blob: afbc395f73d2ac0e528e8555a793ece2e4b00bea [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Setup a project.
# Exit if any command fails.
set -e
function bail() {
NC='\033[0m' # No Color
echo -e "${RED}${1}${NC}"
exit 1
function prompt_continue() {
read -r -p "${1} (y/N) " answer
if [[ "${answer^^}" != "Y" ]]; then
exit 0
# Clone a repo and create a symlink a local manifest.
# Args:
# $1: URL to clone.
# $2: Path to clone to.
# $3: Path to symlink to.
function clone_manifest() {
[[ $# -eq 3 ]] || die "${FUNCNAME[0]}: takes three arguments"
local clone_url=$1
local clone_src=$2
local symlink=$3
if [[ -d "${clone_src}" ]]; then
# If ${clone_src} is already present the user is likely running
# a second time when their first run failed. Users would do this
# when they found they didn't have adequate permissions on a first
# run. In this case we wipe the artifacts from the previous run and
# try again.
prompt_continue "
${clone_src} appears to already exist. If you are
attempting to recover from a previous failed attempt
this will attempt to fix it by removing it and resyncing. If you have
unsaved changes in ${clone_src} they will be lost.
Do you want to continue with the removal and resync?"
echo "Found existing ${clone_src} checkout, removing."
rm -rf "${clone_src}"
rm -f "${symlink}"
# We only need the local_manifest.xml but have to clone to get it.
# Removing the rest of what we clone before we do the sync prevents
# a confusing error message from being shown to the user. The
# --force-sync below actually causes it to not be a problem, but we'd
# rather avoid the user having to interpret the error.
if [[ -z "${branch}" ]]; then
git clone "${clone_url}" "${clone_src}"
git clone "${clone_url}" "${clone_src}" --branch "${branch}"
find "${clone_src}" -mindepth 1 ! -name local_manifest.xml -exec rm -rf {} +
if [[ ! -d "${local_manifests_dir}" ]]; then
mkdir -p "${local_manifests_dir}"
if [[ ! -e "${local_manifest}" ]]; then
return 1
ln -sr "${local_manifest}" "${symlink}"
function usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 [options] <program> <project>
-br, --branch Sync the project from the local manifest at the given branch.
--chipset Name of the chipset overlay to sync a local manifest from.
-h, --help This help output.
" >&2
exit 1
function main() {
while [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; do
case $1 in
readonly branch=$2
readonly chipset=$2
ARGS+=( "$1" )
set -- "${ARGS[@]}" "$@"
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
readonly program="${1}"
readonly project="${2}"
prompt_continue "
If you are a googler and are working with an internal checkout you do
not need to run this script as you already have a full repo checkout.
Do you want to continue running this script?"
# Move to this script's directory.
cd "$(dirname "$0")"
readonly local_manifests_dir="../../.repo/local_manifests"
# Clone local manifests from the program and project. Program local manifest
# is optional, project local manifest is required.
# Note that the symlinks include "_[program|project].xml" because the project
# name may be the same as the program name.
readonly prog_url="${program}"
readonly prog_src="../../src/program/${program}"
readonly prog_symlink="${local_manifests_dir}/${program}_program.xml"
if ! clone_manifest "${prog_url}" "${prog_src}" "${prog_symlink}"; then
echo "No program local manifest found in ${prog_url}, continuing."
readonly proj_url="${program}/${project}"
readonly proj_src="../../src/project/${program}/${project}"
readonly proj_symlink="${local_manifests_dir}/${project}_project.xml"
if ! clone_manifest "${proj_url}" "${proj_src}" "${proj_symlink}"; then
bail "Expected project local manifest in ${proj_url} does not exist, " \
if [[ -n "${chipset}" ]]; then
readonly chip_url="${chipset}-private"
readonly chip_src="../../private-overlays/chipset-${chipset}-private"
readonly chip_symlink="${local_manifests_dir}/${chipset}_chipset.xml"
if ! clone_manifest "${chip_url}" "${chip_src}" "${chip_symlink}"; then
bail "Expected chipset local manifest in ${chip_url} does not exist, " \
echo "Local manifest setup complete, sync new projects with:
repo sync --force-sync -j48"
main "$@"