blob: 701a27b77e8f6ce24071bb98d94105c0fa3cafb8 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Intelligent natural sort implementation."""
import re
def natcmp(a, b):
"""Natural string comparison, case sensitive."""
try_int = lambda s: int(s) if s.isdigit() else s
def natsort_key(s):
if not isinstance(s, basestring):
# Since re.findall() generates a list out of a string, returns a list here
# to balance the comparison done in cmp().
return [s]
return map(try_int, re.findall(r'(\d+|\D+)', s))
return cmp(natsort_key(a), natsort_key(b))
def try_lower(x):
"""Opportunistically lower() a string if it is a string."""
return x.lower() if hasattr(x, 'lower') else x
def naticasecmp(a, b):
"""Natural string comparison, ignores case."""
return natcmp(try_lower(a), try_lower(b))
def natsort(seq, cmp=natcmp, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=W0622
"""In-place natural string sort.
>>> a = ['3A2', '3a1']
>>> natsort(a, key=try_lower)
>>> a
['3a1', '3A2']
>>> a = ['3a2', '3A1']
>>> natsort(a, key=try_lower)
>>> a
['3A1', '3a2']
>>> a = ['3A2', '3a1']
>>> natsort(a, cmp=naticasecmp)
>>> a
['3a1', '3A2']
>>> a = ['3a2', '3A1']
>>> natsort(a, cmp=naticasecmp)
>>> a
['3A1', '3a2']
seq.sort(cmp=cmp, *args, **kwargs)
def natsorted(seq, cmp=natcmp, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=W0622
"""Returns a copy of seq, sorted by natural string sort.
>>> natsorted(i for i in [4, '3a', '2', 1])
[1, '2', '3a', 4]
>>> natsorted(['a4', 'a30'])
['a4', 'a30']
>>> natsorted(['3A2', '3a1'], key=try_lower)
['3a1', '3A2']
>>> natsorted(['3a2', '3A1'], key=try_lower)
['3A1', '3a2']
>>> natsorted(['3A2', '3a1'], cmp=naticasecmp)
['3a1', '3A2']
>>> natsorted(['3a2', '3A1'], cmp=naticasecmp)
['3A1', '3a2']
>>> natsorted(['3A2', '3a1'])
['3A2', '3a1']
>>> natsorted(['3a2', '3A1'])
['3A1', '3a2']
return sorted(seq, cmp=cmp, *args, **kwargs)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import doctest