blob: 39539ac134e19461351865d047f42e8f6a13d90c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env gen_config
load("//config/util/", "comp")
load("//config/util/", "config_bundle")
load("//config/util/", sc = "sw_config")
load("//config/util/", "brand_config")
load("//config/util/", "design")
load("//config/util/", "device_brand")
load("//config/util/", "hw_topo")
load("//config/util/", "partner")
load("//program/", "program")
_FAKE_ODM = partner.create("FAKE_ODM")
_FAKE_OEM = partner.create("FAKE_OEM")
_FAKE_OEMA = partner.create("FAKE_OEMA")
_FAKE_OEMB = partner.create("FAKE_OEMB")
_FAKE_OEMC = partner.create("FAKE_OEMC")
_FAKE_LOEMA = partner.create("FAKE_LOEMA")
_FAKE_LOEMB = partner.create("FAKE_LOEMB")
_FAKE_LOEMC = partner.create("FAKE_LOEMC")
_DESIGN_ID = design.create_design_id(_REF_DESIGN_NAME)
_DESIGN_ID_A = design.create_design_id("PROJECT_A")
_DESIGN_ID_B = design.create_design_id("PROJECT_B")
_DESIGN_ID_C = design.create_design_id("PROJECT_C")
_DESIGN_ID_WL = design.create_design_id("PROJECT_WL")
_DESIGN_ID_BOX = design.create_design_id("PROJECT_BOX")
_FORM_FACTOR_CLAMSHELL = hw_topo.create_form_factor(hw_topo.ff.CLAMSHELL)
_FORM_FACTOR_CLAMSHELL_POWER_RECOV = hw_topo.create_form_factor(hw_topo.ff.CLAMSHELL, hw_topo.recovery_input.POWER_BUTTON)
_FORM_FACTOR_CONVERTIBLE = hw_topo.create_form_factor(hw_topo.ff.CONVERTIBLE)
_FORM_FACTOR_CHROMEBOX = hw_topo.create_form_factor(hw_topo.ff.CHROMEBOX)
_FORM_FACTOR_CHROMEBASE = hw_topo.create_form_factor(hw_topo.ff.CHROMEBASE)
_FORM_FACTOR_DETACHABLE = hw_topo.create_form_factor(hw_topo.ff.DETACHABLE)
_FORM_FACTOR_CHROMESLATE = hw_topo.create_form_factor(hw_topo.ff.CHROMESLATE)
_SCREEN = hw_topo.create_screen(
id = "SCREEN",
description = "Default screen",
inches = 15,
width_px = 1920,
height_px = 1080,
pixels_per_in = 280,
touch = False,
_TOUCHSCREEN = hw_topo.create_screen(
description = "Touchscreen",
inches = 15,
width_px = 1920,
height_px = 1080,
pixels_per_in = 120,
touch = True,
_HDMI = hw_topo.create_hdmi(
id = "HDMI",
description = "HDMI port",
_AUDIO_CARD = "fakeaudiocard"
_AUDIO = hw_topo.create_audio(
"Default audio",
headphone_codec = hw_topo.audio_codec.ALC5682I,
card_configs = [hw_topo.create_audio_card_config(
card_name = _AUDIO_CARD,
_AUDIO_WITH_INIT = hw_topo.create_audio(
"Default audio",
speaker_amp = hw_topo.amplifier.MAX98373,
headphone_codec = hw_topo.audio_codec.ALC5682I,
card_configs = [
card_name = _AUDIO_CARD + ".card_suffix",
sound_card_init_config = hw_topo.audio_config_structure.DESIGN,
_AUDIO_WITH_CUSTOM_MIC_SUFFIX = hw_topo.override_audio(
ucm_suffix = "{speaker_amp}.{headset_codec}.{camera_count}pos.{user_facing_mic_count}uf{world_facing_mic_count}wf{total_mic_count}total.{design}",
ucm_config = hw_topo.audio_config_structure.COMMON,
cras_config = hw_topo.audio_config_structure.COMMON,
_AUDIO_WITH_FIXED_SUFFIX = hw_topo.override_audio(
ucm_suffix = "fixed_suffix",
ucm_config = hw_topo.audio_config_structure.DESIGN,
_STYLUS = hw_topo.create_stylus("STYLUS", "Default stylus", stylus_type = hw_topo.stylus.INTERNAL)
