blob: a3bc547ad48e9c4dd28323b83325a6f5f633a6b9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""This script generates the json data of the code coverage using llvm-cov."""
import argparse
import collections
import copy
import json
import logging
import os
import psutil
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import zlib
import repository_util
def _extract_coverage_info(segments):
"""Returns the line and sub-line block coverage info based on the segments.
segments(list): refer to function `_to_file_record` below on the detail.
A tuple (lines, uncovered_blocks).
lines (dict): A mapping from line number to how many executions the line is.
uncovered_blocks(dict(list)): A mapping from line number to a list of
sub-line blocks where the code is not covered. A block is represented by
two integers [start_column, end_column].
def _get_line_num(segment):
"""Returns line number."""
return segment[0]
def _get_col_num(segment):
"""Returns column number."""
return segment[1]
def _get_count(segment):
"""Returns number of times this segment is executed."""
return segment[2]
def _has_count(segment):
"""Returns True if this segment was instrumented and *not* skipped."""
return segment[3]
def _is_region_entry(segment):
"""Retruns True if segment enters a new region."""
return segment[4]
line_data = {}
# Maps a line number to its uncovered sub-line blocks.
# line# --> list([start_column, end_column])
block_data = collections.defaultdict(list)
# The most recent segment that starts from a previous line.
wrap_segment = None
current_line_num = 0
current_line_segments = []
next_segment_index = 0
while current_line_num <= _get_line_num(segments[-1]):
# Calculate the execution count for each line. Follow the logic in llvm-cov:
current_line_num += 1
if current_line_segments:
wrap_segment = current_line_segments[-1]
current_line_segments = []
while (next_segment_index < len(segments) and
_get_line_num(segments[next_segment_index]) == current_line_num):
next_segment_index += 1
def _is_start_of_region(segment):
return _has_count(segment) and _is_region_entry(segment)
line_starts_new_region = any(
[_is_start_of_region(segment) for segment in current_line_segments])
is_coverable = ((wrap_segment and _has_count(wrap_segment)) or
if not is_coverable:
execution_count = 0
if wrap_segment:
execution_count = _get_count(wrap_segment)
for segment in current_line_segments:
if _is_start_of_region(segment):
execution_count = max(execution_count, _get_count(segment))
line_data[current_line_num] = execution_count
# Calculate the uncovered blocks within the current line. Follow the logic
# in llvm-cov:
if execution_count == 0:
# Skips calculating uncovered blocks if the whole line is not covered.
col_start = 1
is_block_not_covered = (
wrap_segment and _has_count(wrap_segment) and
_get_count(wrap_segment) == 0)
for segment in current_line_segments:
col_end = _get_col_num(segment)
if is_block_not_covered:
block_data[_get_line_num(segment)].append([col_start, col_end - 1])
is_block_not_covered = (_has_count(segment) and _get_count(segment) == 0)
col_start = col_end
return line_data, block_data
def _to_compressed_format(line_data, block_data):
"""Turns output of `_extract_coverage_info` to a compressed format."""
lines = []
# Aggregate contiguous blocks of lines with the exact same hit count.
last_index = 0
for i in xrange(1, len(line_data) + 1):
is_continous_line = (
i < len(line_data) and line_data[i][0] == line_data[i - 1][0] + 1)
has_same_count = (
i < len(line_data) and line_data[i][1] == line_data[i - 1][1])
# Merge two lines iff they have continous line number and exactly the same
# count. For example: (101, 10) and (102, 10).
if (is_continous_line and has_same_count):
'first': line_data[last_index][0],
'last': line_data[i - 1][0],
'count': line_data[last_index][1],
last_index = i
uncovered_blocks = []
for line_number in sorted(block_data.keys()):
ranges = []
for start, end in block_data[line_number]:
'first': start,
'last': end,
'line': line_number,
'ranges': ranges,
return lines, uncovered_blocks
def _rebase_line_and_block_data(line_data, block_data, line_mapping):
"""Rebases the line numbers of the data according to the diff mapping.
If the file is not in the mapping, then this function is non-op.
line_data: A list of tuples consists of line number and and how many
executions the line is.
block_data: A mapping from line number to a list of sub-line blocks where
the code is not covered. A block is represented by two integers
[start_column, end_column].
line_mapping: A map that maps from local diff's line number to Gerrit diff's
line number as well as the line itself.
