Delete unreviewed files committed by gcl without being told to.

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
diff --git a/app.yaml b/app.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f78f5c..0000000
--- a/app.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-application: reviewbot
-version: 1
-runtime: python27
-api_version: 1
-threadsafe: true
-- mail
-- url: /_ah/mail/.*@.*\.appspotmail\.com$
-  script:
-  login: admin
-- url: /admin/app_config
-  script:
-  login: admin
-- name: pycrypto
-  version: 2.6
-- name: webapp2
-  version: 2.5.2
-- name: webob
-  version: 1.2.3
-  pages:
-  - name: App Configuration
-    url: /admin/app_config
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index 1171517..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Request handler for the /admin/app_config page.
-Allows admins to set configuration parameter via the appengine admin console.
-import cgi
-import webapp2
-import third_party  # pylint: disable=W0611
-import model.app_config
-import rietveld
-FIELDS = ('client_id', 'service_account_key', 'server_url', 'nickname')
-class AppConfigHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):
-  """Handles /admin/appconfig."""
-  def post(self):
-    """Handles POST requests to update app config.
-    Parses the request data, writes it to the data store entity, and sends a
-    request to rietveld to update the app's nickname.
-    """
-    app_config = model.app_config.get()
-    for field in FIELDS:
-      setattr(app_config, field, self.request.get(field, None))
-    app_config.put()
-    # Set the nickname with rietveld.
-    rv = rietveld.Rietveld()
-    settings_payload = {
-        'column_width': 80,  # required field
-        'nickname': app_config.nickname,
-    }
-    try:
-      rv.post_data('settings', settings_payload)
-    except rietveld.RietveldRequestError as e:
-      # Redirect indicates success.
-      if e[1].status != 302:
-        raise e
-    self.RenderForm()
-  def get(self):
-    """Handles GET requests."""
-    self.RenderForm()
-  def RenderForm(self):
-    """Renders the app config form to the client."""
-    app_config = model.app_config.get()
-    self.response.write('<html><body><form action="%s" method="post"><table>' %
-                        self.request.path)
-    for field in FIELDS:
-      self.response.write(
-          '<tr><td>%s</td><td><textarea name="%s">%s</textarea></td></tr>' %
-          (field, field, cgi.escape(getattr(app_config, field, ''))))
-    self.response.write('<tr><td><input type="submit" value="Set"></td></tr>')
-    self.response.write('</table><form></body></body>')
-app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/admin/app_config', AppConfigHandler)])
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index e69de29..0000000
--- a/handlers/
+++ /dev/null
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index 42a7ab9..0000000
--- a/handlers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import re
-import model.app_config
-import util
-POLICY_TEMPLATES_FILE = 'chrome/app/policy/policy_templates.json'
-ID_LINE_COMMENT = 'For your editing convenience: highest ID currently used:'
-PROPERTY_NAME_RE = re.compile('\'(\\w+)\'\\s*:')
-MAX_LINE = 1000000
-Thanks for helping improve Chromium's enterprise policy support. Policy
-review bot has automatically added checklists for the author and
-reviewers to go through in order to catch common pitfalls.
-Send complaints and feedback about this to
-You have a policy addition here! Beware!
-Ah, so you mess with stuff that's already there.
-def nmin(*args):
-  """Calculates the minimum of |args|, ignoring None entries."""
-  try:
-    return min(v for v in args if v is not None)
-  except ValueError:
-    return None
-def nmax(*args):
-  """Calculates the maximum of |args|, ignoring None entries."""
-  try:
-    return max(v for v in args if v is not None)
-  except ValueError:
-    return None
-def nsub(a, b):
-  """Calculates a - b, returning None if either a or b is None"""
-  return None if (a is None or b is None) else a - b
-def indent(line):
-  """Returns the indent level (number of leading spaces) for |line|."""
-  nspaces = len(line) - len(line.lstrip(' '))
-  return None if nspaces == 0 else nspaces
-class PolicyChangeParser(object):
-  def __init__(self, lines):
-    self.lines = lines
-    self.chunks_list = []
-    self.reset()
-  def run(self):
-    self.chunks_list = []
-    self.last_change = [None, None]
-    cursor = [None, None]
-    self.reset()
-    for (a_line, b_line, line) in self.lines:
-      # Skip comment lines.
-      if line.startswith('#'):
-        continue
-      # See whether the current line has a JSON property.
-      keyword = None
-      match =
-      if match:
-        keyword =
-      # Check whether the current block closes.
-      line_indent = indent(line)
-      if (self.block_indent is not None and
-            line_indent is not None and
-            line_indent < self.block_indent):
-        self.block_closed = True
-      if (keyword == 'name' and self.block_closed):
-        # If we see the 'name' property, that likely indicates the start of a
-        # new policy. Start a new chunk.
-        self.flush_chunk()
-      # Update various cursors.
-      cursor = [nmax(a_line, cursor[0]), nmax(b_line, cursor[1])]
-      offset = nmin(nsub(cursor[0], self.last_change[0]),
-                    nsub(cursor[1], self.last_change[1]))
-      if a_line > 0 and b_line == 0:
-        self.removals = True
-        self.last_change[0] = a_line
-      elif a_line == 0 and b_line > 0:
-        self.additions = True
-        self.last_change[1] = b_line
-      if (offset is not None and
-          (offset > CONTEXT_THRESHOLD or
-           (offset > 1 and self.block_closed))):
-        # If the last chunk is too far away, assume a new one starts.
-        self.flush_chunk()
-      # Try to figure out block indent from properties exclusively used for
-      # policy definitions.
-      if keyword in ('id', 'schema', 'future', 'items', 'features',
-                     'supported_on', 'example_value', 'deprecated'):
-        self.block_indent = line_indent
-      # Prefer the comment on the policy name property if we see it fly by.
-      if keyword == 'name':
-        # Attempt to filter out name labels on enum items.
-        if self.block_indent is not None and self.block_indent != line_indent:
-          pass
-        elif a_line > 0 and b_line == 0:
-          self.comment_pos[0] = a_line
-        elif a_line == 0 and b_line > 0:
-          self.comment_pos[1] = b_line
-      self.chunk_start = [nmin(self.last_change[0], self.chunk_start[0]),
-                          nmin(self.last_change[1], self.chunk_start[1])]
-    # Flush the last chunk.
-    if self.chunk_start != [None, None]:
-      self.flush_chunk()
-  @property
-  def chunks(self):
-    return self.chunks_list
-  def flush_chunk(self):
-    self.comment_pos = [nmax(self.chunk_start[0], self.comment_pos[0]),
-                        nmax(self.chunk_start[1], self.comment_pos[1])]
-    self.chunks_list.append(
-        util.ObjectDict(
-            { 'start': self.chunk_start,
-              'end': self.last_change,
-              'comment_pos': self.comment_pos,
-              'additions': self.additions,
-              'removals': self.removals }))
-    self.reset()
-  def reset(self):
-    # This is called from __init__.
-    # pylint: disable=W0201
-    self.chunk_start = [None, None]
-    self.last_change = [None, None]
-    self.comment_pos = [None, None]
-    self.block_indent = None
-    self.block_closed = False
-    self.additions = False
-    self.removals = False
-def process(addr, message, review, rietveld):
-  """Handles reviews for chrome/app/policy/policy_templates.json.
-  This looks at the patch to identify additions/modifications to policy
-  definitions and posts comments with a checklist intended for the author and
-  reviewer to go through in order to catch common mistakes.
-  """
-  if POLICY_TEMPLATES_FILE not in review.latest_patchset.files:
-    return
-  # Only process the change if the mail is directly to us or we haven't
-  # processed this review yet.
-  client_id = model.app_config.get().client_id
-  if (not addr in util.get_emails(getattr(message, 'to', '')) and
-      client_id in [m.sender for m in review.issue_data.messages]):
-    return
-  # Don't process reverts.
-  if 'revert' in review.issue_data.description.lower():
-    return
-  # Parse the patch, look at the chunks and generate inline comments.
-  parser = PolicyChangeParser(
-      review.latest_patchset.files[POLICY_TEMPLATES_FILE].patch.lines)
-  for chunk in parser.chunks:
-    if chunk.additions and not chunk.removals:
-      message = ADDITION_COMMENT
-    else:
-    if chunk.comment_pos[1] is not None:
-      line, side = chunk.comment_pos[1], 'b'
-    elif chunk.comment_pos[0] is not None:
-      line, side = chunk.comment_pos[0], 'a'
-    else:
-      # No suitable position?
-      continue
-    rietveld.add_inline_comment(
-        review.issue_id, review.latest_patchset.patchset,
-        review.latest_patchset.files[POLICY_TEMPLATES_FILE].id,
-        line, side, message)
-  # Finally, post all inline comments.
-  if len(parser.chunks) > 0:
-    rietveld.post_comment(review.issue_id, REVIEW_MESSAGE, True)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 12c07b5..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Main app that handles incoming mail and dispatches it to handlers."""
-import logging
-import re
-import webapp2
-import webob.exc
-from google.appengine.api import app_identity
-from google.appengine.api import mail
-import third_party  # pylint: disable=W0611
-import handlers.policy_checklist
-from review import Review
-from rietveld import Rietveld
-import util
-    'policy_checklist': handlers.policy_checklist.process
-class MailDispatcher(webapp2.RequestHandler):
-  """Dispatches mail to handlers based on email addresses."""
-  def post(self):
-    """Handles POST requests.
-    Parses the incoming mail message. Dispatches to interested handlers based on
-    the list of mail recipients.
-    """
-    # Singleton Rietveld interface for this request.
-    rietveld = Rietveld()
-    # Parse the message and instantiate the review interface.
-    message = mail.InboundEmailMessage(self.request.body)
-    match ='\(issue *(?P<id>\d+)\)$', message.subject)
-    if match is None:
-      raise webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest('Failed to parse issue id: %s' %
-                                     message.subject)
-    review = Review(match.groupdict()['id'], rietveld)
-    # Determine recipients and run the handlers one by one.
-    recipients = set(util.get_emails(getattr(message, 'to', '')) +
-                     util.get_emails(getattr(message, 'cc', '')))
-    addr_re = re.compile('^([^@]+)$' %
-                         app_identity.get_application_id())
-    for addr in recipients:
-      match = addr_re.match(addr)
-      if not match:
-        continue
-      try:
-        handler = HANDLERS[]
-      except KeyError:
-        continue
-      try:
-        handler(addr, message, review, rietveld)
-      except:  # pylint: disable=W0702
-        logging.exception('Handler %s failed!',
-  def handle_exception(self, exception, debug):
-    """Handles exceptions to print HTTP error details.
-    Args:
-      exception: The exception.
-      debug: Whether we're in debug mode.
-    """
-    if isinstance(exception, webob.exc.HTTPException):
-      logging.warning('Request %s failed: %d - %s',
-                      self.request.url, exception.code, exception.detail)
-    webapp2.RequestHandler.handle_exception(self, exception, debug)
-app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([('/_ah/mail/.*', MailDispatcher)])
diff --git a/model/ b/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/model/
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/model/app_config b/model/app_config
deleted file mode 100644
index a67bbdf..0000000
--- a/model/app_config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from google.appengine.ext import ndb
-class AppConfig(ndb.Model):
-  """Application configuration data."""
-  app_client_id = ndb.StringProperty()
-  service_account_key = ndb.BlobProperty()
diff --git a/model/ b/model/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2633224..0000000
--- a/model/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from google.appengine.ext import ndb
-class AppConfig(ndb.Model):
-  """Application configuration data."""
-  client_id = ndb.TextProperty()
-  service_account_key = ndb.TextProperty()
-  server_url = ndb.TextProperty()
-  nickname = ndb.TextProperty()
-def get():
-  config = ndb.Key(AppConfig, 'config').get()
-  if config is None:
-    config = AppConfig(id = 'config')
-  return config
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 092eb16..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Utility for parsing patches, shamelessly stolen from rietveld."""
-import logging
-import re
-_CHUNK_RE = re.compile(r"""
-  @@
-  \s+
-  -
-  (?: (\d+) (?: , (\d+) )?)
-  \s+
-  \+
-  (?: (\d+) (?: , (\d+) )?)
-  \s+
-  @@
-""", re.VERBOSE)
-_NO_NEWLINE_MESSAGE = "\\ No newline at end of file"
-def ParsePatchToLines(lines):
-  """Parses a patch from a list of lines.
-  Args:
-    lines: The lines to parse.
-  Returns:
-    None on error, otherwise a list of 3-tuples:
-    (old_line_no, new_line_no, line)
-    A line number can be 0 if it doesn't exist in the old/new file.
-  """
-  result = []
-  in_prelude = True
-  for line in lines:
-    if in_prelude:
-      # Skip leading lines until after we've seen one starting with '+++'
-      if line.startswith("+++"):
-        in_prelude = False
-    elif line.startswith("@"):
-      match = _CHUNK_RE.match(line)
-      if not match:
-        logging.warn("ParsePatchToLines match failed on %s", line)
-        return None
-      old_ln = int(match.groups()[0])
-      new_ln = int(match.groups()[2])
-    else:
-      if line[0] == "-":
-        result.append((old_ln, 0, line[1:]))
-        old_ln += 1
-      elif line[0] == "+":
-        result.append((0, new_ln, line[1:]))
-        new_ln += 1
-      elif line[0] == " ":
-        result.append((old_ln, new_ln, line[1:]))
-        old_ln += 1
-        new_ln += 1
-  return result
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 71396b3..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import json
-import patching
-import util
-class Patch(object):
-  """Helper class for lazily loading and parsing patch data."""
-  def __init__(self, rietveld, issue_id, patchset_id, patch_id):
-    self.rietveld = rietveld
-    self.issue_id = issue_id
-    self.patchset_id = patchset_id
-    self.patch_id = patch_id
-  @util.lazy_property
-  def raw(self):
-    return self.rietveld.post_data(
-        'download/issue%s_%s_%s.diff' %
-        (self.issue_id, self.patchset_id, self.patch_id))
-  @util.lazy_property
-  def lines(self):
-    return patching.ParsePatchToLines(self.raw.splitlines())
-class Review(object):
-  """Represents a code review.
-  Information from rietveld can be obtained via the following properties:
-   - |issue_id| is the issue identifier.
-   - |issue_data| contains issue meta data as retrieved from rietveld. The data
-     is pulled lazily from the rietveld API on first access.
-   - |patchsets| has lazily-pulled patchset meta data, indexed by patchset IDa.
-  The subclass may then do its processing and trigger any actions. In
-  particular, the |rietveld| object may be used to update rietveld issue state.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, issue_id, rietveld):
-    self.issue_id = issue_id
-    self.rietveld = rietveld
-  @util.lazy_property
-  def issue_data(self):
-    json_data = self.rietveld.post_data('api/%s?messages=true' % self.issue_id)
-    data = json.loads(json_data)
-    data['messages'] = [util.ObjectDict(msg) for msg in data['messages']]
-    return util.ObjectDict(data)
-  @util.lazy_property
-  def patchsets(self):
-    def retrieve_patchset(ps):
-      json_patchset_data = self.rietveld.post_data('api/%s/%s' %
-                                                   (self.issue_id, ps))
-      patchset_data = json.loads(json_patchset_data)
-      # Amend the files property so it can lazily load and return patch data.
-      for file_data in patchset_data.get('files', {}).values():
-        file_data['patch'] = Patch(self.rietveld, self.issue_id, ps,
-                                   file_data['id'])
-      return util.ObjectDict(patchset_data)
-    return util.LazyDict(retrieve_patchset)
-  @util.lazy_property
-  def latest_patchset(self):
-    return self.patchsets[self.issue_data.patchsets[-1]]
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index cd2c47d..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
-import httplib2
-import model.app_config
-import urllib
-import util
-class RietveldRequestError(Exception):
-  """Raised on request errors."""
-class Rietveld(object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.app_config = model.app_config.get()
-  @util.lazy_property
-  def http(self):
-    http = httplib2.Http()
-    creds = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(self.app_config.client_id,
-                                          self.app_config.service_account_key,
-                                          EMAIL_SCOPE)
-    creds.authorize(http)
-    return http
-  @util.lazy_property
-  def xsrf_token(self):
-    return self.make_request('xsrf_token',
-                             headers = {'X-Requesting-XSRF-Token': 1})
-  def make_request(self, req, *args, **kwargs):
-    resp, response = self.http.request(
-        '%s/%s' % (self.app_config.server_url, req), *args, **kwargs)
-    if resp.status != 200:
-      raise RietveldRequestError(
-          'Rietveld %s request failed: %s\n%s' %
-          (req, resp.status, str(resp)), resp, response)
-    return response
-  def post_data(self, req, payload = None):
-    actual_payload = dict(payload or {})
-    actual_payload['xsrf_token'] = self.xsrf_token
-    return self.make_request(req, method = 'POST',
-                             body = urllib.urlencode(actual_payload))
-  def post_issue_data(self, issue, req, payload):
-    return self.post_data('%s/%s' % (issue, req), payload)
-  def post_comment(self, issue, comment, submit_inline_comments = False):
-    publish_payload = {
-        'message_only': 0 if submit_inline_comments else 1,
-        'send_mail': 1,
-        'add_as_reviewer': 0,
-        'message': comment,
-        'no_redirect': 1,
-    }
-    self.post_issue_data(issue, 'publish', publish_payload)
-  def add_inline_comment(self, issue_id, patchset_id, patch_id, line, a_or_b,
-                         comment):
-    comment_payload = {
-        'snapshot': 'old' if a_or_b is 'a' else 'new',
-        'lineno': line,
-        'side': a_or_b,
-        'issue': issue_id,
-        'patchset': patchset_id,
-        'patch': patch_id,
-        'text': comment,
-    }
-    self.post_data('inline_draft', comment_payload)
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e0507f..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import os
-import sys
-def add_import_path(*args):
-  sys.path.append(os.path.join(*((os.path.dirname(__file__),) + args)))
-add_import_path('third_party', 'google-api-python-client')
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/
deleted file mode 100644
index f901408..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-__version__ = "1.1"
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c6cb60..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,959 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Client for discovery based APIs.
-A client library for Google's discovery based APIs.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-__all__ = [
-    'build',
-    'build_from_document',
-    'fix_method_name',
-    'key2param',
-    ]
-# Standard library imports
-import copy
-from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
-from email.mime.nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart
-import keyword
-import logging
-import mimetypes
-import os
-import re
-import urllib
-import urlparse
-  from urlparse import parse_qsl
-except ImportError:
-  from cgi import parse_qsl
-# Third-party imports
-import httplib2
-import mimeparse
-import uritemplate
-# Local imports
-from apiclient.errors import HttpError
-from apiclient.errors import InvalidJsonError
-from apiclient.errors import MediaUploadSizeError
-from apiclient.errors import UnacceptableMimeTypeError
-from apiclient.errors import UnknownApiNameOrVersion
-from apiclient.errors import UnknownFileType
-from apiclient.http import HttpRequest
-from apiclient.http import MediaFileUpload
-from apiclient.http import MediaUpload
-from apiclient.model import JsonModel
-from apiclient.model import MediaModel
-from apiclient.model import RawModel
-from apiclient.schema import Schemas
-from oauth2client.anyjson import simplejson
-from oauth2client.util import _add_query_parameter
-from oauth2client.util import positional
-# The client library requires a version of httplib2 that supports RETRIES.
-httplib2.RETRIES = 1
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-URITEMPLATE = re.compile('{[^}]*}')
-VARNAME = re.compile('[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+')
-                 '{api}/{apiVersion}/rest')
-DEFAULT_METHOD_DOC = 'A description of how to use this function'
-_MEDIA_SIZE_BIT_SHIFTS = {'KB': 10, 'MB': 20, 'GB': 30, 'TB': 40}
-    'description': 'The request body.',
-    'type': 'object',
-    'required': True,
-    'description': ('The filename of the media request body, or an instance '
-                    'of a MediaUpload object.'),
-    'type': 'string',
-    'required': False,
-# Parameters accepted by the stack, but not visible via discovery.
-# TODO(dhermes): Remove 'userip' in 'v2'.
-STACK_QUERY_PARAMETERS = frozenset(['trace', 'pp', 'userip', 'strict'])
-STACK_QUERY_PARAMETER_DEFAULT_VALUE = {'type': 'string', 'location': 'query'}
-# Library-specific reserved words beyond Python keywords.
-RESERVED_WORDS = frozenset(['body'])
-def fix_method_name(name):
-  """Fix method names to avoid reserved word conflicts.
-  Args:
-    name: string, method name.
-  Returns:
-    The name with a '_' prefixed if the name is a reserved word.
-  """
-  if keyword.iskeyword(name) or name in RESERVED_WORDS:
-    return name + '_'
-  else:
-    return name
-def key2param(key):
-  """Converts key names into parameter names.
-  For example, converting "max-results" -> "max_results"
-  Args:
-    key: string, the method key name.
-  Returns:
-    A safe method name based on the key name.
-  """
-  result = []
-  key = list(key)
-  if not key[0].isalpha():
-    result.append('x')
-  for c in key:
-    if c.isalnum():
-      result.append(c)
-    else:
-      result.append('_')
-  return ''.join(result)
-def build(serviceName,
-          version,
-          http=None,
-          discoveryServiceUrl=DISCOVERY_URI,
-          developerKey=None,
-          model=None,
-          requestBuilder=HttpRequest):
-  """Construct a Resource for interacting with an API.
-  Construct a Resource object for interacting with an API. The serviceName and
-  version are the names from the Discovery service.
-  Args:
-    serviceName: string, name of the service.
-    version: string, the version of the service.
-    http: httplib2.Http, An instance of httplib2.Http or something that acts
-      like it that HTTP requests will be made through.
-    discoveryServiceUrl: string, a URI Template that points to the location of
-      the discovery service. It should have two parameters {api} and
-      {apiVersion} that when filled in produce an absolute URI to the discovery
-      document for that service.
-    developerKey: string, key obtained from
-    model: apiclient.Model, converts to and from the wire format.
-    requestBuilder: apiclient.http.HttpRequest, encapsulator for an HTTP
-      request.
-  Returns:
-    A Resource object with methods for interacting with the service.
-  """
-  params = {
-      'api': serviceName,
-      'apiVersion': version
-      }
-  if http is None:
-    http = httplib2.Http()
-  requested_url = uritemplate.expand(discoveryServiceUrl, params)
-  # REMOTE_ADDR is defined by the CGI spec [RFC3875] as the environment
-  # variable that contains the network address of the client sending the
-  # request. If it exists then add that to the request for the discovery
-  # document to avoid exceeding the quota on discovery requests.
-  if 'REMOTE_ADDR' in os.environ:
-    requested_url = _add_query_parameter(requested_url, 'userIp',
-                                         os.environ['REMOTE_ADDR'])
-'URL being requested: %s' % requested_url)
-  resp, content = http.request(requested_url)
-  if resp.status == 404:
-    raise UnknownApiNameOrVersion("name: %s  version: %s" % (serviceName,
-                                                            version))
-  if resp.status >= 400:
-    raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=requested_url)
-  try:
-    service = simplejson.loads(content)
-  except ValueError, e:
-    logger.error('Failed to parse as JSON: ' + content)
-    raise InvalidJsonError()
-  return build_from_document(content, base=discoveryServiceUrl, http=http,
-      developerKey=developerKey, model=model, requestBuilder=requestBuilder)
-def build_from_document(
-    service,
-    base=None,
-    future=None,
-    http=None,
-    developerKey=None,
-    model=None,
-    requestBuilder=HttpRequest):
-  """Create a Resource for interacting with an API.
-  Same as `build()`, but constructs the Resource object from a discovery
-  document that is it given, as opposed to retrieving one over HTTP.
-  Args:
-    service: string or object, the JSON discovery document describing the API.
-      The value passed in may either be the JSON string or the deserialized
-      JSON.
-    base: string, base URI for all HTTP requests, usually the discovery URI.
-      This parameter is no longer used as rootUrl and servicePath are included
-      within the discovery document. (deprecated)
-    future: string, discovery document with future capabilities (deprecated).
-    http: httplib2.Http, An instance of httplib2.Http or something that acts
-      like it that HTTP requests will be made through.
-    developerKey: string, Key for controlling API usage, generated
-      from the API Console.
-    model: Model class instance that serializes and de-serializes requests and
-      responses.
-    requestBuilder: Takes an http request and packages it up to be executed.
-  Returns:
-    A Resource object with methods for interacting with the service.
-  """
-  # future is no longer used.
-  future = {}
-  if isinstance(service, basestring):
-    service = simplejson.loads(service)
-  base = urlparse.urljoin(service['rootUrl'], service['servicePath'])
-  schema = Schemas(service)
-  if model is None:
-    features = service.get('features', [])
-    model = JsonModel('dataWrapper' in features)
-  return Resource(http=http, baseUrl=base, model=model,
-                  developerKey=developerKey, requestBuilder=requestBuilder,
-                  resourceDesc=service, rootDesc=service, schema=schema)
-def _cast(value, schema_type):
-  """Convert value to a string based on JSON Schema type.
-  See for more details on
-  JSON Schema.
-  Args:
-    value: any, the value to convert
-    schema_type: string, the type that value should be interpreted as
-  Returns:
-    A string representation of 'value' based on the schema_type.
-  """
-  if schema_type == 'string':
-    if type(value) == type('') or type(value) == type(u''):
-      return value
-    else:
-      return str(value)
-  elif schema_type == 'integer':
-    return str(int(value))
-  elif schema_type == 'number':
-    return str(float(value))
-  elif schema_type == 'boolean':
-    return str(bool(value)).lower()
-  else:
-    if type(value) == type('') or type(value) == type(u''):
-      return value
-    else:
-      return str(value)
-def _media_size_to_long(maxSize):
-  """Convert a string media size, such as 10GB or 3TB into an integer.
-  Args:
-    maxSize: string, size as a string, such as 2MB or 7GB.
-  Returns:
-    The size as an integer value.
-  """
-  if len(maxSize) < 2:
-    return 0L
-  units = maxSize[-2:].upper()
-  bit_shift = _MEDIA_SIZE_BIT_SHIFTS.get(units)
-  if bit_shift is not None:
-    return long(maxSize[:-2]) << bit_shift
-  else:
-    return long(maxSize)
-def _media_path_url_from_info(root_desc, path_url):
-  """Creates an absolute media path URL.
-  Constructed using the API root URI and service path from the discovery
-  document and the relative path for the API method.
-  Args:
-    root_desc: Dictionary; the entire original deserialized discovery document.
-    path_url: String; the relative URL for the API method. Relative to the API
-        root, which is specified in the discovery document.
-  Returns:
-    String; the absolute URI for media upload for the API method.
-  """
-  return '%(root)supload/%(service_path)s%(path)s' % {
-      'root': root_desc['rootUrl'],
-      'service_path': root_desc['servicePath'],
-      'path': path_url,
-  }
-def _fix_up_parameters(method_desc, root_desc, http_method):
-  """Updates parameters of an API method with values specific to this library.
-  Specifically, adds whatever global parameters are specified by the API to the
-  parameters for the individual method. Also adds parameters which don't
-  appear in the discovery document, but are available to all discovery based
-  APIs (these are listed in STACK_QUERY_PARAMETERS).
-  SIDE EFFECTS: This updates the parameters dictionary object in the method
-  description.
-  Args:
-    method_desc: Dictionary with metadata describing an API method. Value comes
-        from the dictionary of methods stored in the 'methods' key in the
-        deserialized discovery document.
-    root_desc: Dictionary; the entire original deserialized discovery document.
-    http_method: String; the HTTP method used to call the API method described
-        in method_desc.
-  Returns:
-    The updated Dictionary stored in the 'parameters' key of the method
-        description dictionary.
-  """
-  parameters = method_desc.setdefault('parameters', {})
-  # Add in the parameters common to all methods.
-  for name, description in root_desc.get('parameters', {}).iteritems():
-    parameters[name] = description
-  # Add in undocumented query parameters.
-    parameters[name] = STACK_QUERY_PARAMETER_DEFAULT_VALUE.copy()
-  # Add 'body' (our own reserved word) to parameters if the method supports
-  # a request payload.
-  if http_method in HTTP_PAYLOAD_METHODS and 'request' in method_desc:
-    body.update(method_desc['request'])
-    parameters['body'] = body
-  return parameters
-def _fix_up_media_upload(method_desc, root_desc, path_url, parameters):
-  """Updates parameters of API by adding 'media_body' if supported by method.
-  SIDE EFFECTS: If the method supports media upload and has a required body,
-  sets body to be optional (required=False) instead. Also, if there is a
-  'mediaUpload' in the method description, adds 'media_upload' key to
-  parameters.
-  Args:
-    method_desc: Dictionary with metadata describing an API method. Value comes
-        from the dictionary of methods stored in the 'methods' key in the
-        deserialized discovery document.
-    root_desc: Dictionary; the entire original deserialized discovery document.
-    path_url: String; the relative URL for the API method. Relative to the API
-        root, which is specified in the discovery document.
-    parameters: A dictionary describing method parameters for method described
-        in method_desc.
-  Returns:
-    Triple (accept, max_size, media_path_url) where:
-      - accept is a list of strings representing what content types are
-        accepted for media upload. Defaults to empty list if not in the
-        discovery document.
-      - max_size is a long representing the max size in bytes allowed for a
-        media upload. Defaults to 0L if not in the discovery document.
-      - media_path_url is a String; the absolute URI for media upload for the
-        API method. Constructed using the API root URI and service path from
-        the discovery document and the relative path for the API method. If
-        media upload is not supported, this is None.
-  """
-  media_upload = method_desc.get('mediaUpload', {})
-  accept = media_upload.get('accept', [])
-  max_size = _media_size_to_long(media_upload.get('maxSize', ''))
-  media_path_url = None
-  if media_upload:
-    media_path_url = _media_path_url_from_info(root_desc, path_url)
-    parameters['media_body'] = MEDIA_BODY_PARAMETER_DEFAULT_VALUE.copy()
-    if 'body' in parameters:
-      parameters['body']['required'] = False
-  return accept, max_size, media_path_url
-def _fix_up_method_description(method_desc, root_desc):
-  """Updates a method description in a discovery document.
-  SIDE EFFECTS: Changes the parameters dictionary in the method description with
-  extra parameters which are used locally.
-  Args:
-    method_desc: Dictionary with metadata describing an API method. Value comes
-        from the dictionary of methods stored in the 'methods' key in the
-        deserialized discovery document.
-    root_desc: Dictionary; the entire original deserialized discovery document.
-  Returns:
-    Tuple (path_url, http_method, method_id, accept, max_size, media_path_url)
-    where:
-      - path_url is a String; the relative URL for the API method. Relative to
-        the API root, which is specified in the discovery document.
-      - http_method is a String; the HTTP method used to call the API method
-        described in the method description.
-      - method_id is a String; the name of the RPC method associated with the
-        API method, and is in the method description in the 'id' key.
-      - accept is a list of strings representing what content types are
-        accepted for media upload. Defaults to empty list if not in the
-        discovery document.
-      - max_size is a long representing the max size in bytes allowed for a
-        media upload. Defaults to 0L if not in the discovery document.
-      - media_path_url is a String; the absolute URI for media upload for the
-        API method. Constructed using the API root URI and service path from
-        the discovery document and the relative path for the API method. If
-        media upload is not supported, this is None.
-  """
-  path_url = method_desc['path']
-  http_method = method_desc['httpMethod']
-  method_id = method_desc['id']
-  parameters = _fix_up_parameters(method_desc, root_desc, http_method)
-  # Order is important. `_fix_up_media_upload` needs `method_desc` to have a
-  # 'parameters' key and needs to know if there is a 'body' parameter because it
-  # also sets a 'media_body' parameter.
-  accept, max_size, media_path_url = _fix_up_media_upload(
-      method_desc, root_desc, path_url, parameters)
-  return path_url, http_method, method_id, accept, max_size, media_path_url
-# TODO(dhermes): Convert this class to ResourceMethod and make it callable
-class ResourceMethodParameters(object):
-  """Represents the parameters associated with a method.
-  Attributes:
-    argmap: Map from method parameter name (string) to query parameter name
-        (string).
-    required_params: List of required parameters (represented by parameter
-        name as string).
-    repeated_params: List of repeated parameters (represented by parameter
-        name as string).
-    pattern_params: Map from method parameter name (string) to regular
-        expression (as a string). If the pattern is set for a parameter, the
-        value for that parameter must match the regular expression.
-    query_params: List of parameters (represented by parameter name as string)
-        that will be used in the query string.
-    path_params: Set of parameters (represented by parameter name as string)
-        that will be used in the base URL path.
-    param_types: Map from method parameter name (string) to parameter type. Type
-        can be any valid JSON schema type; valid values are 'any', 'array',
-        'boolean', 'integer', 'number', 'object', or 'string'. Reference:
-    enum_params: Map from method parameter name (string) to list of strings,
-       where each list of strings is the list of acceptable enum values.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, method_desc):
-    """Constructor for ResourceMethodParameters.
-    Sets default values and defers to set_parameters to populate.
-    Args:
-      method_desc: Dictionary with metadata describing an API method. Value
-          comes from the dictionary of methods stored in the 'methods' key in
-          the deserialized discovery document.
-    """
-    self.argmap = {}
-    self.required_params = []
-    self.repeated_params = []
-    self.pattern_params = {}
-    self.query_params = []
-    # TODO(dhermes): Change path_params to a list if the extra URITEMPLATE
-    #                parsing is gotten rid of.
-    self.path_params = set()
-    self.param_types = {}
-    self.enum_params = {}
-    self.set_parameters(method_desc)
-  def set_parameters(self, method_desc):
-    """Populates maps and lists based on method description.
-    Iterates through each parameter for the method and parses the values from
-    the parameter dictionary.
-    Args:
-      method_desc: Dictionary with metadata describing an API method. Value
-          comes from the dictionary of methods stored in the 'methods' key in
-          the deserialized discovery document.
-    """
-    for arg, desc in method_desc.get('parameters', {}).iteritems():
-      param = key2param(arg)
-      self.argmap[param] = arg
-      if desc.get('pattern'):
-        self.pattern_params[param] = desc['pattern']
-      if desc.get('enum'):
-        self.enum_params[param] = desc['enum']
-      if desc.get('required'):
-        self.required_params.append(param)
-      if desc.get('repeated'):
-        self.repeated_params.append(param)
-      if desc.get('location') == 'query':
-        self.query_params.append(param)
-      if desc.get('location') == 'path':
-        self.path_params.add(param)
-      self.param_types[param] = desc.get('type', 'string')
-    # TODO(dhermes): Determine if this is still necessary. Discovery based APIs
-    #                should have all path parameters already marked with
-    #                'location: path'.
-    for match in URITEMPLATE.finditer(method_desc['path']):
-      for namematch in VARNAME.finditer(
-        name = key2param(
-        self.path_params.add(name)
-        if name in self.query_params:
-          self.query_params.remove(name)
-def createMethod(methodName, methodDesc, rootDesc, schema):
-  """Creates a method for attaching to a Resource.
-  Args:
-    methodName: string, name of the method to use.
-    methodDesc: object, fragment of deserialized discovery document that
-      describes the method.
-    rootDesc: object, the entire deserialized discovery document.
-    schema: object, mapping of schema names to schema descriptions.
-  """
-  methodName = fix_method_name(methodName)
-  (pathUrl, httpMethod, methodId, accept,
-   maxSize, mediaPathUrl) = _fix_up_method_description(methodDesc, rootDesc)
-  parameters = ResourceMethodParameters(methodDesc)
-  def method(self, **kwargs):
-    # Don't bother with doc string, it will be over-written by createMethod.
-    for name in kwargs.iterkeys():
-      if name not in parameters.argmap:
-        raise TypeError('Got an unexpected keyword argument "%s"' % name)
-    # Remove args that have a value of None.
-    keys = kwargs.keys()
-    for name in keys:
-      if kwargs[name] is None:
-        del kwargs[name]
-    for name in parameters.required_params:
-      if name not in kwargs:
-        raise TypeError('Missing required parameter "%s"' % name)
-    for name, regex in parameters.pattern_params.iteritems():
-      if name in kwargs:
-        if isinstance(kwargs[name], basestring):
-          pvalues = [kwargs[name]]
-        else:
-          pvalues = kwargs[name]
-        for pvalue in pvalues:
-          if re.match(regex, pvalue) is None:
-            raise TypeError(
-                'Parameter "%s" value "%s" does not match the pattern "%s"' %
-                (name, pvalue, regex))
-    for name, enums in parameters.enum_params.iteritems():
-      if name in kwargs:
-        # We need to handle the case of a repeated enum
-        # name differently, since we want to handle both
-        # arg='value' and arg=['value1', 'value2']
-        if (name in parameters.repeated_params and
-            not isinstance(kwargs[name], basestring)):
-          values = kwargs[name]
-        else:
-          values = [kwargs[name]]
-        for value in values:
-          if value not in enums:
-            raise TypeError(
-                'Parameter "%s" value "%s" is not an allowed value in "%s"' %
-                (name, value, str(enums)))
-    actual_query_params = {}
-    actual_path_params = {}
-    for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
-      to_type = parameters.param_types.get(key, 'string')
-      # For repeated parameters we cast each member of the list.
-      if key in parameters.repeated_params and type(value) == type([]):
-        cast_value = [_cast(x, to_type) for x in value]
-      else:
-        cast_value = _cast(value, to_type)
-      if key in parameters.query_params:
-        actual_query_params[parameters.argmap[key]] = cast_value
-      if key in parameters.path_params:
-        actual_path_params[parameters.argmap[key]] = cast_value
-    body_value = kwargs.get('body', None)
-    media_filename = kwargs.get('media_body', None)
-    if self._developerKey:
-      actual_query_params['key'] = self._developerKey
-    model = self._model
-    if methodName.endswith('_media'):
-      model = MediaModel()
-    elif 'response' not in methodDesc:
-      model = RawModel()
-    headers = {}
-    headers, params, query, body = model.request(headers,
-        actual_path_params, actual_query_params, body_value)
-    expanded_url = uritemplate.expand(pathUrl, params)
-    url = urlparse.urljoin(self._baseUrl, expanded_url + query)
-    resumable = None
-    multipart_boundary = ''
-    if media_filename:
-      # Ensure we end up with a valid MediaUpload object.
-      if isinstance(media_filename, basestring):
-        (media_mime_type, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(media_filename)
-        if media_mime_type is None:
-          raise UnknownFileType(media_filename)
-        if not mimeparse.best_match([media_mime_type], ','.join(accept)):
-          raise UnacceptableMimeTypeError(media_mime_type)
-        media_upload = MediaFileUpload(media_filename,
-                                       mimetype=media_mime_type)
-      elif isinstance(media_filename, MediaUpload):
-        media_upload = media_filename
-      else:
-        raise TypeError('media_filename must be str or MediaUpload.')
-      # Check the maxSize
-      if maxSize > 0 and media_upload.size() > maxSize:
-        raise MediaUploadSizeError("Media larger than: %s" % maxSize)
-      # Use the media path uri for media uploads
-      expanded_url = uritemplate.expand(mediaPathUrl, params)
-      url = urlparse.urljoin(self._baseUrl, expanded_url + query)
-      if media_upload.resumable():
-        url = _add_query_parameter(url, 'uploadType', 'resumable')
-      if media_upload.resumable():
-        # This is all we need to do for resumable, if the body exists it gets
-        # sent in the first request, otherwise an empty body is sent.
-        resumable = media_upload
-      else:
-        # A non-resumable upload
-        if body is None:
-          # This is a simple media upload
-          headers['content-type'] = media_upload.mimetype()
-          body = media_upload.getbytes(0, media_upload.size())
-          url = _add_query_parameter(url, 'uploadType', 'media')
-        else:
-          # This is a multipart/related upload.
-          msgRoot = MIMEMultipart('related')
-          # msgRoot should not write out it's own headers
-          setattr(msgRoot, '_write_headers', lambda self: None)
-          # attach the body as one part
-          msg = MIMENonMultipart(*headers['content-type'].split('/'))
-          msg.set_payload(body)
-          msgRoot.attach(msg)
-          # attach the media as the second part
-          msg = MIMENonMultipart(*media_upload.mimetype().split('/'))
-          msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary'
-          payload = media_upload.getbytes(0, media_upload.size())
-          msg.set_payload(payload)
-          msgRoot.attach(msg)
-          body = msgRoot.as_string()
-          multipart_boundary = msgRoot.get_boundary()
-          headers['content-type'] = ('multipart/related; '
-                                     'boundary="%s"') % multipart_boundary
-          url = _add_query_parameter(url, 'uploadType', 'multipart')
-'URL being requested: %s' % url)
-    return self._requestBuilder(self._http,
-                                model.response,
-                                url,
-                                method=httpMethod,
-                                body=body,
-                                headers=headers,
-                                methodId=methodId,
-                                resumable=resumable)
-  docs = [methodDesc.get('description', DEFAULT_METHOD_DOC), '\n\n']
-  if len(parameters.argmap) > 0:
-    docs.append('Args:\n')
-  # Skip undocumented params and params common to all methods.
-  skip_parameters = rootDesc.get('parameters', {}).keys()
-  skip_parameters.extend(STACK_QUERY_PARAMETERS)
-  all_args = parameters.argmap.keys()
-  args_ordered = [key2param(s) for s in methodDesc.get('parameterOrder', [])]
-  # Move body to the front of the line.
-  if 'body' in all_args:
-    args_ordered.append('body')
-  for name in all_args:
-    if name not in args_ordered:
-      args_ordered.append(name)
-  for arg in args_ordered:
-    if arg in skip_parameters:
-      continue
-    repeated = ''
-    if arg in parameters.repeated_params:
-      repeated = ' (repeated)'
-    required = ''
-    if arg in parameters.required_params:
-      required = ' (required)'
-    paramdesc = methodDesc['parameters'][parameters.argmap[arg]]
-    paramdoc = paramdesc.get('description', 'A parameter')
-    if '$ref' in paramdesc:
-      docs.append(
-          ('  %s: object, %s%s%s\n    The object takes the'
-          ' form of:\n\n%s\n\n') % (arg, paramdoc, required, repeated,
-            schema.prettyPrintByName(paramdesc['$ref'])))
-    else:
-      paramtype = paramdesc.get('type', 'string')
-      docs.append('  %s: %s, %s%s%s\n' % (arg, paramtype, paramdoc, required,
-                                          repeated))
-    enum = paramdesc.get('enum', [])
-    enumDesc = paramdesc.get('enumDescriptions', [])
-    if enum and enumDesc:
-      docs.append('    Allowed values\n')
-      for (name, desc) in zip(enum, enumDesc):
-        docs.append('      %s - %s\n' % (name, desc))
-  if 'response' in methodDesc:
-    if methodName.endswith('_media'):
-      docs.append('\nReturns:\n  The media object as a string.\n\n    ')
-    else:
-      docs.append('\nReturns:\n  An object of the form:\n\n    ')
-      docs.append(schema.prettyPrintSchema(methodDesc['response']))
-  setattr(method, '__doc__', ''.join(docs))
-  return (methodName, method)
-def createNextMethod(methodName):
-  """Creates any _next methods for attaching to a Resource.
-  The _next methods allow for easy iteration through list() responses.
-  Args:
-    methodName: string, name of the method to use.
-  """
-  methodName = fix_method_name(methodName)
-  def methodNext(self, previous_request, previous_response):
-    """Retrieves the next page of results.
-  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
-  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
-  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
-  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
-    """
-    # Retrieve nextPageToken from previous_response
-    # Use as pageToken in previous_request to create new request.
-    if 'nextPageToken' not in previous_response:
-      return None
-    request = copy.copy(previous_request)
-    pageToken = previous_response['nextPageToken']
-    parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(request.uri))
-    q = parse_qsl(parsed[4])
-    # Find and remove old 'pageToken' value from URI
-    newq = [(key, value) for (key, value) in q if key != 'pageToken']
-    newq.append(('pageToken', pageToken))
-    parsed[4] = urllib.urlencode(newq)
-    uri = urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)
-    request.uri = uri
-'URL being requested: %s' % uri)
-    return request
-  return (methodName, methodNext)
-class Resource(object):
-  """A class for interacting with a resource."""
-  def __init__(self, http, baseUrl, model, requestBuilder, developerKey,
-               resourceDesc, rootDesc, schema):
-    """Build a Resource from the API description.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, Object to make http requests with.
-      baseUrl: string, base URL for the API. All requests are relative to this
-          URI.
-      model: apiclient.Model, converts to and from the wire format.
-      requestBuilder: class or callable that instantiates an
-          apiclient.HttpRequest object.
-      developerKey: string, key obtained from
-      resourceDesc: object, section of deserialized discovery document that
-          describes a resource. Note that the top level discovery document
-          is considered a resource.
-      rootDesc: object, the entire deserialized discovery document.
-      schema: object, mapping of schema names to schema descriptions.
-    """
-    self._dynamic_attrs = []
-    self._http = http
-    self._baseUrl = baseUrl
-    self._model = model
-    self._developerKey = developerKey
-    self._requestBuilder = requestBuilder
-    self._resourceDesc = resourceDesc
-    self._rootDesc = rootDesc
-    self._schema = schema
-    self._set_service_methods()
-  def _set_dynamic_attr(self, attr_name, value):
-    """Sets an instance attribute and tracks it in a list of dynamic attributes.
-    Args:
-      attr_name: string; The name of the attribute to be set
-      value: The value being set on the object and tracked in the dynamic cache.
-    """
-    self._dynamic_attrs.append(attr_name)
-    self.__dict__[attr_name] = value
-  def __getstate__(self):
-    """Trim the state down to something that can be pickled.
-    Uses the fact that the instance variable _dynamic_attrs holds attrs that
-    will be wiped and restored on pickle serialization.
-    """
-    state_dict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
-    for dynamic_attr in self._dynamic_attrs:
-      del state_dict[dynamic_attr]
-    del state_dict['_dynamic_attrs']
-    return state_dict
-  def __setstate__(self, state):
-    """Reconstitute the state of the object from being pickled.
-    Uses the fact that the instance variable _dynamic_attrs holds attrs that
-    will be wiped and restored on pickle serialization.
-    """
-    self.__dict__.update(state)
-    self._dynamic_attrs = []
-    self._set_service_methods()
-  def _set_service_methods(self):
-    self._add_basic_methods(self._resourceDesc, self._rootDesc, self._schema)
-    self._add_nested_resources(self._resourceDesc, self._rootDesc, self._schema)
-    self._add_next_methods(self._resourceDesc, self._schema)
-  def _add_basic_methods(self, resourceDesc, rootDesc, schema):
-    # Add basic methods to Resource
-    if 'methods' in resourceDesc:
-      for methodName, methodDesc in resourceDesc['methods'].iteritems():
-        fixedMethodName, method = createMethod(
-            methodName, methodDesc, rootDesc, schema)
-        self._set_dynamic_attr(fixedMethodName,
-                               method.__get__(self, self.__class__))
-        # Add in _media methods. The functionality of the attached method will
-        # change when it sees that the method name ends in _media.
-        if methodDesc.get('supportsMediaDownload', False):
-          fixedMethodName, method = createMethod(
-              methodName + '_media', methodDesc, rootDesc, schema)
-          self._set_dynamic_attr(fixedMethodName,
-                                 method.__get__(self, self.__class__))
-  def _add_nested_resources(self, resourceDesc, rootDesc, schema):
-    # Add in nested resources
-    if 'resources' in resourceDesc:
-      def createResourceMethod(methodName, methodDesc):
-        """Create a method on the Resource to access a nested Resource.
-        Args:
-          methodName: string, name of the method to use.
-          methodDesc: object, fragment of deserialized discovery document that
-            describes the method.
-        """
-        methodName = fix_method_name(methodName)
-        def methodResource(self):
-          return Resource(http=self._http, baseUrl=self._baseUrl,
-                          model=self._model, developerKey=self._developerKey,
-                          requestBuilder=self._requestBuilder,
-                          resourceDesc=methodDesc, rootDesc=rootDesc,
-                          schema=schema)
-        setattr(methodResource, '__doc__', 'A collection resource.')
-        setattr(methodResource, '__is_resource__', True)
-        return (methodName, methodResource)
-      for methodName, methodDesc in resourceDesc['resources'].iteritems():
-        fixedMethodName, method = createResourceMethod(methodName, methodDesc)
-        self._set_dynamic_attr(fixedMethodName,
-                               method.__get__(self, self.__class__))
-  def _add_next_methods(self, resourceDesc, schema):
-    # Add _next() methods
-    # Look for response bodies in schema that contain nextPageToken, and methods
-    # that take a pageToken parameter.
-    if 'methods' in resourceDesc:
-      for methodName, methodDesc in resourceDesc['methods'].iteritems():
-        if 'response' in methodDesc:
-          responseSchema = methodDesc['response']
-          if '$ref' in responseSchema:
-            responseSchema = schema.get(responseSchema['$ref'])
-          hasNextPageToken = 'nextPageToken' in responseSchema.get('properties',
-                                                                   {})
-          hasPageToken = 'pageToken' in methodDesc.get('parameters', {})
-          if hasNextPageToken and hasPageToken:
-            fixedMethodName, method = createNextMethod(methodName + '_next')
-            self._set_dynamic_attr(fixedMethodName,
-                                   method.__get__(self, self.__class__))
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2bf9149..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Errors for the library.
-All exceptions defined by the library
-should be defined in this file.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-from oauth2client import util
-from oauth2client.anyjson import simplejson
-class Error(Exception):
-  """Base error for this module."""
-  pass
-class HttpError(Error):
-  """HTTP data was invalid or unexpected."""
-  @util.positional(3)
-  def __init__(self, resp, content, uri=None):
-    self.resp = resp
-    self.content = content
-    self.uri = uri
-  def _get_reason(self):
-    """Calculate the reason for the error from the response content."""
-    reason = self.resp.reason
-    try:
-      data = simplejson.loads(self.content)
-      reason = data['error']['message']
-    except (ValueError, KeyError):
-      pass
-    if reason is None:
-      reason = ''
-    return reason
-  def __repr__(self):
-    if self.uri:
-      return '<HttpError %s when requesting %s returned "%s">' % (
-          self.resp.status, self.uri, self._get_reason().strip())
-    else:
-      return '<HttpError %s "%s">' % (self.resp.status, self._get_reason())
-  __str__ = __repr__
-class InvalidJsonError(Error):
-  """The JSON returned could not be parsed."""
-  pass
-class UnknownFileType(Error):
-  """File type unknown or unexpected."""
-  pass
-class UnknownLinkType(Error):
-  """Link type unknown or unexpected."""
-  pass
-class UnknownApiNameOrVersion(Error):
-  """No API with that name and version exists."""
-  pass
-class UnacceptableMimeTypeError(Error):
-  """That is an unacceptable mimetype for this operation."""
-  pass
-class MediaUploadSizeError(Error):
-  """Media is larger than the method can accept."""
-  pass
-class ResumableUploadError(HttpError):
-  """Error occured during resumable upload."""
-  pass
-class InvalidChunkSizeError(Error):
-  """The given chunksize is not valid."""
-  pass
-class BatchError(HttpError):
-  """Error occured during batch operations."""
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def __init__(self, reason, resp=None, content=None):
-    self.resp = resp
-    self.content = content
-    self.reason = reason
-  def __repr__(self):
-      return '<BatchError %s "%s">' % (self.resp.status, self.reason)
-  __str__ = __repr__
-class UnexpectedMethodError(Error):
-  """Exception raised by RequestMockBuilder on unexpected calls."""
-  @util.positional(1)
-  def __init__(self, methodId=None):
-    """Constructor for an UnexpectedMethodError."""
-    super(UnexpectedMethodError, self).__init__(
-        'Received unexpected call %s' % methodId)
-class UnexpectedBodyError(Error):
-  """Exception raised by RequestMockBuilder on unexpected bodies."""
-  def __init__(self, expected, provided):
-    """Constructor for an UnexpectedMethodError."""
-    super(UnexpectedBodyError, self).__init__(
-        'Expected: [%s] - Provided: [%s]' % (expected, provided))
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/
deleted file mode 100644
index a956477..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/apiclient/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1536 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Classes to encapsulate a single HTTP request.
-The classes implement a command pattern, with every
-object supporting an execute() method that does the
-actuall HTTP request.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-import StringIO
-import base64
-import copy
-import gzip
-import httplib2
-import mimeparse
-import mimetypes
-import os
-import sys
-import urllib
-import urlparse
-import uuid
-from email.generator import Generator
-from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
-from email.mime.nonmultipart import MIMENonMultipart
-from email.parser import FeedParser
-from errors import BatchError
-from errors import HttpError
-from errors import InvalidChunkSizeError
-from errors import ResumableUploadError
-from errors import UnexpectedBodyError
-from errors import UnexpectedMethodError
-from model import JsonModel
-from oauth2client import util
-from oauth2client.anyjson import simplejson
-class MediaUploadProgress(object):
-  """Status of a resumable upload."""
-  def __init__(self, resumable_progress, total_size):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      resumable_progress: int, bytes sent so far.
-      total_size: int, total bytes in complete upload, or None if the total
-        upload size isn't known ahead of time.
-    """
-    self.resumable_progress = resumable_progress
-    self.total_size = total_size
-  def progress(self):
-    """Percent of upload completed, as a float.
-    Returns:
-      the percentage complete as a float, returning 0.0 if the total size of
-      the upload is unknown.