_KEYBOARD = hw_topo.create_keyboard(backlight = True, pwr_btn_present = False, kb_type = hw_topo.kb_type.DETACHABLE, numpad_present = True)
_THERMAL = hw_topo.create_thermal("THERMAL", "Default thermal")
_CAMERA0 = hw_topo.create_camera(
"No cameras",
fw_configs = [hw_topo.make_fw_config(program.fw_masks.CAMERA, 1)],
camera_devices = [],
_CAMERA1 = hw_topo.create_camera(
"1 USB camera",
fw_configs = [hw_topo.make_fw_config(program.fw_masks.CAMERA, 2)],
camera_devices = [
interface = "usb",
facing = "front",
orientation = 0,
flags = 0,
ids = ["0123:abcd"],
microphone_count = 2,
_CAMERA2 = hw_topo.create_camera(
"1 USB camera and 1 MIPI camera",
fw_configs = [hw_topo.make_fw_config(program.fw_masks.CAMERA, 0)],
camera_devices = [
interface = "usb",
facing = "front",
orientation = 0,
flags = hw_topo.camera_flags.SUPPORT_AUTOFOCUS,
ids = ["0123:abcd"],
microphone_count = 1,
interface = "mipi",
facing = "back",
orientation = 180,
flags = hw_topo.camera_flags.SUPPORT_1080P | hw_topo.camera_flags.SUPPORT_AUTOFOCUS,
ids = ["mipi-cam"],
microphone_count = 2,
_SENSOR = hw_topo.create_sensor("SENSOR", "Default sensor", fw_configs = [hw_topo.make_fw_config(program.fw_masks.SENSOR, 3)], base_accel_present = True, base_gyro_present = True, base_magno_present = True)
_SENSOR_WITH_LIGHT = hw_topo.create_sensor("SENSOR", "Default sensor plus light sensor", fw_configs = [hw_topo.make_fw_config(program.fw_masks.SENSOR, 3)], base_accel_present = True, base_gyro_present = True, base_magno_present = True, lid_light_present = True)
_FINGERPRINT = hw_topo.create_fingerprint("FINGERPRINT", "Default fingerprint", location = hw_topo.fp_loc.KEYBOARD_BOTTOM_LEFT, board = "fake_fingerprint_board")
_NO_FINGERPRINT = hw_topo.create_fingerprint("NONE", "No finger print sensor", location = hw_topo.fp_loc.NOT_PRESENT)
_PROXIMITY_SENSOR = hw_topo.create_proximity_sensor("PROXIMITY_SENSOR", "Default proximity_sensor")
_DAUGHTER_BOARD = hw_topo.create_daughter_board("Default DB", "Default daughter_board", fw_configs = [hw_topo.make_fw_config(program.fw_masks.DB, 1)])
_NON_VOLATILE_STORAGE = hw_topo.create_non_volatile_storage("NON_VOLATILE_STORAGE", "Default non_volatile_storage", storage_type =
_WIFI = hw_topo.create_wifi("WIFI", "Default wifi", fw_configs = [hw_topo.make_fw_config(program.fw_masks.WIFI_SAR_ID, 6)])
_LTE_BOARD = hw_topo.create_lte_board("LTE_BOARD", "Default lte_board", lte_present = True)
_LTE_BOARD_WITH_MODEL = hw_topo.create_lte_board("LTE_BOARD", "Default lte_board", lte_present = True, model = "FakeModem")
_SD_READER = hw_topo.create_sd_reader("SD_READER", "Default sd_reader")
_MOTHERBOARD_USB = hw_topo.create_motherboard_usb("MOTHERBOARD_USB", "Default motherboard_usb")
_BLUETOOTH = hw_topo.create_bluetooth("BLUETOOTH", "Default bluetooth", bt_component = program.bluetooth_component.bluetooth)
_BARRELJACK = hw_topo.create_barreljack("BARRELJACK", "Default barreljack", bj_present = True)
_POWER_BUTTON = hw_topo.create_power_button(
region = hw_topo.region.SCREEN,
edge = hw_topo.edge.LEFT,
position = 0.9,
_VOLUME_BUTTON = hw_topo.create_volume_button(
region = hw_topo.region.SCREEN,
edge = hw_topo.edge.RIGHT,
position = 0.75,