A tuple of line_data and block with line numbers being rebased.
rebased_line_data = []
for line_num, count in line_data:
if str(line_num) not in line_mapping:
rebased_line_num = line_mapping[str(line_num)][0]
rebased_line_data.append((rebased_line_num, count))
rebased_block_data = {}
for line_num, subline_blocks in block_data.iteritems():
if str(line_num) not in line_mapping:
rebased_line_num = line_mapping[str(line_num)][0]
rebased_block_data[rebased_line_num] = subline_blocks
return rebased_line_data, rebased_block_data
def _to_compressed_file_record(src_path, file_coverage_data, diff_mapping=None):
"""Converts the given file coverage data to line-based coverage info.
src_path (str): The absolute path to the root directory of the checkout.
file_coverage_data (dict): The file coverage data from clang with format
"segments": [[3, 26, 1, True, True], ...],
"summary": {
"lines": {
"count": 55,
"filename": "/absolute/path/to/",
Each segment is another list with five values in the following order:
/// The line where this segment begins.
unsigned Line;
/// The column where this segment begins.
unsigned Col;
/// The execution count, or zero if no count was recorded.
uint64_t Count;
/// When false, the segment was uninstrumented or skipped.
bool HasCount;
/// Whether this enters a new region or returns to a previous count.
bool IsRegionEntry;
diff_mapping: A map whose key is a file name that is relative to the source
root, and the corresponding value is another map that maps
from local diff's line number to Gerrit diff's line number as
well as the line itself.
A json containing the coverage info for the given file.
segments = file_coverage_data['segments']
if not segments:
return None
filename = file_coverage_data['filename']
src_file = os.path.relpath(filename, src_path)
# TODO( some region doesn't have a beginning segment.
# assert len(segments) % 2 == 0, "segments should be even"
line_data, block_data = _extract_coverage_info(segments)
line_data = sorted(line_data.items(), key=lambda x: x[0])
if diff_mapping and src_file in diff_mapping:
line_mapping = diff_mapping[src_file]
line_data, block_data = _rebase_line_and_block_data(line_data, block_data,
lines, uncovered_blocks = _to_compressed_format(line_data, block_data)
data = {
'path': src_file,
'total_lines': file_coverage_data['summary']['lines']['count'],
'lines': lines,
if uncovered_blocks:
data['uncovered_blocks'] = uncovered_blocks
return data
def _compute_llvm_args(profdata_path, llvm_cov_path, binaries, sources,
output_dir, cpu_count, no_sharded_output):
args = [
shard_file_dir = None
if not no_sharded_output:
shard_file_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'shards')
args.extend(['-instr-profile', profdata_path, binaries[0]])
for b in binaries[1:]:
args.extend(sources or [])
return args, shard_file_dir
def _show_system_resource_usage(proc):
if proc is None:
def bytes_to_gb(num):
if num is None:
return 'N/A'
return '%.2fG' % (num / 1024.0 / 1024 / 1024)
# Dump the memory, cpu, and disk io usage of the process.
try:'Thread numbers: %d', proc.num_threads())
p_mem = proc.memory_info()'llvm-cov Memory: '
'RSS=%s, VMS=%s, shared=%s', bytes_to_gb(p_mem.rss),
bytes_to_gb(p_mem.vms), bytes_to_gb(p_mem.shared))
os_vm = psutil.virtual_memory()
'OS virtual Memory: '
'available=%s, used=%s, free=%s, cached=%s, shared=%s',
bytes_to_gb(os_vm.available), bytes_to_gb(os_vm.used),
bytes_to_gb(, bytes_to_gb(os_vm.cached),
os_sm = psutil.swap_memory()'OS swap: '
'used=%s, free=%s', bytes_to_gb(os_sm.used),
p_cpu_times = proc.cpu_times()
cpu_percent = proc.cpu_percent(interval=1)
'llvm-cov CPU: '
'user=%.2f hours, sys=%.2f hours, percent=%.2f%%',
p_cpu_times.user / 60. / 60, p_cpu_times.system / 60. / 60, cpu_percent)
os_disk_io = psutil.disk_io_counters()'OS-level disk io: write=%s, read=%s',
p_disk_io = proc.io_counters()'llvm-cov disk io: write=%s, read=%s',
except psutil.Error: # The process might already finish.
def _get_coverage_data_in_json(profdata_path, llvm_cov_path, binaries, sources,
output_dir, no_sharded_output):
"""Returns a json object of the coverage info."""