-    """
-    if self.total_size is not None:
-      return float(self.resumable_progress) / float(self.total_size)
-    else:
-      return 0.0
-class MediaDownloadProgress(object):
-  """Status of a resumable download."""
-  def __init__(self, resumable_progress, total_size):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      resumable_progress: int, bytes received so far.
-      total_size: int, total bytes in complete download.
-    """
-    self.resumable_progress = resumable_progress
-    self.total_size = total_size
-  def progress(self):
-    """Percent of download completed, as a float.
-    Returns:
-      the percentage complete as a float, returning 0.0 if the total size of
-      the download is unknown.
-    """
-    if self.total_size is not None:
-      return float(self.resumable_progress) / float(self.total_size)
-    else:
-      return 0.0
-class MediaUpload(object):
-  """Describes a media object to upload.
-  Base class that defines the interface of MediaUpload subclasses.
-  Note that subclasses of MediaUpload may allow you to control the chunksize
-  when uploading a media object. It is important to keep the size of the chunk
-  as large as possible to keep the upload efficient. Other factors may influence
-  the size of the chunk you use, particularly if you are working in an
-  environment where individual HTTP requests may have a hardcoded time limit,
-  such as under certain classes of requests under Google App Engine.
-  Streams are io.Base compatible objects that support seek(). Some MediaUpload
-  subclasses support using streams directly to upload data. Support for
-  streaming may be indicated by a MediaUpload sub-class and if appropriate for a
-  platform that stream will be used for uploading the media object. The support
-  for streaming is indicated by has_stream() returning True. The stream() method
-  should return an io.Base object that supports seek(). On platforms where the
-  underlying httplib module supports streaming, for example Python 2.6 and
-  later, the stream will be passed into the http library which will result in
-  less memory being used and possibly faster uploads.
-  If you need to upload media that can't be uploaded using any of the existing
-  MediaUpload sub-class then you can sub-class MediaUpload for your particular
-  needs.
-  """
-  def chunksize(self):
-    """Chunk size for resumable uploads.
-    Returns:
-      Chunk size in bytes.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def mimetype(self):
-    """Mime type of the body.
-    Returns:
-      Mime type.
-    """
-    return 'application/octet-stream'
-  def size(self):
-    """Size of upload.
-    Returns:
-      Size of the body, or None of the size is unknown.
-    """
-    return None
-  def resumable(self):
-    """Whether this upload is resumable.
-    Returns:
-      True if resumable upload or False.
-    """
-    return False
-  def getbytes(self, begin, end):
-    """Get bytes from the media.
-    Args:
-      begin: int, offset from beginning of file.
-      length: int, number of bytes to read, starting at begin.
-    Returns:
-      A string of bytes read. May be shorter than length if EOF was reached
-      first.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  def has_stream(self):
-    """Does the underlying upload support a streaming interface.
-    Streaming means it is an io.IOBase subclass that supports seek, i.e.
-    seekable() returns True.
-    Returns:
-      True if the call to stream() will return an instance of a seekable io.Base
-      subclass.
-    """
-    return False
-  def stream(self):
-    """A stream interface to the data being uploaded.
-    Returns:
-      The returned value is an io.IOBase subclass that supports seek, i.e.
-      seekable() returns True.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError()
-  @util.positional(1)
-  def _to_json(self, strip=None):
-    """Utility function for creating a JSON representation of a MediaUpload.
-    Args:
-      strip: array, An array of names of members to not include in the JSON.
-    Returns:
-       string, a JSON representation of this instance, suitable to pass to
-       from_json().
-    """
-    t = type(self)
-    d = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
-    if strip is not None:
-      for member in strip:
-        del d[member]
-    d['_class'] = t.__name__
-    d['_module'] = t.__module__
-    return simplejson.dumps(d)
-  def to_json(self):
-    """Create a JSON representation of an instance of MediaUpload.
-    Returns:
-       string, a JSON representation of this instance, suitable to pass to
-       from_json().
-    """
-    return self._to_json()
-  @classmethod
-  def new_from_json(cls, s):
-    """Utility class method to instantiate a MediaUpload subclass from a JSON
-    representation produced by to_json().
-    Args:
-      s: string, JSON from to_json().
-    Returns:
-      An instance of the subclass of MediaUpload that was serialized with
-      to_json().
-    """
-    data = simplejson.loads(s)
-    # Find and call the right classmethod from_json() to restore the object.
-    module = data['_module']
-    m = __import__(module, fromlist=module.split('.')[:-1])
-    kls = getattr(m, data['_class'])
-    from_json = getattr(kls, 'from_json')
-    return from_json(s)
-class MediaIoBaseUpload(MediaUpload):
-  """A MediaUpload for a io.Base objects.
-  Note that the Python file object is compatible with io.Base and can be used
-  with this class also.
-    fh = io.BytesIO('...Some data to upload...')
-    media = MediaIoBaseUpload(fh, mimetype='image/png',
-      chunksize=1024*1024, resumable=True)
-    farm.animals().insert(
-        id='cow',
-        name='cow.png',
-        media_body=media).execute()
-  Depending on the platform you are working on, you may pass -1 as the
-  chunksize, which indicates that the entire file should be uploaded in a single
-  request. If the underlying platform supports streams, such as Python 2.6 or
-  later, then this can be very efficient as it avoids multiple connections, and
-  also avoids loading the entire file into memory before sending it. Note that
-  Google App Engine has a 5MB limit on request size, so you should never set
-  your chunksize larger than 5MB, or to -1.
-  """
-  @util.positional(3)
-  def __init__(self, fd, mimetype, chunksize=DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
-      resumable=False):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      fd: io.Base or file object, The source of the bytes to upload. MUST be
-        opened in blocking mode, do not use streams opened in non-blocking mode.
-        The given stream must be seekable, that is, it must be able to call
-        seek() on fd.
-      mimetype: string, Mime-type of the file.
-      chunksize: int, File will be uploaded in chunks of this many bytes. Only
-        used if resumable=True. Pass in a value of -1 if the file is to be
-        uploaded as a single chunk. Note that Google App Engine has a 5MB limit
-        on request size, so you should never set your chunksize larger than 5MB,
-        or to -1.
-      resumable: bool, True if this is a resumable upload. False means upload
-        in a single request.
-    """
-    super(MediaIoBaseUpload, self).__init__()
-    self._fd = fd
-    self._mimetype = mimetype
-    if not (chunksize == -1 or chunksize > 0):
-      raise InvalidChunkSizeError()
-    self._chunksize = chunksize
-    self._resumable = resumable
-, os.SEEK_END)
-    self._size = self._fd.tell()
-  def chunksize(self):
-    """Chunk size for resumable uploads.
-    Returns:
-      Chunk size in bytes.
-    """
-    return self._chunksize
-  def mimetype(self):
-    """Mime type of the body.
-    Returns:
-      Mime type.
-    """
-    return self._mimetype
-  def size(self):
-    """Size of upload.
-    Returns:
-      Size of the body, or None of the size is unknown.
-    """
-    return self._size
-  def resumable(self):
-    """Whether this upload is resumable.
-    Returns:
-      True if resumable upload or False.
-    """
-    return self._resumable
-  def getbytes(self, begin, length):
-    """Get bytes from the media.
-    Args:
-      begin: int, offset from beginning of file.
-      length: int, number of bytes to read, starting at begin.
-    Returns:
-      A string of bytes read. May be shorted than length if EOF was reached
-      first.
-    """
-    return
-  def has_stream(self):
-    """Does the underlying upload support a streaming interface.
-    Streaming means it is an io.IOBase subclass that supports seek, i.e.
-    seekable() returns True.
-    Returns:
-      True if the call to stream() will return an instance of a seekable io.Base
-      subclass.
-    """
-    return True
-  def stream(self):
-    """A stream interface to the data being uploaded.
-    Returns:
-      The returned value is an io.IOBase subclass that supports seek, i.e.
-      seekable() returns True.
-    """
-    return self._fd
-  def to_json(self):
-    """This upload type is not serializable."""
-    raise NotImplementedError('MediaIoBaseUpload is not serializable.')
-class MediaFileUpload(MediaIoBaseUpload):
-  """A MediaUpload for a file.
-  Construct a MediaFileUpload and pass as the media_body parameter of the
-  method. For example, if we had a service that allowed uploading images:
-    media = MediaFileUpload('cow.png', mimetype='image/png',
-      chunksize=1024*1024, resumable=True)
-    farm.animals().insert(
-        id='cow',
-        name='cow.png',
-        media_body=media).execute()
-  Depending on the platform you are working on, you may pass -1 as the
-  chunksize, which indicates that the entire file should be uploaded in a single
-  request. If the underlying platform supports streams, such as Python 2.6 or
-  later, then this can be very efficient as it avoids multiple connections, and
-  also avoids loading the entire file into memory before sending it. Note that
-  Google App Engine has a 5MB limit on request size, so you should never set
-  your chunksize larger than 5MB, or to -1.
-  """
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def __init__(self, filename, mimetype=None, chunksize=DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
-               resumable=False):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      filename: string, Name of the file.
-      mimetype: string, Mime-type of the file. If None then a mime-type will be
-        guessed from the file extension.
-      chunksize: int, File will be uploaded in chunks of this many bytes. Only
-        used if resumable=True. Pass in a value of -1 if the file is to be
-        uploaded in a single chunk. Note that Google App Engine has a 5MB limit
-        on request size, so you should never set your chunksize larger than 5MB,
-        or to -1.
-      resumable: bool, True if this is a resumable upload. False means upload
-        in a single request.
-    """
-    self._filename = filename
-    fd = open(self._filename, 'rb')
-    if mimetype is None:
-      (mimetype, encoding) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
-    super(MediaFileUpload, self).__init__(fd, mimetype, chunksize=chunksize,
-                                          resumable=resumable)
-  def to_json(self):
-    """Creating a JSON representation of an instance of MediaFileUpload.
-    Returns:
-       string, a JSON representation of this instance, suitable to pass to
-       from_json().
-    """
-    return self._to_json(strip=['_fd'])
-  @staticmethod
-  def from_json(s):
-    d = simplejson.loads(s)
-    return MediaFileUpload(d['_filename'], mimetype=d['_mimetype'],
-                           chunksize=d['_chunksize'], resumable=d['_resumable'])
-class MediaInMemoryUpload(MediaIoBaseUpload):
-  """MediaUpload for a chunk of bytes.
-  DEPRECATED: Use MediaIoBaseUpload with either io.TextIOBase or StringIO for
-  the stream.
-  """
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def __init__(self, body, mimetype='application/octet-stream',
-               chunksize=DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, resumable=False):
-    """Create a new MediaInMemoryUpload.
-  DEPRECATED: Use MediaIoBaseUpload with either io.TextIOBase or StringIO for
-  the stream.
-  Args:
-    body: string, Bytes of body content.
-    mimetype: string, Mime-type of the file or default of
-      'application/octet-stream'.
-    chunksize: int, File will be uploaded in chunks of this many bytes. Only
-      used if resumable=True.
-    resumable: bool, True if this is a resumable upload. False means upload
-      in a single request.
-    """
-    fd = StringIO.StringIO(body)
-    super(MediaInMemoryUpload, self).__init__(fd, mimetype, chunksize=chunksize,
-                                              resumable=resumable)
-class MediaIoBaseDownload(object):
-  """"Download media resources.
-  Note that the Python file object is compatible with io.Base and can be used
-  with this class also.
-  Example:
-    request = farms.animals().get_media(id='cow')
-    fh = io.FileIO('cow.png', mode='wb')
-    downloader = MediaIoBaseDownload(fh, request, chunksize=1024*1024)
-    done = False
-    while done is False:
-      status, done = downloader.next_chunk()
-      if status:
-        print "Download %d%%." % int(status.progress() * 100)
-    print "Download Complete!"
-  """
-  @util.positional(3)
-  def __init__(self, fd, request, chunksize=DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      fd: io.Base or file object, The stream in which to write the downloaded
-        bytes.
-      request: apiclient.http.HttpRequest, the media request to perform in
-        chunks.
-      chunksize: int, File will be downloaded in chunks of this many bytes.
-    """
-    self._fd = fd
-    self._request = request
-    self._uri = request.uri
-    self._chunksize = chunksize
-    self._progress = 0
-    self._total_size = None
-    self._done = False
-  def next_chunk(self):
-    """Get the next chunk of the download.
-    Returns:
-      (status, done): (MediaDownloadStatus, boolean)
-         The value of 'done' will be True when the media has been fully
-         downloaded.
-    Raises:
-      apiclient.errors.HttpError if the response was not a 2xx.
-      httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.
-    """
-    headers = {
-        'range': 'bytes=%d-%d' % (
-            self._progress, self._progress + self._chunksize)
-        }
-    http = self._request.http
-    http.follow_redirects = False
-    resp, content = http.request(self._uri, headers=headers)
-    if resp.status in [301, 302, 303, 307, 308] and 'location' in resp:
-        self._uri = resp['location']
-        resp, content = http.request(self._uri, headers=headers)
-    if resp.status in [200, 206]:
-      self._progress += len(content)
-      self._fd.write(content)
-      if 'content-range' in resp:
-        content_range = resp['content-range']
-        length = content_range.rsplit('/', 1)[1]
-        self._total_size = int(length)
-      if self._progress == self._total_size:
-        self._done = True
-      return MediaDownloadProgress(self._progress, self._total_size), self._done
-    else:
-      raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=self._uri)
-class _StreamSlice(object):
-  """Truncated stream.
-  Takes a stream and presents a stream that is a slice of the original stream.
-  This is used when uploading media in chunks. In later versions of Python a
-  stream can be passed to httplib in place of the string of data to send. The
-  problem is that httplib just blindly reads to the end of the stream. This
-  wrapper presents a virtual stream that only reads to the end of the chunk.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, stream, begin, chunksize):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      stream: (io.Base, file object), the stream to wrap.
-      begin: int, the seek position the chunk begins at.
-      chunksize: int, the size of the chunk.
-    """
-    self._stream = stream
-    self._begin = begin
-    self._chunksize = chunksize
-  def read(self, n=-1):
-    """Read n bytes.
-    Args:
-      n, int, the number of bytes to read.
-    Returns:
-      A string of length 'n', or less if EOF is reached.
-    """
-    # The data left available to read sits in [cur, end)
-    cur = self._stream.tell()
-    end = self._begin + self._chunksize
-    if n == -1 or cur + n > end:
-      n = end - cur
-    return
-class HttpRequest(object):
-  """Encapsulates a single HTTP request."""
-  @util.positional(4)
-  def __init__(self, http, postproc, uri,
-               method='GET',
-               body=None,
-               headers=None,
-               methodId=None,
-               resumable=None):
-    """Constructor for an HttpRequest.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, the transport object to use to make a request
-      postproc: callable, called on the HTTP response and content to transform
-                it into a data object before returning, or raising an exception
-                on an error.
-      uri: string, the absolute URI to send the request to
-      method: string, the HTTP method to use
-      body: string, the request body of the HTTP request,
-      headers: dict, the HTTP request headers
-      methodId: string, a unique identifier for the API method being called.
-      resumable: MediaUpload, None if this is not a resumbale request.
-    """
-    self.uri = uri
-    self.method = method
-    self.body = body
-    self.headers = headers or {}
-    self.methodId = methodId
-    self.http = http
-    self.postproc = postproc
-    self.resumable = resumable
-    self.response_callbacks = []
-    self._in_error_state = False
-    # Pull the multipart boundary out of the content-type header.
-    major, minor, params = mimeparse.parse_mime_type(
-        headers.get('content-type', 'application/json'))
-    # The size of the non-media part of the request.
-    self.body_size = len(self.body or '')
-    # The resumable URI to send chunks to.
-    self.resumable_uri = None
-    # The bytes that have been uploaded.
-    self.resumable_progress = 0
-  @util.positional(1)
-  def execute(self, http=None):
-    """Execute the request.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used in place of the
-            one the HttpRequest request object was constructed with.
-    Returns:
-      A deserialized object model of the response body as determined
-      by the postproc.
-    Raises:
-      apiclient.errors.HttpError if the response was not a 2xx.
-      httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.
-    """
-    if http is None:
-      http = self.http
-    if self.resumable:
-      body = None
-      while body is None:
-        _, body = self.next_chunk(http=http)
-      return body
-    else:
-      if 'content-length' not in self.headers:
-        self.headers['content-length'] = str(self.body_size)
-      # If the request URI is too long then turn it into a POST request.
-      if len(self.uri) > MAX_URI_LENGTH and self.method == 'GET':
-        self.method = 'POST'
-        self.headers['x-http-method-override'] = 'GET'
-        self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
-        parsed = urlparse.urlparse(self.uri)
-        self.uri = urlparse.urlunparse(
-            (parsed.scheme, parsed.netloc, parsed.path, parsed.params, None,
-             None)
-            )
-        self.body = parsed.query
-        self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(self.body))
-      resp, content = http.request(str(self.uri), method=str(self.method),
-                                   body=self.body, headers=self.headers)
-      for callback in self.response_callbacks:
-        callback(resp)
-      if resp.status >= 300:
-        raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=self.uri)
-    return self.postproc(resp, content)
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def add_response_callback(self, cb):
-    """add_response_headers_callback
-    Args:
-      cb: Callback to be called on receiving the response headers, of signature:
-      def cb(resp):
-        # Where resp is an instance of httplib2.Response
-    """
-    self.response_callbacks.append(cb)
-  @util.positional(1)
-  def next_chunk(self, http=None):
-    """Execute the next step of a resumable upload.
-    Can only be used if the method being executed supports media uploads and
-    the MediaUpload object passed in was flagged as using resumable upload.
-    Example:
-      media = MediaFileUpload('cow.png', mimetype='image/png',
-                              chunksize=1000, resumable=True)
-      request = farm.animals().insert(
-          id='cow',
-          name='cow.png',
-          media_body=media)
-      response = None
-      while response is None:
-        status, response = request.next_chunk()
-        if status:
-          print "Upload %d%% complete." % int(status.progress() * 100)
-    Returns:
-      (status, body): (ResumableMediaStatus, object)
-         The body will be None until the resumable media is fully uploaded.
-    Raises:
-      apiclient.errors.HttpError if the response was not a 2xx.
-      httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.
-    """
-    if http is None:
-      http = self.http
-    if self.resumable.size() is None:
-      size = '*'
-    else:
-      size = str(self.resumable.size())
-    if self.resumable_uri is None:
-      start_headers = copy.copy(self.headers)
-      start_headers['X-Upload-Content-Type'] = self.resumable.mimetype()
-      if size != '*':
-        start_headers['X-Upload-Content-Length'] = size
-      start_headers['content-length'] = str(self.body_size)
-      resp, content = http.request(self.uri, self.method,
-                                   body=self.body,
-                                   headers=start_headers)
-      if resp.status == 200 and 'location' in resp:
-        self.resumable_uri = resp['location']
-      else:
-        raise ResumableUploadError(resp, content)
-    elif self._in_error_state:
-      # If we are in an error state then query the server for current state of
-      # the upload by sending an empty PUT and reading the 'range' header in
-      # the response.
-      headers = {
-          'Content-Range': 'bytes */%s' % size,
-          'content-length': '0'
-          }
-      resp, content = http.request(self.resumable_uri, 'PUT',
-                                   headers=headers)
-      status, body = self._process_response(resp, content)
-      if body:
-        # The upload was complete.
-        return (status, body)
-    # The httplib.request method can take streams for the body parameter, but
-    # only in Python 2.6 or later. If a stream is available under those
-    # conditions then use it as the body argument.
-    if self.resumable.has_stream() and sys.version_info[1] >= 6:
-      data =
-      if self.resumable.chunksize() == -1:
-        chunk_end = self.resumable.size() - self.resumable_progress - 1
-      else:
-        # Doing chunking with a stream, so wrap a slice of the stream.
-        data = _StreamSlice(data, self.resumable_progress,
-                            self.resumable.chunksize())
-        chunk_end = min(
-            self.resumable_progress + self.resumable.chunksize() - 1,
-            self.resumable.size() - 1)
-    else:
-      data = self.resumable.getbytes(
-          self.resumable_progress, self.resumable.chunksize())
-      # A short read implies that we are at EOF, so finish the upload.
-      if len(data) < self.resumable.chunksize():
-        size = str(self.resumable_progress + len(data))
-      chunk_end = self.resumable_progress + len(data) - 1
-    headers = {
-        'Content-Range': 'bytes %d-%d/%s' % (
-            self.resumable_progress, chunk_end, size),
-        # Must set the content-length header here because httplib can't
-        # calculate the size when working with _StreamSlice.
-        'Content-Length': str(chunk_end - self.resumable_progress + 1)
-        }
-    try:
-      resp, content = http.request(self.resumable_uri, 'PUT',
-                                   body=data,
-                                   headers=headers)
-    except:
-      self._in_error_state = True
-      raise
-    return self._process_response(resp, content)
-  def _process_response(self, resp, content):
-    """Process the response from a single chunk upload.
-    Args:
-      resp: httplib2.Response, the response object.
-      content: string, the content of the response.
-    Returns:
-      (status, body): (ResumableMediaStatus, object)
-         The body will be None until the resumable media is fully uploaded.
-    Raises:
-      apiclient.errors.HttpError if the response was not a 2xx or a 308.
-    """
-    if resp.status in [200, 201]:
-      self._in_error_state = False
-      return None, self.postproc(resp, content)
-    elif resp.status == 308:
-      self._in_error_state = False
-      # A "308 Resume Incomplete" indicates we are not done.
-      self.resumable_progress = int(resp['range'].split('-')[1]) + 1
-      if 'location' in resp:
-        self.resumable_uri = resp['location']
-    else:
-      self._in_error_state = True
-      raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=self.uri)
-    return (MediaUploadProgress(self.resumable_progress, self.resumable.size()),
-            None)
-  def to_json(self):
-    """Returns a JSON representation of the HttpRequest."""
-    d = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
-    if d['resumable'] is not None:
-      d['resumable'] = self.resumable.to_json()
-    del d['http']
-    del d['postproc']
-    return simplejson.dumps(d)
-  @staticmethod
-  def from_json(s, http, postproc):
-    """Returns an HttpRequest populated with info from a JSON object."""
-    d = simplejson.loads(s)
-    if d['resumable'] is not None:
-      d['resumable'] = MediaUpload.new_from_json(d['resumable'])
-    return HttpRequest(
-        http,
-        postproc,
-        uri=d['uri'],
-        method=d['method'],
-        body=d['body'],
-        headers=d['headers'],
-        methodId=d['methodId'],
-        resumable=d['resumable'])
-class BatchHttpRequest(object):
-  """Batches multiple HttpRequest objects into a single HTTP request.
-  Example:
-    from apiclient.http import BatchHttpRequest
-    def list_animals(request_id, response, exception):
-      \"\"\"Do something with the animals list response.\"\"\"
-      if exception is not None:
-        # Do something with the exception.
-        pass
-      else:
-        # Do something with the response.
-        pass
-    def list_farmers(request_id, response, exception):
-      \"\"\"Do something with the farmers list response.\"\"\"
-      if exception is not None:
-        # Do something with the exception.
-        pass
-      else:
-        # Do something with the response.
-        pass
-    service = build('farm', 'v2')
-    batch = BatchHttpRequest()
-    batch.add(service.animals().list(), list_animals)
-    batch.add(, list_farmers)
-    batch.execute(http=http)
-  """
-  @util.positional(1)
-  def __init__(self, callback=None, batch_uri=None):
-    """Constructor for a BatchHttpRequest.
-    Args:
-      callback: callable, A callback to be called for each response, of the
-        form callback(id, response, exception). The first parameter is the
-        request id, and the second is the deserialized response object. The
-        third is an apiclient.errors.HttpError exception object if an HTTP error
-        occurred while processing the request, or None if no error occurred.
-      batch_uri: string, URI to send batch requests to.
-    """
-    if batch_uri is None:
-      batch_uri = ''
-    self._batch_uri = batch_uri
-    # Global callback to be called for each individual response in the batch.
-    self._callback = callback
-    # A map from id to request.
-    self._requests = {}
-    # A map from id to callback.
-    self._callbacks = {}
-    # List of request ids, in the order in which they were added.
-    self._order = []
-    # The last auto generated id.
-    self._last_auto_id = 0
-    # Unique ID on which to base the Content-ID headers.
-    self._base_id = None
-    # A map from request id to (httplib2.Response, content) response pairs
-    self._responses = {}
-    # A map of id(Credentials) that have been refreshed.
-    self._refreshed_credentials = {}
-  def _refresh_and_apply_credentials(self, request, http):
-    """Refresh the credentials and apply to the request.
-    Args:
-      request: HttpRequest, the request.
-      http: httplib2.Http, the global http object for the batch.
-    """
-    # For the credentials to refresh, but only once per refresh_token
-    # If there is no http per the request then refresh the http passed in
-    # via execute()
-    creds = None
-    if request.http is not None and hasattr(request.http.request,
-        'credentials'):
-      creds = request.http.request.credentials
-    elif http is not None and hasattr(http.request, 'credentials'):
-      creds = http.request.credentials
-    if creds is not None:
-      if id(creds) not in self._refreshed_credentials:
-        creds.refresh(http)
-        self._refreshed_credentials[id(creds)] = 1
-    # Only apply the credentials if we are using the http object passed in,
-    # otherwise apply() will get called during _serialize_request().
-    if request.http is None or not hasattr(request.http.request,
-        'credentials'):
-      creds.apply(request.headers)
-  def _id_to_header(self, id_):
-    """Convert an id to a Content-ID header value.
-    Args:
-      id_: string, identifier of individual request.
-    Returns:
-      A Content-ID header with the id_ encoded into it. A UUID is prepended to
-      the value because Content-ID headers are supposed to be universally
-      unique.
-    """
-    if self._base_id is None:
-      self._base_id = uuid.uuid4()
-    return '<%s+%s>' % (self._base_id, urllib.quote(id_))
-  def _header_to_id(self, header):
-    """Convert a Content-ID header value to an id.
-    Presumes the Content-ID header conforms to the format that _id_to_header()
-    returns.
-    Args:
-      header: string, Content-ID header value.
-    Returns:
-      The extracted id value.
-    Raises:
-      BatchError if the header is not in the expected format.
-    """
-    if header[0] != '<' or header[-1] != '>':
-      raise BatchError("Invalid value for Content-ID: %s" % header)
-    if '+' not in header:
-      raise BatchError("Invalid value for Content-ID: %s" % header)
-    base, id_ = header[1:-1].rsplit('+', 1)
-    return urllib.unquote(id_)
-  def _serialize_request(self, request):
-    """Convert an HttpRequest object into a string.
-    Args:
-      request: HttpRequest, the request to serialize.
-    Returns:
-      The request as a string in application/http format.
-    """
-    # Construct status line
-    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(request.uri)
-    request_line = urlparse.urlunparse(
-        (None, None, parsed.path, parsed.params, parsed.query, None)
-        )
-    status_line = request.method + ' ' + request_line + ' HTTP/1.1\n'
-    major, minor = request.headers.get('content-type', 'application/json').split('/')
-    msg = MIMENonMultipart(major, minor)
-    headers = request.headers.copy()
-    if request.http is not None and hasattr(request.http.request,
-        'credentials'):
-      request.http.request.credentials.apply(headers)
-    # MIMENonMultipart adds its own Content-Type header.
-    if 'content-type' in headers:
-      del headers['content-type']
-    for key, value in headers.iteritems():
-      msg[key] = value
-    msg['Host'] = parsed.netloc
-    msg.set_unixfrom(None)
-    if request.body is not None:
-      msg.set_payload(request.body)
-      msg['content-length'] = str(len(request.body))
-    # Serialize the mime message.
-    fp = StringIO.StringIO()
-    # maxheaderlen=0 means don't line wrap headers.
-    g = Generator(fp, maxheaderlen=0)
-    g.flatten(msg, unixfrom=False)
-    body = fp.getvalue()
-    # Strip off the \n\n that the MIME lib tacks onto the end of the payload.
-    if request.body is None:
-      body = body[:-2]
-    return status_line.encode('utf-8') + body
-  def _deserialize_response(self, payload):
-    """Convert string into httplib2 response and content.
-    Args:
-      payload: string, headers and body as a string.
-    Returns:
-      A pair (resp, content), such as would be returned from httplib2.request.
-    """
-    # Strip off the status line
-    status_line, payload = payload.split('\n', 1)
-    protocol, status, reason = status_line.split(' ', 2)
-    # Parse the rest of the response
-    parser = FeedParser()
-    parser.feed(payload)
-    msg = parser.close()
-    msg['status'] = status
-    # Create httplib2.Response from the parsed headers.
-    resp = httplib2.Response(msg)
-    resp.reason = reason
-    resp.version = int(protocol.split('/', 1)[1].replace('.', ''))
-    content = payload.split('\r\n\r\n', 1)[1]
-    return resp, content
-  def _new_id(self):
-    """Create a new id.
-    Auto incrementing number that avoids conflicts with ids already used.
-    Returns:
-       string, a new unique id.
-    """
-    self._last_auto_id += 1
-    while str(self._last_auto_id) in self._requests:
-      self._last_auto_id += 1
-    return str(self._last_auto_id)
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def add(self, request, callback=None, request_id=None):
-    """Add a new request.
-    Every callback added will be paired with a unique id, the request_id. That
-    unique id will be passed back to the callback when the response comes back
-    from the server. The default behavior is to have the library generate it's
-    own unique id. If the caller passes in a request_id then they must ensure
-    uniqueness for each request_id, and if they are not an exception is
-    raised. Callers should either supply all request_ids or nevery supply a
-    request id, to avoid such an error.
-    Args:
-      request: HttpRequest, Request to add to the batch.
-      callback: callable, A callback to be called for this response, of the
-        form callback(id, response, exception). The first parameter is the
-        request id, and the second is the deserialized response object. The
-        third is an apiclient.errors.HttpError exception object if an HTTP error
-        occurred while processing the request, or None if no errors occurred.
-      request_id: string, A unique id for the request. The id will be passed to
-        the callback with the response.
-    Returns:
-      None
-    Raises:
-      BatchError if a media request is added to a batch.
-      KeyError is the request_id is not unique.
-    """
-    if request_id is None:
-      request_id = self._new_id()
-    if request.resumable is not None:
-      raise BatchError("Media requests cannot be used in a batch request.")
-    if request_id in self._requests:
-      raise KeyError("A request with this ID already exists: %s" % request_id)
-    self._requests[request_id] = request
-    self._callbacks[request_id] = callback
-    self._order.append(request_id)
-  def _execute(self, http, order, requests):
-    """Serialize batch request, send to server, process response.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used to make the request with.
-      order: list, list of request ids in the order they were added to the
-        batch.
-      request: list, list of request objects to send.
-    Raises:
-      httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.
-      apiclient.errors.BatchError if the response is the wrong format.
-    """
-    message = MIMEMultipart('mixed')
-    # Message should not write out it's own headers.
-    setattr(message, '_write_headers', lambda self: None)
-    # Add all the individual requests.
-    for request_id in order:
-      request = requests[request_id]
-      msg = MIMENonMultipart('application', 'http')
-      msg['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = 'binary'
-      msg['Content-ID'] = self._id_to_header(request_id)
-      body = self._serialize_request(request)
-      msg.set_payload(body)
-      message.attach(msg)
-    body = message.as_string()
-    headers = {}
-    headers['content-type'] = ('multipart/mixed; '
-                               'boundary="%s"') % message.get_boundary()
-    resp, content = http.request(self._batch_uri, 'POST', body=body,
-                                 headers=headers)
-    if resp.status >= 300:
-      raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=self._batch_uri)
-    # Now break out the individual responses and store each one.
-    boundary, _ = content.split(None, 1)
-    # Prepend with a content-type header so FeedParser can handle it.
-    header = 'content-type: %s\r\n\r\n' % resp['content-type']
-    for_parser = header + content
-    parser = FeedParser()
-    parser.feed(for_parser)
-    mime_response = parser.close()
-    if not mime_response.is_multipart():
-      raise BatchError("Response not in multipart/mixed format.", resp=resp,
-                       content=content)
-    for part in mime_response.get_payload():
-      request_id = self._header_to_id(part['Content-ID'])
-      response, content = self._deserialize_response(part.get_payload())
-      self._responses[request_id] = (response, content)
-  @util.positional(1)
-  def execute(self, http=None):
-    """Execute all the requests as a single batched HTTP request.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used in place of the one the
-        HttpRequest request object was constructed with. If one isn't supplied
-        then use a http object from the requests in this batch.
-    Returns:
-      None
-    Raises:
-      httplib2.HttpLib2Error if a transport error has occured.
-      apiclient.errors.BatchError if the response is the wrong format.
-    """
-    # If http is not supplied use the first valid one given in the requests.
-    if http is None:
-      for request_id in self._order:
-        request = self._requests[request_id]
-        if request is not None:
-          http = request.http
-          break
-    if http is None:
-      raise ValueError("Missing a valid http object.")
-    self._execute(http, self._order, self._requests)
-    # Loop over all the requests and check for 401s. For each 401 request the
-    # credentials should be refreshed and then sent again in a separate batch.
-    redo_requests = {}
-    redo_order = []
-    for request_id in self._order:
-      resp, content = self._responses[request_id]
-      if resp['status'] == '401':
-        redo_order.append(request_id)
-        request = self._requests[request_id]
-        self._refresh_and_apply_credentials(request, http)
-        redo_requests[request_id] = request
-    if redo_requests:
-      self._execute(http, redo_order, redo_requests)
-    # Now process all callbacks that are erroring, and raise an exception for
-    # ones that return a non-2xx response? Or add extra parameter to callback
-    # that contains an HttpError?
-    for request_id in self._order:
-      resp, content = self._responses[request_id]
-      request = self._requests[request_id]
-      callback = self._callbacks[request_id]
-      response = None
-      exception = None
-      try:
-        if resp.status >= 300:
-          raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=request.uri)
-        response = request.postproc(resp, content)
-      except HttpError, e:
-        exception = e
-      if callback is not None:
-        callback(request_id, response, exception)
-      if self._callback is not None:
-        self._callback(request_id, response, exception)
-class HttpRequestMock(object):
-  """Mock of HttpRequest.
-  Do not construct directly, instead use RequestMockBuilder.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, resp, content, postproc):
-    """Constructor for HttpRequestMock
-    Args:
-      resp: httplib2.Response, the response to emulate coming from the request
-      content: string, the response body
-      postproc: callable, the post processing function usually supplied by
-                the model class. See model.JsonModel.response() as an example.
-    """
-    self.resp = resp
-    self.content = content
-    self.postproc = postproc
-    if resp is None:
-      self.resp = httplib2.Response({'status': 200, 'reason': 'OK'})
-    if 'reason' in self.resp:
-      self.resp.reason = self.resp['reason']
-  def execute(self, http=None):
-    """Execute the request.
-    Same behavior as HttpRequest.execute(), but the response is
-    mocked and not really from an HTTP request/response.
-    """
-    return self.postproc(self.resp, self.content)
-class RequestMockBuilder(object):
-  """A simple mock of HttpRequest
-    Pass in a dictionary to the constructor that maps request methodIds to
-    tuples of (httplib2.Response, content, opt_expected_body) that should be
-    returned when that method is called. None may also be passed in for the
-    httplib2.Response, in which case a 200 OK response will be generated.
-    If an opt_expected_body (str or dict) is provided, it will be compared to
-    the body and UnexpectedBodyError will be raised on inequality.
-    Example:
-      response = '{"data": {"id": "tag:google.c...'
-      requestBuilder = RequestMockBuilder(
-        {
-          'plus.activities.get': (None, response),
-        }
-      )
-"plus", "v1", requestBuilder=requestBuilder)
-    Methods that you do not supply a response for will return a
-    200 OK with an empty string as the response content or raise an excpetion
-    if check_unexpected is set to True. The methodId is taken from the rpcName
-    in the discovery document.
-    For more details see the project wiki.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, responses, check_unexpected=False):
-    """Constructor for RequestMockBuilder
-    The constructed object should be a callable object
-    that can replace the class HttpResponse.
-    responses - A dictionary that maps methodIds into tuples
-                of (httplib2.Response, content). The methodId
-                comes from the 'rpcName' field in the discovery
-                document.
-    check_unexpected - A boolean setting whether or not UnexpectedMethodError
-                       should be raised on unsupplied method.
-    """
-    self.responses = responses
-    self.check_unexpected = check_unexpected
-  def __call__(self, http, postproc, uri, method='GET', body=None,
-               headers=None, methodId=None, resumable=None):
-    """Implements the callable interface that expects
-    of requestBuilder, which is to build an object compatible with
-    HttpRequest.execute(). See that method for the description of the
-    parameters and the expected response.
-    """
-    if methodId in self.responses:
-      response = self.responses[methodId]
-      resp, content = response[:2]
-      if len(response) > 2:
-        # Test the body against the supplied expected_body.
-        expected_body = response[2]
-        if bool(expected_body) != bool(body):
-          # Not expecting a body and provided one
-          # or expecting a body and not provided one.
-          raise UnexpectedBodyError(expected_body, body)
-        if isinstance(expected_body, str):
-          expected_body = simplejson.loads(expected_body)
-        body = simplejson.loads(body)
-        if body != expected_body:
-          raise UnexpectedBodyError(expected_body, body)
-      return HttpRequestMock(resp, content, postproc)
-    elif self.check_unexpected:
-      raise UnexpectedMethodError(methodId=methodId)
-    else:
-      model = JsonModel(False)
-      return HttpRequestMock(None, '{}', model.response)
-class HttpMock(object):
-  """Mock of httplib2.Http"""
-  def __init__(self, filename=None, headers=None):
-    """
-    Args:
-      filename: string, absolute filename to read response from
-      headers: dict, header to return with response
-    """
-    if headers is None:
-      headers = {'status': '200 OK'}
-    if filename:
-      f = file(filename, 'r')
- =
-      f.close()
-    else:
- = None
-    self.response_headers = headers
-    self.headers = None
-    self.uri = None
-    self.method = None
-    self.body = None
-    self.headers = None
-  def request(self, uri,
-              method='GET',
-              body=None,
-              headers=None,
-              redirections=1,
-              connection_type=None):
-    self.uri = uri
-    self.method = method
-    self.body = body
-    self.headers = headers
-    return httplib2.Response(self.response_headers),
-class HttpMockSequence(object):
-  """Mock of httplib2.Http
-  Mocks a sequence of calls to request returning different responses for each
-  call. Create an instance initialized with the desired response headers
-  and content and then use as if an httplib2.Http instance.
-    http = HttpMockSequence([
-      ({'status': '401'}, ''),
-      ({'status': '200'}, '{"access_token":"1/3w","expires_in":3600}'),
-      ({'status': '200'}, 'echo_request_headers'),
-      ])
-    resp, content = http.request("")
-  There are special values you can pass in for content to trigger
-  behavours that are helpful in testing.
-  'echo_request_headers' means return the request headers in the response body
-  'echo_request_headers_as_json' means return the request headers in
-     the response body
-  'echo_request_body' means return the request body in the response body
-  'echo_request_uri' means return the request uri in the response body
-  """
-  def __init__(self, iterable):
-    """
-    Args:
-      iterable: iterable, a sequence of pairs of (headers, body)
-    """
-    self._iterable = iterable
-    self.follow_redirects = True
-  def request(self, uri,
-              method='GET',
-              body=None,
-              headers=None,
-              redirections=1,
-              connection_type=None):
-    resp, content = self._iterable.pop(0)
-    if content == 'echo_request_headers':
-      content = headers
-    elif content == 'echo_request_headers_as_json':
-      content = simplejson.dumps(headers)
-    elif content == 'echo_request_body':
-      if hasattr(body, 'read'):
-        content =
-      else:
-        content = body
-    elif content == 'echo_request_uri':
-      content = uri
-    return httplib2.Response(resp), content
-def set_user_agent(http, user_agent):
-  """Set the user-agent on every request.
-  Args:
-     http - An instance of httplib2.Http
-         or something that acts like it.
-     user_agent: string, the value for the user-agent header.
-  Returns:
-     A modified instance of http that was passed in.
-  Example:
-    h = httplib2.Http()
-    h = set_user_agent(h, "my-app-name/6.0")
-  Most of the time the user-agent will be set doing auth, this is for the rare
-  cases where you are accessing an unauthenticated endpoint.
-  """
-  request_orig = http.request
-  # The closure that will replace 'httplib2.Http.request'.
-  def new_request(uri, method='GET', body=None, headers=None,
-                  redirections=httplib2.DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS,
-                  connection_type=None):
-    """Modify the request headers to add the user-agent."""
-    if headers is None:
-      headers = {}
-    if 'user-agent' in headers:
-      headers['user-agent'] = user_agent + ' ' + headers['user-agent']
-    else:
-      headers['user-agent'] = user_agent
-    resp, content = request_orig(uri, method, body, headers,
-                        redirections, connection_type)
-    return resp, content
-  http.request = new_request
-  return http
-def tunnel_patch(http):
-  """Tunnel PATCH requests over POST.
-  Args:
-     http - An instance of httplib2.Http
-         or something that acts like it.
-  Returns:
-     A modified instance of http that was passed in.
-  Example:
-    h = httplib2.Http()
-    h = tunnel_patch(h, "my-app-name/6.0")
-  Useful if you are running on a platform that doesn't support PATCH.
-  Apply this last if you are using OAuth 1.0, as changing the method
-  will result in a different signature.
-  """
-  request_orig = http.request
-  # The closure that will replace 'httplib2.Http.request'.
-  def new_request(uri, method='GET', body=None, headers=None,
-                  redirections=httplib2.DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS,
-                  connection_type=None):
-    """Modify the request headers to add the user-agent."""
-    if headers is None:
-      headers = {}
-    if method == 'PATCH':
-      if 'oauth_token' in headers.get('authorization', ''):
-        logging.warning(
-            'OAuth 1.0 request made with Credentials after tunnel_patch.')
-      headers['x-http-method-override'] = "PATCH"
-      method = 'POST'
-    resp, content = request_orig(uri, method, body, headers,
-                        redirections, connection_type)
-    return resp, content
-  http.request = new_request
-  return http
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-# Copyright (C) 2007 Joe Gregorio
-# Licensed under the MIT License
-"""MIME-Type Parser
-This module provides basic functions for handling mime-types. It can handle
-matching mime-types against a list of media-ranges. See section 14.1 of the
-HTTP specification [RFC 2616] for a complete explanation.
- - parse_mime_type():   Parses a mime-type into its component parts.
- - parse_media_range(): Media-ranges are mime-types with wild-cards and a 'q'
-                          quality parameter.
- - quality():           Determines the quality ('q') of a mime-type when
-                          compared against a list of media-ranges.
- - quality_parsed():    Just like quality() except the second parameter must be
-                          pre-parsed.
- - best_match():        Choose the mime-type with the highest quality ('q')
-                          from a list of candidates.
-__version__ = '0.1.3'
-__author__ = 'Joe Gregorio'
-__email__ = ''
-__license__ = 'MIT License'
-__credits__ = ''
-def parse_mime_type(mime_type):
-    """Parses a mime-type into its component parts.
-    Carves up a mime-type and returns a tuple of the (type, subtype, params)
-    where 'params' is a dictionary of all the parameters for the media range.
-    For example, the media range 'application/xhtml;q=0.5' would get parsed
-    into:
-       ('application', 'xhtml', {'q', '0.5'})
-       """
-    parts = mime_type.split(';')
-    params = dict([tuple([s.strip() for s in param.split('=', 1)])\
-            for param in parts[1:]
-                  ])
-    full_type = parts[0].strip()
-    # Java URLConnection class sends an Accept header that includes a
-    # single '*'. Turn it into a legal wildcard.
-    if full_type == '*':
-        full_type = '*/*'
-    (type, subtype) = full_type.split('/')
-    return (type.strip(), subtype.strip(), params)
-def parse_media_range(range):
-    """Parse a media-range into its component parts.
-    Carves up a media range and returns a tuple of the (type, subtype,
-    params) where 'params' is a dictionary of all the parameters for the media
-    range.  For example, the media range 'application/*;q=0.5' would get parsed
-    into:
-       ('application', '*', {'q', '0.5'})
-    In addition this function also guarantees that there is a value for 'q'
-    in the params dictionary, filling it in with a proper default if
-    necessary.
-    """
-    (type, subtype, params) = parse_mime_type(range)
-    if not params.has_key('q') or not params['q'] or \
-            not float(params['q']) or float(params['q']) > 1\
-            or float(params['q']) < 0:
-        params['q'] = '1'
-    return (type, subtype, params)
-def fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges):
-    """Find the best match for a mime-type amongst parsed media-ranges.
-    Find the best match for a given mime-type against a list of media_ranges
-    that have already been parsed by parse_media_range(). Returns a tuple of
-    the fitness value and the value of the 'q' quality parameter of the best
-    match, or (-1, 0) if no match was found. Just as for quality_parsed(),
-    'parsed_ranges' must be a list of parsed media ranges.
-    """
-    best_fitness = -1
-    best_fit_q = 0
-    (target_type, target_subtype, target_params) =\
-            parse_media_range(mime_type)
-    for (type, subtype, params) in parsed_ranges:
-        type_match = (type == target_type or\
-                      type == '*' or\
-                      target_type == '*')
-        subtype_match = (subtype == target_subtype or\
-                         subtype == '*' or\
-                         target_subtype == '*')
-        if type_match and subtype_match:
-            param_matches = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [1 for (key, value) in \
-                    target_params.iteritems() if key != 'q' and \
-                    params.has_key(key) and value == params[key]], 0)
-            fitness = (type == target_type) and 100 or 0
-            fitness += (subtype == target_subtype) and 10 or 0
-            fitness += param_matches
-            if fitness > best_fitness:
-                best_fitness = fitness
-                best_fit_q = params['q']
-    return best_fitness, float(best_fit_q)
-def quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges):
-    """Find the best match for a mime-type amongst parsed media-ranges.
-    Find the best match for a given mime-type against a list of media_ranges
-    that have already been parsed by parse_media_range(). Returns the 'q'
-    quality parameter of the best match, 0 if no match was found. This function
-    bahaves the same as quality() except that 'parsed_ranges' must be a list of
-    parsed media ranges.
-    """
-    return fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges)[1]
-def quality(mime_type, ranges):
-    """Return the quality ('q') of a mime-type against a list of media-ranges.
-    Returns the quality 'q' of a mime-type when compared against the
-    media-ranges in ranges. For example:
-    >>> quality('text/html','text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7,
-                  text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5')
-    0.7
-    """
-    parsed_ranges = [parse_media_range(r) for r in ranges.split(',')]
-    return quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges)
-def best_match(supported, header):
-    """Return mime-type with the highest quality ('q') from list of candidates.
-    Takes a list of supported mime-types and finds the best match for all the
-    media-ranges listed in header. The value of header must be a string that
-    conforms to the format of the HTTP Accept: header. The value of 'supported'
-    is a list of mime-types. The list of supported mime-types should be sorted
-    in order of increasing desirability, in case of a situation where there is
-    a tie.
-    >>> best_match(['application/xbel+xml', 'text/xml'],
-                   'text/*;q=0.5,*/*; q=0.1')
-    'text/xml'
-    """
-    split_header = _filter_blank(header.split(','))
-    parsed_header = [parse_media_range(r) for r in split_header]
-    weighted_matches = []
-    pos = 0
-    for mime_type in supported:
-        weighted_matches.append((fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type,
-                                 parsed_header), pos, mime_type))
-        pos += 1
-    weighted_matches.sort()
-    return weighted_matches[-1][0][1] and weighted_matches[-1][2] or ''
-def _filter_blank(i):
-    for s in i:
-        if s.strip():
-            yield s
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-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Model objects for requests and responses.
-Each API may support one or more serializations, such
-as JSON, Atom, etc. The model classes are responsible
-for converting between the wire format and the Python
-object representation.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-import gflags
-import logging
-import urllib
-from errors import HttpError
-from oauth2client.anyjson import simplejson
-FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
-gflags.DEFINE_boolean('dump_request_response', False,
-                      'Dump all http server requests and responses. '
-                     )
-def _abstract():
-  raise NotImplementedError('You need to override this function')
-class Model(object):
-  """Model base class.
-  All Model classes should implement this interface.
-  The Model serializes and de-serializes between a wire
-  format such as JSON and a Python object representation.
-  """
-  def request(self, headers, path_params, query_params, body_value):
-    """Updates outgoing requests with a serialized body.
-    Args:
-      headers: dict, request headers
-      path_params: dict, parameters that appear in the request path
-      query_params: dict, parameters that appear in the query
-      body_value: object, the request body as a Python object, which must be
-                  serializable.
-    Returns:
-      A tuple of (headers, path_params, query, body)
-      headers: dict, request headers
-      path_params: dict, parameters that appear in the request path
-      query: string, query part of the request URI
-      body: string, the body serialized in the desired wire format.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def response(self, resp, content):
-    """Convert the response wire format into a Python object.
-    Args:
-      resp: httplib2.Response, the HTTP response headers and status
-      content: string, the body of the HTTP response
-    Returns:
-      The body de-serialized as a Python object.
-    Raises:
-      apiclient.errors.HttpError if a non 2xx response is received.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-class BaseModel(Model):
-  """Base model class.
-  Subclasses should provide implementations for the "serialize" and
-  "deserialize" methods, as well as values for the following class attributes.
-  Attributes:
-    accept: The value to use for the HTTP Accept header.
-    content_type: The value to use for the HTTP Content-type header.
-    no_content_response: The value to return when deserializing a 204 "No
-        Content" response.
-    alt_param: The value to supply as the "alt" query parameter for requests.
-  """
-  accept = None
-  content_type = None
-  no_content_response = None
-  alt_param = None
-  def _log_request(self, headers, path_params, query, body):
-    """Logs debugging information about the request if requested."""
-    if FLAGS.dump_request_response:
-      for h, v in headers.iteritems():
-'%s: %s', h, v)
-      for h, v in path_params.iteritems():
-'%s: %s', h, v)
-'body: %s', body)
-'query: %s', query)
-  def request(self, headers, path_params, query_params, body_value):
-    """Updates outgoing requests with a serialized body.
-    Args:
-      headers: dict, request headers
-      path_params: dict, parameters that appear in the request path
-      query_params: dict, parameters that appear in the query
-      body_value: object, the request body as a Python object, which must be
-                  serializable by simplejson.
-    Returns:
-      A tuple of (headers, path_params, query, body)
-      headers: dict, request headers
-      path_params: dict, parameters that appear in the request path
-      query: string, query part of the request URI
-      body: string, the body serialized as JSON
-    """
-    query = self._build_query(query_params)
-    headers['accept'] = self.accept
-    headers['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate'
-    if 'user-agent' in headers:
-      headers['user-agent'] += ' '
-    else:
-      headers['user-agent'] = ''
-    headers['user-agent'] += 'google-api-python-client/1.0'
-    if body_value is not None:
-      headers['content-type'] = self.content_type
-      body_value = self.serialize(body_value)
-    self._log_request(headers, path_params, query, body_value)
-    return (headers, path_params, query, body_value)
-  def _build_query(self, params):
-    """Builds a query string.
-    Args:
-      params: dict, the query parameters
-    Returns:
-      The query parameters properly encoded into an HTTP URI query string.
-    """
-    if self.alt_param is not None:
-      params.update({'alt': self.alt_param})
-    astuples = []
-    for key, value in params.iteritems():
-      if type(value) == type([]):
-        for x in value:
-          x = x.encode('utf-8')
-          astuples.append((key, x))
-      else:
-        if getattr(value, 'encode', False) and callable(value.encode):
-          value = value.encode('utf-8')
-        astuples.append((key, value))
-    return '?' + urllib.urlencode(astuples)
-  def _log_response(self, resp, content):
-    """Logs debugging information about the response if requested."""
-    if FLAGS.dump_request_response:
-      for h, v in resp.iteritems():
-'%s: %s', h, v)
-      if content:
-  def response(self, resp, content):
-    """Convert the response wire format into a Python object.
-    Args:
-      resp: httplib2.Response, the HTTP response headers and status
-      content: string, the body of the HTTP response
-    Returns:
-      The body de-serialized as a Python object.
-    Raises:
-      apiclient.errors.HttpError if a non 2xx response is received.
-    """
-    self._log_response(resp, content)
-    # Error handling is TBD, for example, do we retry
-    # for some operation/error combinations?
-    if resp.status < 300:
-      if resp.status == 204:
-        # A 204: No Content response should be treated differently
-        # to all the other success states
-        return self.no_content_response
-      return self.deserialize(content)
-    else:
-      logging.debug('Content from bad request was: %s' % content)
-      raise HttpError(resp, content)
-  def serialize(self, body_value):
-    """Perform the actual Python object serialization.
-    Args:
-      body_value: object, the request body as a Python object.
-    Returns:
-      string, the body in serialized form.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def deserialize(self, content):
-    """Perform the actual deserialization from response string to Python
-    object.
-    Args:
-      content: string, the body of the HTTP response
-    Returns:
-      The body de-serialized as a Python object.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-class JsonModel(BaseModel):
-  """Model class for JSON.
-  Serializes and de-serializes between JSON and the Python
-  object representation of HTTP request and response bodies.
-  """
-  accept = 'application/json'
-  content_type = 'application/json'
-  alt_param = 'json'
-  def __init__(self, data_wrapper=False):
-    """Construct a JsonModel.