_SC_BLUETOOTH = sc.create_bluetooth(flags = {"enable-suspend-management": True})
_SC_POWER = sc.create_power(
preferences = {
"battery-poll-interval-initial-ms": "1000",
"disable-dark-resume": "0",
"set-wifi-transmit-power-for-tablet-mode": "1",
def create_hardware_topology(
screen = None,
form_factor = None,
keyboard = None,
fingerprint = None,
stylus = None,
bluetooth = None,
barreljack = None,
lte_board = None,
camera = None,
daughter_board = None,
sensor = None,
ec = None,
hdmi = None,
audio = None):
return hw_topo.create_hardware_topology(
bluetooth = bluetooth if bluetooth else None,
barreljack = barreljack if barreljack else None,
fingerprint = fingerprint if fingerprint else _NO_FINGERPRINT,
form_factor = form_factor if form_factor else _FORM_FACTOR_CLAMSHELL,
keyboard = keyboard if keyboard else _KEYBOARD,
lte_board = lte_board if lte_board else None,
screen = screen if screen else _SCREEN,
stylus = stylus if stylus else None,
accelerometer_gyroscope_magnetometer = sensor if sensor else _SENSOR,
audio = audio if audio else _AUDIO,
camera = camera if camera else None,
daughter_board = daughter_board if daughter_board else _DAUGHTER_BOARD,
motherboard_usb = _MOTHERBOARD_USB,
non_volatile_storage = _NON_VOLATILE_STORAGE,
proximity_sensor = _PROXIMITY_SENSOR,
sd_reader = _SD_READER,
thermal = _THERMAL,
wifi = _WIFI,
power_button = _POWER_BUTTON,
volume_button = _VOLUME_BUTTON,
ec = hw_topo.EC_CHROME,
hdmi = hdmi,
# Create empty arrays that we will continually append new configurations to
# as we call append_configs
hw_configs = _HW_CONFIGS,
sw_configs = _SW_CONFIGS,
design_id = _DESIGN_ID,
config_id = 0x7fffffff,
hardware_topology = create_hardware_topology(
bluetooth = _BLUETOOTH,
barreljack = _BARRELJACK,
camera = _CAMERA1,
fingerprint = _FINGERPRINT,
lte_board = _LTE_BOARD,
screen = _TOUCHSCREEN,
stylus = _STYLUS,
hdmi = _HDMI,
bluetooth = _SC_BLUETOOTH,
firmware = sc.create_fw_payloads_by_names(
ap_ro_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ap_rw_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ec_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111, 2),
pd_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
firmware_build_config = sc.create_fw_build_config_by_names("fake", ec_extras = ["fake_ec_extra1", "fake_ec_extra2"]),
power = _SC_POWER,
wifi = sc.create_ath10k(
non_tablet_mode_transmit_power_chain = sc.create_ath10k_power_chain(
limit_2g = 1,
limit_5g = 2,
tablet_mode_transmit_power_chain = sc.create_ath10k_power_chain(
limit_2g = 3,
limit_5g = 4,
hw_configs = _HW_CONFIGS,
sw_configs = _SW_CONFIGS,
design_id = _DESIGN_ID,
config_id = 0,
hardware_topology = create_hardware_topology(
lte_board = _LTE_BOARD_WITH_MODEL,
screen = _TOUCHSCREEN,
stylus = _STYLUS,
camera = _CAMERA2,
daughter_board = hw_topo.create_daughter_board("Non-default DB", "Non-default daughter_board", fw_configs = [hw_topo.make_fw_config(program.fw_masks.DB, 0)]),
firmware = sc.create_fw_payloads_by_names(
ap_ro_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ap_rw_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ec_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111, 2),
