blob: 0bc2b473f3d0ea46f3ffe9cc61f856b8d422e597 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2024 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Rules to generate files which contain a list of sources of a target."""
load("@rules_rust//rust:rust_common.bzl", "CrateInfo", "DepInfo")
def _calculate_repo_rule_srcs_impl(ctx):
# Dict[str, None]
srcs = {}
crate_srcs = []
for dep in ctx.attr.deps:
if dep.label.workspace_root != ctx.label.workspace_root:
srcs[str(dep.label)] = None
elif CrateInfo in dep and DepInfo in dep:
crates = [dep[CrateInfo]] + dep[DepInfo].transitive_crates.to_list()
transitive =
[ for crate in crates] +
[crate.srcs for crate in crates] +
[crate.compile_data for crate in crates],
fail("Unsupported dependency type for ", dep)
for src in depset(transitive = crate_srcs).to_list():
# Can't depend on generated files in repo rules, and depending on the
# repo rules themselves makes it more annoying to do version uprevs.
if src.is_source and not src.path.startswith("external/"):
# Assume the build files are always in the directory above src/
if src.path.count("/src/") != 1:
fail("Invalid path", src.path)
package, src = src.path.rsplit("/src/", 1)
# The alchemist crate actually has two bazel packages within it
# (one for the binary and one for the library).
if src.startswith("bin/alchemist"):
package = package + "/src/bin/alchemist"
src = src.split("/", 2)[2]
src = "src/" + src
# Depend on both the source code and the build file.
srcs["@cros//%s:%s" % (package, src)] = None
srcs["@cros//%s:BUILD.bazel" % package] = None
f = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".json")
ctx.actions.write(f, json.encode(struct(
var = ctx.attr.variable,
target =,
srcs = sorted(srcs),
return [DefaultInfo(files = depset([f]))]
calculate_repo_rule_srcs = rule(
implementation = _calculate_repo_rule_srcs_impl,
attrs = dict(
variable = attr.string(mandatory = True),
target = attr.string(mandatory = True),
deps = attr.label_list(mandatory = True, allow_files = True),