-    Args:
-      data_wrapper: boolean, wrap requests and responses in a data wrapper
-    """
-    self._data_wrapper = data_wrapper
-  def serialize(self, body_value):
-    if (isinstance(body_value, dict) and 'data' not in body_value and
-        self._data_wrapper):
-      body_value = {'data': body_value}
-    return simplejson.dumps(body_value)
-  def deserialize(self, content):
-    body = simplejson.loads(content)
-    if self._data_wrapper and isinstance(body, dict) and 'data' in body:
-      body = body['data']
-    return body
-  @property
-  def no_content_response(self):
-    return {}
-class RawModel(JsonModel):
-  """Model class for requests that don't return JSON.
-  Serializes and de-serializes between JSON and the Python
-  object representation of HTTP request, and returns the raw bytes
-  of the response body.
-  """
-  accept = '*/*'
-  content_type = 'application/json'
-  alt_param = None
-  def deserialize(self, content):
-    return content
-  @property
-  def no_content_response(self):
-    return ''
-class MediaModel(JsonModel):
-  """Model class for requests that return Media.
-  Serializes and de-serializes between JSON and the Python
-  object representation of HTTP request, and returns the raw bytes
-  of the response body.
-  """
-  accept = '*/*'
-  content_type = 'application/json'
-  alt_param = 'media'
-  def deserialize(self, content):
-    return content
-  @property
-  def no_content_response(self):
-    return ''
-class ProtocolBufferModel(BaseModel):
-  """Model class for protocol buffers.
-  Serializes and de-serializes the binary protocol buffer sent in the HTTP
-  request and response bodies.
-  """
-  accept = 'application/x-protobuf'
-  content_type = 'application/x-protobuf'
-  alt_param = 'proto'
-  def __init__(self, protocol_buffer):
-    """Constructs a ProtocolBufferModel.
-    The serialzed protocol buffer returned in an HTTP response will be
-    de-serialized using the given protocol buffer class.
-    Args:
-      protocol_buffer: The protocol buffer class used to de-serialize a
-      response from the API.
-    """
-    self._protocol_buffer = protocol_buffer
-  def serialize(self, body_value):
-    return body_value.SerializeToString()
-  def deserialize(self, content):
-    return self._protocol_buffer.FromString(content)
-  @property
-  def no_content_response(self):
-    return self._protocol_buffer()
-def makepatch(original, modified):
-  """Create a patch object.
-  Some methods support PATCH, an efficient way to send updates to a resource.
-  This method allows the easy construction of patch bodies by looking at the
-  differences between a resource before and after it was modified.
-  Args:
-    original: object, the original deserialized resource
-    modified: object, the modified deserialized resource
-  Returns:
-    An object that contains only the changes from original to modified, in a
-    form suitable to pass to a PATCH method.
-  Example usage:
-    item = service.activities().get(postid=postid, userid=userid).execute()
-    original = copy.deepcopy(item)
-    item['object']['content'] = 'This is updated.'
-    service.activities.patch(postid=postid, userid=userid,
-      body=makepatch(original, item)).execute()
-  """
-  patch = {}
-  for key, original_value in original.iteritems():
-    modified_value = modified.get(key, None)
-    if modified_value is None:
-      # Use None to signal that the element is deleted
-      patch[key] = None
-    elif original_value != modified_value:
-      if type(original_value) == type({}):
-        # Recursively descend objects
-        patch[key] = makepatch(original_value, modified_value)
-      else:
-        # In the case of simple types or arrays we just replace
-        patch[key] = modified_value
-    else:
-      # Don't add anything to patch if there's no change
-      pass
-  for key in modified:
-    if key not in original:
-      patch[key] = modified[key]
-  return patch
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Push notifications support.
-This code is based on experimental APIs and is subject to change.
-__author__ = ' (Ali Afshar)'
-import binascii
-import collections
-import os
-import urllib
-class InvalidSubscriptionRequestError(ValueError):
-  """The request cannot be subscribed."""
-def new_token():
-  """Gets a random token for use as a client_token in push notifications.
-  Returns:
-    str, a new random token.
-  """
-  return binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(32))
-class Channel(object):
-  """Base class for channel types."""
-  def __init__(self, channel_type, channel_args):
-    """Create a new Channel.
-    You probably won't need to create this channel manually, since there are
-    subclassed Channel for each specific type with a more customized set of
-    arguments to pass. However, you may wish to just create it manually here.
-    Args:
-      channel_type: str, the type of channel.
-      channel_args: dict, arguments to pass to the channel.
-    """
-    self.channel_type = channel_type
-    self.channel_args = channel_args
-  def as_header_value(self):
-    """Create the appropriate header for this channel.
-    Returns:
-      str encoded channel description suitable for use as a header.
-    """
-    return '%s?%s' % (self.channel_type, urllib.urlencode(self.channel_args))
-  def write_header(self, headers):
-    """Write the appropriate subscribe header to a headers dict.
-    Args:
-      headers: dict, headers to add subscribe header to.
-    """
-    headers[SUBSCRIBE] = self.as_header_value()
-class WebhookChannel(Channel):
-  """Channel for registering web hook notifications."""
-  def __init__(self, url, app_engine=False):
-    """Create a new WebhookChannel
-    Args:
-      url: str, URL to post notifications to.
-      app_engine: bool, default=False, whether the destination for the
-      notifications is an App Engine application.
-    """
-    super(WebhookChannel, self).__init__(
-        channel_type='web_hook',
-        channel_args={
-            'url': url,
-            'app_engine': app_engine and 'true' or 'false',
-        }
-    )
-class Headers(collections.defaultdict):
-  """Headers for managing subscriptions."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Create a new subscription configuration instance."""
-    collections.defaultdict.__init__(self, str)
-  def __setitem__(self, key, value):
-    """Set a header value, ensuring the key is an allowed value.
-    Args:
-      key: str, the header key.
-      value: str, the header value.
-    Raises:
-      ValueError if key is not one of the accepted headers.
-    """
-    normal_key = self._normalize_key(key)
-    if normal_key not in self.ALL_HEADERS:
-      raise ValueError('Header name must be one of %s.' % self.ALL_HEADERS)
-    else:
-      return collections.defaultdict.__setitem__(self, normal_key, value)
-  def __getitem__(self, key):
-    """Get a header value, normalizing the key case.
-    Args:
-      key: str, the header key.
-    Returns:
-      String header value.
-    Raises:
-      KeyError if the key is not one of the accepted headers.
-    """
-    normal_key = self._normalize_key(key)
-    if normal_key not in self.ALL_HEADERS:
-      raise ValueError('Header name must be one of %s.' % self.ALL_HEADERS)
-    else:
-      return collections.defaultdict.__getitem__(self, normal_key)
-  def _normalize_key(self, key):
-    """Normalize a header name for use as a key."""
-    return key.upper()
-  def items(self):
-    """Generator for each header."""
-    for header in self.ALL_HEADERS:
-      value = self[header]
-      if value:
-        yield header, value
-  def write(self, headers):
-    """Applies the subscription headers.
-    Args:
-      headers: dict of headers to insert values into.
-    """
-    for header, value in self.items():
-      headers[header.lower()] = value
-  def read(self, headers):
-    """Read from headers.
-    Args:
-      headers: dict of headers to read from.
-    """
-    for header in self.ALL_HEADERS:
-      if header.lower() in headers:
-        self[header] = headers[header.lower()]
-class Subscription(object):
-  """Information about a subscription."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    """Create a new Subscription."""
-    self.headers = Headers()
-  @classmethod
-  def for_request(cls, request, channel, client_token=None):
-    """Creates a subscription and attaches it to a request.
-    Args:
-      request: An http.HttpRequest to modify for making a subscription.
-      channel: A apiclient.push.Channel describing the subscription to
-               create.
-      client_token: (optional) client token to verify the notification.
-    Returns:
-      New subscription object.
-    """
-    subscription = cls.for_channel(channel=channel, client_token=client_token)
-    subscription.headers.write(request.headers)
-    if request.method != 'GET':
-      raise InvalidSubscriptionRequestError(
-          'Can only subscribe to requests which are GET.')
-    request.method = 'POST'
-    def _on_response(response, subscription=subscription):
-      """Called with the response headers. Reads the subscription headers."""
-    request.add_response_callback(_on_response)
-    return subscription
-  @classmethod
-  def for_channel(cls, channel, client_token=None):
-    """Alternate constructor to create a subscription from a channel.
-    Args:
-      channel: A apiclient.push.Channel describing the subscription to
-               create.
-      client_token: (optional) client token to verify the notification.
-    Returns:
-      New subscription object.
-    """
-    subscription = cls()
-    channel.write_header(subscription.headers)
-    if client_token is None:
-      client_token = new_token()
-    subscription.headers[SUBSCRIPTION_ID] = new_token()
-    subscription.headers[CLIENT_TOKEN] = client_token
-    return subscription
-  def verify(self, headers):
-    """Verifies that a webhook notification has the correct client_token.
-    Args:
-      headers: dict of request headers for a push notification.
-    Returns:
-      Boolean value indicating whether the notification is verified.
-    """
-    new_subscription = Subscription()
-    return new_subscription.client_token == self.client_token
-  @property
-  def subscribe(self):
-    """Subscribe header value."""
-    return self.headers[SUBSCRIBE]
-  @property
-  def subscription_id(self):
-    """Subscription ID header value."""
-    return self.headers[SUBSCRIPTION_ID]
-  @property
-  def topic_id(self):
-    """Topic ID header value."""
-    return self.headers[TOPIC_ID]
-  @property
-  def topic_uri(self):
-    """Topic URI header value."""
-    return self.headers[TOPIC_URI]
-  @property
-  def client_token(self):
-    """Client Token header value."""
-    return self.headers[CLIENT_TOKEN]
-  @property
-  def event_type(self):
-    """Event Type header value."""
-    return self.headers[EVENT_TYPE]
-  @property
-  def unsubscribe(self):
-    """Unsuscribe header value."""
-    return self.headers[UNSUBSCRIBE]
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+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Schema processing for discovery based APIs
-Schemas holds an APIs discovery schemas. It can return those schema as
-deserialized JSON objects, or pretty print them as prototype objects that
-conform to the schema.
-For example, given the schema:
- schema = \"\"\"{
-   "Foo": {
-    "type": "object",
-    "properties": {
-     "etag": {
-      "type": "string",
-      "description": "ETag of the collection."
-     },
-     "kind": {
-      "type": "string",
-      "description": "Type of the collection ('calendar#acl').",
-      "default": "calendar#acl"
-     },
-     "nextPageToken": {
-      "type": "string",
-      "description": "Token used to access the next
-         page of this result. Omitted if no further results are available."
-     }
-    }
-   }
- }\"\"\"
- s = Schemas(schema)
- print s.prettyPrintByName('Foo')
- Produces the following output:
-  {
-   "nextPageToken": "A String", # Token used to access the
-       # next page of this result. Omitted if no further results are available.
-   "kind": "A String", # Type of the collection ('calendar#acl').
-   "etag": "A String", # ETag of the collection.
-  },
-The constructor takes a discovery document in which to look up named schema.
-# TODO(jcgregorio) support format, enum, minimum, maximum
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-import copy
-from oauth2client import util
-from oauth2client.anyjson import simplejson
-class Schemas(object):
-  """Schemas for an API."""
-  def __init__(self, discovery):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      discovery: object, Deserialized discovery document from which we pull
-        out the named schema.
-    """
-    self.schemas = discovery.get('schemas', {})
-    # Cache of pretty printed schemas.
-    self.pretty = {}
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def _prettyPrintByName(self, name, seen=None, dent=0):
-    """Get pretty printed object prototype from the schema name.
-    Args:
-      name: string, Name of schema in the discovery document.
-      seen: list of string, Names of schema already seen. Used to handle
-        recursive definitions.
-    Returns:
-      string, A string that contains a prototype object with
-        comments that conforms to the given schema.
-    """
-    if seen is None:
-      seen = []
-    if name in seen:
-      # Do not fall into an infinite loop over recursive definitions.
-      return '# Object with schema name: %s' % name
-    seen.append(name)
-    if name not in self.pretty:
-      self.pretty[name] = _SchemaToStruct(self.schemas[name],
-          seen, dent=dent).to_str(self._prettyPrintByName)
-    seen.pop()
-    return self.pretty[name]
-  def prettyPrintByName(self, name):
-    """Get pretty printed object prototype from the schema name.
-    Args:
-      name: string, Name of schema in the discovery document.
-    Returns:
-      string, A string that contains a prototype object with
-        comments that conforms to the given schema.
-    """
-    # Return with trailing comma and newline removed.
-    return self._prettyPrintByName(name, seen=[], dent=1)[:-2]
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def _prettyPrintSchema(self, schema, seen=None, dent=0):
-    """Get pretty printed object prototype of schema.
-    Args:
-      schema: object, Parsed JSON schema.
-      seen: list of string, Names of schema already seen. Used to handle
-        recursive definitions.
-    Returns:
-      string, A string that contains a prototype object with
-        comments that conforms to the given schema.
-    """
-    if seen is None:
-      seen = []
-    return _SchemaToStruct(schema, seen, dent=dent).to_str(self._prettyPrintByName)
-  def prettyPrintSchema(self, schema):
-    """Get pretty printed object prototype of schema.
-    Args:
-      schema: object, Parsed JSON schema.
-    Returns:
-      string, A string that contains a prototype object with
-        comments that conforms to the given schema.
-    """
-    # Return with trailing comma and newline removed.
-    return self._prettyPrintSchema(schema, dent=1)[:-2]
-  def get(self, name):
-    """Get deserialized JSON schema from the schema name.
-    Args:
-      name: string, Schema name.
-    """
-    return self.schemas[name]
-class _SchemaToStruct(object):
-  """Convert schema to a prototype object."""
-  @util.positional(3)
-  def __init__(self, schema, seen, dent=0):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      schema: object, Parsed JSON schema.
-      seen: list, List of names of schema already seen while parsing. Used to
-        handle recursive definitions.
-      dent: int, Initial indentation depth.
-    """
-    # The result of this parsing kept as list of strings.
-    self.value = []
-    # The final value of the parsing.
-    self.string = None
-    # The parsed JSON schema.
-    self.schema = schema
-    # Indentation level.
-    self.dent = dent
-    # Method that when called returns a prototype object for the schema with
-    # the given name.
-    self.from_cache = None
-    # List of names of schema already seen while parsing.
-    self.seen = seen
-  def emit(self, text):
-    """Add text as a line to the output.
-    Args:
-      text: string, Text to output.
-    """
-    self.value.extend(["  " * self.dent, text, '\n'])
-  def emitBegin(self, text):
-    """Add text to the output, but with no line terminator.
-    Args:
-      text: string, Text to output.
-      """
-    self.value.extend(["  " * self.dent, text])
-  def emitEnd(self, text, comment):
-    """Add text and comment to the output with line terminator.
-    Args:
-      text: string, Text to output.
-      comment: string, Python comment.
-    """
-    if comment:
-      divider = '\n' + '  ' * (self.dent + 2) + '# '
-      lines = comment.splitlines()
-      lines = [x.rstrip() for x in lines]
-      comment = divider.join(lines)
-      self.value.extend([text, ' # ', comment, '\n'])
-    else:
-      self.value.extend([text, '\n'])
-  def indent(self):
-    """Increase indentation level."""
-    self.dent += 1
-  def undent(self):
-    """Decrease indentation level."""
-    self.dent -= 1
-  def _to_str_impl(self, schema):
-    """Prototype object based on the schema, in Python code with comments.
-    Args:
-      schema: object, Parsed JSON schema file.
-    Returns:
-      Prototype object based on the schema, in Python code with comments.
-    """
-    stype = schema.get('type')
-    if stype == 'object':
-      self.emitEnd('{', schema.get('description', ''))
-      self.indent()
-      if 'properties' in schema:
-        for pname, pschema in schema.get('properties', {}).iteritems():
-          self.emitBegin('"%s": ' % pname)
-          self._to_str_impl(pschema)
-      elif 'additionalProperties' in schema:
-        self.emitBegin('"a_key": ')
-        self._to_str_impl(schema['additionalProperties'])
-      self.undent()
-      self.emit('},')
-    elif '$ref' in schema:
-      schemaName = schema['$ref']
-      description = schema.get('description', '')
-      s = self.from_cache(schemaName, seen=self.seen)
-      parts = s.splitlines()
-      self.emitEnd(parts[0], description)
-      for line in parts[1:]:
-        self.emit(line.rstrip())
-    elif stype == 'boolean':
-      value = schema.get('default', 'True or False')
-      self.emitEnd('%s,' % str(value), schema.get('description', ''))
-    elif stype == 'string':
-      value = schema.get('default', 'A String')
-      self.emitEnd('"%s",' % str(value), schema.get('description', ''))
-    elif stype == 'integer':
-      value = schema.get('default', '42')
-      self.emitEnd('%s,' % str(value), schema.get('description', ''))
-    elif stype == 'number':
-      value = schema.get('default', '3.14')
-      self.emitEnd('%s,' % str(value), schema.get('description', ''))
-    elif stype == 'null':
-      self.emitEnd('None,', schema.get('description', ''))
-    elif stype == 'any':
-      self.emitEnd('"",', schema.get('description', ''))
-    elif stype == 'array':
-      self.emitEnd('[', schema.get('description'))
-      self.indent()
-      self.emitBegin('')
-      self._to_str_impl(schema['items'])
-      self.undent()
-      self.emit('],')
-    else:
-      self.emit('Unknown type! %s' % stype)
-      self.emitEnd('', '')
-    self.string = ''.join(self.value)
-    return self.string
-  def to_str(self, from_cache):
-    """Prototype object based on the schema, in Python code with comments.
-    Args:
-      from_cache: callable(name, seen), Callable that retrieves an object
-         prototype for a schema with the given name. Seen is a list of schema
-         names already seen as we recursively descend the schema definition.
-    Returns:
-      Prototype object based on the schema, in Python code with comments.
-      The lines of the code will all be properly indented.
-    """
-    self.from_cache = from_cache
-    return self._to_str_impl(self.schema)
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-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2002, Google Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met:
-#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-# distribution.
-#     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-# ---
-# Author: Chad Lester
-# Design and style contributions by:
-#   Amit Patel, Bogdan Cocosel, Daniel Dulitz, Eric Tiedemann,
-#   Eric Veach, Laurence Gonsalves, Matthew Springer
-# Code reorganized a bit by Craig Silverstein
-"""This module is used to define and parse command line flags.
-This module defines a *distributed* flag-definition policy: rather than
-an application having to define all flags in or near main(), each python
-module defines flags that are useful to it.  When one python module
-imports another, it gains access to the other's flags.  (This is
-implemented by having all modules share a common, global registry object
-containing all the flag information.)
-Flags are defined through the use of one of the DEFINE_xxx functions.
-The specific function used determines how the flag is parsed, checked,
-and optionally type-converted, when it's seen on the command line.
-IMPLEMENTATION: DEFINE_* creates a 'Flag' object and registers it with a
-'FlagValues' object (typically the global FlagValues FLAGS, defined
-here).  The 'FlagValues' object can scan the command line arguments and
-pass flag arguments to the corresponding 'Flag' objects for
-value-checking and type conversion.  The converted flag values are
-available as attributes of the 'FlagValues' object.
-Code can access the flag through a FlagValues object, for instance
-gflags.FLAGS.myflag.  Typically, the __main__ module passes the command
-line arguments to gflags.FLAGS for parsing.
-At bottom, this module calls getopt(), so getopt functionality is
-supported, including short- and long-style flags, and the use of -- to
-terminate flags.
-Methods defined by the flag module will throw 'FlagsError' exceptions.
-The exception argument will be a human-readable string.
-FLAG TYPES: This is a list of the DEFINE_*'s that you can do.  All flags
-take a name, default value, help-string, and optional 'short' name
-(one-letter name).  Some flags have other arguments, which are described
-with the flag.
-DEFINE_string: takes any input, and interprets it as a string.
-DEFINE_bool or
-DEFINE_boolean: typically does not take an argument: say --myflag to
-                set FLAGS.myflag to true, or --nomyflag to set
-                FLAGS.myflag to false.  Alternately, you can say
-                   --myflag=true  or --myflag=t or --myflag=1  or
-                   --myflag=false or --myflag=f or --myflag=0
-DEFINE_float: takes an input and interprets it as a floating point
-              number.  Takes optional args lower_bound and upper_bound;
-              if the number specified on the command line is out of
-              range, it will raise a FlagError.
-DEFINE_integer: takes an input and interprets it as an integer.  Takes
-                optional args lower_bound and upper_bound as for floats.
-DEFINE_enum: takes a list of strings which represents legal values.  If
-             the command-line value is not in this list, raise a flag
-             error.  Otherwise, assign to FLAGS.flag as a string.
-DEFINE_list: Takes a comma-separated list of strings on the commandline.
-             Stores them in a python list object.
-DEFINE_spaceseplist: Takes a space-separated list of strings on the
-                     commandline.  Stores them in a python list object.
-                     Example: --myspacesepflag "foo bar baz"
-DEFINE_multistring: The same as DEFINE_string, except the flag can be
-                    specified more than once on the commandline.  The
-                    result is a python list object (list of strings),
-                    even if the flag is only on the command line once.
-DEFINE_multi_int: The same as DEFINE_integer, except the flag can be
-                  specified more than once on the commandline.  The
-                  result is a python list object (list of ints), even if
-                  the flag is only on the command line once.
-SPECIAL FLAGS: There are a few flags that have special meaning:
-   --help          prints a list of all the flags in a human-readable fashion
-   --helpshort     prints a list of all key flags (see below).
-   --helpxml       prints a list of all flags, in XML format.  DO NOT parse
-                   the output of --help and --helpshort.  Instead, parse
-                   the output of --helpxml.  For more info, see
-                   "OUTPUT FOR --helpxml" below.
-   --flagfile=foo  read flags from file foo.
-   --undefok=f1,f2 ignore unrecognized option errors for f1,f2.
-                   For boolean flags, you should use --undefok=boolflag, and
-                   --boolflag and --noboolflag will be accepted.  Do not use
-                   --undefok=noboolflag.
-   --              as in getopt(), terminates flag-processing
-FLAGS VALIDATORS: If your program:
-  - requires flag X to be specified
-  - needs flag Y to match a regular expression
-  - or requires any more general constraint to be satisfied
-then validators are for you!
-Each validator represents a constraint over one flag, which is enforced
-starting from the initial parsing of the flags and until the program
-Also, lower_bound and upper_bound for numerical flags are enforced using flag
-If you want to enforce a constraint over one flag, use
-                        checker,
-                        message='Flag validation failed',
-                        flag_values=FLAGS)
-After flag values are initially parsed, and after any change to the specified
-flag, method checker(flag_value) will be executed. If constraint is not
-satisfied, an IllegalFlagValue exception will be raised. See
-RegisterValidator's docstring for a detailed explanation on how to construct
-your own checker.
-FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
-gflags.DEFINE_integer('my_version', 0, 'Version number.')
-gflags.DEFINE_string('filename', None, 'Input file name', short_name='f')
-                        lambda value: value % 2 == 0,
-                        message='--my_version must be divisible by 2')
-NOTE ON --flagfile:
-Flags may be loaded from text files in addition to being specified on
-the commandline.
-Any flags you don't feel like typing, throw them in a file, one flag per
-line, for instance:
-   --myflag=myvalue
-   --nomyboolean_flag
-You then specify your file with the special flag '--flagfile=somefile'.
-You CAN recursively nest flagfile= tokens OR use multiple files on the
-command line.  Lines beginning with a single hash '#' or a double slash
-'//' are comments in your flagfile.
-Any flagfile=<file> will be interpreted as having a relative path from
-the current working directory rather than from the place the file was
-included from:
- --flagfile=config/somefile.cfg
-If somefile.cfg includes further --flagfile= directives, these will be
-referenced relative to the original CWD, not from the directory the
-including flagfile was found in!
-The caveat applies to people who are including a series of nested files
-in a different dir than they are executing out of.  Relative path names
-are always from CWD, not from the directory of the parent include
-flagfile. We do now support '~' expanded directory names.
-Absolute path names ALWAYS work!
-  FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
-  # Flag names are globally defined!  So in general, we need to be
-  # careful to pick names that are unlikely to be used by other libraries.
-  # If there is a conflict, we'll get an error at import time.
-  gflags.DEFINE_string('name', 'Mr. President', 'your name')
-  gflags.DEFINE_integer('age', None, 'your age in years', lower_bound=0)
-  gflags.DEFINE_boolean('debug', False, 'produces debugging output')
-  gflags.DEFINE_enum('gender', 'male', ['male', 'female'], 'your gender')
-  def main(argv):
-    try:
-      argv = FLAGS(argv)  # parse flags
-    except gflags.FlagsError, e:
-      print '%s\\nUsage: %s ARGS\\n%s' % (e, sys.argv[0], FLAGS)
-      sys.exit(1)
-    if FLAGS.debug: print 'non-flag arguments:', argv
-    print 'Happy Birthday',
-    if FLAGS.age is not None:
-      print 'You are a %d year old %s' % (FLAGS.age, FLAGS.gender)
-  if __name__ == '__main__':
-    main(sys.argv)
-As we already explained, each module gains access to all flags defined
-by all the other modules it transitively imports.  In the case of
-non-trivial scripts, this means a lot of flags ...  For documentation
-purposes, it is good to identify the flags that are key (i.e., really
-important) to a module.  Clearly, the concept of "key flag" is a
-subjective one.  When trying to determine whether a flag is key to a
-module or not, assume that you are trying to explain your module to a
-potential user: which flags would you really like to mention first?
-We'll describe shortly how to declare which flags are key to a module.
-For the moment, assume we know the set of key flags for each module.
-Then, if you use the module, you can use the --helpshort flag to
-print only the help for the flags that are key to the main module, in a
-human-readable format.
-NOTE: If you need to parse the flag help, do NOT use the output of
---help / --helpshort.  That output is meant for human consumption, and
-may be changed in the future.  Instead, use --helpxml; flags that are
-key for the main module are marked there with a <key>yes</key> element.
-The set of key flags for a module M is composed of:
-1. Flags defined by module M by calling a DEFINE_* function.
-2. Flags that module M explictly declares as key by using the function
-     DECLARE_key_flag(<flag_name>)
-3. Key flags of other modules that M specifies by using the function
-     ADOPT_module_key_flags(<other_module>)
-   This is a "bulk" declaration of key flags: each flag that is key for
-   <other_module> becomes key for the current module too.
-Notice that if you do not use the functions described at points 2 and 3
-above, then --helpshort prints information only about the flags defined
-by the main module of our script.  In many cases, this behavior is good
-enough.  But if you move part of the main module code (together with the
-related flags) into a different module, then it is nice to use
-DECLARE_key_flag / ADOPT_module_key_flags and make sure --helpshort
-lists all relevant flags (otherwise, your code refactoring may confuse
-your users).
-Note: each of DECLARE_key_flag / ADOPT_module_key_flags has its own
-pluses and minuses: DECLARE_key_flag is more targeted and may lead a
-more focused --helpshort documentation.  ADOPT_module_key_flags is good
-for cases when an entire module is considered key to the current script.
-Also, it does not require updates to client scripts when a new flag is
-added to the module.
-Consider an application that contains the following three files (two
-auxiliary modules and a main module)
-  import gflags
-  gflags.DEFINE_integer('num_replicas', 3, 'Number of replicas to start')
-  gflags.DEFINE_boolean('rpc2', True, 'Turn on the usage of RPC2.')
-  ... some code ...
-  import gflags
-  gflags.DEFINE_string('bar_gfs_path', '/gfs/path',
-                      'Path to the GFS files for libbar.')
-  gflags.DEFINE_string('email_for_bar_errors', '',
-                      'Email address for bug reports about module libbar.')
-  gflags.DEFINE_boolean('bar_risky_hack', False,
-                       'Turn on an experimental and buggy optimization.')
-  ... some code ...
-  import gflags
-  import libfoo
-  import libbar
-  gflags.DEFINE_integer('num_iterations', 0, 'Number of iterations.')
-  # Declare that all flags that are key for libfoo are
-  # key for this module too.
-  gflags.ADOPT_module_key_flags(libfoo)
-  # Declare that the flag --bar_gfs_path (defined in libbar) is key
-  # for this module.
-  gflags.DECLARE_key_flag('bar_gfs_path')
-  ... some code ...
-When myscript is invoked with the flag --helpshort, the resulted help
-message lists information about all the key flags for myscript:
---num_iterations, --num_replicas, --rpc2, and --bar_gfs_path.
-Of course, myscript uses all the flags declared by it (in this case,
-just --num_replicas) or by any of the modules it transitively imports
-(e.g., the modules libfoo, libbar).  E.g., it can access the value of
-FLAGS.bar_risky_hack, even if --bar_risky_hack is not declared as a key
-flag for myscript.
-OUTPUT FOR --helpxml:
-The --helpxml flag generates output with the following structure:
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-  <program>PROGRAM_BASENAME</program>
-  <usage>MAIN_MODULE_DOCSTRING</usage>
-  (<flag>
-    [<key>yes</key>]
-    <file>DECLARING_MODULE</file>
-    <name>FLAG_NAME</name>
-    <meaning>FLAG_HELP_MESSAGE</meaning>
-    <default>DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE</default>
-    <current>CURRENT_FLAG_VALUE</current>
-    <type>FLAG_TYPE</type>
-  </flag>)*
-1. The output is intentionally similar to the output generated by the
-C++ command-line flag library.  The few differences are due to the
-Python flags that do not have a C++ equivalent (at least not yet),
-e.g., DEFINE_list.
-2. New XML elements may be added in the future.
-3. DEFAULT_FLAG_VALUE is in serialized form, i.e., the string you can
-pass for this flag on the command-line.  E.g., for a flag defined
-using DEFINE_list, this field may be foo,bar, not ['foo', 'bar'].
-4. CURRENT_FLAG_VALUE is produced using str().  This means that the
-string 'false' will be represented in the same way as the boolean
-False.  Using repr() would have removed this ambiguity and simplified
-parsing, but would have broken the compatibility with the C++
-command-line flags.
-5. OPTIONAL_ELEMENTS describe elements relevant for certain kinds of
-flags: lower_bound, upper_bound (for flags that specify bounds),
-enum_value (for enum flags), list_separator (for flags that consist of
-a list of values, separated by a special token).
-6. We do not provide any example here: please use --helpxml instead.
-This module requires at least python 2.2.1 to run.
-import cgi
-import getopt
-import os
-import re
-import string
-import struct
-import sys
-# pylint: disable-msg=C6204
-  import fcntl
-except ImportError:
-  fcntl = None
-  # Importing termios will fail on non-unix platforms.
-  import termios
-except ImportError:
-  termios = None
-import gflags_validators
-# pylint: enable-msg=C6204
-# Are we running under pychecker?
-_RUNNING_PYCHECKER = 'pychecker.python' in sys.modules
-def _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName():
-  """Returns the module that's calling into this module.
-  We generally use this function to get the name of the module calling a
-  DEFINE_foo... function.
-  """
-  # Walk down the stack to find the first globals dict that's not ours.
-  for depth in range(1, sys.getrecursionlimit()):
-    if not sys._getframe(depth).f_globals is globals():
-      globals_for_frame = sys._getframe(depth).f_globals
-      module, module_name = _GetModuleObjectAndName(globals_for_frame)
-      if module_name is not None:
-        return module, module_name
-  raise AssertionError("No module was found")
-def _GetCallingModule():
-  """Returns the name of the module that's calling into this module."""
-  return _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName()[1]
-def _GetThisModuleObjectAndName():
-  """Returns: (module object, module name) for this module."""
-  return _GetModuleObjectAndName(globals())
-# module exceptions:
-class FlagsError(Exception):
-  """The base class for all flags errors."""
-  pass
-class DuplicateFlag(FlagsError):
-  """Raised if there is a flag naming conflict."""
-  pass
-class CantOpenFlagFileError(FlagsError):
-  """Raised if flagfile fails to open: doesn't exist, wrong permissions, etc."""
-  pass
-class DuplicateFlagCannotPropagateNoneToSwig(DuplicateFlag):
-  """Special case of DuplicateFlag -- SWIG flag value can't be set to None.
-  This can be raised when a duplicate flag is created. Even if allow_override is
-  True, we still abort if the new value is None, because it's currently
-  impossible to pass None default value back to SWIG. See FlagValues.SetDefault
-  for details.
-  """
-  pass
-class DuplicateFlagError(DuplicateFlag):
-  """A DuplicateFlag whose message cites the conflicting definitions.
-  A DuplicateFlagError conveys more information than a DuplicateFlag,
-  namely the modules where the conflicting definitions occur. This
-  class was created to avoid breaking external modules which depend on
-  the existing DuplicateFlags interface.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, flagname, flag_values, other_flag_values=None):
-    """Create a DuplicateFlagError.
-    Args:
-      flagname: Name of the flag being redefined.
-      flag_values: FlagValues object containing the first definition of
-          flagname.
-      other_flag_values: If this argument is not None, it should be the
-          FlagValues object where the second definition of flagname occurs.
-          If it is None, we assume that we're being called when attempting
-          to create the flag a second time, and we use the module calling
-          this one as the source of the second definition.
-    """
-    self.flagname = flagname
-    first_module = flag_values.FindModuleDefiningFlag(
-        flagname, default='<unknown>')
-    if other_flag_values is None:
-      second_module = _GetCallingModule()
-    else:
-      second_module = other_flag_values.FindModuleDefiningFlag(
-          flagname, default='<unknown>')
-    msg = "The flag '%s' is defined twice. First from %s, Second from %s" % (
-        self.flagname, first_module, second_module)
-    DuplicateFlag.__init__(self, msg)
-class IllegalFlagValue(FlagsError):
-  """The flag command line argument is illegal."""
-  pass
-class UnrecognizedFlag(FlagsError):
-  """Raised if a flag is unrecognized."""
-  pass
-# An UnrecognizedFlagError conveys more information than an UnrecognizedFlag.
-# Since there are external modules that create DuplicateFlags, the interface to
-# DuplicateFlag shouldn't change.  The flagvalue will be assigned the full value
-# of the flag and its argument, if any, allowing handling of unrecognized flags
-# in an exception handler.
-# If flagvalue is the empty string, then this exception is an due to a
-# reference to a flag that was not already defined.
-class UnrecognizedFlagError(UnrecognizedFlag):
-  def __init__(self, flagname, flagvalue=''):
-    self.flagname = flagname
-    self.flagvalue = flagvalue
-    UnrecognizedFlag.__init__(
-        self, "Unknown command line flag '%s'" % flagname)
-# Global variable used by expvar
-_exported_flags = {}
-_help_width = 80  # width of help output
-def GetHelpWidth():
-  """Returns: an integer, the width of help lines that is used in TextWrap."""
-  if (not sys.stdout.isatty()) or (termios is None) or (fcntl is None):
-    return _help_width
-  try:
-    data = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234')
-    columns = struct.unpack('hh', data)[1]
-    # Emacs mode returns 0.
-    # Here we assume that any value below 40 is unreasonable
-    if columns >= 40:
-      return columns
-    # Returning an int as default is fine, int(int) just return the int.
-    return int(os.getenv('COLUMNS', _help_width))
-  except (TypeError, IOError, struct.error):
-    return _help_width
-def CutCommonSpacePrefix(text):
-  """Removes a common space prefix from the lines of a multiline text.
-  If the first line does not start with a space, it is left as it is and
-  only in the remaining lines a common space prefix is being searched
-  for. That means the first line will stay untouched. This is especially
-  useful to turn doc strings into help texts. This is because some
-  people prefer to have the doc comment start already after the
-  apostrophe and then align the following lines while others have the
-  apostrophes on a separate line.
-  The function also drops trailing empty lines and ignores empty lines
-  following the initial content line while calculating the initial
-  common whitespace.
-  Args:
-    text: text to work on
-  Returns:
-    the resulting text
-  """
-  text_lines = text.splitlines()
-  # Drop trailing empty lines
-  while text_lines and not text_lines[-1]:
-    text_lines = text_lines[:-1]
-  if text_lines:
-    # We got some content, is the first line starting with a space?
-    if text_lines[0] and text_lines[0][0].isspace():
-      text_first_line = []
-    else:
-      text_first_line = [text_lines.pop(0)]
-    # Calculate length of common leading whitespace (only over content lines)
-    common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([line for line in text_lines if line])
-    space_prefix_len = len(common_prefix) - len(common_prefix.lstrip())
-    # If we have a common space prefix, drop it from all lines
-    if space_prefix_len:
-      for index in xrange(len(text_lines)):
-        if text_lines[index]:
-          text_lines[index] = text_lines[index][space_prefix_len:]
-    return '\n'.join(text_first_line + text_lines)
-  return ''
-def TextWrap(text, length=None, indent='', firstline_indent=None, tabs='    '):
-  """Wraps a given text to a maximum line length and returns it.
-  We turn lines that only contain whitespace into empty lines.  We keep
-  new lines and tabs (e.g., we do not treat tabs as spaces).
-  Args:
-    text:             text to wrap
-    length:           maximum length of a line, includes indentation
-                      if this is None then use GetHelpWidth()
-    indent:           indent for all but first line
-    firstline_indent: indent for first line; if None, fall back to indent
-    tabs:             replacement for tabs
-  Returns:
-    wrapped text
-  Raises:
-    FlagsError: if indent not shorter than length
-    FlagsError: if firstline_indent not shorter than length
-  """
-  # Get defaults where callee used None
-  if length is None:
-    length = GetHelpWidth()
-  if indent is None:
-    indent = ''
-  if len(indent) >= length:
-    raise FlagsError('Indent must be shorter than length')
-  # In line we will be holding the current line which is to be started
-  # with indent (or firstline_indent if available) and then appended
-  # with words.
-  if firstline_indent is None:
-    firstline_indent = ''
-    line = indent
-  else:
-    line = firstline_indent
-    if len(firstline_indent) >= length:
-      raise FlagsError('First line indent must be shorter than length')
-  # If the callee does not care about tabs we simply convert them to
-  # spaces If callee wanted tabs to be single space then we do that
-  # already here.
-  if not tabs or tabs == ' ':
-    text = text.replace('\t', ' ')
-  else:
-    tabs_are_whitespace = not tabs.strip()
-  line_regex = re.compile('([ ]*)(\t*)([^ \t]+)', re.MULTILINE)
-  # Split the text into lines and the lines with the regex above. The
-  # resulting lines are collected in result[]. For each split we get the
-  # spaces, the tabs and the next non white space (e.g. next word).
-  result = []
-  for text_line in text.splitlines():
-    # Store result length so we can find out whether processing the next
-    # line gave any new content
-    old_result_len = len(result)
-    # Process next line with line_regex. For optimization we do an rstrip().
-    # - process tabs (changes either line or word, see below)
-    # - process word (first try to squeeze on line, then wrap or force wrap)
-    # Spaces found on the line are ignored, they get added while wrapping as
-    # needed.
-    for spaces, current_tabs, word in line_regex.findall(text_line.rstrip()):
-      # If tabs weren't converted to spaces, handle them now
-      if current_tabs:
-        # If the last thing we added was a space anyway then drop
-        # it. But let's not get rid of the indentation.
-        if (((result and line != indent) or
-             (not result and line != firstline_indent)) and line[-1] == ' '):
-          line = line[:-1]
-        # Add the tabs, if that means adding whitespace, just add it at
-        # the line, the rstrip() code while shorten the line down if
-        # necessary
-        if tabs_are_whitespace:
-          line += tabs * len(current_tabs)
-        else:
-          # if not all tab replacement is whitespace we prepend it to the word
-          word = tabs * len(current_tabs) + word
-      # Handle the case where word cannot be squeezed onto current last line
-      if len(line) + len(word) > length and len(indent) + len(word) <= length:
-        result.append(line.rstrip())
-        line = indent + word
-        word = ''
-        # No space left on line or can we append a space?
-        if len(line) + 1 >= length:
-          result.append(line.rstrip())
-          line = indent
-        else:
-          line += ' '
-      # Add word and shorten it up to allowed line length. Restart next
-      # line with indent and repeat, or add a space if we're done (word
-      # finished) This deals with words that cannot fit on one line
-      # (e.g. indent + word longer than allowed line length).
-      while len(line) + len(word) >= length:
-        line += word
-        result.append(line[:length])
-        word = line[length:]
-        line = indent
-      # Default case, simply append the word and a space
-      if word:
-        line += word + ' '
-    # End of input line. If we have content we finish the line. If the
-    # current line is just the indent but we had content in during this
-    # original line then we need to add an empty line.
-    if (result and line != indent) or (not result and line != firstline_indent):
-      result.append(line.rstrip())
-    elif len(result) == old_result_len:
-      result.append('')
-    line = indent
-  return '\n'.join(result)
-def DocToHelp(doc):
-  """Takes a __doc__ string and reformats it as help."""
-  # Get rid of starting and ending white space. Using lstrip() or even
-  # strip() could drop more than maximum of first line and right space
-  # of last line.
-  doc = doc.strip()
-  # Get rid of all empty lines
-  whitespace_only_line = re.compile('^[ \t]+$', re.M)
-  doc = whitespace_only_line.sub('', doc)
-  # Cut out common space at line beginnings
-  doc = CutCommonSpacePrefix(doc)
-  # Just like this module's comment, comments tend to be aligned somehow.
-  # In other words they all start with the same amount of white space
-  # 1) keep double new lines
-  # 2) keep ws after new lines if not empty line
-  # 3) all other new lines shall be changed to a space
-  # Solution: Match new lines between non white space and replace with space.
-  doc = re.sub('(?<=\S)\n(?=\S)', ' ', doc, re.M)
-  return doc
-def _GetModuleObjectAndName(globals_dict):
-  """Returns the module that defines a global environment, and its name.
-  Args:
-    globals_dict: A dictionary that should correspond to an environment
-      providing the values of the globals.
-  Returns:
-    A pair consisting of (1) module object and (2) module name (a
-    string).  Returns (None, None) if the module could not be
-    identified.
-  """
-  # The use of .items() (instead of .iteritems()) is NOT a mistake: if
-  # a parallel thread imports a module while we iterate over
-  # .iteritems() (not nice, but possible), we get a RuntimeError ...
-  # Hence, we use the slightly slower but safer .items().
-  for name, module in sys.modules.items():
-    if getattr(module, '__dict__', None) is globals_dict:
-      if name == '__main__':
-        # Pick a more informative name for the main module.
-        name = sys.argv[0]
-      return (module, name)
-  return (None, None)
-def _GetMainModule():
-  """Returns: string, name of the module from which execution started."""
-  # First, try to use the same logic used by _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName(),
-  # i.e., call _GetModuleObjectAndName().  For that we first need to
-  # find the dictionary that the main module uses to store the
-  # globals.
-  #
-  # That's (normally) the same dictionary object that the deepest
-  # (oldest) stack frame is using for globals.
-  deepest_frame = sys._getframe(0)
-  while deepest_frame.f_back is not None:
-    deepest_frame = deepest_frame.f_back
-  globals_for_main_module = deepest_frame.f_globals
-  main_module_name = _GetModuleObjectAndName(globals_for_main_module)[1]
-  # The above strategy fails in some cases (e.g., tools that compute
-  # code coverage by redefining, among other things, the main module).
-  # If so, just use sys.argv[0].  We can probably always do this, but
-  # it's safest to try to use the same logic as _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName()
-  if main_module_name is None:
-    main_module_name = sys.argv[0]
-  return main_module_name
-class FlagValues:
-  """Registry of 'Flag' objects.
-  A 'FlagValues' can then scan command line arguments, passing flag
-  arguments through to the 'Flag' objects that it owns.  It also
-  provides easy access to the flag values.  Typically only one
-  'FlagValues' object is needed by an application: gflags.FLAGS
-  This class is heavily overloaded:
-  'Flag' objects are registered via __setitem__:
-       FLAGS['longname'] = x   # register a new flag
-  The .value attribute of the registered 'Flag' objects can be accessed
-  as attributes of this 'FlagValues' object, through __getattr__.  Both
-  the long and short name of the original 'Flag' objects can be used to
-  access its value:
-       FLAGS.longname          # parsed flag value
-       FLAGS.x                 # parsed flag value (short name)
-  Command line arguments are scanned and passed to the registered 'Flag'
-  objects through the __call__ method.  Unparsed arguments, including
-  argv[0] (e.g. the program name) are returned.
-       argv = FLAGS(sys.argv)  # scan command line arguments
-  The original registered Flag objects can be retrieved through the use
-  of the dictionary-like operator, __getitem__:
-       x = FLAGS['longname']   # access the registered Flag object
-  The str() operator of a 'FlagValues' object provides help for all of
-  the registered 'Flag' objects.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    # Since everything in this class is so heavily overloaded, the only
-    # way of defining and using fields is to access __dict__ directly.
-    # Dictionary: flag name (string) -> Flag object.
-    self.__dict__['__flags'] = {}
-    # Dictionary: module name (string) -> list of Flag objects that are defined
-    # by that module.
-    self.__dict__['__flags_by_module'] = {}
-    # Dictionary: module id (int) -> list of Flag objects that are defined by
-    # that module.
-    self.__dict__['__flags_by_module_id'] = {}
-    # Dictionary: module name (string) -> list of Flag objects that are
-    # key for that module.
-    self.__dict__['__key_flags_by_module'] = {}
-    # Set if we should use new style gnu_getopt rather than getopt when parsing
-    # the args.  Only possible with Python 2.3+
-    self.UseGnuGetOpt(False)
-  def UseGnuGetOpt(self, use_gnu_getopt=True):
-    """Use GNU-style scanning. Allows mixing of flag and non-flag arguments.
-    See
-    Args:
-      use_gnu_getopt: wether or not to use GNU style scanning.
-    """
-    self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt'] = use_gnu_getopt
-  def IsGnuGetOpt(self):
-    return self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt']
-  def FlagDict(self):
-    return self.__dict__['__flags']
-  def FlagsByModuleDict(self):
-    """Returns the dictionary of module_name -> list of defined flags.
-    Returns:
-      A dictionary.  Its keys are module names (strings).  Its values
-      are lists of Flag objects.
-    """
-    return self.__dict__['__flags_by_module']
-  def FlagsByModuleIdDict(self):
-    """Returns the dictionary of module_id -> list of defined flags.
-    Returns:
-      A dictionary.  Its keys are module IDs (ints).  Its values
-      are lists of Flag objects.
-    """
-    return self.__dict__['__flags_by_module_id']
-  def KeyFlagsByModuleDict(self):
-    """Returns the dictionary of module_name -> list of key flags.
-    Returns:
-      A dictionary.  Its keys are module names (strings).  Its values
-      are lists of Flag objects.
-    """
-    return self.__dict__['__key_flags_by_module']
-  def _RegisterFlagByModule(self, module_name, flag):
-    """Records the module that defines a specific flag.
-    We keep track of which flag is defined by which module so that we
-    can later sort the flags by module.
-    Args:
-      module_name: A string, the name of a Python module.
-      flag: A Flag object, a flag that is key to the module.
-    """
-    flags_by_module = self.FlagsByModuleDict()
-    flags_by_module.setdefault(module_name, []).append(flag)
-  def _RegisterFlagByModuleId(self, module_id, flag):
-    """Records the module that defines a specific flag.
-    Args:
-      module_id: An int, the ID of the Python module.
-      flag: A Flag object, a flag that is key to the module.
-    """
-    flags_by_module_id = self.FlagsByModuleIdDict()
-    flags_by_module_id.setdefault(module_id, []).append(flag)
-  def _RegisterKeyFlagForModule(self, module_name, flag):
-    """Specifies that a flag is a key flag for a module.
-    Args:
-      module_name: A string, the name of a Python module.
-      flag: A Flag object, a flag that is key to the module.
-    """
-    key_flags_by_module = self.KeyFlagsByModuleDict()
-    # The list of key flags for the module named module_name.
-    key_flags = key_flags_by_module.setdefault(module_name, [])
-    # Add flag, but avoid duplicates.
-    if flag not in key_flags:
-      key_flags.append(flag)
-  def _GetFlagsDefinedByModule(self, module):
-    """Returns the list of flags defined by a module.
-    Args:
-      module: A module object or a module name (a string).
-    Returns:
-      A new list of Flag objects.  Caller may update this list as he
-      wishes: none of those changes will affect the internals of this
-      FlagValue object.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(module, str):
-      module = module.__name__
-    return list(self.FlagsByModuleDict().get(module, []))
-  def _GetKeyFlagsForModule(self, module):
-    """Returns the list of key flags for a module.
-    Args:
-      module: A module object or a module name (a string)
-    Returns:
-      A new list of Flag objects.  Caller may update this list as he
-      wishes: none of those changes will affect the internals of this
-      FlagValue object.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(module, str):
-      module = module.__name__
-    # Any flag is a key flag for the module that defined it.  NOTE:
-    # key_flags is a fresh list: we can update it without affecting the
-    # internals of this FlagValues object.
-    key_flags = self._GetFlagsDefinedByModule(module)
-    # Take into account flags explicitly declared as key for a module.
-    for flag in self.KeyFlagsByModuleDict().get(module, []):
-      if flag not in key_flags:
-        key_flags.append(flag)
-    return key_flags
-  def FindModuleDefiningFlag(self, flagname, default=None):
-    """Return the name of the module defining this flag, or default.
-    Args:
-      flagname: Name of the flag to lookup.
-      default: Value to return if flagname is not defined. Defaults
-          to None.
-    Returns:
-      The name of the module which registered the flag with this name.
-      If no such module exists (i.e. no flag with this name exists),
-      we return default.
-    """
-    for module, flags in self.FlagsByModuleDict().iteritems():
-      for flag in flags:
-        if == flagname or flag.short_name == flagname:
-          return module
-    return default
-  def FindModuleIdDefiningFlag(self, flagname, default=None):
-    """Return the ID of the module defining this flag, or default.
-    Args:
-      flagname: Name of the flag to lookup.
-      default: Value to return if flagname is not defined. Defaults
-          to None.
-    Returns:
-      The ID of the module which registered the flag with this name.
-      If no such module exists (i.e. no flag with this name exists),
-      we return default.
-    """
-    for module_id, flags in self.FlagsByModuleIdDict().iteritems():
-      for flag in flags:
-        if == flagname or flag.short_name == flagname:
-          return module_id
-    return default
-  def AppendFlagValues(self, flag_values):
-    """Appends flags registered in another FlagValues instance.
-    Args:
-      flag_values: registry to copy from
-    """
-    for flag_name, flag in flag_values.FlagDict().iteritems():
-      # Each flags with shortname appears here twice (once under its
-      # normal name, and again with its short name).  To prevent
-      # problems (DuplicateFlagError) with double flag registration, we
-      # perform a check to make sure that the entry we're looking at is
-      # for its normal name.
-      if flag_name ==
-        try:
-          self[flag_name] = flag
-        except DuplicateFlagError:
-          raise DuplicateFlagError(flag_name, self,
-                                   other_flag_values=flag_values)
-  def RemoveFlagValues(self, flag_values):
-    """Remove flags that were previously appended from another FlagValues.
-    Args:
-      flag_values: registry containing flags to remove.
-    """
-    for flag_name in flag_values.FlagDict():
-      self.__delattr__(flag_name)
-  def __setitem__(self, name, flag):
-    """Registers a new flag variable."""
-    fl = self.FlagDict()
-    if not isinstance(flag, Flag):
-      raise IllegalFlagValue(flag)
-    if not isinstance(name, type("")):
-      raise FlagsError("Flag name must be a string")
-    if len(name) == 0:
-      raise FlagsError("Flag name cannot be empty")
-    # If running under pychecker, duplicate keys are likely to be
-    # defined.  Disable check for duplicate keys when pycheck'ing.
-    if (name in fl and not flag.allow_override and
-        not fl[name].allow_override and not _RUNNING_PYCHECKER):
-      module, module_name = _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName()
-      if (self.FindModuleDefiningFlag(name) == module_name and
-          id(module) != self.FindModuleIdDefiningFlag(name)):
-        # If the flag has already been defined by a module with the same name,
-        # but a different ID, we can stop here because it indicates that the
-        # module is simply being imported a subsequent time.
-        return
-      raise DuplicateFlagError(name, self)
-    short_name = flag.short_name
-    if short_name is not None:
-      if (short_name in fl and not flag.allow_override and
-          not fl[short_name].allow_override and not _RUNNING_PYCHECKER):
-        raise DuplicateFlagError(short_name, self)
-      fl[short_name] = flag
-    fl[name] = flag
-    global _exported_flags
-    _exported_flags[name] = flag
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    """Retrieves the Flag object for the flag --name."""
-    return self.FlagDict()[name]
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    """Retrieves the 'value' attribute of the flag --name."""
-    fl = self.FlagDict()
-    if name not in fl:
-      raise AttributeError(name)
-    return fl[name].value
-  def __setattr__(self, name, value):
-    """Sets the 'value' attribute of the flag --name."""
-    fl = self.FlagDict()
-    fl[name].value = value
-    self._AssertValidators(fl[name].validators)
-    return value
-  def _AssertAllValidators(self):
-    all_validators = set()
-    for flag in self.FlagDict().itervalues():
-      for validator in flag.validators:
-        all_validators.add(validator)
-    self._AssertValidators(all_validators)
-  def _AssertValidators(self, validators):
-    """Assert if all validators in the list are satisfied.