pd_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
firmware_build_config = sc.create_fw_build_config_by_names("fake", ec_extras = ["fake_ec_extra1", "fake_ec_extra2"]),
power = _SC_POWER,
wifi = sc.create_rtw88(
non_tablet_mode_transmit_power_chain = sc.create_rtw88_power_chain(
limit_2g = 1,
limit_5g_1 = 2,
limit_5g_3 = 3,
limit_5g_4 = 4,
tablet_mode_transmit_power_chain = sc.create_rtw88_power_chain(
limit_2g = 5,
limit_5g_1 = 6,
limit_5g_3 = 7,
limit_5g_4 = 8,
fcc_offsets = sc.create_rtw88_geo_offsets(
offset_2g = 9,
offset_5g = 10,
eu_offsets = sc.create_rtw88_geo_offsets(
offset_2g = 11,
offset_5g = 12,
other_offsets = sc.create_rtw88_geo_offsets(
offset_2g = 13,
offset_5g = 14,
camera = sc.create_camera(generate_media_profiles = True),
hw_configs = _HW_CONFIGS_A,
sw_configs = _SW_CONFIGS,
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_A,
config_id = 32,
hardware_topology = create_hardware_topology(
bluetooth = _BLUETOOTH,
camera = _CAMERA1,
fingerprint = _FINGERPRINT,
lte_board = _LTE_BOARD,
screen = _TOUCHSCREEN,
stylus = _STYLUS,
audio = sc.create_audio(
card_config_file = "audio/%s/%s" % (_AUDIO_CARD, _AUDIO_CARD),
dsp_file = "audio/%s/dsp.ini" % _AUDIO_CARD,
ucm_suffix = "2mic",
module_file = "audio/alsa-module-config/alsa-%s.conf" % _DESIGN_ID_A.value.lower(),
board_file = "audio/cras-config/board.ini",
bluetooth = _SC_BLUETOOTH,
firmware = sc.create_fw_payloads_by_names(
ap_ro_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ap_rw_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ec_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111, 2),
pd_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
firmware_build_config = sc.create_fw_build_config_by_names("fake", ec_extras = ["fake_ec_extra1", "fake_ec_extra2"]),
power = _SC_POWER,
wifi = sc.create_intel_wifi(
tablet_mode_transmit_power_chain_a = sc.create_intel_power_chain(
limit_2g = 1,
limit_5g_1 = 2,
limit_5g_2 = 3,
limit_5g_3 = 4,
limit_5g_4 = 5,
tablet_mode_transmit_power_chain_b = sc.create_intel_power_chain(
limit_2g = 6,
limit_5g_1 = 7,
limit_5g_2 = 8,
limit_5g_3 = 9,
limit_5g_4 = 10,
non_tablet_mode_transmit_power_chain_a = sc.create_intel_power_chain(
limit_2g = 11,
limit_5g_1 = 12,
limit_5g_2 = 13,
limit_5g_3 = 14,
limit_5g_4 = 15,
non_tablet_mode_transmit_power_chain_b = sc.create_intel_power_chain(
limit_2g = 16,
limit_5g_1 = 17,
limit_5g_2 = 18,
limit_5g_3 = 19,
limit_5g_4 = 20,
fcc_offsets = sc.create_intel_geo_offsets(
max_2g = 22,
offset_2g_a = 23,
offset_2g_b = 24,
max_5g = 25,
offset_5g_a = 26,
offset_5g_b = 27,
eu_offsets = sc.create_intel_geo_offsets(
max_2g = 28,
offset_2g_a = 29,
offset_2g_b = 30,
max_5g = 31,
offset_5g_a = 32,
offset_5g_b = 33,
other_offsets = sc.create_intel_geo_offsets(
max_2g = 34,
offset_2g_a = 35,
offset_2g_b = 36,
max_5g = 37,
offset_5g_a = 38,
offset_5g_b = 39,
camera = sc.create_camera(generate_media_profiles = True),
hw_configs = _HW_CONFIGS_B,
sw_configs = _SW_CONFIGS,
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_B,
config_id = 33,
hardware_topology = create_hardware_topology(
daughter_board = hw_topo.create_daughter_board(
