ChromeOS Project Configuration


This repo contains schema definitions and utilities for configuring ChromeOS hardware and software. Other repos will use this repo to generate config payloads to drive ChromeOS builds, manufacturing, etc.

The config payloads are Protocol Buffers which are generated via Starlark. A basic understanding of protobuf and Starlark is required to manage these configs.

Project Setup for Partners

Syncing Private Repos

Googlers should have the project and program config repos as part of the internal-manifest checkout and should not run these steps.

Partners will do a public checkout and then add config repos for the projects and programs they are working on.

  1. Before beginning verify that you have appropriate permissions to work with the project. This will usually mean having membership in the partner domain account that is configured for your project. Inquire with your local representative or Google contact if you need more information about the partner domain accounts configured for your project.

  2. Follow the Chromium OS Quick Start Guide through to the end of the “Get the Source” section. This guide walks you through installing prerequisites and syncing the public Chromium OS source code into a $SOURCE_REPO directory. This step pulls down a lot of code and could take up to an hour.

  3. Verify the name of your $PROGRAM and $PROJECT with your local representative or Google contact.

  4. Run the following command to sync your $PROGRAM and $PROJECT from within your chromiumos checkout in the $SOURCE_REPO/src/config directory:


    This command will execute a number of steps including checking out your program and project and other related repositories, symlinking a local manifest, and finally doing a full chromiumos sync.

Configuring the Chroot

As of 6/8/2020, profiles have not been set up for all projects. Please check with your Google representative on the status of your project.

Portage profiles are used to build ChromeOS with configuration from a single project repo. The profile can be set with setup_board:

(cr) $ setup_board --board=$PROGRAM --profile=$PROJECT

After the profile is set, build_packages can be called normally:

(cr)  ~/trunk/src/scripts $ ./build_packages --board=$PROGRAM

Note that if no profile is set, the default base profile will use configuration from all projects in the program.


  • The above profiles work by setting Portage USE flags which affect the CROS_WORKON_PROJECTs that are chosen. Any subset of projects can be chosen with these USE flags, e.g.
(cr) $ USE="project_a project_b" emerge ...
  • The project_all USE flag is a convenience to use all projects.

If you got to this point without an error you are set up to start working on your project.

Adding Utilities to Your PATH

The $SOURCE_REPO/src/config/bin directory contains utilties for working with your project. Add the directory to the end of your PATH. You will probably want to add this configuration in your ~/.bashrc file or other appropriate location so you don't have to repeatedly set the PATH:

export PATH=$PATH:$SOURCE_REPO/src/config/bin

Working with Projects for Partners

After setting up your project you'll want to note the location of several important repositories within the checkout:

  • src/config: The repository that contains this file. This repository contains the higher level framework including protocol buffer definitions, configuration language constructs, constraint checking code, and binaries for performing tasks.
  • src/program/$PROGRAM: The repository that defines the program of your project. This repository defines the constraints that your project follows and config constructs that are shared across projects in the program.
  • src/project/$PROGRAM/$PROJECT: The repository that defines your project. This repository defines your project design under the constraints of the program it belongs to.

Partners will rarely propose changes to src/config and occasionally propose changes to src/program/$PROGRAM. The bulk of a partner's work will occur in in src/project/$PROGRAM/$PROJECT.

Making Configuration Changes for your Project

Configuration changes are made to a project by adjusting the Starlark configuration definition in $SOURCE_REPO/src/project/$PROGRAM/$PROJECT/ and then running the gen_config script (added to the PATH above). An example session updating project configuration follows:

# Adjust contents of and save.

Note that many files are executable, with the shebang #!/usr/bin/env gen_config. Thus ./ can be used as a shortcut for gen_config if gen_config is on PATH.

This will cause the generation of payloads and config files that can be found at:

  • $SOURCE_REPO/src/project/$PROGRAM/$PROJECT/generated/config.jsonproto
  • $SOURCE_REPO/src/project/$PROGRAM/$PROJECT/generated/project/sw_build_config/platform/chromeos-config/generated/project-config.json

config.jsonproto is a file containing the config protobuf encoded as JSON.

project-config.json is the config in the legacy YAML schema and is present for backwards-compatibility.

