[vpython] Roll vpython to latest version.

In particular this should:
  * Now ignore `-S`, which breaks all VirtualEnvs
  * Properly parse the python command line in more cases
  * No longer ignore PYTHONPATH (essential for launcher scripts in src.git
    which set PYTHONPATH before invoking python)

38335de5a Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
c20873b37 Roll luci-go (1 commit)
4d90f2197 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
79d3339be Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
9f9a14311 On workflow launched error, log run ID
4c5a25ed7 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
d7160f243 Roll luci-go (4 commits)
ec1a77841 [dockerbuild] Add tlslite.
bfbf1dfda Roll infra/luci/ a9cc99df8..ff3140a58 (49 commits)
978202c4c Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
23b594dff Revert golang.org/x/sys to 52ba35ddf9b65dc3ad27218743aa2444fe13b690
516c58022 [Monorail] Find protoc and plugin at their new locations.
413b8f38d [buildbucket] access: add Makefile
073a90247 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
454664529 Add github.com/VividCortex/mysqlerr to Go dependencies
715ed81d4 [som] update relnotes for weekly push
b17e9543a [buildbucket] Add buildbucket_template_canary swarming tag.
ebb7b62de Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
a1b7ba838 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
56ccb3b11 Roll luci-go (2 commits)
d3c73486c [Findit] Move UpdateAnalysisResult from swarming_util.py to services/test_failure/test_failure_analysis
4a63f0820 [Monorail] Set up Polymer dev environment in Monorail.
2ee6775c1 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
54837b79e Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
31e8d5ef0 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
8c103759a Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
717f4ac15 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
55c3a19eb Roll luci-go (3 commits)
8b6a95944 Set build_exit_status on api.goma.stop.
b9384470c Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
37c8d15de Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
80475628c Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
7870bfba3 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
0a0d75d59 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
37043c2b3 Roll luci-go
8b66950f2 Roll luci-go [9 commits]
99c8a8c40 [Findit] Merge and move logic of getting step log to build_util.py
9183a2f90 [event-pipeine] update docs with new bq package
81b4a9688 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
047e4b422 CIPD: Upgrade to Polymer 2.0
48027dc0a Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
b799468f8 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
6fa85358e [test-results] Fix single test results chunked rendering
f3bc5ff7c [Predator] Monitor Predator-Wrong-CLs and Predator-Wrong-Components bugs daily.
af626d23d [vpython] Fix optional debugging -log-level argument.
036cbdaa5 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
3504421a7 [Findit] Move swarmbot related logic to a new module.
6a21e50cd Rename AnalyzerProgress to FunctionProgress
e9e7b8d57 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
ec3390c68 Move tricium/analyzers/ to tricium/functions/
ca9010a1b Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
d80df7710 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
0e1aabf13 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
92f33daa7 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
24115742d Roll luci-go [5 commits]
1259b0d5b [bqschemaupdater] remove directory
b858620ca Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
fb4916c75 [doc] update Event Pipeline docs
065dd65b0 [Findit] Fix Type error when extract build info.
9642319bc [Monorail] Catch empty JSON search response
39bd53125 [Findit] Remove duplicated function in try_job.py
8bd31a4f1 Download and build Linux tarball
77f25312e [Findit] Flake Analyzer - Fixing reset to clear suspects
739c48078 [Findit] Flake Analyzer - Fix empty confidence
a2073847d Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
df4214209 [eventupload] complete move to luci
bc0bab29a [luci-migration] add got_revision to build group key
fb0c38e34 Roll infra/go/src/go.chromium.org/luci/ 94f59dfc7..067307a03 (1 commit)
06c9e5e1e [bqschemaupdater] remove old test-results schema
a3d7ae5cf Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
1154ed49c Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
bfcdd50d5 [infra/libs/bigquery] add README
f0ff49524 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
75c72ee4f Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
27573df51 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
eacc34857 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
d3f8862ca Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
fc48386c2 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
5948d8de6 Updates dev server config whitelist.
479540994 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
efa87446b Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
97cbabb5b [Findit] Fix bug in TestHeuristicResult.
296b77750 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
f1123e9a7 [Findit] Flake Analyzer - NextCommitPositionPipeline
779c5a4be [Findit] Flake Analzyer - Skip try jobs for chromium.sandbox
5f8211e2d Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
ede641a68 [Findit] Fix a bug in heuristic pipeline for test failures.
926916c58 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
015ff2c3c [led] Add -canary flag to get-builder.
a1f61935f Roll luci-go DEPS.
da6e85b70 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
40574c593 [cipd] Allow '.' in package names.
af84863d1 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
959c58536 Roll recipe dependencies (trivial).
a5a8297ab [Monorail] Add Release Notes doc and link.
04cd58a49 [test-results] Replace instead of append divs that already exist.
5d3455659 Start publishing nightly Linux tarballs

