blob: 1845e361e5fc91f1e0c6b8e4ebeca8d5e63a861c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import sys
from unittest import mock
from unittest import TestCase
from pipelines import BaseProvider
from pipelines import CONTINUE_SEARCH
from pipelines import Pipeline
import pytest
VALID_PARAM_1 = "param-1"
VALID_PARAM_2 = "param-2"
INVALID_PARAM_A = "invalid-param-A"
INVALID_PARAM_B = "invalid-param-B"
RESPONSE_1 = "response-1"
RESPONSE_2 = "response-1"
class FirstProvider(BaseProvider[str, str]):
def __init__(self):
self.cache = {}
def retrieve(self, param):
if param == VALID_PARAM_1:
return RESPONSE_1
def process_response(self, provider, param, content):
self.cache[param] = (provider, content)
def clear_cache(self):
self.cache = {}
class SecondProvider(BaseProvider[str, str]):
def retrieve(self, param):
if param == VALID_PARAM_2:
return RESPONSE_2
class PipelineTest(TestCase):
def get_mocked_providers(self):
return [FirstProvider(), SecondProvider()]
def test_provider_pipeline(self):
fp, sp = self.get_mocked_providers()
pl = Pipeline[str, str]([fp, sp])
# Request some content from the pipeline
self.assertEqual(pl.retrieve(VALID_PARAM_1), RESPONSE_1)
self.assertEqual(pl.retrieve(VALID_PARAM_2), RESPONSE_2)
# Validate content was added to the cache
self.assertEqual(fp.cache[VALID_PARAM_1], (fp, RESPONSE_1))
self.assertEqual(fp.cache[VALID_PARAM_2], (sp, RESPONSE_2))
self.assertEqual(fp.cache[INVALID_PARAM_A], (None, None))
self.assertNotIn(INVALID_PARAM_B, fp.cache)
if __name__ == "__main__":