-    Asserts validators in the order they were created.
-    Args:
-      validators: Iterable(gflags_validators.Validator), validators to be
-        verified
-    Raises:
-      AttributeError: if validators work with a non-existing flag.
-      IllegalFlagValue: if validation fails for at least one validator
-    """
-    for validator in sorted(
-        validators, key=lambda validator: validator.insertion_index):
-      try:
-        validator.Verify(self)
-      except gflags_validators.Error, e:
-        message = validator.PrintFlagsWithValues(self)
-        raise IllegalFlagValue('%s: %s' % (message, str(e)))
-  def _FlagIsRegistered(self, flag_obj):
-    """Checks whether a Flag object is registered under some name.
-    Note: this is non trivial: in addition to its normal name, a flag
-    may have a short name too.  In self.FlagDict(), both the normal and
-    the short name are mapped to the same flag object.  E.g., calling
-    only "del FLAGS.short_name" is not unregistering the corresponding
-    Flag object (it is still registered under the longer name).
-    Args:
-      flag_obj: A Flag object.
-    Returns:
-      A boolean: True iff flag_obj is registered under some name.
-    """
-    flag_dict = self.FlagDict()
-    # Check whether flag_obj is registered under its long name.
-    name =
-    if flag_dict.get(name, None) == flag_obj:
-      return True
-    # Check whether flag_obj is registered under its short name.
-    short_name = flag_obj.short_name
-    if (short_name is not None and
-        flag_dict.get(short_name, None) == flag_obj):
-      return True
-    # The flag cannot be registered under any other name, so we do not
-    # need to do a full search through the values of self.FlagDict().
-    return False
-  def __delattr__(self, flag_name):
-    """Deletes a previously-defined flag from a flag object.
-    This method makes sure we can delete a flag by using
-      del flag_values_object.<flag_name>
-    E.g.,
-      gflags.DEFINE_integer('foo', 1, 'Integer flag.')
-      del
-    Args:
-      flag_name: A string, the name of the flag to be deleted.
-    Raises:
-      AttributeError: When there is no registered flag named flag_name.
-    """
-    fl = self.FlagDict()
-    if flag_name not in fl:
-      raise AttributeError(flag_name)
-    flag_obj = fl[flag_name]
-    del fl[flag_name]
-    if not self._FlagIsRegistered(flag_obj):
-      # If the Flag object indicated by flag_name is no longer
-      # registered (please see the docstring of _FlagIsRegistered), then
-      # we delete the occurrences of the flag object in all our internal
-      # dictionaries.
-      self.__RemoveFlagFromDictByModule(self.FlagsByModuleDict(), flag_obj)
-      self.__RemoveFlagFromDictByModule(self.FlagsByModuleIdDict(), flag_obj)
-      self.__RemoveFlagFromDictByModule(self.KeyFlagsByModuleDict(), flag_obj)
-  def __RemoveFlagFromDictByModule(self, flags_by_module_dict, flag_obj):
-    """Removes a flag object from a module -> list of flags dictionary.
-    Args:
-      flags_by_module_dict: A dictionary that maps module names to lists of
-        flags.
-      flag_obj: A flag object.
-    """
-    for unused_module, flags_in_module in flags_by_module_dict.iteritems():
-      # while (as opposed to if) takes care of multiple occurrences of a
-      # flag in the list for the same module.
-      while flag_obj in flags_in_module:
-        flags_in_module.remove(flag_obj)
-  def SetDefault(self, name, value):
-    """Changes the default value of the named flag object."""
-    fl = self.FlagDict()
-    if name not in fl:
-      raise AttributeError(name)
-    fl[name].SetDefault(value)
-    self._AssertValidators(fl[name].validators)
-  def __contains__(self, name):
-    """Returns True if name is a value (flag) in the dict."""
-    return name in self.FlagDict()
-  has_key = __contains__  # a synonym for __contains__()
-  def __iter__(self):
-    return iter(self.FlagDict())
-  def __call__(self, argv):
-    """Parses flags from argv; stores parsed flags into this FlagValues object.
-    All unparsed arguments are returned.  Flags are parsed using the GNU
-    Program Argument Syntax Conventions, using getopt:
-    Args:
-       argv: argument list. Can be of any type that may be converted to a list.
-    Returns:
-       The list of arguments not parsed as options, including argv[0]
-    Raises:
-       FlagsError: on any parsing error
-    """
-    # Support any sequence type that can be converted to a list
-    argv = list(argv)
-    shortopts = ""
-    longopts = []
-    fl = self.FlagDict()
-    # This pre parses the argv list for --flagfile=<> options.
-    argv = argv[:1] + self.ReadFlagsFromFiles(argv[1:], force_gnu=False)
-    # Correct the argv to support the google style of passing boolean
-    # parameters.  Boolean parameters may be passed by using --mybool,
-    # --nomybool, --mybool=(true|false|1|0).  getopt does not support
-    # having options that may or may not have a parameter.  We replace
-    # instances of the short form --mybool and --nomybool with their
-    # full forms: --mybool=(true|false).
-    original_argv = list(argv)  # list() makes a copy
-    shortest_matches = None
-    for name, flag in fl.items():
-      if not flag.boolean:
-        continue
-      if shortest_matches is None:
-        # Determine the smallest allowable prefix for all flag names
-        shortest_matches = self.ShortestUniquePrefixes(fl)
-      no_name = 'no' + name
-      prefix = shortest_matches[name]
-      no_prefix = shortest_matches[no_name]
-      # Replace all occurrences of this boolean with extended forms
-      for arg_idx in range(1, len(argv)):
-        arg = argv[arg_idx]
-        if arg.find('=') >= 0: continue
-        if arg.startswith('--'+prefix) and ('--'+name).startswith(arg):
-          argv[arg_idx] = ('--%s=true' % name)
-        elif arg.startswith('--'+no_prefix) and ('--'+no_name).startswith(arg):
-          argv[arg_idx] = ('--%s=false' % name)
-    # Loop over all of the flags, building up the lists of short options
-    # and long options that will be passed to getopt.  Short options are
-    # specified as a string of letters, each letter followed by a colon
-    # if it takes an argument.  Long options are stored in an array of
-    # strings.  Each string ends with an '=' if it takes an argument.
-    for name, flag in fl.items():
-      longopts.append(name + "=")
-      if len(name) == 1:  # one-letter option: allow short flag type also
-        shortopts += name
-        if not flag.boolean:
-          shortopts += ":"
-    longopts.append('undefok=')
-    undefok_flags = []
-    # In case --undefok is specified, loop to pick up unrecognized
-    # options one by one.
-    unrecognized_opts = []
-    args = argv[1:]
-    while True:
-      try:
-        if self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt']:
-          optlist, unparsed_args = getopt.gnu_getopt(args, shortopts, longopts)
-        else:
-          optlist, unparsed_args = getopt.getopt(args, shortopts, longopts)
-        break
-      except getopt.GetoptError, e:
-        if not e.opt or e.opt in fl:
-          # Not an unrecognized option, re-raise the exception as a FlagsError
-          raise FlagsError(e)
-        # Remove offender from args and try again
-        for arg_index in range(len(args)):
-          if ((args[arg_index] == '--' + e.opt) or
-              (args[arg_index] == '-' + e.opt) or
-              (args[arg_index].startswith('--' + e.opt + '='))):
-            unrecognized_opts.append((e.opt, args[arg_index]))
-            args = args[0:arg_index] + args[arg_index+1:]
-            break
-        else:
-          # We should have found the option, so we don't expect to get
-          # here.  We could assert, but raising the original exception
-          # might work better.
-          raise FlagsError(e)
-    for name, arg in optlist:
-      if name == '--undefok':
-        flag_names = arg.split(',')
-        undefok_flags.extend(flag_names)
-        # For boolean flags, if --undefok=boolflag is specified, then we should
-        # also accept --noboolflag, in addition to --boolflag.
-        # Since we don't know the type of the undefok'd flag, this will affect
-        # non-boolean flags as well.
-        # NOTE: You shouldn't use --undefok=noboolflag, because then we will
-        # accept --nonoboolflag here.  We are choosing not to do the conversion
-        # from noboolflag -> boolflag because of the ambiguity that flag names
-        # can start with 'no'.
-        undefok_flags.extend('no' + name for name in flag_names)
-        continue
-      if name.startswith('--'):
-        # long option
-        name = name[2:]
-        short_option = 0
-      else:
-        # short option
-        name = name[1:]
-        short_option = 1
-      if name in fl:
-        flag = fl[name]
-        if flag.boolean and short_option: arg = 1
-        flag.Parse(arg)
-    # If there were unrecognized options, raise an exception unless
-    # the options were named via --undefok.
-    for opt, value in unrecognized_opts:
-      if opt not in undefok_flags:
-        raise UnrecognizedFlagError(opt, value)
-    if unparsed_args:
-      if self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt']:
-        # if using gnu_getopt just return the program name + remainder of argv.
-        ret_val = argv[:1] + unparsed_args
-      else:
-        # unparsed_args becomes the first non-flag detected by getopt to
-        # the end of argv.  Because argv may have been modified above,
-        # return original_argv for this region.
-        ret_val = argv[:1] + original_argv[-len(unparsed_args):]
-    else:
-      ret_val = argv[:1]
-    self._AssertAllValidators()
-    return ret_val
-  def Reset(self):
-    """Resets the values to the point before FLAGS(argv) was called."""
-    for f in self.FlagDict().values():
-      f.Unparse()
-  def RegisteredFlags(self):
-    """Returns: a list of the names and short names of all registered flags."""
-    return list(self.FlagDict())
-  def FlagValuesDict(self):
-    """Returns: a dictionary that maps flag names to flag values."""
-    flag_values = {}
-    for flag_name in self.RegisteredFlags():
-      flag = self.FlagDict()[flag_name]
-      flag_values[flag_name] = flag.value
-    return flag_values
-  def __str__(self):
-    """Generates a help string for all known flags."""
-    return self.GetHelp()
-  def GetHelp(self, prefix=''):
-    """Generates a help string for all known flags."""
-    helplist = []
-    flags_by_module = self.FlagsByModuleDict()
-    if flags_by_module:
-      modules = sorted(flags_by_module)
-      # Print the help for the main module first, if possible.
-      main_module = _GetMainModule()
-      if main_module in modules:
-        modules.remove(main_module)
-        modules = [main_module] + modules
-      for module in modules:
-        self.__RenderOurModuleFlags(module, helplist)
-      self.__RenderModuleFlags('gflags',
-                               _SPECIAL_FLAGS.FlagDict().values(),
-                               helplist)
-    else:
-      # Just print one long list of flags.
-      self.__RenderFlagList(
-          self.FlagDict().values() + _SPECIAL_FLAGS.FlagDict().values(),
-          helplist, prefix)
-    return '\n'.join(helplist)
-  def __RenderModuleFlags(self, module, flags, output_lines, prefix=""):
-    """Generates a help string for a given module."""
-    if not isinstance(module, str):
-      module = module.__name__
-    output_lines.append('\n%s%s:' % (prefix, module))
-    self.__RenderFlagList(flags, output_lines, prefix + "  ")
-  def __RenderOurModuleFlags(self, module, output_lines, prefix=""):
-    """Generates a help string for a given module."""
-    flags = self._GetFlagsDefinedByModule(module)
-    if flags:
-      self.__RenderModuleFlags(module, flags, output_lines, prefix)
-  def __RenderOurModuleKeyFlags(self, module, output_lines, prefix=""):
-    """Generates a help string for the key flags of a given module.
-    Args:
-      module: A module object or a module name (a string).
-      output_lines: A list of strings.  The generated help message
-        lines will be appended to this list.
-      prefix: A string that is prepended to each generated help line.
-    """
-    key_flags = self._GetKeyFlagsForModule(module)
-    if key_flags:
-      self.__RenderModuleFlags(module, key_flags, output_lines, prefix)
-  def ModuleHelp(self, module):
-    """Describe the key flags of a module.
-    Args:
-      module: A module object or a module name (a string).
-    Returns:
-      string describing the key flags of a module.
-    """
-    helplist = []
-    self.__RenderOurModuleKeyFlags(module, helplist)
-    return '\n'.join(helplist)
-  def MainModuleHelp(self):
-    """Describe the key flags of the main module.
-    Returns:
-      string describing the key flags of a module.
-    """
-    return self.ModuleHelp(_GetMainModule())
-  def __RenderFlagList(self, flaglist, output_lines, prefix="  "):
-    fl = self.FlagDict()
-    special_fl = _SPECIAL_FLAGS.FlagDict()
-    flaglist = [(, flag) for flag in flaglist]
-    flaglist.sort()
-    flagset = {}
-    for (name, flag) in flaglist:
-      # It's possible this flag got deleted or overridden since being
-      # registered in the per-module flaglist.  Check now against the
-      # canonical source of current flag information, the FlagDict.
-      if fl.get(name, None) != flag and special_fl.get(name, None) != flag:
-        # a different flag is using this name now
-        continue
-      # only print help once
-      if flag in flagset: continue
-      flagset[flag] = 1
-      flaghelp = ""
-      if flag.short_name: flaghelp += "-%s," % flag.short_name
-      if flag.boolean:
-        flaghelp += "--[no]%s" % + ":"
-      else:
-        flaghelp += "--%s" % + ":"
-      flaghelp += "  "
-      if
-        flaghelp +=
-      flaghelp = TextWrap(flaghelp, indent=prefix+"  ",
-                          firstline_indent=prefix)
-      if flag.default_as_str:
-        flaghelp += "\n"
-        flaghelp += TextWrap("(default: %s)" % flag.default_as_str,
-                             indent=prefix+"  ")
-      if flag.parser.syntactic_help:
-        flaghelp += "\n"
-        flaghelp += TextWrap("(%s)" % flag.parser.syntactic_help,
-                             indent=prefix+"  ")
-      output_lines.append(flaghelp)
-  def get(self, name, default):
-    """Returns the value of a flag (if not None) or a default value.
-    Args:
-      name: A string, the name of a flag.
-      default: Default value to use if the flag value is None.
-    """
-    value = self.__getattr__(name)
-    if value is not None:  # Can't do if not value, b/c value might be '0' or ""
-      return value
-    else:
-      return default
-  def ShortestUniquePrefixes(self, fl):
-    """Returns: dictionary; maps flag names to their shortest unique prefix."""
-    # Sort the list of flag names
-    sorted_flags = []
-    for name, flag in fl.items():
-      sorted_flags.append(name)
-      if flag.boolean:
-        sorted_flags.append('no%s' % name)
-    sorted_flags.sort()
-    # For each name in the sorted list, determine the shortest unique
-    # prefix by comparing itself to the next name and to the previous
-    # name (the latter check uses cached info from the previous loop).
-    shortest_matches = {}
-    prev_idx = 0
-    for flag_idx in range(len(sorted_flags)):
-      curr = sorted_flags[flag_idx]
-      if flag_idx == (len(sorted_flags) - 1):
-        next = None
-      else:
-        next = sorted_flags[flag_idx+1]
-        next_len = len(next)
-      for curr_idx in range(len(curr)):
-        if (next is None
-            or curr_idx >= next_len
-            or curr[curr_idx] != next[curr_idx]):
-          # curr longer than next or no more chars in common
-          shortest_matches[curr] = curr[:max(prev_idx, curr_idx) + 1]
-          prev_idx = curr_idx
-          break
-      else:
-        # curr shorter than (or equal to) next
-        shortest_matches[curr] = curr
-        prev_idx = curr_idx + 1  # next will need at least one more char
-    return shortest_matches
-  def __IsFlagFileDirective(self, flag_string):
-    """Checks whether flag_string contain a --flagfile=<foo> directive."""
-    if isinstance(flag_string, type("")):
-      if flag_string.startswith('--flagfile='):
-        return 1
-      elif flag_string == '--flagfile':
-        return 1
-      elif flag_string.startswith('-flagfile='):
-        return 1
-      elif flag_string == '-flagfile':
-        return 1
-      else:
-        return 0
-    return 0
-  def ExtractFilename(self, flagfile_str):
-    """Returns filename from a flagfile_str of form -[-]flagfile=filename.
-    The cases of --flagfile foo and -flagfile foo shouldn't be hitting
-    this function, as they are dealt with in the level above this
-    function.
-    """
-    if flagfile_str.startswith('--flagfile='):
-      return os.path.expanduser((flagfile_str[(len('--flagfile=')):]).strip())
-    elif flagfile_str.startswith('-flagfile='):
-      return os.path.expanduser((flagfile_str[(len('-flagfile=')):]).strip())
-    else:
-      raise FlagsError('Hit illegal --flagfile type: %s' % flagfile_str)
-  def __GetFlagFileLines(self, filename, parsed_file_list):
-    """Returns the useful (!=comments, etc) lines from a file with flags.
-    Args:
-      filename: A string, the name of the flag file.
-      parsed_file_list: A list of the names of the files we have
-        already read.  MUTATED BY THIS FUNCTION.
-    Returns:
-      List of strings. See the note below.
-    NOTE(springer): This function checks for a nested --flagfile=<foo>
-    tag and handles the lower file recursively. It returns a list of
-    all the lines that _could_ contain command flags. This is
-    EVERYTHING except whitespace lines and comments (lines starting
-    with '#' or '//').
-    """
-    line_list = []  # All line from flagfile.
-    flag_line_list = []  # Subset of lines w/o comments, blanks, flagfile= tags.
-    try:
-      file_obj = open(filename, 'r')
-    except IOError, e_msg:
-      raise CantOpenFlagFileError('ERROR:: Unable to open flagfile: %s' % e_msg)
-    line_list = file_obj.readlines()
-    file_obj.close()
-    parsed_file_list.append(filename)
-    # This is where we check each line in the file we just read.
-    for line in line_list:
-      if line.isspace():
-        pass
-      # Checks for comment (a line that starts with '#').
-      elif line.startswith('#') or line.startswith('//'):
-        pass
-      # Checks for a nested "--flagfile=<bar>" flag in the current file.
-      # If we find one, recursively parse down into that file.
-      elif self.__IsFlagFileDirective(line):
-        sub_filename = self.ExtractFilename(line)
-        # We do a little safety check for reparsing a file we've already done.
-        if not sub_filename in parsed_file_list:
-          included_flags = self.__GetFlagFileLines(sub_filename,
-                                                   parsed_file_list)
-          flag_line_list.extend(included_flags)
-        else:  # Case of hitting a circularly included file.
-          sys.stderr.write('Warning: Hit circular flagfile dependency: %s\n' %
-                           (sub_filename,))
-      else:
-        # Any line that's not a comment or a nested flagfile should get
-        # copied into 2nd position.  This leaves earlier arguments
-        # further back in the list, thus giving them higher priority.
-        flag_line_list.append(line.strip())
-    return flag_line_list
-  def ReadFlagsFromFiles(self, argv, force_gnu=True):
-    """Processes command line args, but also allow args to be read from file.
-    Args:
-      argv: A list of strings, usually sys.argv[1:], which may contain one or
-        more flagfile directives of the form --flagfile="./filename".
-        Note that the name of the program (sys.argv[0]) should be omitted.
-      force_gnu: If False, --flagfile parsing obeys normal flag semantics.
-        If True, --flagfile parsing instead follows gnu_getopt semantics.
-        *** WARNING *** force_gnu=False may become the future default!
-    Returns:
-      A new list which has the original list combined with what we read
-      from any flagfile(s).
-    References: Global gflags.FLAG class instance.
-    This function should be called before the normal FLAGS(argv) call.
-    This function scans the input list for a flag that looks like:
-    --flagfile=<somefile>. Then it opens <somefile>, reads all valid key
-    and value pairs and inserts them into the input list between the
-    first item of the list and any subsequent items in the list.
-    Note that your application's flags are still defined the usual way
-    using gflags DEFINE_flag() type functions.
-    Notes (assuming we're getting a commandline of some sort as our input):
-    --> Flags from the command line argv _should_ always take precedence!
-    --> A further "--flagfile=<otherfile.cfg>" CAN be nested in a flagfile.
-        It will be processed after the parent flag file is done.
-    --> For duplicate flags, first one we hit should "win".
-    --> In a flagfile, a line beginning with # or // is a comment.
-    --> Entirely blank lines _should_ be ignored.
-    """
-    parsed_file_list = []
-    rest_of_args = argv
-    new_argv = []
-    while rest_of_args:
-      current_arg = rest_of_args[0]
-      rest_of_args = rest_of_args[1:]
-      if self.__IsFlagFileDirective(current_arg):
-        # This handles the case of -(-)flagfile foo.  In this case the
-        # next arg really is part of this one.
-        if current_arg == '--flagfile' or current_arg == '-flagfile':
-          if not rest_of_args:
-            raise IllegalFlagValue('--flagfile with no argument')
-          flag_filename = os.path.expanduser(rest_of_args[0])
-          rest_of_args = rest_of_args[1:]
-        else:
-          # This handles the case of (-)-flagfile=foo.
-          flag_filename = self.ExtractFilename(current_arg)
-        new_argv.extend(
-            self.__GetFlagFileLines(flag_filename, parsed_file_list))
-      else:
-        new_argv.append(current_arg)
-        # Stop parsing after '--', like getopt and gnu_getopt.
-        if current_arg == '--':
-          break
-        # Stop parsing after a non-flag, like getopt.
-        if not current_arg.startswith('-'):
-          if not force_gnu and not self.__dict__['__use_gnu_getopt']:
-            break
-    if rest_of_args:
-      new_argv.extend(rest_of_args)
-    return new_argv
-  def FlagsIntoString(self):
-    """Returns a string with the flags assignments from this FlagValues object.
-    This function ignores flags whose value is None.  Each flag
-    assignment is separated by a newline.
-    NOTE: MUST mirror the behavior of the C++ CommandlineFlagsIntoString
-    from
-    """
-    s = ''
-    for flag in self.FlagDict().values():
-      if flag.value is not None:
-        s += flag.Serialize() + '\n'
-    return s
-  def AppendFlagsIntoFile(self, filename):
-    """Appends all flags assignments from this FlagInfo object to a file.
-    Output will be in the format of a flagfile.
-    NOTE: MUST mirror the behavior of the C++ AppendFlagsIntoFile
-    from
-    """
-    out_file = open(filename, 'a')
-    out_file.write(self.FlagsIntoString())
-    out_file.close()
-  def WriteHelpInXMLFormat(self, outfile=None):
-    """Outputs flag documentation in XML format.
-    NOTE: We use element names that are consistent with those used by
-    the C++ command-line flag library, from
-    We also use a few new elements (e.g., <key>), but we do not
-    interfere / overlap with existing XML elements used by the C++
-    library.  Please maintain this consistency.
-    Args:
-      outfile: File object we write to.  Default None means sys.stdout.
-    """
-    outfile = outfile or sys.stdout
-    outfile.write('<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n')
-    outfile.write('<AllFlags>\n')
-    indent = '  '
-    _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'program', os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
-                           indent)
-    usage_doc = sys.modules['__main__'].__doc__
-    if not usage_doc:
-      usage_doc = '\nUSAGE: %s [flags]\n' % sys.argv[0]
-    else:
-      usage_doc = usage_doc.replace('%s', sys.argv[0])
-    _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'usage', usage_doc, indent)
-    # Get list of key flags for the main module.
-    key_flags = self._GetKeyFlagsForModule(_GetMainModule())
-    # Sort flags by declaring module name and next by flag name.
-    flags_by_module = self.FlagsByModuleDict()
-    all_module_names = list(flags_by_module.keys())
-    all_module_names.sort()
-    for module_name in all_module_names:
-      flag_list = [(, f) for f in flags_by_module[module_name]]
-      flag_list.sort()
-      for unused_flag_name, flag in flag_list:
-        is_key = flag in key_flags
-        flag.WriteInfoInXMLFormat(outfile, module_name,
-                                  is_key=is_key, indent=indent)
-    outfile.write('</AllFlags>\n')
-    outfile.flush()
-  def AddValidator(self, validator):
-    """Register new flags validator to be checked.
-    Args:
-      validator: gflags_validators.Validator
-    Raises:
-      AttributeError: if validators work with a non-existing flag.
-    """
-    for flag_name in validator.GetFlagsNames():
-      flag = self.FlagDict()[flag_name]
-      flag.validators.append(validator)
-# end of FlagValues definition
-# The global FlagValues instance
-FLAGS = FlagValues()
-def _StrOrUnicode(value):
-  """Converts value to a python string or, if necessary, unicode-string."""
-  try:
-    return str(value)
-  except UnicodeEncodeError:
-    return unicode(value)
-def _MakeXMLSafe(s):
-  """Escapes <, >, and & from s, and removes XML 1.0-illegal chars."""
-  s = cgi.escape(s)  # Escape <, >, and &
-  # Remove characters that cannot appear in an XML 1.0 document
-  # (
-  #
-  # NOTE: if there are problems with current solution, one may move to
-  # XML 1.1, which allows such chars, if they're entity-escaped (&#xHH;).
-  s = re.sub(r'[\x00-\x08\x0b\x0c\x0e-\x1f]', '', s)
-  # Convert non-ascii characters to entities.  Note: requires python >=2.3
-  s = s.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')   # u'\xce\x88' -> 'u&#904;'
-  return s
-def _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, name, value, indent):
-  """Writes a simple XML element.
-  Args:
-    outfile: File object we write the XML element to.
-    name: A string, the name of XML element.
-    value: A Python object, whose string representation will be used
-      as the value of the XML element.
-    indent: A string, prepended to each line of generated output.
-  """
-  value_str = _StrOrUnicode(value)
-  if isinstance(value, bool):
-    # Display boolean values as the C++ flag library does: no caps.
-    value_str = value_str.lower()
-  safe_value_str = _MakeXMLSafe(value_str)
-  outfile.write('%s<%s>%s</%s>\n' % (indent, name, safe_value_str, name))
-class Flag:
-  """Information about a command-line flag.
-  'Flag' objects define the following fields:
-    .name  - the name for this flag
-    .default - the default value for this flag
-    .default_as_str - default value as repr'd string, e.g., "'true'" (or None)
-    .value  - the most recent parsed value of this flag; set by Parse()
-    .help  - a help string or None if no help is available
-    .short_name  - the single letter alias for this flag (or None)
-    .boolean  - if 'true', this flag does not accept arguments
-    .present  - true if this flag was parsed from command line flags.
-    .parser  - an ArgumentParser object
-    .serializer - an ArgumentSerializer object
-    .allow_override - the flag may be redefined without raising an error
-  The only public method of a 'Flag' object is Parse(), but it is
-  typically only called by a 'FlagValues' object.  The Parse() method is
-  a thin wrapper around the 'ArgumentParser' Parse() method.  The parsed
-  value is saved in .value, and the .present attribute is updated.  If
-  this flag was already present, a FlagsError is raised.
-  Parse() is also called during __init__ to parse the default value and
-  initialize the .value attribute.  This enables other python modules to
-  safely use flags even if the __main__ module neglects to parse the
-  command line arguments.  The .present attribute is cleared after
-  __init__ parsing.  If the default value is set to None, then the
-  __init__ parsing step is skipped and the .value attribute is
-  initialized to None.
-  Note: The default value is also presented to the user in the help
-  string, so it is important that it be a legal value for this flag.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, parser, serializer, name, default, help_string,
-               short_name=None, boolean=0, allow_override=0):
- = name
-    if not help_string:
-      help_string = '(no help available)'
- = help_string
-    self.short_name = short_name
-    self.boolean = boolean
-    self.present = 0
-    self.parser = parser
-    self.serializer = serializer
-    self.allow_override = allow_override
-    self.value = None
-    self.validators = []
-    self.SetDefault(default)
-  def __hash__(self):
-    return hash(id(self))
-  def __eq__(self, other):
-    return self is other
-  def __lt__(self, other):
-    if isinstance(other, Flag):
-      return id(self) < id(other)
-    return NotImplemented
-  def __GetParsedValueAsString(self, value):
-    if value is None:
-      return None
-    if self.serializer:
-      return repr(self.serializer.Serialize(value))
-    if self.boolean:
-      if value:
-        return repr('true')
-      else:
-        return repr('false')
-    return repr(_StrOrUnicode(value))
-  def Parse(self, argument):
-    try:
-      self.value = self.parser.Parse(argument)
-    except ValueError, e:  # recast ValueError as IllegalFlagValue
-      raise IllegalFlagValue("flag --%s=%s: %s" % (, argument, e))
-    self.present += 1
-  def Unparse(self):
-    if self.default is None:
-      self.value = None
-    else:
-      self.Parse(self.default)
-    self.present = 0
-  def Serialize(self):
-    if self.value is None:
-      return ''
-    if self.boolean:
-      if self.value:
-        return "--%s" %
-      else:
-        return "--no%s" %
-    else:
-      if not self.serializer:
-        raise FlagsError("Serializer not present for flag %s" %
-      return "--%s=%s" % (, self.serializer.Serialize(self.value))
-  def SetDefault(self, value):
-    """Changes the default value (and current value too) for this Flag."""
-    # We can't allow a None override because it may end up not being
-    # passed to C++ code when we're overriding C++ flags.  So we
-    # cowardly bail out until someone fixes the semantics of trying to
-    # pass None to a C++ flag.  See swig_flags.Init() for details on
-    # this behavior.
-    # TODO(olexiy): Users can directly call this method, bypassing all flags
-    # validators (we don't have FlagValues here, so we can not check
-    # validators).
-    # The simplest solution I see is to make this method private.
-    # Another approach would be to store reference to the corresponding
-    # FlagValues with each flag, but this seems to be an overkill.
-    if value is None and self.allow_override:
-      raise DuplicateFlagCannotPropagateNoneToSwig(
-    self.default = value
-    self.Unparse()
-    self.default_as_str = self.__GetParsedValueAsString(self.value)
-  def Type(self):
-    """Returns: a string that describes the type of this Flag."""
-    # NOTE: we use strings, and not the types.*Type constants because
-    # our flags can have more exotic types, e.g., 'comma separated list
-    # of strings', 'whitespace separated list of strings', etc.
-    return self.parser.Type()
-  def WriteInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, module_name, is_key=False, indent=''):
-    """Writes common info about this flag, in XML format.
-    This is information that is relevant to all flags (e.g., name,
-    meaning, etc.).  If you defined a flag that has some other pieces of
-    info, then please override _WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat.
-    Please do NOT override this method.
-    Args:
-      outfile: File object we write to.
-      module_name: A string, the name of the module that defines this flag.
-      is_key: A boolean, True iff this flag is key for main module.
-      indent: A string that is prepended to each generated line.
-    """
-    outfile.write(indent + '<flag>\n')
-    inner_indent = indent + '  '
-    if is_key:
-      _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'key', 'yes', inner_indent)
-    _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'file', module_name, inner_indent)
-    # Print flag features that are relevant for all flags.
-    _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'name',, inner_indent)
-    if self.short_name:
-      _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'short_name', self.short_name,
-                             inner_indent)
-    if
-      _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'meaning',, inner_indent)
-    # The default flag value can either be represented as a string like on the
-    # command line, or as a Python object.  We serialize this value in the
-    # latter case in order to remain consistent.
-    if self.serializer and not isinstance(self.default, str):
-      default_serialized = self.serializer.Serialize(self.default)
-    else:
-      default_serialized = self.default
-    _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'default', default_serialized, inner_indent)
-    _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'current', self.value, inner_indent)
-    _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'type', self.Type(), inner_indent)
-    # Print extra flag features this flag may have.
-    self._WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(outfile, inner_indent)
-    outfile.write(indent + '</flag>\n')
-  def _WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent):
-    """Writes extra info about this flag, in XML format.
-    "Extra" means "not already printed by WriteInfoInXMLFormat above."
-    Args:
-      outfile: File object we write to.
-      indent: A string that is prepended to each generated line.
-    """
-    # Usually, the parser knows the extra details about the flag, so
-    # we just forward the call to it.
-    self.parser.WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(outfile, indent)
-# End of Flag definition
-class _ArgumentParserCache(type):
-  """Metaclass used to cache and share argument parsers among flags."""
-  _instances = {}
-  def __call__(mcs, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Returns an instance of the argument parser cls.
-    This method overrides behavior of the __new__ methods in
-    all subclasses of ArgumentParser (inclusive). If an instance
-    for mcs with the same set of arguments exists, this instance is
-    returned, otherwise a new instance is created.
-    If any keyword arguments are defined, or the values in args
-    are not hashable, this method always returns a new instance of
-    cls.
-    Args:
-      args: Positional initializer arguments.
-      kwargs: Initializer keyword arguments.
-    Returns:
-      An instance of cls, shared or new.
-    """
-    if kwargs:
-      return type.__call__(mcs, *args, **kwargs)
-    else:
-      instances = mcs._instances
-      key = (mcs,) + tuple(args)
-      try:
-        return instances[key]
-      except KeyError:
-        # No cache entry for key exists, create a new one.
-        return instances.setdefault(key, type.__call__(mcs, *args))
-      except TypeError:
-        # An object in args cannot be hashed, always return
-        # a new instance.
-        return type.__call__(mcs, *args)
-class ArgumentParser(object):
-  """Base class used to parse and convert arguments.
-  The Parse() method checks to make sure that the string argument is a
-  legal value and convert it to a native type.  If the value cannot be
-  converted, it should throw a 'ValueError' exception with a human
-  readable explanation of why the value is illegal.
-  Subclasses should also define a syntactic_help string which may be
-  presented to the user to describe the form of the legal values.
-  Argument parser classes must be stateless, since instances are cached
-  and shared between flags. Initializer arguments are allowed, but all
-  member variables must be derived from initializer arguments only.
-  """
-  __metaclass__ = _ArgumentParserCache
-  syntactic_help = ""
-  def Parse(self, argument):
-    """Default implementation: always returns its argument unmodified."""
-    return argument
-  def Type(self):
-    return 'string'
-  def WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent):
-    pass
-class ArgumentSerializer:
-  """Base class for generating string representations of a flag value."""
-  def Serialize(self, value):
-    return _StrOrUnicode(value)
-class ListSerializer(ArgumentSerializer):
-  def __init__(self, list_sep):
-    self.list_sep = list_sep
-  def Serialize(self, value):
-    return self.list_sep.join([_StrOrUnicode(x) for x in value])
-# Flags validators
-def RegisterValidator(flag_name,
-                      checker,
-                      message='Flag validation failed',
-                      flag_values=FLAGS):
-  """Adds a constraint, which will be enforced during program execution.
-  The constraint is validated when flags are initially parsed, and after each
-  change of the corresponding flag's value.
-  Args:
-    flag_name: string, name of the flag to be checked.
-    checker: method to validate the flag.
-      input  - value of the corresponding flag (string, boolean, etc.
-        This value will be passed to checker by the library). See file's
-        docstring for examples.
-      output - Boolean.
-        Must return True if validator constraint is satisfied.
-        If constraint is not satisfied, it should either return False or
-          raise gflags_validators.Error(desired_error_message).
-    message: error text to be shown to the user if checker returns False.
-      If checker raises gflags_validators.Error, message from the raised
-        Error will be shown.
-    flag_values: FlagValues
-  Raises:
-    AttributeError: if flag_name is not registered as a valid flag name.
-  """
-  flag_values.AddValidator(gflags_validators.SimpleValidator(flag_name,
-                                                            checker,
-                                                            message))
-def MarkFlagAsRequired(flag_name, flag_values=FLAGS):
-  """Ensure that flag is not None during program execution.
-  Registers a flag validator, which will follow usual validator
-  rules.
-  Args:
-    flag_name: string, name of the flag
-    flag_values: FlagValues
-  Raises:
-    AttributeError: if flag_name is not registered as a valid flag name.
-  """
-  RegisterValidator(flag_name,
-                    lambda value: value is not None,
-                    message='Flag --%s must be specified.' % flag_name,
-                    flag_values=flag_values)
-def _RegisterBoundsValidatorIfNeeded(parser, name, flag_values):
-  """Enforce lower and upper bounds for numeric flags.
-  Args:
-    parser: NumericParser (either FloatParser or IntegerParser). Provides lower
-      and upper bounds, and help text to display.
-    name: string, name of the flag
-    flag_values: FlagValues
-  """
-  if parser.lower_bound is not None or parser.upper_bound is not None:
-    def Checker(value):
-      if value is not None and parser.IsOutsideBounds(value):
-        message = '%s is not %s' % (value, parser.syntactic_help)
-        raise gflags_validators.Error(message)
-      return True
-    RegisterValidator(name,
-                      Checker,
-                      flag_values=flag_values)
-# The DEFINE functions are explained in mode details in the module doc string.
-def DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS, serializer=None,
-           **args):
-  """Registers a generic Flag object.
-  NOTE: in the docstrings of all DEFINE* functions, "registers" is short
-  for "creates a new flag and registers it".
-  Auxiliary function: clients should use the specialized DEFINE_<type>
-  function instead.
-  Args:
-    parser: ArgumentParser that is used to parse the flag arguments.
-    name: A string, the flag name.
-    default: The default value of the flag.
-    help: A help string.
-    flag_values: FlagValues object the flag will be registered with.
-    serializer: ArgumentSerializer that serializes the flag value.
-    args: Dictionary with extra keyword args that are passes to the
-      Flag __init__.
-  """
-  DEFINE_flag(Flag(parser, serializer, name, default, help, **args),
-              flag_values)
-def DEFINE_flag(flag, flag_values=FLAGS):
-  """Registers a 'Flag' object with a 'FlagValues' object.
-  By default, the global FLAGS 'FlagValue' object is used.
-  Typical users will use one of the more specialized DEFINE_xxx
-  functions, such as DEFINE_string or DEFINE_integer.  But developers
-  who need to create Flag objects themselves should use this function
-  to register their flags.
-  """
-  # copying the reference to flag_values prevents pychecker warnings
-  fv = flag_values
-  fv[] = flag
-  # Tell flag_values who's defining the flag.
-  if isinstance(flag_values, FlagValues):
-    # Regarding the above isinstance test: some users pass funny
-    # values of flag_values (e.g., {}) in order to avoid the flag
-    # registration (in the past, there used to be a flag_values ==
-    # FLAGS test here) and redefine flags with the same name (e.g.,
-    # debug).  To avoid breaking their code, we perform the
-    # registration only if flag_values is a real FlagValues object.
-    module, module_name = _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName()
-    flag_values._RegisterFlagByModule(module_name, flag)
-    flag_values._RegisterFlagByModuleId(id(module), flag)
-def _InternalDeclareKeyFlags(flag_names,
-                             flag_values=FLAGS, key_flag_values=None):
-  """Declares a flag as key for the calling module.
-  Internal function.  User code should call DECLARE_key_flag or
-  ADOPT_module_key_flags instead.
-  Args:
-    flag_names: A list of strings that are names of already-registered
-      Flag objects.
-    flag_values: A FlagValues object that the flags listed in
-      flag_names have registered with (the value of the flag_values
-      argument from the DEFINE_* calls that defined those flags).
-      This should almost never need to be overridden.
-    key_flag_values: A FlagValues object that (among possibly many
-      other things) keeps track of the key flags for each module.
-      Default None means "same as flag_values".  This should almost
-      never need to be overridden.
-  Raises:
-    UnrecognizedFlagError: when we refer to a flag that was not
-      defined yet.
-  """
-  key_flag_values = key_flag_values or flag_values
-  module = _GetCallingModule()
-  for flag_name in flag_names:
-    if flag_name not in flag_values:
-      raise UnrecognizedFlagError(flag_name)
-    flag = flag_values.FlagDict()[flag_name]
-    key_flag_values._RegisterKeyFlagForModule(module, flag)
-def DECLARE_key_flag(flag_name, flag_values=FLAGS):
-  """Declares one flag as key to the current module.
-  Key flags are flags that are deemed really important for a module.
-  They are important when listing help messages; e.g., if the
-  --helpshort command-line flag is used, then only the key flags of the
-  main module are listed (instead of all flags, as in the case of
-  --help).
-  Sample usage:
-    gflags.DECLARED_key_flag('flag_1')
-  Args:
-    flag_name: A string, the name of an already declared flag.
-      (Redeclaring flags as key, including flags implicitly key
-      because they were declared in this module, is a no-op.)
-    flag_values: A FlagValues object.  This should almost never
-      need to be overridden.
-  """
-  if flag_name in _SPECIAL_FLAGS:
-    # Take care of the special flags, e.g., --flagfile, --undefok.
-    # These flags are defined in _SPECIAL_FLAGS, and are treated
-    # specially during flag parsing, taking precedence over the
-    # user-defined flags.
-    _InternalDeclareKeyFlags([flag_name],
-                             flag_values=_SPECIAL_FLAGS,
-                             key_flag_values=flag_values)
-    return
-  _InternalDeclareKeyFlags([flag_name], flag_values=flag_values)
-def ADOPT_module_key_flags(module, flag_values=FLAGS):
-  """Declares that all flags key to a module are key to the current module.
-  Args:
-    module: A module object.
-    flag_values: A FlagValues object.  This should almost never need
-      to be overridden.
-  Raises:
-    FlagsError: When given an argument that is a module name (a
-    string), instead of a module object.
-  """
-  # NOTE(salcianu): an even better test would be if not
-  # isinstance(module, types.ModuleType) but I didn't want to import
-  # types for such a tiny use.
-  if isinstance(module, str):
-    raise FlagsError('Received module name %s; expected a module object.'
-                     % module)
-  _InternalDeclareKeyFlags(
-      [ for f in flag_values._GetKeyFlagsForModule(module.__name__)],
-      flag_values=flag_values)
-  # If module is this flag module, take _SPECIAL_FLAGS into account.
-  if module == _GetThisModuleObjectAndName()[0]:
-    _InternalDeclareKeyFlags(
-        # As we associate flags with _GetCallingModuleObjectAndName(), the
-        # special flags defined in this module are incorrectly registered with
-        # a different module.  So, we can't use _GetKeyFlagsForModule.
-        # Instead, we take all flags from _SPECIAL_FLAGS (a private
-        # FlagValues, where no other module should register flags).
-        [ for f in _SPECIAL_FLAGS.FlagDict().values()],
-        flag_values=_SPECIAL_FLAGS,
-        key_flag_values=flag_values)
-def DEFINE_string(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
-  """Registers a flag whose value can be any string."""
-  parser = ArgumentParser()
-  serializer = ArgumentSerializer()
-  DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args)
-class BooleanParser(ArgumentParser):
-  """Parser of boolean values."""
-  def Convert(self, argument):
-    """Converts the argument to a boolean; raise ValueError on errors."""
-    if type(argument) == str:
-      if argument.lower() in ['true', 't', '1']:
-        return True
-      elif argument.lower() in ['false', 'f', '0']:
-        return False
-    bool_argument = bool(argument)
-    if argument == bool_argument:
-      # The argument is a valid boolean (True, False, 0, or 1), and not just
-      # something that always converts to bool (list, string, int, etc.).
-      return bool_argument
-    raise ValueError('Non-boolean argument to boolean flag', argument)
-  def Parse(self, argument):
-    val = self.Convert(argument)
-    return val
-  def Type(self):
-    return 'bool'
-class BooleanFlag(Flag):
-  """Basic boolean flag.
-  Boolean flags do not take any arguments, and their value is either
-  True (1) or False (0).  The false value is specified on the command
-  line by prepending the word 'no' to either the long or the short flag
-  name.
-  For example, if a Boolean flag was created whose long name was
-  'update' and whose short name was 'x', then this flag could be
-  explicitly unset through either --noupdate or --nox.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, name, default, help, short_name=None, **args):
-    p = BooleanParser()
-    Flag.__init__(self, p, None, name, default, help, short_name, 1, **args)
-    if not = "a boolean value"
-def DEFINE_boolean(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
-  """Registers a boolean flag.
-  Such a boolean flag does not take an argument.  If a user wants to
-  specify a false value explicitly, the long option beginning with 'no'
-  must be used: i.e. --noflag
-  This flag will have a value of None, True or False.  None is possible
-  if default=None and the user does not specify the flag on the command
-  line.
-  """
-  DEFINE_flag(BooleanFlag(name, default, help, **args), flag_values)
-# Match C++ API to unconfuse C++ people.
-DEFINE_bool = DEFINE_boolean
-class HelpFlag(BooleanFlag):
-  """
-  HelpFlag is a special boolean flag that prints usage information and
-  raises a SystemExit exception if it is ever found in the command
-  line arguments.  Note this is called with allow_override=1, so other
-  apps can define their own --help flag, replacing this one, if they want.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    BooleanFlag.__init__(self, "help", 0, "show this help",
-                         short_name="?", allow_override=1)
-  def Parse(self, arg):
-    if arg:
-      doc = sys.modules["__main__"].__doc__
-      flags = str(FLAGS)
-      print doc or ("\nUSAGE: %s [flags]\n" % sys.argv[0])
-      if flags:
-        print "flags:"
-        print flags
-      sys.exit(1)
-class HelpXMLFlag(BooleanFlag):
-  """Similar to HelpFlag, but generates output in XML format."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    BooleanFlag.__init__(self, 'helpxml', False,
-                         'like --help, but generates XML output',
-                         allow_override=1)
-  def Parse(self, arg):
-    if arg:
-      FLAGS.WriteHelpInXMLFormat(sys.stdout)
-      sys.exit(1)
-class HelpshortFlag(BooleanFlag):
-  """
-  HelpshortFlag is a special boolean flag that prints usage
-  information for the "main" module, and rasies a SystemExit exception
-  if it is ever found in the command line arguments.  Note this is
-  called with allow_override=1, so other apps can define their own
-  --helpshort flag, replacing this one, if they want.
-  """
-  def __init__(self):
-    BooleanFlag.__init__(self, "helpshort", 0,
-                         "show usage only for this module", allow_override=1)
-  def Parse(self, arg):
-    if arg:
-      doc = sys.modules["__main__"].__doc__
-      flags = FLAGS.MainModuleHelp()
-      print doc or ("\nUSAGE: %s [flags]\n" % sys.argv[0])
-      if flags:
-        print "flags:"
-        print flags
-      sys.exit(1)
-# Numeric parser - base class for Integer and Float parsers
-class NumericParser(ArgumentParser):
-  """Parser of numeric values.
-  Parsed value may be bounded to a given upper and lower bound.
-  """
-  def IsOutsideBounds(self, val):
-    return ((self.lower_bound is not None and val < self.lower_bound) or
-            (self.upper_bound is not None and val > self.upper_bound))
-  def Parse(self, argument):
-    val = self.Convert(argument)
-    if self.IsOutsideBounds(val):
-      raise ValueError("%s is not %s" % (val, self.syntactic_help))
-    return val
-  def WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent):
-    if self.lower_bound is not None:
-      _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'lower_bound', self.lower_bound, indent)
-    if self.upper_bound is not None:
-      _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'upper_bound', self.upper_bound, indent)
-  def Convert(self, argument):
-    """Default implementation: always returns its argument unmodified."""
-    return argument
-# End of Numeric Parser
-class FloatParser(NumericParser):
-  """Parser of floating point values.
-  Parsed value may be bounded to a given upper and lower bound.
-  """
-  number_article = "a"
-  number_name = "number"
-  syntactic_help = " ".join((number_article, number_name))
-  def __init__(self, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None):
-    super(FloatParser, self).__init__()
-    self.lower_bound = lower_bound
-    self.upper_bound = upper_bound
-    sh = self.syntactic_help
-    if lower_bound is not None and upper_bound is not None:
-      sh = ("%s in the range [%s, %s]" % (sh, lower_bound, upper_bound))
-    elif lower_bound == 0:
-      sh = "a non-negative %s" % self.number_name
-    elif upper_bound == 0:
-      sh = "a non-positive %s" % self.number_name
-    elif upper_bound is not None:
-      sh = "%s <= %s" % (self.number_name, upper_bound)
-    elif lower_bound is not None:
-      sh = "%s >= %s" % (self.number_name, lower_bound)
-    self.syntactic_help = sh
-  def Convert(self, argument):
-    """Converts argument to a float; raises ValueError on errors."""
-    return float(argument)
-  def Type(self):
-    return 'float'
-# End of FloatParser
-def DEFINE_float(name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None,
-                 flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
-  """Registers a flag whose value must be a float.
-  If lower_bound or upper_bound are set, then this flag must be
-  within the given range.
-  """
-  parser = FloatParser(lower_bound, upper_bound)
-  serializer = ArgumentSerializer()
-  DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args)
-  _RegisterBoundsValidatorIfNeeded(parser, name, flag_values=flag_values)
-class IntegerParser(NumericParser):
-  """Parser of an integer value.
-  Parsed value may be bounded to a given upper and lower bound.
-  """
-  number_article = "an"
-  number_name = "integer"
-  syntactic_help = " ".join((number_article, number_name))
-  def __init__(self, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None):
-    super(IntegerParser, self).__init__()
-    self.lower_bound = lower_bound
-    self.upper_bound = upper_bound
-    sh = self.syntactic_help
-    if lower_bound is not None and upper_bound is not None:
-      sh = ("%s in the range [%s, %s]" % (sh, lower_bound, upper_bound))
-    elif lower_bound == 1:
-      sh = "a positive %s" % self.number_name
-    elif upper_bound == -1:
-      sh = "a negative %s" % self.number_name
-    elif lower_bound == 0:
-      sh = "a non-negative %s" % self.number_name
-    elif upper_bound == 0:
-      sh = "a non-positive %s" % self.number_name
-    elif upper_bound is not None:
-      sh = "%s <= %s" % (self.number_name, upper_bound)
-    elif lower_bound is not None:
-      sh = "%s >= %s" % (self.number_name, lower_bound)
-    self.syntactic_help = sh
-  def Convert(self, argument):
-    __pychecker__ = 'no-returnvalues'
-    if type(argument) == str:
-      base = 10
-      if len(argument) > 2 and argument[0] == "0" and argument[1] == "x":
-        base = 16
-      return int(argument, base)
-    else:
-      return int(argument)
-  def Type(self):
-    return 'int'
-def DEFINE_integer(name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None,
-                   flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
-  """Registers a flag whose value must be an integer.
-  If lower_bound, or upper_bound are set, then this flag must be
-  within the given range.
-  """
-  parser = IntegerParser(lower_bound, upper_bound)
-  serializer = ArgumentSerializer()
-  DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args)
-  _RegisterBoundsValidatorIfNeeded(parser, name, flag_values=flag_values)
-class EnumParser(ArgumentParser):
-  """Parser of a string enum value (a string value from a given set).
-  If enum_values (see below) is not specified, any string is allowed.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, enum_values=None):
-    super(EnumParser, self).__init__()
-    self.enum_values = enum_values
-  def Parse(self, argument):
-    if self.enum_values and argument not in self.enum_values:
-      raise ValueError("value should be one of <%s>" %
-                       "|".join(self.enum_values))
-    return argument
-  def Type(self):
-    return 'string enum'
-class EnumFlag(Flag):
-  """Basic enum flag; its value can be any string from list of enum_values."""
-  def __init__(self, name, default, help, enum_values=None,
-               short_name=None, **args):
-    enum_values = enum_values or []
-    p = EnumParser(enum_values)
-    g = ArgumentSerializer()
-    Flag.__init__(self, p, g, name, default, help, short_name, **args)
-    if not = "an enum string"
- = "<%s>: %s" % ("|".join(enum_values),
-  def _WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent):
-    for enum_value in self.parser.enum_values:
-      _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'enum_value', enum_value, indent)
-def DEFINE_enum(name, default, enum_values, help, flag_values=FLAGS,
-                **args):
-  """Registers a flag whose value can be any string from enum_values."""
-  DEFINE_flag(EnumFlag(name, default, help, enum_values, ** args),
-              flag_values)
-class BaseListParser(ArgumentParser):
-  """Base class for a parser of lists of strings.
-  To extend, inherit from this class; from the subclass __init__, call
-    BaseListParser.__init__(self, token, name)
-  where token is a character used to tokenize, and name is a description
-  of the separator.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, token=None, name=None):
-    assert name
-    super(BaseListParser, self).__init__()
-    self._token = token
-    self._name = name
-    self.syntactic_help = "a %s separated list" % self._name
-  def Parse(self, argument):
-    if isinstance(argument, list):
-      return argument
-    elif argument == '':
-      return []
-    else:
-      return [s.strip() for s in argument.split(self._token)]
-  def Type(self):
-    return '%s separated list of strings' % self._name
-class ListParser(BaseListParser):
-  """Parser for a comma-separated list of strings."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    BaseListParser.__init__(self, ',', 'comma')
-  def WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent):
-    BaseListParser.WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent)
-    _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'list_separator', repr(','), indent)
-class WhitespaceSeparatedListParser(BaseListParser):
-  """Parser for a whitespace-separated list of strings."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    BaseListParser.__init__(self, None, 'whitespace')
-  def WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent):
-    BaseListParser.WriteCustomInfoInXMLFormat(self, outfile, indent)
-    separators = list(string.whitespace)
-    separators.sort()
-    for ws_char in string.whitespace:
-      _WriteSimpleXMLElement(outfile, 'list_separator', repr(ws_char), indent)
-def DEFINE_list(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
-  """Registers a flag whose value is a comma-separated list of strings."""
-  parser = ListParser()
-  serializer = ListSerializer(',')
-  DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args)
-def DEFINE_spaceseplist(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
-  """Registers a flag whose value is a whitespace-separated list of strings.
-  Any whitespace can be used as a separator.
