blob: b988164b4565728c2c9dd8d17e2f41dfb848447d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import with_statement
import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import string
import urllib
from google.appengine.api import files, memcache, urlfetch
from google.appengine.api.app_identity import get_application_id
from google.appengine.ext import blobstore, db, deferred
# F0401: 16,0: Unable to import 'webapp2_extras'
# W0611: 16,0: Unused import jinja2
# pylint: disable=F0401, W0611
from webapp2_extras import jinja2
# F0401:22,0: Unable to import 'jinja2'
# pylint: disable=F0401
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from third_party.BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup, Tag
# Current application name.
APP_NAME = get_application_id()
# Deadline for fetching URLs (in seconds).
URLFETCH_DEADLINE = 60*5 # 5 mins
# Default masters to merge together.
# Perform initial bootstrap for this module.
console_template = ''
def bootstrap():
global console_template
with open('templates/merger.html', 'r') as fh:
console_template =
# Page class definition and related functions.
class Page(db.Model):
fetch_timestamp = db.DateTimeProperty(required=True)
localpath = db.StringProperty(required=True)
content = db.TextProperty()
title = db.StringProperty()
offsite_base = db.StringProperty()
body_class = db.StringProperty()
remoteurl = db.TextProperty()
# Data updated separately, after creation.
content_blob = blobstore.BlobReferenceProperty()
def get_or_create_page(localpath, remoteurl, maxage):
return Page.get_or_insert(
# The real timestamp and content will be filled when the page is saved.
def get_and_cache_pagedata(localpath):
"""Returns a page_data dict, optionally caching and looking up a blob.
get_and_cache_pagedata takes a localpath which is used to fetch data
from the cache. If the data is present and there's no content blob,
then we have all of the data we need to return a page view to the user
and we return early.
Otherwise, we need to fetch the page object and set up the page data
for the page view. If the page has a blob associated with it, then we
mark the page data as having a blob and cache it as-is without the blob.
If there's no blob, we associate the content with the page data and
cache that. This is so the next time get_and_cache_pagedata is called
for either case, we'll get the same behavior (a page-lookup for blobful
content and a page cache hit for blobless content).
Here we assume localpath is already unquoted.
page_data = get_data_from_cache(localpath)
if page_data and not page_data.get('content_blob'):
logging.debug('content for %s found in cache' % localpath)
return page_data
page = Page.all().filter('localpath =', localpath).get()
if not page:
logging.error('get_and_cache_pagedata(\'%s\'): no matching localpath in '
'datastore' % localpath)
return {'content': None}
page_data = {
'body_class': page.body_class,
'offsite_base': page.offsite_base,
'title': page.title,
'fetch_timestamp': page.fetch_timestamp,
if page.content_blob:
# Get the blob.
logging.debug('content for %s found in blobstore' % localpath)
blob_reader = blobstore.BlobReader(page.content_blob)
page_data['content_blob'] = True
put_data_into_cache(localpath, page_data)
page_data['content'] ='utf-8', 'replace')
logging.debug('content for %s found in datastore' % localpath)
page_data['content'] = page.content
put_data_into_cache(localpath, page_data)
return page_data
def save_page(page, localpath, fetch_timestamp, page_data):
body_class = page_data.get('body_class', '')
content = page_data.get('content')
offsite_base = page_data.get('offsite_base', '')
title = page_data.get('title', '')
content_blob_key = None
content = content.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
except UnicodeEncodeError:
logging.debug('save_page: content was already in unicode')
logging.debug('save_page: content size is %d' % len(content))
# Save to blobstore if content + metadata is too big.
if len(content.encode('utf-8')) >= 10**6 - 10**5:
logging.debug('save_page: saving to blob')
content_blob_key = write_blob(content, path_to_mime_type(localpath))
content = None
def tx_page(page_key):
page = Page.get(page_key)
# E1103:225,7:fetch_page.tx_page: Instance of 'list' has no
# 'fetch_timestamp' member (but some types could not be inferred)
# pylint: disable=E1103
if page.fetch_timestamp > fetch_timestamp:
page.content = content
page.content_blob = content_blob_key
page.fetch_timestamp = fetch_timestamp
# title, offsite_base, body_class can all be empty strings for some
# content. Where that's true, they're not used for displaying a console-
# like resource, and the content alone is returned to the web user.
page.title = title
page.offsite_base = offsite_base
page.body_class = body_class
# E1103:231,4:fetch_page.tx_page: Instance of 'list' has no 'put' member
# (but some types could not be inferred)
# pylint: disable=E1103
db.run_in_transaction(tx_page, page.key())
page_data = {
'body_class': body_class,
'content': content,
'offsite_base': offsite_base,
'title': title,
'fetch_timestamp': fetch_timestamp,
if content_blob_key:
page_data['content_blob'] = True
put_data_into_cache(localpath, page_data)'Saved and cached page with localpath %s' % localpath)
# Row class definition and related functions.
class Row(db.Model):
fetch_timestamp = db.DateTimeProperty(required=True)
rev_number = db.StringProperty(required=True)
localpath = db.StringProperty(required=True)
revision = db.TextProperty()
name = db.TextProperty()
status = db.TextProperty()
comment = db.TextProperty()
details = db.TextProperty()
def get_or_create_row(localpath, revision):
return Row.get_or_insert(
def get_and_cache_rowdata(localpath):
"""Returns a row_data dict.
get_and_cache_rowdata takes a localpath which is used to fetch data from the
cache. If the data is present, then we have all of the data we need and we
return early.
Otherwise, we need to fetch the row object and set up the row data.
Here we assume localpath is already unquoted.
row_data = get_data_from_cache(localpath)
if row_data and type(row_data) == type({}):
return row_data
row = Row.get_by_key_name(localpath)
if not row:
logging.error('get_and_cache_rowdata(\'%s\'): no matching localpath in '
'datastore' % localpath)
return {}
row_data = {}
row_data['rev'] = row.revision
row_data['name'] =
row_data['status'] = row.status
row_data['comment'] = row.comment
row_data['details'] = row.details
row_data['rev_number'] = row.rev_number
row_data['fetch_timestamp'] = row.fetch_timestamp
logging.debug('content for %s found in datastore' % localpath)
put_data_into_cache(localpath, row_data)
return row_data
def save_row(row_data, localpath):
rev_number = row_data['rev_number']
row = get_or_create_row(localpath, rev_number)
row_key = row.key()
def tx_row(row_key):
row = Row.get(row_key)
# E1103:959,7:save_row.tx_row: Instance of 'list' has no
# 'fetch_timestamp' member (but some types could not be inferred)
# pylint: disable=E1103
# if row.fetch_timestamp > timestamp:
# return
row.fetch_timestamp = row_data['fetch_timestamp']
row.revision = row_data['rev'] = row_data['name']
row.status = row_data['status']
row.comment = row_data['comment']
row.details = row_data['details']
# E1103:967,4:save_row.tx_row: Instance of 'list' has no 'put' member
# (but some types could not be inferred)
# pylint: disable=E1103
db.run_in_transaction(tx_row, row_key)
put_data_into_cache(localpath, row_data)'Saved and cached row with localpath %s' % localpath)
# Update latest_rev in datastore & cache, or create it if it doesn't exist.
prev_rev = get_and_cache_rowdata('latest_rev')
if not prev_rev or rev_number > prev_rev['rev_number']:
latest_rev_row = {
'rev_number': rev_number,
'rev': None,
'name': None,
'status': None,
'comment': None,
'details': None,
prev_rev_db = get_or_create_row('latest_rev', rev_number)
prev_rev_db.fetch_timestamp =
prev_rev_db.rev_number = rev_number
put_data_into_cache('latest_rev', latest_rev_row)
# ConsoleData class definition and related functions.
class ConsoleData(object):
def __init__(self):
self.row_orderedkeys = []
