termina: Upload debug symbols in the termina uprev scripts

It turns out that the change I made to the {tatl,tael}_full builders
to upload debug symbols only uploads them to the staging crash server,
not the prod crash server. Since we need to be able to upload symbols
for manually triggered builds anyway, add uploading to the prod crash
server to the uprev scripts.

AFAICT the API key is used only for authentication, the crash server
doesn't e.g. categorise symbol files by who uploaded them, so I
enabled the API on the crosvm-packages cloud project and generated a
key for us to use.

TEST=Uploaded new build and check that symbols are present on the prod server

Change-Id: I97c4aa741b2e40a5e35d9a3a0875cf4d40f5ed91
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/containers/cros-container-guest-tools/+/2262473
Tested-by: kokoro <noreply+kokoro@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Fergus Dall <sidereal@google.com>
Reviewed-by: David Munro <davidmunro@google.com>
2 files changed
tree: f59539c3d71cabd112c81f1ffc3aea1d6511a335
  1. cros-adapta/
  2. cros-apt-config/
  3. cros-debs/
  4. cros-garcon/
  5. cros-gpu-alpha/
  6. cros-gpu-buster/
  7. cros-gpu-stretch/
  8. cros-guest-tools/
  9. cros-host-fonts/
  10. cros-notificationd/
  11. cros-pulse-config/
  12. cros-sftp/
  13. cros-sommelier/
  14. cros-sommelier-config/
  15. cros-sudo-config/
  16. cros-systemd-overrides/
  17. cros-tast-tests/
  18. cros-ui-config/
  19. cros-wayland/
  20. docs/
  21. kokoro/
  22. lxd/
  23. mesa/
  24. scripts/
  25. termina/
  26. .gitignore
  28. OWNERS
  29. PRESUBMIT.cfg
  30. README.md



These are the guest packages for setting up a container to integrate with Chrome OS. This includes build scripts that are run in Google's internal continuous integration service.


The guest packages can be built with Bazel.

bazel build //cros-debs:debs --host_force_python=py2


promote\_apt.sh MILESTONE and promote\_container.sh MILESTONE in scripts are used to promote containers from staging to live. NOTE: Whatever is the latest in staging is what gets promoted to live so make sure it's what was tested.