-  """
-  parser = WhitespaceSeparatedListParser()
-  serializer = ListSerializer(' ')
-  DEFINE(parser, name, default, help, flag_values, serializer, **args)
-class MultiFlag(Flag):
-  """A flag that can appear multiple time on the command-line.
-  The value of such a flag is a list that contains the individual values
-  from all the appearances of that flag on the command-line.
-  See the __doc__ for Flag for most behavior of this class.  Only
-  differences in behavior are described here:
-    * The default value may be either a single value or a list of values.
-      A single value is interpreted as the [value] singleton list.
-    * The value of the flag is always a list, even if the option was
-      only supplied once, and even if the default value is a single
-      value
-  """
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    Flag.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- += ';\n    repeat this option to specify a list of values'
-  def Parse(self, arguments):
-    """Parses one or more arguments with the installed parser.
-    Args:
-      arguments: a single argument or a list of arguments (typically a
-        list of default values); a single argument is converted
-        internally into a list containing one item.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(arguments, list):
-      # Default value may be a list of values.  Most other arguments
-      # will not be, so convert them into a single-item list to make
-      # processing simpler below.
-      arguments = [arguments]
-    if self.present:
-      # keep a backup reference to list of previously supplied option values
-      values = self.value
-    else:
-      # "erase" the defaults with an empty list
-      values = []
-    for item in arguments:
-      # have Flag superclass parse argument, overwriting self.value reference
-      Flag.Parse(self, item)  # also increments self.present
-      values.append(self.value)
-    # put list of option values back in the 'value' attribute
-    self.value = values
-  def Serialize(self):
-    if not self.serializer:
-      raise FlagsError("Serializer not present for flag %s" %
-    if self.value is None:
-      return ''
-    s = ''
-    multi_value = self.value
-    for self.value in multi_value:
-      if s: s += ' '
-      s += Flag.Serialize(self)
-    self.value = multi_value
-    return s
-  def Type(self):
-    return 'multi ' + self.parser.Type()
-def DEFINE_multi(parser, serializer, name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS,
-                 **args):
-  """Registers a generic MultiFlag that parses its args with a given parser.
-  Auxiliary function.  Normal users should NOT use it directly.
-  Developers who need to create their own 'Parser' classes for options
-  which can appear multiple times can call this module function to
-  register their flags.
-  """
-  DEFINE_flag(MultiFlag(parser, serializer, name, default, help, **args),
-              flag_values)
-def DEFINE_multistring(name, default, help, flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
-  """Registers a flag whose value can be a list of any strings.
-  Use the flag on the command line multiple times to place multiple
-  string values into the list.  The 'default' may be a single string
-  (which will be converted into a single-element list) or a list of
-  strings.
-  """
-  parser = ArgumentParser()
-  serializer = ArgumentSerializer()
-  DEFINE_multi(parser, serializer, name, default, help, flag_values, **args)
-def DEFINE_multi_int(name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None,
-                     flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
-  """Registers a flag whose value can be a list of arbitrary integers.
-  Use the flag on the command line multiple times to place multiple
-  integer values into the list.  The 'default' may be a single integer
-  (which will be converted into a single-element list) or a list of
-  integers.
-  """
-  parser = IntegerParser(lower_bound, upper_bound)
-  serializer = ArgumentSerializer()
-  DEFINE_multi(parser, serializer, name, default, help, flag_values, **args)
-def DEFINE_multi_float(name, default, help, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None,
-                       flag_values=FLAGS, **args):
-  """Registers a flag whose value can be a list of arbitrary floats.
-  Use the flag on the command line multiple times to place multiple
-  float values into the list.  The 'default' may be a single float
-  (which will be converted into a single-element list) or a list of
-  floats.
-  """
-  parser = FloatParser(lower_bound, upper_bound)
-  serializer = ArgumentSerializer()
-  DEFINE_multi(parser, serializer, name, default, help, flag_values, **args)
-# Now register the flags that we want to exist in all applications.
-# These are all defined with allow_override=1, so user-apps can use
-# these flagnames for their own purposes, if they want.
-# Define special flags here so that help may be generated for them.
-# NOTE: Please do NOT use _SPECIAL_FLAGS from outside this module.
-_SPECIAL_FLAGS = FlagValues()
-    'flagfile', "",
-    "Insert flag definitions from the given file into the command line.",
-    'undefok', "",
-    "comma-separated list of flag names that it is okay to specify "
-    "on the command line even if the program does not define a flag "
-    "with that name.  IMPORTANT: flags in this list that have "
-    "arguments MUST use the --flag=value format.", _SPECIAL_FLAGS)
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/
deleted file mode 100644
index d83058d..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) 2010, Google Inc.
-# All rights reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met:
-#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-# copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-# in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-# distribution.
-#     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-# this software without specific prior written permission.
-"""Module to enforce different constraints on flags.
-A validator represents an invariant, enforced over a one or more flags.
-See 'FLAGS VALIDATORS' in's docstring for a usage manual.
-__author__ = ' (Olexiy Oryeshko)'
-class Error(Exception):
-  """Thrown If validator constraint is not satisfied."""
-class Validator(object):
-  """Base class for flags validators.
-  Users should NOT overload these classes, and use gflags.Register...
-  methods instead.
-  """
-  # Used to assign each validator an unique insertion_index
-  validators_count = 0
-  def __init__(self, checker, message):
-    """Constructor to create all validators.
-    Args:
-      checker: function to verify the constraint.
-        Input of this method varies, see SimpleValidator and
-          DictionaryValidator for a detailed description.
-      message: string, error message to be shown to the user
-    """
-    self.checker = checker
-    self.message = message
-    Validator.validators_count += 1
-    # Used to assert validators in the order they were registered (CL/18694236)
-    self.insertion_index = Validator.validators_count
-  def Verify(self, flag_values):
-    """Verify that constraint is satisfied.
-    flags library calls this method to verify Validator's constraint.
-    Args:
-      flag_values: gflags.FlagValues, containing all flags
-    Raises:
-      Error: if constraint is not satisfied.
-    """
-    param = self._GetInputToCheckerFunction(flag_values)
-    if not self.checker(param):
-      raise Error(self.message)
-  def GetFlagsNames(self):
-    """Return the names of the flags checked by this validator.
-    Returns:
-      [string], names of the flags
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError('This method should be overloaded')
-  def PrintFlagsWithValues(self, flag_values):
-    raise NotImplementedError('This method should be overloaded')
-  def _GetInputToCheckerFunction(self, flag_values):
-    """Given flag values, construct the input to be given to checker.
-    Args:
-      flag_values: gflags.FlagValues, containing all flags.
-    Returns:
-      Return type depends on the specific validator.
-    """
-    raise NotImplementedError('This method should be overloaded')
-class SimpleValidator(Validator):
-  """Validator behind RegisterValidator() method.
-  Validates that a single flag passes its checker function. The checker function
-  takes the flag value and returns True (if value looks fine) or, if flag value
-  is not valid, either returns False or raises an Exception."""
-  def __init__(self, flag_name, checker, message):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      flag_name: string, name of the flag.
-      checker: function to verify the validator.
-        input  - value of the corresponding flag (string, boolean, etc).
-        output - Boolean. Must return True if validator constraint is satisfied.
-          If constraint is not satisfied, it should either return False or
-          raise Error.
-      message: string, error message to be shown to the user if validator's
-        condition is not satisfied
-    """
-    super(SimpleValidator, self).__init__(checker, message)
-    self.flag_name = flag_name
-  def GetFlagsNames(self):
-    return [self.flag_name]
-  def PrintFlagsWithValues(self, flag_values):
-    return 'flag --%s=%s' % (self.flag_name, flag_values[self.flag_name].value)
-  def _GetInputToCheckerFunction(self, flag_values):
-    """Given flag values, construct the input to be given to checker.
-    Args:
-      flag_values: gflags.FlagValues
-    Returns:
-      value of the corresponding flag.
-    """
-    return flag_values[self.flag_name].value
-class DictionaryValidator(Validator):
-  """Validator behind RegisterDictionaryValidator method.
-  Validates that flag values pass their common checker function. The checker
-  function takes flag values and returns True (if values look fine) or,
-  if values are not valid, either returns False or raises an Exception.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, flag_names, checker, message):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      flag_names: [string], containing names of the flags used by checker.
-      checker: function to verify the validator.
-        input  - dictionary, with keys() being flag_names, and value for each
-          key being the value of the corresponding flag (string, boolean, etc).
-        output - Boolean. Must return True if validator constraint is satisfied.
-          If constraint is not satisfied, it should either return False or
-          raise Error.
-      message: string, error message to be shown to the user if validator's
-        condition is not satisfied
-    """
-    super(DictionaryValidator, self).__init__(checker, message)
-    self.flag_names = flag_names
-  def _GetInputToCheckerFunction(self, flag_values):
-    """Given flag values, construct the input to be given to checker.
-    Args:
-      flag_values: gflags.FlagValues
-    Returns:
-      dictionary, with keys() being self.lag_names, and value for each key
-        being the value of the corresponding flag (string, boolean, etc).
-    """
-    return dict([key, flag_values[key].value] for key in self.flag_names)
-  def PrintFlagsWithValues(self, flag_values):
-    prefix = 'flags '
-    flags_with_values = []
-    for key in self.flag_names:
-      flags_with_values.append('%s=%s' % (key, flag_values[key].value))
-    return prefix + ', '.join(flags_with_values)
-  def GetFlagsNames(self):
-    return self.flag_names
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/httplib2/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/httplib2/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9780d4e..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/httplib2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1657 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import generators
-A caching http interface that supports ETags and gzip
-to conserve bandwidth.
-Requires Python 2.3 or later
-2007-08-18, Rick: Modified so it's able to use a socks proxy if needed.
-__author__ = "Joe Gregorio ("
-__copyright__ = "Copyright 2006, Joe Gregorio"
-__contributors__ = ["Thomas Broyer (",
-                    "James Antill",
-                    "Xavier Verges Farrero",
-                    "Jonathan Feinberg",
-                    "Blair Zajac",
-                    "Sam Ruby",
-                    "Louis Nyffenegger"]
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__version__ = "0.8"
-import re
-import sys
-import email
-import email.Utils
-import email.Message
-import email.FeedParser
-import StringIO
-import gzip
-import zlib
-import httplib
-import urlparse
-import urllib
-import base64
-import os
-import copy
-import calendar
-import time
-import random
-import errno
-    from hashlib import sha1 as _sha, md5 as _md5
-except ImportError:
-    # prior to Python 2.5, these were separate modules
-    import sha
-    import md5
-    _sha =
-    _md5 =
-import hmac
-from gettext import gettext as _
-import socket
-    from httplib2 import socks
-except ImportError:
-    try:
-        import socks
-    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-        socks = None
-# Build the appropriate socket wrapper for ssl
-    import ssl # python 2.6
-    ssl_SSLError = ssl.SSLError
-    def _ssl_wrap_socket(sock, key_file, cert_file,
-                         disable_validation, ca_certs):
-        if disable_validation:
-            cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE
-        else:
-            cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
-        # We should be specifying SSL version 3 or TLS v1, but the ssl module
-        # doesn't expose the necessary knobs. So we need to go with the default
-        # of SSLv23.
-        return ssl.wrap_socket(sock, keyfile=key_file, certfile=cert_file,
-                               cert_reqs=cert_reqs, ca_certs=ca_certs)
-except (AttributeError, ImportError):
-    ssl_SSLError = None
-    def _ssl_wrap_socket(sock, key_file, cert_file,
-                         disable_validation, ca_certs):
-        if not disable_validation:
-            raise CertificateValidationUnsupported(
-                    "SSL certificate validation is not supported without "
-                    "the ssl module installed. To avoid this error, install "
-                    "the ssl module, or explicity disable validation.")
-        ssl_sock = socket.ssl(sock, key_file, cert_file)
-        return httplib.FakeSocket(sock, ssl_sock)
-if sys.version_info >= (2,3):
-    from iri2uri import iri2uri
-    def iri2uri(uri):
-        return uri
-def has_timeout(timeout): # python 2.6
-    if hasattr(socket, '_GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT'):
-        return (timeout is not None and timeout is not socket._GLOBAL_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    return (timeout is not None)
-__all__ = [
-    'Http', 'Response', 'ProxyInfo', 'HttpLib2Error', 'RedirectMissingLocation',
-    'RedirectLimit', 'FailedToDecompressContent',
-    'UnimplementedDigestAuthOptionError',
-    'UnimplementedHmacDigestAuthOptionError',
-    'debuglevel', 'ProxiesUnavailableError']
-# The httplib debug level, set to a non-zero value to get debug output
-debuglevel = 0
-# A request will be tried 'RETRIES' times if it fails at the socket/connection level.
-# Python 2.3 support
-if sys.version_info < (2,4):
-    def sorted(seq):
-        seq.sort()
-        return seq
-# Python 2.3 support
-def HTTPResponse__getheaders(self):
-    """Return list of (header, value) tuples."""
-    if self.msg is None:
-        raise httplib.ResponseNotReady()
-    return self.msg.items()
-if not hasattr(httplib.HTTPResponse, 'getheaders'):
-    httplib.HTTPResponse.getheaders = HTTPResponse__getheaders
-# All exceptions raised here derive from HttpLib2Error
-class HttpLib2Error(Exception): pass
-# Some exceptions can be caught and optionally
-# be turned back into responses.
-class HttpLib2ErrorWithResponse(HttpLib2Error):
-    def __init__(self, desc, response, content):
-        self.response = response
-        self.content = content
-        HttpLib2Error.__init__(self, desc)
-class RedirectMissingLocation(HttpLib2ErrorWithResponse): pass
-class RedirectLimit(HttpLib2ErrorWithResponse): pass
-class FailedToDecompressContent(HttpLib2ErrorWithResponse): pass
-class UnimplementedDigestAuthOptionError(HttpLib2ErrorWithResponse): pass
-class UnimplementedHmacDigestAuthOptionError(HttpLib2ErrorWithResponse): pass
-class MalformedHeader(HttpLib2Error): pass
-class RelativeURIError(HttpLib2Error): pass
-class ServerNotFoundError(HttpLib2Error): pass
-class ProxiesUnavailableError(HttpLib2Error): pass
-class CertificateValidationUnsupported(HttpLib2Error): pass
-class SSLHandshakeError(HttpLib2Error): pass
-class NotSupportedOnThisPlatform(HttpLib2Error): pass
-class CertificateHostnameMismatch(SSLHandshakeError):
-    def __init__(self, desc, host, cert):
-        HttpLib2Error.__init__(self, desc)
- = host
-        self.cert = cert
-# Open Items:
-# -----------
-# Proxy support
-# Are we removing the cached content too soon on PUT (only delete on 200 Maybe?)
-# Pluggable cache storage (supports storing the cache in
-#   flat files by default. We need a plug-in architecture
-#   that can support Berkeley DB and Squid)
-# == Known Issues ==
-# Does not handle a resource that uses conneg and Last-Modified but no ETag as a cache validator.
-# Does not handle Cache-Control: max-stale
-# Does not use Age: headers when calculating cache freshness.
-# The number of redirections to follow before giving up.
-# Note that only GET redirects are automatically followed.
-# Will also honor 301 requests by saving that info and never
-# requesting that URI again.
-    # Users can optionally provide a module that tells us where the CA_CERTS
-    # are located.
-    import ca_certs_locater
-    CA_CERTS = ca_certs_locater.get()
-except ImportError:
-    # Default CA certificates file bundled with httplib2.
-    CA_CERTS = os.path.join(
-        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__ )), "cacerts.txt")
-# Which headers are hop-by-hop headers by default
-HOP_BY_HOP = ['connection', 'keep-alive', 'proxy-authenticate', 'proxy-authorization', 'te', 'trailers', 'transfer-encoding', 'upgrade']
-def _get_end2end_headers(response):
-    hopbyhop = list(HOP_BY_HOP)
-    hopbyhop.extend([x.strip() for x in response.get('connection', '').split(',')])
-    return [header for header in response.keys() if header not in hopbyhop]
-URI = re.compile(r"^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?")
-def parse_uri(uri):
-    """Parses a URI using the regex given in Appendix B of RFC 3986.
-        (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = parse_uri(uri)
-    """
-    groups = URI.match(uri).groups()
-    return (groups[1], groups[3], groups[4], groups[6], groups[8])
-def urlnorm(uri):
-    (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = parse_uri(uri)
-    if not scheme or not authority:
-        raise RelativeURIError("Only absolute URIs are allowed. uri = %s" % uri)
-    authority = authority.lower()
-    scheme = scheme.lower()
-    if not path:
-        path = "/"
-    # Could do syntax based normalization of the URI before
-    # computing the digest. See Section 6.2.2 of Std 66.
-    request_uri = query and "?".join([path, query]) or path
-    scheme = scheme.lower()
-    defrag_uri = scheme + "://" + authority + request_uri
-    return scheme, authority, request_uri, defrag_uri
-# Cache filename construction (original borrowed from Venus
-re_url_scheme    = re.compile(r'^\w+://')
-re_slash         = re.compile(r'[?/:|]+')
-def safename(filename):
-    """Return a filename suitable for the cache.
-    Strips dangerous and common characters to create a filename we
-    can use to store the cache in.
-    """
-    try:
-        if re_url_scheme.match(filename):
-            if isinstance(filename,str):
-                filename = filename.decode('utf-8')
-                filename = filename.encode('idna')
-            else:
-                filename = filename.encode('idna')
-    except UnicodeError:
-        pass
-    if isinstance(filename,unicode):
-        filename=filename.encode('utf-8')
-    filemd5 = _md5(filename).hexdigest()
-    filename = re_url_scheme.sub("", filename)
-    filename = re_slash.sub(",", filename)
-    # limit length of filename
-    if len(filename)>200:
-        filename=filename[:200]
-    return ",".join((filename, filemd5))
-NORMALIZE_SPACE = re.compile(r'(?:\r\n)?[ \t]+')
-def _normalize_headers(headers):
-    return dict([ (key.lower(), NORMALIZE_SPACE.sub(value, ' ').strip())  for (key, value) in headers.iteritems()])
-def _parse_cache_control(headers):
-    retval = {}
-    if headers.has_key('cache-control'):
-        parts =  headers['cache-control'].split(',')
-        parts_with_args = [tuple([x.strip().lower() for x in part.split("=", 1)]) for part in parts if -1 != part.find("=")]
-        parts_wo_args = [(name.strip().lower(), 1) for name in parts if -1 == name.find("=")]
-        retval = dict(parts_with_args + parts_wo_args)
-    return retval
-# Whether to use a strict mode to parse WWW-Authenticate headers
-# Might lead to bad results in case of ill-formed header value,
-# so disabled by default, falling back to relaxed parsing.
-# Set to true to turn on, usefull for testing servers.
-# In regex below:
-#    [^\0-\x1f\x7f-\xff()<>@,;:\\\"/[\]?={} \t]+             matches a "token" as defined by HTTP
-#    "(?:[^\0-\x08\x0A-\x1f\x7f-\xff\\\"]|\\[\0-\x7f])*?"    matches a "quoted-string" as defined by HTTP, when LWS have already been replaced by a single space
-# Actually, as an auth-param value can be either a token or a quoted-string, they are combined in a single pattern which matches both:
-#    \"?((?<=\")(?:[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\xff\\\"]|\\[\0-\x7f])*?(?=\")|(?<!\")[^\0-\x08\x0A-\x1f\x7f-\xff()<>@,;:\\\"/[\]?={} \t]+(?!\"))\"?
-WWW_AUTH_STRICT = re.compile(r"^(?:\s*(?:,\s*)?([^\0-\x1f\x7f-\xff()<>@,;:\\\"/[\]?={} \t]+)\s*=\s*\"?((?<=\")(?:[^\0-\x08\x0A-\x1f\x7f-\xff\\\"]|\\[\0-\x7f])*?(?=\")|(?<!\")[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\xff()<>@,;:\\\"/[\]?={} \t]+(?!\"))\"?)(.*)$")
-WWW_AUTH_RELAXED = re.compile(r"^(?:\s*(?:,\s*)?([^ \t\r\n=]+)\s*=\s*\"?((?<=\")(?:[^\\\"]|\\.)*?(?=\")|(?<!\")[^ \t\r\n,]+(?!\"))\"?)(.*)$")
-UNQUOTE_PAIRS = re.compile(r'\\(.)')
-def _parse_www_authenticate(headers, headername='www-authenticate'):
-    """Returns a dictionary of dictionaries, one dict
-    per auth_scheme."""
-    retval = {}
-    if headers.has_key(headername):
-        try:
-            authenticate = headers[headername].strip()
-            while authenticate:
-                # Break off the scheme at the beginning of the line
-                if headername == 'authentication-info':
-                    (auth_scheme, the_rest) = ('digest', authenticate)
-                else:
-                    (auth_scheme, the_rest) = authenticate.split(" ", 1)
-                # Now loop over all the key value pairs that come after the scheme,
-                # being careful not to roll into the next scheme
-                match =
-                auth_params = {}
-                while match:
-                    if match and len(match.groups()) == 3:
-                        (key, value, the_rest) = match.groups()
-                        auth_params[key.lower()] = UNQUOTE_PAIRS.sub(r'\1', value) # '\\'.join([x.replace('\\', '') for x in value.split('\\\\')])
-                    match =
-                retval[auth_scheme.lower()] = auth_params
-                authenticate = the_rest.strip()
-        except ValueError:
-            raise MalformedHeader("WWW-Authenticate")
-    return retval
-def _entry_disposition(response_headers, request_headers):
-    """Determine freshness from the Date, Expires and Cache-Control headers.
-    We don't handle the following:
-    1. Cache-Control: max-stale
-    2. Age: headers are not used in the calculations.
-    Not that this algorithm is simpler than you might think
-    because we are operating as a private (non-shared) cache.
-    This lets us ignore 's-maxage'. We can also ignore
-    'proxy-invalidate' since we aren't a proxy.
-    We will never return a stale document as
-    fresh as a design decision, and thus the non-implementation
-    of 'max-stale'. This also lets us safely ignore 'must-revalidate'
-    since we operate as if every server has sent 'must-revalidate'.
-    Since we are private we get to ignore both 'public' and
-    'private' parameters. We also ignore 'no-transform' since
-    we don't do any transformations.
-    The 'no-store' parameter is handled at a higher level.
-    So the only Cache-Control parameters we look at are:
-    no-cache
-    only-if-cached
-    max-age
-    min-fresh
-    """
-    retval = "STALE"
-    cc = _parse_cache_control(request_headers)
-    cc_response = _parse_cache_control(response_headers)
-    if request_headers.has_key('pragma') and request_headers['pragma'].lower().find('no-cache') != -1:
-        retval = "TRANSPARENT"
-        if 'cache-control' not in request_headers:
-            request_headers['cache-control'] = 'no-cache'
-    elif cc.has_key('no-cache'):
-        retval = "TRANSPARENT"
-    elif cc_response.has_key('no-cache'):
-        retval = "STALE"
-    elif cc.has_key('only-if-cached'):
-        retval = "FRESH"
-    elif response_headers.has_key('date'):
-        date = calendar.timegm(email.Utils.parsedate_tz(response_headers['date']))
-        now = time.time()
-        current_age = max(0, now - date)
-        if cc_response.has_key('max-age'):
-            try:
-                freshness_lifetime = int(cc_response['max-age'])
-            except ValueError:
-                freshness_lifetime = 0
-        elif response_headers.has_key('expires'):
-            expires = email.Utils.parsedate_tz(response_headers['expires'])
-            if None == expires:
-                freshness_lifetime = 0
-            else:
-                freshness_lifetime = max(0, calendar.timegm(expires) - date)
-        else:
-            freshness_lifetime = 0
-        if cc.has_key('max-age'):
-            try:
-                freshness_lifetime = int(cc['max-age'])
-            except ValueError:
-                freshness_lifetime = 0
-        if cc.has_key('min-fresh'):
-            try:
-                min_fresh = int(cc['min-fresh'])
-            except ValueError:
-                min_fresh = 0
-            current_age += min_fresh
-        if freshness_lifetime > current_age:
-            retval = "FRESH"
-    return retval
-def _decompressContent(response, new_content):
-    content = new_content
-    try:
-        encoding = response.get('content-encoding', None)
-        if encoding in ['gzip', 'deflate']:
-            if encoding == 'gzip':
-                content = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=StringIO.StringIO(new_content)).read()
-            if encoding == 'deflate':
-                content = zlib.decompress(content)
-            response['content-length'] = str(len(content))
-            # Record the historical presence of the encoding in a way the won't interfere.
-            response['-content-encoding'] = response['content-encoding']
-            del response['content-encoding']
-    except IOError:
-        content = ""
-        raise FailedToDecompressContent(_("Content purported to be compressed with %s but failed to decompress.") % response.get('content-encoding'), response, content)
-    return content
-def _updateCache(request_headers, response_headers, content, cache, cachekey):
-    if cachekey:
-        cc = _parse_cache_control(request_headers)
-        cc_response = _parse_cache_control(response_headers)
-        if cc.has_key('no-store') or cc_response.has_key('no-store'):
-            cache.delete(cachekey)
-        else:
-            info = email.Message.Message()
-            for key, value in response_headers.iteritems():
-                if key not in ['status','content-encoding','transfer-encoding']:
-                    info[key] = value
-            # Add annotations to the cache to indicate what headers
-            # are variant for this request.
-            vary = response_headers.get('vary', None)
-            if vary:
-                vary_headers = vary.lower().replace(' ', '').split(',')
-                for header in vary_headers:
-                    key = '-varied-%s' % header
-                    try:
-                        info[key] = request_headers[header]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-            status = response_headers.status
-            if status == 304:
-                status = 200
-            status_header = 'status: %d\r\n' % status
-            header_str = info.as_string()
-            header_str = re.sub("\r(?!\n)|(?<!\r)\n", "\r\n", header_str)
-            text = "".join([status_header, header_str, content])
-            cache.set(cachekey, text)
-def _cnonce():
-    dig = _md5("%s:%s" % (time.ctime(), ["0123456789"[random.randrange(0, 9)] for i in range(20)])).hexdigest()
-    return dig[:16]
-def _wsse_username_token(cnonce, iso_now, password):
-    return base64.b64encode(_sha("%s%s%s" % (cnonce, iso_now, password)).digest()).strip()
-# For credentials we need two things, first
-# a pool of credential to try (not necesarily tied to BAsic, Digest, etc.)
-# Then we also need a list of URIs that have already demanded authentication
-# That list is tricky since sub-URIs can take the same auth, or the
-# auth scheme may change as you descend the tree.
-# So we also need each Auth instance to be able to tell us
-# how close to the 'top' it is.
-class Authentication(object):
-    def __init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http):
-        (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = parse_uri(request_uri)
-        self.path = path
- = host
-        self.credentials = credentials
-        self.http = http
-    def depth(self, request_uri):
-        (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = parse_uri(request_uri)
-        return request_uri[len(self.path):].count("/")
-    def inscope(self, host, request_uri):
-        # XXX Should we normalize the request_uri?
-        (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = parse_uri(request_uri)
-        return (host == and path.startswith(self.path)
-    def request(self, method, request_uri, headers, content):
-        """Modify the request headers to add the appropriate
-        Authorization header. Over-ride this in sub-classes."""
-        pass
-    def response(self, response, content):
-        """Gives us a chance to update with new nonces
-        or such returned from the last authorized response.
-        Over-rise this in sub-classes if necessary.
-        Return TRUE is the request is to be retried, for
-        example Digest may return stale=true.
-        """
-        return False
-class BasicAuthentication(Authentication):
-    def __init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http):
-        Authentication.__init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http)
-    def request(self, method, request_uri, headers, content):
-        """Modify the request headers to add the appropriate
-        Authorization header."""
-        headers['authorization'] = 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode("%s:%s" % self.credentials).strip()
-class DigestAuthentication(Authentication):
-    """Only do qop='auth' and MD5, since that
-    is all Apache currently implements"""
-    def __init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http):
-        Authentication.__init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http)
-        challenge = _parse_www_authenticate(response, 'www-authenticate')
-        self.challenge = challenge['digest']
-        qop = self.challenge.get('qop', 'auth')
-        self.challenge['qop'] = ('auth' in [x.strip() for x in qop.split()]) and 'auth' or None
-        if self.challenge['qop'] is None:
-            raise UnimplementedDigestAuthOptionError( _("Unsupported value for qop: %s." % qop))
-        self.challenge['algorithm'] = self.challenge.get('algorithm', 'MD5').upper()
-        if self.challenge['algorithm'] != 'MD5':
-            raise UnimplementedDigestAuthOptionError( _("Unsupported value for algorithm: %s." % self.challenge['algorithm']))
-        self.A1 = "".join([self.credentials[0], ":", self.challenge['realm'], ":", self.credentials[1]])
-        self.challenge['nc'] = 1
-    def request(self, method, request_uri, headers, content, cnonce = None):
-        """Modify the request headers"""
-        H = lambda x: _md5(x).hexdigest()
-        KD = lambda s, d: H("%s:%s" % (s, d))
-        A2 = "".join([method, ":", request_uri])
-        self.challenge['cnonce'] = cnonce or _cnonce()
-        request_digest  = '"%s"' % KD(H(self.A1), "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (
-                self.challenge['nonce'],
-                '%08x' % self.challenge['nc'],
-                self.challenge['cnonce'],
-                self.challenge['qop'], H(A2)))
-        headers['authorization'] = 'Digest username="%s", realm="%s", nonce="%s", uri="%s", algorithm=%s, response=%s, qop=%s, nc=%08x, cnonce="%s"' % (
-                self.credentials[0],
-                self.challenge['realm'],
-                self.challenge['nonce'],
-                request_uri,
-                self.challenge['algorithm'],
-                request_digest,
-                self.challenge['qop'],
-                self.challenge['nc'],
-                self.challenge['cnonce'])
-        if self.challenge.get('opaque'):
-            headers['authorization'] += ', opaque="%s"' % self.challenge['opaque']
-        self.challenge['nc'] += 1
-    def response(self, response, content):
-        if not response.has_key('authentication-info'):
-            challenge = _parse_www_authenticate(response, 'www-authenticate').get('digest', {})
-            if 'true' == challenge.get('stale'):
-                self.challenge['nonce'] = challenge['nonce']
-                self.challenge['nc'] = 1
-                return True
-        else:
-            updated_challenge = _parse_www_authenticate(response, 'authentication-info').get('digest', {})
-            if updated_challenge.has_key('nextnonce'):
-                self.challenge['nonce'] = updated_challenge['nextnonce']
-                self.challenge['nc'] = 1
-        return False
-class HmacDigestAuthentication(Authentication):
-    """Adapted from Robert Sayre's code and DigestAuthentication above."""
-    __author__ = "Thomas Broyer ("
-    def __init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http):
-        Authentication.__init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http)
-        challenge = _parse_www_authenticate(response, 'www-authenticate')
-        self.challenge = challenge['hmacdigest']
-        # TODO: self.challenge['domain']
-        self.challenge['reason'] = self.challenge.get('reason', 'unauthorized')
-        if self.challenge['reason'] not in ['unauthorized', 'integrity']:
-            self.challenge['reason'] = 'unauthorized'
-        self.challenge['salt'] = self.challenge.get('salt', '')
-        if not self.challenge.get('snonce'):
-            raise UnimplementedHmacDigestAuthOptionError( _("The challenge doesn't contain a server nonce, or this one is empty."))
-        self.challenge['algorithm'] = self.challenge.get('algorithm', 'HMAC-SHA-1')
-        if self.challenge['algorithm'] not in ['HMAC-SHA-1', 'HMAC-MD5']:
-            raise UnimplementedHmacDigestAuthOptionError( _("Unsupported value for algorithm: %s." % self.challenge['algorithm']))
-        self.challenge['pw-algorithm'] = self.challenge.get('pw-algorithm', 'SHA-1')
-        if self.challenge['pw-algorithm'] not in ['SHA-1', 'MD5']:
-            raise UnimplementedHmacDigestAuthOptionError( _("Unsupported value for pw-algorithm: %s." % self.challenge['pw-algorithm']))
-        if self.challenge['algorithm'] == 'HMAC-MD5':
-            self.hashmod = _md5
-        else:
-            self.hashmod = _sha
-        if self.challenge['pw-algorithm'] == 'MD5':
-            self.pwhashmod = _md5
-        else:
-            self.pwhashmod = _sha
-        self.key = "".join([self.credentials[0], ":",
-                  "".join([self.credentials[1], self.challenge['salt']])).hexdigest().lower(),
-                            ":", self.challenge['realm']])
-        self.key =
-    def request(self, method, request_uri, headers, content):
-        """Modify the request headers"""
-        keys = _get_end2end_headers(headers)
-        keylist = "".join(["%s " % k for k in keys])
-        headers_val = "".join([headers[k] for k in keys])
-        created = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ',time.gmtime())
-        cnonce = _cnonce()
-        request_digest = "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (method, request_uri, cnonce, self.challenge['snonce'], headers_val)
-        request_digest  =, request_digest, self.hashmod).hexdigest().lower()
-        headers['authorization'] = 'HMACDigest username="%s", realm="%s", snonce="%s", cnonce="%s", uri="%s", created="%s", response="%s", headers="%s"' % (
-                self.credentials[0],
-                self.challenge['realm'],
-                self.challenge['snonce'],
-                cnonce,
-                request_uri,
-                created,
-                request_digest,
-                keylist)
-    def response(self, response, content):
-        challenge = _parse_www_authenticate(response, 'www-authenticate').get('hmacdigest', {})
-        if challenge.get('reason') in ['integrity', 'stale']:
-            return True
-        return False
-class WsseAuthentication(Authentication):
-    """This is thinly tested and should not be relied upon.
-    At this time there isn't any third party server to test against.
-    Blogger and TypePad implemented this algorithm at one point
-    but Blogger has since switched to Basic over HTTPS and
-    TypePad has implemented it wrong, by never issuing a 401
-    challenge but instead requiring your client to telepathically know that
-    their endpoint is expecting WSSE profile="UsernameToken"."""
-    def __init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http):
-        Authentication.__init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http)
-    def request(self, method, request_uri, headers, content):
-        """Modify the request headers to add the appropriate
-        Authorization header."""
-        headers['authorization'] = 'WSSE profile="UsernameToken"'
-        iso_now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
-        cnonce = _cnonce()
-        password_digest = _wsse_username_token(cnonce, iso_now, self.credentials[1])
-        headers['X-WSSE'] = 'UsernameToken Username="%s", PasswordDigest="%s", Nonce="%s", Created="%s"' % (
-                self.credentials[0],
-                password_digest,
-                cnonce,
-                iso_now)
-class GoogleLoginAuthentication(Authentication):
-    def __init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http):
-        from urllib import urlencode
-        Authentication.__init__(self, credentials, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, http)
-        challenge = _parse_www_authenticate(response, 'www-authenticate')
-        service = challenge['googlelogin'].get('service', 'xapi')
-        # Bloggger actually returns the service in the challenge
-        # For the rest we guess based on the URI
-        if service == 'xapi' and  request_uri.find("calendar") > 0:
-            service = "cl"
-        # No point in guessing Base or Spreadsheet
-        #elif request_uri.find("spreadsheets") > 0:
-        #    service = "wise"
-        auth = dict(Email=credentials[0], Passwd=credentials[1], service=service, source=headers['user-agent'])
-        resp, content = self.http.request("", method="POST", body=urlencode(auth), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'})
-        lines = content.split('\n')
-        d = dict([tuple(line.split("=", 1)) for line in lines if line])
-        if resp.status == 403:
-            self.Auth = ""
-        else:
-            self.Auth = d['Auth']
-    def request(self, method, request_uri, headers, content):
-        """Modify the request headers to add the appropriate
-        Authorization header."""
-        headers['authorization'] = 'GoogleLogin Auth=' + self.Auth
-    "basic": BasicAuthentication,
-    "wsse": WsseAuthentication,
-    "digest": DigestAuthentication,
-    "hmacdigest": HmacDigestAuthentication,
-    "googlelogin": GoogleLoginAuthentication
-AUTH_SCHEME_ORDER = ["hmacdigest", "googlelogin", "digest", "wsse", "basic"]
-class FileCache(object):
-    """Uses a local directory as a store for cached files.
-    Not really safe to use if multiple threads or processes are going to
-    be running on the same cache.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, cache, safe=safename): # use safe=lambda x: for the old behavior
-        self.cache = cache
- = safe
-        if not os.path.exists(cache):
-            os.makedirs(self.cache)
-    def get(self, key):
-        retval = None
-        cacheFullPath = os.path.join(self.cache,
-        try:
-            f = file(cacheFullPath, "rb")
-            retval =
-            f.close()
-        except IOError:
-            pass
-        return retval
-    def set(self, key, value):
-        cacheFullPath = os.path.join(self.cache,
-        f = file(cacheFullPath, "wb")
-        f.write(value)
-        f.close()
-    def delete(self, key):
-        cacheFullPath = os.path.join(self.cache,
-        if os.path.exists(cacheFullPath):
-            os.remove(cacheFullPath)
-class Credentials(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.credentials = []
-    def add(self, name, password, domain=""):
-        self.credentials.append((domain.lower(), name, password))
-    def clear(self):
-        self.credentials = []
-    def iter(self, domain):
-        for (cdomain, name, password) in self.credentials:
-            if cdomain == "" or domain == cdomain:
-                yield (name, password)
-class KeyCerts(Credentials):
-    """Identical to Credentials except that
-    name/password are mapped to key/cert."""
-    pass
-class AllHosts(object):
-    pass
-class ProxyInfo(object):
-    """Collect information required to use a proxy."""
-    bypass_hosts = ()
-    def __init__(self, proxy_type, proxy_host, proxy_port,
-                 proxy_rdns=None, proxy_user=None, proxy_pass=None):
-        """The parameter proxy_type must be set to one of socks.PROXY_TYPE_XXX
-        constants. For example:
-        p = ProxyInfo(proxy_type=socks.PROXY_TYPE_HTTP,
-            proxy_host='localhost', proxy_port=8000)
-        """
-        self.proxy_type = proxy_type
-        self.proxy_host = proxy_host
-        self.proxy_port = proxy_port
-        self.proxy_rdns = proxy_rdns
-        self.proxy_user = proxy_user
-        self.proxy_pass = proxy_pass
-    def astuple(self):
-        return (self.proxy_type, self.proxy_host, self.proxy_port,
-                self.proxy_rdns, self.proxy_user, self.proxy_pass)
-    def isgood(self):
-        return (self.proxy_host != None) and (self.proxy_port != None)
-    def applies_to(self, hostname):
-        return not self.bypass_host(hostname)
-    def bypass_host(self, hostname):
-        """Has this host been excluded from the proxy config"""
-        if self.bypass_hosts is AllHosts:
-            return True
-        bypass = False
-        for domain in self.bypass_hosts:
-            if hostname.endswith(domain):
-                bypass = True
-        return bypass
-def proxy_info_from_environment(method='http'):
-    """
-    Read proxy info from the environment variables.
-    """
-    if method not in ['http', 'https']:
-        return
-    env_var = method + '_proxy'
-    url = os.environ.get(env_var, os.environ.get(env_var.upper()))
-    if not url:
-        return
-    pi = proxy_info_from_url(url, method)
-    no_proxy = os.environ.get('no_proxy', os.environ.get('NO_PROXY', ''))
-    bypass_hosts = []
-    if no_proxy:
-        bypass_hosts = no_proxy.split(',')
-    # special case, no_proxy=* means all hosts bypassed
-    if no_proxy == '*':
-        bypass_hosts = AllHosts
-    pi.bypass_hosts = bypass_hosts
-    return pi
-def proxy_info_from_url(url, method='http'):
-    """
-    Construct a ProxyInfo from a URL (such as http_proxy env var)
-    """
-    url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
-    username = None
-    password = None
-    port = None
-    if '@' in url[1]:
-        ident, host_port = url[1].split('@', 1)
-        if ':' in ident:
-            username, password = ident.split(':', 1)
-        else:
-            password = ident
-    else:
-        host_port = url[1]
-    if ':' in host_port:
-        host, port = host_port.split(':', 1)
-    else:
-        host = host_port
-    if port:
-        port = int(port)
-    else:
-        port = dict(https=443, http=80)[method]
-    proxy_type = 3 # socks.PROXY_TYPE_HTTP
-    return ProxyInfo(
-        proxy_type = proxy_type,
-        proxy_host = host,
-        proxy_port = port,
-        proxy_user = username or None,
-        proxy_pass = password or None,
-    )
-class HTTPConnectionWithTimeout(httplib.HTTPConnection):
-    """
-    HTTPConnection subclass that supports timeouts
-    All timeouts are in seconds. If None is passed for timeout then
-    Python's default timeout for sockets will be used. See for example
-    the docs of socket.setdefaulttimeout():
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host, port=None, strict=None, timeout=None, proxy_info=None):
-        httplib.HTTPConnection.__init__(self, host, port, strict)
-        self.timeout = timeout
-        self.proxy_info = proxy_info
-    def connect(self):
-        """Connect to the host and port specified in __init__."""
-        # Mostly verbatim from
-        if self.proxy_info and socks is None:
-            raise ProxiesUnavailableError(
-                'Proxy support missing but proxy use was requested!')
-        msg = "getaddrinfo returns an empty list"
-        if self.proxy_info and self.proxy_info.isgood():
-            use_proxy = True
-            proxy_type, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_rdns, proxy_user, proxy_pass = self.proxy_info.astuple()
-        else:
-            use_proxy = False
-        if use_proxy and proxy_rdns:
-            host = proxy_host
-            port = proxy_port
-        else:
-            host =
-            port = self.port
-        for res in socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM):
-            af, socktype, proto, canonname, sa = res
-            try:
-                if use_proxy:
-                    self.sock = socks.socksocket(af, socktype, proto)
-                    self.sock.setproxy(proxy_type, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_rdns, proxy_user, proxy_pass)
-                else:
-                    self.sock = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)
-                    self.sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
-                # Different from httplib: support timeouts.
-                if has_timeout(self.timeout):
-                    self.sock.settimeout(self.timeout)
-                    # End of difference from httplib.
-                if self.debuglevel > 0:
-                    print "connect: (%s, %s) ************" % (, self.port)
-                    if use_proxy:
-                        print "proxy: %s ************" % str((proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_rdns, proxy_user, proxy_pass))
-                self.sock.connect((, self.port) + sa[2:])
-            except socket.error, msg:
-                if self.debuglevel > 0:
-                    print "connect fail: (%s, %s)" % (, self.port)
-                    if use_proxy:
-                        print "proxy: %s" % str((proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_rdns, proxy_user, proxy_pass))
-                if self.sock:
-                    self.sock.close()
-                self.sock = None
-                continue
-            break
-        if not self.sock:
-            raise socket.error, msg
-class HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout(httplib.HTTPSConnection):
-    """
-    This class allows communication via SSL.
-    All timeouts are in seconds. If None is passed for timeout then
-    Python's default timeout for sockets will be used. See for example
-    the docs of socket.setdefaulttimeout():
-    """
-    def __init__(self, host, port=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
-                 strict=None, timeout=None, proxy_info=None,
-                 ca_certs=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False):
-        httplib.HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, host, port=port,
-                                         key_file=key_file,
-                                         cert_file=cert_file, strict=strict)
-        self.timeout = timeout
-        self.proxy_info = proxy_info
-        if ca_certs is None:
-            ca_certs = CA_CERTS
-        self.ca_certs = ca_certs
-        self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation = \
-                disable_ssl_certificate_validation
-    # The following two methods were adapted from, released
-    # with the Google Appengine SDK at
-    #
-    # under the following license:
-    #
-    # Copyright 2007 Google Inc.
-    #
-    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
-    #
-    #
-    #
-    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-    # limitations under the License.
-    #
-    def _GetValidHostsForCert(self, cert):
-        """Returns a list of valid host globs for an SSL certificate.
-        Args:
-          cert: A dictionary representing an SSL certificate.
-        Returns:
-          list: A list of valid host globs.
-        """
-        if 'subjectAltName' in cert:
-            return [x[1] for x in cert['subjectAltName']
-                    if x[0].lower() == 'dns']
-        else:
-            return [x[0][1] for x in cert['subject']
-                    if x[0][0].lower() == 'commonname']
-    def _ValidateCertificateHostname(self, cert, hostname):
-        """Validates that a given hostname is valid for an SSL certificate.
-        Args:
-          cert: A dictionary representing an SSL certificate.
-          hostname: The hostname to test.
-        Returns:
-          bool: Whether or not the hostname is valid for this certificate.
-        """
-        hosts = self._GetValidHostsForCert(cert)
-        for host in hosts:
-            host_re = host.replace('.', '\.').replace('*', '[^.]*')
-            if'^%s$' % (host_re,), hostname, re.I):
-                return True
-        return False
-    def connect(self):
-        "Connect to a host on a given (SSL) port."
-        msg = "getaddrinfo returns an empty list"
-        if self.proxy_info and self.proxy_info.isgood():
-            use_proxy = True
-            proxy_type, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_rdns, proxy_user, proxy_pass = self.proxy_info.astuple()
-        else:
-            use_proxy = False
-        if use_proxy and proxy_rdns:
-            host = proxy_host
-            port = proxy_port
-        else:
-            host =
-            port = self.port
-        address_info = socket.getaddrinfo(host, port, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        for family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr in address_info:
-            try:
-                if use_proxy:
-                    sock = socks.socksocket(family, socktype, proto)
-                    sock.setproxy(proxy_type, proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_rdns, proxy_user, proxy_pass)
-                else:
-                    sock = socket.socket(family, socktype, proto)
-                    sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1)
-                if has_timeout(self.timeout):
-                    sock.settimeout(self.timeout)
-                sock.connect((, self.port))
-                self.sock =_ssl_wrap_socket(
-                    sock, self.key_file, self.cert_file,
-                    self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation, self.ca_certs)
-                if self.debuglevel > 0:
-                    print "connect: (%s, %s)" % (, self.port)
-                    if use_proxy:
-                        print "proxy: %s" % str((proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_rdns, proxy_user, proxy_pass))
-                if not self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation:
-                    cert = self.sock.getpeercert()
-                    hostname =':', 0)[0]
-                    if not self._ValidateCertificateHostname(cert, hostname):
-                        raise CertificateHostnameMismatch(
-                            'Server presented certificate that does not match '
-                            'host %s: %s' % (hostname, cert), hostname, cert)
-            except ssl_SSLError, e:
-                if sock:
-                    sock.close()
-                if self.sock:
-                    self.sock.close()
-                self.sock = None
-                # Unfortunately the ssl module doesn't seem to provide any way
-                # to get at more detailed error information, in particular
-                # whether the error is due to certificate validation or
-                # something else (such as SSL protocol mismatch).
-                if e.errno == ssl.SSL_ERROR_SSL:
-                    raise SSLHandshakeError(e)
-                else:
-                    raise
-            except (socket.timeout, socket.gaierror):
-                raise
-            except socket.error, msg:
-                if self.debuglevel > 0:
-                    print "connect fail: (%s, %s)" % (, self.port)
-                    if use_proxy:
-                        print "proxy: %s" % str((proxy_host, proxy_port, proxy_rdns, proxy_user, proxy_pass))
-                if self.sock:
-                    self.sock.close()
-                self.sock = None
-                continue
-            break
-        if not self.sock:
-            raise socket.error, msg
-    'http': HTTPConnectionWithTimeout,
-    'https': HTTPSConnectionWithTimeout
-# Use a different connection object for Google App Engine
-    try:
-        from google.appengine.api import apiproxy_stub_map
-        if apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('urlfetch') is None:
-            raise ImportError  # Bail out; we're not actually running on App Engine.
-        from google.appengine.api.urlfetch import fetch
-        from google.appengine.api.urlfetch import InvalidURLError
-    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-        from google3.apphosting.api import apiproxy_stub_map
-        if apiproxy_stub_map.apiproxy.GetStub('urlfetch') is None:
-            raise ImportError  # Bail out; we're not actually running on App Engine.
-        from google3.apphosting.api.urlfetch import fetch
-        from google3.apphosting.api.urlfetch import InvalidURLError
-    def _new_fixed_fetch(validate_certificate):
-        def fixed_fetch(url, payload=None, method="GET", headers={},
-                        allow_truncated=False, follow_redirects=True,
-                        deadline=5):
-            return fetch(url, payload=payload, method=method, headers=headers,
-                         allow_truncated=allow_truncated,
-                         follow_redirects=follow_redirects, deadline=deadline,
-                         validate_certificate=validate_certificate)
-        return fixed_fetch
-    class AppEngineHttpConnection(httplib.HTTPConnection):
-        """Use httplib on App Engine, but compensate for its weirdness.
-        The parameters key_file, cert_file, proxy_info, ca_certs, and
-        disable_ssl_certificate_validation are all dropped on the ground.
-        """
-        def __init__(self, host, port=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
-                     strict=None, timeout=None, proxy_info=None, ca_certs=None,
-                     disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False):
-            httplib.HTTPConnection.__init__(self, host, port=port,
-                                            strict=strict, timeout=timeout)
-    class AppEngineHttpsConnection(httplib.HTTPSConnection):
-        """Same as AppEngineHttpConnection, but for HTTPS URIs."""
-        def __init__(self, host, port=None, key_file=None, cert_file=None,
-                     strict=None, timeout=None, proxy_info=None, ca_certs=None,
-                     disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False):
-            httplib.HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, host, port=port,
-                                             key_file=key_file,
-                                             cert_file=cert_file, strict=strict,
-                                             timeout=timeout)
-            self._fetch = _new_fixed_fetch(
-                    not disable_ssl_certificate_validation)
-    # Update the connection classes to use the Googel App Engine specific ones.
-        'http': AppEngineHttpConnection,
-        'https': AppEngineHttpsConnection
-    }
-except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-    pass
-class Http(object):
-    """An HTTP client that handles:
-    - all methods
-    - caching
-    - ETags
-    - compression,
-    - HTTPS
-    - Basic
-    - Digest
-    - WSSE
-    and more.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, cache=None, timeout=None,
-                 proxy_info=proxy_info_from_environment,
-                 ca_certs=None, disable_ssl_certificate_validation=False):
-        """If 'cache' is a string then it is used as a directory name for
-        a disk cache. Otherwise it must be an object that supports the
-        same interface as FileCache.
-        All timeouts are in seconds. If None is passed for timeout
-        then Python's default timeout for sockets will be used. See
-        for example the docs of socket.setdefaulttimeout():
-        `proxy_info` may be:
-          - a callable that takes the http scheme ('http' or 'https') and
-            returns a ProxyInfo instance per request. By default, uses
-            proxy_nfo_from_environment.
-          - a ProxyInfo instance (static proxy config).
-          - None (proxy disabled).
-        ca_certs is the path of a file containing root CA certificates for SSL
-        server certificate validation.  By default, a CA cert file bundled with
-        httplib2 is used.
-        If disable_ssl_certificate_validation is true, SSL cert validation will
-        not be performed.
-        """
-        self.proxy_info = proxy_info
-        self.ca_certs = ca_certs
-        self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation = \
-                disable_ssl_certificate_validation
-        # Map domain name to an httplib connection
-        self.connections = {}
-        # The location of the cache, for now a directory
-        # where cached responses are held.
-        if cache and isinstance(cache, basestring):
-            self.cache = FileCache(cache)
-        else:
-            self.cache = cache
-        # Name/password
-        self.credentials = Credentials()
-        # Key/cert
-        self.certificates = KeyCerts()
-        # authorization objects
-        self.authorizations = []
-        # If set to False then no redirects are followed, even safe ones.
-        self.follow_redirects = True
-        # Which HTTP methods do we apply optimistic concurrency to, i.e.
-        # which methods get an "if-match:" etag header added to them.
-        self.optimistic_concurrency_methods = ["PUT", "PATCH"]
-        # If 'follow_redirects' is True, and this is set to True then
-        # all redirecs are followed, including unsafe ones.
-        self.follow_all_redirects = False
-        self.ignore_etag = False
-        self.force_exception_to_status_code = False
-        self.timeout = timeout
-        # Keep Authorization: headers on a redirect.
-        self.forward_authorization_headers = False
-    def __getstate__(self):
-        state_dict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
-        # In case request is augmented by some foreign object such as
-        # credentials which handle auth
-        if 'request' in state_dict:
-            del state_dict['request']
-        if 'connections' in state_dict:
-            del state_dict['connections']
-        return state_dict
-    def __setstate__(self, state):
-        self.__dict__.update(state)
-        self.connections = {}
-    def _auth_from_challenge(self, host, request_uri, headers, response, content):
-        """A generator that creates Authorization objects
-           that can be applied to requests.
-        """
-        challenges = _parse_www_authenticate(response, 'www-authenticate')
-        for cred in self.credentials.iter(host):
-            for scheme in AUTH_SCHEME_ORDER:
-                if challenges.has_key(scheme):
-                    yield AUTH_SCHEME_CLASSES[scheme](cred, host, request_uri, headers, response, content, self)
-    def add_credentials(self, name, password, domain=""):
-        """Add a name and password that will be used
-        any time a request requires authentication."""
-        self.credentials.add(name, password, domain)
-    def add_certificate(self, key, cert, domain):
-        """Add a key and cert that will be used
-        any time a request requires authentication."""
