blob: 45c732b23ddae17ca1622507d45f9c63fdb7a56d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Main app that handles incoming mail and dispatches it to handlers."""
import logging
import re
import webapp2
import webob.exc
from google.appengine.api import app_identity
from google.appengine.api import mail
import third_party # pylint: disable=W0611
import handlers.policy_checklist
from review import Review
from rietveld import Rietveld
import util
# Lists the handlers served by the review bot app. The local part of email
# addresses the app receives email on is used as a key into the handler map.
# Each handler is just a function that gets called with the email address, the
# email message, a Review object and a Rietveld interface.
# New handlers can be added by adding the code in handlers/<handler_name>.py,
# importing the module and adding an entry to the HANDLERS map.
'policy_checklist': handlers.policy_checklist.process
# Regular expression that matches email addresses belonging to the review bot
# app and extracts the handler name.
REVIEW_BOT_RECIPIENT_RE = re.compile('^([^@]+)$' %
# This is the regular expression that rietveld uses to extract the issue number
# from the mail subject at the time of writing this. This code needs to be kept
# up-to-date with the mechanism rietveld uses so the tools don't confuse issues.
RIETVELD_ISSUE_NUMBER_RE = re.compile(r'\(issue *(?P<id>\d+)\)$')
class MailDispatcher(webapp2.RequestHandler):
"""Dispatches mail to handlers as indicated by email addresses."""
def post(self):
"""Handles POST requests.
Parses the incoming mail message. Dispatches to interested handlers based on
the list of mail recipients.
# Singleton Rietveld interface for this request.
rietveld = Rietveld()
# Parse the message and instantiate the review interface.
message = mail.InboundEmailMessage(self.request.body)
match =
if match is None:
raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest('Failed to parse issue id: %s' %
review = Review(rietveld, match.groupdict()['id'])
# Determine recipients and run the handlers one by one.
recipients = set(util.get_emails(getattr(message, 'to', '')) +
util.get_emails(getattr(message, 'cc', '')))
for addr in recipients:
match = REVIEW_BOT_RECIPIENT_RE.match(addr)
if not match:
handler = HANDLERS[]
except KeyError:
handler(addr, message, review, rietveld)
except: # pylint: disable=W0702
logging.exception('Handler %s failed!',
def handle_exception(self, exception, debug):
"""Handles exceptions to print HTTP error details.
exception: The exception.
debug: Whether we're in debug mode.
if isinstance(exception, webob.exc.HTTPException):
logging.warning('Request %s failed: %d - %s',
self.request.url, exception.code, exception.detail)
webapp2.RequestHandler.handle_exception(self, exception, debug)
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/_ah/mail/.*', MailDispatcher)])