coverage_json_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'coverage.json')
error_out_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'llvm_cov.stderr.log')
p = None
# Use as many cpu cores as possible for parallel processing of huge data.
# Leave 5 cpu cores out for other processes in the bot.
cpu_count = max(10, psutil.cpu_count() - 5)
with open(coverage_json_file, 'w') as f_out, open(error_out_file,
'w') as f_error:
args, shard_file_dir = _compute_llvm_args(profdata_path, llvm_cov_path,
binaries, sources, output_dir,
cpu_count, no_sharded_output)
p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=f_out, stderr=f_error)
llvm_cov_proc = None
llvm_cov_proc = psutil.Process(
except psutil.Error: # The process might already finish.
min_duration_seconds = 5
max_duration_seconds = 5 * 60 # 5 minutes
duration_seconds = min_duration_seconds
while p.poll() is None:
_show_system_resource_usage(llvm_cov_proc)'-----------------waiting %d seconds...', duration_seconds)
duration_seconds = min(duration_seconds * 2, max_duration_seconds)
# Delete the coverage.json, because it could be huge.
# Keep it for now for testing/debug purpose.
# os.remove(coverage_json_file)
# Wait for llvm in case the above code ran into uncaught exceptions.
if p is not None:
if p.wait() != 0:
sys.exit(p.returncode)'---------------------Processing metadata--------------------')
this_proc = psutil.Process(os.getpid())
if p and p.returncode == 0:
with open(coverage_json_file, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
for real_data in data['data']:
if 'file_shards' in real_data and shard_file_dir:
files = []
for file_shard in real_data['file_shards']:'------------Processing %s', file_shard)
with open(os.path.join(shard_file_dir, file_shard), 'r') as shard:
real_data['files'] = files
return data
def _merge_summary(a, b):
"""Merges to 'summaries' fields in metadata format.
This adds the 'total' and 'covered' field of each feature in the second
parameter to the corresponding field in the first parameter.
Returns a reference the updated first parameter.
Each parameter is expected to be in the following format:
[{'name': 'line', 'total': 10, 'covered': 9},
{'name': 'region', 'total': 10, 'covered': 9},
{'name': 'function', 'total': 10, 'covered': 9}]
def make_dict(summary_list):
return {item['name']: item for item in summary_list}
a_dict = make_dict(a)
b_dict = make_dict(b)
for feature in a_dict:
for field in ('total', 'covered'):
a_dict[feature][field] += b_dict[feature][field]
return a
def _convert_file_summary(file_summary):
"""Convert llvm-cov summay to metadata format"""
# llvm-cov uses 'lines', 'regions', 'functions', whereas metadata uses
# 'line', 'region', 'function'.
return [{
'name': k[:-1],
'covered': v['covered'],
'total': v['count']
} for k, v in file_summary.iteritems()]
def _merge_into_dir(directory, file_summary):
_merge_summary(directory['summaries'], _convert_file_summary(file_summary))
return directory
def _new_summaries():
return [{
'name': 'region',
'covered': 0,
'total': 0
}, {
'name': 'function',
'covered': 0,
'total': 0
}, {
'name': 'line',
'covered': 0,
'total': 0
def _add_file_to_directory_summary(directory_summaries, src_path, file_data):
"""Summarize for each directory, the summary information of its files.
By incrementing the summary for each of its ancestors by the values in the
coverage summary of the file.
This is expected to be called with the data for each instrumented file.
def new_dir(path):
return {
'dirs': [],
'files': [],
'path': path,
'summaries': _new_summaries(),
full_filename = file_data['filename']
src_file = '//' + os.path.relpath(full_filename, src_path)
filename = os.path.basename(src_file)
summary = file_data['summary']
parent = os.path.dirname(src_file)
while parent != '//':
if parent + '/' not in directory_summaries:
directory_summaries[parent + '/'] = new_dir(parent + '/')
directory_summaries[parent + '/'] = _merge_into_dir(
directory_summaries[parent + '/'], summary)
parent = os.path.dirname(parent)
if '//' not in directory_summaries:
directory_summaries['//'] = new_dir('//')
directory_summaries['//'] = _merge_into_dir(directory_summaries['//'],
# Directories need a trailing slash as per the metadata format.
directory = os.path.dirname(src_file)
if directory != '//':
directory += '/'
'name': filename,
'path': src_file,
'summaries': _convert_file_summary(summary),
def _aggregate_dirs_and_components(directory_summaries, component_mapping):
"""Adds every directory's summary to:
- Its parent's "dirs" field,
- To its component, if one is defined for it and its immediate parent
doesn't already count it.
directory_summaries (dict): Maps directory paths to its summary in metadata
A dict mapping components to component coverage summaries.
def _ancestor_in_mapping_as_same_component(path, component, mapping):
"""Returns true if any of the ancestors of path map to the same component.
path(str): A path to a dir, like //thid_party/blink/common
component(str): A component.
mapping(mapping): collection to check if ancestors (e.g.