-        self.certificates.add(key, cert, domain)
-    def clear_credentials(self):
-        """Remove all the names and passwords
-        that are used for authentication"""
-        self.credentials.clear()
-        self.authorizations = []
-    def _conn_request(self, conn, request_uri, method, body, headers):
-        for i in range(RETRIES):
-            try:
-                if hasattr(conn, 'sock') and conn.sock is None:
-                    conn.connect()
-                conn.request(method, request_uri, body, headers)
-            except socket.timeout:
-                raise
-            except socket.gaierror:
-                conn.close()
-                raise ServerNotFoundError("Unable to find the server at %s" %
-            except ssl_SSLError:
-                conn.close()
-                raise
-            except socket.error, e:
-                err = 0
-                if hasattr(e, 'args'):
-                    err = getattr(e, 'args')[0]
-                else:
-                    err = e.errno
-                if err == errno.ECONNREFUSED: # Connection refused
-                    raise
-            except httplib.HTTPException:
-                # Just because the server closed the connection doesn't apparently mean
-                # that the server didn't send a response.
-                if hasattr(conn, 'sock') and conn.sock is None:
-                    if i < RETRIES-1:
-                        conn.close()
-                        conn.connect()
-                        continue
-                    else:
-                        conn.close()
-                        raise
-                if i < RETRIES-1:
-                    conn.close()
-                    conn.connect()
-                    continue
-            try:
-                response = conn.getresponse()
-            except (socket.error, httplib.HTTPException):
-                if i < RETRIES-1:
-                    conn.close()
-                    conn.connect()
-                    continue
-                else:
-                    conn.close()
-                    raise
-            else:
-                content = ""
-                if method == "HEAD":
-                    conn.close()
-                else:
-                    content =
-                response = Response(response)
-                if method != "HEAD":
-                    content = _decompressContent(response, content)
-            break
-        return (response, content)
-    def _request(self, conn, host, absolute_uri, request_uri, method, body, headers, redirections, cachekey):
-        """Do the actual request using the connection object
-        and also follow one level of redirects if necessary"""
-        auths = [(auth.depth(request_uri), auth) for auth in self.authorizations if auth.inscope(host, request_uri)]
-        auth = auths and sorted(auths)[0][1] or None
-        if auth:
-            auth.request(method, request_uri, headers, body)
-        (response, content) = self._conn_request(conn, request_uri, method, body, headers)
-        if auth:
-            if auth.response(response, body):
-                auth.request(method, request_uri, headers, body)
-                (response, content) = self._conn_request(conn, request_uri, method, body, headers )
-                response._stale_digest = 1
-        if response.status == 401:
-            for authorization in self._auth_from_challenge(host, request_uri, headers, response, content):
-                authorization.request(method, request_uri, headers, body)
-                (response, content) = self._conn_request(conn, request_uri, method, body, headers, )
-                if response.status != 401:
-                    self.authorizations.append(authorization)
-                    authorization.response(response, body)
-                    break
-        if (self.follow_all_redirects or (method in ["GET", "HEAD"]) or response.status == 303):
-            if self.follow_redirects and response.status in [300, 301, 302, 303, 307]:
-                # Pick out the location header and basically start from the beginning
-                # remembering first to strip the ETag header and decrement our 'depth'
-                if redirections:
-                    if not response.has_key('location') and response.status != 300:
-                        raise RedirectMissingLocation( _("Redirected but the response is missing a Location: header."), response, content)
-                    # Fix-up relative redirects (which violate an RFC 2616 MUST)
-                    if response.has_key('location'):
-                        location = response['location']
-                        (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = parse_uri(location)
-                        if authority == None:
-                            response['location'] = urlparse.urljoin(absolute_uri, location)
-                    if response.status == 301 and method in ["GET", "HEAD"]:
-                        response['-x-permanent-redirect-url'] = response['location']
-                        if not response.has_key('content-location'):
-                            response['content-location'] = absolute_uri
-                        _updateCache(headers, response, content, self.cache, cachekey)
-                    if headers.has_key('if-none-match'):
-                        del headers['if-none-match']
-                    if headers.has_key('if-modified-since'):
-                        del headers['if-modified-since']
-                    if 'authorization' in headers and not self.forward_authorization_headers:
-                        del headers['authorization']
-                    if response.has_key('location'):
-                        location = response['location']
-                        old_response = copy.deepcopy(response)
-                        if not old_response.has_key('content-location'):
-                            old_response['content-location'] = absolute_uri
-                        redirect_method = method
-                        if response.status in [302, 303]:
-                            redirect_method = "GET"
-                            body = None
-                        (response, content) = self.request(location, redirect_method, body=body, headers = headers, redirections = redirections - 1)
-                        response.previous = old_response
-                else:
-                    raise RedirectLimit("Redirected more times than rediection_limit allows.", response, content)
-            elif response.status in [200, 203] and method in ["GET", "HEAD"]:
-                # Don't cache 206's since we aren't going to handle byte range requests
-                if not response.has_key('content-location'):
-                    response['content-location'] = absolute_uri
-                _updateCache(headers, response, content, self.cache, cachekey)
-        return (response, content)
-    def _normalize_headers(self, headers):
-        return _normalize_headers(headers)
-# Need to catch and rebrand some exceptions
-# Then need to optionally turn all exceptions into status codes
-# including all socket.* and httplib.* exceptions.
-    def request(self, uri, method="GET", body=None, headers=None, redirections=DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS, connection_type=None):
-        """ Performs a single HTTP request.
-        The 'uri' is the URI of the HTTP resource and can begin with either
-        'http' or 'https'. The value of 'uri' must be an absolute URI.
-        The 'method' is the HTTP method to perform, such as GET, POST, DELETE,
-        etc. There is no restriction on the methods allowed.
-        The 'body' is the entity body to be sent with the request. It is a
-        string object.
-        Any extra headers that are to be sent with the request should be
-        provided in the 'headers' dictionary.
-        The maximum number of redirect to follow before raising an
-        exception is 'redirections. The default is 5.
-        The return value is a tuple of (response, content), the first
-        being and instance of the 'Response' class, the second being
-        a string that contains the response entity body.
-        """
-        try:
-            if headers is None:
-                headers = {}
-            else:
-                headers = self._normalize_headers(headers)
-            if not headers.has_key('user-agent'):
-                headers['user-agent'] = "Python-httplib2/%s (gzip)" % __version__
-            uri = iri2uri(uri)
-            (scheme, authority, request_uri, defrag_uri) = urlnorm(uri)
-            domain_port = authority.split(":")[0:2]
-            if len(domain_port) == 2 and domain_port[1] == '443' and scheme == 'http':
-                scheme = 'https'
-                authority = domain_port[0]
-            proxy_info = self._get_proxy_info(scheme, authority)
-            conn_key = scheme+":"+authority
-            if conn_key in self.connections:
-                conn = self.connections[conn_key]
-            else:
-                if not connection_type:
-                    connection_type = SCHEME_TO_CONNECTION[scheme]
-                certs = list(self.certificates.iter(authority))
-                if scheme == 'https':
-                    if certs:
-                        conn = self.connections[conn_key] = connection_type(
-                                authority, key_file=certs[0][0],
-                                cert_file=certs[0][1], timeout=self.timeout,
-                                proxy_info=proxy_info,
-                                ca_certs=self.ca_certs,
-                                disable_ssl_certificate_validation=
-                                        self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation)
-                    else:
-                        conn = self.connections[conn_key] = connection_type(
-                                authority, timeout=self.timeout,
-                                proxy_info=proxy_info,
-                                ca_certs=self.ca_certs,
-                                disable_ssl_certificate_validation=
-                                        self.disable_ssl_certificate_validation)
-                else:
-                    conn = self.connections[conn_key] = connection_type(
-                            authority, timeout=self.timeout,
-                            proxy_info=proxy_info)
-                conn.set_debuglevel(debuglevel)
-            if 'range' not in headers and 'accept-encoding' not in headers:
-                headers['accept-encoding'] = 'gzip, deflate'
-            info = email.Message.Message()
-            cached_value = None
-            if self.cache:
-                cachekey = defrag_uri
-                cached_value = self.cache.get(cachekey)
-                if cached_value:
-                    # info = email.message_from_string(cached_value)
-                    #
-                    # Need to replace the line above with the kludge below
-                    # to fix the non-existent bug not fixed in this
-                    # bug report:
-                    try:
-                        info, content = cached_value.split('\r\n\r\n', 1)
-                        feedparser = email.FeedParser.FeedParser()
-                        feedparser.feed(info)
-                        info = feedparser.close()
-                        feedparser._parse = None
-                    except (IndexError, ValueError):
-                        self.cache.delete(cachekey)
-                        cachekey = None
-                        cached_value = None
-            else:
-                cachekey = None
-            if method in self.optimistic_concurrency_methods and self.cache and info.has_key('etag') and not self.ignore_etag and 'if-match' not in headers:
-                #
-                headers['if-match'] = info['etag']
-            if method not in ["GET", "HEAD"] and self.cache and cachekey:
-                # RFC 2616 Section 13.10
-                self.cache.delete(cachekey)
-            # Check the vary header in the cache to see if this request
-            # matches what varies in the cache.
-            if method in ['GET', 'HEAD'] and 'vary' in info:
-                vary = info['vary']
-                vary_headers = vary.lower().replace(' ', '').split(',')
-                for header in vary_headers:
-                    key = '-varied-%s' % header
-                    value = info[key]
-                    if headers.get(header, None) != value:
-                        cached_value = None
-                        break
-            if cached_value and method in ["GET", "HEAD"] and self.cache and 'range' not in headers:
-                if info.has_key('-x-permanent-redirect-url'):
-                    # Should cached permanent redirects be counted in our redirection count? For now, yes.
-                    if redirections <= 0:
-                        raise RedirectLimit("Redirected more times than rediection_limit allows.", {}, "")
-                    (response, new_content) = self.request(info['-x-permanent-redirect-url'], "GET", headers = headers, redirections = redirections - 1)
-                    response.previous = Response(info)
-                    response.previous.fromcache = True
-                else:
-                    # Determine our course of action:
-                    #   Is the cached entry fresh or stale?
-                    #   Has the client requested a non-cached response?
-                    #
-                    # There seems to be three possible answers:
-                    # 1. [FRESH] Return the cache entry w/o doing a GET
-                    # 2. [STALE] Do the GET (but add in cache validators if available)
-                    # 3. [TRANSPARENT] Do a GET w/o any cache validators (Cache-Control: no-cache) on the request
-                    entry_disposition = _entry_disposition(info, headers)
-                    if entry_disposition == "FRESH":
-                        if not cached_value:
-                            info['status'] = '504'
-                            content = ""
-                        response = Response(info)
-                        if cached_value:
-                            response.fromcache = True
-                        return (response, content)
-                    if entry_disposition == "STALE":
-                        if info.has_key('etag') and not self.ignore_etag and not 'if-none-match' in headers:
-                            headers['if-none-match'] = info['etag']
-                        if info.has_key('last-modified') and not 'last-modified' in headers:
-                            headers['if-modified-since'] = info['last-modified']
-                    elif entry_disposition == "TRANSPARENT":
-                        pass
-                    (response, new_content) = self._request(conn, authority, uri, request_uri, method, body, headers, redirections, cachekey)
-                if response.status == 304 and method == "GET":
-                    # Rewrite the cache entry with the new end-to-end headers
-                    # Take all headers that are in response
-                    # and overwrite their values in info.
-                    # unless they are hop-by-hop, or are listed in the connection header.
-                    for key in _get_end2end_headers(response):
-                        info[key] = response[key]
-                    merged_response = Response(info)
-                    if hasattr(response, "_stale_digest"):
-                        merged_response._stale_digest = response._stale_digest
-                    _updateCache(headers, merged_response, content, self.cache, cachekey)
-                    response = merged_response
-                    response.status = 200
-                    response.fromcache = True
-                elif response.status == 200:
-                    content = new_content
-                else:
-                    self.cache.delete(cachekey)
-                    content = new_content
-            else:
-                cc = _parse_cache_control(headers)
-                if cc.has_key('only-if-cached'):
-                    info['status'] = '504'
-                    response = Response(info)
-                    content = ""
-                else:
-                    (response, content) = self._request(conn, authority, uri, request_uri, method, body, headers, redirections, cachekey)
-        except Exception, e:
-            if self.force_exception_to_status_code:
-                if isinstance(e, HttpLib2ErrorWithResponse):
-                    response = e.response
-                    content = e.content
-                    response.status = 500
-                    response.reason = str(e)
-                elif isinstance(e, socket.timeout):
-                    content = "Request Timeout"
-                    response = Response({
-                        "content-type": "text/plain",
-                        "status": "408",
-                        "content-length": len(content)
-                    })
-                    response.reason = "Request Timeout"
-                else:
-                    content = str(e)
-                    response = Response({
-                        "content-type": "text/plain",
-                        "status": "400",
-                        "content-length": len(content)
-                    })
-                    response.reason = "Bad Request"
-            else:
-                raise
-        return (response, content)
-    def _get_proxy_info(self, scheme, authority):
-        """Return a ProxyInfo instance (or None) based on the scheme
-        and authority.
-        """
-        hostname, port = urllib.splitport(authority)
-        proxy_info = self.proxy_info
-        if callable(proxy_info):
-            proxy_info = proxy_info(scheme)
-        if (hasattr(proxy_info, 'applies_to')
-            and not proxy_info.applies_to(hostname)):
-            proxy_info = None
-        return proxy_info
-class Response(dict):
-    """An object more like email.Message than httplib.HTTPResponse."""
-    """Is this response from our local cache"""
-    fromcache = False
-    """HTTP protocol version used by server. 10 for HTTP/1.0, 11 for HTTP/1.1. """
-    version = 11
-    "Status code returned by server. "
-    status = 200
-    """Reason phrase returned by server."""
-    reason = "Ok"
-    previous = None
-    def __init__(self, info):
-        # info is either an email.Message or
-        # an httplib.HTTPResponse object.
-        if isinstance(info, httplib.HTTPResponse):
-            for key, value in info.getheaders():
-                self[key.lower()] = value
-            self.status = info.status
-            self['status'] = str(self.status)
-            self.reason = info.reason
-            self.version = info.version
-        elif isinstance(info, email.Message.Message):
-            for key, value in info.items():
-                self[key.lower()] = value
-            self.status = int(self['status'])
-        else:
-            for key, value in info.iteritems():
-                self[key.lower()] = value
-            self.status = int(self.get('status', self.status))
-            self.reason = self.get('reason', self.reason)
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        if name == 'dict':
-            return self
-        else:
-            raise AttributeError, name
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/httplib2/cacerts.txt b/third_party/google-api-python-client/httplib2/cacerts.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a0027..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/httplib2/cacerts.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,739 +0,0 @@
-# Certifcate Authority certificates for validating SSL connections.
-# This file contains PEM format certificates generated from
-# ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
-# Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
-# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
-# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
-# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
-# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
-# License.
-# The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
-# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
-# Netscape Communications Corporation.
-# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1994-2000
-# the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
-# Contributor(s):
-# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
-# either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
-# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
-# in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
-# of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
-# under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
-# use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
-# decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
-# and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
-# the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
-# the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
-# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
-Verisign/RSA Secure Server CA
-Thawte Personal Basic CA
-Thawte Personal Premium CA
-Thawte Personal Freemail CA
-Thawte Server CA
-Thawte Premium Server CA
-Equifax Secure CA
-Verisign Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority
-Verisign Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority
-Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority
-Verisign Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
-Verisign Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
-Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
-Verisign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority - G2
-Verisign Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
-Verisign Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
-Verisign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
-Verisign Class 4 Public Primary Certification Authority - G3
-Equifax Secure Global eBusiness CA
-Equifax Secure eBusiness CA 1
-Equifax Secure eBusiness CA 2
-Thawte Time Stamping CA
-thawte Primary Root CA
-VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5
- Secure Server Certification Authority
-Go Daddy Certification Authority Root Certificate Bundle
-GeoTrust Global CA
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/httplib2/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/httplib2/
deleted file mode 100644
index d88c91f..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/httplib2/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-Converts an IRI to a URI.
-__author__ = "Joe Gregorio ("
-__copyright__ = "Copyright 2006, Joe Gregorio"
-__contributors__ = []
-__version__ = "1.0.0"
-__license__ = "MIT"
-__history__ = """
-import urlparse
-# Convert an IRI to a URI following the rules in RFC 3987
-# The characters we need to enocde and escape are defined in the spec:
-# iprivate =  %xE000-F8FF / %xF0000-FFFFD / %x100000-10FFFD
-# ucschar = %xA0-D7FF / %xF900-FDCF / %xFDF0-FFEF
-#         / %x10000-1FFFD / %x20000-2FFFD / %x30000-3FFFD
-#         / %x40000-4FFFD / %x50000-5FFFD / %x60000-6FFFD
-#         / %x70000-7FFFD / %x80000-8FFFD / %x90000-9FFFD
-#         / %xA0000-AFFFD / %xB0000-BFFFD / %xC0000-CFFFD
-#         / %xD0000-DFFFD / %xE1000-EFFFD
-escape_range = [
-    (0xA0, 0xD7FF),
-    (0xE000, 0xF8FF),
-    (0xF900, 0xFDCF),
-    (0xFDF0, 0xFFEF),
-    (0x10000, 0x1FFFD),
-    (0x20000, 0x2FFFD),
-    (0x30000, 0x3FFFD),
-    (0x40000, 0x4FFFD),
-    (0x50000, 0x5FFFD),
-    (0x60000, 0x6FFFD),
-    (0x70000, 0x7FFFD),
-    (0x80000, 0x8FFFD),
-    (0x90000, 0x9FFFD),
-    (0xA0000, 0xAFFFD),
-    (0xB0000, 0xBFFFD),
-    (0xC0000, 0xCFFFD),
-    (0xD0000, 0xDFFFD),
-    (0xE1000, 0xEFFFD),
-    (0xF0000, 0xFFFFD),
-    (0x100000, 0x10FFFD),
-def encode(c):
-    retval = c
-    i = ord(c)
-    for low, high in escape_range:
-        if i < low:
-            break
-        if i >= low and i <= high:
-            retval = "".join(["%%%2X" % ord(o) for o in c.encode('utf-8')])
-            break
-    return retval
-def iri2uri(uri):
-    """Convert an IRI to a URI. Note that IRIs must be
-    passed in a unicode strings. That is, do not utf-8 encode
-    the IRI before passing it into the function."""
-    if isinstance(uri ,unicode):
-        (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = urlparse.urlsplit(uri)
-        authority = authority.encode('idna')
-        # For each character in 'ucschar' or 'iprivate'
-        #  1. encode as utf-8
-        #  2. then %-encode each octet of that utf-8
-        uri = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, authority, path, query, fragment))
-        uri = "".join([encode(c) for c in uri])
-    return uri
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    import unittest
-    class Test(unittest.TestCase):
-        def test_uris(self):
-            """Test that URIs are invariant under the transformation."""
-            invariant = [
-                u"",
-                u"",
-                u"ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one",
-                u"",
-                u"news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix",
-                u"tel:+1-816-555-1212",
-                u"telnet://",
-                u"urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2" ]
-            for uri in invariant:
-                self.assertEqual(uri, iri2uri(uri))
-        def test_iri(self):
-            """ Test that the right type of escaping is done for each part of the URI."""
-            self.assertEqual("", iri2uri(u"http://\N{COMET}.com/\N{COMET}"))
-            self.assertEqual("", iri2uri(u"\N{COMET}"))
-            self.assertEqual("", iri2uri(u"\N{COMET}"))
-            self.assertEqual("#%E2%98%84", iri2uri(u"#\N{COMET}"))
-            self.assertEqual("/fred?bar=%E2%98%9A#%E2%98%84", iri2uri(u"/fred?bar=\N{BLACK LEFT POINTING INDEX}#\N{COMET}"))
-            self.assertEqual("/fred?bar=%E2%98%9A#%E2%98%84", iri2uri(iri2uri(u"/fred?bar=\N{BLACK LEFT POINTING INDEX}#\N{COMET}")))
-            self.assertNotEqual("/fred?bar=%E2%98%9A#%E2%98%84", iri2uri(u"/fred?bar=\N{BLACK LEFT POINTING INDEX}#\N{COMET}".encode('utf-8')))
-    unittest.main()
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index 0991f4c..0000000
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-"""SocksiPy - Python SOCKS module.
-Version 1.00
-Copyright 2006 Dan-Haim. All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
-are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
-   list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-3. Neither the name of Dan Haim nor the names of his contributors may be used
-   to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
-   prior written permission.
-This module provides a standard socket-like interface for Python
-for tunneling connections through SOCKS proxies.
-Minor modifications made by Christopher Gilbert (
-for use in PyLoris (
-Minor modifications made by Mario Vilas (
-mainly to merge bug fixes found in Sourceforge
-import base64
-import socket
-import struct
-import sys
-if getattr(socket, 'socket', None) is None:
-    raise ImportError('socket.socket missing, proxy support unusable')
-_defaultproxy = None
-_orgsocket = socket.socket
-class ProxyError(Exception): pass
-class GeneralProxyError(ProxyError): pass
-class Socks5AuthError(ProxyError): pass
-class Socks5Error(ProxyError): pass
-class Socks4Error(ProxyError): pass
-class HTTPError(ProxyError): pass
-_generalerrors = ("success",
-    "invalid data",
-    "not connected",
-    "not available",
-    "bad proxy type",
-    "bad input")
-_socks5errors = ("succeeded",
-    "general SOCKS server failure",
-    "connection not allowed by ruleset",
-    "Network unreachable",
-    "Host unreachable",
-    "Connection refused",
-    "TTL expired",
-    "Command not supported",
-    "Address type not supported",
-    "Unknown error")
-_socks5autherrors = ("succeeded",
-    "authentication is required",
-    "all offered authentication methods were rejected",
-    "unknown username or invalid password",
-    "unknown error")
-_socks4errors = ("request granted",
-    "request rejected or failed",
-    "request rejected because SOCKS server cannot connect to identd on the client",
-    "request rejected because the client program and identd report different user-ids",
-    "unknown error")
-def setdefaultproxy(proxytype=None, addr=None, port=None, rdns=True, username=None, password=None):
-    """setdefaultproxy(proxytype, addr[, port[, rdns[, username[, password]]]])
-    Sets a default proxy which all further socksocket objects will use,
-    unless explicitly changed.
-    """
-    global _defaultproxy
-    _defaultproxy = (proxytype, addr, port, rdns, username, password)
-def wrapmodule(module):
-    """wrapmodule(module)
-    Attempts to replace a module's socket library with a SOCKS socket. Must set
-    a default proxy using setdefaultproxy(...) first.
-    This will only work on modules that import socket directly into the namespace;
-    most of the Python Standard Library falls into this category.
-    """
-    if _defaultproxy != None:
-        module.socket.socket = socksocket
-    else:
-        raise GeneralProxyError((4, "no proxy specified"))
-class socksocket(socket.socket):
-    """socksocket([family[, type[, proto]]]) -> socket object
-    Open a SOCKS enabled socket. The parameters are the same as
-    those of the standard socket init. In order for SOCKS to work,
-    you must specify family=AF_INET, type=SOCK_STREAM and proto=0.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM, proto=0, _sock=None):
-        _orgsocket.__init__(self, family, type, proto, _sock)
-        if _defaultproxy != None:
-            self.__proxy = _defaultproxy
-        else:
-            self.__proxy = (None, None, None, None, None, None)
-        self.__proxysockname = None
-        self.__proxypeername = None
-        self.__httptunnel = True
-    def __recvall(self, count):
-        """__recvall(count) -> data
-        Receive EXACTLY the number of bytes requested from the socket.
-        Blocks until the required number of bytes have been received.
-        """
-        data = self.recv(count)
-        while len(data) < count:
-            d = self.recv(count-len(data))
-            if not d: raise GeneralProxyError((0, "connection closed unexpectedly"))
-            data = data + d
-        return data
-    def sendall(self, content, *args):
-        """ override socket.socket.sendall method to rewrite the header
-        for non-tunneling proxies if needed
-        """
-        if not self.__httptunnel:
-            content = self.__rewriteproxy(content)
-        return super(socksocket, self).sendall(content, *args)
-    def __rewriteproxy(self, header):
-        """ rewrite HTTP request headers to support non-tunneling proxies
-        (i.e. those which do not support the CONNECT method).
-        This only works for HTTP (not HTTPS) since HTTPS requires tunneling.
-        """
-        host, endpt = None, None
-        hdrs = header.split("\r\n")
-        for hdr in hdrs:
-            if hdr.lower().startswith("host:"):
-                host = hdr
-            elif hdr.lower().startswith("get") or hdr.lower().startswith("post"):
-                endpt = hdr
-        if host and endpt:
-            hdrs.remove(host)
-            hdrs.remove(endpt)
-            host = host.split(" ")[1]
-            endpt = endpt.split(" ")
-            if (self.__proxy[4] != None and self.__proxy[5] != None):
-                hdrs.insert(0, self.__getauthheader())
-            hdrs.insert(0, "Host: %s" % host)
-            hdrs.insert(0, "%s http://%s%s %s" % (endpt[0], host, endpt[1], endpt[2]))
-        return "\r\n".join(hdrs)
-    def __getauthheader(self):
-        auth = self.__proxy[4] + ":" + self.__proxy[5]
-        return "Proxy-Authorization: Basic " + base64.b64encode(auth)
-    def setproxy(self, proxytype=None, addr=None, port=None, rdns=True, username=None, password=None):
-        """setproxy(proxytype, addr[, port[, rdns[, username[, password]]]])
-        Sets the proxy to be used.
-        proxytype -    The type of the proxy to be used. Three types
-                are supported: PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4 (including socks4a),
-                PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5 and PROXY_TYPE_HTTP
-        addr -        The address of the server (IP or DNS).
-        port -        The port of the server. Defaults to 1080 for SOCKS
-                servers and 8080 for HTTP proxy servers.
-        rdns -        Should DNS queries be preformed on the remote side
-                (rather than the local side). The default is True.
-                Note: This has no effect with SOCKS4 servers.
-        username -    Username to authenticate with to the server.
-                The default is no authentication.
-        password -    Password to authenticate with to the server.
-                Only relevant when username is also provided.
-        """
-        self.__proxy = (proxytype, addr, port, rdns, username, password)
-    def __negotiatesocks5(self, destaddr, destport):
-        """__negotiatesocks5(self,destaddr,destport)
-        Negotiates a connection through a SOCKS5 server.
-        """
-        # First we'll send the authentication packages we support.
-        if (self.__proxy[4]!=None) and (self.__proxy[5]!=None):
-            # The username/password details were supplied to the
-            # setproxy method so we support the USERNAME/PASSWORD
-            # authentication (in addition to the standard none).
-            self.sendall(struct.pack('BBBB', 0x05, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02))
-        else:
-            # No username/password were entered, therefore we
-            # only support connections with no authentication.
-            self.sendall(struct.pack('BBB', 0x05, 0x01, 0x00))
-        # We'll receive the server's response to determine which
-        # method was selected
-        chosenauth = self.__recvall(2)
-        if chosenauth[0:1] != chr(0x05).encode():
-            self.close()
-            raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
-        # Check the chosen authentication method
-        if chosenauth[1:2] == chr(0x00).encode():
-            # No authentication is required
-            pass
-        elif chosenauth[1:2] == chr(0x02).encode():
-            # Okay, we need to perform a basic username/password
-            # authentication.
-            self.sendall(chr(0x01).encode() + chr(len(self.__proxy[4])) + self.__proxy[4] + chr(len(self.__proxy[5])) + self.__proxy[5])
-            authstat = self.__recvall(2)
-            if authstat[0:1] != chr(0x01).encode():
-                # Bad response
-                self.close()
-                raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
-            if authstat[1:2] != chr(0x00).encode():
-                # Authentication failed
-                self.close()
-                raise Socks5AuthError((3, _socks5autherrors[3]))
-            # Authentication succeeded
-        else:
-            # Reaching here is always bad
-            self.close()
-            if chosenauth[1] == chr(0xFF).encode():
-                raise Socks5AuthError((2, _socks5autherrors[2]))
-            else:
-                raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
-        # Now we can request the actual connection
-        req = struct.pack('BBB', 0x05, 0x01, 0x00)
-        # If the given destination address is an IP address, we'll
-        # use the IPv4 address request even if remote resolving was specified.
-        try:
-            ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(destaddr)
-            req = req + chr(0x01).encode() + ipaddr
-        except socket.error:
-            # Well it's not an IP number,  so it's probably a DNS name.
-            if self.__proxy[3]:
-                # Resolve remotely
-                ipaddr = None
-                req = req + chr(0x03).encode() + chr(len(destaddr)).encode() + destaddr
-            else:
-                # Resolve locally
-                ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(socket.gethostbyname(destaddr))
-                req = req + chr(0x01).encode() + ipaddr
-        req = req + struct.pack(">H", destport)
-        self.sendall(req)
-        # Get the response
-        resp = self.__recvall(4)
-        if resp[0:1] != chr(0x05).encode():
-            self.close()
-            raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
-        elif resp[1:2] != chr(0x00).encode():
-            # Connection failed
-            self.close()
-            if ord(resp[1:2])<=8:
-                raise Socks5Error((ord(resp[1:2]), _socks5errors[ord(resp[1:2])]))
-            else:
-                raise Socks5Error((9, _socks5errors[9]))
-        # Get the bound address/port
-        elif resp[3:4] == chr(0x01).encode():
-            boundaddr = self.__recvall(4)
-        elif resp[3:4] == chr(0x03).encode():
-            resp = resp + self.recv(1)
-            boundaddr = self.__recvall(ord(resp[4:5]))
-        else:
-            self.close()
-            raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
-        boundport = struct.unpack(">H", self.__recvall(2))[0]
-        self.__proxysockname = (boundaddr, boundport)
-        if ipaddr != None:
-            self.__proxypeername = (socket.inet_ntoa(ipaddr), destport)
-        else:
-            self.__proxypeername = (destaddr, destport)
-    def getproxysockname(self):
-        """getsockname() -> address info
-        Returns the bound IP address and port number at the proxy.
-        """
-        return self.__proxysockname
-    def getproxypeername(self):
-        """getproxypeername() -> address info
-        Returns the IP and port number of the proxy.
-        """
-        return _orgsocket.getpeername(self)
-    def getpeername(self):
-        """getpeername() -> address info
-        Returns the IP address and port number of the destination
-        machine (note: getproxypeername returns the proxy)
-        """
-        return self.__proxypeername
-    def __negotiatesocks4(self,destaddr,destport):
-        """__negotiatesocks4(self,destaddr,destport)
-        Negotiates a connection through a SOCKS4 server.
-        """
-        # Check if the destination address provided is an IP address
-        rmtrslv = False
-        try:
-            ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(destaddr)
-        except socket.error:
-            # It's a DNS name. Check where it should be resolved.
-            if self.__proxy[3]:
-                ipaddr = struct.pack("BBBB", 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01)
-                rmtrslv = True
-            else:
-                ipaddr = socket.inet_aton(socket.gethostbyname(destaddr))
-        # Construct the request packet
-        req = struct.pack(">BBH", 0x04, 0x01, destport) + ipaddr
-        # The username parameter is considered userid for SOCKS4
-        if self.__proxy[4] != None:
-            req = req + self.__proxy[4]
-        req = req + chr(0x00).encode()
-        # DNS name if remote resolving is required
-        # NOTE: This is actually an extension to the SOCKS4 protocol
-        # called SOCKS4A and may not be supported in all cases.
-        if rmtrslv:
-            req = req + destaddr + chr(0x00).encode()
-        self.sendall(req)
-        # Get the response from the server
-        resp = self.__recvall(8)
-        if resp[0:1] != chr(0x00).encode():
-            # Bad data
-            self.close()
-            raise GeneralProxyError((1,_generalerrors[1]))
-        if resp[1:2] != chr(0x5A).encode():
-            # Server returned an error
-            self.close()
-            if ord(resp[1:2]) in (91, 92, 93):
-                self.close()
-                raise Socks4Error((ord(resp[1:2]), _socks4errors[ord(resp[1:2]) - 90]))
-            else:
-                raise Socks4Error((94, _socks4errors[4]))
-        # Get the bound address/port
-        self.__proxysockname = (socket.inet_ntoa(resp[4:]), struct.unpack(">H", resp[2:4])[0])
-        if rmtrslv != None:
-            self.__proxypeername = (socket.inet_ntoa(ipaddr), destport)
-        else:
-            self.__proxypeername = (destaddr, destport)
-    def __negotiatehttp(self, destaddr, destport):
-        """__negotiatehttp(self,destaddr,destport)
-        Negotiates a connection through an HTTP server.
-        """
-        # If we need to resolve locally, we do this now
-        if not self.__proxy[3]:
-            addr = socket.gethostbyname(destaddr)
-        else:
-            addr = destaddr
-        headers =  ["CONNECT ", addr, ":", str(destport), " HTTP/1.1\r\n"]
-        headers += ["Host: ", destaddr, "\r\n"]
-        if (self.__proxy[4] != None and self.__proxy[5] != None):
-                headers += [self.__getauthheader(), "\r\n"]
-        headers.append("\r\n")
-        self.sendall("".join(headers).encode())
-        # We read the response until we get the string "\r\n\r\n"
-        resp = self.recv(1)
-        while resp.find("\r\n\r\n".encode()) == -1:
-            resp = resp + self.recv(1)
-        # We just need the first line to check if the connection
-        # was successful
-        statusline = resp.splitlines()[0].split(" ".encode(), 2)
-        if statusline[0] not in ("HTTP/1.0".encode(), "HTTP/1.1".encode()):
-            self.close()
-            raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
-        try:
-            statuscode = int(statusline[1])
-        except ValueError:
-            self.close()
-            raise GeneralProxyError((1, _generalerrors[1]))
-        if statuscode != 200:
-            self.close()
-            raise HTTPError((statuscode, statusline[2]))
-        self.__proxysockname = ("", 0)
-        self.__proxypeername = (addr, destport)
-    def connect(self, destpair):
-        """connect(self, despair)
-        Connects to the specified destination through a proxy.
-        destpar - A tuple of the IP/DNS address and the port number.
-        (identical to socket's connect).
-        To select the proxy server use setproxy().
-        """
-        # Do a minimal input check first
-        if (not type(destpair) in (list,tuple)) or (len(destpair) < 2) or (not isinstance(destpair[0], basestring)) or (type(destpair[1]) != int):
-            raise GeneralProxyError((5, _generalerrors[5]))
-        if self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5:
-            if self.__proxy[2] != None:
-                portnum = self.__proxy[2]
-            else:
-                portnum = 1080
-            _orgsocket.connect(self, (self.__proxy[1], portnum))
-            self.__negotiatesocks5(destpair[0], destpair[1])
-        elif self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4:
-            if self.__proxy[2] != None:
-                portnum = self.__proxy[2]
-            else:
-                portnum = 1080
-            _orgsocket.connect(self,(self.__proxy[1], portnum))
-            self.__negotiatesocks4(destpair[0], destpair[1])
-        elif self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_HTTP:
-            if self.__proxy[2] != None:
-                portnum = self.__proxy[2]
-            else:
-                portnum = 8080
-            _orgsocket.connect(self,(self.__proxy[1], portnum))
-            self.__negotiatehttp(destpair[0], destpair[1])
-        elif self.__proxy[0] == PROXY_TYPE_HTTP_NO_TUNNEL:
-            if self.__proxy[2] != None:
-                portnum = self.__proxy[2]
-            else:
-                portnum = 8080
-            _orgsocket.connect(self,(self.__proxy[1],portnum))
-            if destpair[1] == 443:
-                self.__negotiatehttp(destpair[0],destpair[1])
-            else:
-                self.__httptunnel = False
-        elif self.__proxy[0] == None:
-            _orgsocket.connect(self, (destpair[0], destpair[1]))
-        else:
-            raise GeneralProxyError((4, _generalerrors[4]))
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7e4e122..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-__version__ = "1.1"
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/
deleted file mode 100644
index ae21c33..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Utility module to import a JSON module
-Hides all the messy details of exactly where
-we get a simplejson module from.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-try: # pragma: no cover
-  # Should work for Python2.6 and higher.
-  import json as simplejson
-except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
-  try:
-    import simplejson
-  except ImportError:
-    # Try to import from django, should work on App Engine
-    from django.utils import simplejson
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/
deleted file mode 100644
index a6d88df..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,896 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Utilities for Google App Engine
-Utilities for making it easier to use OAuth 2.0 on Google App Engine.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-import base64
-import cgi
-import httplib2
-import logging
-import os
-import pickle
-import time
-from google.appengine.api import app_identity
-from google.appengine.api import memcache
-from google.appengine.api import users
-from google.appengine.ext import db
-from google.appengine.ext import webapp
-from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import login_required
-from google.appengine.ext.webapp.util import run_wsgi_app
-from oauth2client import GOOGLE_AUTH_URI
-from oauth2client import GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI
-from oauth2client import GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI
-from oauth2client import clientsecrets
-from oauth2client import util
-from oauth2client import xsrfutil
-from oauth2client.anyjson import simplejson
-from oauth2client.client import AccessTokenRefreshError
-from oauth2client.client import AssertionCredentials
-from oauth2client.client import Credentials
-from oauth2client.client import Flow
-from oauth2client.client import OAuth2WebServerFlow
-from oauth2client.client import Storage
-# TODO(dhermes): Resolve import issue.
-# This is a temporary fix for a Google internal issue.
-  from google.appengine.ext import ndb
-except ImportError:
-  ndb = None
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-OAUTH2CLIENT_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client#ns'
-XSRF_MEMCACHE_ID = 'xsrf_secret_key'
-def _safe_html(s):
-  """Escape text to make it safe to display.
-  Args:
-    s: string, The text to escape.
-  Returns:
-    The escaped text as a string.
-  """
-  return cgi.escape(s, quote=1).replace("'", '&#39;')
-class InvalidClientSecretsError(Exception):
-  """The client_secrets.json file is malformed or missing required fields."""
-class InvalidXsrfTokenError(Exception):
-  """The XSRF token is invalid or expired."""
-class SiteXsrfSecretKey(db.Model):
-  """Storage for the sites XSRF secret key.
-  There will only be one instance stored of this model, the one used for the
-  site.
-  """
-  secret = db.StringProperty()
-if ndb is not None:
-  class SiteXsrfSecretKeyNDB(ndb.Model):
-    """NDB Model for storage for the sites XSRF secret key.
-    Since this model uses the same kind as SiteXsrfSecretKey, it can be used
-    interchangeably. This simply provides an NDB model for interacting with the
-    same data the DB model interacts with.
-    There should only be one instance stored of this model, the one used for the
-    site.
-    """
-    secret = ndb.StringProperty()
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_kind(cls):
-      """Return the kind name for this class."""
-      return 'SiteXsrfSecretKey'
-def _generate_new_xsrf_secret_key():
-  """Returns a random XSRF secret key.
-  """
-  return os.urandom(16).encode("hex")
-def xsrf_secret_key():
-  """Return the secret key for use for XSRF protection.
-  If the Site entity does not have a secret key, this method will also create
-  one and persist it.
-  Returns:
-    The secret key.
-  """
-  secret = memcache.get(XSRF_MEMCACHE_ID, namespace=OAUTH2CLIENT_NAMESPACE)
-  if not secret:
-    # Load the one and only instance of SiteXsrfSecretKey.
-    model = SiteXsrfSecretKey.get_or_insert(key_name='site')
-    if not model.secret:
-      model.secret = _generate_new_xsrf_secret_key()
-      model.put()
-    secret = model.secret
-    memcache.add(XSRF_MEMCACHE_ID, secret, namespace=OAUTH2CLIENT_NAMESPACE)
-  return str(secret)
-class AppAssertionCredentials(AssertionCredentials):
-  """Credentials object for App Engine Assertion Grants
-  This object will allow an App Engine application to identify itself to Google
-  and other OAuth 2.0 servers that can verify assertions. It can be used for the
-  purpose of accessing data stored under an account assigned to the App Engine
-  application itself.
-  This credential does not require a flow to instantiate because it represents
-  a two legged flow, and therefore has all of the required information to
-  generate and refresh its own access tokens.
-  """
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def __init__(self, scope, **kwargs):
-    """Constructor for AppAssertionCredentials
-    Args:
-      scope: string or iterable of strings, scope(s) of the credentials being
-        requested.
-    """
-    self.scope = util.scopes_to_string(scope)
-    # Assertion type is no longer used, but still in the parent class signature.
-    super(AppAssertionCredentials, self).__init__(None)
-  @classmethod
-  def from_json(cls, json):
-    data = simplejson.loads(json)
-    return AppAssertionCredentials(data['scope'])
-  def _refresh(self, http_request):
-    """Refreshes the access_token.
-    Since the underlying App Engine app_identity implementation does its own
-    caching we can skip all the storage hoops and just to a refresh using the
-    API.
-    Args:
-      http_request: callable, a callable that matches the method signature of
-        httplib2.Http.request, used to make the refresh request.
-    Raises:
-      AccessTokenRefreshError: When the refresh fails.
-    """
-    try:
-      scopes = self.scope.split()
-      (token, _) = app_identity.get_access_token(scopes)
-    except app_identity.Error, e:
-      raise AccessTokenRefreshError(str(e))
-    self.access_token = token
-class FlowProperty(db.Property):
-  """App Engine datastore Property for Flow.
-  Utility property that allows easy storage and retrieval of an
-  oauth2client.Flow"""
-  # Tell what the user type is.
-  data_type = Flow
-  # For writing to datastore.
-  def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance):
-    flow = super(FlowProperty,
-                 self).get_value_for_datastore(model_instance)
-    return db.Blob(pickle.dumps(flow))
-  # For reading from datastore.
-  def make_value_from_datastore(self, value):
-    if value is None:
-      return None
-    return pickle.loads(value)
-  def validate(self, value):
-    if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Flow):
-      raise db.BadValueError('Property %s must be convertible '
-                          'to a FlowThreeLegged instance (%s)' %
-                          (, value))
-    return super(FlowProperty, self).validate(value)
-  def empty(self, value):
-    return not value
-if ndb is not None:
-  class FlowNDBProperty(ndb.PickleProperty):
-    """App Engine NDB datastore Property for Flow.
-    Serves the same purpose as the DB FlowProperty, but for NDB models. Since
-    PickleProperty inherits from BlobProperty, the underlying representation of
-    the data in the datastore will be the same as in the DB case.
-    Utility property that allows easy storage and retrieval of an
-    oauth2client.Flow
-    """
-    def _validate(self, value):
-      """Validates a value as a proper Flow object.
-      Args:
-        value: A value to be set on the property.
-      Raises:
-        TypeError if the value is not an instance of Flow.
-      """
-'validate: Got type %s', type(value))
-      if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Flow):
-        raise TypeError('Property %s must be convertible to a flow '
-                        'instance; received: %s.' % (self._name, value))
-class CredentialsProperty(db.Property):
-  """App Engine datastore Property for Credentials.
-  Utility property that allows easy storage and retrieval of
-  oath2client.Credentials
-  """
-  # Tell what the user type is.
-  data_type = Credentials
-  # For writing to datastore.
-  def get_value_for_datastore(self, model_instance):
-"get: Got type " + str(type(model_instance)))
-    cred = super(CredentialsProperty,
-                 self).get_value_for_datastore(model_instance)
-    if cred is None:
-      cred = ''
-    else:
-      cred = cred.to_json()
-    return db.Blob(cred)
-  # For reading from datastore.
-  def make_value_from_datastore(self, value):
-"make: Got type " + str(type(value)))
-    if value is None:
-      return None
-    if len(value) == 0:
-      return None
-    try:
-      credentials = Credentials.new_from_json(value)
-    except ValueError:
-      credentials = None
-    return credentials
-  def validate(self, value):
-    value = super(CredentialsProperty, self).validate(value)
-"validate: Got type " + str(type(value)))
-    if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Credentials):
-      raise db.BadValueError('Property %s must be convertible '
-                          'to a Credentials instance (%s)' %
-                            (, value))
-    #if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Credentials):
-    #  return None
-    return value
-if ndb is not None:
-  # TODO(dhermes): Turn this into a JsonProperty and overhaul the Credentials
-  #                and subclass mechanics to use new_from_dict, to_dict,
-  #                from_dict, etc.
-  class CredentialsNDBProperty(ndb.BlobProperty):
-    """App Engine NDB datastore Property for Credentials.
-    Serves the same purpose as the DB CredentialsProperty, but for NDB models.
-    Since CredentialsProperty stores data as a blob and this inherits from
-    BlobProperty, the data in the datastore will be the same as in the DB case.
-    Utility property that allows easy storage and retrieval of Credentials and
-    subclasses.
-    """
-    def _validate(self, value):
-      """Validates a value as a proper credentials object.
-      Args:
-        value: A value to be set on the property.
-      Raises:
-        TypeError if the value is not an instance of Credentials.
-      """
-'validate: Got type %s', type(value))
-      if value is not None and not isinstance(value, Credentials):
-        raise TypeError('Property %s must be convertible to a credentials '
-                        'instance; received: %s.' % (self._name, value))
-    def _to_base_type(self, value):
-      """Converts our validated value to a JSON serialized string.
-      Args:
-        value: A value to be set in the datastore.
-      Returns:
-        A JSON serialized version of the credential, else '' if value is None.
-      """
-      if value is None:
-        return ''
-      else:
-        return value.to_json()
-    def _from_base_type(self, value):
-      """Converts our stored JSON string back to the desired type.
-      Args:
-        value: A value from the datastore to be converted to the desired type.
-      Returns:
-        A deserialized Credentials (or subclass) object, else None if the
-            value can't be parsed.
-      """
-      if not value:
-        return None
-      try:
-        # Uses the from_json method of the implied class of value
-        credentials = Credentials.new_from_json(value)
-      except ValueError:
-        credentials = None
-      return credentials
-class StorageByKeyName(Storage):
-  """Store and retrieve a credential to and from the App Engine datastore.
-  This Storage helper presumes the Credentials have been stored as a
-  CredentialsProperty or CredentialsNDBProperty on a datastore model class, and
-  that entities are stored by key_name.
-  """
-  @util.positional(4)
-  def __init__(self, model, key_name, property_name, cache=None):
-    """Constructor for Storage.
-    Args:
-      model: db.Model or ndb.Model, model class
-      key_name: string, key name for the entity that has the credentials
-      property_name: string, name of the property that is a CredentialsProperty
-        or CredentialsNDBProperty.
-      cache: memcache, a write-through cache to put in front of the datastore.
-        If the model you are using is an NDB model, using a cache will be
-        redundant since the model uses an instance cache and memcache for you.
-    """
-    self._model = model
-    self._key_name = key_name
-    self._property_name = property_name
-    self._cache = cache
-  def _is_ndb(self):
-    """Determine whether the model of the instance is an NDB model.
-    Returns:
-      Boolean indicating whether or not the model is an NDB or DB model.
-    """
-    # issubclass will fail if one of the arguments is not a class, only need
-    # worry about new-style classes since ndb and db models are new-style
-    if isinstance(self._model, type):
-      if ndb is not None and issubclass(self._model, ndb.Model):
-        return True
-      elif issubclass(self._model, db.Model):
-        return False
-    raise TypeError('Model class not an NDB or DB model: %s.' % (self._model,))
-  def _get_entity(self):
-    """Retrieve entity from datastore.
-    Uses a different model method for db or ndb models.
-    Returns:
-      Instance of the model corresponding to the current storage object
-          and stored using the key name of the storage object.
-    """
-    if self._is_ndb():
-      return self._model.get_by_id(self._key_name)
-    else:
-      return self._model.get_by_key_name(self._key_name)
-  def _delete_entity(self):
-    """Delete entity from datastore.
-    Attempts to delete using the key_name stored on the object, whether or not
-    the given key is in the datastore.
-    """
-    if self._is_ndb():
-      ndb.Key(self._model, self._key_name).delete()
-    else:
-      entity_key = db.Key.from_path(self._model.kind(), self._key_name)
-      db.delete(entity_key)
-  def locked_get(self):
-    """Retrieve Credential from datastore.
-    Returns:
-      oauth2client.Credentials
-    """
-    if self._cache:
-      json = self._cache.get(self._key_name)
-      if json:
-        return Credentials.new_from_json(json)
-    credentials = None
-    entity = self._get_entity()
-    if entity is not None:
-      credentials = getattr(entity, self._property_name)
-      if credentials and hasattr(credentials, 'set_store'):
-        credentials.set_store(self)
-        if self._cache:
-          self._cache.set(self._key_name, credentials.to_json())
-    return credentials
-  def locked_put(self, credentials):
-    """Write a Credentials to the datastore.
-    Args:
-      credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-    """
-    entity = self._model.get_or_insert(self._key_name)
-    setattr(entity, self._property_name, credentials)
-    entity.put()
-    if self._cache:
-      self._cache.set(self._key_name, credentials.to_json())
-  def locked_delete(self):
-    """Delete Credential from datastore."""
-    if self._cache:
-      self._cache.delete(self._key_name)
-    self._delete_entity()
-class CredentialsModel(db.Model):
-  """Storage for OAuth 2.0 Credentials
-  Storage of the model is keyed by the user.user_id().
-  """
-  credentials = CredentialsProperty()
-if ndb is not None:
-  class CredentialsNDBModel(ndb.Model):
-    """NDB Model for storage of OAuth 2.0 Credentials
-    Since this model uses the same kind as CredentialsModel and has a property
-    which can serialize and deserialize Credentials correctly, it can be used
-    interchangeably with a CredentialsModel to access, insert and delete the
-    same entities. This simply provides an NDB model for interacting with the
-    same data the DB model interacts with.
-    Storage of the model is keyed by the user.user_id().
-    """
-    credentials = CredentialsNDBProperty()
-    @classmethod
-    def _get_kind(cls):
-      """Return the kind name for this class."""
-      return 'CredentialsModel'
-def _build_state_value(request_handler, user):
-  """Composes the value for the 'state' parameter.
-  Packs the current request URI and an XSRF token into an opaque string that
-  can be passed to the authentication server via the 'state' parameter.
-  Args:
-    request_handler: webapp.RequestHandler, The request.
-    user: google.appengine.api.users.User, The current user.
-  Returns:
-    The state value as a string.
-  """
-  uri = request_handler.request.url
-  token = xsrfutil.generate_token(xsrf_secret_key(), user.user_id(),
-                                  action_id=str(uri))
-  return  uri + ':' + token
-def _parse_state_value(state, user):
-  """Parse the value of the 'state' parameter.
-  Parses the value and validates the XSRF token in the state parameter.
-  Args:
-    state: string, The value of the state parameter.
-    user: google.appengine.api.users.User, The current user.
-  Raises:
-    InvalidXsrfTokenError: if the XSRF token is invalid.
-  Returns:
-    The redirect URI.
-  """
-  uri, token = state.rsplit(':', 1)
-  if not xsrfutil.validate_token(xsrf_secret_key(), token, user.user_id(),
-                                 action_id=uri):
-    raise InvalidXsrfTokenError()
-  return uri
-class OAuth2Decorator(object):
-  """Utility for making OAuth 2.0 easier.
-  Instantiate and then use with oauth_required or oauth_aware
-  as decorators on webapp.RequestHandler methods.
-  Example:
-    decorator = OAuth2Decorator(
-        client_id='',
-        client_secret='Qh...wwI',
-        scope='')
-    class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
-      @decorator.oauth_required
-      def get(self):
-        http = decorator.http()
-        # http is authorized with the user's Credentials and can be used
-        # in API calls
-  """
-  @util.positional(4)
-  def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, scope,
-               auth_uri=GOOGLE_AUTH_URI,
-               token_uri=GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
-               revoke_uri=GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI,
-               user_agent=None,
-               message=None,
-               callback_path='/oauth2callback',
-               token_response_param=None,
-               **kwargs):
-    """Constructor for OAuth2Decorator
-    Args:
-      client_id: string, client identifier.
-      client_secret: string client secret.
-      scope: string or iterable of strings, scope(s) of the credentials being
-        requested.
-      auth_uri: string, URI for authorization endpoint. For convenience
-        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-      token_uri: string, URI for token endpoint. For convenience
-        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-      revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint. For convenience
-        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-      user_agent: string, User agent of your application, default to None.
-      message: Message to display if there are problems with the OAuth 2.0
-        configuration. The message may contain HTML and will be presented on the
-        web interface for any method that uses the decorator.
-      callback_path: string, The absolute path to use as the callback URI. Note
-        that this must match up with the URI given when registering the
-        application in the APIs Console.
-      token_response_param: string. If provided, the full JSON response
-        to the access token request will be encoded and included in this query
-        parameter in the callback URI. This is useful with providers (e.g.
- that include extra fields that the client may want.
-      **kwargs: dict, Keyword arguments are be passed along as kwargs to the
-        OAuth2WebServerFlow constructor.
-    """
-    self.flow = None
-    self.credentials = None
-    self._client_id = client_id
-    self._client_secret = client_secret
-    self._scope = util.scopes_to_string(scope)
-    self._auth_uri = auth_uri
-    self._token_uri = token_uri
-    self._revoke_uri = revoke_uri
-    self._user_agent = user_agent
-    self._kwargs = kwargs
-    self._message = message
-    self._in_error = False
-    self._callback_path = callback_path
-    self._token_response_param = token_response_param
-  def _display_error_message(self, request_handler):
-    request_handler.response.out.write('<html><body>')
-    request_handler.response.out.write(_safe_html(self._message))
-    request_handler.response.out.write('</body></html>')
-  def oauth_required(self, method):
-    """Decorator that starts the OAuth 2.0 dance.