self.row_data = {}
# Retain order of observed masters.
self.masters = []
# Map(k,v): k=Master, v=List of categories
self.category_order = {}
# Map(k,v): k=Master, v=Dict of category data
self.category_data = {}
self.category_count = 0
self.master = ''
self.lastRevisionSeen = None
self.lastMasterSeen = None
def ContentsToHtml(contents):
return ''.join(unicode(content).encode('ascii', 'replace')
for content in contents)
def last_row(self):
return self.row_data[self.lastRevisionSeen]
def SawMaster(self, master):
self.lastMasterSeen = master
assert(self.lastMasterSeen not in self.category_order)
self.category_order.setdefault(self.lastMasterSeen, [])
self.category_data.setdefault(self.lastMasterSeen, {})
def SawRevision(self, revision):
self.lastRevisionSeen = revision
# TODO(cmp): Fix the order of the revision data in self.row_orderedkeys
if self.lastRevisionSeen not in self.row_orderedkeys:
logging.debug('SawRevision: guessing at row ordering')
self.row_data.setdefault(self.lastRevisionSeen, {})
self.last_row.setdefault('status', {})
self.last_row['status'].setdefault(self.lastMasterSeen, {})
def SetLink(self, revlink):
self.last_row['revlink'] = revlink
def SetName(self, who):
self.last_row['who'] = who
def SetStatus(self, category, status):
self.last_row['status'][self.lastMasterSeen][category] = status
def SetComment(self, comment):
self.last_row['comment'] = comment
def SetDetail(self, detail):
self.last_row['detail'] = detail
def AddCategory(self, category, builder_status):
# Map(k,v): k=Master/category, v=Dict of category data (last build status)
self.category_data[self.lastMasterSeen].setdefault(category, {})
self.category_data[self.lastMasterSeen][category] = builder_status
self.category_count += 1
def AddRow(self, row):
revision = row['rev_number']
revlink = BeautifulSoup(row['rev']).a['href']
name = BeautifulSoup(row['name'])
status = BeautifulSoup(row['status']).findAll('table')
for i, stat in enumerate(status):
comment = BeautifulSoup(row['comment'])
if row['details']:
details = BeautifulSoup(row['details'])
def ParseRow(self, row):
cells = row.findAll('td', recursive=False)
# Figure out which row this is.
for attrname, attrvalue in cells[0].attrs:
if attrname != 'class':
attrvalue = re.sub(r'^(\S+).*', r'\1', attrvalue)
if attrvalue == 'DevRev':
revision = cells[0]
nameparts = cells[1].contents
for i, bs in enumerate(cells[2:]):
if attrvalue == 'DevComment':
if attrvalue == 'DevDetails':
def Finish(self):
self.row_orderedkeys = sorted(self.row_orderedkeys, key=int, reverse=True)
# TODO(cmp): Look for row/master/categories that are unset. If they are
# at the latest revisions, leave them unset. If they are at
# the earliest revisions, set them to ''.
# Heavy-lifting functions that do most of the console processing.
# AKA postfetch and postsave functions/handlers.
def console_merger(localpath, remoteurl, page_data,
masters_to_merge=None, num_rows_to_merge=None):
masters_to_merge = masters_to_merge or DEFAULT_MASTERS_TO_MERGE
num_rows_to_merge = num_rows_to_merge or 25
mergedconsole = ConsoleData()
surroundings = get_and_cache_pagedata('surroundings')
merged_page = BeautifulSoup(surroundings['content'])
merged_tag = merged_page.find('table', 'ConsoleData')
latest_rev = int(get_and_cache_rowdata('latest_rev')['rev_number'])
if not latest_rev:
logging.error('console_merger(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\'): cannot get latest '
'revision number.' % (
localpath, remoteurl, page_data))
fetch_timestamp =
for master in masters_to_merge:
# Fetch the summary one-box-per-builder for the master.
# If we don't get it, something is wrong, skip the master entirely.
master_summary = get_and_cache_pagedata('%s/console/summary' % master)
if not master_summary['content']:
# Get the categories for this builder. If the builder doesn't have any
# categories, just use the default empty-string category.
category_list = []
master_categories = get_and_cache_pagedata('%s/console/categories' % master)
if not master_categories['content']:
category_row = BeautifulSoup(master_categories['content'])
category_list = [c.text for c in category_row.findAll('td', 'DevStatus')]
# Get the corresponding summary box(es).
summary_row = BeautifulSoup(master_summary['content'])
summary_list = summary_row.findAll('table')
for category, summary in zip(category_list, summary_list):
mergedconsole.AddCategory(category, summary)
# Fetch all of the rows that we need.
rows_fetched = 0
revs_skipped = 0
current_rev = latest_rev
while rows_fetched < num_rows_to_merge and current_rev >= 0:
# Don't get stuck looping backwards forever into data we don't have.
# How hard we try scales with how many rows the person wants.
if revs_skipped > max(num_rows_to_merge, 10):
row_data = get_and_cache_rowdata('%s/console/%s' % (master, current_rev))
if not row_data:
current_rev -= 1
revs_skipped += 1
current_rev -= 1
revs_skipped = 0
rows_fetched += 1
# Convert the merged content into console content.
template_environment = Environment()
template_environment.loader = FileSystemLoader('.')
def notstarted(builder_status):
"""Convert a BeautifulSoup Tag from builder status to a notstarted line."""
builder_status = re.sub(r'DevSlaveBox', 'DevStatusBox', str(builder_status))
builder_status = re.sub(r'class=\'([^\']*)\' target=',
'class=\'DevStatusBox notstarted\' target=',
builder_status = re.sub(r'class="([^"]*)" target=',
'class="DevStatusBox notstarted" target=',
return builder_status
template_environment.filters['notstarted'] = notstarted
merged_template = template_environment.from_string(console_template)
merged_content = merged_template.render(data=mergedconsole)
# For debugging:
# print merged_content
# import code
# code.interact(local=locals())
# Place merged data at |merged_tag|'s location in |merged_page|, and put the
# result in |merged_content|.
# .prettify() may damage the HTML but makes output more nice. However, that
# cost is a bunch of extra whitespace. We reduce page size by not using
# .prettify().
merged_content = str(merged_page)
merged_content = re.sub(
r'\'\<a href="\'', '\'<a \' + attributes + \' href="\'', merged_content)
merged_content = re.sub(
r'\'\<table\>\'', r"'<table ' + attributes + '>'", merged_content)
merged_content = re.sub(
r'\'\<div\>\'', r"'<div ' + attributes + '>'", merged_content)
merged_content = re.sub(
r'\'\<td\>\'', r"'<td ' + attributes + '>'", merged_content)
merged_content = re.sub(
'<iframe \' + attributes + \' src="\' + url + \'"></iframe>',
# Update the merged console page.
merged_page = get_or_create_page(localpath, None, maxage=30)'console_merger: saving merged console')
page_data = get_and_cache_pagedata(localpath)
page_data['title'] = 'BuildBot: Chromium'
page_data['offsite_base'] = ''
page_data['body_class'] = 'interface'
page_data['content'] = merged_content
save_page(merged_page, localpath, fetch_timestamp, page_data)
def console_handler(unquoted_localpath, remoteurl, page_data=None):
page_data = page_data or {}
content = page_data.get('content')
if not content:
logging.error('console_handler(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\'): cannot get site '
'from local path' % (
unquoted_localpath, remoteurl, page_data))
return page_data
# Decode content from utf-8 to unicode, replacing bad characters.
content = content.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
# Scrub in sheriff file content to console.
sheriff_files = [
for sheriff_file in sheriff_files:
sheriff_page_data = get_and_cache_pagedata('chromium/%s.js' % sheriff_file)
sheriff_content = sheriff_page_data['content']
console_re = (r'<script src=\''
content = re.sub(console_re % sheriff_file,
'<script>%s</script>' % sheriff_content, content)
# Replace showBuildBox with direct links.
content = re.sub(r'<a href=\'#\' onclick=\'showBuildBox\(\"./(.+)\", event\);'
' return false;\'',
r"<a href='\1'", content)