//third_party/blink and //third_party) map to the same component.
while len(path) > 2: # Stop at '//'
path = '/'.join(path.split('/')[:-1])
if path in mapping and mapping[path] == component:
return True
return False
component_summaries = {} # Result.
dirs_to_component = {}
# sort lexicographically, parents should come before the children.
for directory in sorted(directory_summaries.keys()):
if not directory or directory == '//':
# Root dir has no parent.
while directory.endswith('/'):
directory = directory[:-1]
parent, dirname = os.path.split(directory)
if parent != '//':
parent += '/'
# this summary is used in both the parent dir, and the component entry.
inner_dir_summary = {
'name': dirname + '/',
'path': directory + '/',
'summaries': directory_summaries[directory + '/']['summaries'],
component = None
if directory != '//':
component = component_mapping.get(directory[len('//'):])
# Do not add to summary if any ancestor is already considered. To avoid
# double-counting.
if component and not _ancestor_in_mapping_as_same_component(
directory, component, dirs_to_component):
dirs_to_component[directory] = component
if component not in component_summaries:
component_summaries[component] = {
'path': component,
'dirs': [],
'summaries': _new_summaries(),
# Accumulate counts for each component.
component_summaries[component]['summaries'] = _merge_summary(
return component_summaries
def _split_metadata_in_shards_if_necessary(
output_dir, compressed_files, directory_summaries, component_summaries):
"""Splits the metadata in a sharded manner if there are too many files.
output_dir: Absolute path output directory for the generated artifacts.
compressed_files: A list of json object that stores coverage info for files
in compressed format. Used by both per-cl coverage and
full-repo coverage.
directory_summaries: A json object that stores coverage info for
directories, and the root src directory is represented
as '//'. Used only by full-repo coverage.
component_summaries: A json object that stores coverage info for components.
Used only by full-repo coverage.
# 'dirs', 'components' and 'summaries' are only meanningful to full-repo
# coverage.
compressed_data = {
directory_summaries.values() if directory_summaries else None,
component_summaries.values() if component_summaries else None,
if directory_summaries else None,
# Try to split the files into 30 shards, with each shard having at least
# 1000 files and at most 2000 files.
# This is to have smaller data chunk to avoid Out-Of-Memory errors when the
# data is processed on Google App Engine.
files_in_a_shard = max(min(len(compressed_files) / 30, 2000), 1000)
if len(compressed_files) <= files_in_a_shard:
compressed_data['files'] = compressed_files
# There are too many files, and they should be sharded.
files_slice = []
index = 0
while True:
start = index * files_in_a_shard
if start >= len(compressed_files):
files_slice.append(compressed_files[start:start + files_in_a_shard])
index += 1
files_dir_name = 'file_coverage'
os.mkdir(os.path.join(output_dir, files_dir_name))
file_shard_paths = []
for i, files in enumerate(files_slice):
file_name = 'files%d.json.gz' % (i + 1)
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, files_dir_name, file_name), 'w') as f:
f.write(zlib.compress(json.dumps({'files': files})))
file_shard_paths.append(os.path.join(files_dir_name, file_name))
compressed_data['file_shards'] = file_shard_paths
return compressed_data
def _generate_metadata(src_path, output_dir, profdata_path, llvm_cov_path,
binaries, component_mapping, sources, diff_mapping):
"""Generates code coverage metadata.
src_path: Absolute path to the root checkout.
output_dir: Output directory for the generated artifacts.
profdata_path: Absolute path to the merged profdata file.
llvm_cov_path: Absolute path to the llvm-cov executable.
binaries: List of absolute path to binaries to get coverage for.
component_mapping: A json object that stores the mapping from dirs to
monorail components. Only meaningful to full-repo
sources: List of absolute paths to get coverage for. Only meaningful to
per-cl coverage.
diff_mapping: A json object that stores the diff mapping. Only meaningful to
per-cl coverage.
None. This method doesn't return anything, instead, it writes the produced
metadata to the provided |output_dir|.