-    Starts the OAuth dance for the logged in user if they haven't already
-    granted access for this application.
-    Args:
-      method: callable, to be decorated method of a webapp.RequestHandler
-        instance.
-    """
-    def check_oauth(request_handler, *args, **kwargs):
-      if self._in_error:
-        self._display_error_message(request_handler)
-        return
-      user = users.get_current_user()
-      # Don't use @login_decorator as this could be used in a POST request.
-      if not user:
-        request_handler.redirect(users.create_login_url(
-            request_handler.request.uri))
-        return
-      self._create_flow(request_handler)
-      # Store the request URI in 'state' so we can use it later
-      self.flow.params['state'] = _build_state_value(request_handler, user)
-      self.credentials = StorageByKeyName(
-          CredentialsModel, user.user_id(), 'credentials').get()
-      if not self.has_credentials():
-        return request_handler.redirect(self.authorize_url())
-      try:
-        return method(request_handler, *args, **kwargs)
-      except AccessTokenRefreshError:
-        return request_handler.redirect(self.authorize_url())
-    return check_oauth
-  def _create_flow(self, request_handler):
-    """Create the Flow object.
-    The Flow is calculated lazily since we don't know where this app is
-    running until it receives a request, at which point redirect_uri can be
-    calculated and then the Flow object can be constructed.
-    Args:
-      request_handler: webapp.RequestHandler, the request handler.
-    """
-    if self.flow is None:
-      redirect_uri = request_handler.request.relative_url(
-          self._callback_path) # Usually /oauth2callback
-      self.flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(self._client_id, self._client_secret,
-                                      self._scope, redirect_uri=redirect_uri,
-                                      user_agent=self._user_agent,
-                                      auth_uri=self._auth_uri,
-                                      token_uri=self._token_uri,
-                                      revoke_uri=self._revoke_uri,
-                                      **self._kwargs)
-  def oauth_aware(self, method):
-    """Decorator that sets up for OAuth 2.0 dance, but doesn't do it.
-    Does all the setup for the OAuth dance, but doesn't initiate it.
-    This decorator is useful if you want to create a page that knows
-    whether or not the user has granted access to this application.
-    From within a method decorated with @oauth_aware the has_credentials()
-    and authorize_url() methods can be called.
-    Args:
-      method: callable, to be decorated method of a webapp.RequestHandler
-        instance.
-    """
-    def setup_oauth(request_handler, *args, **kwargs):
-      if self._in_error:
-        self._display_error_message(request_handler)
-        return
-      user = users.get_current_user()
-      # Don't use @login_decorator as this could be used in a POST request.
-      if not user:
-        request_handler.redirect(users.create_login_url(
-            request_handler.request.uri))
-        return
-      self._create_flow(request_handler)
-      self.flow.params['state'] = _build_state_value(request_handler, user)
-      self.credentials = StorageByKeyName(
-          CredentialsModel, user.user_id(), 'credentials').get()
-      return method(request_handler, *args, **kwargs)
-    return setup_oauth
-  def has_credentials(self):
-    """True if for the logged in user there are valid access Credentials.
-    Must only be called from with a webapp.RequestHandler subclassed method
-    that had been decorated with either @oauth_required or @oauth_aware.
-    """
-    return self.credentials is not None and not self.credentials.invalid
-  def authorize_url(self):
-    """Returns the URL to start the OAuth dance.
-    Must only be called from with a webapp.RequestHandler subclassed method
-    that had been decorated with either @oauth_required or @oauth_aware.
-    """
-    url = self.flow.step1_get_authorize_url()
-    return str(url)
-  def http(self):
-    """Returns an authorized http instance.
-    Must only be called from within an @oauth_required decorated method, or
-    from within an @oauth_aware decorated method where has_credentials()
-    returns True.
-    """
-    return self.credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())
-  @property
-  def callback_path(self):
-    """The absolute path where the callback will occur.
-    Note this is the absolute path, not the absolute URI, that will be
-    calculated by the decorator at runtime. See callback_handler() for how this
-    should be used.
-    Returns:
-      The callback path as a string.
-    """
-    return self._callback_path
-  def callback_handler(self):
-    """RequestHandler for the OAuth 2.0 redirect callback.
-    Usage:
-       app = webapp.WSGIApplication([
-         ('/index', MyIndexHandler),
-         ...,
-         (decorator.callback_path, decorator.callback_handler())
-       ])
-    Returns:
-      A webapp.RequestHandler that handles the redirect back from the
-      server during the OAuth 2.0 dance.
-    """
-    decorator = self
-    class OAuth2Handler(webapp.RequestHandler):
-      """Handler for the redirect_uri of the OAuth 2.0 dance."""
-      @login_required
-      def get(self):
-        error = self.request.get('error')
-        if error:
-          errormsg = self.request.get('error_description', error)
-          self.response.out.write(
-              'The authorization request failed: %s' % _safe_html(errormsg))
-        else:
-          user = users.get_current_user()
-          decorator._create_flow(self)
-          credentials = decorator.flow.step2_exchange(self.request.params)
-          StorageByKeyName(
-              CredentialsModel, user.user_id(), 'credentials').put(credentials)
-          redirect_uri = _parse_state_value(str(self.request.get('state')),
-                                            user)
-          if decorator._token_response_param and credentials.token_response:
-            resp_json = simplejson.dumps(credentials.token_response)
-            redirect_uri = util._add_query_parameter(
-                redirect_uri, decorator._token_response_param, resp_json)
-          self.redirect(redirect_uri)
-    return OAuth2Handler
-  def callback_application(self):
-    """WSGI application for handling the OAuth 2.0 redirect callback.
-    If you need finer grained control use `callback_handler` which returns just
-    the webapp.RequestHandler.
-    Returns:
-      A webapp.WSGIApplication that handles the redirect back from the
-      server during the OAuth 2.0 dance.
-    """
-    return webapp.WSGIApplication([
-        (self.callback_path, self.callback_handler())
-        ])
-class OAuth2DecoratorFromClientSecrets(OAuth2Decorator):
-  """An OAuth2Decorator that builds from a clientsecrets file.
-  Uses a clientsecrets file as the source for all the information when
-  constructing an OAuth2Decorator.
-  Example:
-    decorator = OAuth2DecoratorFromClientSecrets(
-      os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'client_secrets.json')
-      scope='')
-    class MainHandler(webapp.RequestHandler):
-      @decorator.oauth_required
-      def get(self):
-        http = decorator.http()
-        # http is authorized with the user's Credentials and can be used
-        # in API calls
-  """
-  @util.positional(3)
-  def __init__(self, filename, scope, message=None, cache=None):
-    """Constructor
-    Args:
-      filename: string, File name of client secrets.
-      scope: string or iterable of strings, scope(s) of the credentials being
-        requested.
-      message: string, A friendly string to display to the user if the
-        clientsecrets file is missing or invalid. The message may contain HTML
-        and will be presented on the web interface for any method that uses the
-        decorator.
-      cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
-        methods. See clientsecrets.loadfile() for details.
-    """
-    client_type, client_info = clientsecrets.loadfile(filename, cache=cache)
-    if client_type not in [
-        clientsecrets.TYPE_WEB, clientsecrets.TYPE_INSTALLED]:
-      raise InvalidClientSecretsError(
-          'OAuth2Decorator doesn\'t support this OAuth 2.0 flow.')
-    constructor_kwargs = {
-      'auth_uri': client_info['auth_uri'],
-      'token_uri': client_info['token_uri'],
-      'message': message,
-    }
-    revoke_uri = client_info.get('revoke_uri')
-    if revoke_uri is not None:
-      constructor_kwargs['revoke_uri'] = revoke_uri
-    super(OAuth2DecoratorFromClientSecrets, self).__init__(
-        client_info['client_id'], client_info['client_secret'],
-        scope, **constructor_kwargs)
-    if message is not None:
-      self._message = message
-    else:
-      self._message = 'Please configure your application for OAuth 2.0.'
-def oauth2decorator_from_clientsecrets(filename, scope,
-                                       message=None, cache=None):
-  """Creates an OAuth2Decorator populated from a clientsecrets file.
-  Args:
-    filename: string, File name of client secrets.
-    scope: string or list of strings, scope(s) of the credentials being
-      requested.
-    message: string, A friendly string to display to the user if the
-      clientsecrets file is missing or invalid. The message may contain HTML and
-      will be presented on the web interface for any method that uses the
-      decorator.
-    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
-      methods. See clientsecrets.loadfile() for details.
-  Returns: An OAuth2Decorator
-  """
-  return OAuth2DecoratorFromClientSecrets(filename, scope,
-                                          message=message, cache=cache)
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-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""An OAuth 2.0 client.
-Tools for interacting with OAuth 2.0 protected resources.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-import base64
-import clientsecrets
-import copy
-import datetime
-import httplib2
-import logging
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-import urllib
-import urlparse
-from oauth2client import GOOGLE_AUTH_URI
-from oauth2client import GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI
-from oauth2client import GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI
-from oauth2client import util
-from oauth2client.anyjson import simplejson
-  from oauth2client import crypt
-  HAS_CRYPTO = True
-  if crypt.OpenSSLVerifier is not None:
-    HAS_OPENSSL = True
-except ImportError:
-  pass
-  from urlparse import parse_qsl
-except ImportError:
-  from cgi import parse_qsl
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Expiry is stored in RFC3339 UTC format
-EXPIRY_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'
-# Which certs to use to validate id_tokens received.
-# Constant to use for the out of band OAuth 2.0 flow.
-OOB_CALLBACK_URN = 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob'
-# Google Data client libraries may need to set this to [401, 403].
-class Error(Exception):
-  """Base error for this module."""
-class FlowExchangeError(Error):
-  """Error trying to exchange an authorization grant for an access token."""
-class AccessTokenRefreshError(Error):
-  """Error trying to refresh an expired access token."""
-class TokenRevokeError(Error):
-  """Error trying to revoke a token."""
-class UnknownClientSecretsFlowError(Error):
-  """The client secrets file called for an unknown type of OAuth 2.0 flow. """
-class AccessTokenCredentialsError(Error):
-  """Having only the access_token means no refresh is possible."""
-class VerifyJwtTokenError(Error):
-  """Could on retrieve certificates for validation."""
-class NonAsciiHeaderError(Error):
-  """Header names and values must be ASCII strings."""
-def _abstract():
-  raise NotImplementedError('You need to override this function')
-class MemoryCache(object):
-  """httplib2 Cache implementation which only caches locally."""
-  def __init__(self):
-    self.cache = {}
-  def get(self, key):
-    return self.cache.get(key)
-  def set(self, key, value):
-    self.cache[key] = value
-  def delete(self, key):
-    self.cache.pop(key, None)
-class Credentials(object):
-  """Base class for all Credentials objects.
-  Subclasses must define an authorize() method that applies the credentials to
-  an HTTP transport.
-  Subclasses must also specify a classmethod named 'from_json' that takes a JSON
-  string as input and returns an instaniated Credentials object.
-  """
-  def authorize(self, http):
-    """Take an httplib2.Http instance (or equivalent) and authorizes it.
-    Authorizes it for the set of credentials, usually by replacing
-    http.request() with a method that adds in the appropriate headers and then
-    delegates to the original Http.request() method.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used to make the refresh
-        request.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def refresh(self, http):
-    """Forces a refresh of the access_token.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used to make the refresh
-        request.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def revoke(self, http):
-    """Revokes a refresh_token and makes the credentials void.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used to make the revoke
-        request.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def apply(self, headers):
-    """Add the authorization to the headers.
-    Args:
-      headers: dict, the headers to add the Authorization header to.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def _to_json(self, strip):
-    """Utility function that creates JSON repr. of a Credentials object.
-    Args:
-      strip: array, An array of names of members to not include in the JSON.
-    Returns:
-       string, a JSON representation of this instance, suitable to pass to
-       from_json().
-    """
-    t = type(self)
-    d = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
-    for member in strip:
-      if member in d:
-        del d[member]
-    if 'token_expiry' in d and isinstance(d['token_expiry'], datetime.datetime):
-      d['token_expiry'] = d['token_expiry'].strftime(EXPIRY_FORMAT)
-    # Add in information we will need later to reconsistitue this instance.
-    d['_class'] = t.__name__
-    d['_module'] = t.__module__
-    return simplejson.dumps(d)
-  def to_json(self):
-    """Creating a JSON representation of an instance of Credentials.
-    Returns:
-       string, a JSON representation of this instance, suitable to pass to
-       from_json().
-    """
-    return self._to_json(Credentials.NON_SERIALIZED_MEMBERS)
-  @classmethod
-  def new_from_json(cls, s):
-    """Utility class method to instantiate a Credentials subclass from a JSON
-    representation produced by to_json().
-    Args:
-      s: string, JSON from to_json().
-    Returns:
-      An instance of the subclass of Credentials that was serialized with
-      to_json().
-    """
-    data = simplejson.loads(s)
-    # Find and call the right classmethod from_json() to restore the object.
-    module = data['_module']
-    try:
-      m = __import__(module)
-    except ImportError:
-      # In case there's an object from the old package structure, update it
-      module = module.replace('.apiclient', '')
-      m = __import__(module)
-    m = __import__(module, fromlist=module.split('.')[:-1])
-    kls = getattr(m, data['_class'])
-    from_json = getattr(kls, 'from_json')
-    return from_json(s)
-  @classmethod
-  def from_json(cls, s):
-    """Instantiate a Credentials object from a JSON description of it.
-    The JSON should have been produced by calling .to_json() on the object.
-    Args:
-      data: dict, A deserialized JSON object.
-    Returns:
-      An instance of a Credentials subclass.
-    """
-    return Credentials()
-class Flow(object):
-  """Base class for all Flow objects."""
-  pass
-class Storage(object):
-  """Base class for all Storage objects.
-  Store and retrieve a single credential. This class supports locking
-  such that multiple processes and threads can operate on a single
-  store.
-  """
-  def acquire_lock(self):
-    """Acquires any lock necessary to access this Storage.
-    This lock is not reentrant.
-    """
-    pass
-  def release_lock(self):
-    """Release the Storage lock.
-    Trying to release a lock that isn't held will result in a
-    RuntimeError.
-    """
-    pass
-  def locked_get(self):
-    """Retrieve credential.
-    The Storage lock must be held when this is called.
-    Returns:
-      oauth2client.client.Credentials
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def locked_put(self, credentials):
-    """Write a credential.
-    The Storage lock must be held when this is called.
-    Args:
-      credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def locked_delete(self):
-    """Delete a credential.
-    The Storage lock must be held when this is called.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def get(self):
-    """Retrieve credential.
-    The Storage lock must *not* be held when this is called.
-    Returns:
-      oauth2client.client.Credentials
-    """
-    self.acquire_lock()
-    try:
-      return self.locked_get()
-    finally:
-      self.release_lock()
-  def put(self, credentials):
-    """Write a credential.
-    The Storage lock must be held when this is called.
-    Args:
-      credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-    """
-    self.acquire_lock()
-    try:
-      self.locked_put(credentials)
-    finally:
-      self.release_lock()
-  def delete(self):
-    """Delete credential.
-    Frees any resources associated with storing the credential.
-    The Storage lock must *not* be held when this is called.
-    Returns:
-      None
-    """
-    self.acquire_lock()
-    try:
-      return self.locked_delete()
-    finally:
-      self.release_lock()
-def clean_headers(headers):
-  """Forces header keys and values to be strings, i.e not unicode.
-  The httplib module just concats the header keys and values in a way that may
-  make the message header a unicode string, which, if it then tries to
-  contatenate to a binary request body may result in a unicode decode error.
-  Args:
-    headers: dict, A dictionary of headers.
-  Returns:
-    The same dictionary but with all the keys converted to strings.
-  """
-  clean = {}
-  try:
-    for k, v in headers.iteritems():
-      clean[str(k)] = str(v)
-  except UnicodeEncodeError:
-    raise NonAsciiHeaderError(k + ': ' + v)
-  return clean
-def _update_query_params(uri, params):
-  """Updates a URI with new query parameters.
-  Args:
-    uri: string, A valid URI, with potential existing query parameters.
-    params: dict, A dictionary of query parameters.
-  Returns:
-    The same URI but with the new query parameters added.
-  """
-  parts = list(urlparse.urlparse(uri))
-  query_params = dict(parse_qsl(parts[4])) # 4 is the index of the query part
-  query_params.update(params)
-  parts[4] = urllib.urlencode(query_params)
-  return urlparse.urlunparse(parts)
-class OAuth2Credentials(Credentials):
-  """Credentials object for OAuth 2.0.
-  Credentials can be applied to an httplib2.Http object using the authorize()
-  method, which then adds the OAuth 2.0 access token to each request.
-  OAuth2Credentials objects may be safely pickled and unpickled.
-  """
-  @util.positional(8)
-  def __init__(self, access_token, client_id, client_secret, refresh_token,
-               token_expiry, token_uri, user_agent, revoke_uri=None,
-               id_token=None, token_response=None):
-    """Create an instance of OAuth2Credentials.
-    This constructor is not usually called by the user, instead
-    OAuth2Credentials objects are instantiated by the OAuth2WebServerFlow.
-    Args:
-      access_token: string, access token.
-      client_id: string, client identifier.
-      client_secret: string, client secret.
-      refresh_token: string, refresh token.
-      token_expiry: datetime, when the access_token expires.
-      token_uri: string, URI of token endpoint.
-      user_agent: string, The HTTP User-Agent to provide for this application.
-      revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint. Defaults to None; a token
-        can't be revoked if this is None.
-      id_token: object, The identity of the resource owner.
-      token_response: dict, the decoded response to the token request. None
-        if a token hasn't been requested yet. Stored because some providers
-        (e.g. include extra fields that clients may want.
-    Notes:
-      store: callable, A callable that when passed a Credential
-        will store the credential back to where it came from.
-        This is needed to store the latest access_token if it
-        has expired and been refreshed.
-    """
-    self.access_token = access_token
-    self.client_id = client_id
-    self.client_secret = client_secret
-    self.refresh_token = refresh_token
- = None
-    self.token_expiry = token_expiry
-    self.token_uri = token_uri
-    self.user_agent = user_agent
-    self.revoke_uri = revoke_uri
-    self.id_token = id_token
-    self.token_response = token_response
-    # True if the credentials have been revoked or expired and can't be
-    # refreshed.
-    self.invalid = False
-  def authorize(self, http):
-    """Authorize an httplib2.Http instance with these credentials.
-    The modified http.request method will add authentication headers to each
-    request and will refresh access_tokens when a 401 is received on a
-    request. In addition the http.request method has a credentials property,
-    http.request.credentials, which is the Credentials object that authorized
-    it.
-    Args:
-       http: An instance of httplib2.Http
-         or something that acts like it.
-    Returns:
-       A modified instance of http that was passed in.
-    Example:
-      h = httplib2.Http()
-      h = credentials.authorize(h)
-    You can't create a new OAuth subclass of httplib2.Authenication
-    because it never gets passed the absolute URI, which is needed for
-    signing. So instead we have to overload 'request' with a closure
-    that adds in the Authorization header and then calls the original
-    version of 'request()'.
-    """
-    request_orig = http.request
-    # The closure that will replace 'httplib2.Http.request'.
-    @util.positional(1)
-    def new_request(uri, method='GET', body=None, headers=None,
-                    redirections=httplib2.DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTS,
-                    connection_type=None):
-      if not self.access_token:
-'Attempting refresh to obtain initial access_token')
-        self._refresh(request_orig)
-      # Modify the request headers to add the appropriate
-      # Authorization header.
-      if headers is None:
-        headers = {}
-      self.apply(headers)
-      if self.user_agent is not None:
-        if 'user-agent' in headers:
-          headers['user-agent'] = self.user_agent + ' ' + headers['user-agent']
-        else:
-          headers['user-agent'] = self.user_agent
-      resp, content = request_orig(uri, method, body, clean_headers(headers),
-                                   redirections, connection_type)
-      if resp.status in REFRESH_STATUS_CODES:
-'Refreshing due to a %s' % str(resp.status))
-        self._refresh(request_orig)
-        self.apply(headers)
-        return request_orig(uri, method, body, clean_headers(headers),
-                            redirections, connection_type)
-      else:
-        return (resp, content)
-    # Replace the request method with our own closure.
-    http.request = new_request
-    # Set credentials as a property of the request method.
-    setattr(http.request, 'credentials', self)
-    return http
-  def refresh(self, http):
-    """Forces a refresh of the access_token.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used to make the refresh
-        request.
-    """
-    self._refresh(http.request)
-  def revoke(self, http):
-    """Revokes a refresh_token and makes the credentials void.
-    Args:
-      http: httplib2.Http, an http object to be used to make the revoke
-        request.
-    """
-    self._revoke(http.request)
-  def apply(self, headers):
-    """Add the authorization to the headers.
-    Args:
-      headers: dict, the headers to add the Authorization header to.
-    """
-    headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' + self.access_token
-  def to_json(self):
-    return self._to_json(Credentials.NON_SERIALIZED_MEMBERS)
-  @classmethod
-  def from_json(cls, s):
-    """Instantiate a Credentials object from a JSON description of it. The JSON
-    should have been produced by calling .to_json() on the object.
-    Args:
-      data: dict, A deserialized JSON object.
-    Returns:
-      An instance of a Credentials subclass.
-    """
-    data = simplejson.loads(s)
-    if 'token_expiry' in data and not isinstance(data['token_expiry'],
-        datetime.datetime):
-      try:
-        data['token_expiry'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
-            data['token_expiry'], EXPIRY_FORMAT)
-      except:
-        data['token_expiry'] = None
-    retval = cls(
-        data['access_token'],
-        data['client_id'],
-        data['client_secret'],
-        data['refresh_token'],
-        data['token_expiry'],
-        data['token_uri'],
-        data['user_agent'],
-        revoke_uri=data.get('revoke_uri', None),
-        id_token=data.get('id_token', None),
-        token_response=data.get('token_response', None))
-    retval.invalid = data['invalid']
-    return retval
-  @property
-  def access_token_expired(self):
-    """True if the credential is expired or invalid.
-    If the token_expiry isn't set, we assume the token doesn't expire.
-    """
-    if self.invalid:
-      return True
-    if not self.token_expiry:
-      return False
-    now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-    if now >= self.token_expiry:
-'access_token is expired. Now: %s, token_expiry: %s',
-                  now, self.token_expiry)
-      return True
-    return False
-  def set_store(self, store):
-    """Set the Storage for the credential.
-    Args:
-      store: Storage, an implementation of Stroage object.
-        This is needed to store the latest access_token if it
-        has expired and been refreshed. This implementation uses
-        locking to check for updates before updating the
-        access_token.
-    """
- = store
-  def _updateFromCredential(self, other):
-    """Update this Credential from another instance."""
-    self.__dict__.update(other.__getstate__())
-  def __getstate__(self):
-    """Trim the state down to something that can be pickled."""
-    d = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
-    del d['store']
-    return d
-  def __setstate__(self, state):
-    """Reconstitute the state of the object from being pickled."""
-    self.__dict__.update(state)
- = None
-  def _generate_refresh_request_body(self):
-    """Generate the body that will be used in the refresh request."""
-    body = urllib.urlencode({
-        'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
-        'client_id': self.client_id,
-        'client_secret': self.client_secret,
-        'refresh_token': self.refresh_token,
-        })
-    return body
-  def _generate_refresh_request_headers(self):
-    """Generate the headers that will be used in the refresh request."""
-    headers = {
-        'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
-    }
-    if self.user_agent is not None:
-      headers['user-agent'] = self.user_agent
-    return headers
-  def _refresh(self, http_request):
-    """Refreshes the access_token.
-    This method first checks by reading the Storage object if available.
-    If a refresh is still needed, it holds the Storage lock until the
-    refresh is completed.
-    Args:
-      http_request: callable, a callable that matches the method signature of
-        httplib2.Http.request, used to make the refresh request.
-    Raises:
-      AccessTokenRefreshError: When the refresh fails.
-    """
-    if not
-      self._do_refresh_request(http_request)
-    else:
-      try:
-        new_cred =
-        if (new_cred and not new_cred.invalid and
-            new_cred.access_token != self.access_token):
-'Updated access_token read from Storage')
-          self._updateFromCredential(new_cred)
-        else:
-          self._do_refresh_request(http_request)
-      finally:
-  def _do_refresh_request(self, http_request):
-    """Refresh the access_token using the refresh_token.
-    Args:
-      http_request: callable, a callable that matches the method signature of
-        httplib2.Http.request, used to make the refresh request.
-    Raises:
-      AccessTokenRefreshError: When the refresh fails.
-    """
-    body = self._generate_refresh_request_body()
-    headers = self._generate_refresh_request_headers()
-'Refreshing access_token')
-    resp, content = http_request(
-        self.token_uri, method='POST', body=body, headers=headers)
-    if resp.status == 200:
-      # TODO(jcgregorio) Raise an error if loads fails?
-      d = simplejson.loads(content)
-      self.token_response = d
-      self.access_token = d['access_token']
-      self.refresh_token = d.get('refresh_token', self.refresh_token)
-      if 'expires_in' in d:
-        self.token_expiry = datetime.timedelta(
-            seconds=int(d['expires_in'])) + datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-      else:
-        self.token_expiry = None
-      if
-    else:
-      # An {'error':...} response body means the token is expired or revoked,
-      # so we flag the credentials as such.
-'Failed to retrieve access token: %s' % content)
-      error_msg = 'Invalid response %s.' % resp['status']
-      try:
-        d = simplejson.loads(content)
-        if 'error' in d:
-          error_msg = d['error']
-          self.invalid = True
-          if
-      except StandardError:
-        pass
-      raise AccessTokenRefreshError(error_msg)
-  def _revoke(self, http_request):
-    """Revokes the refresh_token and deletes the store if available.
-    Args:
-      http_request: callable, a callable that matches the method signature of
-        httplib2.Http.request, used to make the revoke request.
-    """
-    self._do_revoke(http_request, self.refresh_token)
-  def _do_revoke(self, http_request, token):
-    """Revokes the credentials and deletes the store if available.
-    Args:
-      http_request: callable, a callable that matches the method signature of
-        httplib2.Http.request, used to make the refresh request.
-      token: A string used as the token to be revoked. Can be either an
-        access_token or refresh_token.
-    Raises:
-      TokenRevokeError: If the revoke request does not return with a 200 OK.
-    """
-'Revoking token')
-    query_params = {'token': token}
-    token_revoke_uri = _update_query_params(self.revoke_uri, query_params)
-    resp, content = http_request(token_revoke_uri)
-    if resp.status == 200:
-      self.invalid = True
-    else:
-      error_msg = 'Invalid response %s.' % resp.status
-      try:
-        d = simplejson.loads(content)
-        if 'error' in d:
-          error_msg = d['error']
-      except StandardError:
-        pass
-      raise TokenRevokeError(error_msg)
-    if
-class AccessTokenCredentials(OAuth2Credentials):
-  """Credentials object for OAuth 2.0.
-  Credentials can be applied to an httplib2.Http object using the
-  authorize() method, which then signs each request from that object
-  with the OAuth 2.0 access token. This set of credentials is for the
-  use case where you have acquired an OAuth 2.0 access_token from
-  another place such as a JavaScript client or another web
-  application, and wish to use it from Python. Because only the
-  access_token is present it can not be refreshed and will in time
-  expire.
-  AccessTokenCredentials objects may be safely pickled and unpickled.
-  Usage:
-    credentials = AccessTokenCredentials('<an access token>',
-      'my-user-agent/1.0')
-    http = httplib2.Http()
-    http = credentials.authorize(http)
-  Exceptions:
-    AccessTokenCredentialsExpired: raised when the access_token expires or is
-      revoked.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, access_token, user_agent, revoke_uri=None):
-    """Create an instance of OAuth2Credentials
-    This is one of the few types if Credentials that you should contrust,
-    Credentials objects are usually instantiated by a Flow.
-    Args:
-      access_token: string, access token.
-      user_agent: string, The HTTP User-Agent to provide for this application.
-      revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint. Defaults to None; a token
-        can't be revoked if this is None.
-    """
-    super(AccessTokenCredentials, self).__init__(
-        access_token,
-        None,
-        None,
-        None,
-        None,
-        None,
-        user_agent,
-        revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
-  @classmethod
-  def from_json(cls, s):
-    data = simplejson.loads(s)
-    retval = AccessTokenCredentials(
-        data['access_token'],
-        data['user_agent'])
-    return retval
-  def _refresh(self, http_request):
-    raise AccessTokenCredentialsError(
-        'The access_token is expired or invalid and can\'t be refreshed.')
-  def _revoke(self, http_request):
-    """Revokes the access_token and deletes the store if available.
-    Args:
-      http_request: callable, a callable that matches the method signature of
-        httplib2.Http.request, used to make the revoke request.
-    """
-    self._do_revoke(http_request, self.access_token)
-class AssertionCredentials(OAuth2Credentials):
-  """Abstract Credentials object used for OAuth 2.0 assertion grants.
-  This credential does not require a flow to instantiate because it
-  represents a two legged flow, and therefore has all of the required
-  information to generate and refresh its own access tokens. It must
-  be subclassed to generate the appropriate assertion string.
-  AssertionCredentials objects may be safely pickled and unpickled.
-  """
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def __init__(self, assertion_type, user_agent=None,
-               token_uri=GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
-               revoke_uri=GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI,
-               **unused_kwargs):
-    """Constructor for AssertionFlowCredentials.
-    Args:
-      assertion_type: string, assertion type that will be declared to the auth
-        server
-      user_agent: string, The HTTP User-Agent to provide for this application.
-      token_uri: string, URI for token endpoint. For convenience
-        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-      revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint.
-    """
-    super(AssertionCredentials, self).__init__(
-        None,
-        None,
-        None,
-        None,
-        None,
-        token_uri,
-        user_agent,
-        revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
-    self.assertion_type = assertion_type
-  def _generate_refresh_request_body(self):
-    assertion = self._generate_assertion()
-    body = urllib.urlencode({
-        'assertion': assertion,
-        'grant_type': 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer',
-        })
-    return body
-  def _generate_assertion(self):
-    """Generate the assertion string that will be used in the access token
-    request.
-    """
-    _abstract()
-  def _revoke(self, http_request):
-    """Revokes the access_token and deletes the store if available.
-    Args:
-      http_request: callable, a callable that matches the method signature of
-        httplib2.Http.request, used to make the revoke request.
-    """
-    self._do_revoke(http_request, self.access_token)
-  # PyOpenSSL and PyCrypto are not prerequisites for oauth2client, so if it is
-  # missing then don't create the SignedJwtAssertionCredentials or the
-  # verify_id_token() method.
-  class SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(AssertionCredentials):
-    """Credentials object used for OAuth 2.0 Signed JWT assertion grants.
-    This credential does not require a flow to instantiate because it represents
-    a two legged flow, and therefore has all of the required information to
-    generate and refresh its own access tokens.
-    SignedJwtAssertionCredentials requires either PyOpenSSL, or PyCrypto 2.6 or
-    later. For App Engine you may also consider using AppAssertionCredentials.
-    """
-    MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS = 3600 # 1 hour in seconds
-    @util.positional(4)
-    def __init__(self,
-        service_account_name,
-        private_key,
-        scope,
-        private_key_password='notasecret',
-        user_agent=None,
-        token_uri=GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
-        revoke_uri=GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI,
-        **kwargs):
-      """Constructor for SignedJwtAssertionCredentials.
-      Args:
-        service_account_name: string, id for account, usually an email address.
-        private_key: string, private key in PKCS12 or PEM format.
-        scope: string or iterable of strings, scope(s) of the credentials being
-          requested.
-        private_key_password: string, password for private_key, unused if
-          private_key is in PEM format.
-        user_agent: string, HTTP User-Agent to provide for this application.
-        token_uri: string, URI for token endpoint. For convenience
-          defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-        revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint.
-        kwargs: kwargs, Additional parameters to add to the JWT token, for
-          example"""
-      super(SignedJwtAssertionCredentials, self).__init__(
-          None,
-          user_agent=user_agent,
-          token_uri=token_uri,
-          revoke_uri=revoke_uri,
-          )
-      self.scope = util.scopes_to_string(scope)
-      # Keep base64 encoded so it can be stored in JSON.
-      self.private_key = base64.b64encode(private_key)
-      self.private_key_password = private_key_password
-      self.service_account_name = service_account_name
-      self.kwargs = kwargs
-    @classmethod
-    def from_json(cls, s):
-      data = simplejson.loads(s)
-      retval = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(
-          data['service_account_name'],
-          base64.b64decode(data['private_key']),
-          data['scope'],
-          private_key_password=data['private_key_password'],
-          user_agent=data['user_agent'],
-          token_uri=data['token_uri'],
-          **data['kwargs']
-          )
-      retval.invalid = data['invalid']
-      retval.access_token = data['access_token']
-      return retval
-    def _generate_assertion(self):
-      """Generate the assertion that will be used in the request."""
-      now = long(time.time())
-      payload = {
-          'aud': self.token_uri,
-          'scope': self.scope,
-          'iat': now,
-          'exp': now + SignedJwtAssertionCredentials.MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS,
-          'iss': self.service_account_name
-      }
-      payload.update(self.kwargs)
-      logger.debug(str(payload))
-      private_key = base64.b64decode(self.private_key)
-      return crypt.make_signed_jwt(crypt.Signer.from_string(
-          private_key, self.private_key_password), payload)
-  # Only used in verify_id_token(), which is always calling to the same URI
-  # for the certs.
-  _cached_http = httplib2.Http(MemoryCache())
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def verify_id_token(id_token, audience, http=None,
-    """Verifies a signed JWT id_token.
-    This function requires PyOpenSSL and because of that it does not work on
-    App Engine.
-    Args:
-      id_token: string, A Signed JWT.
-      audience: string, The audience 'aud' that the token should be for.
-      http: httplib2.Http, instance to use to make the HTTP request. Callers
-        should supply an instance that has caching enabled.
-      cert_uri: string, URI of the certificates in JSON format to
-        verify the JWT against.
-    Returns:
-      The deserialized JSON in the JWT.
-    Raises:
-      oauth2client.crypt.AppIdentityError if the JWT fails to verify.
-    """
-    if http is None:
-      http = _cached_http
-    resp, content = http.request(cert_uri)
-    if resp.status == 200:
-      certs = simplejson.loads(content)
-      return crypt.verify_signed_jwt_with_certs(id_token, certs, audience)
-    else:
-      raise VerifyJwtTokenError('Status code: %d' % resp.status)
-def _urlsafe_b64decode(b64string):
-  # Guard against unicode strings, which base64 can't handle.
-  b64string = b64string.encode('ascii')
-  padded = b64string + '=' * (4 - len(b64string) % 4)
-  return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(padded)
-def _extract_id_token(id_token):
-  """Extract the JSON payload from a JWT.
-  Does the extraction w/o checking the signature.
-  Args:
-    id_token: string, OAuth 2.0 id_token.
-  Returns:
-    object, The deserialized JSON payload.
-  """
-  segments = id_token.split('.')
-  if (len(segments) != 3):
-    raise VerifyJwtTokenError(
-      'Wrong number of segments in token: %s' % id_token)
-  return simplejson.loads(_urlsafe_b64decode(segments[1]))
-def _parse_exchange_token_response(content):
-  """Parses response of an exchange token request.
-  Most providers return JSON but some (e.g. Facebook) return a
-  url-encoded string.
-  Args:
-    content: The body of a response
-  Returns:
-    Content as a dictionary object. Note that the dict could be empty,
-    i.e. {}. That basically indicates a failure.
-  """
-  resp = {}
-  try:
-    resp = simplejson.loads(content)
-  except StandardError:
-    # different JSON libs raise different exceptions,
-    # so we just do a catch-all here
-    resp = dict(parse_qsl(content))
-  # some providers respond with 'expires', others with 'expires_in'
-  if resp and 'expires' in resp:
-    resp['expires_in'] = resp.pop('expires')
-  return resp
-def credentials_from_code(client_id, client_secret, scope, code,
-                          redirect_uri='postmessage', http=None,
-                          user_agent=None, token_uri=GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
-                          auth_uri=GOOGLE_AUTH_URI,
-                          revoke_uri=GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI):
-  """Exchanges an authorization code for an OAuth2Credentials object.
-  Args:
-    client_id: string, client identifier.
-    client_secret: string, client secret.
-    scope: string or iterable of strings, scope(s) to request.
-    code: string, An authroization code, most likely passed down from
-      the client
-    redirect_uri: string, this is generally set to 'postmessage' to match the
-      redirect_uri that the client specified
-    http: httplib2.Http, optional http instance to use to do the fetch
-    token_uri: string, URI for token endpoint. For convenience
-      defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-    auth_uri: string, URI for authorization endpoint. For convenience
-      defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-    revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint. For convenience
-      defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-  Returns:
-    An OAuth2Credentials object.
-  Raises:
-    FlowExchangeError if the authorization code cannot be exchanged for an
-     access token
-  """
-  flow = OAuth2WebServerFlow(client_id, client_secret, scope,
-                             redirect_uri=redirect_uri, user_agent=user_agent,
-                             auth_uri=auth_uri, token_uri=token_uri,
-                             revoke_uri=revoke_uri)
-  credentials = flow.step2_exchange(code, http=http)
-  return credentials
-def credentials_from_clientsecrets_and_code(filename, scope, code,
-                                            message = None,
-                                            redirect_uri='postmessage',
-                                            http=None,
-                                            cache=None):
-  """Returns OAuth2Credentials from a clientsecrets file and an auth code.
-  Will create the right kind of Flow based on the contents of the clientsecrets
-  file or will raise InvalidClientSecretsError for unknown types of Flows.
-  Args:
-    filename: string, File name of clientsecrets.
-    scope: string or iterable of strings, scope(s) to request.
-    code: string, An authorization code, most likely passed down from
-      the client
-    message: string, A friendly string to display to the user if the
-      clientsecrets file is missing or invalid. If message is provided then
-      sys.exit will be called in the case of an error. If message in not
-      provided then clientsecrets.InvalidClientSecretsError will be raised.
-    redirect_uri: string, this is generally set to 'postmessage' to match the
-      redirect_uri that the client specified
-    http: httplib2.Http, optional http instance to use to do the fetch
-    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
-      methods. See clientsecrets.loadfile() for details.
-  Returns:
-    An OAuth2Credentials object.
-  Raises:
-    FlowExchangeError if the authorization code cannot be exchanged for an
-     access token
-    UnknownClientSecretsFlowError if the file describes an unknown kind of Flow.
-    clientsecrets.InvalidClientSecretsError if the clientsecrets file is
-      invalid.
-  """
-  flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(filename, scope, message=message, cache=cache,
-                                 redirect_uri=redirect_uri)
-  credentials = flow.step2_exchange(code, http=http)
-  return credentials
-class OAuth2WebServerFlow(Flow):
-  """Does the Web Server Flow for OAuth 2.0.
-  OAuth2WebServerFlow objects may be safely pickled and unpickled.
-  """
-  @util.positional(4)
-  def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, scope,
-               redirect_uri=None,
-               user_agent=None,
-               auth_uri=GOOGLE_AUTH_URI,
-               token_uri=GOOGLE_TOKEN_URI,
-               revoke_uri=GOOGLE_REVOKE_URI,
-               **kwargs):
-    """Constructor for OAuth2WebServerFlow.
-    The kwargs argument is used to set extra query parameters on the
-    auth_uri. For example, the access_type and approval_prompt
-    query parameters can be set via kwargs.
-    Args:
-      client_id: string, client identifier.
-      client_secret: string client secret.
-      scope: string or iterable of strings, scope(s) of the credentials being
-        requested.
-      redirect_uri: string, Either the string 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' for
-        a non-web-based application, or a URI that handles the callback from
-        the authorization server.
-      user_agent: string, HTTP User-Agent to provide for this application.
-      auth_uri: string, URI for authorization endpoint. For convenience
-        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-      token_uri: string, URI for token endpoint. For convenience
-        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-      revoke_uri: string, URI for revoke endpoint. For convenience
-        defaults to Google's endpoints but any OAuth 2.0 provider can be used.
-      **kwargs: dict, The keyword arguments are all optional and required
-                        parameters for the OAuth calls.
-    """
-    self.client_id = client_id
-    self.client_secret = client_secret
-    self.scope = util.scopes_to_string(scope)
-    self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri
-    self.user_agent = user_agent
-    self.auth_uri = auth_uri
-    self.token_uri = token_uri
-    self.revoke_uri = revoke_uri
-    self.params = {
-        'access_type': 'offline',
-        'response_type': 'code',
-    }
-    self.params.update(kwargs)
-  @util.positional(1)
-  def step1_get_authorize_url(self, redirect_uri=None):
-    """Returns a URI to redirect to the provider.
-    Args:
-      redirect_uri: string, Either the string 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' for
-        a non-web-based application, or a URI that handles the callback from
-        the authorization server. This parameter is deprecated, please move to
-        passing the redirect_uri in via the constructor.
-    Returns:
-      A URI as a string to redirect the user to begin the authorization flow.
-    """
-    if redirect_uri is not None:
-      logger.warning(('The redirect_uri parameter for'
-          'OAuth2WebServerFlow.step1_get_authorize_url is deprecated. Please'
-          'move to passing the redirect_uri in via the constructor.'))
-      self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri
-    if self.redirect_uri is None:
-      raise ValueError('The value of redirect_uri must not be None.')
-    query_params = {
-        'client_id': self.client_id,
-        'redirect_uri': self.redirect_uri,
-        'scope': self.scope,
-    }
-    query_params.update(self.params)
-    return _update_query_params(self.auth_uri, query_params)
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def step2_exchange(self, code, http=None):
-    """Exhanges a code for OAuth2Credentials.
-    Args:
-      code: string or dict, either the code as a string, or a dictionary
-        of the query parameters to the redirect_uri, which contains
-        the code.
-      http: httplib2.Http, optional http instance to use to do the fetch
-    Returns:
-      An OAuth2Credentials object that can be used to authorize requests.
-    Raises:
-      FlowExchangeError if a problem occured exchanging the code for a
-      refresh_token.
-    """
-    if not (isinstance(code, str) or isinstance(code, unicode)):
-      if 'code' not in code:
-        if 'error' in code:
-          error_msg = code['error']
-        else:
-          error_msg = 'No code was supplied in the query parameters.'
-        raise FlowExchangeError(error_msg)
-      else:
-        code = code['code']
-    body = urllib.urlencode({
-        'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
-        'client_id': self.client_id,
-        'client_secret': self.client_secret,
-        'code': code,
-        'redirect_uri': self.redirect_uri,
-        'scope': self.scope,
-        })
-    headers = {
-        'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
-    }
-    if self.user_agent is not None:
-      headers['user-agent'] = self.user_agent
-    if http is None:
-      http = httplib2.Http()
-    resp, content = http.request(self.token_uri, method='POST', body=body,
-                                 headers=headers)
-    d = _parse_exchange_token_response(content)
-    if resp.status == 200 and 'access_token' in d:
-      access_token = d['access_token']
-      refresh_token = d.get('refresh_token', None)
-      token_expiry = None
-      if 'expires_in' in d:
-        token_expiry = datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(
-            seconds=int(d['expires_in']))
-      if 'id_token' in d:
-        d['id_token'] = _extract_id_token(d['id_token'])
-'Successfully retrieved access token')
-      return OAuth2Credentials(access_token, self.client_id,
-                               self.client_secret, refresh_token, token_expiry,
-                               self.token_uri, self.user_agent,
-                               revoke_uri=self.revoke_uri,
-                               id_token=d.get('id_token', None),
-                               token_response=d)
-    else:
-'Failed to retrieve access token: %s' % content)
-      if 'error' in d:
-        # you never know what those providers got to say
-        error_msg = unicode(d['error'])
-      else:
-        error_msg = 'Invalid response: %s.' % str(resp.status)
-      raise FlowExchangeError(error_msg)
-def flow_from_clientsecrets(filename, scope, redirect_uri=None,
-                            message=None, cache=None):
-  """Create a Flow from a clientsecrets file.
-  Will create the right kind of Flow based on the contents of the clientsecrets
-  file or will raise InvalidClientSecretsError for unknown types of Flows.
-  Args:
-    filename: string, File name of client secrets.
-    scope: string or iterable of strings, scope(s) to request.
-    redirect_uri: string, Either the string 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' for
-      a non-web-based application, or a URI that handles the callback from
-      the authorization server.
-    message: string, A friendly string to display to the user if the
-      clientsecrets file is missing or invalid. If message is provided then
-      sys.exit will be called in the case of an error. If message in not
-      provided then clientsecrets.InvalidClientSecretsError will be raised.
-    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
-      methods. See clientsecrets.loadfile() for details.
-  Returns:
-    A Flow object.
-  Raises:
-    UnknownClientSecretsFlowError if the file describes an unknown kind of Flow.
-    clientsecrets.InvalidClientSecretsError if the clientsecrets file is
-      invalid.
-  """
-  try:
-    client_type, client_info = clientsecrets.loadfile(filename, cache=cache)
-    if client_type in (clientsecrets.TYPE_WEB, clientsecrets.TYPE_INSTALLED):
-      constructor_kwargs = {
-          'redirect_uri': redirect_uri,
-          'auth_uri': client_info['auth_uri'],
-          'token_uri': client_info['token_uri'],
-      }
-      revoke_uri = client_info.get('revoke_uri')
-      if revoke_uri is not None:
-        constructor_kwargs['revoke_uri'] = revoke_uri
-      return OAuth2WebServerFlow(
-          client_info['client_id'], client_info['client_secret'],
-          scope, **constructor_kwargs)
-  except clientsecrets.InvalidClientSecretsError:
-    if message:
-      sys.exit(message)
-    else:
-      raise
-  else:
-    raise UnknownClientSecretsFlowError(
-        'This OAuth 2.0 flow is unsupported: %r' % client_type)
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deleted file mode 100644
index ac99aae..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/
+++ /dev/null
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-# Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Utilities for reading OAuth 2.0 client secret files.
-A client_secrets.json file contains all the information needed to interact with
-an OAuth 2.0 protected service.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-from anyjson import simplejson
-# Properties that make a client_secrets.json file valid.
-TYPE_WEB = 'web'
-TYPE_INSTALLED = 'installed'
-    TYPE_WEB: {
-        'required': [
-            'client_id',
-            'client_secret',
-            'redirect_uris',
-            'auth_uri',
-            'token_uri',
-        ],
-        'string': [
-            'client_id',
-            'client_secret',
-        ],
-    },
-        'required': [
-            'client_id',
-            'client_secret',
-            'redirect_uris',
-            'auth_uri',
-            'token_uri',
-        ],
-        'string': [
-            'client_id',
-            'client_secret',
-        ],
-    },
-class Error(Exception):
-  """Base error for this module."""
-  pass
-class InvalidClientSecretsError(Error):
-  """Format of ClientSecrets file is invalid."""
-  pass
-def _validate_clientsecrets(obj):
-  if obj is None or len(obj) != 1:
-    raise InvalidClientSecretsError('Invalid file format.')
-  client_type = obj.keys()[0]
-  if client_type not in VALID_CLIENT.keys():
-    raise InvalidClientSecretsError('Unknown client type: %s.' % client_type)
-  client_info = obj[client_type]
-  for prop_name in VALID_CLIENT[client_type]['required']:
-    if prop_name not in client_info:
-      raise InvalidClientSecretsError(
-        'Missing property "%s" in a client type of "%s".' % (prop_name,
-                                                           client_type))
-  for prop_name in VALID_CLIENT[client_type]['string']:
-    if client_info[prop_name].startswith('[['):
-      raise InvalidClientSecretsError(
-        'Property "%s" is not configured.' % prop_name)
-  return client_type, client_info
-def load(fp):
-  obj = simplejson.load(fp)
-  return _validate_clientsecrets(obj)
-def loads(s):
-  obj = simplejson.loads(s)
-  return _validate_clientsecrets(obj)
-def _loadfile(filename):
-  try:
-    fp = file(filename, 'r')
-    try:
-      obj = simplejson.load(fp)
-    finally:
-      fp.close()
-  except IOError:
-    raise InvalidClientSecretsError('File not found: "%s"' % filename)
-  return _validate_clientsecrets(obj)
-def loadfile(filename, cache=None):
-  """Loading of client_secrets JSON file, optionally backed by a cache.
-  Typical cache storage would be App Engine memcache service,
-  but you can pass in any other cache client that implements
-  these methods:
-    - get(key, namespace=ns)
-    - set(key, value, namespace=ns)
-  Usage:
-    # without caching
-    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json')
-    # using App Engine memcache service
-    from google.appengine.api import memcache
-    client_type, client_info = loadfile('secrets.json', cache=memcache)
-  Args:
-    filename: string, Path to a client_secrets.json file on a filesystem.
-    cache: An optional cache service client that implements get() and set()
-      methods. If not specified, the file is always being loaded from
-      a filesystem.
-  Raises:
-    InvalidClientSecretsError: In case of a validation error or some
-      I/O failure. Can happen only on cache miss.
-  Returns:
-    (client_type, client_info) tuple, as _loadfile() normally would.
-    JSON contents is validated only during first load. Cache hits are not
-    validated.
-  """
-  _SECRET_NAMESPACE = 'oauth2client:secrets#ns'
-  if not cache:
-    return _loadfile(filename)
-  obj = cache.get(filename, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
-  if obj is None:
-    client_type, client_info = _loadfile(filename)
-    obj = {client_type: client_info}
-    cache.set(filename, obj, namespace=_SECRET_NAMESPACE)
-  return obj.iteritems().next()
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2d31815..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2011 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-import base64
-import hashlib
-import logging
-import time
-from anyjson import simplejson
-CLOCK_SKEW_SECS = 300  # 5 minutes in seconds
-AUTH_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS = 300  # 5 minutes in seconds
-MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS = 86400  # 1 day in seconds
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class AppIdentityError(Exception):
-  pass
-  from OpenSSL import crypto
-  class OpenSSLVerifier(object):
-    """Verifies the signature on a message."""
-    def __init__(self, pubkey):
-      """Constructor.
-      Args:
-        pubkey, OpenSSL.crypto.PKey, The public key to verify with.
-      """
-      self._pubkey = pubkey
-    def verify(self, message, signature):
-      """Verifies a message against a signature.
-      Args:
-        message: string, The message to verify.
-        signature: string, The signature on the message.
-      Returns:
-        True if message was signed by the private key associated with the public
-        key that this object was constructed with.
-      """
-      try:
-        crypto.verify(self._pubkey, signature, message, 'sha256')
-        return True
-      except:
-        return False
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_string(key_pem, is_x509_cert):
-      """Construct a Verified instance from a string.
-      Args:
-        key_pem: string, public key in PEM format.
-        is_x509_cert: bool, True if key_pem is an X509 cert, otherwise it is
-          expected to be an RSA key in PEM format.
-      Returns:
-        Verifier instance.
-      Raises:
-        OpenSSL.crypto.Error if the key_pem can't be parsed.
-      """
-      if is_x509_cert:
-        pubkey = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key_pem)
-      else:
-        pubkey = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key_pem)
-      return OpenSSLVerifier(pubkey)
-  class OpenSSLSigner(object):
-    """Signs messages with a private key."""
-    def __init__(self, pkey):
-      """Constructor.
-      Args:
-        pkey, OpenSSL.crypto.PKey (or equiv), The private key to sign with.
-      """
-      self._key = pkey
-    def sign(self, message):
-      """Signs a message.
-      Args:
-        message: string, Message to be signed.
-      Returns:
-        string, The signature of the message for the given key.
-      """
-      return crypto.sign(self._key, message, 'sha256')
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_string(key, password='notasecret'):
-      """Construct a Signer instance from a string.
-      Args:
-        key: string, private key in PKCS12 or PEM format.
-        password: string, password for the private key file.
-      Returns:
-        Signer instance.
-      Raises:
-        OpenSSL.crypto.Error if the key can't be parsed.
-      """
-      if key.startswith('-----BEGIN '):
-        pkey = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, key)
-      else:
-        pkey = crypto.load_pkcs12(key, password).get_privatekey()
-      return OpenSSLSigner(pkey)
-except ImportError:
-  OpenSSLVerifier = None
-  OpenSSLSigner = None
-  from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
-  from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
-  from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
-  class PyCryptoVerifier(object):
-    """Verifies the signature on a message."""
-    def __init__(self, pubkey):
-      """Constructor.
-      Args:
-        pubkey, OpenSSL.crypto.PKey (or equiv), The public key to verify with.
-      """
-      self._pubkey = pubkey
-    def verify(self, message, signature):
-      """Verifies a message against a signature.
-      Args:
-        message: string, The message to verify.
-        signature: string, The signature on the message.
-      Returns:
-        True if message was signed by the private key associated with the public
-        key that this object was constructed with.
-      """
-      try:
-        return
-  , signature)
-      except:
-        return False
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_string(key_pem, is_x509_cert):
-      """Construct a Verified instance from a string.
-      Args:
-        key_pem: string, public key in PEM format.
-        is_x509_cert: bool, True if key_pem is an X509 cert, otherwise it is
-          expected to be an RSA key in PEM format.
-      Returns:
-        Verifier instance.