"DB with LTE",
"Non-default daughter_board with LTE",
fw_configs = [hw_topo.make_fw_config(program.fw_masks.DB, 0)],
lte_support = True,
lte_model = "FakeModemB",
bluetooth = _BLUETOOTH,
camera = _CAMERA1,
screen = _TOUCHSCREEN,
stylus = _STYLUS,
bluetooth = _SC_BLUETOOTH,
firmware = sc.create_fw_payloads_by_names(
ap_ro_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ap_rw_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ec_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111, 2),
pd_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
firmware_build_config = sc.create_fw_build_config_by_names("fake", ec_extras = ["fake_ec_extra1", "fake_ec_extra2"]),
power = _SC_POWER,
camera = sc.create_camera(
generate_media_profiles = True,
camcorder_resolutions = [sc.make_resolution(640, 480)],
hw_configs = _HW_CONFIGS_C,
sw_configs = _SW_CONFIGS,
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_C,
config_id = 34,
hardware_topology = create_hardware_topology(
bluetooth = _BLUETOOTH,
camera = _CAMERA1,
screen = _TOUCHSCREEN,
stylus = _STYLUS,
bluetooth = _SC_BLUETOOTH,
firmware = sc.create_fw_payloads_by_names(
ap_ro_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ap_rw_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ec_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111, 2),
pd_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
firmware_build_config = sc.create_fw_build_config_by_names("fake", ec_extras = ["fake_ec_extra1", "fake_ec_extra2"]),
power = _SC_POWER,
hw_configs = _HW_CONFIGS_WL,
sw_configs = _SW_CONFIGS,
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_WL,
config_id = 64,
hardware_topology = create_hardware_topology(
camera = _CAMERA1,
audio = [sc.create_audio(
card_config_file = "audio/%s/%s" % (_AUDIO_CARD, _AUDIO_CARD),
dsp_file = "audio/%s/dsp.ini" % _AUDIO_CARD,
), sc.create_audio(
ucm_file = "ucm-config/%s/HiFi.conf" % _HDMI_AUDIO_CARD,
ucm_master_file = "ucm-config/%s/%s.conf" % (_HDMI_AUDIO_CARD, _HDMI_AUDIO_CARD),
firmware = sc.create_fw_payloads_by_names(
ap_ro_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ap_rw_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ec_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111, 2),
pd_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
firmware_build_config = sc.create_fw_build_config_by_names("fake", ec_extras = ["fake_ec_extra1", "fake_ec_extra2"]),
hw_configs = _HW_CONFIGS_BOX,
sw_configs = _SW_CONFIGS,
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_BOX,
config_id = 128,
hardware_topology = create_hardware_topology(
camera = _CAMERA0,
firmware = sc.create_fw_payloads_by_names(
ap_ro_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ap_rw_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
ec_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111, 2),
pd_version = sc.create_fw_version(11111),
firmware_build_config = sc.create_fw_build_config_by_names("fake", ec_extras = ["fake_ec_extra1", "fake_ec_extra2"]),
power = _SC_POWER,
camera = sc.create_camera(generate_media_profiles = True),
0: "PROTO",
1: "EVT",
2: "DVT",
3: "PVT",