# Create a string representing the parent of remoteurl. If remoteurl looks
# like 'http://somehost/somepath/foo', then remoteurl_parent would be
# 'http://somehost/somepath/'.
remoteurl_parent = re.sub(r'^(.*?)[^/]*$', r'\1', remoteurl)
# JavaScript can bring about text that looks like <a href="' + ..., so our
# regex needs to avoid introducing a new base URL in those cases. Hence we
# exclude single and double quotes in both cases.
content = re.sub(r'<a href="([^:\"\'\$]+)"',
r'<a href="%s\1"' % remoteurl_parent,
content = re.sub(r'<a href=\'([^:\'\"\$]+)\'',
r"<a href='%s\1'" % remoteurl_parent,
# Convert any occurrences of ['"]./ and ['"]../ to prepend b.c.o.
content = re.sub(r'"\./', r'"%s' % remoteurl_parent, content)
content = re.sub(r"'\./", r"'%s" % remoteurl_parent, content)
content = re.sub(r'"\.\./', r'"%s../' % remoteurl_parent, content)
content = re.sub(r"'\.\./", r"'%s../" % remoteurl_parent, content)
# Convert the webkit waterfall reference to reuse the local instance.
content = re.sub(r"c.webkit = '([^\']+)'", r"c.webkit = ''", content)
content = re.sub("'http://build\\.webkit/"
"?chromiumconsole'", content)
# Convert the chromium-status reference to reuse the local instance.
content = re.sub(r"http://chromium-status\.appspot\.com/current",
"chromium-status/current", content)
# TODO(hinoka): Enable these when the app is done.
# Convert direct links to local links.
# content = re.sub("", "/buildbot/", content)
# content = re.sub(r"/buildbot/(.*)/buildstatus\?builder=(.*)&number=(\d+)",
# r"/buildbot/\1/builders/\2/builds/\3", content)
# Disable the personalized for box for now.
content = re.sub(r"<input id='namebox'[^>]+>", '', content)
content = re.sub(r"<input.*onclick='reload_page\(\)'/>", '', content)
# Replace lkgrPath with a URL to chromium-build.
content = re.sub(
"var lkgrPath = c.status_lkgr",
"var lkgrPath = '/p/chromium.lkgr'",
content = string.replace(content,
# Fix up a reference to http chromium-build in BarUrl().
content = string.replace(content,
"return ''",
"return ''")
# Encode content from unicode to utf-8.
page_data['content'] = content.encode('utf-8')
# Last tweaks to HTML, plus extracting metadata about the page itself.
page_data['offsite_base'] = remoteurl + '/../'
# Extract the title from the page.
md =
if not md:
raise Exception('failed to locate title in page')
page_data['title'] =
# Remove the leading text up to the end of the opening body tag. While
# there, extract the body_class from the page.
md =
r'^.*<body class="(\w+)\">(.*)$',
if not md:
raise Exception('failed to locate leading text up to body tag')
page_data['body_class'] =
page_data['content'] =
# Remove the leading div and hr tags.
md =
if not md:
raise Exception('failed to locate leading div and hr tags')
page_data['content'] =
# Strip the trailing body and html tags.
md =
if not md:
raise Exception('failed to locate trailing body and html tags')
page_data['content'] =
return page_data
# W0613:600,28:parse_master: Unused argument 'remoteurl'
# pylint: disable=W0613
def parse_master(localpath, remoteurl, page_data=None):
"""Part of the new pipeline to store individual rows rather than
whole pages of html. Parses the master data into a set of rows,
and writes them out to the datastore in an easily retrievable format.
Doesn't modify page_data dict.
ts =
page_data = page_data or {}
content = page_data.get('content')
if not content:
return page_data
content = content.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
# Split page into surroundings (announce, legend, footer) and data (rows).
surroundings = BeautifulSoup(content)
data = surroundings.find('table', 'ConsoleData')
new_data = Tag(surroundings, 'table', [('class', 'ConsoleData'),
('width', '96%')])
surroundings_page = get_or_create_page('surroundings',
None, maxage=30)
surroundings_data = {}
surroundings_data['title'] = 'Surroundings'
surroundings_data['content'] = unicode(surroundings)
save_page(surroundings_page, 'surroundings', ts,
rows = data.findAll('tr', recursive=False)