"""'Generating coverage metadata ...')
start_time = time.time()
# For per-CL code coverage, we don't use the multi-threaded llvm-cov.
no_sharded_output = diff_mapping is not None
data = _get_coverage_data_in_json(profdata_path, llvm_cov_path, binaries,
sources, output_dir, no_sharded_output)
minutes = (time.time() - start_time) / 60
'Generating & loading coverage metadata with "llvm-cov export" '
'took %.0f minutes', minutes)
file_git_metadata = {}
if not diff_mapping:'Retrieving file git metadata...')
start_time = time.time()
all_files = []
for datum in data['data']:
for file_data in datum['files']:
filename = file_data['filename']
src_file = os.path.relpath(filename, src_path)
if not src_file.startswith('//'):
src_file = '//' + src_file # Prefix the file path with '//'.
file_git_metadata = repository_util.GetFileRevisions(
src_path, 'DEPS', all_files)
minutes = (time.time() - start_time) / 60'Retrieving git metadata for %d files took %.0f minutes',
len(all_files), minutes)'Processing coverage data ...')
start_time = time.time()
compressed_files = []
directory_summaries = {}
for datum in data['data']:
for file_data in datum['files']:
record = _to_compressed_file_record(src_path, file_data, diff_mapping)
if component_mapping:
_add_file_to_directory_summary(directory_summaries, src_path, file_data)
file_path = record['path']
if not file_path.startswith('//'):
file_path = '//' + file_path # Prefix the file path with '//'.
record['path'] = file_path
git_metadata = file_git_metadata.get(file_path)
if git_metadata:
record['revision'] = git_metadata[0]
record['timestamp'] = git_metadata[1]
component_summaries = {}
if component_mapping:
component_summaries = _aggregate_dirs_and_components(
directory_summaries, component_mapping)
minutes = (time.time() - start_time) / 60'Processing coverage data took %.0f minutes', minutes)'Dumping aggregated data ...')
start_time = time.time()
compressed_data = _split_metadata_in_shards_if_necessary(
output_dir, compressed_files, directory_summaries, component_summaries)
minutes = (time.time() - start_time) / 60
'Dumping aggregated data (without all.json.gz) took %.0f minutes',
return compressed_data
def _create_index_html(output_dir):
"""Creates an index.html that lists the files within the directory.
output_dir: The directory to create index.html for.
all_files = []
for root, _, files in os.walk(output_dir):
for f in files:
all_files.append(os.path.relpath(os.path.join(root, f), output_dir))
with open(os.path.join(output_dir, 'index.html'), 'w') as index_f:
for f in sorted(all_files):
index_f.write('<a href="./%s">%s<a>\n' % (f, f))
def _parse_args(args):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Generate the coverage data in metadata format')
help='absolute path to the code checkout')
help='absolute path to the directory to store the metadata, must exist')
help='absolute path to the merged profdata')
help='absolute path to llvm-cov executable')
help='absolute path to binaries to generate the coverage for')
help='absolute path to json file mapping dirs to monorail components')
help='the source files to generate the coverage for, path should be '
'relative to the root of the code checkout')
help='absolute path to the file that stores the diff mapping')
return parser.parse_args(args=args)
def main():
params = _parse_args(sys.argv[1:])
# Validate parameters
if not os.path.exists(params.output_dir):
raise RuntimeError('Output directory %s must exist' % params.output_dir)
if not os.path.isfile(params.llvm_cov):
raise RuntimeError('%s must exist' % params.llvm_cov)
elif not os.access(params.llvm_cov, os.X_OK):'Setting executable bit of %s', params.llvm_cov)
os.chmod(params.llvm_cov, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
assert os.access(params.llvm_cov, os.X_OK), 'Failed to set executable bit'
if not os.path.isfile(params.profdata_path):
raise RuntimeError('Input data %s is missing' % params.profdata_path)
if (params.component_mapping_path and
not os.path.isfile(params.component_mapping_path)):
raise RuntimeError(
'Component mapping %s is missing' % params.component_mapping)
if params.diff_mapping_path and not os.path.isfile(params.diff_mapping_path):
raise RuntimeError('Diff mapping %s is missing' % params.diff_mapping_path)
component_mapping = None
if params.component_mapping_path:
with open(params.component_mapping_path) as f:
component_mapping = json.load(f)['dir-to-component']
sources = params.sources or []
abs_sources = [os.path.join(params.src_path, s) for s in sources]
diff_mapping = None
if params.diff_mapping_path:
with open(params.diff_mapping_path) as f:
diff_mapping = json.load(f)
assert (component_mapping is None) != (diff_mapping is None), (
'Either component_mapping (for full-repo coverage) or diff_mapping '
'(for per-cl coverage) must be specified.')
compressed_data = _generate_metadata(
params.src_path, params.output_dir, params.profdata_path, params.llvm_cov,
params.binaries, component_mapping, abs_sources, diff_mapping)
with open(os.path.join(params.output_dir, 'all.json.gz'), 'w') as f:
if __name__ == '__main__':
format='[%(asctime)s %(levelname)s] %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)