_DESIGN = design.create_design(
id = _DESIGN_ID,
program_id =,
odm_id =,
configs = _HW_CONFIGS,
board_id_phases = _BOARD_ID_PHASE,
_DESIGN_A = design.create_design(
id = _DESIGN_ID_A,
program_id =,
odm_id =,
configs = _HW_CONFIGS_A,
_DESIGN_B = design.create_design(
id = _DESIGN_ID_B,
program_id =,
odm_id =,
configs = _HW_CONFIGS_B,
_DESIGN_C = design.create_design(
id = _DESIGN_ID_C,
program_id =,
odm_id =,
configs = _HW_CONFIGS_C,
_DESIGN_WL = design.create_design(
program_id =,
odm_id =,
configs = _HW_CONFIGS_WL,
_DESIGN_BOX = design.create_design(
program_id =,
odm_id =,
configs = _HW_CONFIGS_BOX,
_DEVICE_BRAND = device_brand.create(
brand_name = "Fake ChromeOS Device Brandname",
design_id = _DESIGN_ID,
oem_id =,
brand_code = "AAAA",
_DEVICE_BRAND_A = device_brand.create(
brand_name = "ChromeOS Device Brandname A",
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_A,
oem_id =,
brand_code = "FDAA",
_DEVICE_BRAND_B = device_brand.create(
brand_name = "ChromeOS Device Brandname B",
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_B,
oem_id =,
brand_code = "FDBB",
_DEVICE_BRAND_C = device_brand.create(
brand_name = "ChromeOS Device Brandname C",
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_C,
oem_id =,
brand_code = "FDCC",
_WL_DEVICE_BRAND = device_brand.create(
brand_name = "ChromeOS Device Brandname WL",
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_WL,
oem_id = None,
brand_code = "WLZZ",
_WL_DEVICE_BRAND_A = device_brand.create(
brand_name = "ChromeOS Device Brandname WL-A",
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_WL,
oem_id =,
brand_code = "WLAA",
_WL_DEVICE_BRAND_B = device_brand.create(
brand_name = "ChromeOS Device Brandname WL-B",
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_WL,
oem_id =,
brand_code = "WLBB",
_WL_DEVICE_BRAND_C = device_brand.create(
brand_name = "ChromeOS Device Brandname WL-C",
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_WL,
oem_id =,
brand_code = "WLCC",
_DEVICE_BRAND_BOX = device_brand.create(
brand_name = "ChromeOS Device Brandname Box",
design_id = _DESIGN_ID_BOX,
oem_id =,
brand_code = "FDBX",
device_brand_id =,
wallpaper = "fake_wallpaper",
regulatory_label = "fake_regulatory_label",
device_brand_id =,
device_brand_id =,
whitelabel_tag = "loema",
device_brand_id =,
whitelabel_tag = "loemb",
device_brand_id =,
whitelabel_tag = "loemc",
display_vendor = partner.display_panel.AUO,
product_id = "1A1A",
inches = 15,
width_px = 1920,
height_px = 1080,
pixels_per_in = 280,
display_vendor = partner.display_panel.BOE,
product_id = "2B2B",
inches = 15,
width_px = 1920,
height_px = 1080,
pixels_per_in = 120,
touch_vendor = partner.touch.ELAN_TS,
product_id = "01FF",
fw_version = "1234",
touch_vendor = partner.touch.SIS,
product_id = "111A",
fw_version = "1.0",
touch_vendor = partner.touch.ELAN,
product_id = "99.0",
fw_version = "9.0",
touch_vendor = partner.touch.SYNAPTICS,
product_id = "ABC1",
fw_version = "1.1",
vendor_id = "0f22",
device_id = "0a11",
revision_id = "11",
_CONFIG = config_bundle.create(
software_configs = _SW_CONFIGS,
brand_configs = _BRAND_CONFIGS,
components = _COMPONENTS,