Packages for default configuration and CrOS host integration

Clone this repo:
  1. e08fb07 termina: reformat Python files with cros format by Daniel Verkamp · 3 weeks ago main release-R125-15853.B stabilize-15855.B stabilize-15857.B
  2. 0d69d59 port-listener: add packaging and service config by Mike Gerow · 6 weeks ago factory-geralt-15840.B firmware-geralt-15842.B
  3. 0048a8e Update OWNERS for container-guest-tools by Dennis Kempin · 8 weeks ago release-R124-15823.B stabilize-15828.B
  4. f8b9d09 cros-garcon: Add XDG_SESSION_TYPE env var by Dennis Kempin · 9 weeks ago
  5. a65e9ef scripts/ fix repo upload branch option by Daniel Verkamp · 9 weeks ago



These are the guest packages for setting up a container to integrate with Chrome OS. This includes build scripts that are run in Google's internal continuous integration service.


The guest packages can be built with Bazel.

bazel build //cros-debs:debs


promote\ MILESTONE and promote\ MILESTONE in scripts are used to promote containers from staging to live. NOTE: Whatever is the latest in staging is what gets promoted to live so make sure it's what was tested.