blob: 16875a1483fef1822bf0353e5f372a8c74c28774 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""buildbucket module implements buildbucket-buildbot integration.
The main entry point is buildbucket.setup() that accepts master configuration
dict with other buildbucket parameters and configures master to run builds
scheduled on buildbucket service.
c, # Configuration object.
import functools
import os
import sys
from .common import Error
from .integration import BuildBucketIntegrator, MAX_MAX_BUILDS
from .poller import BuildBucketPoller
from .status import BuildBucketStatus
from . import changestore
from . import client
from . import trigger
NO_LEASE_LIMIT = sys.maxint
def setup(
config, active_master, buckets, build_params_hook=None,
poll_interval=10, buildbucket_hostname=None, max_lease_count=None,
verbose=None, dry_run=None, unique_change_urls=False):
"""Configures a master to lease, schedule and update builds on buildbucket.
Requires config to have 'mergeRequests' set to False.
config (dict): master configuration dict.
active_master (config.Master.Base): master site config.
buckets (list of str): a list of buckets to poll.
build_params_hook: callable with arguments (params, build) that can modify
parameters (and properties via parameters['properties']) before creating
a buildset during validation.
params: dict name->value
build: dict describing a buildbucket build.
If a ValueError is raised, the build will be marked as an
INVALID_BUILD_DEFINITION failure and the error message will be propagated
to the BuildBucket status.
poll_interval (int): frequency of polling, in seconds. Defaults to 10.
buildbucket_hostname (str): if not None, override the default buildbucket
service url.
max_lease_count (int): maximum number of builds that can be leased at a
time. Defaults to the number of connected slaves.
verbose (bool): log more than usual. Defaults to False.
dry_run (bool): whether to run buildbucket in a dry-run mode.
unique_change_urls (bool): if True, change URLs in builds are treated as
change identifiers. This is True on waterfalls and typically False on
buildbucket.Error if config['mergeRequests'] is not False.
assert isinstance(config, dict), 'config must be a dict'
assert active_master
assert active_master.service_account_path, 'Service account is not assigned'
assert buckets, 'Buckets are not specified'
assert isinstance(buckets, list), 'Buckets must be a list'
assert all(isinstance(b, basestring) for b in buckets), (
'all buckets must be strings')
if dry_run is None:
dry_run = 'POLLER_DRY_RUN' in os.environ
integrator = BuildBucketIntegrator(
buckets, build_params_hook=build_params_hook,
change_store_factory=lambda bb: changestore.ChangeStore(
bb, unique_urls=unique_change_urls))
buildbucket_service = client.create_buildbucket_service(
active_master, buildbucket_hostname, verbose)
poller = BuildBucketPoller(
status = BuildBucketStatus(
config.setdefault('change_source', []).append(poller)
config.setdefault('status', []).append(status)