blob: c609e11757f4a99ba2daddbaff83a11d53d95d1b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import itertools
import sys
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
# Only surface up to these many isolate hashes via properties, to avoid
# overflowing the field for a build.
# This arbitrary number was selected to be the least surprising value that
# is likely to work for the purpose above.
class IsolateApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""APIs for interacting with isolates."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(IsolateApi, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self._isolate_server = ''
self._isolated_tests = {}
self._service_account_json = None
def isolate_server(self):
"""URL of Isolate server to use, default is a production one."""
return self._isolate_server
def isolate_server(self, value):
"""Changes URL of Isolate server to use."""
self._isolate_server = value
def service_account_json(self):
"""Service account json to use."""
return self._service_account_json
def service_account_json(self, value):
"""Service account json to use."""
self._service_account_json = value
def clean_isolated_files(self, build_dir):
"""Cleans out all *.isolated files from the build directory in
preparation for the compile. Needed in order to ensure isolates
are rebuilt properly because their dependencies are currently not
completely described to gyp.
'clean isolated files',
'--build-dir', build_dir,
def check_swarm_hashes(self, targets):
"""Asserts that all the targets in the passed list are present as keys in
the 'swarm_hashes' property.
This is just an optional early check that all the isolated targets that are
needed throughout the build are present. Without this step, the build would
just fail later, on a 'trigger' step. But the main usefulness of this is
that it automatically populates the 'swarm_hashes' property in testing
context, so that it doesn't need to be manually specified through test_api.
with self.m.step.nest('check swarm_hashes'):
if self._test_data.enabled:
self._isolated_tests = {
target: '[dummy hash for %s]' % target for target in targets}
isolated_tests = self.isolated_tests
missing = [t for t in targets if not isolated_tests.get(t)]
if missing:
raise self.m.step.InfraFailure(
'Missing isolated target(s) %s in swarm_hashes' % ', '.join(missing))
def find_isolated_tests(self, build_dir, targets=None, **kwargs):
"""Returns a step which finds all *.isolated files in a build directory.
Useful only with 'archive' isolation mode.
In 'prepare' mode use 'isolate_tests' instead.
Assigns the dict {target name -> *.isolated file hash} to the swarm_hashes
build property. This implies this step can currently only be run once
per recipe.
If |targets| is None, the step will use all *.isolated files it finds.
Otherwise, it will verify that all |targets| are found and will use only
them. If some expected targets are missing, will abort the build.
step_result = self.m.python(
'find isolated tests',
'--build-dir', build_dir,
'--output-json', self.m.json.output(),
step_test_data=lambda: (self.test_api.output_json(targets)),
assert isinstance(step_result.json.output, dict)
self._isolated_tests = step_result.json.output
if targets is not None and (
step_result.presentation.status != self.m.step.FAILURE):
found = set(step_result.json.output)
expected = set(targets)
if found >= expected: # pragma: no cover
# Limit result only to |expected|.
self._isolated_tests = {
target: step_result.json.output[target] for target in expected
# Some expected targets are missing? Fail the step.
step_result.presentation.status = self.m.step.FAILURE
step_result.presentation.logs['missing.isolates'] = (
['Failed to find *.isolated files:'] + list(expected - found))['swarm_hashes'] = self._isolated_tests
# No isolated files found? That looks suspicious, emit warning.
if (not self._isolated_tests and
step_result.presentation.status != self.m.step.FAILURE):
step_result.presentation.status = self.m.step.WARNING
def _blacklist_args_for_isolate(self):
# Files that match these regexes should never be included in the isolate.
# Note: The Python isolate implementation expects a regex for --blacklist,
# but the Go version wants a glob (which is matched both against a file's
# full path and its basename, and if either matches, the file is ignored).
# We use the Go version (through a Python wrapper), so use glob patterns.
blacklist = ['*.pyc', '*.swp', '.git']
args = []
for el in blacklist:
args.extend(('--blacklist', el))
return args
def isolate_tests(self, build_dir, targets=None, verbose=False,
step_name=None, suffix='', **kwargs):
"""Archives prepared tests in |build_dir| to isolate server.
src/tools/mb/ is invoked to produce *.isolated.gen.json files that
describe how to archive tests.
This step then uses *.isolated.gen.json files to actually performs the
archival. By archiving all tests at once it is able to reduce the total
amount of work. Tests share many common files, and such files are processed
only once.
targets: List of targets to use instead of finding .isolated.gen.json
verbose (bool): Isolate command should be verbose in output.
swarm_hashes_property_name (str): If set, assigns the dict
{target name -> *.isolated file hash} to the named build
property. If this needs to be run more than once per recipe run,
make sure to pass different propery names for each invocation.
suffix: suffix of isolate_tests step.
e.g. ' (with patch)', ' (without patch)'.
