blob: 5937f7923d49103a83569061728fbf3a4e8d90dc [file] [log] [blame]
# Config API Reference
## Updating this Reference
This reference is automatically generated based on Starlark docstrings. If you
change a Starlark util function, run `util/docgen/` to regenerate. A
few tips:
- Templating is based on Go's [`text/template`](
package. Usually, the contents this template file won't need to be changed in
order to regenerate.
- Generation is based on docstrings, not the actual Starlark signatures. Thus,
an "Args" section needs to be specified in the docstring in order for args to
be picked up. Similarly, a "Returns" section needs to be specified in the
docstring for returns to get picked up.
- Specify "Required." after an argument to make it a required argument in the
generated documentation.
{{define "gen-funcs-doc"}}
## {{.Module}}
{{range $sym := .Symbols "func"}}
### {{.FullName}} {#{{$sym.Anchor}}}
{{$sym.Doc.Description | LinkifySymbols}}
{{if $sym.Doc.Args}}
#### Arguments {#{{$sym.Anchor "args"}}}
{{range $sym.Doc.Args}}
* **{{.Name | EscapeMD}}**: {{.Desc | LinkifySymbols}}
{{- end}}
{{- end}}
{{if $sym.Doc.Returns}}
#### Returns {#{{$sym.Anchor "returns"}}}
{{$sym.Doc.Returns | LinkifySymbols}}
{{ $brand_config := Symbol "//config/util/" "brand_config" }}
{{ $component := Symbol "//config/util/" "comp" }}
{{ $config_bundle := Symbol "//config/util/" "config_bundle" }}
{{ $design := Symbol "//config/util/" "design" }}
{{ $device_brand := Symbol "//config/util/" "device_brand" }}
{{ $hw_topology := Symbol "//config/util/" "hw_topo" }}
{{ $partner := Symbol "//config/util/" "partner" }}
{{ $program := Symbol "//config/util/" "program" }}
{{ $public_replication := Symbol "//config/util/" "public_replication" }}
{{ $sw_config := Symbol "//config/util/" "sw_config" }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $brand_config }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $component }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $config_bundle }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $design }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $device_brand }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $hw_topology }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $partner }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $program }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $public_replication }}
{{ template "gen-funcs-doc" $sw_config }}