# The first table row can be special: the list of categories.
categories = None
# If the first row contains a DevStatus cell...
if rows[0].find('td', 'DevStatus') != None:
# ...extract it into the categories...
categories = rows[0]
# ...and get rid of the next (spacer) row too.
rows = rows[2:]
if categories:
category_page = get_or_create_page(localpath + '/categories',
None, maxage=30)
category_data = {}
category_data['title'] = 'Categories for ' + localpath
category_data['content'] = unicode(categories)
save_page(category_page, localpath + '/categories', ts, category_data)
# The next table row is special: it's the summary one-box-per-builder.
summary = rows[0]
rows = rows[1:]
summary_page = get_or_create_page(localpath + '/summary', None, maxage=30)
summary_data = {}
summary_data['title'] = 'Summary for ' + localpath
summary_data['content'] = unicode(summary)
save_page(summary_page, localpath + '/summary', ts, summary_data)
curr_row = {}
# Each table row is either a status row with a revision, name, and status,
# a comment row with the commit message, a details row with flakiness info,
# or a spacer row (in which case we finalize the row and save it).
for row in rows:
if row.find('td', 'DevComment'):
curr_row['comment'] = ''.join(unicode(tag).strip() for tag in
elif row.find('td', 'DevDetails'):
curr_row['details'] = ''.join(unicode(tag).strip() for tag in
elif row.find('td', 'DevStatus'):
curr_row['rev'] = unicode(row.find('td', 'DevRev').a)
curr_row['rev_number'] = unicode(row.find('td', 'DevRev').a.string)
curr_row['name'] = ''.join(unicode(tag).strip() for tag in
row.find('td', 'DevName').contents)
curr_row['status'] = ''.join(unicode(box.table) for box in
row.findAll('td', 'DevStatus'))
if 'details' not in curr_row:
curr_row['details'] = ''
curr_row['fetch_timestamp'] = ts
save_row(curr_row, localpath + '/' + curr_row['rev_number'])
curr_row = {}
return page_data
def one_box_handler(unquoted_localpath, remoteurl, page_data=None):
page_data = page_data or {}
content = page_data.get('content')
if content is None:
return page_data
# Get the site name from the local path.
md = re.match('^([^\/]+)/.*$', unquoted_localpath)
if not md:
logging.error('one_box_handler(\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\'): cannot get site '
'from local path' % (
unquoted_localpath, remoteurl, page_data))
return page_data
site =
new_waterfall_url = '' % site
page_data['content'] = re.sub(
return page_data
# Utility functions for blobstore and memcache.
def get_data_from_cache(localpath):
memcache_data = memcache.get(localpath)
if not memcache_data:
return None
logging.debug('content for %s found in memcache' % localpath)
return json.loads(memcache_data)
def dtdumper(obj):
if hasattr(obj, 'isoformat'):
return obj.isoformat()
raise TypeError(repr(obj) + "is not JSON serializable")
def put_data_into_cache(localpath, data):
memcache_data = json.dumps(data, default=dtdumper)
if not memcache.set(key=localpath, value=memcache_data, time=2*60):
logging.error('put_data_into_cache(\'%s\'): memcache.set() failed' % (
def write_blob(data, mime_type):
"""Saves a Unicode string as a new blob, returns the blob's key."""
file_name = files.blobstore.create(mime_type=mime_type)
data = data.encode('utf-8')
with, 'a') as blob_file:
return files.blobstore.get_blob_key(file_name)
def path_to_mime_type(path):
return EXT_TO_MIME.get(os.path.splitext(path)[1], 'text/html')
'.css': 'text/css',
'.js': 'text/javascript',
'.json': 'application/json',
'.html': 'text/html',
# Functions for actually fetching original pages.
def fetch_pages():
"""Starts a background fetch operation for pages that need it."""
for url in URLS:
deferred.defer(fetch_page, **url)
def nonfatal_fetch_url(url, *args, **kwargs):
# Temporary workaround to disable AppEngine global cache of these pages.
if '?' in url:
url += '&' + str(random.random())
url += '?' + str(random.random())
return urlfetch.fetch(url, deadline=URLFETCH_DEADLINE, *args, **kwargs)
except urlfetch.DownloadError:
logging.warn('urlfetch failed: %s' % url, exc_info=1)
return None
def fetch_page(localpath, remoteurl, maxage, postfetch=None, postsave=None,
"""Fetches data about a set of pages."""
