blob: cc68c4a4b23828a142a0bd1142a064f1f1fcfcf2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""ActiveMaster definition."""
from config_bootstrap import Master
class TryServerChromiumMac(Master.Master4a):
project_name = 'Chromium Mac Try Server'
master_port = 8091
slave_port = 8191
master_port_alt = 8291
try_job_port = 8391
# Select tree status urls and codereview location.
reply_to = ''
base_app_url = ''
tree_status_url = base_app_url + '/status'
store_revisions_url = base_app_url + '/revisions'
last_good_url = None
last_good_blink_url = None
buildbot_url = ''
service_account_file = 'service-account-chromium-tryserver.json'
buildbucket_bucket = 'master.tryserver.chromium.mac'
# For pushing data to Milo
pubsub_service_account_file = 'service-account-luci-milo.json'
pubsub_topic = 'projects/luci-milo/topics/public-buildbot'
name = 'tryserver.chromium.mac'