R=kbr@chromium.org, nodir@chromium.org, vadimsh@chromium.org

Bug: 800662
Change-Id: Ie32f291acd725a6cd977c907e465dba660dfb855
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/874154
Reviewed-by: Nodir Turakulov <nodir@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Robbie Iannucci <iannucci@chromium.org>
1 file changed
tree: 18ef3ac55f6a2345481278cc4da74449659cf958
  1. bootstrap/
  2. fetch_configs/
  3. git-templates/
  4. infra/
  5. man/
  6. recipes/
  7. support/
  8. testing_support/
  9. tests/
  10. third_party/
  11. win_toolchain/
  12. zsh-goodies/
  13. .gitattributes
  14. .gitignore
  15. .style.yapf
  16. annotated_gclient.py
  17. appengine_mapper.py
  18. apply_issue
  19. apply_issue.bat
  20. apply_issue.py
  21. auth.py
  22. autoninja
  23. autoninja.bat
  24. autoninja.py
  25. breakpad.py
  26. buildbucket.py
  27. checkout.py
  28. cipd
  29. cipd.bat
  30. cipd.ps1
  31. cipd_bin_setup.bat
  32. cipd_bin_setup.sh
  33. cipd_client_version
  34. cipd_manifest.txt
  35. cit
  36. cit.bat
  37. cit.py
  38. clang-format
  39. clang-format.bat
  40. clang_format.py
  41. clang_format_merge_driver
  42. clang_format_merge_driver.bat
  43. clang_format_merge_driver.py
  44. codereview.settings
  45. compile_single_file
  46. compile_single_file.bat
  47. compile_single_file.py
  48. cpplint.bat
  49. cpplint.py
  50. cpplint_chromium.py
  51. dart_format.py
  52. depot-tools-auth
  53. depot-tools-auth.bat
  54. depot-tools-auth.py
  55. download_from_google_storage
  56. download_from_google_storage.bat
  57. download_from_google_storage.py
  58. ensure_bootstrap
  59. fetch
  60. fetch.bat
  61. fetch.py
  62. fix_encoding.py
  63. gclient
  64. gclient-new-workdir.py
  65. gclient.bat
  66. gclient.py
  67. gclient_completion.sh
  68. gclient_eval.py
  69. gclient_scm.py
  70. gclient_utils.py
  71. gerrit_client.py
  72. gerrit_util.py
  73. git-cache
  74. git-cl
  75. git-crrev-parse
  76. git-crsync
  77. git-drover
  78. git-find-releases
  79. git-footers
  80. git-freeze
  81. git-gs
  82. git-hyper-blame
  83. git-map
  84. git-map-branches
  85. git-mark-merge-base
  86. git-nav-downstream
  87. git-nav-upstream
  88. git-new-branch
  89. git-number
  90. git-rebase-update
  91. git-rename-branch
  92. git-reparent-branch
  93. git-retry
  94. git-runhooks
  95. git-squash-branch
  96. git-thaw
  97. git-upstream-diff
  98. git_cache.py
  99. git_cl.py
  100. git_cl_completion.sh
  101. git_common.py
  102. git_dates.py
  103. git_drover.py
  104. git_find_releases.py
  105. git_footers.py
  106. git_freezer.py
  107. git_hyper_blame.py
  108. git_map.py
  109. git_map_branches.py
  110. git_mark_merge_base.py
  111. git_nav_downstream.py
  112. git_new_branch.py
  113. git_number.py
  114. git_rebase_update.py
  115. git_rename_branch.py
  116. git_reparent_branch.py
  117. git_retry.py
  118. git_squash_branch.py
  119. git_upstream_diff.py
  120. gn
  121. gn.bat
  122. gn.py
  123. gsutil.py
  124. gsutil.vpython
  125. led
  126. led.bat
  127. LICENSE
  128. mac_toolchain
  129. my_activity.py
  130. my_reviews.py
  131. ninja
  132. ninja-linux32
  133. ninja-linux64
  134. ninja-mac
  135. ninja.exe
  136. OWNERS
  137. owners.py
  138. owners_finder.py
  139. patch.py
  140. PRESUBMIT.py
  141. presubmit_canned_checks.py
  142. presubmit_support.py
  143. profile.xml
  144. pylint
  145. pylint.py
  146. pylintrc
  147. python_runner.sh
  148. README.gclient.md
  149. README.git-cl.md
  150. README.md
  151. README.testing
  152. repo
  153. rietveld.py
  154. roll-dep
  155. roll-dep-svn
  156. roll-dep-svn.bat
  157. roll-dep.bat
  158. roll_dep.py
  159. roll_dep_svn.py
  160. scm.py
  161. setup_color.py
  162. split_cl.py
  163. subcommand.py
  164. subprocess2.py
  165. update_depot_tools
  166. update_depot_tools.bat
  167. update_depot_tools_toggle.py
  168. upload_to_google_storage.py
  169. vpython
  170. vpython.bat
  172. watchlists.py
  173. weekly
  174. wtf


Tools for working with Chromium development. It requires python 2.7.


The most important tools are:

  • fetch: A gclient wrapper to checkout a project. Use fetch --help for more details.
  • gclient: A meta-checkout tool. Think repo or git submodules, except that it support OS-specific rules, e.g. do not checkout Windows only dependencies when checking out for Android. Use gclient help for more details and README.gclient.md.
  • git cl: A code review tool to interact with Rietveld or Gerrit. Use git cl help for more details and README.git-cl.md.
  • roll-dep: A gclient dependency management tool to submit a dep roll, updating a dependency to a newer revision.

There are a lot of git utilities included.


depot_tools updates itself automatically when running gclient tool. To disable auto update, set the environment variable DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE=0.

To update package manually, run update_depot_tools.bat on Windows, or ./update_depot_tools on Linux or Mac.

On Windows only, running gclient will install git and python.


To contribute change for review:

git new-branch <somename>
# Hack
git add .
git commit -a -m "Fixes goat teleporting"
# find reviewers
git cl owners
git log -- <yourfiles>

# Request a review.
git cl upload -r reviewer1@chromium.org,reviewer2@chromium.org --send-mail

# Edit change description if needed.
git cl desc

# If change is approved, flag it to be committed.
git cl set-commit

# If change needs more work.
git rebase-update
git cl upload -t "Fixes goat teleporter destination to be Australia"

See also open bugs, open reviews, forum or report problems.


To update cpplint.py, please submit the change upstream first at https://github.com/google/styleguide/tree/gh-pages/cpplint then copy it down.