-      Raises:
-        NotImplementedError if is_x509_cert is true.
-      """
-      if is_x509_cert:
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'X509 certs are not supported by the PyCrypto library. '
-            'Try using PyOpenSSL if native code is an option.')
-      else:
-        pubkey = RSA.importKey(key_pem)
-      return PyCryptoVerifier(pubkey)
-  class PyCryptoSigner(object):
-    """Signs messages with a private key."""
-    def __init__(self, pkey):
-      """Constructor.
-      Args:
-        pkey, OpenSSL.crypto.PKey (or equiv), The private key to sign with.
-      """
-      self._key = pkey
-    def sign(self, message):
-      """Signs a message.
-      Args:
-        message: string, Message to be signed.
-      Returns:
-        string, The signature of the message for the given key.
-      """
-      return
-    @staticmethod
-    def from_string(key, password='notasecret'):
-      """Construct a Signer instance from a string.
-      Args:
-        key: string, private key in PEM format.
-        password: string, password for private key file. Unused for PEM files.
-      Returns:
-        Signer instance.
-      Raises:
-        NotImplementedError if they key isn't in PEM format.
-      """
-      if key.startswith('-----BEGIN '):
-        pkey = RSA.importKey(key)
-      else:
-        raise NotImplementedError(
-            'PKCS12 format is not supported by the PyCrpto library. '
-            'Try converting to a "PEM" '
-            '(openssl pkcs12 -in xxxxx.p12 -nodes -nocerts > privatekey.pem) '
-            'or using PyOpenSSL if native code is an option.')
-      return PyCryptoSigner(pkey)
-except ImportError:
-  PyCryptoVerifier = None
-  PyCryptoSigner = None
-if OpenSSLSigner:
-  Signer = OpenSSLSigner
-  Verifier = OpenSSLVerifier
-elif PyCryptoSigner:
-  Signer = PyCryptoSigner
-  Verifier = PyCryptoVerifier
-  raise ImportError('No encryption library found. Please install either '
-                    'PyOpenSSL, or PyCrypto 2.6 or later')
-def _urlsafe_b64encode(raw_bytes):
-  return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(raw_bytes).rstrip('=')
-def _urlsafe_b64decode(b64string):
-  # Guard against unicode strings, which base64 can't handle.
-  b64string = b64string.encode('ascii')
-  padded = b64string + '=' * (4 - len(b64string) % 4)
-  return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(padded)
-def _json_encode(data):
-  return simplejson.dumps(data, separators = (',', ':'))
-def make_signed_jwt(signer, payload):
-  """Make a signed JWT.
-  See
-  Args:
-    signer: crypt.Signer, Cryptographic signer.
-    payload: dict, Dictionary of data to convert to JSON and then sign.
-  Returns:
-    string, The JWT for the payload.
-  """
-  header = {'typ': 'JWT', 'alg': 'RS256'}
-  segments = [
-          _urlsafe_b64encode(_json_encode(header)),
-          _urlsafe_b64encode(_json_encode(payload)),
-  ]
-  signing_input = '.'.join(segments)
-  signature = signer.sign(signing_input)
-  segments.append(_urlsafe_b64encode(signature))
-  logger.debug(str(segments))
-  return '.'.join(segments)
-def verify_signed_jwt_with_certs(jwt, certs, audience):
-  """Verify a JWT against public certs.
-  See
-  Args:
-    jwt: string, A JWT.
-    certs: dict, Dictionary where values of public keys in PEM format.
-    audience: string, The audience, 'aud', that this JWT should contain. If
-      None then the JWT's 'aud' parameter is not verified.
-  Returns:
-    dict, The deserialized JSON payload in the JWT.
-  Raises:
-    AppIdentityError if any checks are failed.
-  """
-  segments = jwt.split('.')
-  if (len(segments) != 3):
-    raise AppIdentityError(
-      'Wrong number of segments in token: %s' % jwt)
-  signed = '%s.%s' % (segments[0], segments[1])
-  signature = _urlsafe_b64decode(segments[2])
-  # Parse token.
-  json_body = _urlsafe_b64decode(segments[1])
-  try:
-    parsed = simplejson.loads(json_body)
-  except:
-    raise AppIdentityError('Can\'t parse token: %s' % json_body)
-  # Check signature.
-  verified = False
-  for (keyname, pem) in certs.items():
-    verifier = Verifier.from_string(pem, True)
-    if (verifier.verify(signed, signature)):
-      verified = True
-      break
-  if not verified:
-    raise AppIdentityError('Invalid token signature: %s' % jwt)
-  # Check creation timestamp.
-  iat = parsed.get('iat')
-  if iat is None:
-    raise AppIdentityError('No iat field in token: %s' % json_body)
-  earliest = iat - CLOCK_SKEW_SECS
-  # Check expiration timestamp.
-  now = long(time.time())
-  exp = parsed.get('exp')
-  if exp is None:
-    raise AppIdentityError('No exp field in token: %s' % json_body)
-  if exp >= now + MAX_TOKEN_LIFETIME_SECS:
-    raise AppIdentityError(
-      'exp field too far in future: %s' % json_body)
-  latest = exp + CLOCK_SKEW_SECS
-  if now < earliest:
-    raise AppIdentityError('Token used too early, %d < %d: %s' %
-      (now, earliest, json_body))
-  if now > latest:
-    raise AppIdentityError('Token used too late, %d > %d: %s' %
-      (now, latest, json_body))
-  # Check audience.
-  if audience is not None:
-    aud = parsed.get('aud')
-    if aud is None:
-      raise AppIdentityError('No aud field in token: %s' % json_body)
-    if aud != audience:
-      raise AppIdentityError('Wrong recipient, %s != %s: %s' %
-          (aud, audience, json_body))
-  return parsed
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-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""OAuth 2.0 utilities for Django.
-Utilities for using OAuth 2.0 in conjunction with
-the Django datastore.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-import oauth2client
-import base64
-import pickle
-from django.db import models
-from oauth2client.client import Storage as BaseStorage
-class CredentialsField(models.Field):
-  __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    if 'null' not in kwargs:
-      kwargs['null'] = True
-    super(CredentialsField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-  def get_internal_type(self):
-    return "TextField"
-  def to_python(self, value):
-    if value is None:
-      return None
-    if isinstance(value, oauth2client.client.Credentials):
-      return value
-    return pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(value))
-  def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
-    if value is None:
-      return None
-    return base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(value))
-class FlowField(models.Field):
-  __metaclass__ = models.SubfieldBase
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    if 'null' not in kwargs:
-      kwargs['null'] = True
-    super(FlowField, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-  def get_internal_type(self):
-    return "TextField"
-  def to_python(self, value):
-    if value is None:
-      return None
-    if isinstance(value, oauth2client.client.Flow):
-      return value
-    return pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(value))
-  def get_db_prep_value(self, value, connection, prepared=False):
-    if value is None:
-      return None
-    return base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(value))
-class Storage(BaseStorage):
-  """Store and retrieve a single credential to and from
-  the datastore.
-  This Storage helper presumes the Credentials
-  have been stored as a CredenialsField
-  on a db model class.
-  """
-  def __init__(self, model_class, key_name, key_value, property_name):
-    """Constructor for Storage.
-    Args:
-      model: db.Model, model class
-      key_name: string, key name for the entity that has the credentials
-      key_value: string, key value for the entity that has the credentials
-      property_name: string, name of the property that is an CredentialsProperty
-    """
-    self.model_class = model_class
-    self.key_name = key_name
-    self.key_value = key_value
-    self.property_name = property_name
-  def locked_get(self):
-    """Retrieve Credential from datastore.
-    Returns:
-      oauth2client.Credentials
-    """
-    credential = None
-    query = {self.key_name: self.key_value}
-    entities = self.model_class.objects.filter(**query)
-    if len(entities) > 0:
-      credential = getattr(entities[0], self.property_name)
-      if credential and hasattr(credential, 'set_store'):
-        credential.set_store(self)
-    return credential
-  def locked_put(self, credentials):
-    """Write a Credentials to the datastore.
-    Args:
-      credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-    """
-    args = {self.key_name: self.key_value}
-    entity = self.model_class(**args)
-    setattr(entity, self.property_name, credentials)
-  def locked_delete(self):
-    """Delete Credentials from the datastore."""
-    query = {self.key_name: self.key_value}
-    entities = self.model_class.objects.filter(**query).delete()
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-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Utilities for OAuth.
-Utilities for making it easier to work with OAuth 2.0
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-import os
-import stat
-import threading
-from anyjson import simplejson
-from client import Storage as BaseStorage
-from client import Credentials
-class CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError(Exception):
-  """Credentials files must not be symbolic links."""
-class Storage(BaseStorage):
-  """Store and retrieve a single credential to and from a file."""
-  def __init__(self, filename):
-    self._filename = filename
-    self._lock = threading.Lock()
-  def _validate_file(self):
-    if os.path.islink(self._filename):
-      raise CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError(
-          'File: %s is a symbolic link.' % self._filename)
-  def acquire_lock(self):
-    """Acquires any lock necessary to access this Storage.
-    This lock is not reentrant."""
-    self._lock.acquire()
-  def release_lock(self):
-    """Release the Storage lock.
-    Trying to release a lock that isn't held will result in a
-    RuntimeError.
-    """
-    self._lock.release()
-  def locked_get(self):
-    """Retrieve Credential from file.
-    Returns:
-      oauth2client.client.Credentials
-    Raises:
-      CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError if the file is a symbolic link.
-    """
-    credentials = None
-    self._validate_file()
-    try:
-      f = open(self._filename, 'rb')
-      content =
-      f.close()
-    except IOError:
-      return credentials
-    try:
-      credentials = Credentials.new_from_json(content)
-      credentials.set_store(self)
-    except ValueError:
-      pass
-    return credentials
-  def _create_file_if_needed(self):
-    """Create an empty file if necessary.
-    This method will not initialize the file. Instead it implements a
-    simple version of "touch" to ensure the file has been created.
-    """
-    if not os.path.exists(self._filename):
-      old_umask = os.umask(0177)
-      try:
-        open(self._filename, 'a+b').close()
-      finally:
-        os.umask(old_umask)
-  def locked_put(self, credentials):
-    """Write Credentials to file.
-    Args:
-      credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-    Raises:
-      CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError if the file is a symbolic link.
-    """
-    self._create_file_if_needed()
-    self._validate_file()
-    f = open(self._filename, 'wb')
-    f.write(credentials.to_json())
-    f.close()
-  def locked_delete(self):
-    """Delete Credentials file.
-    Args:
-      credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-    """
-    os.unlink(self._filename)
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-# Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Utilities for Google Compute Engine
-Utilities for making it easier to use OAuth 2.0 on Google Compute Engine.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-import httplib2
-import logging
-import uritemplate
-from oauth2client import util
-from oauth2client.anyjson import simplejson
-from oauth2client.client import AccessTokenRefreshError
-from oauth2client.client import AssertionCredentials
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# URI Template for the endpoint that returns access_tokens.
-META = (''
-        'default/acquire{?scope}')
-class AppAssertionCredentials(AssertionCredentials):
-  """Credentials object for Compute Engine Assertion Grants
-  This object will allow a Compute Engine instance to identify itself to
-  Google and other OAuth 2.0 servers that can verify assertions. It can be used
-  for the purpose of accessing data stored under an account assigned to the
-  Compute Engine instance itself.
-  This credential does not require a flow to instantiate because it represents
-  a two legged flow, and therefore has all of the required information to
-  generate and refresh its own access tokens.
-  """
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def __init__(self, scope, **kwargs):
-    """Constructor for AppAssertionCredentials
-    Args:
-      scope: string or iterable of strings, scope(s) of the credentials being
-        requested.
-    """
-    self.scope = util.scopes_to_string(scope)
-    # Assertion type is no longer used, but still in the parent class signature.
-    super(AppAssertionCredentials, self).__init__(None)
-  @classmethod
-  def from_json(cls, json):
-    data = simplejson.loads(json)
-    return AppAssertionCredentials(data['scope'])
-  def _refresh(self, http_request):
-    """Refreshes the access_token.
-    Skip all the storage hoops and just refresh using the API.
-    Args:
-      http_request: callable, a callable that matches the method signature of
-        httplib2.Http.request, used to make the refresh request.
-    Raises:
-      AccessTokenRefreshError: When the refresh fails.
-    """
-    uri = uritemplate.expand(META, {'scope': self.scope})
-    response, content = http_request(uri)
-    if response.status == 200:
-      try:
-        d = simplejson.loads(content)
-      except StandardError, e:
-        raise AccessTokenRefreshError(str(e))
-      self.access_token = d['accessToken']
-    else:
-      raise AccessTokenRefreshError(content)
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-# Copyright (C) 2012 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""A keyring based Storage.
-A Storage for Credentials that uses the keyring module.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-import keyring
-import threading
-from client import Storage as BaseStorage
-from client import Credentials
-class Storage(BaseStorage):
-  """Store and retrieve a single credential to and from the keyring.
-  To use this module you must have the keyring module installed. See
-  <>. This is an optional module and is not
-  installed with oauth2client by default because it does not work on all the
-  platforms that oauth2client supports, such as Google App Engine.
-  The keyring module <> is a cross-platform
-  library for access the keyring capabilities of the local system. The user will
-  be prompted for their keyring password when this module is used, and the
-  manner in which the user is prompted will vary per platform.
-  Usage:
-    from oauth2client.keyring_storage import Storage
-    s = Storage('name_of_application', 'user1')
-    credentials = s.get()
-  """
-  def __init__(self, service_name, user_name):
-    """Constructor.
-    Args:
-      service_name: string, The name of the service under which the credentials
-        are stored.
-      user_name: string, The name of the user to store credentials for.
-    """
-    self._service_name = service_name
-    self._user_name = user_name
-    self._lock = threading.Lock()
-  def acquire_lock(self):
-    """Acquires any lock necessary to access this Storage.
-    This lock is not reentrant."""
-    self._lock.acquire()
-  def release_lock(self):
-    """Release the Storage lock.
-    Trying to release a lock that isn't held will result in a
-    RuntimeError.
-    """
-    self._lock.release()
-  def locked_get(self):
-    """Retrieve Credential from file.
-    Returns:
-      oauth2client.client.Credentials
-    """
-    credentials = None
-    content = keyring.get_password(self._service_name, self._user_name)
-    if content is not None:
-      try:
-        credentials = Credentials.new_from_json(content)
-        credentials.set_store(self)
-      except ValueError:
-        pass
-    return credentials
-  def locked_put(self, credentials):
-    """Write Credentials to file.
-    Args:
-      credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-    """
-    keyring.set_password(self._service_name, self._user_name,
-                         credentials.to_json())
-  def locked_delete(self):
-    """Delete Credentials file.
-    Args:
-      credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-    """
-    keyring.set_password(self._service_name, self._user_name, '')
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-# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-"""Locked file interface that should work on Unix and Windows pythons.
-This module first tries to use fcntl locking to ensure serialized access
-to a file, then falls back on a lock file if that is unavialable.
-    f = LockedFile('filename', 'r+b', 'rb')
-    f.open_and_lock()
-    if f.is_locked():
-      print 'Acquired filename with r+b mode'
-      f.file_handle().write('locked data')
-    else:
-      print 'Aquired filename with rb mode'
-    f.unlock_and_close()
-__author__ = ' (David T McWherter)'
-import errno
-import logging
-import os
-import time
-from oauth2client import util
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError(Exception):
-  """Credentials files must not be symbolic links."""
-class AlreadyLockedException(Exception):
-  """Trying to lock a file that has already been locked by the LockedFile."""
-  pass
-def validate_file(filename):
-  if os.path.islink(filename):
-    raise CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError(
-        'File: %s is a symbolic link.' % filename)
-class _Opener(object):
-  """Base class for different locking primitives."""
-  def __init__(self, filename, mode, fallback_mode):
-    """Create an Opener.
-    Args:
-      filename: string, The pathname of the file.
-      mode: string, The preferred mode to access the file with.
-      fallback_mode: string, The mode to use if locking fails.
-    """
-    self._locked = False
-    self._filename = filename
-    self._mode = mode
-    self._fallback_mode = fallback_mode
-    self._fh = None
-  def is_locked(self):
-    """Was the file locked."""
-    return self._locked
-  def file_handle(self):
-    """The file handle to the file. Valid only after opened."""
-    return self._fh
-  def filename(self):
-    """The filename that is being locked."""
-    return self._filename
-  def open_and_lock(self, timeout, delay):
-    """Open the file and lock it.
-    Args:
-      timeout: float, How long to try to lock for.
-      delay: float, How long to wait between retries.
-    """
-    pass
-  def unlock_and_close(self):
-    """Unlock and close the file."""
-    pass
-class _PosixOpener(_Opener):
-  """Lock files using Posix advisory lock files."""
-  def open_and_lock(self, timeout, delay):
-    """Open the file and lock it.
-    Tries to create a .lock file next to the file we're trying to open.
-    Args:
-      timeout: float, How long to try to lock for.
-      delay: float, How long to wait between retries.
-    Raises:
-      AlreadyLockedException: if the lock is already acquired.
-      IOError: if the open fails.
-      CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError if the file is a symbolic link.
-    """
-    if self._locked:
-      raise AlreadyLockedException('File %s is already locked' %
-                                   self._filename)
-    self._locked = False
-    validate_file(self._filename)
-    try:
-      self._fh = open(self._filename, self._mode)
-    except IOError, e:
-      # If we can't access with _mode, try _fallback_mode and don't lock.
-      if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
-        self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode)
-        return
-    lock_filename = self._posix_lockfile(self._filename)
-    start_time = time.time()
-    while True:
-      try:
-        self._lock_fd =,
-                                os.O_CREAT|os.O_EXCL|os.O_RDWR)
-        self._locked = True
-        break
-      except OSError, e:
-        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
-          raise
-        if (time.time() - start_time) >= timeout:
-          logger.warn('Could not acquire lock %s in %s seconds' % (
-              lock_filename, timeout))
-          # Close the file and open in fallback_mode.
-          if self._fh:
-            self._fh.close()
-          self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode)
-          return
-        time.sleep(delay)
-  def unlock_and_close(self):
-    """Unlock a file by removing the .lock file, and close the handle."""
-    if self._locked:
-      lock_filename = self._posix_lockfile(self._filename)
-      os.close(self._lock_fd)
-      os.unlink(lock_filename)
-      self._locked = False
-      self._lock_fd = None
-    if self._fh:
-      self._fh.close()
-  def _posix_lockfile(self, filename):
-    """The name of the lock file to use for posix locking."""
-    return '%s.lock' % filename
-  import fcntl
-  class _FcntlOpener(_Opener):
-    """Open, lock, and unlock a file using fcntl.lockf."""
-    def open_and_lock(self, timeout, delay):
-      """Open the file and lock it.
-      Args:
-        timeout: float, How long to try to lock for.
-        delay: float, How long to wait between retries
-      Raises:
-        AlreadyLockedException: if the lock is already acquired.
-        IOError: if the open fails.
-        CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError if the file is a symbolic link.
-      """
-      if self._locked:
-        raise AlreadyLockedException('File %s is already locked' %
-                                     self._filename)
-      start_time = time.time()
-      validate_file(self._filename)
-      try:
-        self._fh = open(self._filename, self._mode)
-      except IOError, e:
-        # If we can't access with _mode, try _fallback_mode and don't lock.
-        if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
-          self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode)
-          return
-      # We opened in _mode, try to lock the file.
-      while True:
-        try:
-          fcntl.lockf(self._fh.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
-          self._locked = True
-          return
-        except IOError, e:
-          # If not retrying, then just pass on the error.
-          if timeout == 0:
-            raise e
-          if e.errno != errno.EACCES:
-            raise e
-          # We could not acquire the lock. Try again.
-          if (time.time() - start_time) >= timeout:
-            logger.warn('Could not lock %s in %s seconds' % (
-                self._filename, timeout))
-            if self._fh:
-              self._fh.close()
-            self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode)
-            return
-          time.sleep(delay)
-    def unlock_and_close(self):
-      """Close and unlock the file using the fcntl.lockf primitive."""
-      if self._locked:
-        fcntl.lockf(self._fh.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_UN)
-      self._locked = False
-      if self._fh:
-        self._fh.close()
-except ImportError:
-  _FcntlOpener = None
-  import pywintypes
-  import win32con
-  import win32file
-  class _Win32Opener(_Opener):
-    """Open, lock, and unlock a file using windows primitives."""
-    # Error #33:
-    #  'The process cannot access the file because another process'
-    # Error #158:
-    #  'The segment is already unlocked.'
-    def open_and_lock(self, timeout, delay):
-      """Open the file and lock it.
-      Args:
-        timeout: float, How long to try to lock for.
-        delay: float, How long to wait between retries
-      Raises:
-        AlreadyLockedException: if the lock is already acquired.
-        IOError: if the open fails.
-        CredentialsFileSymbolicLinkError if the file is a symbolic link.
-      """
-      if self._locked:
-        raise AlreadyLockedException('File %s is already locked' %
-                                     self._filename)
-      start_time = time.time()
-      validate_file(self._filename)
-      try:
-        self._fh = open(self._filename, self._mode)
-      except IOError, e:
-        # If we can't access with _mode, try _fallback_mode and don't lock.
-        if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
-          self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode)
-          return
-      # We opened in _mode, try to lock the file.
-      while True:
-        try:
-          hfile = win32file._get_osfhandle(self._fh.fileno())
-          win32file.LockFileEx(
-              hfile,
-              (win32con.LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY|
-               win32con.LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK), 0, -0x10000,
-              pywintypes.OVERLAPPED())
-          self._locked = True
-          return
-        except pywintypes.error, e:
-          if timeout == 0:
-            raise e
-          # If the error is not that the file is already in use, raise.
-          if e[0] != _Win32Opener.FILE_IN_USE_ERROR:
-            raise
-          # We could not acquire the lock. Try again.
-          if (time.time() - start_time) >= timeout:
-            logger.warn('Could not lock %s in %s seconds' % (
-                self._filename, timeout))
-            if self._fh:
-              self._fh.close()
-            self._fh = open(self._filename, self._fallback_mode)
-            return
-          time.sleep(delay)
-    def unlock_and_close(self):
-      """Close and unlock the file using the win32 primitive."""
-      if self._locked:
-        try:
-          hfile = win32file._get_osfhandle(self._fh.fileno())
-          win32file.UnlockFileEx(hfile, 0, -0x10000, pywintypes.OVERLAPPED())
-        except pywintypes.error, e:
-          if e[0] != _Win32Opener.FILE_ALREADY_UNLOCKED_ERROR:
-            raise
-      self._locked = False
-      if self._fh:
-        self._fh.close()
-except ImportError:
-  _Win32Opener = None
-class LockedFile(object):
-  """Represent a file that has exclusive access."""
-  @util.positional(4)
-  def __init__(self, filename, mode, fallback_mode, use_native_locking=True):
-    """Construct a LockedFile.
-    Args:
-      filename: string, The path of the file to open.
-      mode: string, The mode to try to open the file with.
-      fallback_mode: string, The mode to use if locking fails.
-      use_native_locking: bool, Whether or not fcntl/win32 locking is used.
-    """
-    opener = None
-    if not opener and use_native_locking:
-      if _Win32Opener:
-        opener = _Win32Opener(filename, mode, fallback_mode)
-      if _FcntlOpener:
-        opener = _FcntlOpener(filename, mode, fallback_mode)
-    if not opener:
-      opener = _PosixOpener(filename, mode, fallback_mode)
-    self._opener = opener
-  def filename(self):
-    """Return the filename we were constructed with."""
-    return self._opener._filename
-  def file_handle(self):
-    """Return the file_handle to the opened file."""
-    return self._opener.file_handle()
-  def is_locked(self):
-    """Return whether we successfully locked the file."""
-    return self._opener.is_locked()
-  def open_and_lock(self, timeout=0, delay=0.05):
-    """Open the file, trying to lock it.
-    Args:
-      timeout: float, The number of seconds to try to acquire the lock.
-      delay: float, The number of seconds to wait between retry attempts.
-    Raises:
-      AlreadyLockedException: if the lock is already acquired.
-      IOError: if the open fails.
-    """
-    self._opener.open_and_lock(timeout, delay)
-  def unlock_and_close(self):
-    """Unlock and close a file."""
-    self._opener.unlock_and_close()
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-# Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-"""Multi-credential file store with lock support.
-This module implements a JSON credential store where multiple
-credentials can be stored in one file. That file supports locking
-both in a single process and across processes.
-The credential themselves are keyed off of:
-* client_id
-* user_agent
-* scope
-The format of the stored data is like so:
-  'file_version': 1,
-  'data': [
-    {
-      'key': {
-        'clientId': '<client id>',
-        'userAgent': '<user agent>',
-        'scope': '<scope>'
-      },
-      'credential': {
-        # JSON serialized Credentials.
-      }
-    }
-  ]
-__author__ = ' (Joe Beda)'
-import base64
-import errno
-import logging
-import os
-import threading
-from anyjson import simplejson
-from oauth2client.client import Storage as BaseStorage
-from oauth2client.client import Credentials
-from oauth2client import util
-from locked_file import LockedFile
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# A dict from 'filename'->_MultiStore instances
-_multistores = {}
-_multistores_lock = threading.Lock()
-class Error(Exception):
-  """Base error for this module."""
-  pass
-class NewerCredentialStoreError(Error):
-  """The credential store is a newer version that supported."""
-  pass
-def get_credential_storage(filename, client_id, user_agent, scope,
-                           warn_on_readonly=True):
-  """Get a Storage instance for a credential.
-  Args:
-    filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials
-    client_id: The client_id for the credential
-    user_agent: The user agent for the credential
-    scope: string or iterable of strings, Scope(s) being requested
-    warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly
-  Returns:
-    An object derived from client.Storage for getting/setting the
-    credential.
-  """
-  # Recreate the legacy key with these specific parameters
-  key = {'clientId': client_id, 'userAgent': user_agent,
-         'scope': util.scopes_to_string(scope)}
-  return get_credential_storage_custom_key(
-      filename, key, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly)
-def get_credential_storage_custom_string_key(
-    filename, key_string, warn_on_readonly=True):
-  """Get a Storage instance for a credential using a single string as a key.
-  Allows you to provide a string as a custom key that will be used for
-  credential storage and retrieval.
-  Args:
-    filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials
-    key_string: A string to use as the key for storing this credential.
-    warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly
-  Returns:
-    An object derived from client.Storage for getting/setting the
-    credential.
-  """
-  # Create a key dictionary that can be used
-  key_dict = {'key': key_string}
-  return get_credential_storage_custom_key(
-      filename, key_dict, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly)
-def get_credential_storage_custom_key(
-    filename, key_dict, warn_on_readonly=True):
-  """Get a Storage instance for a credential using a dictionary as a key.
-  Allows you to provide a dictionary as a custom key that will be used for
-  credential storage and retrieval.
-  Args:
-    filename: The JSON file storing a set of credentials
-    key_dict: A dictionary to use as the key for storing this credential. There
-      is no ordering of the keys in the dictionary. Logically equivalent
-      dictionaries will produce equivalent storage keys.
-    warn_on_readonly: if True, log a warning if the store is readonly
-  Returns:
-    An object derived from client.Storage for getting/setting the
-    credential.
-  """
-  filename = os.path.expanduser(filename)
-  _multistores_lock.acquire()
-  try:
-    multistore = _multistores.setdefault(
-        filename, _MultiStore(filename, warn_on_readonly=warn_on_readonly))
-  finally:
-    _multistores_lock.release()
-  key = util.dict_to_tuple_key(key_dict)
-  return multistore._get_storage(key)
-class _MultiStore(object):
-  """A file backed store for multiple credentials."""
-  @util.positional(2)
-  def __init__(self, filename, warn_on_readonly=True):
-    """Initialize the class.
-    This will create the file if necessary.
-    """
-    self._file = LockedFile(filename, 'r+b', 'rb')
-    self._thread_lock = threading.Lock()
-    self._read_only = False
-    self._warn_on_readonly = warn_on_readonly
-    self._create_file_if_needed()
-    # Cache of deserialized store. This is only valid after the
-    # _MultiStore is locked or _refresh_data_cache is called. This is
-    # of the form of:
-    #
-    # ((key, value), (key, value)...) -> OAuth2Credential
-    #
-    # If this is None, then the store hasn't been read yet.
-    self._data = None
-  class _Storage(BaseStorage):
-    """A Storage object that knows how to read/write a single credential."""
-    def __init__(self, multistore, key):
-      self._multistore = multistore
-      self._key = key
-    def acquire_lock(self):
-      """Acquires any lock necessary to access this Storage.
-      This lock is not reentrant.
-      """
-      self._multistore._lock()
-    def release_lock(self):
-      """Release the Storage lock.
-      Trying to release a lock that isn't held will result in a
-      RuntimeError.
-      """
-      self._multistore._unlock()
-    def locked_get(self):
-      """Retrieve credential.
-      The Storage lock must be held when this is called.
-      Returns:
-        oauth2client.client.Credentials
-      """
-      credential = self._multistore._get_credential(self._key)
-      if credential:
-        credential.set_store(self)
-      return credential
-    def locked_put(self, credentials):
-      """Write a credential.
-      The Storage lock must be held when this is called.
-      Args:
-        credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-      """
-      self._multistore._update_credential(self._key, credentials)
-    def locked_delete(self):
-      """Delete a credential.
-      The Storage lock must be held when this is called.
-      Args:
-        credentials: Credentials, the credentials to store.
-      """
-      self._multistore._delete_credential(self._key)
-  def _create_file_if_needed(self):
-    """Create an empty file if necessary.
-    This method will not initialize the file. Instead it implements a
-    simple version of "touch" to ensure the file has been created.
-    """
-    if not os.path.exists(self._file.filename()):
-      old_umask = os.umask(0177)
-      try:
-        open(self._file.filename(), 'a+b').close()
-      finally:
-        os.umask(old_umask)
-  def _lock(self):
-    """Lock the entire multistore."""
-    self._thread_lock.acquire()
-    self._file.open_and_lock()
-    if not self._file.is_locked():
-      self._read_only = True
-      if self._warn_on_readonly:
-        logger.warn('The credentials file (%s) is not writable. Opening in '
-                    'read-only mode. Any refreshed credentials will only be '
-                    'valid for this run.' % self._file.filename())
-    if os.path.getsize(self._file.filename()) == 0:
-      logger.debug('Initializing empty multistore file')
-      # The multistore is empty so write out an empty file.
-      self._data = {}
-      self._write()
-    elif not self._read_only or self._data is None:
-      # Only refresh the data if we are read/write or we haven't
-      # cached the data yet. If we are readonly, we assume is isn't
-      # changing out from under us and that we only have to read it
-      # once. This prevents us from whacking any new access keys that
-      # we have cached in memory but were unable to write out.
-      self._refresh_data_cache()
-  def _unlock(self):
-    """Release the lock on the multistore."""
-    self._file.unlock_and_close()
-    self._thread_lock.release()
-  def _locked_json_read(self):
-    """Get the raw content of the multistore file.
-    The multistore must be locked when this is called.
-    Returns:
-      The contents of the multistore decoded as JSON.
-    """
-    assert self._thread_lock.locked()
-    self._file.file_handle().seek(0)
-    return simplejson.load(self._file.file_handle())
-  def _locked_json_write(self, data):
-    """Write a JSON serializable data structure to the multistore.
-    The multistore must be locked when this is called.
-    Args:
-      data: The data to be serialized and written.
-    """
-    assert self._thread_lock.locked()
-    if self._read_only:
-      return
-    self._file.file_handle().seek(0)
-    simplejson.dump(data, self._file.file_handle(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)
-    self._file.file_handle().truncate()
-  def _refresh_data_cache(self):
-    """Refresh the contents of the multistore.
-    The multistore must be locked when this is called.
-    Raises:
-      NewerCredentialStoreError: Raised when a newer client has written the
-        store.
-    """
-    self._data = {}
-    try:
-      raw_data = self._locked_json_read()
-    except Exception:
-      logger.warn('Credential data store could not be loaded. '
-                  'Will ignore and overwrite.')
-      return
-    version = 0
-    try:
-      version = raw_data['file_version']
-    except Exception:
-      logger.warn('Missing version for credential data store. It may be '
-                  'corrupt or an old version. Overwriting.')
-    if version > 1:
-      raise NewerCredentialStoreError(
-          'Credential file has file_version of %d. '
-          'Only file_version of 1 is supported.' % version)
-    credentials = []
-    try:
-      credentials = raw_data['data']
-    except (TypeError, KeyError):
-      pass
-    for cred_entry in credentials:
-      try:
-        (key, credential) = self._decode_credential_from_json(cred_entry)
-        self._data[key] = credential
-      except:
-        # If something goes wrong loading a credential, just ignore it
-'Error decoding credential, skipping', exc_info=True)
-  def _decode_credential_from_json(self, cred_entry):
-    """Load a credential from our JSON serialization.
-    Args:
-      cred_entry: A dict entry from the data member of our format
-    Returns:
-      (key, cred) where the key is the key tuple and the cred is the
-        OAuth2Credential object.
-    """
-    raw_key = cred_entry['key']
-    key = util.dict_to_tuple_key(raw_key)
-    credential = None
-    credential = Credentials.new_from_json(simplejson.dumps(cred_entry['credential']))
-    return (key, credential)
-  def _write(self):
-    """Write the cached data back out.
-    The multistore must be locked.
-    """
-    raw_data = {'file_version': 1}
-    raw_creds = []
-    raw_data['data'] = raw_creds
-    for (cred_key, cred) in self._data.items():
-      raw_key = dict(cred_key)
-      raw_cred = simplejson.loads(cred.to_json())
-      raw_creds.append({'key': raw_key, 'credential': raw_cred})
-    self._locked_json_write(raw_data)
-  def _get_credential(self, key):
-    """Get a credential from the multistore.
-    The multistore must be locked.
-    Args:
-      key: The key used to retrieve the credential
-    Returns:
-      The credential specified or None if not present
-    """
-    return self._data.get(key, None)
-  def _update_credential(self, key, cred):
-    """Update a credential and write the multistore.
-    This must be called when the multistore is locked.
-    Args:
-      key: The key used to retrieve the credential
-      cred: The OAuth2Credential to update/set
-    """
-    self._data[key] = cred
-    self._write()
-  def _delete_credential(self, key):
-    """Delete a credential and write the multistore.
-    This must be called when the multistore is locked.
-    Args:
-      key: The key used to retrieve the credential
-    """
-    try:
-      del self._data[key]
-    except KeyError:
-      pass
-    self._write()
-  def _get_storage(self, key):
-    """Get a Storage object to get/set a credential.
-    This Storage is a 'view' into the multistore.
-    Args:
-      key: The key used to retrieve the credential
-    Returns:
-      A Storage object that can be used to get/set this cred
-    """
-    return self._Storage(self, key)
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index 93b0171..0000000
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-# Copyright (C) 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Command-line tools for authenticating via OAuth 2.0
-Do the OAuth 2.0 Web Server dance for a command line application. Stores the
-generated credentials in a common file that is used by other example apps in
-the same directory.
-__author__ = ' (Joe Gregorio)'
-__all__ = ['run']
-import BaseHTTPServer
-import gflags
-import socket
-import sys
-import webbrowser
-from oauth2client.client import FlowExchangeError
-from oauth2client.client import OOB_CALLBACK_URN
-from oauth2client import util
-  from urlparse import parse_qsl
-except ImportError:
-  from cgi import parse_qsl
-FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
-gflags.DEFINE_boolean('auth_local_webserver', True,
-                      ('Run a local web server to handle redirects during '
-                       'OAuth authorization.'))
-gflags.DEFINE_string('auth_host_name', 'localhost',
-                     ('Host name to use when running a local web server to '
-                      'handle redirects during OAuth authorization.'))
-gflags.DEFINE_multi_int('auth_host_port', [8080, 8090],
-                        ('Port to use when running a local web server to '
-                         'handle redirects during OAuth authorization.'))
-class ClientRedirectServer(BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
-  """A server to handle OAuth 2.0 redirects back to localhost.
-  Waits for a single request and parses the query parameters
-  into query_params and then stops serving.
-  """
-  query_params = {}
-class ClientRedirectHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-  """A handler for OAuth 2.0 redirects back to localhost.
-  Waits for a single request and parses the query parameters
-  into the servers query_params and then stops serving.
-  """
-  def do_GET(s):
-    """Handle a GET request.
-    Parses the query parameters and prints a message
-    if the flow has completed. Note that we can't detect
-    if an error occurred.
-    """
-    s.send_response(200)
-    s.send_header("Content-type", "text/html")
-    s.end_headers()
-    query = s.path.split('?', 1)[-1]
-    query = dict(parse_qsl(query))
-    s.server.query_params = query
-    s.wfile.write("<html><head><title>Authentication Status</title></head>")
-    s.wfile.write("<body><p>The authentication flow has completed.</p>")
-    s.wfile.write("</body></html>")
-  def log_message(self, format, *args):
-    """Do not log messages to stdout while running as command line program."""
-    pass
-def run(flow, storage, http=None):
-  """Core code for a command-line application.
-  The run() function is called from your application and runs through all the
-  steps to obtain credentials. It takes a Flow argument and attempts to open an
-  authorization server page in the user's default web browser. The server asks
-  the user to grant your application access to the user's data. If the user
-  grants access, the run() function returns new credentials. The new credentials
-  are also stored in the Storage argument, which updates the file associated
-  with the Storage object.
-  It presumes it is run from a command-line application and supports the
-  following flags:
-    --auth_host_name: Host name to use when running a local web server
-      to handle redirects during OAuth authorization.
-      (default: 'localhost')
-    --auth_host_port: Port to use when running a local web server to handle
-      redirects during OAuth authorization.;
-      repeat this option to specify a list of values
-      (default: '[8080, 8090]')
-      (an integer)
-    --[no]auth_local_webserver: Run a local web server to handle redirects
-      during OAuth authorization.
-      (default: 'true')
-  Since it uses flags make sure to initialize the gflags module before calling
-  run().
-  Args:
-    flow: Flow, an OAuth 2.0 Flow to step through.
-    storage: Storage, a Storage to store the credential in.
-    http: An instance of httplib2.Http.request
-         or something that acts like it.
-  Returns:
-    Credentials, the obtained credential.
-  """
-  if FLAGS.auth_local_webserver:
-    success = False
-    port_number = 0
-    for port in FLAGS.auth_host_port:
-      port_number = port
-      try:
-        httpd = ClientRedirectServer((FLAGS.auth_host_name, port),
-                                     ClientRedirectHandler)
-      except socket.error, e:
-        pass
-      else:
-        success = True
-        break
-    FLAGS.auth_local_webserver = success
-    if not success:
-      print 'Failed to start a local webserver listening on either port 8080'
-      print 'or port 9090. Please check your firewall settings and locally'
-      print 'running programs that may be blocking or using those ports.'
-      print
-      print 'Falling back to --noauth_local_webserver and continuing with',
-      print 'authorization.'
-      print
-  if FLAGS.auth_local_webserver:
-    oauth_callback = 'http://%s:%s/' % (FLAGS.auth_host_name, port_number)
-  else:
-    oauth_callback = OOB_CALLBACK_URN
-  flow.redirect_uri = oauth_callback
-  authorize_url = flow.step1_get_authorize_url()
-  if FLAGS.auth_local_webserver:
-, new=1, autoraise=True)
-    print 'Your browser has been opened to visit:'
-    print
-    print '    ' + authorize_url
-    print
-    print 'If your browser is on a different machine then exit and re-run this'
-    print 'application with the command-line parameter '
-    print
-    print '  --noauth_local_webserver'
-    print
-  else:
-    print 'Go to the following link in your browser:'
-    print
-    print '    ' + authorize_url
-    print
-  code = None
-  if FLAGS.auth_local_webserver:
-    httpd.handle_request()
-    if 'error' in httpd.query_params:
-      sys.exit('Authentication request was rejected.')
-    if 'code' in httpd.query_params:
-      code = httpd.query_params['code']
-    else:
-      print 'Failed to find "code" in the query parameters of the redirect.'
-      sys.exit('Try running with --noauth_local_webserver.')
-  else:
-    code = raw_input('Enter verification code: ').strip()
-  try:
-    credential = flow.step2_exchange(code, http=http)
-  except FlowExchangeError, e:
-    sys.exit('Authentication has failed: %s' % e)
-  storage.put(credential)
-  credential.set_store(storage)
-  print 'Authentication successful.'
-  return credential
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deleted file mode 100644
index ee6a100..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,192 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Common utility library."""
-__author__ = [' (Rafe Kaplan)',
-              ' (Guido van Rossum)',
-__all__ = [
-  'positional',
-import gflags
-import inspect
-import logging
-import types
-import urllib
-import urlparse
-  from urlparse import parse_qsl
-except ImportError:
-  from cgi import parse_qsl
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-FLAGS = gflags.FLAGS
-gflags.DEFINE_enum('positional_parameters_enforcement', 'WARNING',
-    'The action when an oauth2client.util.positional declaration is violated.')
-def positional(max_positional_args):
-  """A decorator to declare that only the first N arguments my be positional.
-  This decorator makes it easy to support Python 3 style key-word only
-  parameters. For example, in Python 3 it is possible to write:
-    def fn(pos1, *, kwonly1=None, kwonly1=None):
-      ...
-  All named parameters after * must be a keyword:
-    fn(10, 'kw1', 'kw2')  # Raises exception.
-    fn(10, kwonly1='kw1')  # Ok.
-  Example:
-    To define a function like above, do:
-      @positional(1)
-      def fn(pos1, kwonly1=None, kwonly2=None):
-        ...
-    If no default value is provided to a keyword argument, it becomes a required
-    keyword argument:
-      @positional(0)
-      def fn(required_kw):
-        ...
-    This must be called with the keyword parameter:
-      fn()  # Raises exception.
-      fn(10)  # Raises exception.
-      fn(required_kw=10)  # Ok.
-    When defining instance or class methods always remember to account for
-    'self' and 'cls':
-      class MyClass(object):
-        @positional(2)
-        def my_method(self, pos1, kwonly1=None):
-          ...
-        @classmethod
-        @positional(2)
-        def my_method(cls, pos1, kwonly1=None):
-          ...
-  The positional decorator behavior is controlled by the
-  --positional_parameters_enforcement flag. The flag may be set to 'EXCEPTION',
-  'WARNING' or 'IGNORE' to raise an exception, log a warning, or do nothing,
-  respectively, if a declaration is violated.
-  Args:
-    max_positional_arguments: Maximum number of positional arguments. All
-      parameters after the this index must be keyword only.
-  Returns:
-    A decorator that prevents using arguments after max_positional_args from
-    being used as positional parameters.
-  Raises:
-    TypeError if a key-word only argument is provided as a positional parameter,
-    but only if the --positional_parameters_enforcement flag is set to
-  """
-  def positional_decorator(wrapped):
-    def positional_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
-      if len(args) > max_positional_args:
-        plural_s = ''
-        if max_positional_args != 1:
-          plural_s = 's'
-        message = '%s() takes at most %d positional argument%s (%d given)' % (
-            wrapped.__name__, max_positional_args, plural_s, len(args))
-        if FLAGS.positional_parameters_enforcement == 'EXCEPTION':
-          raise TypeError(message)
-        elif FLAGS.positional_parameters_enforcement == 'WARNING':
-          logger.warning(message)
-        else: # IGNORE
-          pass
-      return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
-    return positional_wrapper
-  if isinstance(max_positional_args, (int, long)):
-    return positional_decorator
-  else:
-    args, _, _, defaults = inspect.getargspec(max_positional_args)
-    return positional(len(args) - len(defaults))(max_positional_args)
-def scopes_to_string(scopes):
-  """Converts scope value to a string.
-  If scopes is a string then it is simply passed through. If scopes is an
-  iterable then a string is returned that is all the individual scopes
-  concatenated with spaces.
-  Args:
-    scopes: string or iterable of strings, the scopes.
-  Returns:
-    The scopes formatted as a single string.
-  """
-  if isinstance(scopes, types.StringTypes):
-    return scopes
-  else:
-    return ' '.join(scopes)
-def dict_to_tuple_key(dictionary):
-  """Converts a dictionary to a tuple that can be used as an immutable key.
-  The resulting key is always sorted so that logically equivalent dictionaries
-  always produce an identical tuple for a key.
-  Args:
-    dictionary: the dictionary to use as the key.
-  Returns:
-    A tuple representing the dictionary in it's naturally sorted ordering.
-  """
-  return tuple(sorted(dictionary.items()))
-def _add_query_parameter(url, name, value):
-  """Adds a query parameter to a url.
-  Replaces the current value if it already exists in the URL.
-  Args:
-    url: string, url to add the query parameter to.
-    name: string, query parameter name.
-    value: string, query parameter value.
-  Returns:
-    Updated query parameter. Does not update the url if value is None.
-  """
-  if value is None:
-    return url
-  else:
-    parsed = list(urlparse.urlparse(url))
-    q = dict(parse_qsl(parsed[4]))
-    q[name] = value
-    parsed[4] = urllib.urlencode(q)
-    return urlparse.urlunparse(parsed)
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7e1fe5c..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/oauth2client/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2010 the Melange authors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-"""Helper methods for creating & verifying XSRF tokens."""
-__authors__ = [
-  '"Doug Coker" <>',
-  '"Joe Gregorio" <>',
-import base64
-import hmac
-import os  # for urandom
-import time
-from oauth2client import util
-# Delimiter character
-# 1 hour in seconds
-def generate_token(key, user_id, action_id="", when=None):
-  """Generates a URL-safe token for the given user, action, time tuple.
-  Args:
-    key: secret key to use.
-    user_id: the user ID of the authenticated user.
-    action_id: a string identifier of the action they requested
-      authorization for.
-    when: the time in seconds since the epoch at which the user was
-      authorized for this action. If not set the current time is used.
-  Returns:
-    A string XSRF protection token.
-  """
-  when = when or int(time.time())
-  digester =
-  digester.update(str(user_id))
-  digester.update(DELIMITER)
-  digester.update(action_id)
-  digester.update(DELIMITER)
-  digester.update(str(when))
-  digest = digester.digest()
-  token = base64.urlsafe_b64encode('%s%s%d' % (digest,
-                                               DELIMITER,
-                                               when))
-  return token
-def validate_token(key, token, user_id, action_id="", current_time=None):
-  """Validates that the given token authorizes the user for the action.
-  Tokens are invalid if the time of issue is too old or if the token
-  does not match what generateToken outputs (i.e. the token was forged).
-  Args:
-    key: secret key to use.
-    token: a string of the token generated by generateToken.
-    user_id: the user ID of the authenticated user.
-    action_id: a string identifier of the action they requested
-      authorization for.
-  Returns:
-    A boolean - True if the user is authorized for the action, False
-    otherwise.
-  """
-  if not token:
-    return False
-  try:
-    decoded = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(str(token))
-    token_time = long(decoded.split(DELIMITER)[-1])
-  except (TypeError, ValueError):
-    return False
-  if current_time is None:
-    current_time = time.time()
-  # If the token is too old it's not valid.
-  if current_time - token_time > DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECS:
-    return False
-  # The given token should match the generated one with the same time.
-  expected_token = generate_token(key, user_id, action_id=action_id,
-                                  when=token_time)
-  if len(token) != len(expected_token):
-    return False
-  # Perform constant time comparison to avoid timing attacks
-  different = 0
-  for x, y in zip(token, expected_token):
-    different |= ord(x) ^ ord(y)
-  if different:
-    return False
-  return True
diff --git a/third_party/google-api-python-client/uritemplate/ b/third_party/google-api-python-client/uritemplate/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d0ebce..0000000
--- a/third_party/google-api-python-client/uritemplate/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# Early, and incomplete implementation of -04.
-import re
-import urllib
-RESERVED = ":/?#[]@!$&'()*+,;="
-OPERATOR = "+./;?|!@"
-EXPLODE = "*+"
-MODIFIER = ":^"
-TEMPLATE = re.compile(r"{(?P<operator>[\+\./;\?|!@])?(?P<varlist>[^}]+)}", re.UNICODE)
-VAR = re.compile(r"^(?P<varname>[^=\+\*:\^]+)((?P<explode>[\+\*])|(?P<partial>[:\^]-?[0-9]+))?(=(?P<default>.*))?$", re.UNICODE)
-def _tostring(varname, value, explode, operator, safe=""):
-  if type(value) == type([]):
-    if explode == "+":
-      return ",".join([varname + "." + urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value])
-    else:
-      return ",".join([urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value])
-  if type(value) == type({}):
-    keys = value.keys()
-    keys.sort()
-    if explode == "+":
-      return ",".join([varname + "." + urllib.quote(key, safe) + "," + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys])
-    else:
-      return ",".join([urllib.quote(key, safe) + "," + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys])
-  else:
-    return urllib.quote(value, safe)
-def _tostring_path(varname, value, explode, operator, safe=""):
-  joiner = operator
-  if type(value) == type([]):
-    if explode == "+":
-      return joiner.join([varname + "." + urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value])
-    elif explode == "*":
-      return joiner.join([urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value])
-    else:
-      return ",".join([urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value])
-  elif type(value) == type({}):
-    keys = value.keys()
-    keys.sort()
-    if explode == "+":
-      return joiner.join([varname + "." + urllib.quote(key, safe) + joiner + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys])
-    elif explode == "*":
-      return joiner.join([urllib.quote(key, safe) + joiner + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys])
-    else:
-      return ",".join([urllib.quote(key, safe) + "," + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys])
-  else:
-    if value:
-      return urllib.quote(value, safe)
-    else:
-      return ""
-def _tostring_query(varname, value, explode, operator, safe=""):
-  joiner = operator
-  varprefix = ""
-  if operator == "?":
-    joiner = "&"
-    varprefix = varname + "="
-  if type(value) == type([]):
-    if 0 == len(value):
-      return ""
-    if explode == "+":
-      return joiner.join([varname + "=" + urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value])
-    elif explode == "*":
-      return joiner.join([urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value])
-    else:
-      return varprefix + ",".join([urllib.quote(x, safe) for x in value])
-  elif type(value) == type({}):
-    if 0 == len(value):
-      return ""
-    keys = value.keys()
-    keys.sort()
-    if explode == "+":
-      return joiner.join([varname + "." + urllib.quote(key, safe) + "=" + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys])
-    elif explode == "*":
-      return joiner.join([urllib.quote(key, safe) + "=" + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys])
-    else:
-      return varprefix + ",".join([urllib.quote(key, safe) + "," + urllib.quote(value[key], safe) for key in keys])
-  else:
-    if value:
-      return varname + "=" + urllib.quote(value, safe)
-    else:
-      return varname 
-    "" : _tostring,
-    "+": _tostring,
-    ";": _tostring_query,
-    "?": _tostring_query,
-    "/": _tostring_path,
-    ".": _tostring_path,
-    }
-def expand(template, vars):
-  def _sub(match):
-    groupdict = match.groupdict()
-    operator = groupdict.get('operator')
-    if operator is None:
-      operator = ''
-    varlist = groupdict.get('varlist')
-    safe = "@"
-    if operator == '+':
-      safe = RESERVED
-    varspecs = varlist.split(",")
-    varnames = []
-    defaults = {}
-    for varspec in varspecs:
-      m =
-      groupdict = m.groupdict()
-      varname = groupdict.get('varname')
-      explode = groupdict.get('explode')
-      partial = groupdict.get('partial')
-      default = groupdict.get('default')
-      if default:
-        defaults[varname] = default
-      varnames.append((varname, explode, partial))
-    retval = []
-    joiner = operator
-    prefix = operator
-    if operator == "+":
-      prefix = ""
-      joiner = ","
-    if operator == "?":
-      joiner = "&"
-    if operator == "":
-      joiner = ","
-    for varname, explode, partial in varnames:
-      if varname in vars:
-        value = vars[varname]
-        #if not value and (type(value) == type({}) or type(value) == type([])) and varname in defaults:
-        if not value and value != "" and varname in defaults:
-          value = defaults[varname]
-      elif varname in defaults:
-        value = defaults[varname]
-      else:
-        continue
-      retval.append(TOSTRING[operator](varname, value, explode, operator, safe=safe))
-    if "".join(retval):
-      return prefix + joiner.join(retval)
-    else:
-      return ""
-  return TEMPLATE.sub(_sub, template)
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deleted file mode 100644
index b161f7a..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-import email.utils
-def lazy_property(func):
-  """A decorator for lazy properties."""
-  name = '__lazy_' + func.__name__
-  def get_property(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    if not hasattr(self, name):
-      setattr(self, name, func(self, *args, **kwargs))
-    return getattr(self, name)
-  return property(get_property)
-class LazyDict(object):
-  def __init__(self, lookup):
-    self.items = {}
-    self.lookup = lookup
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    if name not in self.items.keys():
-      self.items[name] = self.lookup(name)
-    return self.items[name]
-class ObjectDict(object):
-  def __init__(self, data):
- = data
-  def __getitem__(self, name):
-    val =[name]
-    if type(val) == dict:
-      return ObjectDict(val)
-    return val
-  def __getattr__(self, name):
-    try:
-      return self[name]
-    except KeyError as e:
-      raise AttributeError(e)
-  def __iter__(self):
-    return
-def get_emails(string):
-  return [entry[1] for entry in email.utils.getaddresses([string])]