if type(localpath) != type(''):
logging.error('fetch_page: localpath is %r, expected a string' % (
unquoted_localpath = urllib.unquote(localpath)
logging.debug('fetch_page("%s", "%s", "%s")' % (
unquoted_localpath, remoteurl, maxage))
page = get_or_create_page(unquoted_localpath, remoteurl, maxage)
# Check if our copy of the page is younger than maxage. If it is, we'll
# skip the fetch.
oldest_acceptable_timestamp = - datetime.timedelta(
if (page.fetch_timestamp and
page.fetch_timestamp > oldest_acceptable_timestamp):
logging.debug('fetch_page: too recent, skipping')
# Perform the actual page fetch.
fetch_timestamp =
response = fetch_url(remoteurl)
if not response:
logging.warning('fetch_page: got empty response')
if response.status_code != 200:
logging.warning('fetch_page: got non-empty response but code '
'%d' % response.status_code)
# We have actual content. If there's one or more handlers, call them.
page_data = {}
page_data['content'] = response.content
if postfetch:
if not isinstance(postfetch, list):
postfetch = [postfetch]
for handler in postfetch:
logging.debug('fetch_page: calling postfetch handler '
'%s' % handler.__name__)
page_data = handler(unquoted_localpath, remoteurl, page_data)
# Save the returned content into the DB and caching layers.
logging.debug('fetch_page: saving page')
save_page(page, unquoted_localpath, fetch_timestamp, page_data)
if postsave:
if not isinstance(postsave, list):
postsave = [postsave]
for handler in postsave:
logging.debug('fetch_page: calling postsave handler '
'%s' % handler.__name__)
handler(unquoted_localpath, remoteurl, page_data)
# List of URLs to fetch.
URLS = [
# Console URLs.
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': '',
'postfetch': [console_handler, parse_master],
'postsave': console_merger,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.chromiumos/console',
'postfetch': [console_handler, parse_master],
'postsave': console_merger,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.linux/console',
'postfetch': [console_handler, parse_master],
'postsave': console_merger,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.mac/console',
'postfetch': [console_handler, parse_master],
'postsave': console_merger,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.main/console',
'postfetch': [console_handler, parse_master],
'postsave': console_merger,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.memory/console',
'postfetch': [console_handler, parse_master],
'postsave': console_merger,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': '',
'postfetch': [console_handler, parse_master],
'postsave': console_merger,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
# Tree status URL.
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium-status/current',
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
# Static resources.
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': '',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.chromiumos/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.gpu/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': '',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.linux/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.lkgr/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.mac/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.memory/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': '',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.perf/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium.pyauto/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': '',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromebot/default.css',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
# Sheriff URLs.
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_android.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': (
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_android_gardeners.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_cr_cros_gardeners.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_cros_mtv.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_cros_nonmtv.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_gpu.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_ios_europe.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_ios_us.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_memory.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_nacl.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_perf.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
'remoteurl': '',
'localpath': 'chromium/sheriff_webkit.js',
'maxage': 15*60, # 15 mins
# Buildbot "One Boxes".
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': 'chromium/horizontal_one_box_per_builder',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': '',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': 'chromium.chromiumos/horizontal_one_box_per_builder',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': 'chromium.gpu/horizontal_one_box_per_builder',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': '',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': 'chromium.linux/horizontal_one_box_per_builder',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': 'chromium.lkgr/horizontal_one_box_per_builder',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': 'chromium.mac/horizontal_one_box_per_builder',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': 'chromium.memory/horizontal_one_box_per_builder',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': '',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': 'chromium.perf/horizontal_one_box_per_builder',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': 'chromium.pyauto/horizontal_one_box_per_builder',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'localpath': '',
'postfetch': one_box_handler,
'maxage': 30, # 30 secs
'maxage': 2*60, # 2 mins
# # Trigger background process update.
# {
# 'remoteurl': ''