# TODO(tansell): Make all steps in this function nested under one overall
# 'isolate tests' master step.
# TODO(vadimsh): Always require |targets| to be passed explicitly. Currently
# chromium_trybot, blink_trybot and swarming/canary recipes rely on targets
# autodiscovery. The code path in chromium_trybot that needs it is being
# deprecated in favor of to *_ng builders, that pass targets explicitly.
if targets is None:
# mb generates <target>.isolated.gen.json files.
paths = self.m.file.glob_paths(
'find isolated targets',
build_dir, '*.isolated.gen.json',
test_data=['dummy_target_%d.isolated.gen.json' % i for i in (1, 2)])
targets = []
for p in paths:
name = self.m.path.basename(p)
assert name.endswith('.isolated.gen.json'), name
# No isolated tests found.
if not targets: # pragma: no cover
batch_targets = []
archive_targets = []
for t in targets:
if t.endswith('_exparchive'):
isolate_steps = []
args = [
'--dump-json', self.m.json.output(),
'--isolate-server', self._isolate_server,
'--eventlog-endpoint', 'prod',
] + (['--verbose'] if verbose else [])
if self.service_account_json:
args.extend(['--service-account-json', self.service_account_json])
for target in archive_targets:
'isolate %s%s' % (target, suffix),
args + [
'--isolate', build_dir.join('%s.isolate' % target),
'--isolated', build_dir.join('%s.isolated' % target),
step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.output_json([target]),
if batch_targets:
# TODO(vadimsh): Differentiate between bad *.isolate and upload errors.
# Raise InfraFailure on upload errors.
args = [
'--dump-json', self.m.json.output(),
'--isolate-server', self._isolate_server,
'--eventlog-endpoint', 'prod',
] + (['--verbose'] if verbose else [])
if self.service_account_json:
args.extend(['--service-account-json', self.service_account_json])
build_dir.join('%s.isolated.gen.json' % t) for t in batch_targets])
step_name or ('isolate tests%s' % suffix), self.resource(''), args,
step_test_data=lambda: self.test_api.output_json(batch_targets),
# TODO(tansell): Change this to return a dummy "isolate results" or the
# top level master step.
return isolate_steps[-1]
step_result = self.m.step.active_result
swarm_hashes = {}
for step in isolate_steps:
if not step.json.output:
continue # pragma: no cover
for k, v in step.json.output.iteritems():
# TODO(tansell): Raise an error here when it can't clobber an
# existing error. This code is currently inside a finally block,
# meaning it could be executed when an existing error is occurring.
# See
#assert k not in swarm_hashes or swarm_hashes[k] == v, (
# "Duplicate hash for target %s was found at step %s."
# "Existing hash: %s, New hash: %s") % (
# k, step, swarm_hashes[k], v)
swarm_hashes[k] = v
if swarm_hashes:
self._isolated_tests = swarm_hashes[
'isolate_server'] = self._isolate_server
if (swarm_hashes_property_name
and len(swarm_hashes) <= _MAX_SWARM_HASHES_PROPERTY_LENGTH):[
swarm_hashes_property_name] = swarm_hashes
missing = sorted(
t for t, h in self._isolated_tests.iteritems() if not h)
if missing:
step_result.presentation.logs['failed to isolate'] = (
['Failed to isolate following targets:'] +
missing +
['', 'See logs for more information.']
for k in missing:
def isolated_tests(self):
"""The dictionary of 'target name -> isolated hash' for this run.
These come either from the incoming swarm_hashes build property,
or from calling find_isolated_tests, above, at some point during the run.
hashes ='swarm_hashes', self._isolated_tests)
# Be robust in the case where swarm_hashes is an empty string
# instead of an empty dictionary, or similar.
if not hashes:
return {} # pragma: no covergae
return {
k.encode('ascii'): v.encode('ascii')
for k, v in hashes.iteritems()
def _run_isolated_path(self):
"""Returns the path to"""
return self.m.swarming_client.path.join('')
def run_isolated(self, name, isolate_hash, args=None, **kwargs):
"""Runs an isolated test."""
cmd = [
'--isolated', isolate_hash,
'-I', self.isolate_server,
if 'env' in kwargs and isinstance(kwargs['env'], dict):
for k, v in sorted(kwargs.pop('env').iteritems()):
cmd.extend(['--env', '%s=%s' % (k, v)])
if args:
self.m.python(name, self._run_isolated_path, cmd, **kwargs)
def compare_build_artifacts(self, first_dir, second_dir):
"""Compare the artifacts from 2 builds."""
args = [
'--first-build-dir', first_dir,
'--second-build-dir', second_dir,
'--target-platform', self.m.chromium.c.TARGET_PLATFORM,
'--ninja-path', self.m.depot_tools.ninja_path,
with self.m.context(cwd=self.m.path['start_dir']):
step_result = self.m.python(
step_test_data=(lambda: self.m.json.test_api.output({
'expected_diffs': ['flatc'],
'unexpected_diffs': ['base_unittest'],
def compose(self, isolate_hashes, step_name=None, **kwargs):
"""Creates and uploads a new isolate composing multiple existing isolates.
In case of a conflict, where a given file is present in multiple isolates,
the version of the file from an earlier isolate (as ordered in the
isolate_hashes argument) is checked out on the bot.
isolate_hashes: List of hashes of existing uploaded isolates.
Hash of the uploaded composite isolate.
step_test_data = kwargs.pop(
lambda: self.m.raw_io.test_api.stream_output('new-hash path/to/file'))
composed_isolate_file = self.m.json.input({
'algo': 'sha-1',
'includes': isolate_hashes,
'version': '1.4',
return self.m.python(
step_name or 'compose isolates',
'--isolate-server', self._isolate_server,