Before uploading the changes for review you should check to see if your changes pass constraint checks. You can do that by running the check_config script from within your project's root directory:


If your changes pass the contraint checks you are ready to submit your CL. To submit the changes the user first commits the files and then submits them to commit queue (CQ):

git add .
git commit
# Add commit message with BUG= and TEST= directives
repo upload .

This will result in a reviewable CL in gerrit. The exact URL for your CL will be output when the CL is uploaded. The CL will need to be approved and pass CQ. Details on working with CLs and the progression through review and CQ can be found in the Chromium OS Contributing Guide and more specifically in the Going through review section. CQ verifies that you have correctly generated your configuration payload and that you have not violated the program's constraints.

CQ Verifier Access for Partners

Some CQ verifiers will be visible to partners, for example the verifiers of the project and program configs. Visible builds will appear as links on the Gerrit page for your CL. The builds are displayed with Milo (LUCI's UI).

Note on stdout log access: LogDog (LUCI‘s logging service) currently doesn’t support partner access. Thus, stdout logs for key steps of the build are mirrored to per-project Google Storage buckets. The Google Storage mirrored logs appear as links like “stdout (GS mirror)” on the Milo page.

Constraint Checkers

As described above, a project config is verified against the constraints of the program before it is submitted. This is done by check_config locally and by CQ builders before submission.

Constraints look and behave similar to Python unit tests, but are passed a program and project ConfigBundle to do assertions on. Constraints that apply to all programs and projects are in the payload_utils/checker/common_checks directory. Constraints can also be program-specific; these constraints are under the checks directory of the program repo. For example, see the Galaxy test data program.

Directory Structure


For contributing configuration changes for programs and projects, a familiarity with the follow directories in this repo is helpful:

  • proto/: Protobuf definitions for hardware configuration, software configuration, etc. This serves as the main API for configuring your project and program.

  • util/: Starlark utilities for use in program and project repos. Some utility functions are basic wrappers around Protobuf construction, others help with patterns that are common across patterns, e.g. configuring firmware payloads.

  • test/: A fake program and project. Useful to demonstrate the use of the Starlark utilities.

  • bin/: Tools needed to work in the configuration ecosystem, see the above section on adding these tools to your PATH.

  • go/: Golang proto bindings. Used by platform code.

  • python/: Python proto bindings. Used by platform code.

The following directories are likely more useful for contributors to the configuration and infrastructure systems:

  • infra/, recipes/: Needed to roll proto definitions into Recipes repos.

  • payload_utils/: Utilities for working on configuration payloads, e.g. CQ checker to validate project configs.

  • presubmit/: Common files and libraries for program and project repo presubmits.

  • sbin/: Tools admins use to create and manage programs and projects. Regular users should not need to use these tools.

Program and Project Repos

For contributing configuration changes for programs and projects, a familiarity with their layout patterns is helpful.

  • The main Starlark file to generate a program or project's configuration payload. See Making Configuration Changes for your Project

  • generated/: Generated configuration payloads.

  • sw_build_config/: Files for configuring software on the project's build. Contains manually-edited and generated files.

  • local_manifest.xml: Local manifest for working on the project. See Project Setup for Partners

  • config/: Symlink to the chromiumos/config repo, for importing Starlark utils.

  • program/: Symlink from a project repo to the corresponding program repo, for importing program-level Starlark functions.

  •, PRESUBMIT.cfg: Presubmit configuration files. Shared across all programs and projects via symlink.

Making Bulk Changes Across Repos

Program and project config are spread across repos, so changes and refactors often span multiple repos. Familiarity with repo forall and the chromite/bin/gerrit tools is helpful for these changes.

For example, repo forall can be used to make many commits across repos:

# Begin branch in all projects.
repo start --all fixbuggyvalue

# Find all files and fix bug.
find src/project -name -exec sed -i 's/buggyvalue/goodvalue/' {} \;

# Make a commit for all project repos.
repo forall -r src/project -c 'git commit -a -m"
$(basename $REPO_PROJECT): Fix buggyvalue.


# Upload changes with hashtag "fixbuggyvalue"
repo upload --ht=fixbuggyvalue

Similarly, the gerrit tool can apply a label to many CLs:

gerrit label-cq `gerrit --raw search "owner:me hashtag:fixbuggyvalue"` 1

For anything where gerrit cannot accept multiple CLs, a shell loop can be used, for example the reviewers command:

for cl in `gerrit --raw search "owner:me status:open hashtag:fixit"`; do
  gerrit -i reviewers $cl