blob: b68c56a3e66b7388e7bfaff07d7d2503090e6474 [file] [log] [blame]
% These predicates invoke the ownership enforcement requirements of the
% find-owners plugin and provide opt-in & opt-out predicates. The find-owners
% plugin operates by adding the 'Owner-Review-Vote' label with a may, need, or ok
% requirement to a change depending on whether the change is covered by an
% opt-in or opt-out clause and whether or not the change has adequate ownership
% approval. CLs are unaffected by this filter by default.
% See the find-owners documentation for more details.
submit_filter(In, Out) :-
In =.. [submit | A],
check_branch_review(A, B),
Temp =.. [submit | B],
check_find_owners(Temp, Out).
%% opt_in_find_owners
% Governs which changes are affected by the find-owners submit filter.
% Please keep clauses restricted to single projects, users, branches, or
% simple regex expressions.
% find-owners is enabled by default for 'refs/heads/master' as well as the
% active development branch for projects which do not use master.
% Consult full.xml on the master branch of chromiumos/manifest for the list
% of active development branches.
opt_in_find_owners :-
opt_in_find_owners :-
opt_in_find_owners :-
( gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/chromeos-2017.08')
; gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/chromeos-cml-branch1')
; gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/chromeos-cnl')
; gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/chromeos-glk')
; gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/chromeos-icl')
opt_in_find_owners :-
opt_in_find_owners :-
( gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/wpa_supplicant-2.6')
; gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/wpa_supplicant-2.8')
opt_in_find_owners :-
( gerrit:change_project('chromiumos/third_party/libsigrok')
; gerrit:change_project('chromiumos/third_party/libsigrokdecode')
; gerrit:change_project('chromiumos/third_party/libsigrok-cli')
opt_in_find_owners :-
opt_in_find_owners :-
( gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/debian')
; gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/chromeos-freedreno')
; gerrit:change_branch('refs/heads/mesa-img')
opt_in_find_owners :-
opt_in_find_owners :-
opt_in_find_owners :-
%% opt_out_find_owners
% Specifies exceptions to the conditions covered by opt_in_find_owners.
% Please keep clauses to simple cases as in opt_in_find_owners.
opt_out_find_owners :-
opt_out_find_owners :-
%% check_find_owners(InputLabels, OutputLabels)
% If opt_out_find_owners is true, remove all 'Owner-Review-Vote' labels from
% InputLabels and return them as OutputLabels, else if opt_in_find_owners is
% true, call find_owners:submit_filter on InputLabels, else default to no
% find_owners filter and remove any labels applied by the plugin via
% change_find_owners_labels.
check_find_owners(In, Out) :-
( opt_out_find_owners -> find_owners:remove_need_label(In, Temp)
; opt_in_find_owners -> find_owners:submit_filter(In, Temp)
; In = Temp
Temp =.. [submit | OldLabels],
change_find_owners_labels(OldLabels, ProcessedLabels),
Out =.. [submit | ProcessedLabels].
%% change_find_owners_labels(InputLabels, OutputLabels)
% Removes label('Owner-Approved',_) after final filter so as to not show
% extraneous labels to users.
% Also changes any label('Owner-Review-Vote', may(_)) to
% label('Owner-Review-Vote', need(_)) so that the Submit button is hidden
% for changes which are opted-in and lack sufficient ownership approval.
change_find_owners_labels([], []).
change_find_owners_labels([H | T], R) :-
H = label('Owner-Approved', _),
change_find_owners_labels(T, R).
change_find_owners_labels([H1 | T], [H2 | R]) :-
H1 = label('Owner-Review-Vote', may(_)),
H2 = label('Owner-Review-Vote', need(_)),
change_find_owners_labels(T, R).
change_find_owners_labels([H | T], [H | R]) :-
change_find_owners_labels(T, R).
%% opt_in_branch_review
% This predicate controls which changes the Branch-Review label appears on.
% The Branch-Review label is required for submission on any CL on which it
% appears.
opt_in_branch_review :- false.
%% opt_out_branch_review
% This predicate overrides the opt_in_branch_review predicate and causes
% the Branch-Review label to be removed from any CL for which opt_out is true.
opt_out_branch_review :-
%% check_branch_review(InputLabels, OutputLabels)
% This predicate removes the Branch-Review label if opt_out_branch_review is
% true, otherwise it preserves the Branch-Review label if opt_in_branch_review
% is true, otherwise it defaults to removing the Branch-Review label.
check_branch_review(Ls, R) :-
( opt_out_branch_review
-> gerrit:remove_label(Ls, label('Branch-Review', _), R)
; opt_in_branch_review -> R = Ls
; \+ opt_in_branch_review
-> gerrit:remove_label(Ls, label('Branch-Review', _), R)