kokoro: Allow presubmits to use the real build path

Currently the kokoro presubmits use a cut down version of the
container build that skips building the cros versions of debian
packages. This has caused the presubmits to break since the cros
version of apitrace started requiring a later version of libwaffle
then is supplied in the debian repos.

This change, along with a corresponding change to the internal
configs, will make the presubmit flow the same as the normal build,
except that it will skip uploading the results to GCS and won't sign

The presubmits will cover all combinations of OS versions and
archetectures both to ensure full coverage and because this step takes
<1/3 of the total build time, so reducing it has fairly marginal


Change-Id: I098d0396effd75be3830d866431c1630627a976e
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/containers/cros-container-guest-tools/+/2176817
Tested-by: Fergus Dall <sidereal@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Nicholas Verne <nverne@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Stephen Barber <smbarber@chromium.org>
11 files changed
tree: 5fc13dadb187044bf94ef5665c2ce290f787c838
  1. cros-adapta/
  2. cros-apt-config/
  3. cros-debs/
  4. cros-garcon/
  5. cros-gpu-alpha/
  6. cros-gpu-buster/
  7. cros-gpu-stretch/
  8. cros-guest-tools/
  9. cros-host-fonts/
  10. cros-notificationd/
  11. cros-pulse-config/
  12. cros-sftp/
  13. cros-sommelier/
  14. cros-sommelier-config/
  15. cros-sudo-config/
  16. cros-systemd-overrides/
  17. cros-tast-tests/
  18. cros-ui-config/
  19. cros-wayland/
  20. docs/
  21. kokoro/
  22. lxd/
  23. mesa/
  24. scripts/
  25. termina/
  26. .gitignore
  28. OWNERS
  29. PRESUBMIT.cfg
  30. README.md



These are the guest packages for setting up a container to integrate with Chrome OS. This includes build scripts that are run in Google's internal continuous integration service.


The guest packages can be built with Bazel.

bazel build //cros-debs:debs --host_force_python=py2


promote\_apt.sh MILESTONE and promote\_container.sh MILESTONE in scripts are used to promote containers from staging to live. NOTE: Whatever is the latest in staging is what gets promoted to live so make sure it's what was tested.