join(path, 'twistd.log')
with open(twistd_log) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
stripped_lines = [l.strip() for l in lines]
i = stripped_lines.index('--- <exception caught here> ---')
# Found an exception at line 'i'! Now find line 'j', the number
# of lines from 'i' where there's a blank line. If we cannot find
# a blank line, then we will show up to 10 lines from i.
j = stripped_lines[i:-1].index('')
except ValueError:
j = 10
# Print from either 15 lines back from i or the start of the log
# text to j lines after i.
return ''.join(lines[max(i-15, 0):i+j])
except ValueError:
return False
def json_probe(sensitive, allports):
"""Looks through the port range and finds a master listening.
sensitive: Indicates whether partial success should be reported.
Returns (port, name) or None.
procs = {}
for ports in sublists(allports, 30):
for port in ports:
# urllib2 does not play nicely with threading. Using curl lets us avoid
# the GIL.
procs[port] = subprocess2.Popen(
['curl', '-fs', '-m2', 'http://localhost:%d/json/project' % port],
for port in ports:
stdout, _ = procs[port].communicate()
if procs[port].returncode != 0:
data = json.loads(stdout) or {}
if not data or (not 'projectName' in data and not 'title' in data):
logging.debug('Didn\'t get valid data from port %d' % port)
if sensitive:
return (port, None)
name = data.get('projectName', data.get('title'))
return (port, name)
except ValueError:
logging.warning('Didn\'t get valid data from port %d' % port)
# presume this is some other type of server
# E.g. X20 on a dev workstation.
return None
def wait_for_start(master, name, path, ports):
"""Waits for ~30s for the masters to open its web server.""""Waiting for master %s on ports %s" % (name, ports))
for i in range(300):
result = json_probe(False, ports)
if result is None:
exception = search_for_exceptions(path)
if exception:
return exception
port, got_name = result # pylint: disable=unpacking-non-sequence
if got_name != name:
return 'Wrong %s name, expected %s, got %s on port %d' % (
master, name, got_name, port)"Found master %s on port %s, iteration %d" % (name, port, i))
# The server is now answering /json requests. Check that the log file
# doesn't have any other exceptions just in case there was some other
# unexpected error.
return search_for_exceptions(path)
return 'Didn\'t find open port for %s' % master
def check_for_no_masters():
ports = range(8000, 8099) + range(8200, 8299) + range(9000, 9099)
ports = [x for x in ports if x not in mastermap.PORT_BLACKLIST]
result = json_probe(True, ports)
if result is None:
return True
if result[1] is None:
logging.error('Something is listening on port %d' % result[0])
return False
logging.error('Found unexpected master %s on port %d' %
(result[1], result[0]))
return False